I have a problem with the "relative path to G2"? What is meant with this?
I installed G2 in the /gallery2 folder of my server document root.
my whole path to the document root is "/home/aahekpmg/www.aah.at/"
So I think this is called the document-root and I set the path to G2 as "gallery2".
But I always get this error, when I try to open the gallery module in the backend:
Warning: loadgallery(../../../../typo3conf/ext/gallery2/mod1/gallery2/embed.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /aahekpmg/www.aah.at/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 127
Fatal error: loadgallery(): Failed opening required '../../../../typo3conf/ext/gallery2/mod1/gallery2/embed.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /aahekpmg/www.aah.at/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 127
Obviously i set the wrong path to the G2 folder, but I don´t now how the right path should look like.
Can anyone help me?
Do I have to set any other variables?
best regards konkret
Joined: 2004-02-14
Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 2006-11-01 10:00
Hi konkret
Did you install gallery2 as multisite installation? Then you have to edit (/aahekpmg/www.aah.at/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/) class.tx_gallery2_api.php and set the following three lines as comment:
So "gallery2" is the folder where I stored my gallery2 files.
cu konkret
Joined: 2005-10-20
Posts: 12
Posted: Mon, 2006-11-06 21:09
Has anyone an idea how to synchronize the user systems of Typo3 and Gallery2,
respectively how to implement the Typo3 users sytem in Gallery2 (especially the fe-users).
greets konkret
Joined: 2002-09-02
Posts: 44
Posted: Sat, 2006-11-18 14:17
konkret wrote:
Has anyone an idea how to synchronize the user systems of Typo3 and Gallery2,
respectively how to implement the Typo3 users sytem in Gallery2 (especially the fe-users).
Why not the same way as we do it with the BE users? Prefix fe_ was thought for it.
Joined: 2006-11-19
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2006-11-20 12:39
Hi konkret,
viele Grüße aus dem hohen Norden ;-)
We implemented syncronization of fe_users as follows:
- installed ext sr_feuser_register
This extension has some hooks for different actions (register, delete etc.)
Then we build our own Extension "Gallery Hook" which has functions for the different Actions. These functions simply do the same as the Gallery Extenion does when installed.
For deletion and update we call the appropiate function from embed.php. For example:
great extension! I know typo3 and gallery2 and both are very complex, allthough logical.
We just completed a site using Typo3 and Gallery2 and would like to share our experiences
There is a problem concerning file-uploads in gallery2 via post when using the typo3-extension.
This is due to the fact, that in initGallery() the extension checks whether "ShowItem" or "_Get-Variables" are set. If none is set, which will be true when using the file-upload-form with post, the itemId gets reset. This can be a problem, if you want to allow a user to upload images in a subalbum or allow comments. For us it was okay, to comment out these lines.
If you want to syncronize your fe_users from typo3 with Gallery2, don't use the username when calling the different functions from Gallery2! Gallery2 creates mappings in table ExternalIdMap when using embedded functions in order to map external userids from the cms to internal userids.
When installing the extension a user be_administrator ist created. The typo3-extension passes the username as external key to the createUser function. You can verify this, if you take a look at the mentioned table. Allthough the username can not be changed by fe_users it can by changed in the backend. As a result the mapping gets incorrect. I would advice to use the fe_users uid which won't change when altering the username
Greetings steve
Joined: 2006-11-22
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2006-11-22 01:50
first of all, thank you very much for this solution. I´ve been waiting for that.
i´m not the hero in typo3, so i don´t know if the problem is me
When i want to open the gallery2 in the backend, i get the following error:
Warning: mkdir(/com): Permission denied in /home/borggeis/public_html/cms/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
Warning: mkdir(/com/gallery): No such file or directory in /home/borggeis/public_html/cms/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
Warning: mkdir(/com/gallery/GalleryRemote): No such file or directory in /home/borggeis/public_html/cms/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
Warning: mkdir(/com/gallery/GalleryRemote/resources): No such file or directory in /home/borggeis/public_html/cms/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
Fatal Error: can't create folders: /com/gallery/GalleryRemote/resources
My gallery is installed in the same folder as the typo3 is installed and my g2RelPath is set to gallery2 as the name of the gallery2-folder. Also the typoconf is set to the path as it is suggested in the documentation. $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['gallery2']['g2RelPath'] = 'gallery2';
I made my folders writable. unfortunately without any success. I´m not sure in which folder the new directories should be made.
Joined: 2006-11-19
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2006-11-22 13:14
Hi Marco,
there is a typo in lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php.
The extension tries to create folders within DOCUMENT_ROOT, but the mentioned file uses ['DOCUMUENT_ROOTDOCUMENT_ROOT'].
You have to change it to ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] and folders should be created as planned
Joined: 2006-11-22
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2006-11-23 19:29
it works! thanks a lot
Joined: 2006-12-11
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2006-12-11 16:08
Hi all,
I'm getting this error when hitting the gallery page (front-end): Fatal error: Undefined class name 'galleryembed' in /reallylongurl/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/pi1/class.tx_gallery2_pi1.php on line 278
I don't have the slightest idea what is happening.
And I also had to change the relative path to G2 by hand, I did it in lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php:
[edit]Issue solved, I was just misinterpreting the whole relative path thingy. You should make clear that it's meant to be relative to the typo3 directory.[/edit]
Joined: 2004-02-12
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2006-12-16 22:24
Hi there,
first, here are my system informations:
TYPO3 v4.0.3
Gallery v2.1.1, single site installation
MySQL 4.0.21-Max
PHP v4.3.8
ext: gallery2 v0.0.17
Problem 1:
The extension does not create the announced [webroot]/com folder including all subfolders, although all permissions are definitevly given (wwwrun, www, 777). It even doesn't create any subfolders if I create the ./com-folder manually. Is this folder really still needed?
Problem 2:
After instering a new content element in TYPO3 backend the first line in the right window brings the following error message: "Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /var/sites/htdocs/kunde1/html/cms/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php on line 109"
And I can't select any albums, because the corresponding dropdown field is empty.
Problem 3:
In the backend, Gallery (module USER) is shown the way it should be, that is ok so far. But it seems that the frontend output doesn't work at all if it is only configured by the plugin. I haven't tested it with the template/marker/TypoScript-method.
I'm waiting desperately for a properly working gallery2 extension for there are multiple sites waiting to be updated with this function.
Any ideas how to go on?
Thanks for your assistance in advance!
Sincerely, Arthur
Joined: 2006-05-15
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2006-12-21 08:37
I am also having problems with the correct path.
I keep on getting -> Warning: mkdir(/com) [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in... when I click on the gallery icon in the typo3 backend.
My typo3 is installed in public_html/typo3
Gallery is installed in public_html/gallery2
So, what should the path be? gallery2?
I also corrected the mistake in lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php and changed ['DOCUMUENT_ROOTDOCUMENT_ROOT'] to ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] but no success.
