tt_content.script = CASE
tt_content.script {
key.field = select_key
test.file = fileadmin/ext/emgal.php
If i do this, i have same problems with Gallery Plugin... It seems any Problem with the Code Output?
I Have try delete Headers from the Script , but it doesn't work...
My Problem seems not be related with the Plugin , i think ... hmm...
What can i do so that it works, i only would Visual Output from the gallery in my Typo site .... isn't much what i would ;-)
Joined: 2004-05-03
Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 2007-10-29 15:09
Hi all,
now my Gallery Extension seems run
(After unset divers plugins and configs and setups in typo3)
Now i have follow Problem:
When i set in Plugin to View "Galerry" nothing will be output.
When i set Random Image or Random Album, it will be output one thumbnail only.
What must i do now for adapte the output to my typo3 layout?
hmm. Thanks.
Joined: 2007-10-02
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2007-10-29 22:46
Congratulation, I wish I could have the same experience. Still I cannot choose any album, I have to show them all.
To adapt the layout for gallery2 you have to change the css for you gallery2 or find a theme in the gallery2 system.
Joined: 2004-05-03
Posts: 25
Posted: Tue, 2007-10-30 08:22
styrmirm wrote:
Then the problem hit my about the database, my album selection is empty, when I want to chose a album to show on my page I have nothing to chose from. I always have to show the root level of gallery2.
Always trying
In flexform_ds_pi1.xml is called a function "tx_gallery2_albumview->displayAlbumTree"
In class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php you find this function, perhaps anythins is wrong there. Or you can modify it so it will be display the Album Tree.
I read that is possibily change CSS for embedded Albums, but i doesn't remember where, i think was on the codex.gallery site, now i try to do this, so that have in Standalone one CSS Layout and in mein Typo3 (embeded gallery) would other CSS.
Joined: 2004-05-03
Posts: 25
Posted: Tue, 2007-10-30 08:55
For Change Layout i Do this:
Save File /gallery2/themes/*mytheme*/templates/theme.tpl
under /gallery2/themes/*mytheme*/templates/local/theme.tpl
Then search for : {* Include this theme's style sheet *}
Change this Line:
No to change the layout you go to Site admin > plugins
There you get new themes and install them or you can chose also "get more plugins"
I will look at this file flexform_ds_pi1.xml
Thank you
Joined: 2004-05-03
Posts: 25
Posted: Wed, 2007-10-31 11:08
for adapt css to my embed gallery i do (look above)
Now i have problem with the ColorPack...
I don't find the place where i can put the switch, so i have extra color.css for my embed version.
Joined: 2003-04-18
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2007-11-05 12:20
I'm trying to add a random picture on my page as a left side block
Since i'm quite new to TYPO3 i would like to ask if there is a way to
add random picture by TS to marked subparts like:
In html template file:
<div id="randomimage">RANDOM IMAGE HERE</div>
and in template:
subparts.randomimage =< ??plugin.tx_gallery2_pi1???
Have any one done anything like this?
Joined: 2004-05-03
Posts: 25
Posted: Wed, 2007-11-14 21:19
Here i'am again
Now i have "little" trouble with my gallery an Real URL. Perhaps anyone can give me a tip.
What can i do so this missing part will be completed ?
Thanks for our help.
PS: Well. Now it works... but now problem of uncompleted url is on next page when pic will be displayed in big, i think perhaps is anything with the cache ? hmm.
I have deleted all cache, in typo3conf/ FE Cache and BE Cache, and used the URL Tool (Extension) .
Well Only will work when i call "See page" from BE ... hmm? is so ? hmm...
Joined: 2004-05-03
Posts: 25
Posted: Thu, 2007-11-15 16:07
I solved my last Problem with the extension realurlmanagement
Joined: 2007-11-20
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2007-12-04 13:34
Hallo, this is the first time i write here. I think, after som days use that Gallery2 is the best thing ever. Our scouttropu have used Typo3 for at least 4 years now and we have always strugled with all photos. Gallery2 solves that problem but I can't get i to work in Typo3.
The Gallery works fine when i direct-access it (http://backascout.se/gallery2/main.php)
I am using the extension some time now. Very good work!!!
I just upgraded to the newest version, but now nothing works anymore.
Some Infos:
- My gallery is installed in a folder named "pics"
- My gallery album folder is named "albums"
- Created a softlink named "gallery2" which points to "albums"
In extension setup I configured:
- relative Path to G2 from TYPO3-Root: "pics"
- Parent Module of gallery2 "user"
Can someone please help me? I already tried 1000 possibilities ;-(
Thanks in advance.
Joined: 2007-12-09
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2007-12-09 11:28
Hi, I have just installed your typo3 plugin.
So far, I have to problem I don't know how to fix.
My typo3 is not installed on the root folder of web, and I found a lot of problem it could clause.
The url path of it are wrong, and I have to hack class.tx_gallery2_pi1.php to get what my want.
