Please write all your feedback about your Gallery 1.6 experience here.
Doesnt matter if its a bug, or a bad behaviour, or just your opinion.
Don't forget to tell the exact version you tested.
Changes / fixes so far:
- Lots of typos. Also some smaller layout nicifies.
2007-06-20 Jens Tkotz <> 1.6-RC1-svn-b75
- Dont show icons below thumbs for ecards etc.
Note: Code is still there, just needs to be uncomment.
- Even if returnTo link is off, there should be a link back up to the album.
- Make Popups from photoview a little bigger.
- More text changes in setup.
- deactivate next/prev button when last/first tab is reached.
- rearrange works now with empty subalbums.
Puuh, lots of work. But thanks to Andy, sorry no YUI.
- "show" a photo is now called "unhide".
- Use of Peters nice icon
- In manage user a nice tooltip with helpful information appears when you hover a username from the list.
- login is now a real page. No popup.
- Use % width for thumbcells in album view.
- gdAvailable() didnt work with no gd. /%$&%
- GR fixed.
Thanks to Brian Egge.
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Posts: 7994
Wow, it looks really different. I like it.
* Most of the issues here are legacy because I wrote a crappy installer to begin with. But I was hoping you would have fixed some of them
Welcome page:
* "mainfolder" -> "main folder".
* "hosters" -> "hosts"
* "We recommend not to put it in your Gallery folder. But thats up to you." --> "We recommend that you don't put it in your Gallery folder, but that's up to you"
* I like the summary of each step.
* I tried hitting "N" which the tooltip for the "Next Step >>" link says is the access key, but it did not take me to the next page. Nothing happens when I hit "N" or "n".
Installation Check page:
* This is a very pretty page!
* This page loads very slowly.
* I have 8 files newer than expected (I got the code from SVN). I go to the Check Versions page and see the files, but when I hit the back key it tells me that I'm going to re-post form data. Doesn't cause a problem, but I don't like that popup.
* I really like the [*][ ][ ] lights.
Settings page:
* This page looks very cluttered
* The "Language and locales" tab shows up inder the "General settings" tab and looks a little tight.
* The two password form fields touch each other causing a double-thick separator. Looks a little weird.
* "Here you can get a more Gallery Skins by Drazan" is awkward. Do those skins even work with 1.6? Doubtful.
* "wether" -> "whether"
* "onMouseoverText" => "tooltip" or something more user friendly
* On the [Main Gallery page] tab change "G2" to "Gallery 2". G2 is an informal name that we never use in the product itself. Change it to "... inspired by the Gallery 2 Matrix theme"
* The text boxes should have a bigger left margin. Right now the text starts 1 pixel from the edge of the box, but the top and bottom have 3? pixels of margin.
* On the [Languages and locales] tab, the available languages box loks funny. 40% of the box is reserved for the 2 words ("Available languages"). The rest of the data is jammed in on the right hand side.
Confirm page:
* I got this far with some missing values. In the missing admin password error, I see lots of vertical padding between the grey outer box and the pink inner box.. possibly because it's in a <pre> element? Dunno.. but it looks funny.
* I have errors, now I want to go back to the Settings page to fix them, but I can't click on the Settings link in the vertical navigator in the top left corner. It would be nice to go right back to step 2.
* Fixed all my errors and continued on to using the gallery.
Random Notes:
* I had to reset my admin password almost immediately (long story) and that seemed to work fine.
* When I ran through the config wizard the 2nd time around, it didn't give me the option to do an "easy" vs. "advanced" install.
* Having to use a popup to log in makes me sad. Not your fault though.
* On the main page, "administer frontpage" is awkward .. frontpage isn't a word.
* Unclear about the difference between "administer frontpage" and "admin page"
* Clicking "Administer frontpage" takes me to a dialog entitled "Administer Startpage". Frontpage != Startpage and neither of them are words.
* On admin-page.php:
** "consums" => "consumes"
** "Configuration wizard" ... "config wizard". Pick one.
** "comments that contains spam" is inconsistent. => "comments that contain spam"
** usergroups => user groups
** the dotted line below "Logged in as: Administrator" goes right through the language selector dropdown (this seems to happen on many pages)
Adding photos:
* When I upload an image via the [Form] tab, the confirmation page it takes me to says "Fetching Urls..." at the top of the page.
* On the [Form] tab at the default size, the first three sentences wrap in a weird way causing a lot of white space on the right.
* From local Server => From Local Server
* When uploading via the small applet, the status bar says "Uploading image n of m" and "Uploading img.gif" at first, then I get this JS error: "JSObject.getWindow() requires mayscript attribute on this Applet". Probably not your fault, but end result is that the upload it didn't work for me.
* Using the big applet, I get a page with a blank albums list box. Dragging and dropping doesn't work. Can't upload this way either.
* On [Other] tab, I see that WinXP is still marked experimental. I think that it's probably not experimental anymore
* Didn't try [URL] or [From Local Server] this time
That's as far as I got in this pass. I'll try to do more tomorrow.