Also hardcoding the path on line 77 of file typo3conf/ext/gallery2/mod1/index.php doesn't help.
I know Xmas is coming up, and all of you are probably busy, but if you have time and a solution, please, let me know.
Thanks a lot in advance
Joined: 2004-02-12
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2006-12-22 14:37
Sorry. I give up.
I've spent too much time to mame this ext. working correctly, but our coustomers want to see results. Therefore we implemented another TYPO3 image gallery extemsion without the use of Gallery2.
I'm very sad about having to make this step because I guess Gallery2 to be an excellent online image gallery system and it is my personal favorite as a standalone application. Maybe there will be a 'bug free' version of a TYPO3 extension. I'll be back ...
Happy holidays!
Joined: 2006-05-15
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2007-01-04 04:02
@ artkon:
I am also dissapointed of not being able to get this to work. Could you please tell me the name of the alternate Image Gallery extension as I'm running out of time here too. Still getting the
Warning: mkdir(/com/gallery/GalleryRemote/resources) [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory in /home/master/public_html/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
Fatal Error: can't create folders: /com/gallery/GalleryRemote/resources
Joined: 2004-02-12
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2007-01-05 15:02
@ Pasci:
Sorry for being late with my answer; had to stay at the hospital for a while ...
Unfortunately I cannnot help you on for I removed gallery2 as well as the extension (heartbreaking, eh?). I am no software developer, and because I don't have an idea of how to solve the problems, I have to wait for another solution.
Concerning the warning you get: I had the same problem until I created the directories set the correct writing permissions by hand. But I have to admit that I didn't try to user GalleryRemote. But this all didn't solve my problems in the backend.
I guess you misinterpreted my question: I did not use another extension (as far as I know there IS no other one in the TER), I quit using gallery2
If you have an alternative ext. one day, please let me know!
Good luck!
Joined: 2007-01-08
Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 2007-01-09 15:24
THX a lot for this great Extension ))
I was wondering if anybody knows, whether it works in g2 2.2 rc1 ?
Joined: 2007-01-08
Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 2007-01-09 19:11
update to 2.2 rc1 was simple.
so embedded typo3 using extension 'gallery2' and gallery 2.2rc1 work together
if anybody is interrested:
hava a look at http://www.szene.priel.at
>>> Philipp can you add this to your documentation as known bug?
I remove this three lines and the dummy-file-creation in the next version(0.0.21). Thank you Thomas.
If anyone find more bugs please send me a mail (You find the E-Mail-Address in the extension). I don't have time to look every day in this Forum, sorry.
artkon: an alpha-version is not to use it professional or productive. when you search a bug-free extension please wait on the stable-version or sponsor for a stable version. thanks
*** EDIT: 30.01.07 ***
The setup-configuration "galleryPage" is not more the full page link (ex: index.php?id=26), now you must set only the ID (ex: 26).
If you see in backend the following error, you must set the install-configuration "g2FEedit=0":
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/com) is not within the allowed path(s): (../root Typo3/httpdocs:/tmp) in ../root Typo3/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
artkon: an alpha-version is not to use it professional or productive. when you search a bug-free extension please wait on the stable-version or sponsor for a stable version. thanks
Let's talk about it offtopic! Pls contact me.
CU! Arthur
Joined: 2007-02-10
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2007-02-10 23:34
first off all thanks for this nice plugin, exactly what I've been looking for.
I'm a software engineer and keen on photography, wanna use typo3 and gallery2 for my private homepage.
After installing the latest version of both I maybe found a bug. Installing gallery2 in the same db as typo3 and configure it with a table-prefix to be sure there are no collisions.
While editing the gallery plugin item, I got an error
"Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in ..htdocs/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php on line 122"
looking at the code, an empty $albums array is given to the getSelectForm function. Reason for this problem seems to be that the plugin ignores my table prefix. Query in getAlbumArray is "SELECT a.g_id,i.g_title FROM (g2_AlbumItem...", but my album tables name is jg2_AlbumItem.
Short solution is not using table prefix in except of g2, but maybe someone will fix this in the future.
ciao jan
Joined: 2007-02-23
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2007-02-23 21:13
Ok, dudes...u got a problem?
Somethink like? Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /censored/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php on line xxx
Maybe you´ve installed gallery2 not in same DB as typo3?
ok, maybe you´ve installed gallery2 not DEFAULT?!?!?! have you choosen another table-name-prefixes?!
open that damn file (class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php) and edit the table-settings
Like this: DEFAULT = g2_AlbumItem
class tx_gallery2_albumview {
var $g2table=array( 'album' => 'my-new-tableprefix_AlbumItem',
'childentity' => 'my-new-tableprefix_ChildEntity',
'item' => 'my-new-tableprefix_Item');
and tadaaaaaaaa, everything is working
BTW. sry 4 my worse english (i´m a german man *zur schweiz rüber winkt* ;-) )
Joined: 2007-02-27
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2007-02-27 17:25
First of all, very useful extension!
There seems to be a problem with Gallery 2.2 rc1 - if a default theme is changed, it's properly applied to G2 "Site admin" page(s), but gallery albums (visible to FE users) stick to old theme - the one which has been default when album was created. Album appearance simply can't be changed. Any ideas?
Joined: 2006-08-29
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2007-02-27 22:27
I'm using gallery2-ext. 0.0.21 with gallery2 2.2 rc1 (and at an other site also with 2.1.2), it works without any problems. But if I choose the plugin options recent or random Image/Album, the parameter "count" in typoscript does not work, also setting at the plugin-options for the count of recent/random images to display does not work. I get only one image at the site. I've tried to set the "count" parameter in typoscript, at setup.txt and also at the plugin-options, no success. Only one picture. 0.0.17 works perfect with random/recent display and count-settings at plugin-options.
Has anybody else noticed this issue?
Thanks and regards
Joined: 2005-05-21
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2007-03-08 04:53
I'm having some trouble with the paths (aren't we all)?
I've got gallery installed in the default gallery2/ directory at the root of my site. As such I setup the relative path for the gallery2 extension as "gallery2". I created a page (getting that implode error, but that's a different matter). But the gallery loads just fine through the frontend. In the backend however, the path is all messed up. If I change the gallery2 extension path to "../../../../gallery2", the backend will work, but this breaks the frontend. Which one is the gallery2 extension supposed to be configured for and which one is the bug?
Thanks for any tips!
Joined: 2006-08-29
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2007-03-11 18:41
Solved my problem with random images/albums:
If you want to display the number of images you have set with count at the plugin-page in typo3, you have to edit the "class.tx_gallery2_pi1.php":
$out .= $this->getRandomBlock($conf['view']);
$out .= $this->getRandomAll($conf['view']);
and then insert the missing function "getRandomAll" from ver 0.0.17
function getRandomAll(){
$out = '';
So I got back the number of random images, I've set with "count" in ver 0.0.21, hope this would help somebody.
