Why the subject of the message says the integration is done, if by reading it seems that there is a lot to be done yet?
Is the user base integrated? Sessions management? User management?
Pls let me know.
Joined: 2003-01-04
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Posted: Wed, 2005-03-02 23:24
skuba, the start of the mambo embedding is done. user synchronization isn't. so there's quite a lot to be done.
Joined: 2004-10-12
Posts: 8
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-04 06:36
Hi Forum.
Does anyone solved the
"isDone is not defined, something very bad must have happened."
Anyone an idea?
Just installed Alpha4 and Mambo 4.5.1.
All path are correct.
Please help!
Joined: 2004-01-04
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Posted: Fri, 2005-03-04 06:43
i've never tried it, but i'm sure you shouldn't use G2 alpha-4. use a nightly build or cvs.
Joined: 2005-01-22
Posts: 84
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-04 09:43
I just wanted to say thanks for the work on this. I'm a brand new Mambo user, so I hardly know what I'm doing with it yet and I managed to get it working (after figuring out the proper paths). All seems to be working well in Mambo 4.5.2.
I can't wait for the beta of G2 to come out so I can start building up my library of images!
Thanks again and keep up the good work!
Joined: 2005-01-22
Posts: 84
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-04 11:01
Quick question though after playing with this a bit more: With further development, will the mambo search bar properly find items in the gallery?
If not, are there any ways to work around this limitation by using the Gallery sidebar module? Is it possible to have this module present on every page in the mambo environment and not just the Gallery page?
(Sorry if these are n00b questions - like I said, I'm new to mambo ;))
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-04 11:32
dsawchuk wrote:
Quick question though after playing with this a bit more: With further development, will the mambo search bar properly find items in the gallery?
probably. G2 is ready for this feature, don't know about mambo. If so, then the mambo integration developer has to hook G2 search into mambo search.
dsawchuk wrote:
If not, are there any ways to work around this limitation by using the Gallery sidebar module? Is it possible to have this module present on every page in the mambo environment and not just the Gallery page?
i'm quite sure you don't want the G2 sidebar to be present on all pages. perhaps only certain components of the sidebar. yes it is possible, but a) afaik not with the current mambo integration code and b) there will be a small performance hit. as an alternative, you could just hardcode the html for the additional search box etc. in a static mambo block that doesn't query G2 for each non-G2-page request.
I assume sooner or later G2 search will be hooked into mambo search.
Joined: 2004-10-12
Posts: 8
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-04 12:54
Hi Forum.
Just wanted to say, that the problem with
"isDone is not defined, something very bad must have happened."
is fixed for sure with CVS 03.03.05
This Version works with the Mambo Embedding Component.
I assume sooner or later G2 search will be hooked into mambo search.
Cool. I'm hoping for sooner than later... ;)
Joined: 2005-01-22
Posts: 84
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-04 14:00
A new question after some more tinkering:
Is it possible to have a link in the Mambo menu system that goes directly to a sub-album in the gallery? Is there a better way than just doing a straight copy of the URL for that sub-album?
The reason I am asking about this and having the Gallery menu on every Mambo page is because the Gallery portion of my site will be the largest and most important area of the site. There will be other content, but it will be less significant - it is for this content that I plan on using Mambo to manage.
I want users to be able to navigate the Gallery content at all times and as easily as possible. Having links to sub albums present at all times would be of benefit to me. I could accept a small performance hit if it meant people were more easily able to jump directly to certain galleries.
Just my two cents.
I really appreciate the work going into this and I wish I could offer some help, but I'm no programmer...
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-04 14:29
I like that idea, dsawchuk.
I am waiting to implement this Mambo/Gallery combo. I'm waiting to read "it's ready to use" or something like that. It seams there's still a lot of work to do.
It sounds like I'll be using it in a similar way you are/will with the gallery being the focus of the site.
How about a link to your site? I'm very interested to see what you have.
I wish I was a programmer!!!! I'm left to wait for these generous programmers to find time to get some of this stuff ironed out. All in time, I guess.
Until then, I watch this thread closely.
Joined: 2005-01-22
Posts: 84
Posted: Sat, 2005-03-05 07:49
The more I play around with my site, the more I'm thinking this would be the best answer for me. I suspect that gallery menu is going to be crucial to getting around...
KAC: I would post my site, but there isn't really anything there yet. I'm slowly working out the information architecture I want for the site while learning about mambo administration and templating, populating my gallery and developing peripheral content. So, it's going to take a while. ;)
Joined: 2005-02-01
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-07 15:15
Hi Guys,
we develop a solution for user integration. Our modul is working, but the solution is not satisfying.