Gallery2 create relative URL 'mypath/typo3/index.php', but it should use 'index.php' or '/mypath/typo3/index.php'
I make it works by changing 'g2Uri', but I am still have no idea how to FIX the problem.
After I over that problem, I face another problem of "g2_highlightId" parameter.
Gallery2 does redirect, but it redirect to wrong URL.
But the correct one should be '/mypath/typo3/index.php?id=gallery&g2_itemId=27&=33'
Please, please help.
I am looking for any way can make it works, thanks.
Joined: 2007-12-11
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2007-12-11 09:22
Hallo everyone,
I appreciate this extension, because g2 is really a powerful gallery application.
But, I’m really not able to get it running.
G2 is installed on: /var/www/html/gallery2
Typo3 is on: /var/www/html/typo3 /var/www/html/typo3conf
G2 and Typo3 are sharing the same db.
To get the backend working I added the following link in the directory “/var/www/html/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/mod1”:
ls -s ../../../../gallery2 gallery2
But the frontend still doesn’t works, I get a withe page!
I invested to much time on this… know how to get it running.
Best regards
Joined: 2007-12-11
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2007-12-12 13:03
doses someone else is using this extension?
If Yes, how do you get it running?
Joined: 2007-12-11
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Posted: Fri, 2007-12-14 17:43
does this extension is dead?
Joined: 2008-01-11
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2008-01-15 20:26
I tried one week to get this Typo3 extension working. It was not an easy task to do, but finally I succeded (with still having some bugs, but usable). Thanks to my coworker (he forced me to share the results) I will now post them here. Maybe they are of some use to someone. I am using version 0.0.28 of the Extension. There is a new version since 10th january 2008. Maybe this is obsolete already. So first try using the new version 0.0.30.
I started with the following:
In the Extension I configuerd "../gallery" and "user". I chose this path, because my gallery directory and my typo3 directory share the same root directory. If you use the standard of the extension you should install gallery inside your typo3 directory.
BE was working from the beginning, but only the automatically created galleryadmin did not have any rights. I changed this in the G2 manually with the site admin.
In the forum I found a topic that you have to insert the static template from the extension.
You can do that by clicking on templates in the typo backend, selecting your root page and click the link Edit whole template record. Scroll down to the section Inlcude static (from extension). Insert here the gallery2 from the right side.
My first problem after that was the error: Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /xxx/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php on line xxx
when I tried to insert a G2 plugin into the typo3 site.
This error occoured because I installed gallery into a different database. The extension tries to access the gallery tables in the typo3 database. So one solution may be to install gallery in the same database as typo3 or to rewrite the code of the extension when connecting.
I rewrote the code. therapiekind described that in this thread before. I had to made some modifications to the code, because I used other prefixes for G2.
Also it seems that some codeparts of the extension is using g_id column names instead of g2id ... so beware of the prefixes of your G2 installation as well.
Second problem was that there was no tree to select an album from the gallery. I also solved this by renaming some colums of select statements and by uncommenting a line in the source of the extension.
It seamed to me that the developer forgot to uncommend this before uploading to TES. It is in the part where he tries to find out which gallery album is already selected by the plugin. I dont remember any more where it was (and can't find it) but it was somehwere in displayAlbumTree. Maybe this was my own mistake.
After that it worked, but by clicking on a thumbnail the link was wrong and i was redirected to the startpage of my typo3 installation. Somewhere in this forum where posted that I should edit my setup.txt. I prefered to add the settings to my other typoscript template settings.
So I copied the code of the file in my typoscript template and edited the galleryPage Setting to 13 (this is the id of my side where I put in the gallery).
*) If a clickable path is shown in the gallery (Example:
Gallery -> My pics -> Summer 2007) and you click on it, it doesn't work. You will be redirected to the start page. There where some posts before (topic g2_highlighted) but i didn't found anything to solve it.
*) If I add more than one gallery extension on the side (in example to another page) the second plugin wont work correct. It shows anything correct, but if you click the thumbnail it wont show the full size.
Any help on this? Please?
Sorry for my bad english.
Greetings / Grüße aus Wien
Joined: 2008-01-11
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2008-01-15 20:32
Doesn't seems so. There are new versions!
Joined: 2008-01-24
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2008-01-24 18:37
Thx... everything works fine, except fe_editing!
I use the standart single-mode configuration with the actual 0.0.31 release.
With an early version of the extension it was possible to edit the gallery with "registered-rights" after a frontend-login, but that doesn't seem to work now.
Is my extension misconfigurated? Is there any possibility to get the fe_editing to work?!
If I set ['g2FEedit'] = 1 I get an Error in the Backend. Nothing changes in the frontend!
What does "Parent Module of gallery2" stand for? It is set to the standart value "user".
Joined: 2007-10-02
Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 2008-01-25 18:25
Is it now possible with the new verions of the plugin to use different database for gallery2?
Joined: 2008-01-11
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2008-01-28 10:20
@bessel: What backenderror do you get?