Joined: 2006-07-29
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-19 04:55
I am using the latest 0.0.21 version on an multi-site installation.
The problem that I having is this. The gallery plugin is located in the url /gallery/ page. the multisite files are located in /gal/ directory.
The relevant entry in localconf.php - $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['extConf']['gallery2'] = 'a:2:{s:9:"g2RelPath";s:3:"gal";s:9:"g2mainMod";s:4:"user";}'.
Now, when a user hits the page http://www.ukrainiantoronto.com/gallery/ , all the gallery info is displayed fine - expect the images.
The images are referenced as "/gallery/gal/main.php?...".
Where and how do I tell that the extension should change from "/gallery/gal/main.php?.." to "/gal/main.php?.."?
Joined: 2005-05-21
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2007-03-31 21:23
For future reference, the solution to my problem (for version 0.0.21) was changing line 206 in lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php
This issue may have been host specific (Dreamhost) because URLs in Typo3's BE were also being generated with cgi-system in the links which were incorrect. That problem was fixed by enabling FastCGI and moving to PHP5.
Now the last outstanding issue is the text in the FE is really small. The BE is flawless right now.
Joined: 2007-04-19
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2007-04-19 14:43
Anyone still experiencing the
Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /var/www/web1/html/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php on line XYZ
error? I think (am pretty sure) that this is caused by the Gallery2 database tables not being in the same database typo3 is using.
In class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php we find this (in function getAlbumArray):
which refers to the typo3 database. If your gallery2 database uses another database, this query would find nothing.
I updated the function and it works for me:
function getAlbumArray($parentid=0){
$select = 'a.g_id,i.g_title';
$from = '('.$this->g2table['album'].' a INNER JOIN '.$this->g2table['childentity'].' c ON a.g_id=c.g_id) INNER JOIN '.$this->g2table['item'].' i ON c.g_id=i.g_id';
$where = 'c.g_parentid='.$parentid;
$orderBy = 'c.g_id';
//$data = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows($select,$from,$where,$groupBy,$orderBy,$limit,'g_id');
// Modifications START
// Replace parameters with yours
$g2db_link = mysql_connect('DATABASE_HOST', 'DATABASE_USER', 'DATABASE_PASSWORD');
// Replace the parameter with the database name gallery2 is using
$g2db = mysql_select_db('DATABASE', $g2db_link);
$g2_out = mysql_query('SELECT '.$select.' FROM '.$from.' WHERE '.$where.' ORDER BY '.$orderBy, $g2db_link);
$data = array();
while($tempRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($g2_out)) {
$data[$tempRow['g_id']] = $tempRow;
//Modifications END
Replace the mysql_connect parameters to fit yours, same goes with mysql_select_db.
It's just a workaround, I hope future releases of this great extension include an optional database selector.
Btw: Has anyone any clue why the breadcrumb navigation would not work? If I go deeper down into albums and want to go back via the breadcrumb menu it just throws me to the homepage of the site. I'm not sure, but I think it's rather a typo3 issue than one of the extension, as these links work fine when viewing the standalone gallery.
I'm currently trying to integrate G2 into Typo 4.0.
I installed G2 inside Typo3-Root.
Standalone is working fine: http://dpreis.de/gallery2/gallery2/
Integrated into Typo3-BE is also working fine.
But I can't get working the FE-plugin: http://dpreis.de/Test.163.0.html
The normal Page content is displayed, but the gallery is not displayed.
Any help on this topic is appreciated!
I made a quick debug, and found out, that this row (we are in mode 'gallery') is executed but never returns:
file: pi1/class.tx_gallery2_pi1.php
function: gallery
$g2moddata = GalleryEmbed::handleRequest();
Joined: 2007-05-04
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2007-05-04 08:47
I am having difficulties with UTF-8 with the TS in Setup
IE7 is not rendering at all. FF2 and IE6 seems to work fine.
Any ideas how to make gallery2 run within typo3 and render Umlauts correctly?
Joined: 2003-10-20
Posts: 14
Posted: Wed, 2007-05-09 08:25
brennivin, I'm having the same problem... did you solve it?
Joined: 2007-07-08
Posts: 9
Posted: Sun, 2007-07-08 11:54
therapiekind, thank you very much for that code workaround. it worked great for me. however, i am also having the same breadcrumb navigation issue. any ideas since you posted?
i'm also having problems getting my text to format correctly, no matter what i do to my Typo3 template css.
Joined: 2007-07-07
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2007-07-08 12:03
Gallery is a cool tool...
but i need some help for the plugin in typo3. i can see the gallery in the website, but in typo 3 it always write in this:
DBAL fatal error: No handler found in handler_getFromTableList() for: "(g2_AlbumItem a INNER JOIN g2_ChildEntity c ON a.g_id=c.g_id) INNER JOIN g2_Item i ON c.g_id=i.g_id" (SQL engine parse ERROR: No table name found as expected in parseFromTables()!: near "(g2_AlbumItem a INNER JOIN g2_ChildEntity c ON a.g")
I'd changed the path in /gallery2 in the index.php because typo3 didn't find it.
i'm having also problems with the css. where can i change the look?
Thanks for help
Joined: 2007-07-18
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2007-07-18 06:50
i'm using TYPO3 CMS ver. 4.1.1. with gallery2.2 on apache php4 latest plugin version
my problem is that the gallery FE doesn't work at all. all i see is a blank page not even navigation or something alse.
in the BE i can see the gallery structure but no images. also clicking the album links for the first time does nothing and on the second time i get a 404-error: Not Found
The requested URL /t3/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/mod1/v/Cave-Con-1995/ was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
any help is greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance
Joined: 2007-04-19
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2007-08-24 23:10
tofirius wrote:
therapiekind, thank you very much for that code workaround. it worked great for me. however, i am also having the same breadcrumb navigation issue. any ideas since you posted?
i'm also having problems getting my text to format correctly, no matter what i do to my Typo3 template css.
Better late than never.
I kind of fixed the breadrumb navigation by removing part of the generated URL. I'm not sure right now (did this some time ago), but I think I removed the "highlightSomethingBlabla" parameter and after that it worked. Be warned, you will lose a (minor) feature after doing this. Don't ask me where to find the code to make the changes, but it's somewhere in the gallery code, not in your typo3 extension.
