I just uploaded a new version of the iMobile theme. This update included the upgrade to photoswipe 3.0.5 which fixes some problems in the slideshow. I also included some suggestions from Ray64.
Joined: 2009-12-17
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2013-01-14 11:06
Dear calleh,
thanks so much for your advice. I n session.php, I changed:
The MY_cookie.php file had already been created and the content is as above.
Unfortunately I am observing the same behaviour!
Any other clues on how to go about investigating/solving this?
Thank you in advanmce,
Joined: 2009-12-17
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2013-01-14 13:37
Hi, I just noticed a very funny behaviour: if I set permissions to the album where the movie is:
- View = False
- View Full Size = True,
then ta-daa, I can play the movie on my device and the album appears only if I'm logged in, which is kind of what I wanted. Of course, the security of my album is very much weakend by this.
Any idea on geting this right?
Joined: 2003-09-29
Posts: 48
Posted: Mon, 2013-02-04 14:37
I am having a problem with the way the photos are displayed if I click on a direct link to a page. The photo is cropped horizontally to the screen size, but allows me to scroll vertically. I am using an android phone for testing. Here is the url http://awelker.com/g3/Traveling-Legoman/week5
Joined: 2012-10-24
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 2013-02-28 20:41
Is anyone else having problems with imobile after the upgrade to 3.0.5?
When I do a tag search from iOS I am just getting a blank page with 3.0.5 but it worked fine on 3.0.4.
Is it just me?
Joined: 2011-03-28
Posts: 90
Posted: Thu, 2013-02-28 21:14
I haven't yet upgraded, but will have a look at it.
Joined: 2007-03-05
Posts: 113
Posted: Thu, 2013-02-28 21:56
wink_wink wrote:
Is anyone else having problems with imobile after the upgrade to 3.0.5?
I hadn't noticed, but now that you mention it (and I checked), yes, I am seeing the same thing.
Joined: 2011-03-28
Posts: 90
Posted: Fri, 2013-03-01 20:48
I fixed the problem with search results introduced by upgrading to gallery 3.0.5
I just uploaded a new version of imobile.
Joined: 2012-10-24
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 2013-03-14 11:08
Great! Works perfectly again
Thank you!
Joined: 2013-03-18
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-18 09:40
I searched through posts as best as I can but can't find anything to do with using shopping basket when iMobile is active.
@calleh, you have put a great theme together, much appreciated. What are your thoughts on putting a basket in place as a symbol on the image toolbar overlay (ps-toolbar). How should I go about it?
Joined: 2012-10-24
Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 2013-03-19 16:38
Its me again.
If I search now for keywords, the max number of thumbnails imobile shows me seems to be overridden by the Gallery Page size setting.
eg - Gallery3 page size setting is 18, so now I just get 18 items in my imobile search results even though there are more than 18 items which should be returned from that search. (In a 'full version' search I get 60 results)
I know its lazy (and I'm also well out of my depth with some of these code issues) but, is this 'Just me?' or can anyone else verify this?
imobile really is changing the way I work! I'm so happy with it but.....just need to overcome this problem.
Joined: 2011-03-28
Posts: 90
Posted: Wed, 2013-03-20 19:18
wink_wink you are absolutely right - I missed one important thing in my last update.
So I just uploaded a new version which should fix the search result issue.
Joined: 2012-10-24
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2013-03-20 19:30
Brilliant! Its up and running again
Perfect - thanks for such a fast update!
Joined: 2007-05-09
Posts: 263
Posted: Tue, 2013-03-26 09:07
Great Theme... Can you tell me what to edit to make the album titles longer? Instead of Armani Natu... Armani Nature ???
out of curiousity what does logging in to the mobile theme do, i can login but no options??
Hi Armani2,
you need to edit in imobile.css the .toolbar .center styles (width would do it).
If you have no album which is only visible by logged-in users, the login button does not give you much.
