I put together an iphone, ipad theme based on fotorama http://www.fotorama.io/.
This theme is activated when the iphone / ipad user agent is identified.
You can see some screenshots here http://codex.galleryproject.org/Gallery3:Themes:iMobile.
* extract the contents of the attached themedispatcher_vxx.zip in your modules directory.
* extract the contents of the attached imobile-vxx.zip file in your theme directory
* activate the "Theme dispatcher" module and configure with the "Gallery iMobile" theme and the following user agents: iphone, ipod, ipad
Current Issues:
* no known
You can download the latest versions either from this forum post of from the github repository:
* https://github.com/calleho/gallery3
Posts: 31
Wow, I came here tonight to ask if there was any likelihood of a mobile theme any time soon, and discovered that you've already done it! Great work; I look forward to further updates if you manage to iron out the couple of wrinkles you mention.
Posts: 90
I fixed the issue with the slideshow start and uploaded a new version.
Posts: 31
Works great. Thanks.
Posts: 27300
I was lucky enough to get a iPad for my birthday and am using it right now to test this out. This is cool. Good job and thanks for the codex page as well.
One issue I saw and don't know if it can be fixed with the current JS or not. When I enter the album I see a button/link to the parent album disappears when you slide the photos about. Once you do that you can't navigate to the parent album.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 90
When I understan your comment correctly, then you just have to tap the photo in slideshow mode and the menu with the back button reappears.
Posts: 1857
I can't get the file to unzip properly on this computer, so I haven't seen the contents. (I'll try on another computer later.) But I'm thinking that you could possibly have the code inserted into a module. The module would then add the code to the views files dynamically (similar to the way code is inserted by the nobots module and the custom header module, but without the need for the admin interface).
Posts: 90
Hi tempg,
thanks for this idea, I will investigate whether this might be an option, but what I saw so far is that it might not help, as I need to completely replace the page and album view based on the user-agent accessing the site. The two modules you mention do insert something to the default template, they do not replace them completely.
Posts: 1857
@calleh: I see. (I still haven't looked at the files yet.) I read "add the content of the <gallery root>/themes/<your theme>/views/page.html.php.inc file at the beginning of the <gallery root>/themes/<your theme>/views/page.html.php file of your current theme" to mean that you just needed to add some content via an inc file.
Posts: 27300
This is on my list of things to add to ask at the meetup.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 90
Thanks for that Dave. tempg's input gave me an idea where to look and I'm currently drafting a generic module which basically replaces the load_themes function in the theme.php helper and which would allow to load a specific theme based on a defined user-agent. But maybe there are some more elegant ways of doing this...
Posts: 27300
We will fix this issue for the next version of G3.02
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 90
Not sure how this would solve the problem. In the meantime I have developed (thanks to tempg who opended my mind) the "Theme dispatcher" module (attached to the first post) which allows to configure different user agents. In case a visitor is using such a configured user agent a configured theme is used instead of the standard theme.
I also converted the theme now to an own theme, no other theme needs to be changed anymore.
Posts: 27300
Adding page_top will allow the module to add content to the page top before the head and body tags. This will allow a theme to detect user agent and then do what they want from that point.
rename page_top to body_top because it was in the body and not the page.
rename page_bottom to body_bottom because it was in the body and not the page.
Then adding 2 more insertion points will be more flexible.
Your way works as well.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 205
Wow this really looks great!!
Would be cool to integrate it with my .Pear theme (http://code.google.com/p/pear4gallery/) a theme for G2 (but I think I'll start the porting process for G3 soon) that mimics the mobile.me gallery from apple. Demo of my G2 theme can be fund at: http://erlandssson.nu/~fer/gallery2/main.php
Posts: 5
This is just what I have been looking for! I installed the Themedispatcher module & iMobile theme, but I get only "plain" looking picture galleries when I login to my Gallery3 site. Themedispatcher module is activated & user agents defined. Iphone user agent is recognized ok, but pages have no iphone-style layout, just plain images. Gallery3 is running on XAMPP 1.7.3a and still on version 3.0. I see no errors in apache logs when accessing the gallery. Am I missing something?
