Gallery 3.0 Release Candidate 2 is available!
The second and final release candidate of Gallery 3.0 (code
named Santa Fe) is here! Your feedback in our beta and
release candidate phases has been priceless. Now we're just going
to make sure that there are no last minute showstoppers before we
release the final version and our real journey with Gallery 3 starts!
it now! or read on for more details...
About Gallery 3
Gallery 3.0 means simple, powerful and secure photo management. Upload and manage your photos effortlessly, while creating a beautiful experience for your friends and family. If you're a developer, you can easily add new features or create your own elegant themes.
This release is code named Santa Fe to commemorate the location of our last team meetup. It was thanks to the generous donations from many of you that we were able to get to the team together and make a big push to move Gallery forward. We had a wonderful time in New Mexico and want to celebrate that milestone of our release.
Obligatory security warning
Our good friends at Gotham Digital Science did a professional security audit for us, and we have fixed all significant flaws they uncovered. As with all web applications, we encourage you to watch for new releases and be prepared to upgrade if we put out security fixes.
Note: You can upgrade from any beta or release candidate
version (but not from alpha releases or earlier -- sorry!)
Upgrading is really easy! Unpack the new version, move the var/
directory of the old version to the new version's folder and then
either browse to:
(except use your real domain name) or if you have shell access, run:
php index.php upgrade
So what's new in this release?
There's not enough room to list everything, but highlights include:-
Release Candidate 2
(hide details)
- Completely overhauled the Organize feature
- Considerable improvements to the REST API to allow access from desktop applications and support embedding into your site
- Improved themeing support for error pages
- Lots of fit and finish in the UI
- Quality and stability improvements to the Gallery 2 Importer
- For the complete list, see the 96 closed tickets including 62 bug fixes
- Oh, and don't forget that our community has been active too! Check out the 70 user contributed modules and 13 user contributed themes!
- Release Candidate 1 (hide details)
- Beta 3 (hide details)
- Beta 2 (show details)
- Beta 1 (show details)
- Alpha 4 (show details)
- Alpha 3 (show details)
- Alpha 2 (show details)
- Alpha 1 (show details)
The Gallery 3 philosophy
We set out to make an amazing application. Not only will you be able to easily host your photos, but you'll find that Gallery 3 makes it a joy. We focused on the following 4 principles:
Keep It Small - Gallery 3 is 5.3 MB with all of its features. This is a fraction of the size of most similar applications.
Make It Intuitive - We've got some great usability and user interface experts on our team, designing and prototyping interfaces that just make sense. Frequent tasks are now quick and easy. Tough tasks are possible with great new interfaces.
Make It Fast - We've made some tough decisions in keeping the scope of Gallery 3 small. We've created a set of features that we think will make most of you really happy, while avoiding some of the crazier features that might make the product slow. As a result, you're going to find that it's really snappy!
Make it Your Own - Modules let you tune your Gallery to have exactly the features that you want. The module system is so simple that even before the final release, the community has written 70+ modules ranging from facial recognition to slideshows to batch tagging. Download and play with them!
How did we do it?
We have stood on the shoulders of giants. Gallery 3.0 is made possible by some truly great advances in technology.
Kohana - We evaluated many PHP frameworks before choosing Kohana. It's speed, flexibility and power made it just what we needed. Thanks to the Kohana folks for providing this first class application framework!
PHP 5 - We're taking advantage of many of the new features and capabilities available in the latest versions of PHP. This allows us to write much less code and have a faster product.
jQuery - the write less, do more Javascript library. Gallery 3's rich user interface is heavily driven by Javascript and is made possible by the simple and powerful jQuery framework.
Since we're in the home stretch to the final release, we're going to restrain ourselves to UI polishing, cross browser support, performance and stability improvements now. We want to release this to you as soon as possible! A few things that we really want to include in the final product:
- More bulk editing capabilities in the Organize feature
- Improved tagging support
- Basic embedding hooks / instructions
As always, you can track development on our Trac roadmap.
Got feedback?
If you have any overall feedback, please visit the Gallery 3.0 RC 2 Feedback forum topic and let us know! If you have questions, please visit the Gallery 3 Wiki, the future home for Gallery 3 documentation.
Great! Include the entire RC2 and some external modules, I just updated and submitted the translation for Traditional Chinese. Hope the formal version 3.0 can release soon. ;)
Great! Oh, and nice to read about the new community gallery modules!
[G2] Wallpaper | Gallery Blog | G3(dev) Barcelona Fotos
It is grate news! I will look forward for new release.