@styrmirm: With version 0.0.31 it is still not possible to use another DB. But i explaned in my previos posting (referencing to the posting of therpiekind) how you can acomplish that. Its not very hard to do.
Greetings from Vienna
Joined: 2008-01-24
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2008-01-28 14:34
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF'][$_EXTKEY]['g2FEedit'] = 1; // no more used
> Why is it commented with "// no more used"?
My ERROR in the Backend:
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/xyz/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 103
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory in /home/xyz/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 103
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory in /home/xyz/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 103
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory in /home/xyz/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/lib/class.tx_gallery2_api.php on line 103
Fatal Error: can't create folders: /com/gallery/GalleryRemote/resources
Joined: 2008-01-11
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2008-02-04 01:46
Hmmm ... no clue why this is so. But I have front end editing by my front end users without this setting.
I just managed it over the rights and settings of the gallery2.
Greetings from Vienna
Joined: 2008-01-24
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2008-02-04 15:27
What do you mean with
I just managed it over the rights and settings of the gallery2.
Where do I have to set Userrights for Fe_Users?
The extension created the user be_admin, I gave admin-rights to that user in the Gallery2Backend.
Do I have to create each fe_user manually in the Gallery2Backend?
What "rights of Gallery2" do you mean? Where do I have to set them?
There is no errormessage if I set $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF'][$_EXTKEY]['g2FEedit'] = 0; // no more used
I've no idea what I could do...
Joined: 2008-01-11
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2008-02-07 20:29
Well, I added some functionality to my extension. So fe_users will be automatically created and logged on in gallery2. After that all users are automatically in the user group "registered users" in gallery2. This means you can define rigths and settings in gallery2 for this user group.
So far, with the original extension, even if you create every fe_user manually this doesn't help you, because by initializing the embedded gallery2 the extension does not pass the fe_user to the extension. I had to add this functionality to my gallery2 extension too.
If you are interested in and have a little bit php skills I can share the changes with you (and maybe they are included in the next version of the extension)
Greetings from Vienna.
Joined: 2007-10-02
Posts: 9
Posted: Sat, 2008-03-08 23:12
_ka_ wrote:
Well, I added some functionality to my extension. So fe_users will be automatically created and logged on in gallery2. After that all users are automatically in the user group "registered users" in gallery2. This means you can define rigths and settings in gallery2 for this user group.
So far, with the original extension, even if you create every fe_user manually this doesn't help you, because by initializing the embedded gallery2 the extension does not pass the fe_user to the extension. I had to add this functionality to my gallery2 extension too.
If you are interested in and have a little bit php skills I can share the changes with you (and maybe they are included in the next version of the extension)
Greetings from Vienna.
This is what I am looking for, the best thing for me actualy would be to have users greated in gallery2 without the fe_ in front of the name. I am using the publish_xp extension in gallery2 to import pictures on my site. So hopefully the password is also the same as for the users (actualy it doesn't matter if it is be or fe users).
Greetings from Iceland
Joined: 2005-12-24
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2008-03-24 15:25
Hi Vienna,
I allready got something you describing in your last post. But then a co-admin updated and every modification are gone.
If you are interested in and have a little bit php skills I can share the changes with you (and maybe they are included in the next version of the extension)
So I am interested and would be happy if you would share the changes with me/us. Because I am not sure what I changed it last time.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ www.FSG-Luenen.de - Segelfliegen über Lünen
Joined: 2005-01-09
Posts: 383
Posted: Mon, 2008-05-12 19:44
I am going to try and integrate G2 with Typo3 and I'll be using this extention as a start. So basically I'll be adding the things that haven't been done yet for as far as I can figure out how they should be done if possible at all.
Is there anything in particular I need to look at first? Is there anything I should really know about and is there any feature most people like to see done?
I've done a theme for G2 before also having to rewrite parts of the G2 processing so I have some knowledge (see signature for the theme). I also have a working Drupal+G2 integration which does seem to have most of the things that I would want so I can try and figure out how it was done there...
I made a theme for G2, try it
Joined: 2005-12-24
Posts: 14
Posted: Wed, 2008-05-28 07:09
Hi RwD,
that is nice. The most wanted feature is the user-login include the user-sync. On other nice feature would be to get ablum navigation in the typo3 tree, so you have a closed design. I think that the most wanted feature for the moment ;-)!
I think you know typo3, so I don't have to tell you to look a "sr_feuser_register" there are some hooks provided that would be usefull.
Great luck and a nice time
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ www.KiwInfo.de - Medienserver für Neuseeland - MedienServer for NewZealand [German-Site] www.FSG-Luenen.de - Segelfliegen über Lünen
Joined: 2008-05-29
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 2008-05-29 13:58
Hello Everyone,
at first thanks all of you to post your problem and solutions, sharing your experience here.
thanks to "mimmi2" for your php code modification in class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php, it helps me to correct the error message about "implode():invalid arguments".
But after that I still have several errors.