Joined: 2007-05-09
Posts: 263
Posted: Tue, 2013-03-26 21:45
Thanks Calleh.. I have a different idea since my site is named Armani nature photography extending the width would only end up covering the buttons on top , and would still put ellipsis after the selected width.. How can i make the theme use a different name such as Armani Photo since 12 to 15 charactors seem to fit best...
Thanks again..
Joined: 2011-03-28
Posts: 90
Posted: Wed, 2013-03-27 14:25
The slideshow is based on photoswipe. If you download their package you will find a sample on how to customize the toolbar.
Or you simply rename your gallery
Joined: 2002-08-22
Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 2013-04-09 18:18
Hi and thank you for a great module!
I have one question: is it possible to replace the login on the front page with the albumpassword module. What I want to achieve is that instead of logging in to gallery3, users can enter the password used by albumpassword to access restricted items?
Best regards,
Joined: 2008-06-25
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2013-06-05 20:16
jeffharvey wrote:
I searched through posts as best as I can but can't find anything to do with using shopping basket when iMobile is active.
@calleh, you have put a great theme together, much appreciated. What are your thoughts on putting a basket in place as a symbol on the image toolbar overlay (ps-toolbar). How should I go about it?
Another vote for shopping basket integration, I'd throw in a few bucks for development if thats what it takes to get it done quicker.
Joined: 2013-06-10
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2013-06-10 19:14
Hi Calleh,
is there a chance to get the "album password" module working with the "iMobile Theme"?
On my Webpage i'm using "Clean Canvas Theme - wide"-theme. Up there i got a link in the menu with "unlock album". There i only have to enter a password to access the hidden album.
When i'm accessing the gallery via android browser and changing from the mobile theme to the desktop theme i can enter the password. After switching back to the mobile view the hidden album is visible. But, this is not the way i'd like to work with it
Are you able to integrate the "album password" dialog into the "iMobile Theme"?
Thanks a lot for your help,
Joined: 2008-06-25
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2013-06-19 20:05
Is this still being supported, can someone help or respond?
Joined: 2011-03-28
Posts: 90
Posted: Thu, 2013-06-27 08:00
@prophoto1 & Ronar: I will need to look into your request what this actually means. Just give me some time to do it.
Joined: 2013-07-09
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 2013-07-18 19:10
i think there is a bug on login screen. I have no public albums. If you reached my album, you get directly the login screen. Now there is no possibility to change the Theme. For example to register. You click a link, and nothing happened.
If there is a public album inside, all is fine. you could switch the themes like you want.
After login also all is fine.
Joined: 2012-10-24
Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 2013-08-27 09:35
I still use this everyday. Its been a game-changer for me. Thanks!
A request though....
Is there any chance to add the option to display the EXIF data within iMobile?
(currently I have to flick back to Full version and re-find the photo to get to see its EXIF)
Maybe its a big ask, but hey, maybe its possible?
Thank you
Joined: 2008-03-09
Posts: 20
Posted: Wed, 2013-08-28 04:19
First off- thanks for this fantastic theme & module. Big fan, glad to support androids and iphones - this is one of the reasons I finally upgraded to gallery3.
Now a feature request: I'd like to be able to include a link to my main site (a wordpress site in my case, that also supports mobile browsers quite nicely), ideally somewhere in the bottom row where the "Mobile Version / Full Site" links are - for example in the far right. It would be awesome to have the option to add this one link (and text) so that we can support browsing in and out of the Gallery from a main site.
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Wed, 2013-08-28 05:31
I had the same problem and managed to edit the file called "page.html.php" myself, with a basic knwoledge of html and css, you can find it in the folder called "views".
Thanks Petri. I did peruse the .php file. I am familiar with css and html... but this is a bet beyond what I've tweaked so far.
I did notice from your gallery customizations that you figured this out.
If you get a chance, do you mind posting the page.html.php file you are using? that would help a long long way.
Thanks again!
Joined: 2013-06-28
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2013-09-03 10:43
Hi Calleh,
first of all thank you for that great idea.