Thanks for developing this great theme!
Posts: 18
I had to uncompress it on the pc, add the .tar extension to the included file, uncompress that, and finally recompress the directory it produced. Then I could upload it and uncompress on the server.
Bit of a performance, but it worked.
Posts: 90
Are you logging on using an iphone or ipad?
Can you provide me with an url, then I can have a look?
Posts: 5
I'm using iphone to access the gallery. I upgraded Gallery software to version 3.0.1, and it works now great!
I upgraded also XAMPP to 1.7.4, but Gallery upgrade seem to fix things for me. Thanks for support.
Posts: 5
One more question
What would be best way to make gallery thumbnail pictures appear as cropped with right aspect ratio? Now my pictures are streched / minimized to fit thumbnail size. Can it be easily changed somewhere in .css files?
Posts: 205
Have you tried http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Modules:square_thumbs
Posts: 5
Thanks for the tip, I tested it, but using square thumbs module I guess I would get square/cropped thumbs also for my normal theme (not iMobile). I'd like to see cropped thumbs with correct aspect ratio in iPhone etc, and "normal" not cropped thumbs when viewed in web browser.
Posts: 158
Worked like a champ! Even I could install this! :D
Maybe "Add a photo-option" would be cool. But hey! ;)
Edit: And maaaybe some tags/latest update/most viewed at the bottom! ;)
My other sandbox
Posts: 90
I'm currently fixing the safari crash situation and I'm also looking at real square thumbs. I'll keep you posted.
Posts: 90
I have corrected the safari crashes by using a different js framework for the theme. I have attached the latest version to the first post of this thread.
I have also included square thumbnails with proper aspect ratio.
Posts: 1
Is it just me or ??? ... the imobile-vxx.zip file only contains a directory 'imobile' ... and no files ????
Posts: 90
No, it wasn't you - it was me. Seems my last zip didn't work.
I've uploaded it again. Should be ok now.
Posts: 3
Looks like the imobile-v0.5.zip is good but the themedispatcher_v1.0.tgz file is corrupted. I downloaded it from two different computers with different browsers with the same result when trying to unpack it. Would it be possible to get the themedispatcher_v1.0.tgz file uploaded again?
Posts: 90
Ok, ok I have converted the tgz to a zip, now everyboy should be able to unzip
Posts: 263
This is a great feature, works like a charm! I was wondering what would have to be done to get it to make the photos larger and smaller again with a pinch on the iPhone?
Posts: 5
Hello! Thanks Calleh, now it looks great!
Posts: 2
I have gallery2 embedded into phpbb, so I can't upgrade to g3 immediately yet.
any way to make this theme work on gallery2?
Posts: 43
Very nice theme. Works very well. Thank you for developing and sharing this!!!
One small issue:
Today I noticed, that when I follow e.g. a notification link about a new comment in my gallery on an iPhone, the link results in an error page.
Kind regards,
Posts: 90
Can you share the regarding error logged in <galleryhome>/var/logs/
Posts: 43
I hope this is the corresponding error msg.:
Posts: 90
I have just uploaded a new version, which
1) adds pinch zoom support requested by Armani2
2) fixes the issue reported by h_s:
Posts: 43
Thank you very much!
Kind regards h_s
Posts: 31
FYI, I noticed the other day that when a friend browsed my gallery from his Android phone, he got the regular site instead of the iMobile theme. Might this theme also be offered to Android browsers?
Posts: 90
Sure, but I have not tested the theme on android as I have no device available.
In order to send him to the iMobile theme, you would need to add the android useragent string to the configuration of the themedispatcher module. Try "android", that should work.
And please provide feedback if the theme works on android phones.
Posts: 22
I am getting this error.
Fatal error: Method Block::__toString() must not throw an exception in /usr/share/gallery3/modules/gallery/views/error_admin.html.php on line 178
Any ideas?
Posts: 90
When are you getting this error?
And can you please enable debugging and provide the regarding, more verbouse logoutput.
Posts: 22
The error occurs immediately when I try to access my gallery installation.