1. In the Typo3 Extension Manager, there were lines of error messages, "in backend Module should gallery2/ exist, but does not...", then I create a gallery2 directory in Backend Module manual, and this error message is gone. But I still have errors like "No XCLASS inclusion code found in file "class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php"
No XCLASS inclusion code found in file "mod1/index.php"
No XCLASS inclusion code found in file "scripts/tx_gallery2_ajaxsingleview.php"
No XCLASS inclusion code found in file "lib/class.tx_gallery2_ajax.php"
No XCLASS inclusion code found in file "lib/class.tx_gallery2_extembed.php""
and I don't know how to correct the php code in these files.
Could someone here help me?
2. As this Pic shows, I can not choose album.
I have read the discussion before, there were suggession about changing code of displayAlbumTree, but where and how?
I will very appreciate for any helps!
Thanks again in advance.
Joined: 2008-05-29
Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 2008-06-03 09:39
, really can nobody help me??
Joined: 2008-06-04
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2008-06-04 16:58
Having the same problem. The next/prev-texts are to near at each other. I have no idea how to use the gallery2.css template. Anyone an Idea?
Habe auch das ähnliche Problem. Gallery2 arbeitet in Typo3 zumindest zuverlässig. Aber das mit den Templates, das bekomm ich nicht hin. Problem liegt darin, das prev/next Schaltflächen viel zu nah aneinander sind. Hat da irgendwer vllt. ne Idee?
Joined: 2008-05-29
Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 2008-06-10 13:08
Hello everyone,
I only find the way to change the font size, in ..themes/matrix/theme.css
But still have no idea about the other errors.
Any Help will be always appreciated.
Joined: 2007-09-02
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2008-07-02 10:02
when I try to install the extension i get this fail
"No file uploaded! Probably the file was too large for PHPs internal limit for uploadable files."
Joined: 2008-07-21
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2008-07-22 12:13
First of all: Thank you for this great extension!
After I struggled a few days I got this ext. to run (Many thanks also to therapiekind and steve-eastman!) - BE is running (I don't need the admin) and the gallery is displayed in my webpage.
I have the configuration like this:
Therefore I configured the g2RelPath to './../gallery'
BUT is still have a problem with the "BreadCrumb"....
when I want to navigate back the url is set to http://domain/index.php?id=x&g2_itemId=xxx
instead of http://domain/cms/index.php?id=x&g2_itemId=xxx
Does anybody have an idea how to fix this?
Joined: 2008-07-21
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2008-07-22 14:19
@ _ka_
I solved it )
The reason seems to be the fact that the G2 isn't installed in the Typo3 dir... I got it to run with these two modifications:
but the main issue is with the "BreadCrumb" which comes from the G2 - therefore I created a new file (as described in /gallery/modules/core/templates/blocks/BreadCrumb.tpl) and adapted removed the lines with "argx=highlightID=xxxx"
now everything runs fine and I'm happy )
Joined: 2008-09-16
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2008-09-16 23:00
2. As this Pic shows, I can not choose album.
I have read the discussion before, there were suggession about changing code of displayAlbumTree, but where and how?
In my case this was because the g2 database tables have been located in another database - just copy the tables to the existing typo3 database and configure the gallery2 config.php
Joined: 2008-09-20
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2008-09-20 00:41
i installed the extension, but the gallery2-module is empty! i see an blank page. anybody has the same problem?
Joined: 2008-10-30
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2008-10-30 16:26
I succesfully included Gallery2 in my Typo3 page.
But it is not possible to list comments from a photo. Adding new comments is possible.
In Gallery2 I installed the dutch language. But the typo3 page is using the english language.
I am using:
Gallery2 2.3
Typo3 4.2.2
Joined: 2009-01-14
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2009-01-14 09:36
Hello guys, thx for the extension.
i have a problem, all works perfectly except for the top navigator menu of the gallery .
For example to understand while i click on my albums in the navigator menu i have this album_1 > sub_album_1 > sub_sub_album1
and if i want to go back to album_1 and click on it i get for a result Object not found! because the link is incorrect.
for exapmle i went in this link .../index.php?id=13&g2_itemId=47
but actually i want the link ...typo3/index.php?id=13&g2_itemId=47
How i solve this problem? how i can change the path to the links?
thx in advance
Joined: 2010-01-19
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2010-01-19 16:34
I have problems with the installation. We install the actually extention. We upload gallery2 in web root. Now I became the Message
The requested URL /typo3conf/ext/gallery2/mod1/install/ was not found on this server.
The install directory is in /gallery2/install/
What I forgot?
Typo3 4.3.0
Gallery2 2.3.1
Standard Toaster
Joined: 2008-04-27
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2010-02-21 15:57
Solution/Workaround: Using gallery on a subdomain
I use gallery2 in a different subdomain. Unfortunately the pictures are not shown.