Sweeeeeeet!!!!!! Thank you guys. I've been checking site for past two weeks for RC2 (after seeing 100% completion in trac, hehe)
Finally it's here.... one more step closer... good luck :-]
- Hossain Khan
Just upgraded a couple sites - all appears to work fine so far. Tip of the hat to all the developers who have been beavering away on Gallery3 for the past year and a half (or so).
Updating was a little extra work, because I changed a couple of things but now it works fine.
Two things to say:
1. The register-module does not work fine (for example: why is it impossible for the admin to delete users which are not allowed to register, he has to approve them first...) - in my eyes, registering is a basic feature, so why isn't it in the core?
2. I can't change the appearance of the "organize" feature anymore because it is an binary flash (swf) instead of php/js text files. That's bad, because for example I wanted the names of the images/albums to not only be visible on mouse over but always. This is not possible any more?
But a lot of bugs are gone, thanks for that!
1. In my eyes it is not a basic feature. So we will get code bloat if we used every-bodies idea of what would be a basic feature. Yes I agree that you should not have to approve them to delete them. Please file a feature request if it has not already been done.
2. Please see for some more discussion. If somebody with HTML5 and JS skills can write a organize module that is up to snuff we are all waiting.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Great news. My fingers are crossed everything goes smooth. Thanks to the devs for all the blood, sweat, and tears!
great job! i was looking forward to RC2 cause i wanted to wait for this version before G2-import! saddly it didn't work, failure during impoort of users and usergroups? maybe i have a problem in G2-db, cause i tried to log into gallery but got errormessage?? strange, cause i did not do anything the last year?
(p.s. and if you change it, would be great, if the menalto-page will be open in a new tab/browser window
upgrade to RC2 was fast and easy, no problems
the only thing i mentioned: the link in the left down corner to menalto-hp is corrupt. it's not important for me, but not good advertisement for your gallery...maybe you should fix it RC2
thanks for the goog job!
Please start a thread in the forums for your G2 import issue. Hard to track issues like this in a news story.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Great work!
Just to report that the user/group management seems to be tricky and not quite well designed for permission purposes.
For example, there is a default group(can't be deleted) called "Everyone", which contains every user in database. this makes it confusing for the application to grant right permission for certain groups. If I wanna hide an album from users(public) except the "admin", can't even manage that. Because the "admin" is alway in group "Everyone". If I set 'Everyone" can't see the album, the admin can't see either. Because admin is also "Everyone". Thus, for me, I can't accomplish this task, to allow only admin see certain albums.
Please count this in for the next fix. Thanks a lot. Hope this helps you a little in user management design.
The only difference of Everybody and Registered Users is "guest" account. Hide from public users, just deny all permission options for Everybody group. Registered Users can see it, admin can see it, too. If you deny all permission options for both Everybody and Registered Users groups, no body except admin can see it. Admin can see all the albums in gallery, don't care the permission setting.
Then you can add new groups.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Seems like our permission model needs a wiki page that explains how to use it. That might be a good place for context-based help. Anybody want to write a wiki page explaining it?
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
I upgrade from RC1 to RC2 without problems...
Very good this gallery software... The best :D
I have had no problems getting any of the gallery3 RCs installed and setup.
Also, during my import of my gallery2 the mp4 videos that I had do not import. I have a LOT of avi, wmv, and mov files which I already knew would not import, but the mp4 files did not come along either.
Plase start a new thread in the forums. Hard to track issues in a news story.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
When upgrading from G3 RC1 to RC2, I got a list of errors concerning Kohana (see bellow). I think its because I need to install the Kohana PHP framework on my server. But I find it strange there's no mention of this change in the upgrade info. Am I right?
No, it's not because you need to install something. It's either because you're using a 3rd party theme that doesn't yet work with RC2. Try the Wind theme and see if that works. If not the only other reason I can think of is that your running on Apache 1.x
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Thanks Nivekiam, the problem was the theme, I was using Browny Wind.
Why my gallery2 support video but gallery 3 doesn't support???
we had to narrow the scope of supported file types to reduce code complexity, speed, usability, testability, size, support ......
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Looks very good! Much improved over last release. I love being able to add multiple files at a time, makes going back to G2 more painful. I'm unable to figure out how to manually reorder albums. And I was wondering if there's a theme repository somewhere.
@manually reorder: Use the organize module. There is no docs for that module yet.
@themes: Some might not be compatible with RC2
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I guess I'm dense, will try the Organise Module again. If I can figure it out and get a darker theme working, I'm ready to leap. I love the multiple photo selection for uploading.