Im going to post our Modul as soon as possible.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-07 15:21
Rejay, cool for the mambo guys
I wanted to let you know, that maybe I'll refactor 1,2 things in G2 to make the initial synchronization and other synchronization stuff a little more easy. But that is unsure.
Did you use something like mambots to keep user data synchronized when the user changes his data in mambo? Or how did you accomplish that?
Joined: 2005-02-01
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-07 20:00
Hi Valiant,
we creat a new function in Admin-Interface to Sync the both databases using the Gallery2::embed functions. The Admin must manually sync the users, if he add some. For our website it is enough, but we can also program a mambot. I'll look for this.
We miss a function in the Gallery2 API to query the registered users in the gallery2 database. Can you integrate this? I also can do it and paste the code here! :D
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-07 20:21
Another thing that you could do: Instead of having the admin push a button to synchronize, you could create users in G2 for existing mambo users on the fly.
just call list($ret, $g2html) = GalleryEmbed::init(array('activeUserId' => $mamboUid, ....)); as it you would assume that the user exists in G2. If $ret is an error and the error is missing object, then it means that the 'activeUserId' doesn't exist in G2.
Then you call GalleryEmbed::createUser to create this mambo user in G2 and then you call GalleryEmbed::login($mamboUid) and finally handleRequest.
But this doesn't solve the problem of keeping user data in sync. Or if a user gets deleted in mambo. for this, you'll either needs hooked functionality in mambo, or do such a task as mambo admin periodially.
As for the "query the registered users in the gallery2 database". Do you mean G2 users, or G2 users that already are mapped to mambo users?
Joined: 2005-02-01
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-07 21:06
I mean just a function in Gallery2Embed, witch returns the G2 users. So we can check, if the user already exists in G2 or not.
What do you mean with "on the fly"? In Mambo the component com_user add new users and control them. How should we tell the gallery2 component, that com_user create a new user without editing the component?
Taking a Sync-Button or a Mambot is the only way, that the gallery2 component check the current mambo users and add them to g2.
Joined: 2003-01-04
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Posted: Mon, 2005-03-07 21:28
There is a difference between "G2 users" and "G2 users that are already mapped to mambo users". What is exact purpose, maybe I can help you better if I know what it is for.
- I don't know mambo,
- I'm not the developer of the existing mambo g2 module
- But I've done the user synchronization code for the xaraya g2 integration
With on-the-fly I mean...
- The best solution is hooking functionality into the mambo create user code. So each time a mambo user gets created, a correspondig G2 user is created immediately there after.
- But this seems to be impossible in mambo, right? You would have to edit core code for this, right?
- So, the next best solution is to no assume that all mambo users exist in G2, even if they don't actually exist in G2. For this, do what i described in the last post:
In the current mambo G2 module, call list($ret, $g2html) = GalleryEmbed::init(array('activeUser' => $mamboUID, ...));
if $ret is an error, and the error is missing object, then the current mambo user doesn't exist in G2. Create this user by GalleryEmbed::createUser($mamboUID, ...);
login this new user by GalleryEmbed::login($mamboUID);
now, the user exists in g2 and is logged in in G2, so we can handle the G2 request..
And if $ret wasn't an error, but a success status message, just call handleRequest, because the user already exists.
Joined: 2005-02-01
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-07 21:48
valiant wrote:
There is a difference between "G2 users" and "G2 users that are already mapped to mambo users". What is exact purpose, maybe I can help you better if I know what it is for.
I explain it later in this post...
- I don't know mambo,
- I'm not the developer of the existing mambo g2 module
- But I've done the user synchronization code for the xaraya g2 integration
I know this...
With on-the-fly I mean...
- The best solution is hooking functionality into the mambo create user code. So each time a mambo user gets created, a correspondig G2 user is created immediately there after.
- But this seems to be impossible in mambo, right? You would have to edit core code for this, right?
- So, the next best solution is to no assume that all mambo users exist in G2, even if they don't actually exist in G2. For this, do what i described in the last post:
This is what our component already do! It would be easyer, if the Gallery2 API give us a function, where we can check, if the Mambo-User already exists in G2 or not. For Example a funktion in embed.php which return the result of a db query of the G2 user table.
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Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-07 22:29
Do you want to check if a user already exists in G2 explicitly on each request?
+ It would be a cleaner way to check if the user already exists
- Performance: Creating a user is the exception, not the norm. Checking for the user on each request explicitely is exercising the worst case scenario everytime.
I think it would be the best solution if we add an additional parameter to GalleryEmbed::init, i.e. array('activeUserId' => $mamboUid, ..., 'checkUser' => true).
Then, we would add a second return value to GalleryEmbed::init which tells if the user exists or not.
