This isn't a specific request for a module, but a question as to why a comment approval / moderation module or hack hasn't appeared on anyones development radar for 4+ years. There's a photo approval module, all kinds of EXIF stuff, but a simple comment moderation script doesn't seem to matter.
I've hit a brick wall designing a site using Gallery 2 and have scoured every corner of the net looking for a simple add-on. All I get is "add it to the request list or the tracker" or endless threads, unanswered, asking for the function. It's all well and good to add your vote to a request out in 4 years ago. Might as well send it into a black hole. So no, I've already voted, and the sourceforge tracker is bloody useless.
So, my question: Does anyone care anymore, or should I scrap my Gallery 2 install I've spent months designing and get a new package for this one function? I can't decipher the API enough to write my own, and the thought of learning the deep internals of a API and object oriented PHP for a function that one experienced developer could probably knock off in an hour seems ludicrous. But this one function, approve comments before posting publicly, is a make or break for me.
What should I do?
Posts: 27300
Where is your request on the vote? I suspect that it not that high in the priority to the users/voters.
As for SourceForge, we find it very useful. If you have a better option then let us know.
I care that is why I volunteer for this project.
Some features take time and we need more developers to work on various projects.
Some features will come sooner than others.
We have offered Summer of Code where developers make $$$. This has been done for the last 2 years and have had some success on some features.
What else can we do?
We have to prioritize the work according to the time We have available and right now there is limited resources.
Find a developer to work this hour or so to developer what you would like.
We have a market place forum and you can read about it:
If you think that this will take a hour or 2 then I will pay the developer at a reasonable rate. Say $75/hour for me and $75 for you.
To Quote the founder:
My challenge to you: find us a developer who is willing to take on this task, and we'll give that developer whatever he or she needs to make it happen.
Posts: 51
All well and good, but if nothing's happened in 4 years of requests what good is the feature request list? I checked out the SVN, nobody's been assigned, no comments, no interest, and this feature request has been left to rot.
But, Gallery is free so I guess you only get what you pay for. If I wanted features that were actually useful to me I guess I should have paid for another package instead of editing out all the upload options, exif options, wizards, new image counts etc that I didn't need.. That's my fault. I assumed, wrongly, that handling unwanted comments was something the Gallery 2 team thought was useful and would have included. I just took it for granted considering this is literally the only online software package allowing comments I've ever seen that allows for no way to control them beyond a simple delete button. That just amazes me.
So here's another question, if I pay for a module can I keep it? I mean, it's mine, I paid for it. And if I paid my money for it I see no reason why I should give it away to the community. I wouldn't give away a copy of Photoshop to the GIMP community because GIMP didn't let me save JPEG's. And if that example seems flippant, it is. Four years for comment approvals? Wow.
Like I said in other posts, I really love Gallery, but this type of thing makes me reconsider that love. ;) We may need counseling to reconcile.
Posts: 32509
take a look at:
comment approval is nowhere near the top of the list of feature requests.
i don't doubt that this feature is important to you.
but there are a lot of other feature requests, a lot, and most are more important for most users that voted.
<sarcasm>that's the right spirit.</sarcasm>
if everybody who's working on or contributing in some way to gallery (documentation, support, translations, research, ...) would think the same way as you do, there would be no gallery.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 27300
You are able to do that if you want and you are able to sell it if you wish. That way you will see how important that feature is. I even offered to help out financially, but you still have not taken that apple.
But as valiant said.... there would be no gallery.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 51
Oh snap!
Posts: 1642
Yet you have no qualms whatsoever about freely using software that has cost people several thousand hours of their time.
Well, they put it up for free and you are just taking advantage but thank God they don't have the same attitude as you have towards letting others have the benefits of their efforts.
As said, you can pay someone for the feature and keep it all to yourself if you want.
Gallery Version: 2.1.2
Gallery Theme: PGTheme 1.1.0 (RC01)
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Posts: 51
I never said I expected the developers to say "oh, forgot about that one, here ya go". I actually wanted to know if anyone else cares about comment moderation. Floridave has let it be know in his comments that the core developers obviously don't see it as a useful feature and laugh off any of us common folk who do.
So I'm left to my own devices. I got my answer.
Posts: 1642
FloridaDave never said that and certainly hasn't laughed you off. The development team reacts to feature requests put in by users and comment pre-approvals has not been highly requested. That is what you have been pointed to.
I am a Gallery User and have one thing in particular I will like to see implemented and it isn't comment pre-approvals. Unfortunately, what Iwill like to see is not high up on the list and if comment pre-approvals goes to #1 tomorrow, it will be as useless to me as the other stuff up there. However, those things seem to be what the majority of users want.