The reason for this is the relative Path in the extension configuration (g2RelPath). My Path (g2RelPath) is: "../www/gallery2.xyz.ch"
All the pictures are linked like this: <img src="../www/gallery2.xyz.ch/main.php[...]" (look at the source code of your HTML output)
The browser use then "http://www.xyz.ch/www/gallery2.xyz.ch/main.php[...]" but I want the extension to use "http://gallery.xyz.ch/main.php[...]"
I couldn't find the file where the output for the standard gallery view is generated. In the end I used Apache's rewrite. This is not really nice but it works. ;-)
#21.02.2010, Hannibal
#helping source: http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/sitemanagement/urlrewriting.html
#activate mod_rewrite
RewriteEngine on
#Syntax: RewriteRule URL(which was sent by GET) URL(which is physically on the server) [options]
# ^ = start of url in the current directory (and subdirectories)
# () = first expression (second bracket = second expression)
# .* = everything: in every subfolder, every file (it is between two brackets -> (.*) )
# $ = finish the first definition/string to be matched (always in the end of the first definition)
# $1 = takes the content of the first expression; here from (.*), the second expression (if it exists) would be $2, third=$3
# [] = options
# [redirect=301] = send a 301 message to the browser. The browser normal load the page again with the new URL. The user sees the new URL
#Rule itself
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://gallery.xyz.ch/$1 [R]
Posts: 25
I can't leave it ...
Now i have try standlone EMBED of the Gallery with this Script:
Standalone it works fine....
Then i have try embed this Script in Typo3,
tt_content.script = CASE
tt_content.script {
key.field = select_key
test.file = fileadmin/ext/emgal.php
If i do this, i have same problems with Gallery Plugin... It seems any Problem with the Code Output?
I Have try delete Headers from the Script , but it doesn't work...
My Problem seems not be related with the Plugin , i think ... hmm...
What can i do so that it works, i only would Visual Output from the gallery in my Typo site .... isn't much what i would ;-)
Posts: 25
Hi all,
now my Gallery Extension seems run
(After unset divers plugins and configs and setups in typo3)
Now i have follow Problem:
When i set in Plugin to View "Galerry" nothing will be output.
When i set Random Image or Random Album, it will be output one thumbnail only.
Perhaps now is my configuration wrong?
My /pi/static/setup.exe is follow:
Gallery2 runs under: www.mb-freunde.de/gallery2
Output of "RecentImages":
Output of "Gallery"
Out of RecentsAlbumSelf
hmm. Only one Thumbnail every time, and Output from gallery is empty...
any tipps/tricks?
EDIT: I see now hat g2_itemId= isn't in the link... if i add him in the Radnom
it will be display more...
but other way output from "Gallery" with the g2_itemId is empty:
Posts: 25
my questions will be shorter ;-)
What must i do now for adapte the output to my typo3 layout?
hmm. Thanks.
Posts: 9
Congratulation, I wish I could have the same experience. Still I cannot choose any album, I have to show them all.
To adapt the layout for gallery2 you have to change the css for you gallery2 or find a theme in the gallery2 system.
Posts: 25
In flexform_ds_pi1.xml is called a function "tx_gallery2_albumview->displayAlbumTree"
In class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php you find this function, perhaps anythins is wrong there. Or you can modify it so it will be display the Album Tree.
I read that is possibily change CSS for embedded Albums, but i doesn't remember where, i think was on the codex.gallery site, now i try to do this, so that have in Standalone one CSS Layout and in mein Typo3 (embeded gallery) would other CSS.
Posts: 25
For Change Layout i Do this:
Save File
Then search for : {* Include this theme's style sheet *}
Change this Line:
More: http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery2:Themes:Embedded_Theme_Considerations
Posts: 9
No to change the layout you go to
Site admin > plugins
There you get new themes and install them or you can chose also "get more plugins"
I will look at this file flexform_ds_pi1.xml
Thank you
Posts: 25
for adapt css to my embed gallery i do (look above)
Now i have problem with the ColorPack...
I don't find the place where i can put the switch, so i have extra color.css for my embed version.
Posts: 7
I'm trying to add a random picture on my page as a left side block
Since i'm quite new to TYPO3 i would like to ask if there is a way to
add random picture by TS to marked subparts like:
In html template file:
<div id="randomimage">RANDOM IMAGE HERE</div>
and in template:
subparts.randomimage =< ??plugin.tx_gallery2_pi1???
Have any one done anything like this?
Posts: 25
Here i'am again
Now i have "little" trouble with my gallery an Real URL. Perhaps anyone can give me a tip.
Here is Link to integrated Gallery with real_url Extension,Pictures and Thumbs will displayed. :
But if i click a pic for enlarge it, it appears error: Reason:
Segment "photos-oktober-2007" was not a keyword for a postVarSet as expected!
Well. Link i would klick is follow:
In this Link seems are missing follow string to complete the link:
When i call manually follow link it works:
What can i do so this missing part will be completed ?
Thanks for our help.
PS: Well. Now it works... but now problem of uncompleted url is on next page when pic will be displayed in big, i think perhaps is anything with the cache ? hmm.