This is better than the existing GalleryEmbed::init, because right now, you cannot know for sure what the reason for error missing object is.
Ok, we know know if the mapping exists for this mambo uid. If it doesn't exist, you have to create either just a mapping because the user already exists in G2 and mambo or you have to create a user and the mapping in G2, because the user doesn't exist in G2.
to get a list of all G2 users:
GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserNames or GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserByUsername
see modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi
to get a list of existing mambo <-> G2 user mappings:
- if your current user in mambo is anonymous/guest, activeUserId should be set to null
- map existing G2 users based on names or something like, or hardcode admin<->admin , anonymous user <-> anonymous user etc.
Joined: 2005-01-09
Posts: 20
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-08 06:36
Dear all,
first of all, my apologies for the late response. (long live work.... too much work).
Rejay, I also had some contacts with Mr_Jinx a developer from Docman. He is also looking at a way to complete full user integration between Mambo & G2 by hooking the user syncing into the mambo API (the cleanest way I think to do this).
Maybe you could also get in contact with him?
Kind regards,
Joined: 2005-01-22
Posts: 84
Posted: Sat, 2005-03-12 00:32
Just playing with the current compinent and noticed something I thought I should point out.
In the Mambo template manager, I assigned a different Mambo template to the the Gallery menu item. This works fine for the Gallery front page, but as soon as you navigate to a Gallery item or sub-album, the default Mambo template is used.
Any way around this? Is it possible to assign a template to the component and not just the menu item?
Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-14 18:23
hey there!
I've installed the component and everything is working fine, I just have a cosmetic problem. Whats happeneing is the component doesn't expand the the mainbody of my website, and so if the gallery is bigger that the body, nothing shows...does that make sense? I'm stuck with only one column of photos at a time, looks strange... the link to my gallery is http://www.timeoutyouth.org/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=162
someone please help!!!
Anyone want a gmail.com account? email me your name and I'll send you an invite!
Joined: 2005-03-05
Posts: 61
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-15 02:02
Using MSAS 4.5.2 and Gallery2
Installed G2 component everything seems ok.
One question though I can create and upload pictures but how to access G2 Admin section.
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-15 16:28
Hello. I have a problem. I tried installing the gallery component into Mambo and it gave me some kind of SQL error. Unfortunatly I did not write it down before hitting "continue" so I could not go back and retrieve the error.
I then tried to delete the com_gallery2 folder so I could start over but it won't let me completely delete it. All the files inside deleted except for the file "gallery2.php".
I tried installing the component over again and it wont let me because "another component is using directory". I then renamed the com_gallery2 folder to "com_gallery2OLD" and tried to reinstall the component and get this:
SQL Error DB function failed with error number 1062
Duplicate entry 'path' for key 1 SQL=INSERT INTO `mos_gallery2` (`field`, `value`) VALUES ('path','')
INSERT INTO `mos_gallery2` (`field`, `value`)
VALUES ('path','')
Anyone have any idea what this means and what to do about it?
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-15 20:51
disclaimer: i'm not the author of this integration, just reading this error message and what you described.
first you deleted the module files, but this is quite sure not needed. you should have uninstalled the module in the mambo admin menu.
you didn't successfully uninstall the module, therefore there are still some artifacts of the old module installation in the database.
if you have something like phpmyadmin to play with your database, execute following SQL command and try again installing the module:
DELETE FROM `mos_gallery2`
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-15 23:08
You da man! That worked. Thanks!
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Posts: 164
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-15 23:23
hmmm, now I get this error:
"isDone is not defined, something very bad must have happened."
My admin componenent is working fine though too.
I can go directly to the Gallery2 install and Gallery2 works fine as if it were a stand alone. I just can't get at it from Mambo.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-16 06:37
1. what's your G2 version?
2. probably, you didn't choose the right relative path in the admin component.
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-16 12:30
1. I do have a pretty old build. I never updated it because it works fine for me. It's gallery-2.0-alpha-4.zip
2. When I first set up the G2 component, I kept getting errors stating that the path was wrong. After a few tries, It said it was successfull so I assumed it was working. Perhaps it's still wrong?
My setup:
1. Full Path to Gallery: /home/kac/domains/seemypics.net/public_html/g2gallerymain/
2. Relative path to Gallery G2: ../g2gallerymain
3. embedUri: index.php?option=com_gallery2
4. Login page redirect: index.php
Display sidebar: Yes
Display Login: No
EDIT: I just noticed that my Relative path is set to "../g2gallerymain". Is the ".." wrong?
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Posted: Wed, 2005-03-16 12:42
upgrade to a recent nightly snapshot everything else seems to be ok (all paths ok).