I made some changes in the file class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php to get the extension running on my typo3 system:
1. I added a new var to store the name of my database
class tx_gallery2_albumview { var $g2db='gallery2'; // <- added
2. I extended this var to store File enties
var $g2table=array( 'album' => 'g2_AlbumItem',
'childentity' => 'g2_ChildEntity',
'item' => 'g2_Item',
'filesystem' => 'g2_FileSystemEntity' ); // <- added
3. Inside the Function getSelectForm I added an definition for the var $options (I got error messages because of this, maybe I had activated the strict mode on PHP)
function getSelectForm($albums){
$config = $this->PA['fieldConf']['config'];
$sI=0; $options = array(); // <- added
4. The function getAlbumArray I changed the most
function getAlbumArray($parentid=0){
$select = 'a.g_id,i.g_title';
//add Database Definition - start
$from = '('.$this->g2db.'.'.$this->g2table['album'].' AS a INNER JOIN '.$this->g2db.'.'.$this->g2table['childentity'].' AS c ON a.g_id=c.g_id) INNER JOIN '.$this->g2db.'.'.$this->g2table['item'].' AS i ON c.g_id=i.g_id';
//add Database Definition - end
$where = 'c.g_parentid='.$parentid;
$orderBy = 'c.g_id';
if($data) {
foreach($data as $k=>$v) { //no title - start
if ($v['g_title'] == '') {
//define SQL-Query to get an Title from Filesystem Entry to use this as Title
$select2 = 'p.g_pathComponent';
$from2 = $this->g2db.'.'.$this->g2table['filesystem'].' AS p';
$where2 = 'p.g_id='.$v['g_id'];
$orderBy2 = 'p.g_pathComponent';
if ($data2) {
$v['g_title'] = $ata2['']['g_pathComponent'];
//no title - end
The additional Var in Point 1. is needed in Point 4. This was required, because I installed the Gallery in a separate Database
The additional Var in Point 2. is needed also in Point 4. I needed this changed, because inside the Items Table, all Subfolders have no title. I don't know why this happend. The Subfolders were imported from the filesystem with an Gallery-Plugin.
The Definition in Point 3. I made, because I got Error Messages in the Backend of Typo3 (something like 'wrong Parameters').
The Changes in Point 4. I made to get Access to my Gallery DB. I added the Database Name to the Table Definitions.
(The Database User of Typo3 needs Rights on the Gallery Database for this. I did not know, which Rights are really needed, so I selected all exept grant)
I made some comments into my changes, so I hope, it's readable.
It would be nice, if Parameters like the used Database could be added to the Backend Configuration of the Typo3 Extension.
Joined: 2007-10-02
Posts: 9
Posted: Wed, 2007-10-03 09:29
I was reading the ChangeLog for version 0.0.26. And there says * Bugfix: Now the Gallery2-Extension supportes different databases for Gallery2 , I can not see any way to define what DB gallery2 is using.
My exact problem is that when I create a page to show albums am I not able to choose what album I want to show in that particular page. The dropdown box is empty. I am guessing that it is because I can not define what DB gallery2 is using.
Joined: 2004-05-03
Posts: 25
Posted: Wed, 2007-10-17 08:39
After 3-4 Days Googling und Searching und Testing, i must capitulate and ask us because my brain goes standby....
What is?:
Typo3 v. 4.0.4 is installed.
Gallery2 Extension v. 0.0.28 is installed.
My PHP Version: 4.3.10
MySQL Version: 4.1.10a
Gallery2 installed: (Gallery 2.2.3) Gallery-Kern Modul Version: (Gallery 2.2.3)
How do I tell Typo3 what is the gallery2 database?
Joined: 2007-10-16
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2007-10-20 22:45
I'm searching one week to integrate g2 into typo3. Against what the author wrote in the changeLog of gallery2 extension, there is no support for different databases in this extension (see also the post of therapiekind above)!!! Against what the author wrote here in the forum, there is no information in the README.txt about the configuration of the extension. I. e. this information:
*** EDIT: 30.01.07 ***
The setup-configuration "galleryPage" is not more the full page link (ex: index.php?id=26), now you must set only the ID (ex: 26).
I was realy dissapointed about this extension and the documentation. Of all extensions I have installed, it was the hardest work.
If you use different databases for Typo3 and gallery2, I think it's the best way to use the solution which therapiekind described (adapt the class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php). The path in the configuration also didn't work in all cases correct, if you have two databases. In one case, making the path like this "../../../../gallery2" the integration in BE is working - but the page doesn't display.
In the other case, making the path like this "fileadmin/gallery2", the page is working but g2 in backend doesn't work. I choose the second way and administrate my gallery with the normal URL of g2-installation.
Ciao Thomas
Joined: 2007-10-02
Posts: 9
Posted: Sun, 2007-10-21 17:38
Hi Thomas
I got gallery2 to work actualy quite easily.
I instaled it into the root level of the web, it is the same folder as typo3 is installed http://ip address/gallery2. It works in BE and FE. I set "relative Path to G2 from TYPO3-Root" = gallery2 (my gallery folder)and "Parent Module of gallery2" = user.
I can control everything from Typo3 after i have made the user be_user(that was automaticly created in gallery2) a admin, this I had to do through the normal URL og g2.
In gallery2 instalation I made the g2data storage folder under fileadmin/g2data.
Then the problem hit my about the database, my album selection is empty, when I want to chose a album to show on my page I have nothing to chose from. I always have to show the root level of gallery2.
Always trying
Joined: 2004-05-03
Posts: 25
Posted: Wed, 2007-10-24 10:49
in Backend Gallery is Displayed...
In Extension Manager i obtain follow Message:
"Backend module folder "gallery2/" should exist but does not!
It seems like there is a backend module in "mod1/conf.php" which is not configured in ext_emconf.php
What Folder is mean?
In Frontend now when i would display the gallery site seems that PHP no parse the site, it offer me a "index.php" for download , if save this, the page is empty...
When i comment out follow line in class.tx_gallery2_p1.php
$g2moddata = GalleryEmbed::handleRequest();
Page will be displayed in frontend (but not the gallery)
Joined: 2004-05-03
Posts: 25
Posted: Wed, 2007-10-24 13:03
Now when i choose in plugin "Random images from album" in Frontend will be display the titel from the albums, a little step ... hmm...
The implementation of this extension kills my nerves ...
EDIT: Well, i think now my problem is that Gallery can not embed in fronted, but i don't know why, in Backend it works fine ... in Frontend seems that Functons : GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock($params); doesnt't return any thing.
Know anyone in what file i can find this called function? thanks...
Joined: 2007-10-02
Posts: 9
Posted: Wed, 2007-10-24 18:13
Hello elTorito
Have you tried looking at error.log file in logs/httpd folder
I have found that to help my many times in typo3.
Joined: 2004-05-03
Posts: 25
Posted: Thu, 2007-10-25 15:59
brennivin wrote:
I'm currently trying to integrate G2 into Typo 4.0.
I installed G2 inside Typo3-Root.
Standalone is working fine: http://dpreis.de/gallery2/gallery2/
Integrated into Typo3-BE is also working fine.
But I can't get working the FE-plugin: http://dpreis.de/Test.163.0.html
The normal Page content is displayed, but the gallery is not displayed.
Any help on this topic is appreciated!
