so I finally upgraded my Mambo install to 4.5.2 and decided to give Gallery 1.5 RC1 a try. The installation of Gallery went without a hitch, and the component is integrated. I was able to update my Gallery 1.4.4 albums without a hitch, and moved them under the images\stories\ directory towards making the images available to the inline editor. This works well.
My question is that is on how the user accounts inter-relate between Gallery & Mambo. Currently only the Mambo Super Admin user sees the New Album option and would also like my Mambo registered users to have access to creating their own albums. Currently they only have the slideshow option showing. I understand that Gallery maintains it's own user database, but would have expected to see the Mambo users be populated into the Gallery user list when entering the User Permission option. Thus being able to grant them "user can create albums". Currently my Gallery user list is empty save for one admin user.
I noticed that when I assign permissions to individual albums from the Mambo Gallery front-end, I have a listing of the Mambo userbase. Do I need to create a user account of same username & password to match up with Mambo user account?
Posts: 2322
If you performed the component integration, that's all you need to do.
Regular users are not allowed to create albums in the root of Gallery. You need to create a central album and change the permissions to allow LOGGEDIN to add sub-albums.
Posts: 3
following your instructions my users are now able to create their own albums once they've jumped into a root album. I imagine they can't create albums at the root for some good reason, so I'll train them to go by this route. I installed Zoom Gallery for a while, but they screamed to have Menalto gallery back so I don't think they'll mind the extra click.
Thanks to all who worked on Mambo integration and to Signe for the quick response.

Posts: 5
Is there anywhere mor information about the user-management relation between gallery and mambo??? anyhow i tried to show different albums to different user. i created the user in gallery-frontend, then i added the same user to mambo and so realized that mambo´s userlist seems to be the master which overwrite the config i did in gallery front-end. so i configured again from mambo frontend. anyhow now everybody is able to do anything?
what did I wrong???
Posts: 34
I'd like to know that as well. Do I create user inside gallery as well?
When I login as admin I see no users in the admin panel for gallery (embbeded in mambo 4.5.3)
Searching permisions I only see this
Posts: 34
With Mambo 4.5.3 Admin --> Components --> Gallery
I have tried selecting beside the default and nothing changes. Is there any documentation that I missed?
If I click on gallery with permisions I get
Admin Level:
Public Frontend
--Editor (*)
-Public Backend
---Super Admin
Posts: 3
I'm getting the exact same thing. I have posted in a few other threads. I've even reinstalled a few times. I'll keep trying things. Hopefully this will turn out to be a bug and get fixed soon. I've done a dozen sites (both nuke and mambo) and had no problems, but I used older versions.
I really love Mambo and Gallery and appreciate the hard work of those who contribute. Good luck.
Posts: 347
Note that the Component/Bridge does not synchronize the users between Mambo and Gallery.
Your user "Test" (for example) in Gallery is not the same user "Test" in Mambo.
Maybe the best way is to administrate Gallery only when it's running embedded in Mambo.
"Gallery seems to be inside Mambo" problem:
Posts: 14
Me too Wildseed, its thebest combination in my opinion! Thnx for all the help guys!