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Posted: Wed, 2005-03-16 12:43
make sure you take a version newer than beta 1, beta 1 had a css/embedding bug.
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-16 16:46
Ok, I updated to the latest snapshot. (0.9.3)
I was very impressed with how easy it was to upgrade. Great job guys!!!
I can now access my gallery2 install from within Mambo. Sweet!!!
One more problem now, though. I can't see the thumbnails. I get empty boxes with an "x" at the top left.
EDIT: I should clarify this. If I go directly to the gallery2 install, the thumbnails are fine. The thumbnails won't show inside Mambo though.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-16 16:59
if your settings are still the same as posted previously, i don't know what's wrong.
does everything but the images work in G2? i.e. the links are all ok?
could you post the html source of an embedded G2.mambo site, i.e. just the part where an image of G2 is displayed.
something like
<a href"http://path to g2 image page"><img src="path to a g2 image"/></a>
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-16 17:20
yeah, it appears the links all work fine. Just the images are not showing.
Feel free to look at the site yourself. Don't mind that it all looks like crap. :oops: I'm just trying to get the embedding working then I'll work on a new template. :D
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Posts: 32509
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-16 23:34
this is the correct relative path
2. Relative path to Gallery G2: ./g2gallerymain
(only a single dot)
or just g2gallerymain
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Thu, 2005-03-17 12:24
Ok, here is the latest:
You were right , again, valiant. Typing in the relative path to Gallery G2 with a single dot allowed the thumbnails to show up in Mambo. That's good and bad.
Here's why:
With the relative path set to "one dot", all the thumbnails did show up in the main body of Mambo but it looks really bad. It kept the white default background of G2, stretched out too far into both side bars of Mambo, AND now the thumbnail in the G2sidebar doesn't work.
With the relative path set to "two dots", all the thumbnails do not show up in the main body of Mambo but G2 appears to fit inside the mainbody of Mambo just fine. It does not stretch over to the sidebars and it keeps the background color of the Mambo template.
Ideally, it would be much better to get the thumbnails to work with the layout/look of the embed with the settings of "two dots". If the thumbnails worked with "two dots" it will look much better and embedd much cleaner.
In both cases though (one dot & two dot) the G2 sidebar came up in the main body. This does not look good at all since the sidebar is already a module in Mambo.
Is there a way to disable the sidebar in the mainbody and just have the Mambo sidebar display????
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Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-03-17 22:01
can you post the html source <head> part of G2 embedded with one dot and with two dots. i'd like to see which version actuallly includes the G2 css correctly.
and that the sidebar doesn't work with one dot in the path is a bug in the mambo G2 integration code.
They appear the same :-? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing?
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-18 07:24
hm, ok. seems as if the G2 css files, the style of the page, doesn't get included in the mambo integration. i don't know if that is on the todo list of this integration.
let's hope the developers of this module are reading this topic ...
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-18 14:32
Since It appears I'm the one most interested in this integration at the moment, I thought I'd bring up a couple of more things I've noticed.
1. I've installed a link to the G2 Component in the main menu of Mamo. I've also installed the g2sidebar module. I've noticed that when you click on the link to open the G2 component, the G2 gallery comes up along with the G2 sidebar....inside the main body. IMO, this is not right.
If the g2sidebar module is installed, the main body should not show the G2 sidbar in the main body because it's redundant and doesn't look good at all.
2. I've set up the g2sidebar module to come up on all the pages in Mambo so it's always accessible. I think it would look best if the g2sidebar module could be broken up into parts. In other words, I would like the ability to not display G2's "gallery search" and "actions" menus until the G2 component is launched. It would look so much better.
Don't take these as complaints. I think it's great what you guys have done so far. I'm hopefully just pointing the way to perfection.
Joined: 2005-03-19
Posts: 22
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-20 13:10
I have installed this and it links fine ...
But I can¨t logon to Gallery now ... neither from within mambo or when I access directly ..
I get a security warning.
And If there are someone out there who´s working on the userthing.
So ppl cn reg in the Mambo reg and it will be "transparent" into the gallery, I´m willing to contribute some $ for encurage ...
Sorry for my english.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-20 13:29
login problems:
if you set mode.embed.only in config.php of g2, then you can only login from mambo, you'll get a security warning when you try to access g2 in standalone.
delete your browser cookies for the domain you have hosted g2/mambo on and try again to login, it should work.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-20 15:43
leeman, you are right. There's a problem with embedded G2 and the G2 url rewrite module.
- go to g2 config.php, set embed.mode.only if not already done so.
- go to g2 standalone (not in mambo) with your browser, site admin, modules, deactivate url rewrite module
now it should work again.