I made a quick debug, and found out, that this row (we are in mode 'gallery') is executed but never returns:
file: pi1/class.tx_gallery2_pi1.php
function: gallery
$g2moddata = GalleryEmbed::handleRequest();
Maybe i have same Problem,
For Example in File: class.tx_gallery2_p1.php i call Funktion : getRecentAlbumsSelf
In This Function is: $imageBlock = $this->getRandomBlock('randomImage');
$ret[1] is here every time empty ($ret[0] is Object)
so $out here is every time ''
In Function Gallery() i have the Problem at:
$g2moddata = GalleryEmbed::handleRequest();
When this is called, FF offer me a site for download and IE Say Website was not found, when i comment this out , page will be displayed but no output...
In My Apache Error Logs i found nothing related with typo3 , only a non existent image
Perhaps i work with wrong PHP Version? I works with 4.3.10 ...
Slowly i think integrating the gallery will be during to my dead , hehe... strange this extension, any people hasn't problems, and others have weeks trouble
EDIT: in Backend where are listet class names and code warnings, i have follow notice:
Backend module folder "gallery2/" should exist but does not!
It seems like there is a backend module in "mod1/conf.php" which is not configured in ext_emconf.php
But i don't know what this should me say, what gallery folder does not exist?
Posts: 12
I have a problem with the "relative path to G2"? What is meant with this?
I installed G2 in the /gallery2 folder of my server document root.
my whole path to the document root is "/home/aahekpmg/www.aah.at/"
So I think this is called the document-root and I set the path to G2 as "gallery2".
But I always get this error, when I try to open the gallery module in the backend:
Obviously i set the wrong path to the G2 folder, but I don´t now how the right path should look like.
Can anyone help me?
Do I have to set any other variables?
best regards konkret
Posts: 21
Hi konkret
Did you install gallery2 as multisite installation? Then you have to edit (/aahekpmg/www.aah.at/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/) class.tx_gallery2_api.php and set the following three lines as comment:
>>> Philipp can you add this to your documentation as known bug?
Posts: 12
No I have a singel installation, but I tried out your suggestion,
unfortunately without any other result than the same error.
Maybe I mist to set a special variable or Typoscript constant in the template?
I don't know.
Posts: 12
I got it work with this changes in "typo3conf/ext/gallery2/mod1/index.php":
I changed line 77 form
So "gallery2" is the folder where I stored my gallery2 files.
cu konkret
Posts: 12
Has anyone an idea how to synchronize the user systems of Typo3 and Gallery2,
respectively how to implement the Typo3 users sytem in Gallery2 (especially the fe-users).
greets konkret
Posts: 44
Why not the same way as we do it with the BE users? Prefix fe_ was thought for it.
Posts: 3
Hi konkret,
viele Grüße aus dem hohen Norden ;-)
We implemented syncronization of fe_users as follows:
- installed ext sr_feuser_register
This extension has some hooks for different actions (register, delete etc.)
Then we build our own Extension "Gallery Hook" which has functions for the different Actions. These functions simply do the same as the Gallery Extenion does when installed.
For deletion and update we call the appropiate function from embed.php. For example:
$ret = GalleryEmbed::init();
$ret = GalleryEmbed::updateUser($recordArray['uid'],$user);
Hope this helps
Posts: 3
great extension! I know typo3 and gallery2 and both are very complex, allthough logical.
We just completed a site using Typo3 and Gallery2 and would like to share our experiences
There is a problem concerning file-uploads in gallery2 via post when using the typo3-extension.
This is due to the fact, that in initGallery() the extension checks whether "ShowItem" or "_Get-Variables" are set. If none is set, which will be true when using the file-upload-form with post, the itemId gets reset. This can be a problem, if you want to allow a user to upload images in a subalbum or allow comments. For us it was okay, to comment out these lines.
If you want to syncronize your fe_users from typo3 with Gallery2, don't use the username when calling the different functions from Gallery2! Gallery2 creates mappings in table ExternalIdMap when using embedded functions in order to map external userids from the cms to internal userids.
When installing the extension a user be_administrator ist created. The typo3-extension passes the username as external key to the createUser function. You can verify this, if you take a look at the mentioned table. Allthough the username can not be changed by fe_users it can by changed in the backend. As a result the mapping gets incorrect. I would advice to use the fe_users uid which won't change when altering the username
Greetings steve
Posts: 2
first of all, thank you very much for this solution. I´ve been waiting for that.
i´m not the hero in typo3, so i don´t know if the problem is me
When i want to open the gallery2 in the backend, i get the following error:
Warning: mkdir(/com): Permission denied in /home/borggeis/public_html/cms/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
Warning: mkdir(/com/gallery): No such file or directory in /home/borggeis/public_html/cms/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
Warning: mkdir(/com/gallery/GalleryRemote): No such file or directory in /home/borggeis/public_html/cms/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
Warning: mkdir(/com/gallery/GalleryRemote/resources): No such file or directory in /home/borggeis/public_html/cms/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
Fatal Error: can't create folders: /com/gallery/GalleryRemote/resources
My gallery is installed in the same folder as the typo3 is installed and my g2RelPath is set to gallery2 as the name of the gallery2-folder. Also the typoconf is set to the path as it is suggested in the documentation.
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['gallery2']['g2RelPath'] = 'gallery2';
I made my folders writable. unfortunately without any success. I´m not sure in which folder the new directories should be made.
Posts: 3
Hi Marco,
there is a typo in lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php.
The extension tries to create folders within DOCUMENT_ROOT, but the mentioned file uses ['DOCUMUENT_ROOTDOCUMENT_ROOT'].
You have to change it to ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] and folders should be created as planned
Posts: 2
it works! thanks a lot
Posts: 1
Hi all,
I'm getting this error when hitting the gallery page (front-end):
Fatal error: Undefined class name 'galleryembed' in /reallylongurl/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/pi1/class.tx_gallery2_pi1.php on line 278
I don't have the slightest idea what is happening.
And I also had to change the relative path to G2 by hand, I did it in lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php:
[edit]Issue solved, I was just misinterpreting the whole relative path thingy. You should make clear that it's meant to be relative to the typo3 directory.[/edit]
Posts: 4
Hi there,
first, here are my system informations:
TYPO3 v4.0.3
Gallery v2.1.1, single site installation
MySQL 4.0.21-Max
PHP v4.3.8
ext: gallery2 v0.0.17
plugin.tx_gallery2_pi1 {
view = randomImage
showItem = 0
nocss = 0
galleryPage = index.php?id=7
count = 9
show = none
maxSize = 100
failures = 5
Problem 1:
The extension does not create the announced [webroot]/com folder including all subfolders, although all permissions are definitevly given (wwwrun, www, 777). It even doesn't create any subfolders if I create the ./com-folder manually. Is this folder really still needed?
Problem 2:
After instering a new content element in TYPO3 backend the first line in the right window brings the following error message:
"Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /var/sites/htdocs/kunde1/html/cms/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php on line 109"
And I can't select any albums, because the corresponding dropdown field is empty.