Posts: 88
hi Jens,
I post this here as a continuation of thread, as per your request.
I rechecked regarding our discussions on look&feel, and it actually boils down to the following 2 items:
regarding feature requests: I second all requests from, with the exception of: database integration and multi site.
here some more testing:
more to follow...
-- Peter
Posts: 32509
Test setup:
Apache 2 / Windows XP
PHP 4.4.4, no gettext
Opera 9.2
Welcome page:
- Do we want to link to URLs as redirectors? E.g. the help page "If you experience problems, you can find help on the Gallery Help Page."
System checks page:
- "I've found part of ImageMagick , but some components are missing (see below)."
Typo: remove space before comma
- inconsistent use of exclamation mark.
E.g. "I can't find jpegtran!" vs "I can't find jhead"
General settings:
- "" is listed, but doesn't have any 1.6 compatible skins
Navigation in the installer:
- the "next tab" is still shown / active even when i'm in the last tab. Slightly confusing.
Suggestion: deactivate the tab (attr disabled="DISABLED")
- the menu on the left side isn't clickable. In g2's installer, you can click on the installer steps to get back to it.
- watermarking: typo: wether -> whether
(please grep "wether" in the whole codebase)
Defaults : data displayed:
- typo in "Display clickable image dimensions beneath the thumbnails. Will show dimensions for resized images (if any) first, then for the full image, depending on album settings user permissions. You may click on these instead of the thumbnail to either image."
Specifically "depending on album settings user permissions"
- typo: "If you show the dimensions-links, you can choose wether you just want the images shown in a popup, or open the complete photoview."
Specifically "wether"
- coming from g2, i find it confusing that "rename foldername" is a separate album option. The rest is modified in "properties". I'd probably merge the two and drop the "rename foldername" as a separate option.
- no auto-highlight?
1. create first top level album "firstalbum"
2. add a nested album in "firstalbum"
3. adding some photos via "from local server" to "firstalbum"
4. browsing to (top level)
5. "firstalbum" doesn't have a highlight.
I'd expect that it's using the first photo added to firstalbum as highlight.
I guess it wants to use the highlight of the nested album as highlight because that's the first child. But the nested album doesn't have any photos yet.
- i don't know what the "feature photo" photo option does (found in the drop down menu).
- "show" as the opposite of "hide" isn't 100% obvious. I'd rename it to "unhide" instead of "show"
- bug: rearrgange: can't select an album without highlight in the rearrange popup (Opera 9.2)
- slideshow: there should be more spacing around the slideshow options. "play" "reverse direction" ... Are too close together. (using icons + text)
- feature suggestion: what about slideshow transitions for all browsers? (JS based). You could use YUI! Or other JS libs that include a reach set of animations.
(yes, i'd like to use that for G2 as well
- bug(?): applet based fullscreen slideshow: the applet isn't displayed in Opera. It loads, but the rectangle is just grey, no controls shown / no applet shown.
In firefox, the applet loads, but the start button remains greyed out / inactive. I can't start the slideshow.
+ resizing all items is neat. Good warning for warning for resizing the fullsize images!
What does happen if there's an error during the batch operation?
- edit thumbnail: i think a better default would be to have the area span the complete image, not just a tiny square.
- rotate photo: i had to hard-refresh the browser window to see the right image. Without, it would show the cached image with the new dimensions (distorted, not rotated)
- edit test: the popup is too small by default. It has scroll bars and the horizontal scroll bar is on the right, by default.
(note: i've configured windows to show large fonts, something that a lot of notebook / hires display owners do)
- watermarks: is there a way to watermark an image _after_ it has been added? What about all images of an album?
+ good that it's password protected now!
- would be nice if one could jump to an area (settings / defaults) without clicking next, next..
- would be nice if one could save at any point without clicking next, next. But one gets used to it quickly.
in general, the access keys don't seem to work for me at all.
Posts: 6818
already fixing things ... but first something about the lovely access keys.
The access keys are the not meant be typing a char on your keyboard. (That "only" works with arrow keys in the navigation *g*)
They are the accesskey combination of your browser.
in Firefox its: Shift+Alt+<accesskey>
in Opera: Shift+Esc, then <accesskey>
in IE: Alt+<accesskey>, then Enter
and about the Applet:
I also see it does not work...
But i have no idea about it
java 'n' stuff
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 88
some further observations for G1.6 (all b73):
more to follow...
-- Peter
Posts: 27300
--When upgrading the popup upgrade window finished upgrading the albums. Once finished I closed popup window. The main page did not refresh to eliminate:
There was no highlight images until manual refrsh of page.
----Suggestion: refresh page when closing the upgrade popup window.
--Rerunning the configuration wizard requires a scrolling to get the "next step" at the bottom of the page.