If you have the means to make this issue go away, then do it. If you want to share it afterwards then that will be nice (someone shared the comment module in the first place). if not, then all well and good.
All the best.
Gallery Version: 2.1.2
Gallery Theme: PGTheme 1.1.0 (RC01)
Web Site:
Posts: 3236
You can't take it personally.
First and foremost, the developers of projects like this tend to work on what they *know*, what *interests* them and sometimes what they feel will help the most number of users.
If you want your comment to get more votes, advertise it! Post about it, get people to comment on it and vote for it. Offer a bounty, find a friend IRL who will do it for free. You are probably right, it probably *isn't* really hard to do. But there are literally 100s of requests and even though a lot of them are "easy" it still isn't easy to do lots of easy requests!
As to you paying for it and keeping it for yourself, you are welcome to do so within the confines of the GPL.
If you have it developed and use it only on your site, don't sell it or don't redistribute it you are fine. If you *do* decide to sell it, it will likely also have to be licensed under the GPL which means that anyone who buys it is also required to receive the source code if requested. Which has to be under the GPL, so *they* can turn around and do anything they want with it as long as they follow the GPL. So if you decided to sell it, it could still technically end up back in Gallery. If you keep it for yourself, you are welcome to do that.
As others have already pointed out, this would be not in the best interest of the gallery project itself (many features come from non-core gallery developers), but its an option. Good luck with your feature.
Also, you might consider piggybacking on the photo approval / moderation feature request. It is *much* more popular I would say, and comment moderation seems an even more trivial addition to it.
Support & Documentation || Donate to Gallery || My Website
Posts: 27300
I gave you many options to get this done sooner. You have not done any of them.
As Dayo pointed out ( thanks Dayo ) I did not just laughed you off. I gave you goods on how it can get done.
As fryfrog pointed out; the devs will work on stuff that they can accomplish & like to work on.
If you feel that the devs are not working on things that they should be, then fine one that will.
Personally, I would like to see comment moderation as well and have voted for it. I don't have the skills to develop it so I did my part; voted, offered$$ and contribute what I can to the project to lessen the load on the developers how CAN get this done.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 344
I definitely need this mod for my gallery since it's a community based website. I'd like to offer some $$ to get this going. Anyone else want to chip in? I've wanted this for over 4 years too
Lets get this one started! I'll donate $50 to kick start this project. If anyone else would like to join, anything will help...$5 or whatever. Any competent developer willing to take this on depending on the number of donations?
Posts: 27
I can offer some money also.
Posts: 27
I can donate 25USD
Posts: 24
Figured I would add my $0.02, I have been waiting for this for a while... and seems when ever I turn on comments I get a TON of junk...
Is it possible to donate to a specific project? That is the way to vote
Posts: 27300
Yes :
But as you can see thee is only been one donation as of this date & it is not even for this:
can come through as well.
FYI, the comments module for G2.3 (or the nightly builds) has spam protection. So we are making progress.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 48
When do you expect to have the final version 2.3 out then? Will it be possible to let Akismet look at the existing comments?
Posts: 32509
> When do you expect to have the final version 2.3 out then?
in 1-2 months.
> Will it be possible to let Akismet look at the existing comments?
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 48
Excellent! Then our worries are over
Akismet does a very very good job on my blog anyway, so it should be the same for the Gallery.
Thanks for your efforts!
Posts: 78
If you are still interested in donating to this cause, I'd gladly help you out and do my best to honor your specific feature requests during my implementation.
I'm working on this feature now... I've made some progress already, you can follow along and provide input here:
Posts: 78
This feature is now available in SVN, see the thread in my previous post for more details. Comment moderation will be available in the Gallery 2.3 release.
Posts: 27300
Thanks for the contribution!
I hope that dopesauce and others feel better now. Even though they wanted to:
johndbritton, your contribution will make even more people happy than just the few. Too bad that nobody actually stepped up to the plate and made a donation,

but I bet you feel good now even without the cash.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 48
floridave, people have a tendency to pay when they see the results and most people don't use the svn builds
I will contribute - again - when the 2.3. release is out.
Keep up the good work!
Posts: 1
I agree with jhave, people pay only when results are seen.
Posts: 3
Hi all,
I think, there's a small bug and/or something missing!!
I use the latest release of Gallery, the 2.3
If I set "Comment moderation" so that a comment appears only after the admin gives the green light, then the admin should receive automatically (like by a new user registration) an email, to now that soemthing is in his "queue".
And if I set addionnaly the "new comment" notification (for the admin or a normal user), then the user receives the notification before the new comment has been validated by the admin!!
By the way, Gallery2 is great! I use it since a couple of days, and it's wonderfull!!