Here is the output of the gallery log file.
2011-05-30 17:39:02 -07:00 --- error: ErrorException [ 0 ]: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
/usr/share/gallery3/modules/themedispatcher/helpers/MY_theme.php [ 48 ]
#0 /usr/share/gallery3/modules/themedispatcher/helpers/MY_theme.php(48): gallery_error_Core::error_handler(2, 'Invalid argumen...', '/usr/share/gall...', 48, Array)
#1 /usr/share/gallery3/modules/gallery/helpers/gallery_event.php(27): theme::load_themes()
#2 /usr/share/gallery3/modules/gallery/helpers/module.php(375): gallery_event_Core::gallery_ready()
#3 /usr/share/gallery3/modules/gallery/helpers/gallery.php(96): module_Core::event('gallery_ready')
#4 [internal function]: gallery_Core::ready(Array)
#5 /usr/share/gallery3/system/core/Event.php(208): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#6 /usr/share/gallery3/application/Bootstrap.php(58): Event_Core::run('system.ready')
#7 /usr/share/gallery3/index.php(102): require('/usr/share/gall...')
#8 {main}
Posts: 68
@calleh The google adsense module doesn't work with this and in chrome browser [pc] the theme is grey and in FF4 its white.
If you have more than 15 albums where's are 3 panes in the theme using chrome [pc]
Also, when I try to login I get a download file is this normal via PC
How do I add comments & share photo [addthis] plugin, add photo to album option!
Check the latest update from Jaipho for Smoother scroll on Jaipho
Posts: 68
@Sunite your still using the normal theme and also how do I get my setting to work like comments ,adsense etc under imobile
Posts: 90
@cmisip Have you configured the user-agent setting of the themedispatcher module as shown here http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Themes:iMobile?
@sunite A quick solution for your large number of albums would be, if you would place them in a number of sub-albums. A more sophisticated solution would be to enhance the theme with paginator support, which I haven't yet, but you are happy to provide input.
To the pinch an zoom feature: You need to tap the picture once and then you can zoom using two fingers, like you zoom all other things on an iphone. A one-finger swipe triggers the move to the next slide. How would you zoom with only one finger? There might be an occasion where one picture stays, which goes away if you swipe over it. If you find a way to prevent this, I am open for suggestions.
@gpo Each browser sends a user-agent string to the webserver he is accessing. This user agent string contains beside a number of things also the platform it runs on. The purpose of the themedispatcher module is to select a different theme in case a specific user-agent string is found. In our case we configure themedispatcher to select the imobile theme in case the user-agent string contains iphone or ipad, only in those cases you would see the imobile theme. When you try to access the same site with a firefox, chrome, etc from a pc / mac you would of course see the "normal" theme - unless you fake the user-agent string of that browser. The imobile theme is only made to be accessed from mobile devices like iphones, ipads, androids, etc.
imobile does currently not support comments and probably adsense (I have never used the adsense module, so I don't know how it works.)
When I started to work in this theme, my intention was to basically allow to browse my gallery on mobile devices. I did not intent to implement all features, as I don't want to maintain, upload, etc my gallery form a mobile device. I still have a "proper" pc where I can do those tasks.
Posts: 96
Superb! Absolutely Superb!
Except...flash videos not working? Shows thumb but doesn't play?
Jon Reynolds
Posts: 8
That's because iPhone/iPod Touch & iPad doesn't support flash...
Posts: 96
OK, but I am viewing on a Android device. Anyway I can make it work?
Jon Reynolds
Posts: 90
The videos are embedded using the html5 video tag. So your video must be in a format that is supported by your browser, than it works.
Posts: 8
@calleh @sunite
i was looking around on the web too improve this issue with too many manga's on page (i know it can be very slow)
And i think iv found a solution:
Its a load more widget that helps you load more when clicked. I haven't got round to reading it fully, but i think its possible to use it in iMobile.
So calleh, would you be able to have a look at this and the demo too in the website and maybe test it...
Posts: 90
This sounds like a good idea. I will have a look into this. But don't expect this to be done in the next few days....