But i have a problem with my android phone (Galaxy S4 with Chrome). The thumbs are shown only by half (see attached screen).
Can you help me to fix it?
Thanks Joerg
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 253
Posted: Tue, 2013-09-03 11:04
I just added the following code at the end of the page :
This finally got me motivated to implement this but I did it a little different - I figured out the way to insert a link back to my responsive blog right beside the "Mobile | Full Version" text in the bottom, that now becomes "Mobile | Full Version | Blog" which is what I wanted. It turns out you have to modify the themedispatcher module.
Here's how:
sudo vim gallery3/modules/themedispatcher/helpers/themedispatcher_theme.php
And that was it. Note the escaped double quotes above.
Joined: 2008-03-09
Posts: 20
Posted: Sun, 2013-09-22 23:55
Hi All - by default my imobile installation shows 16 album or photo thumbnails, and offers the "Load More" option to load the next chunk of 16 thumbnails.
I changed Gallery3's "page_size" to 32 hoping that the change will be taken up by both my desktop theme (clean-canvas) and mobile, but imobile didn't take the change, it is still showing/loading thumbnails in chunks of 16.
Is there a way to change the default "16" parameter to 32?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2013-09-23 01:46
It depends on the user Agent. Look in views/album.html.php
<? if (stristr( request::user_agent("agent"),'ipad')): ?>
<? else: ?>
<? endif ?>
This would be a great addin also for me. Maybe a button right to next button?
Thanks for your great work calleh!
wink_wink wrote:
I still use this everyday. Its been a game-changer for me. Thanks!
A request though....
Is there any chance to add the option to display the EXIF data within iMobile?
(currently I have to flick back to Full version and re-find the photo to get to see its EXIF)
All, I made the following change, which works for me. Disclaimer: I neither have the php experience nor the testing capabilities to really recommend this
I also filed an issue in github, maybe someone capable can incorporate this in the next imobile update, given my proposal is correct:
Proposal for correction:
in imobile/helpers/imobile.php
change lines 35 and 39 with type cast to int
35: $sqtop = (int) ($thsize/2 - ($item->thumb_height * ($thsize / $item->thumb_width)) / 2);
I used OPTION 2 to resolve and added that piece of code after document.body.className="thumbs" in imobile-1.0.1.min.js
Joined: 2008-03-09
Posts: 20
Posted: Sat, 2013-11-23 22:14
I can confirm the same issue (swipe not working) happens on the stock browser on Android 4.4 kitkat (nexus 5).
The fix suggested by Ray64 works fine (Thanks Ray64!). it has to be applied to the .min.js file. I thought that just fixing the .js file would trigger the .min file to be regenerated but that wasn't the case.
Joined: 2013-11-11
Posts: 112
Posted: Mon, 2013-12-23 18:38
Please help me. I do not understand. What should I do?
Is there perhaps a tutorial?
I have tried a lot, but do not get along.
I do not have a smartphone or similar. I only have a PC and would like to set up in my Gallery3. As a theme I have Dark Canvas.
What theme do I have to activate?
What exactly should I enter in the module dispatcher Theme?
What should I do first and what after that?
Have I understood correctly that this imobile theme plus the module on the PC displays the Theme (Dark Canvas), and if my gallery is displayed on a smartphone, will automatically display the imobile theme?
Joined: 2013-11-11
Posts: 112
Posted: Tue, 2013-12-24 08:11
OK, I did a little fiddling and an emulator found.
It is probably so that theme dispatcher only the settings for the specified user-agent to be made in the module. The two options "Theme" and "User-Agent" are doing a little independent in the settings.
If I put "iphone" as a "User-Agent", then for him, which was stored in "Theme".
I can not do this for different "user agents" So different theme settings.
I have a user agent "chrome" is created and tested in PC with Google Chrome. I've tried mainly because of the footer link.
In Google Chrome on a PC Footer links work correctly. In the emulator unfortunately no links work.