I have deleted all cache, in typo3conf/ FE Cache and BE Cache, and used the URL Tool (Extension) .
Well Only will work when i call "See page" from BE ... hmm? is so ? hmm...
Posts: 25
I solved my last Problem with the extension realurlmanagement
Posts: 1
Hallo, this is the first time i write here. I think, after som days use that Gallery2 is the best thing ever. Our scouttropu have used Typo3 for at least 4 years now and we have always strugled with all photos. Gallery2 solves that problem but I can't get i to work in Typo3.
The Gallery works fine when i direct-access it (http://backascout.se/gallery2/main.php)
but not inside typo3
I also gets some errors when I try configurate it in backend
I have installed it according to how i think is right.
I would really want some help solving this, but where should I start looking for solutions?
/ Martin
Posts: 2
I am using the extension some time now. Very good work!!!
I just upgraded to the newest version, but now nothing works anymore.
Some Infos:
- My gallery is installed in a folder named "pics"
- My gallery album folder is named "albums"
- Created a softlink named "gallery2" which points to "albums"
In extension setup I configured:
- relative Path to G2 from TYPO3-Root: "pics"
- Parent Module of gallery2 "user"
Now it looks like that http://www.yetiman.net/Gallery-Pics.14.0.html
Seems that the links are not correctly generated.
Can someone please help me? I already tried 1000 possibilities ;-(
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 1
Hi, I have just installed your typo3 plugin.
So far, I have to problem I don't know how to fix.
My typo3 is not installed on the root folder of web, and I found a lot of problem it could clause.
The url path of it are wrong, and I have to hack class.tx_gallery2_pi1.php to get what my want.
Gallery2 create relative URL 'mypath/typo3/index.php', but it should use 'index.php' or '/mypath/typo3/index.php'
I make it works by changing 'g2Uri', but I am still have no idea how to FIX the problem.
After I over that problem, I face another problem of "g2_highlightId" parameter.
Gallery2 does redirect, but it redirect to wrong URL.
But the correct one should be '/mypath/typo3/index.php?id=gallery&g2_itemId=27&=33'
Please, please help.
I am looking for any way can make it works, thanks.
Posts: 3
Hallo everyone,
I appreciate this extension, because g2 is really a powerful gallery application.
But, I’m really not able to get it running.
G2 is installed on: /var/www/html/gallery2
Typo3 is on: /var/www/html/typo3 /var/www/html/typo3conf
G2 and Typo3 are sharing the same db.
To get the backend working I added the following link in the directory “/var/www/html/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/mod1”:
ls -s ../../../../gallery2 gallery2
But the frontend still doesn’t works, I get a withe page!
I invested to much time on this… know how to get it running.
Best regards
Posts: 3
doses someone else is using this extension?
If Yes, how do you get it running?
Posts: 3
does this extension is dead?
Posts: 7
I tried one week to get this Typo3 extension working. It was not an easy task to do, but finally I succeded (with still having some bugs, but usable). Thanks to my coworker (he forced me to share the results) I will now post them here. Maybe they are of some use to someone. I am using version 0.0.28 of the Extension. There is a new version since 10th january 2008. Maybe this is obsolete already. So first try using the new version 0.0.30.
I started with the following:
In the Extension I configuerd "../gallery" and "user". I chose this path, because my gallery directory and my typo3 directory share the same root directory. If you use the standard of the extension you should install gallery inside your typo3 directory.
BE was working from the beginning, but only the automatically created galleryadmin did not have any rights. I changed this in the G2 manually with the site admin.
In the forum I found a topic that you have to insert the static template from the extension.
You can do that by clicking on templates in the typo backend, selecting your root page and click the link Edit whole template record. Scroll down to the section Inlcude static (from extension). Insert here the gallery2 from the right side.
My first problem after that was the error:
Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /xxx/typo3conf/ext/gallery2/class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php on line xxx
when I tried to insert a G2 plugin into the typo3 site.
This error occoured because I installed gallery into a different database. The extension tries to access the gallery tables in the typo3 database. So one solution may be to install gallery in the same database as typo3 or to rewrite the code of the extension when connecting.
I rewrote the code. therapiekind described that in this thread before. I had to made some modifications to the code, because I used other prefixes for G2.
Also it seems that some codeparts of the extension is using g_id column names instead of g2id ... so beware of the prefixes of your G2 installation as well.
Second problem was that there was no tree to select an album from the gallery. I also solved this by renaming some colums of select statements and by uncommenting a line in the source of the extension.
It seamed to me that the developer forgot to uncommend this before uploading to TES. It is in the part where he tries to find out which gallery album is already selected by the plugin. I dont remember any more where it was (and can't find it) but it was somehwere in displayAlbumTree. Maybe this was my own mistake.
After that it worked, but by clicking on a thumbnail the link was wrong and i was redirected to the startpage of my typo3 installation. Somewhere in this forum where posted that I should edit my setup.txt. I prefered to add the settings to my other typoscript template settings.