Joined: 2005-03-19
Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-22 10:57
valiant wrote:
leeman, you are right. There's a problem with embedded G2 and the G2 url rewrite module.
- go to g2 config.php, set embed.mode.only if not already done so.
- go to g2 standalone (not in mambo) with your browser, site admin, modules, deactivate url rewrite module
now it should work again.
Tried that ....
Still get the same .....
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-22 17:53
go to g2 config.php, set embed.mode.only to false if not already done so.
sorry, i meant the right thing, but wrote something else.
Joined: 2005-03-19
Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-23 12:00
NP ... I have it set to false ...
And still get the security error when I try to logon to the gallery ...
Could this be because I have installed the gallery SW IN the mambo folder ...
Mambo -- gallery
Thanx for your answers ...
Joined: 2005-03-19
Posts: 22
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-25 13:24
Sorry to be a pain in the b*tt but I only get this when I try to log on to Gallery thru mambo : Security Violation The action you attempted is not permitted.
Any Ideas????
Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 36
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-25 23:57
I've integrated G2 with Mambo..... (installed Component)
After starting the G2 from Mambo, I can't see thumbnail an pictures....
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sat, 2005-03-26 00:33
can't help you there.
either you provided the wrong paths, relative etc. or the mambo integration doesn't work any more.
Posts: 103
Why the subject of the message says the integration is done, if by reading it seems that there is a lot to be done yet?
Is the user base integrated? Sessions management? User management?
Pls let me know.
Posts: 32509
skuba, the start of the mambo embedding is done. user synchronization isn't. so there's quite a lot to be done.
Posts: 8
Hi Forum.
Does anyone solved the
"isDone is not defined, something very bad must have happened."
Anyone an idea?
Just installed Alpha4 and Mambo 4.5.1.
All path are correct.
Please help!
Posts: 8601
i've never tried it, but i'm sure you shouldn't use G2 alpha-4. use a nightly build or cvs.
Posts: 84
I just wanted to say thanks for the work on this. I'm a brand new Mambo user, so I hardly know what I'm doing with it yet and I managed to get it working (after figuring out the proper paths). All seems to be working well in Mambo 4.5.2.
I can't wait for the beta of G2 to come out so I can start building up my library of images!
Thanks again and keep up the good work!
Posts: 84
Quick question though after playing with this a bit more: With further development, will the mambo search bar properly find items in the gallery?
If not, are there any ways to work around this limitation by using the Gallery sidebar module? Is it possible to have this module present on every page in the mambo environment and not just the Gallery page?
(Sorry if these are n00b questions - like I said, I'm new to mambo ;))
Posts: 32509
probably. G2 is ready for this feature, don't know about mambo. If so, then the mambo integration developer has to hook G2 search into mambo search.
i'm quite sure you don't want the G2 sidebar to be present on all pages. perhaps only certain components of the sidebar. yes it is possible, but a) afaik not with the current mambo integration code and b) there will be a small performance hit. as an alternative, you could just hardcode the html for the additional search box etc. in a static mambo block that doesn't query G2 for each non-G2-page request.
I assume sooner or later G2 search will be hooked into mambo search.
Posts: 8
Hi Forum.
Just wanted to say, that the problem with
"isDone is not defined, something very bad must have happened."
is fixed for sure with CVS 03.03.05
This Version works with the Mambo Embedding Component.
Soon you will see it on mamboportal.ch ....
Posts: 84
Cool. I'm hoping for sooner than later... ;)
Posts: 84
A new question after some more tinkering:
Is it possible to have a link in the Mambo menu system that goes directly to a sub-album in the gallery? Is there a better way than just doing a straight copy of the URL for that sub-album?
The reason I am asking about this and having the Gallery menu on every Mambo page is because the Gallery portion of my site will be the largest and most important area of the site. There will be other content, but it will be less significant - it is for this content that I plan on using Mambo to manage.
I want users to be able to navigate the Gallery content at all times and as easily as possible. Having links to sub albums present at all times would be of benefit to me. I could accept a small performance hit if it meant people were more easily able to jump directly to certain galleries.
Just my two cents.
I really appreciate the work going into this and I wish I could offer some help, but I'm no programmer...
Posts: 164
I like that idea, dsawchuk.
I am waiting to implement this Mambo/Gallery combo. I'm waiting to read "it's ready to use" or something like that. It seams there's still a lot of work to do.
It sounds like I'll be using it in a similar way you are/will with the gallery being the focus of the site.
How about a link to your site? I'm very interested to see what you have.
I wish I was a programmer!!!! I'm left to wait for these generous programmers to find time to get some of this stuff ironed out. All in time, I guess.