The Smartphone / Iphone / Ipad emulator: http://quirktools.com/screenfly/
He has a proxy servise and can read the emulated user-agent.
There is a mistake that has already mentioned jtraser that the thumbs are displayed only half right. It is such that only a small part of the photo from the upper left is displayed as thumb in the thumbs of Landscape photos and to only a half a thumb is to see.
The thumbs of Portait Photos a full thumb is seen with a cut from the upper left quarter of the photo.
See Attachment with screenshot from the emulator (Apple ipad 1-3/mini)
OK as far. I have now tested the solution of RobertGetzner and Ray64.
The by Ray64 does not work in my Gallery.
The RobertGetzner of works wonderfully in my Gallery.
But, there are in the file
/ Themes / imobile / helpers / imobile.php
the lines 34 and 37
in Theme Version imobile-v2.7.
Please to Ray64 and RobertGetzner and to ALL! Please more information and the full path to the files.
And a personal request, please a simple english. Not everyone can (good) english. ;)
delete Line 11 to 15:
<? if ($user->guest): ?>
<a class="button" href="<?= url::site("login/html")?>"><?= t("Login") ?></a>
<? else: ?>
<a class="button" href="<?= url::site("logout?csrf=".access::csrf_token()."&continue_url=" . urlencode(url::abs_site(""))) ?>"><?= t("Logout") ?></a>
<? endif ?>
Joined: 2013-11-11
Posts: 112
Posted: Tue, 2013-12-24 14:59
How can I make the links in the footer of Mobile | Full version (if enabled) in the header to the left of the languages insert? So that they are always visible in the default theme?
Or how it can adjust so that the links in the footer always appear, but in the default theme vice versa as in the mobile theme.
Joined: 2013-11-11
Posts: 112
Posted: Wed, 2013-12-25 14:22
I have a " User-Agent" iphone, ipod , ipad, mobile safari applied . Then I looked at my Gallery3 on a HTC One smartphone .
Before I had my Gallery3 modified where I have placed the description in the albums above on the Thumbs .
The problem is that the background is gray and the font bluish. The text is very hard to read .
In addition, the theme with the HTC One and the Chrome browser and Firefox will not work properly . There also photoswipe not work. Only with the Opera browser in the HTC one works the theme , but the text is there just as bad as we read in Chrome and Firefox. In Opera works photoswipe , but wipe that does not work .
The HTC one uses the User ID mobile safari . After disabling this , the default theme is displayed.
In the emulator it is the same. See the attachement .
I have tried to adapt the CSS from imobile theme, but changes have no effect.
I myself have no mobile devices and am dependent on the emulators.
In the emulators the same behavior is observed when they are used in the Google Chrome browser . If the emulators used in Firefox and Opera, then the background of my Gallery3 is white and the text black. http://www.mobilephoneemulator.com/ http://quirktools.com/screenfly/
The default theme is Dark Canvas .
Joined: 2014-01-23
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2014-01-23 04:55
Hi! Thanks for this awesome plugin.
I know this has been asked before; but is there a plan to support other features of the full pc version? In particular, uploading images?
I am asking because most people in my family only have smartphones and these days it's much easier to take picture on the phone and upload it straight to gallery than getting access to a computer.
Do you agree that the imobile should get upload and other similar functionality?
Joined: 2005-12-15
Posts: 154
Posted: Fri, 2014-01-24 14:32
I have to add the google analytics code in this theme to monitor the access to the site? or visits are normally recorded
(excuse poor english)
Joined: 2011-03-28
Posts: 90
Posted: Sun, 2014-01-26 13:55
@s0r0c0: I'm currently looking into certain things, especially the upload capability and a photo safe capability. I still need a bit time to have this completed.
Joined: 2011-03-28
Posts: 90
Posted: Sat, 2014-02-22 17:21
Hi all,
I have just uploaded a major new version of the imobile theme and a new version of the themedispatcher module.
iMobile is now based on jquery mobile and fotorama.io for the slideshow part.