Swedish translation updated.
Just want to say a big thanks to the team developing this. This was a significant upgrade from my experience and the process from RC1 to RC2 was painless. Love seeing the album covers looking proper instead of spilling over. Good stuff. THANKS!
Just installed Gallery 3 RC 2 on my Web site. When I attempt to access any of the admin functions, I get the following error. I've verified that all the files in the ZIP file are also in the directory tree.
I can't even get in to change the theme or any other item on the Admin menu.
please start a new thread in the forums.
What version of Apache are your using?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I just upgraded from Gallery 2. This new version is fantastic. Thanks for making this available!
I received a Private Message from Maki
1. I guess I could have worded my response a bit better but I still stand by what I meant.
Adding core features does lots of things and is not limited to;
a. Code size, code complexity, testability, use-ability, speed, customizable, scalability etc.
b. A feature like this can be added as a module & has been done already.
c. Where do we draw the line where a feature is a core function? We don't feel that registration is a core function but you and others do think it is 'core' function. I am in the 'don't' camp and so are lots of others. In the future it might be shipped as a un-activated module. But we believe that feature xxx functionality is best served by keeping it out of core for the #a reasons above. If we keep adding core features then we get to where we where in G2. We want to keep G3 lean, easy to install, easy to customize, easy to extend and fast among other reasons.
d. It is available as a module and as such is much easier to customize to a users needs and also offers the possibility of other users in the community to make available those customizations to the community. If was a core feature then customization of said feature is harder to do.
Did you file a feature request?
@flash: We have hashed this out in the thread mentioned above and nivekiam has summarized it here:
I will summarize as well. There is 2 options:
1. If you have the skills to write a HTML5/css/JS solution that has a similar user experience as the free version we have given we are all open for that. We have asked at least a dozen times and zero people have stepped up to the plate.
2. If you don't have the sills, please find somebody that does and is willing to give there work away for free to a open source project.
@spam filter:
I suspect the url. We are continually trying to improve the spam filter and we hope in the future your experience will be better.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
@floridave (Dave):
I use 1and1 (for now--looking maybe at Hostgator to move). I found this on the forums:, and saw the part about the .htaccess. I suggest that mention of .htaccess is added to the install and/or quick start documentation. I didn't even know it was there--slipping in a .htaccess in an installation package is a bit underhanded. I had copied my own .htaccess to my gallery directory because, well, vendors don't expose your site with their own innocuous .htaccess files, do they? Anyhow, the Rewrite section needed uncommenting after restoring the Gallery .htaccess (after a proper perusal).
It would be more security-conscious to add instructions re .htaccess in the G3 installation documents (both quick start and full). I'm sure everything is well-intentioned from the Gallery folks, but appearances are important.
After going through the forum as Dave suggested and subsequently editing .htaccess, my G3 install appears to be working.
@mvanec: it's highly unlikely that most of our users will know how to tinker with .htaccess files, we've found that adding manual instruction steps to README files usually get ignored, and in most cases we cannot manipulate the .htaccess file via the web interface because of Unix permissions. Adding a default .htaccess file that specifies reasonable defaults seems like a decent compromise to me. I don't see how this would be construed as underhanded, it's just another set of instructions for the webserver to act on, like any other text file containing code.
My problem with mentioning it in the quick start docs is that it isn't relevant "quick start" material for most users. I could see adding an "Advanced" section, but really we need to get a more comprehensive Install doc where we could add that.
Now on the other hand, Gallery 3 *should* work just fine without the default .htaccess file since we mainly just suppress bad practices with it (register_globals, etc). I'd be very curious to understand exactly what went wrong for you when you used your own .htaccess file (but please start a new forum topic for that discussion).
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
That would be the case but:
G3 is not supported on Apache 1.x and I would not recommend Hostgator either.
Anyway... Yes, we need better docs and if a user like mvanec or any other community member cares to write some detailed documentation on installing G3 then I can help them out in getting it to the right place.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
People can't make decisions on Web hosting providers based on who has coupon codes on Gallery's "approved" list. Hostgator comes very highly recommended from people whose integrity and opinion are very respectable, for Hostgator's customer service and value of offerings to the customer. 1and1's customer service is less than stellar, but not horrific, and their server reliability is hard to beat, in my experience. And they're the largest Web hosting provider around, according to research I've done.