So I copied the code of the file in my typoscript template and edited the galleryPage Setting to 13 (this is the id of my side where I put in the gallery).
plugin.tx_gallery2_pi1 {
view = gallery
showItem = 0
galleryPage = 13
count = 3
show = title
maxSize =
fails = 5
dontlink = 0
So far so good.
Now the following problem occours:
*) If a clickable path is shown in the gallery (Example:
Gallery -> My pics -> Summer 2007) and you click on it, it doesn't work. You will be redirected to the start page. There where some posts before (topic g2_highlighted) but i didn't found anything to solve it.
*) If I add more than one gallery extension on the side (in example to another page) the second plugin wont work correct. It shows anything correct, but if you click the thumbnail it wont show the full size.
Any help on this? Please?
Sorry for my bad english.
Greetings / Grüße aus Wien
Posts: 7
Doesn't seems so. There are new versions!
Posts: 3
Thx... everything works fine, except fe_editing!
I use the standart single-mode configuration with the actual 0.0.31 release.
With an early version of the extension it was possible to edit the gallery with "registered-rights" after a frontend-login, but that doesn't seem to work now.
Is my extension misconfigurated? Is there any possibility to get the fe_editing to work?!
If I set ['g2FEedit'] = 1 I get an Error in the Backend. Nothing changes in the frontend!
What does "Parent Module of gallery2" stand for? It is set to the standart value "user".
Posts: 9
Is it now possible with the new verions of the plugin to use different database for gallery2?
Posts: 7
@bessel: What backenderror do you get?
@styrmirm: With version 0.0.31 it is still not possible to use another DB. But i explaned in my previos posting (referencing to the posting of therpiekind) how you can acomplish that. Its not very hard to do.
Greetings from Vienna
Posts: 3
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF'][$_EXTKEY]['g2FEedit'] = 1; // no more used
> Why is it commented with "// no more used"?
My ERROR in the Backend:
Posts: 7
Hmmm ... no clue why this is so. But I have front end editing by my front end users without this setting.
I just managed it over the rights and settings of the gallery2.
Greetings from Vienna
Posts: 3
What do you mean with
Where do I have to set Userrights for Fe_Users?
The extension created the user be_admin, I gave admin-rights to that user in the Gallery2Backend.
Do I have to create each fe_user manually in the Gallery2Backend?
What "rights of Gallery2" do you mean? Where do I have to set them?
There is no errormessage if I set $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF'][$_EXTKEY]['g2FEedit'] = 0; // no more used
I've no idea what I could do...
Posts: 7
Well, I added some functionality to my extension. So fe_users will be automatically created and logged on in gallery2. After that all users are automatically in the user group "registered users" in gallery2. This means you can define rigths and settings in gallery2 for this user group.
So far, with the original extension, even if you create every fe_user manually this doesn't help you, because by initializing the embedded gallery2 the extension does not pass the fe_user to the extension. I had to add this functionality to my gallery2 extension too.
If you are interested in and have a little bit php skills I can share the changes with you (and maybe they are included in the next version of the extension)
Greetings from Vienna.
Posts: 9
This is what I am looking for, the best thing for me actualy would be to have users greated in gallery2 without the fe_ in front of the name. I am using the publish_xp extension in gallery2 to import pictures on my site. So hopefully the password is also the same as for the users (actualy it doesn't matter if it is be or fe users).
Greetings from Iceland
Posts: 14
Hi Vienna,
I allready got something you describing in your last post. But then a co-admin updated and every modification are gone.
So I am interested and would be happy if you would share the changes with me/us. Because I am not sure what I changed it last time.
www.FSG-Luenen.de - Segelfliegen über Lünen
Posts: 383
I am going to try and integrate G2 with Typo3 and I'll be using this extention as a start. So basically I'll be adding the things that haven't been done yet for as far as I can figure out how they should be done if possible at all.
Is there anything in particular I need to look at first? Is there anything I should really know about and is there any feature most people like to see done?
I've done a theme for G2 before also having to rewrite parts of the G2 processing so I have some knowledge (see signature for the theme). I also have a working Drupal+G2 integration which does seem to have most of the things that I would want so I can try and figure out how it was done there...
I made a theme for G2, try it
Posts: 14
Hi RwD,
that is nice. The most wanted feature is the user-login include the user-sync. On other nice feature would be to get ablum navigation in the typo3 tree, so you have a closed design. I think that the most wanted feature for the moment ;-)!
I think you know typo3, so I don't have to tell you to look a "sr_feuser_register" there are some hooks provided that would be usefull.
Great luck and a nice time
www.KiwInfo.de - Medienserver für Neuseeland - MedienServer for NewZealand [German-Site]
www.FSG-Luenen.de - Segelfliegen über Lünen
Posts: 10
Hello Everyone,
at first thanks all of you to post your problem and solutions, sharing your experience here.
thanks to "mimmi2" for your php code modification in class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php, it helps me to correct the error message about "implode():invalid arguments".