It is now possible to upload files, add albums and save fotos on mobile devices. The google analytics module should also work out of the box.
I just have iOS devices, so I could not test on other devices, so please let me know if there are any issues.
Joined: 2009-09-18
Posts: 41
Posted: Sat, 2014-02-22 21:39
Hi Calleh,
Great update, but I just ran into a huge problem... Whenever I get to load an album, the iMobile theme tries to load ALL of the pictures of the album, which crashes everything because I have huge number of pictures in every album... Thought my iPhone was just being slow but I tried it on my PC (using a user agent switcher in Firefox) and it even crashed Firefox on my PC... Needs to be fixed! Maybe have the theme load pictures as the user scrolls down or something like that!
Thanks again!
Joined: 2014-01-29
Posts: 25
Posted: Sun, 2014-02-23 08:32
Jonreynolds wrote:
Badd wrote:
That's because iPhone/iPod Touch & iPad doesn't support flash...
OK, but I am viewing on a Android device. Anyway I can make it work?
Posts: 90
I just uploaded a new version of the iMobile theme. This update included the upgrade to photoswipe 3.0.5 which fixes some problems in the slideshow. I also included some suggestions from Ray64.
Posts: 8
Dear calleh,
thanks so much for your advice. I n session.php, I changed:
$config['validate'] = array('ip_address','expiration');
$config['validate'] = array('expiration');
(tried $config['validate'] = 'expiration'; also
The MY_cookie.php file had already been created and the content is as above.
Unfortunately I am observing the same behaviour!
Any other clues on how to go about investigating/solving this?
Thank you in advanmce,
Posts: 8
Hi, I just noticed a very funny behaviour: if I set permissions to the album where the movie is:
- View = False
- View Full Size = True,
then ta-daa, I can play the movie on my device and the album appears only if I'm logged in, which is kind of what I wanted. Of course, the security of my album is very much weakend by this.
Any idea on geting this right?
Posts: 48
I am having a problem with the way the photos are displayed if I click on a direct link to a page. The photo is cropped horizontally to the screen size, but allows me to scroll vertically. I am using an android phone for testing. Here is the url http://awelker.com/g3/Traveling-Legoman/week5
Posts: 10
Is anyone else having problems with imobile after the upgrade to 3.0.5?
When I do a tag search from iOS I am just getting a blank page with 3.0.5 but it worked fine on 3.0.4.
Is it just me?
Posts: 90
I haven't yet upgraded, but will have a look at it.
Posts: 113
I hadn't noticed, but now that you mention it (and I checked), yes, I am seeing the same thing.
Posts: 90
I fixed the problem with search results introduced by upgrading to gallery 3.0.5
I just uploaded a new version of imobile.
Posts: 10
Great! Works perfectly again
Thank you!
Posts: 1
I searched through posts as best as I can but can't find anything to do with using shopping basket when iMobile is active.
@calleh, you have put a great theme together, much appreciated. What are your thoughts on putting a basket in place as a symbol on the image toolbar overlay (ps-toolbar). How should I go about it?
Posts: 10
Its me again.
If I search now for keywords, the max number of thumbnails imobile shows me seems to be overridden by the Gallery Page size setting.
eg - Gallery3 page size setting is 18, so now I just get 18 items in my imobile search results even though there are more than 18 items which should be returned from that search. (In a 'full version' search I get 60 results)
I know its lazy (and I'm also well out of my depth with some of these code issues) but, is this 'Just me?' or can anyone else verify this?
imobile really is changing the way I work! I'm so happy with it but.....just need to overcome this problem.
Posts: 90
wink_wink you are absolutely right - I missed one important thing in my last update.
So I just uploaded a new version which should fix the search result issue.
Posts: 10
Brilliant! Its up and running again
Perfect - thanks for such a fast update!
Posts: 263
Great Theme... Can you tell me what to edit to make the album titles longer? Instead of Armani Natu... Armani Nature ???
out of curiousity what does logging in to the mobile theme do, i can login but no options??