Problem 3:
In the backend, Gallery (module USER) is shown the way it should be, that is ok so far. But it seems that the frontend output doesn't work at all if it is only configured by the plugin. I haven't tested it with the template/marker/TypoScript-method.
I'm waiting desperately for a properly working gallery2 extension for there are multiple sites waiting to be updated with this function.
Any ideas how to go on?
Thanks for your assistance in advance!
Sincerely, Arthur
Posts: 4
I am also having problems with the correct path.
I keep on getting -> Warning: mkdir(/com) [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in... when I click on the gallery icon in the typo3 backend.
My typo3 is installed in public_html/typo3
Gallery is installed in public_html/gallery2
So, what should the path be? gallery2?
I also corrected the mistake in lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php and changed ['DOCUMUENT_ROOTDOCUMENT_ROOT'] to ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] but no success.
Also hardcoding the path on line 77 of file typo3conf/ext/gallery2/mod1/index.php doesn't help.
I know Xmas is coming up, and all of you are probably busy, but if you have time and a solution, please, let me know.
Thanks a lot in advance
Posts: 4
Sorry. I give up.
I've spent too much time to mame this ext. working correctly, but our coustomers want to see results. Therefore we implemented another TYPO3 image gallery extemsion without the use of Gallery2.
I'm very sad about having to make this step because I guess Gallery2 to be an excellent online image gallery system and it is my personal favorite as a standalone application. Maybe there will be a 'bug free' version of a TYPO3 extension. I'll be back ...
Happy holidays!
Posts: 4
@ artkon:
I am also dissapointed of not being able to get this to work. Could you please tell me the name of the alternate Image Gallery extension as I'm running out of time here too. Still getting the
Warning: mkdir(/com/gallery/GalleryRemote/resources) [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory in /home/master/public_html/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
Fatal Error: can't create folders: /com/gallery/GalleryRemote/resources
Posts: 4
@ Pasci:
Sorry for being late with my answer; had to stay at the hospital for a while ...
Unfortunately I cannnot help you on for I removed gallery2 as well as the extension (heartbreaking, eh?). I am no software developer, and because I don't have an idea of how to solve the problems, I have to wait for another solution.
Concerning the warning you get: I had the same problem until I created the directories set the correct writing permissions by hand. But I have to admit that I didn't try to user GalleryRemote. But this all didn't solve my problems in the backend.
I guess you misinterpreted my question: I did not use another extension (as far as I know there IS no other one in the TER), I quit using gallery2
If you have an alternative ext. one day, please let me know!
Good luck!
Posts: 14
THX a lot for this great Extension
I was wondering if anybody knows, whether it works in g2 2.2 rc1 ?
Posts: 14
yessssssss,
update to 2.2 rc1 was simple.
so embedded typo3 using extension 'gallery2' and gallery 2.2rc1 work together
if anybody is interrested:
hava a look at http://www.szene.priel.at
Posts: 8601
if the maintainer of this integration monitors this topic, please pickup this fix:
Posts: 4
Hello everybody
I had no time to work at this extension in the last month. In the next time I will work more at the gallery2-extension.
I remove this three lines and the dummy-file-creation in the next version(0.0.21). Thank you Thomas.
If anyone find more bugs please send me a mail (You find the E-Mail-Address in the extension). I don't have time to look every day in this Forum, sorry.
artkon: an alpha-version is not to use it professional or productive. when you search a bug-free extension please wait on the stable-version or sponsor for a stable version. thanks
Okay, I fix it in next version too. Thank you
*** EDIT: 30.01.07 ***
The setup-configuration "galleryPage" is not more the full page link (ex: index.php?id=26), now you must set only the ID (ex: 26).
If you see in backend the following error, you must set the install-configuration "g2FEedit=0":
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/com) is not within the allowed path(s): (../root Typo3/httpdocs:/tmp) in ../root Typo3/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 104
Greets Philipp
gallery2-extension for TYPO3 (typo3.org)
Direct link to the current version:
Posts: 4
Hi all
a new version (0.0.21) is online.
Donwnload: http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/gallery2/0.0.21/
For infos see documentation and Changelog.
Greets Philipp
gallery2-extension for TYPO3 (typo3.org)
Direct link to the current version:
Posts: 4
Let's talk about it offtopic! Pls contact me.
CU! Arthur
Posts: 1
first off all thanks for this nice plugin, exactly what I've been looking for.
I'm a software engineer and keen on photography, wanna use typo3 and gallery2 for my private homepage.
After installing the latest version of both I maybe found a bug. Installing gallery2 in the same db as typo3 and configure it with a table-prefix to be sure there are no collisions.
While editing the gallery plugin item, I got an error
"Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in ..htdocs/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php on line 122"
looking at the code, an empty $albums array is given to the getSelectForm function. Reason for this problem seems to be that the plugin ignores my table prefix. Query in getAlbumArray is "SELECT a.g_id,i.g_title FROM (g2_AlbumItem...", but my album tables name is jg2_AlbumItem.
Short solution is not using table prefix in except of g2, but maybe someone will fix this in the future.
ciao jan
Posts: 1
Ok, dudes...u got a problem?
Somethink like?
Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /censored/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php on line xxx
Maybe you´ve installed gallery2 not in same DB as typo3?
ok, maybe you´ve installed gallery2 not DEFAULT?!?!?! have you choosen another table-name-prefixes?!
open that damn file (class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php) and edit the table-settings
Like this:
DEFAULT = g2_AlbumItem
class tx_gallery2_albumview {
var $g2table=array( 'album' => 'my-new-tableprefix_AlbumItem',
'childentity' => 'my-new-tableprefix_ChildEntity',
'item' => 'my-new-tableprefix_Item');
and tadaaaaaaaa, everything is working
BTW. sry 4 my worse english (i´m a german man *zur schweiz rüber winkt* ;-) )
Posts: 1
First of all, very useful extension!
There seems to be a problem with Gallery 2.2 rc1 - if a default theme is changed, it's properly applied to G2 "Site admin" page(s), but gallery albums (visible to FE users) stick to old theme - the one which has been default when album was created. Album appearance simply can't be changed. Any ideas?
Posts: 5
I'm using gallery2-ext. 0.0.21 with gallery2 2.2 rc1 (and at an other site also with 2.1.2), it works without any problems. But if I choose the plugin options recent or random Image/Album, the parameter "count" in typoscript does not work, also setting at the plugin-options for the count of recent/random images to display does not work. I get only one image at the site. I've tried to set the "count" parameter in typoscript, at setup.txt and also at the plugin-options, no success. Only one picture. 0.0.17 works perfect with random/recent display and count-settings at plugin-options.
Has anybody else noticed this issue?
Thanks and regards
Posts: 4
I'm having some trouble with the paths (aren't we all)?