Until then, I watch this thread closely.
Posts: 84
The more I play around with my site, the more I'm thinking this would be the best answer for me. I suspect that gallery menu is going to be crucial to getting around...
KAC: I would post my site, but there isn't really anything there yet. I'm slowly working out the information architecture I want for the site while learning about mambo administration and templating, populating my gallery and developing peripheral content. So, it's going to take a while. ;)
Posts: 7
Hi Guys,
we develop a solution for user integration. Our modul is working, but the solution is not satisfying.
Im going to post our Modul as soon as possible.
Posts: 32509
Rejay, cool for the mambo guys
I wanted to let you know, that maybe I'll refactor 1,2 things in G2 to make the initial synchronization and other synchronization stuff a little more easy. But that is unsure.
Did you use something like mambots to keep user data synchronized when the user changes his data in mambo? Or how did you accomplish that?
Posts: 7
Hi Valiant,
we creat a new function in Admin-Interface to Sync the both databases using the Gallery2::embed functions. The Admin must manually sync the users, if he add some. For our website it is enough, but we can also program a mambot. I'll look for this.
We miss a function in the Gallery2 API to query the registered users in the gallery2 database. Can you integrate this? I also can do it and paste the code here! :D
Posts: 32509
Another thing that you could do: Instead of having the admin push a button to synchronize, you could create users in G2 for existing mambo users on the fly.
just call list($ret, $g2html) = GalleryEmbed::init(array('activeUserId' => $mamboUid, ....)); as it you would assume that the user exists in G2. If $ret is an error and the error is missing object, then it means that the 'activeUserId' doesn't exist in G2.
Then you call GalleryEmbed::createUser to create this mambo user in G2 and then you call GalleryEmbed::login($mamboUid) and finally handleRequest.
But this doesn't solve the problem of keeping user data in sync. Or if a user gets deleted in mambo. for this, you'll either needs hooked functionality in mambo, or do such a task as mambo admin periodially.
As for the "query the registered users in the gallery2 database". Do you mean G2 users, or G2 users that already are mapped to mambo users?
Posts: 7
I mean just a function in Gallery2Embed, witch returns the G2 users. So we can check, if the user already exists in G2 or not.
What do you mean with "on the fly"? In Mambo the component com_user add new users and control them. How should we tell the gallery2 component, that com_user create a new user without editing the component?
Taking a Sync-Button or a Mambot is the only way, that the gallery2 component check the current mambo users and add them to g2.
Posts: 32509
There is a difference between "G2 users" and "G2 users that are already mapped to mambo users". What is exact purpose, maybe I can help you better if I know what it is for.
- I don't know mambo,
- I'm not the developer of the existing mambo g2 module
- But I've done the user synchronization code for the xaraya g2 integration
With on-the-fly I mean...
- The best solution is hooking functionality into the mambo create user code. So each time a mambo user gets created, a correspondig G2 user is created immediately there after.
- But this seems to be impossible in mambo, right? You would have to edit core code for this, right?
- So, the next best solution is to no assume that all mambo users exist in G2, even if they don't actually exist in G2. For this, do what i described in the last post:
In the current mambo G2 module, call list($ret, $g2html) = GalleryEmbed::init(array('activeUser' => $mamboUID, ...));
if $ret is an error, and the error is missing object, then the current mambo user doesn't exist in G2. Create this user by GalleryEmbed::createUser($mamboUID, ...);
login this new user by GalleryEmbed::login($mamboUID);
now, the user exists in g2 and is logged in in G2, so we can handle the G2 request..
And if $ret wasn't an error, but a success status message, just call handleRequest, because the user already exists.
Posts: 7
I explain it later in this post...
I know this...
This is what our component already do! It would be easyer, if the Gallery2 API give us a function, where we can check, if the Mambo-User already exists in G2 or not. For Example a funktion in embed.php which return the result of a db query of the G2 user table.
Posts: 32509
Do you want to check if a user already exists in G2 explicitly on each request?
+ It would be a cleaner way to check if the user already exists
- Performance: Creating a user is the exception, not the norm. Checking for the user on each request explicitely is exercising the worst case scenario everytime.
I think it would be the best solution if we add an additional parameter to GalleryEmbed::init, i.e. array('activeUserId' => $mamboUid, ..., 'checkUser' => true).
Then, we would add a second return value to GalleryEmbed::init which tells if the user exists or not.
This is better than the existing GalleryEmbed::init, because right now, you cannot know for sure what the reason for error missing object is.