Posts: 90
Hi Armani2,
you need to edit in imobile.css the .toolbar .center styles (width would do it).
If you have no album which is only visible by logged-in users, the login button does not give you much.
Posts: 263
Thanks Calleh.. I have a different idea since my site is named Armani nature photography extending the width would only end up covering the buttons on top , and would still put ellipsis after the selected width.. How can i make the theme use a different name such as Armani Photo since 12 to 15 charactors seem to fit best...
Thanks again..
Posts: 90
The slideshow is based on photoswipe. If you download their package you will find a sample on how to customize the toolbar.
Or you simply rename your gallery
Posts: 18
Hi and thank you for a great module!
I have one question: is it possible to replace the login on the front page with the albumpassword module. What I want to achieve is that instead of logging in to gallery3, users can enter the password used by albumpassword to access restricted items?
Best regards,
Posts: 10
Another vote for shopping basket integration, I'd throw in a few bucks for development if thats what it takes to get it done quicker.
Posts: 1
Hi Calleh,
is there a chance to get the "album password" module working with the "iMobile Theme"?
On my Webpage i'm using "Clean Canvas Theme - wide"-theme. Up there i got a link in the menu with "unlock album". There i only have to enter a password to access the hidden album.
When i'm accessing the gallery via android browser and changing from the mobile theme to the desktop theme i can enter the password. After switching back to the mobile view the hidden album is visible. But, this is not the way i'd like to work with it
Are you able to integrate the "album password" dialog into the "iMobile Theme"?
Thanks a lot for your help,
Posts: 10
Is this still being supported, can someone help or respond?
Posts: 90
@prophoto1 & Ronar: I will need to look into your request what this actually means. Just give me some time to do it.
Posts: 10
i think there is a bug on login screen. I have no public albums. If you reached my album, you get directly the login screen. Now there is no possibility to change the Theme. For example to register. You click a link, and nothing happened.
If there is a public album inside, all is fine. you could switch the themes like you want.
After login also all is fine.
Posts: 10
I still use this everyday. Its been a game-changer for me. Thanks!
A request though....
Is there any chance to add the option to display the EXIF data within iMobile?
(currently I have to flick back to Full version and re-find the photo to get to see its EXIF)
Maybe its a big ask, but hey, maybe its possible?
Thank you
Posts: 20
First off- thanks for this fantastic theme & module. Big fan, glad to support androids and iphones - this is one of the reasons I finally upgraded to gallery3.
Now a feature request: I'd like to be able to include a link to my main site (a wordpress site in my case, that also supports mobile browsers quite nicely), ideally somewhere in the bottom row where the "Mobile Version / Full Site" links are - for example in the far right. It would be awesome to have the option to add this one link (and text) so that we can support browsing in and out of the Gallery from a main site.
Posts: 253
I had the same problem and managed to edit the file called "page.html.php" myself, with a basic knwoledge of html and css, you can find it in the folder called "views".
check for yourself on your phone : http://www.coquille.org/gallery
Gallery 3 URL = http://www.coquille.org/gallery
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 20
Thanks Petri. I did peruse the .php file. I am familiar with css and html... but this is a bet beyond what I've tweaked so far.
I did notice from your gallery customizations that you figured this out.
If you get a chance, do you mind posting the page.html.php file you are using? that would help a long long way.
Thanks again!
Posts: 7
Hi Calleh,
first of all thank you for that great idea.
But i have a problem with my android phone (Galaxy S4 with Chrome). The thumbs are shown only by half (see attached screen).
Can you help me to fix it?
Thanks Joerg
Posts: 253
I just added the following code at the end of the page :
juste before
and then added :
in the imobile.css file.
I guess it's maybe not the perfect way to do it but it works fine for me
Gallery 3 URL = http://www.coquille.org/gallery
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 1.31 1.58 1.53
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 20
Thanks Petri!