I've got gallery installed in the default gallery2/ directory at the root of my site. As such I setup the relative path for the gallery2 extension as "gallery2". I created a page (getting that implode error, but that's a different matter). But the gallery loads just fine through the frontend. In the backend however, the path is all messed up. If I change the gallery2 extension path to "../../../../gallery2", the backend will work, but this breaks the frontend. Which one is the gallery2 extension supposed to be configured for and which one is the bug?
Thanks for any tips!
Posts: 5
Solved my problem with random images/albums:
If you want to display the number of images you have set with count at the plugin-page in typo3, you have to edit the "class.tx_gallery2_pi1.php":
and then insert the missing function "getRandomAll" from ver 0.0.17
So I got back the number of random images, I've set with "count" in ver 0.0.21, hope this would help somebody.
Posts: 2
I am using the latest 0.0.21 version on an multi-site installation.
The problem that I having is this. The gallery plugin is located in the url /gallery/ page. the multisite files are located in /gal/ directory.
The relevant entry in localconf.php - $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['extConf']['gallery2'] = 'a:2:{s:9:"g2RelPath";s:3:"gal";s:9:"g2mainMod";s:4:"user";}'.
Now, when a user hits the page http://www.ukrainiantoronto.com/gallery/ , all the gallery info is displayed fine - expect the images.
The images are referenced as "/gallery/gal/main.php?...".
Where and how do I tell that the extension should change from "/gallery/gal/main.php?.." to "/gal/main.php?.."?
Posts: 4
For future reference, the solution to my problem (for version 0.0.21) was changing line 206 in lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php
This issue may have been host specific (Dreamhost) because URLs in Typo3's BE were also being generated with cgi-system in the links which were incorrect. That problem was fixed by enabling FastCGI and moving to PHP5.
Now the last outstanding issue is the text in the FE is really small. The BE is flawless right now.
Posts: 3
Anyone still experiencing the
error? I think (am pretty sure) that this is caused by the Gallery2 database tables not being in the same database typo3 is using.
In class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php we find this (in function getAlbumArray):
which refers to the typo3 database. If your gallery2 database uses another database, this query would find nothing.
I updated the function and it works for me:
Replace the mysql_connect parameters to fit yours, same goes with mysql_select_db.
It's just a workaround, I hope future releases of this great extension include an optional database selector.
Btw: Has anyone any clue why the breadcrumb navigation would not work? If I go deeper down into albums and want to go back via the breadcrumb menu it just throws me to the homepage of the site. I'm not sure, but I think it's rather a typo3 issue than one of the extension, as these links work fine when viewing the standalone gallery.
Good times.
Posts: 1
I'm currently trying to integrate G2 into Typo 4.0.
I installed G2 inside Typo3-Root.
Standalone is working fine: http://dpreis.de/gallery2/gallery2/
Integrated into Typo3-BE is also working fine.
But I can't get working the FE-plugin: http://dpreis.de/Test.163.0.html
The normal Page content is displayed, but the gallery is not displayed.
Any help on this topic is appreciated!
I made a quick debug, and found out, that this row (we are in mode 'gallery') is executed but never returns:
file: pi1/class.tx_gallery2_pi1.php
function: gallery
$g2moddata = GalleryEmbed::handleRequest();
Posts: 3
I am having difficulties with UTF-8 with the TS in Setup
IE7 is not rendering at all. FF2 and IE6 seems to work fine.
Any ideas how to make gallery2 run within typo3 and render Umlauts correctly?
Posts: 14
brennivin, I'm having the same problem... did you solve it?
Posts: 9
therapiekind, thank you very much for that code workaround. it worked great for me. however, i am also having the same breadcrumb navigation issue. any ideas since you posted?
i'm also having problems getting my text to format correctly, no matter what i do to my Typo3 template css.
Posts: 1
Gallery is a cool tool...
but i need some help for the plugin in typo3. i can see the gallery in the website, but in typo 3 it always write in this:
DBAL fatal error: No handler found in handler_getFromTableList() for: "(g2_AlbumItem a INNER JOIN g2_ChildEntity c ON a.g_id=c.g_id) INNER JOIN g2_Item i ON c.g_id=i.g_id" (SQL engine parse ERROR: No table name found as expected in parseFromTables()!: near "(g2_AlbumItem a INNER JOIN g2_ChildEntity c ON a.g")
I'd changed the path in /gallery2 in the index.php because typo3 didn't find it.
i'm having also problems with the css. where can i change the look?
Thanks for help
Posts: 1
i'm using TYPO3 CMS ver. 4.1.1. with gallery2.2 on apache php4 latest plugin version
my problem is that the gallery FE doesn't work at all. all i see is a blank page not even navigation or something alse.
in the BE i can see the gallery structure but no images. also clicking the album links for the first time does nothing and on the second time i get a 404-error: Not Found
The requested URL /t3/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/mod1/v/Cave-Con-1995/ was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
any help is greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance
Posts: 3
Better late than never.
I kind of fixed the breadrumb navigation by removing part of the generated URL. I'm not sure right now (did this some time ago), but I think I removed the "highlightSomethingBlabla" parameter and after that it worked. Be warned, you will lose a (minor) feature after doing this. Don't ask me where to find the code to make the changes, but it's somewhere in the gallery code, not in your typo3 extension.
[edit]Btw, you can see it working here: http://dieboerse-wtal.de/cms/index.php?id=7&g2_itemId=2971[/edit]
Posts: 1
Hello all,
I made some changes in the file class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php to get the extension running on my typo3 system:
1. I added a new var to store the name of my database
class tx_gallery2_albumview {
var $g2db='gallery2'; // <- added
2. I extended this var to store File enties
var $g2table=array( 'album' => 'g2_AlbumItem',
'childentity' => 'g2_ChildEntity',
'item' => 'g2_Item',
'filesystem' => 'g2_FileSystemEntity' ); // <- added
3. Inside the Function getSelectForm I added an definition for the var $options (I got error messages because of this, maybe I had activated the strict mode on PHP)
function getSelectForm($albums){
$config = $this->PA['fieldConf']['config'];
$options = array(); // <- added
4. The function getAlbumArray I changed the most
function getAlbumArray($parentid=0){
$select = 'a.g_id,i.g_title';
//add Database Definition - start
$from = '('.$this->g2db.'.'.$this->g2table['album'].' AS a INNER JOIN '.$this->g2db.'.'.$this->g2table['childentity'].' AS c ON a.g_id=c.g_id) INNER JOIN '.$this->g2db.'.'.$this->g2table['item'].' AS i ON c.g_id=i.g_id';
//add Database Definition - end
$where = 'c.g_parentid='.$parentid;
$orderBy = 'c.g_id';
$data = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows($select,$from,$where,$groupBy,$orderBy,$limit,'g_id');
$out = array();
if($data) {
foreach($data as $k=>$v) {
//no title - start
if ($v['g_title'] == '') {
//define SQL-Query to get an Title from Filesystem Entry to use this as Title
$select2 = 'p.g_pathComponent';
$from2 = $this->g2db.'.'.$this->g2table['filesystem'].' AS p';
$where2 = 'p.g_id='.$v['g_id'];
$orderBy2 = 'p.g_pathComponent';
$data2 = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows($select2,$from2,$where2,'',$orderBy2,'','g_id');
if ($data2) {
$v['g_title'] = $ata2['']['g_pathComponent'];
//no title - end
The additional Var in Point 1. is needed in Point 4. This was required, because I installed the Gallery in a separate Database
The additional Var in Point 2. is needed also in Point 4. I needed this changed, because inside the Items Table, all Subfolders have no title. I don't know why this happend. The Subfolders were imported from the filesystem with an Gallery-Plugin.