Ok, we know know if the mapping exists for this mambo uid. If it doesn't exist, you have to create either just a mapping because the user already exists in G2 and mambo or you have to create a user and the mapping in G2, because the user doesn't exist in G2.
to get a list of all G2 users:
GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserNames or GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserByUsername
see modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi
to get a list of existing mambo <-> G2 user mappings:
- if your current user in mambo is anonymous/guest, activeUserId should be set to null
- map existing G2 users based on names or something like, or hardcode admin<->admin , anonymous user <-> anonymous user etc.
Posts: 20
Dear all,
first of all, my apologies for the late response. (long live work.... too much work).
Rejay, I also had some contacts with Mr_Jinx a developer from Docman. He is also looking at a way to complete full user integration between Mambo & G2 by hooking the user syncing into the mambo API (the cleanest way I think to do this).
Maybe you could also get in contact with him?
Kind regards,
Posts: 84
Just playing with the current compinent and noticed something I thought I should point out.
In the Mambo template manager, I assigned a different Mambo template to the the Gallery menu item. This works fine for the Gallery front page, but as soon as you navigate to a Gallery item or sub-album, the default Mambo template is used.
Any way around this? Is it possible to assign a template to the component and not just the menu item?
Posts: 1
hey there!
I've installed the component and everything is working fine, I just have a cosmetic problem. Whats happeneing is the component doesn't expand the the mainbody of my website, and so if the gallery is bigger that the body, nothing shows...does that make sense? I'm stuck with only one column of photos at a time, looks strange... the link to my gallery is http://www.timeoutyouth.org/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=162
someone please help!!!
Anyone want a gmail.com account? email me your name and I'll send you an invite!
Posts: 61
Using MSAS 4.5.2 and Gallery2
Installed G2 component everything seems ok.
One question though I can create and upload pictures but how to access G2 Admin section.
Posts: 164
Hello. I have a problem. I tried installing the gallery component into Mambo and it gave me some kind of SQL error. Unfortunatly I did not write it down before hitting "continue" so I could not go back and retrieve the error.
I then tried to delete the com_gallery2 folder so I could start over but it won't let me completely delete it. All the files inside deleted except for the file "gallery2.php".
I tried installing the component over again and it wont let me because "another component is using directory". I then renamed the com_gallery2 folder to "com_gallery2OLD" and tried to reinstall the component and get this:
Anyone have any idea what this means and what to do about it?
Posts: 32509
disclaimer: i'm not the author of this integration, just reading this error message and what you described.
first you deleted the module files, but this is quite sure not needed. you should have uninstalled the module in the mambo admin menu.
you didn't successfully uninstall the module, therefore there are still some artifacts of the old module installation in the database.
if you have something like phpmyadmin to play with your database, execute following SQL command and try again installing the module:
Posts: 164
You da man! That worked. Thanks!
Posts: 164
hmmm, now I get this error:
"isDone is not defined, something very bad must have happened."
My admin componenent is working fine though too.
I can go directly to the Gallery2 install and Gallery2 works fine as if it were a stand alone. I just can't get at it from Mambo.
Posts: 32509
1. what's your G2 version?
2. probably, you didn't choose the right relative path in the admin component.
Posts: 164
1. I do have a pretty old build. I never updated it because it works fine for me. It's gallery-2.0-alpha-4.zip
2. When I first set up the G2 component, I kept getting errors stating that the path was wrong. After a few tries, It said it was successfull so I assumed it was working. Perhaps it's still wrong?
My setup:
1. Full Path to Gallery: /home/kac/domains/seemypics.net/public_html/g2gallerymain/
2. Relative path to Gallery G2: ../g2gallerymain
3. embedUri: index.php?option=com_gallery2
4. Login page redirect: index.php
Display sidebar: Yes
Display Login: No
EDIT: I just noticed that my Relative path is set to "../g2gallerymain". Is the ".." wrong?
Posts: 32509
upgrade to a recent nightly snapshot everything else seems to be ok (all paths ok).
Posts: 32509
make sure you take a version newer than beta 1, beta 1 had a css/embedding bug.
Posts: 164
Ok, I updated to the latest snapshot. (0.9.3)
I was very impressed with how easy it was to upgrade. Great job guys!!!
I can now access my gallery2 install from within Mambo. Sweet!!!
One more problem now, though. I can't see the thumbnails. I get empty boxes with an "x" at the top left.
EDIT: I should clarify this. If I go directly to the gallery2 install, the thumbnails are fine. The thumbnails won't show inside Mambo though.
Posts: 32509
if your settings are still the same as posted previously, i don't know what's wrong.
does everything but the images work in G2? i.e. the links are all ok?
could you post the html source of an embedded G2.mambo site, i.e. just the part where an image of G2 is displayed.
something like
<a href"http://path to g2 image page"><img src="path to a g2 image"/></a>
Posts: 164
yeah, it appears the links all work fine. Just the images are not showing.