It's easier to find an image presentation package that works with particular provider than it is to up and change providers. When I change providers, it will be because the new provider offers me more value for my money. Neither Gallery nor Coppermine figure in that value equation--image presentation is but a small part of the service provision. I encourage you to rethink your hosting "certifications". It is unreasonable to expect large providers to be on the bleeding edge, or to upgrade quickly and often when what is already there is working well. Upgrades are timely and costly, and (hopefully) don't happen without significant testing. You might have preferred providers, and it's reasonable to require, e.g., PHP5.
What specifically is unacceptable about Apache 1.3.x? It seems to work just fine for, e.g., Wordpress, or Zend Framework.
@mvanec: At the very least Apache 1.x doesn't support PathInfo by default. And it's got a ton of issues around handling server side variables, and it's missing some APIs that we use. And honestly Apache 2.0 was released in 2002. Eight years ago.
Let me say that again: Apache 2 was released eight years ago. I don't think we have all that cutting edge requirements. I think those hosts are the better part of a decade out of date.
I'm not expecting people to make hosting choices around our requirements. But supporting more configurations requires time to work around bugs and quirks (of which there are plenty in Apache 1.x) and frankly I have no desire to invest the time into it. If somebody would like to fork our code and support Apache 1.x, they're free to do so with our blessing. But I have little enough time as it is, and I think we can all agree that you'd rather we put out an actual product that works really well in a few environments instead of one that doesn't work in many.
We've now had this discussion about every major decision we've had:
1) Ditching Windows
2) Supporting only Apache 2x
3) Supporting only MySQL
4) Requiring PHP 5
5) Using Flash
In only one of those cases did a community member step up and make a serious contribution towards portability (rledisez added support for Postgres in his fork). People feel so strongly about this, but when we ask them to put their money where their mouth is and actually contribute development time, they are suddenly too busy to help.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Here is what the people behind the Apache webserver have to say about Apache 1.3 >>
I'll paraphrase, "Apache 1.3 is at its End of Life. We, the people who wrote it in the first place, do not want to have anything to do with it anymore".
100% acknowledgement for bharat statement
Why not Hostgator? RC2 works fine.
I switched from GoDaddy to HostGator and I should of left GD a long time ago. I can vouch that HG has been great with their customer service.
As for the new version of Gallery, I love and can't wait for the final release.
I just installed this and I love it soooo much more than Gallery2. The site I'm working on is for internal use (a repository for photos we can use for clients that we've taken around the state), so using a release candidate is no biggie.
However, there is one thing I wish was easier - moving photos from one album to another.
I upload in very large batches and the photo topics can widely vary. It's much easier to upload them to one album, tag, and then move to the correct folders.
I wish I could do one of these (or something similar):
Click on a tag, see a gallery of photos, and drag them over to a listing of albums to move to another.
On the move photos page be able to see tags under the photos.
Have a place where you can move all items tagged "x" go to "y" album.
Right now it's not easy to move photos because all I see is a little bitty thumbnail. But how am I supposed to be able to tell what beach that is, what city that street is in, etc.? The photos are often too little to see enough detail to be able to pinpoint what I need to be able to see for sorting.
@jsimonis: thanks for the feedback. I think we need to extend the Organize feature to handle tags to help out in this regard. We should also allow you to preview larger sizes via Organize as well. The "move" feature that's in the context menu for photos, etc is really terrible and should probably just get deleted.
Please feel free to file tickets for these feature requests with detail (mockups or screenshots or any visual aids would be helpful) and we'll work on it.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Used to use Gallery2 and found it very useful, not had a website for sometime now but have been tempted back by the release of Gallery3. Thanks for all the hard work have made a small donation to the cause *these are hard times
Have my website up and running but lots to tweak and add as it develops, I did do some basic editing on Gallery2 and keen to try on Gallery3. Where is the best place to post questions on this i.e. Changing the colour of theme etc?
It all installed very easily on HostGator
First look though some sparse documentation that is slowly growing:
then look at how other themes do it:
Try checking Google for an answer:
Google is your friend
Then ask specific info in this forum:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I'm not a CSS/JS expert, but a quick Google search found an awesome way to Drag and drop file uploading using JavaScript...dragging files from the desktop directly to the Firefox window. I tested it out, this is really awesome.
I think that an old fashioned upload file x, y, z (or sftp) is better than using Flash (is there at least the option to upload files using the standard "Upload" file browser...i.e., on Tabblo, you can choose between Flash and HTML upload. Flash is really awful. Right now, G3 requires Flash for the creators of the gallery...presumably, it isn't required for viewing G3 galleries...and I'd hope that would never be something that would become the case.
