Official: List of confirmed bugs in 1.4.3-RC3


Joined: 2003-10-06
Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 2004-04-19 00:45

It seems the bug that I found and fixed dealing with upgrades from some versions not properly upgrading the userdb is not listed in here. In a nutshell, the default version set on a new User is the current version. Then, when the user information is unserialized, the version there is expected to overwrite it. However, some versions of gallery apparently did not have a version serialized in the user files. In that scenario, the users are NOT properly upgraded and they effectively "disapear". In actuality, they all get set to NOBODY in the userdb.dat and are ignored.



Joined: 2004-04-17
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2004-04-19 09:04

Hello Tim_j,

And so the story goes on. I deleted all my gallery files (albums, the gallery dir itself and my NetPBM) and uploaded everyting again (No I did not forget any CHMODs!). I ran the setup again and, again, I got the error --> Can't find pnmcomp. While my pnmcomp is seriously visible in the netpbm directory! Why does this watermark file keeps getting errors? :evil:

Can somebody tell me what's wrong here? Did I upload the right NetPBM version? My phpinfo can be found here: I googled on that number after my hostname (First table, System) and I guess I need the redhat binaries. My Linux has a i686 cpu. So I downloaded the intel binaries.

My config file can be found here: see for the error yourself...


Joined: 2004-04-17
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2004-04-19 14:08

Well, I just set up my gallery and left away the watermark function. I'm sick of this :evil:.


Joined: 2003-12-13
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2004-04-19 23:02

I upgraded my gallery to the latest Gallery v1.4.3-RC3 and everything went just fine. Tried the watermarking function and it went just fine. Tried with two different .gif images in one album and both of them applied right.

I was a little surprised when the first watermark didnt go away when i tried the second watermark image. Now the images has 2 watermarks on them and i have NO CLUE on how to get rid of them. I even tried deleting the two watermark .gifs form the server but they are still applied in the album.

Is my album ruined now? Its only 4 images but a function to REMOVE the watermarking would be very nice to have. Atleast i havent found one.

Is there such a function?
And is there anyway that i can "recover" my album from these watermarkings?


Album URL:


Joined: 2003-04-27
Posts: 397
Posted: Tue, 2004-04-20 05:50

Have applied 1.4.3RC3. All works well.

Used the watermarking utility. Very nice. Two things (I read through some of the forum but did not see this mentioned so pardon if this is a repeat)... applied .GIF to center. Worked perfectly. Applied to lower right. Went to upper right. Applied to lower left, went to upper left. Tried a PNG file and it tore the sized and original in half, leaving a lot of white space.

Finally, when trying a GIF image, it applied only to the "original" and did not apply it to the sized version fo the image. Tried several ways and it was consistent in the above.

Great feature...



Joined: 2004-04-17
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2004-04-20 14:42

Why is it only me having problems? Why can't some of you developers help me? I'm feeling kinda lost in space here... This forum doesn't give any good support (well, at least for me it didn't), why can't you just help me? I've waited for about a week and didn't get any good answers :evil:.

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Tue, 2004-04-20 17:39

1. You need to create a directory that your watermarks reside in.
2. It (the directory AND the watermarks) needs to be chmod 755 (or owned by the user apache runs as).
3. Specify that dir in the config.
4. Logon and apply watermark to albums or to pictures.

If there are any problems, enable debug mode ( FAQ Gallery:c.31 ) and post the debug results.

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Tue, 2004-04-20 17:52

Hello Jozzie,

instead of posting evil smileys YOU could help us a little more.

_I_ for example asked you for an testaccount.

Nothing happened.

Then it seems you modified your installation between your post, but you didnt say what...

So please calm down, or use another Application wich support watermarking and have a better support.




Joined: 2004-04-17
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2004-04-20 20:00

Yes I'm sorry.

I did post a testaccount but reinstalled my Whole gallery. I will be back here soon... It just seems to be that when I post, nobody answers me.