But after that I still have several errors.
1. In the Typo3 Extension Manager, there were lines of error messages, "in backend Module should gallery2/ exist, but does not...", then I create a gallery2 directory in Backend Module manual, and this error message is gone. But I still have errors like "No XCLASS inclusion code found in file "class.tx_gallery2_albumview.php"
No XCLASS inclusion code found in file "mod1/index.php"
No XCLASS inclusion code found in file "scripts/tx_gallery2_ajaxsingleview.php"
No XCLASS inclusion code found in file "lib/class.tx_gallery2_ajax.php"
No XCLASS inclusion code found in file "lib/class.tx_gallery2_extembed.php""
and I don't know how to correct the php code in these files.
Could someone here help me?
2. As this Pic shows, I can not choose album.
I have read the discussion before, there were suggession about changing code of displayAlbumTree, but where and how?
3. fonts of the gallery site are very small, is this a bug?
I will very appreciate for any helps!
Thanks again in advance.
Posts: 10
Posts: 1
Having the same problem. The next/prev-texts are to near at each other. I have no idea how to use the gallery2.css template. Anyone an Idea?
Habe auch das ähnliche Problem. Gallery2 arbeitet in Typo3 zumindest zuverlässig. Aber das mit den Templates, das bekomm ich nicht hin. Problem liegt darin, das prev/next Schaltflächen viel zu nah aneinander sind. Hat da irgendwer vllt. ne Idee?
Posts: 10
Hello everyone,
I only find the way to change the font size, in ..themes/matrix/theme.css
But still have no idea about the other errors.
Any Help will be always appreciated.
Posts: 7
when I try to install the extension i get this fail
"No file uploaded! Probably the file was too large for PHPs internal limit for uploadable files."
Posts: 2
First of all: Thank you for this great extension!
After I struggled a few days I got this ext. to run (Many thanks also to therapiekind and steve-eastman!) - BE is running (I don't need the admin) and the gallery is displayed in my webpage.
I have the configuration like this:
Therefore I configured the g2RelPath to './../gallery'
BUT is still have a problem with the "BreadCrumb"....
when I want to navigate back the url is set to
instead of
Does anybody have an idea how to fix this?
Posts: 2
@ _ka_
I solved it
The reason seems to be the fact that the G2 isn't installed in the Typo3 dir... I got it to run with these two modifications:
old: $this->g2RelPath = $rurl.$this->conf['g2RelPath'];
new: $this->g2RelPath = $this->conf['g2RelPath'];
but the main issue is with the "BreadCrumb" which comes from the G2 - therefore I created a new file (as described in /gallery/modules/core/templates/blocks/BreadCrumb.tpl) and adapted removed the lines with "argx=highlightID=xxxx"
now everything runs fine and I'm happy
Posts: 1
In my case this was because the g2 database tables have been located in another database - just copy the tables to the existing typo3 database and configure the gallery2 config.php
Posts: 1
i installed the extension, but the gallery2-module is empty! i see an blank page. anybody has the same problem?
Posts: 1
I succesfully included Gallery2 in my Typo3 page.
But it is not possible to list comments from a photo. Adding new comments is possible.
In Gallery2 I installed the dutch language. But the typo3 page is using the english language.
I am using:
Gallery2 2.3
Typo3 4.2.2
Posts: 2
Hello guys, thx for the extension.
i have a problem, all works perfectly except for the top navigator menu of the gallery .
For example to understand while i click on my albums in the navigator menu i have this album_1 > sub_album_1 > sub_sub_album1
and if i want to go back to album_1 and click on it i get for a result Object not found! because the link is incorrect.
for exapmle i went in this link .../index.php?id=13&g2_itemId=47
but actually i want the link ...typo3/index.php?id=13&g2_itemId=47
How i solve this problem? how i can change the path to the links?
thx in advance
Posts: 1
I have problems with the installation. We install the actually extention. We upload gallery2 in web root. Now I became the Message
The requested URL /typo3conf/ext/gallery2/mod1/install/ was not found on this server.
The install directory is in /gallery2/install/
What I forgot?
Typo3 4.3.0
Gallery2 2.3.1
Posts: 2
Solution/Workaround: Using gallery on a subdomain
I use gallery2 in a different subdomain. Unfortunately the pictures are not shown.
The reason for this is the relative Path in the extension configuration (g2RelPath). My Path (g2RelPath) is: "../www/gallery2.xyz.ch"
All the pictures are linked like this: <img src="../www/gallery2.xyz.ch/main.php[...]" (look at the source code of your HTML output)
The browser use then "http://www.xyz.ch/www/gallery2.xyz.ch/main.php[...]" but I want the extension to use "http://gallery.xyz.ch/main.php[...]"
I couldn't find the file where the output for the standard gallery view is generated. In the end I used Apache's rewrite. This is not really nice but it works. ;-)
I hope this helps someone.