Whenever I see a Flash website, the first thing I think is that this is an awful website and that the developer does not care about my user-experience. They don't care about the big black empty box I get if Flash doesn't work on my browser. They don't care if I have a hard time reading their idiotic 8 point font on my 128dpi screen...because, you know, their horrible Flash website doesn't allow text to be resized. It isn't standard in Flash that pressing "CTRL +" increases text size. This is just a hideous break from usability standards.
That said, I recognize that developers have limited time, resources, and skills. I am not a coder and cannot implement a standards-based solution that won't use Flash's awful architecture (although I think I've found something that is going in the right direction and seems to already be built). But I'd hope that for essential features -- like uploading files -- Flash would not be required.
If ever for some reason the gallery itself that website visitors looked at required Flash, I just wouldn't be able to use it. I actually would prefer that even JS be unnecessary and that the gallery degrade nicely for users without it.
PS: This isn't just about me not liking Flash as a proprietary non-standard. It is about Flash being an awful product. What is this, 1998 and all over again? Remember way back, I think it was MSNBC that had a website with text that could not be scaled. This is hideous. That is the way that Flash sites are, they do not behave properly. They can also steal application focus. Sometimes with Flash sites, pressing CTRL + TAB doesn't switch tabs, because you're in the little Flash plugin.
PPS: Direct link to the demo of drag 'n drop from desktop to website. Hey look, Pressing CTRL + or CTRL - resizes the drag and drop area size and text size -- imagine that, it can actually be readable on slightly higher DPI screens or by people who aren't used to reading hideous lawyer-style 8-point font. Shrink that box to the smallest size possible in FF 3.6+. That size is what websites on Flash might look like -- and users have no choice to make them more readable.
dh003i ,
so you rule out option one of my post.
You have not came to the plate with option 2 I suggested. So I can't take you seriously.
As for your suggestion of using some cssninja code;
Why should i have to resize my screen to add items as you have shown in the demo in your PPS?
I run my windows full-screen most of the time and having to re-size my window smaller to drag items to a box is a real pain in the butt and a bad user experience. Why not a upload dialog on right click?
Show us a real working example in a fork on the git hub and we will take you more seriously.
Oh and if you want to add items without flash, we have a
appmodule for that:
That will get you adding items without flash. It can be extended with the options one or two above. Perhaps you can buy a book on php/html/css development and merge the two?
So we are not forcing you to use flash to add items.
PS The drag'n drop demo sure works nice in FF(
) but the user experience in IE is different. (
Please start a new thread if you wish to continue development on a non flash upload method.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Right, I'm not a programmer...yet. I am learning PHP and HTML, so maybe I'll get to the point where I can assist with this myself eventually. My purpose here was in pointing out that there are very nice workable (albeit not perfect) solutions out there without Flash. Internet Explorer is an abortion of a web-browser, so it doesn't matter j/k. However, for those of us with a standards-compliant browser, that demo I linked to is nice.
I actually think drag and drop from a browser file-folder to the web page is better than having some foreign browser navigation system that the user isn't familiar with built into the uploader. Users are used to the browser/navigation system that they use on their OS. Their system file-browser is certainly superior to browsers built into Flash, if only for them being more familiar with their own browsers.
I use the Flash uploader on There is no way that anyone can tell me that the built-in navigation system of that is even close to what I have with Nautilus in GNOME. Yes, it is a little bit inconvenient to have to switch windows, but that is more than offset by the fact that I'm using a superior browser system, and the one that I'm used to.
Thanks for the link to the module for non-Flash uploading.
So if we shipped a product that did not work with IE you (and I) would be happy but we would not have much of a following would we? We can't ship a product that does not work with IE.
Lets hope that your learning skills are better than mine and are able to come up to speed to offer a solution that will satisfy +80% 9f the user base.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Just a quick THANK YOU from a very happy user! I just installed Gallery3 and thrilled by the new possibilities. From what I've seen, it already seems better than Flickr for my uses!
Now I just need to find a cheap hosting provider for my 40Gb of photos - anyone have any recommendations?
Ask here:
And if this turns into a "use this or that host" thread, I'll just delete those comments and quickly mark the thread as read-only
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Kudos to entire team for such a great product. Upgraded from 2.x to 3.x , its simply great. Few observations
- have about 7.5K photos, it took multiple reattempt to import photos. reattempt did pick up where it left last so it was great. i wish there was send to background cmd to do this which can keep retrying. no big deal but just a thought
- documentation page for 1.5/2 should include link for gallery 3 ( must be work in progress but just thought i would mention )
- can google analytics be added as configuration module?