The Definition in Point 3. I made, because I got Error Messages in the Backend of Typo3 (something like 'wrong Parameters').
The Changes in Point 4. I made to get Access to my Gallery DB. I added the Database Name to the Table Definitions.
(The Database User of Typo3 needs Rights on the Gallery Database for this. I did not know, which Rights are really needed, so I selected all exept grant)
I made some comments into my changes, so I hope, it's readable.
It would be nice, if Parameters like the used Database could be added to the Backend Configuration of the Typo3 Extension.
Posts: 9
I was reading the ChangeLog for version 0.0.26. And there says * Bugfix: Now the Gallery2-Extension supportes different databases for Gallery2 , I can not see any way to define what DB gallery2 is using.
My exact problem is that when I create a page to show albums am I not able to choose what album I want to show in that particular page. The dropdown box is empty. I am guessing that it is because I can not define what DB gallery2 is using.
Posts: 25
After 3-4 Days Googling und Searching und Testing, i must capitulate and ask us because my brain goes standby....
What is?:
Typo3 v. 4.0.4 is installed.
Gallery2 Extension v. 0.0.28 is installed.
My PHP Version: 4.3.10
MySQL Version: 4.1.10a
Gallery2 installed: (Gallery 2.2.3) Gallery-Kern Modul Version: (Gallery 2.2.3)
Working Gallery is here: http://www.mb-freunde-nrw.de/gallery2/
In Backend seems Work rightly: [img]http://www.mb-freunde-nrw.de/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=80&g2_serialNumber=1[/img]
My /ext/gallery2/pi/static/setup.txt has:
I Inserted Plugin:
I Did Make Extension Template and where Include static (from extensions) i add the Gallery2 Template.
Testing with this Plugion Options:
I obtain follow result in frontend:
Testing with this other Plugin Options:
i obtain a white site without source code:
In relations with this extension i added follow Code to my root template:
I'm without Ideas now... what can i do ??
Thanks for our help and sorry my bad english
regards elTorito
Posts: 9
How do I tell Typo3 what is the gallery2 database?
Posts: 1
I'm searching one week to integrate g2 into typo3.
Against what the author wrote in the changeLog of gallery2 extension, there is no support for different databases in this extension (see also the post of therapiekind above)!!!
Against what the author wrote here in the forum, there is no information in the README.txt about the configuration of the extension. I. e. this information:
I was realy dissapointed about this extension and the documentation. Of all extensions I have installed, it was the hardest work.
If you use different databases for Typo3 and gallery2, I think it's the best way to use the solution which therapiekind described (adapt the class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php). The path in the configuration also didn't work in all cases correct, if you have two databases. In one case, making the path like this "../../../../gallery2" the integration in BE is working - but the page doesn't display.
In the other case, making the path like this "fileadmin/gallery2", the page is working but g2 in backend doesn't work. I choose the second way and administrate my gallery with the normal URL of g2-installation.
Ciao Thomas
Posts: 9
Hi Thomas
I got gallery2 to work actualy quite easily.
I instaled it into the root level of the web, it is the same folder as typo3 is installed http://ip address/gallery2. It works in BE and FE. I set "relative Path to G2 from TYPO3-Root" = gallery2 (my gallery folder)and "Parent Module of gallery2" = user.
I can control everything from Typo3 after i have made the user be_user(that was automaticly created in gallery2) a admin, this I had to do through the normal URL og g2.
In gallery2 instalation I made the g2data storage folder under fileadmin/g2data.
Then the problem hit my about the database, my album selection is empty, when I want to chose a album to show on my page I have nothing to chose from. I always have to show the root level of gallery2.
Always trying
Posts: 25
in Backend Gallery is Displayed...
In Extension Manager i obtain follow Message:
"Backend module folder "gallery2/" should exist but does not!
It seems like there is a backend module in "mod1/conf.php" which is not configured in ext_emconf.php
What Folder is mean?
In Frontend now when i would display the gallery site seems that PHP no parse the site, it offer me a "index.php" for download , if save this, the page is empty...
When i comment out follow line in class.tx_gallery2_p1.php
$g2moddata = GalleryEmbed::handleRequest();
Page will be displayed in frontend (but not the gallery)
Posts: 25
Now when i choose in plugin "Random images from album" in Frontend will be display the titel from the albums, a little step ... hmm...
The implementation of this extension kills my nerves ...
EDIT: Well, i think now my problem is that Gallery can not embed in fronted, but i don't know why, in Backend it works fine ... in Frontend seems that Functons : GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock($params); doesnt't return any thing.
Know anyone in what file i can find this called function? thanks...
Posts: 9
Hello elTorito
Have you tried looking at error.log file in logs/httpd folder
I have found that to help my many times in typo3.
Posts: 25
Maybe i have same Problem,
For Example in File: class.tx_gallery2_p1.php i call Funktion : getRecentAlbumsSelf
In This Function is: $imageBlock = $this->getRandomBlock('randomImage');
in getRandomBlock is a :
$ret = GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock($params);
if($ret[1]) {
$out = $ret[1];
} else {
$out = '';
$ret[1] is here every time empty ($ret[0] is Object)
so $out here is every time ''
In Function Gallery() i have the Problem at:
$g2moddata = GalleryEmbed::handleRequest();
When this is called, FF offer me a site for download and IE Say Website was not found, when i comment this out , page will be displayed but no output...
In My Apache Error Logs i found nothing related with typo3 , only a non existent image
Perhaps i work with wrong PHP Version? I works with 4.3.10 ...
Slowly i think integrating the gallery will be during to my dead , hehe... strange this extension, any people hasn't problems, and others have weeks trouble
EDIT: in Backend where are listet class names and code warnings, i have follow notice:
Backend module folder "gallery2/" should exist but does not!
It seems like there is a backend module in "mod1/conf.php" which is not configured in ext_emconf.php
But i don't know what this should me say, what gallery folder does not exist?
My Scripts are installed In:
now i try a new gallery and a new extension install ... perhaps i have more luck then ...
If after this not work, i think i wait of stable version ;-)
Posts: 25
Now when i set Debug Mode in Gallery2/config.php
i obtain follow errors:
Perhaps anyone see it anything wrong ...