Is this what you're looking to see?:
Feel free to look at the site yourself. Don't mind that it all looks like crap. :oops: I'm just trying to get the embedding working then I'll work on a new template. :D
Posts: 32509
this is the correct relative path
2. Relative path to Gallery G2: ./g2gallerymain
(only a single dot)
or just g2gallerymain
Posts: 164
Ok, here is the latest:
You were right , again, valiant. Typing in the relative path to Gallery G2 with a single dot allowed the thumbnails to show up in Mambo. That's good and bad.
Here's why:
With the relative path set to "one dot", all the thumbnails did show up in the main body of Mambo but it looks really bad. It kept the white default background of G2, stretched out too far into both side bars of Mambo, AND now the thumbnail in the G2sidebar doesn't work.
With the relative path set to "two dots", all the thumbnails do not show up in the main body of Mambo but G2 appears to fit inside the mainbody of Mambo just fine. It does not stretch over to the sidebars and it keeps the background color of the Mambo template.
Ideally, it would be much better to get the thumbnails to work with the layout/look of the embed with the settings of "two dots". If the thumbnails worked with "two dots" it will look much better and embedd much cleaner.
In both cases though (one dot & two dot) the G2 sidebar came up in the main body. This does not look good at all since the sidebar is already a module in Mambo.
Is there a way to disable the sidebar in the mainbody and just have the Mambo sidebar display????
Posts: 32509
can you post the html source <head> part of G2 embedded with one dot and with two dots. i'd like to see which version actuallly includes the G2 css correctly.
and that the sidebar doesn't work with one dot in the path is a bug in the mambo G2 integration code.
Posts: 164
Two dots:
One dot:
They appear the same :-? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing?
Posts: 32509
hm, ok. seems as if the G2 css files, the style of the page, doesn't get included in the mambo integration. i don't know if that is on the todo list of this integration.
let's hope the developers of this module are reading this topic ...
Posts: 164
Since It appears I'm the one most interested in this integration at the moment, I thought I'd bring up a couple of more things I've noticed.
1. I've installed a link to the G2 Component in the main menu of Mamo. I've also installed the g2sidebar module. I've noticed that when you click on the link to open the G2 component, the G2 gallery comes up along with the G2 sidebar....inside the main body. IMO, this is not right.
If the g2sidebar module is installed, the main body should not show the G2 sidbar in the main body because it's redundant and doesn't look good at all.
2. I've set up the g2sidebar module to come up on all the pages in Mambo so it's always accessible. I think it would look best if the g2sidebar module could be broken up into parts. In other words, I would like the ability to not display G2's "gallery search" and "actions" menus until the G2 component is launched. It would look so much better.
Don't take these as complaints. I think it's great what you guys have done so far. I'm hopefully just pointing the way to perfection.
Posts: 22
I have installed this and it links fine ...
But I can¨t logon to Gallery now ... neither from within mambo or when I access directly ..
I get a security warning.
And If there are someone out there who´s working on the userthing.
So ppl cn reg in the Mambo reg and it will be "transparent" into the gallery, I´m willing to contribute some $ for encurage ...
Sorry for my english.
Posts: 32509
login problems:
if you set mode.embed.only in config.php of g2, then you can only login from mambo, you'll get a security warning when you try to access g2 in standalone.
delete your browser cookies for the domain you have hosted g2/mambo on and try again to login, it should work.
Posts: 32509
leeman, you are right. There's a problem with embedded G2 and the G2 url rewrite module.
- go to g2 config.php, set embed.mode.only if not already done so.
- go to g2 standalone (not in mambo) with your browser, site admin, modules, deactivate url rewrite module
now it should work again.
Posts: 22
Tried that ....
Still get the same .....
Posts: 32509
go to g2 config.php, set embed.mode.only to false if not already done so.
sorry, i meant the right thing, but wrote something else.
Posts: 22
NP ... I have it set to false ...
And still get the security error when I try to logon to the gallery ...
Could this be because I have installed the gallery SW IN the mambo folder ...
Mambo -- gallery
Thanx for your answers ...
Posts: 22
Sorry to be a pain in the b*tt but I only get this when I try to log on to Gallery thru mambo : Security Violation The action you attempted is not permitted.
Any Ideas????
Posts: 36
I've integrated G2 with Mambo..... (installed Component)
After starting the G2 from Mambo, I can't see thumbnail an pictures....
Posts: 32509
can't help you there.
either you provided the wrong paths, relative etc. or the mambo integration doesn't work any more.