This finally got me motivated to implement this but I did it a little different - I figured out the way to insert a link back to my responsive blog right beside the "Mobile | Full Version" text in the bottom, that now becomes "Mobile | Full Version | Blog" which is what I wanted. It turns out you have to modify the themedispatcher module.
Here's how:
sudo vim gallery3/modules/themedispatcher/helpers/themedispatcher_theme.php
find the last "$buf .=" statement which reads:
and change it adding the blog link:
And that was it. Note the escaped double quotes above.
Posts: 20
Hi All - by default my imobile installation shows 16 album or photo thumbnails, and offers the "Load More" option to load the next chunk of 16 thumbnails.
I changed Gallery3's "page_size" to 32 hoping that the change will be taken up by both my desktop theme (clean-canvas) and mobile, but imobile didn't take the change, it is still showing/loading thumbnails in chunks of 16.
Is there a way to change the default "16" parameter to 32?
Posts: 27300
It depends on the user Agent. Look in views/album.html.php
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 20
Thanks Dave! that worked.
Posts: 1
This would be a great addin also for me. Maybe a button right to next button?
Thanks for your great work calleh!
Posts: 42
Is there any way to remove the Login Button?
Because adding
#g-login-menu {
display: none;
does not work for me?
Posts: 1
'Cropped thumbnails' solution (?)
All, I made the following change, which works for me. Disclaimer: I neither have the php experience nor the testing capabilities to really recommend this
I also filed an issue in github, maybe someone capable can incorporate this in the next imobile update, given my proposal is correct:
Proposal for correction:
in imobile/helpers/imobile.php
change lines 35 and 39 with type cast to int
35: $sqtop = (int) ($thsize/2 - ($item->thumb_height * ($thsize / $item->thumb_width)) / 2);
39: $sqleft = (int) ($thsize/2 - ( ($item->thumb_width * ($thsize / $item->thumb_height)) / 2) );
Link to github issue https://github.com/calleho/gallery3/issues/1
Best, Robert
Posts: 6
With the latest Chrome on Android 4.3 I was unable to swipe between photos. The link below discusses the issue:
I used OPTION 2 to resolve and added that piece of code after document.body.className="thumbs" in imobile-1.0.1.min.js
Posts: 20
I can confirm the same issue (swipe not working) happens on the stock browser on Android 4.4 kitkat (nexus 5).
The fix suggested by Ray64 works fine (Thanks Ray64!). it has to be applied to the .min.js file. I thought that just fixing the .js file would trigger the .min file to be regenerated but that wasn't the case.
Posts: 112
Please help me. I do not understand. What should I do?
Is there perhaps a tutorial?
I have tried a lot, but do not get along.
I do not have a smartphone or similar. I only have a PC and would like to set up in my Gallery3. As a theme I have Dark Canvas.
What theme do I have to activate?
What exactly should I enter in the module dispatcher Theme?
What should I do first and what after that?
Have I understood correctly that this imobile theme plus the module on the PC displays the Theme (Dark Canvas), and if my gallery is displayed on a smartphone, will automatically display the imobile theme?
Posts: 112
OK, I did a little fiddling and an emulator found.
It is probably so that theme dispatcher only the settings for the specified user-agent to be made in the module. The two options "Theme" and "User-Agent" are doing a little independent in the settings.
If I put "iphone" as a "User-Agent", then for him, which was stored in "Theme".
I can not do this for different "user agents" So different theme settings.
I have a user agent "chrome" is created and tested in PC with Google Chrome. I've tried mainly because of the footer link.
In Google Chrome on a PC Footer links work correctly. In the emulator unfortunately no links work.
The Smartphone / Iphone / Ipad emulator: http://quirktools.com/screenfly/
He has a proxy servise and can read the emulated user-agent.
There is a mistake that has already mentioned jtraser that the thumbs are displayed only half right. It is such that only a small part of the photo from the upper left is displayed as thumb in the thumbs of Landscape photos and to only a half a thumb is to see.
The thumbs of Portait Photos a full thumb is seen with a cut from the upper left quarter of the photo.
See Attachment with screenshot from the emulator (Apple ipad 1-3/mini)
OK as far. I have now tested the solution of RobertGetzner and Ray64.
The by Ray64 does not work in my Gallery.
The RobertGetzner of works wonderfully in my Gallery.
But, there are in the file
/ Themes / imobile / helpers / imobile.php
the lines 34 and 37
in Theme Version imobile-v2.7.
Please to Ray64 and RobertGetzner and to ALL! Please more information and the full path to the files.
And a personal request, please a simple english. Not everyone can (good) english. ;)
Posts: 112
Remove LOGIN Link/Button in Theme imobile-v2.7
open file:
delete Line 11 to 15:
<? if ($user->guest): ?>
<a class="button" href="<?= url::site("login/html")?>"><?= t("Login") ?></a>
<? else: ?>
<a class="button" href="<?= url::site("logout?csrf=".access::csrf_token()."&continue_url=" . urlencode(url::abs_site(""))) ?>"><?= t("Logout") ?></a>
<? endif ?>
Posts: 112
How can I make the links in the footer of Mobile | Full version (if enabled) in the header to the left of the languages insert? So that they are always visible in the default theme?
Or how it can adjust so that the links in the footer always appear, but in the default theme vice versa as in the mobile theme.
Posts: 112
I have a " User-Agent" iphone, ipod , ipad, mobile safari applied . Then I looked at my Gallery3 on a HTC One smartphone .
Before I had my Gallery3 modified where I have placed the description in the albums above on the Thumbs .
The problem is that the background is gray and the font bluish. The text is very hard to read .
In addition, the theme with the HTC One and the Chrome browser and Firefox will not work properly . There also photoswipe not work. Only with the Opera browser in the HTC one works the theme , but the text is there just as bad as we read in Chrome and Firefox. In Opera works photoswipe , but wipe that does not work .
The HTC one uses the User ID mobile safari . After disabling this , the default theme is displayed.
In the emulator it is the same. See the attachement .
I have tried to adapt the CSS from imobile theme, but changes have no effect.
I myself have no mobile devices and am dependent on the emulators.
In the emulators the same behavior is observed when they are used in the Google Chrome browser . If the emulators used in Firefox and Opera, then the background of my Gallery3 is white and the text black.
The default theme is Dark Canvas .
Posts: 1
Hi! Thanks for this awesome plugin.
I know this has been asked before; but is there a plan to support other features of the full pc version? In particular, uploading images?
I am asking because most people in my family only have smartphones and these days it's much easier to take picture on the phone and upload it straight to gallery than getting access to a computer.
Do you agree that the imobile should get upload and other similar functionality?
Posts: 154
I have to add the google analytics code in this theme to monitor the access to the site? or visits are normally recorded
(excuse poor english)
Posts: 90
@s0r0c0: I'm currently looking into certain things, especially the upload capability and a photo safe capability. I still need a bit time to have this completed.
Posts: 90
Hi all,
I have just uploaded a major new version of the imobile theme and a new version of the themedispatcher module.
iMobile is now based on jquery mobile and fotorama.io for the slideshow part.
It is now possible to upload files, add albums and save fotos on mobile devices. The google analytics module should also work out of the box.
I just have iOS devices, so I could not test on other devices, so please let me know if there are any issues.
Posts: 41
Hi Calleh,
Great update, but I just ran into a huge problem... Whenever I get to load an album, the iMobile theme tries to load ALL of the pictures of the album, which crashes everything because I have huge number of pictures in every album... Thought my iPhone was just being slow but I tried it on my PC (using a user agent switcher in Firefox) and it even crashed Firefox on my PC... Needs to be fixed! Maybe have the theme load pictures as the user scrolls down or something like that!
Thanks again!
Posts: 25
If you download photon browser instead of explorer, you can watch the videos.
Posts: 90
Hi sebcool20,
the thumbs should actually load as you scroll.
This seems not the case. I will look into this.