----Suggestion: if accessing the configuration wizard from the main page it would be nice have a button at the top of the 'Mandatory checks' page or go to the tabbed page to change settings.
--main page with the 'No Skin' skin. Albums without sub-albums have a different background color. See attached image.
----Suggestion: add a empty cell (td .g-subalbumTree-box) if there is no sub-albums.
--Viewalbum page: "... show full description" link does not align center like all other items on the page.
----Suggestion: center text like all other items.
--Photo action -> imagemap. The popup window is not large enough.
---- Suggestion: should be at least a bit bigger than the size of the photo mapping. perhaps the code should detect the size of the image it is mapping and add some more width.
--Photo action -> imagemap. There is navigation to other locations that I believe are not required.
----Suggestion: remove navigation (breadcrumb) and admin links (logout) from this popup.
--Photo action -> Edit Thumbnail. Unable to view full sized image to crop properly.
----Suggestion: sue the same similar interface as imagemap (resized image)
--File system usage. Thanks for this. A much better implementation than mine.
The table with headings: "Album User Disk usage main album Subalbums" Should have more spacing. Seems a bit crowded to me.
----Suggestion: add some cell padding/spacing. Add some slight difference in background color to the columns.
--Statistics. Deleting comments from the stats.php page there is a popup saying: 'the page you are trying to view contains POSTDATA........To resend the data, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel.'
I don't recall if this it the same behavior as before or not.
----This popup is not required is it? Deleting comments from the photo page does not require the extra step.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 6818
I fixed a lot things you mentioned. do a svn up.
1.) Accesskeys: See my first anser posting
2.) Install check page slow: Thats because i open every file from the manifest and compare the svn rev number.
3.) "repost popup": How did you manage to get this. I was not able to reproduce.
4.) "tight tabs": Hmm, not sure what the problem is, or how to fix.
5.) easy vs. advanced: That is on purpose. I thougt once you have your Gallery installed you only need the advanced view.
6.) Can you tell me a word for "frontpage" / "startpage" ?
7.) The admin page is for generell administrative things. The other page is only for the "frontpage". What do you suggest?
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 88
some more observations, again with b73, skin 'none':
more to follow...
-- Peter
Posts: 5
I just installed 1.6-b77 over my existing 1.5.5 installation - when I try to reconfigure my gallery it complaints about missing file block-feature-item.php - is it something that is missing from the achieve?
Posts: 27300
Not missing from build 73. Try attached.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 6818
@Peter 1. Posting
Everything done, except the non-JS album tree. This is some more work. It will but it on my todo-list.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 6818
Done some of your things, will do more.
1.) Link to Urls:
Whats question? I dont get it.
2.) clickable sidebar:
I dont know how to do this. I will poke around.
3.) Autohighlight:
I think its a philosophical question. Some would expect Gallery to behave like you, some not.
_I_ have no opinion at all. Changing it would make me work. So i think i will leave it like it is for now.
But you can always try to convince me.
4.) feature a photo:
There is a block called "featured photo". When featuring a photo, this is used for the block.
What do you suggest i should do?
5.) bug rearrange:
Its indeed a bug, as you can only move images. The "no highlight" is a text.
I've seen nice sortable lists with YUI...
Going to change it.
P.S.: rearrange code is from mindless. -> blamray ziiiiip
6.) slideshow:
Found a YUI slideshow ;-)
Going to change it.
7.) resiszing all on errors:
If the batch fails, it fails. (Like every other thing in G1)
8.) edit thumbnail:
I thougt people may not see that the complete image is selected, so i choosed a little square.
9.) rotate:
What can i do to not show the cached photo?
Currently i do:
10.) edit test:
What is an "edit test" ?
11.) watermarks:
Yes, its called "watermark" in the dropdown/menu.
Thats called "watermark album" in the dropdown for albums.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 11
why the theme change? I personally don't find the default theme very appealing. The purple and white background doesn't do it for me. Is there anyways 1.6 could come out looking like the default theme for 1.5, or at least have it as an option?
Also I agree with Peters quotes above:
Uniform width would look MUCH nicer, if someone has a long description of a picture then the column widths get all wacky depending on how long it is. The pictures should line up straight across and up and down no matter what the text is.
Posts: 6818
@Peter: 2nd Post
1.) column width
I made you an admin account in my 1.6 Gallery. (sent infos via PM). Can you make an album that reflects what you mean?
So i can see it an work directly on that example.
2.) costum color, fonts etc.
Hmm, i am thinking about droping this optiond totally and instead implement skin per album.
3.) spacing, alignment in photo view.
Are they really so tight? I looked again at it and just the commentbox was too tight. fixed that.
In my opinion the caption and description belongs straight to the picture, while comments were made from visitor. Too me it looked nice to have them left aligned. Would you also center them?
4.) larger border.
I'll try to fix that.
5.) imagemap
My problem is, that i was not able get imagemaps proper working with images larger then the screen. My thougt was that people try to have the resized version to be shown fully. That way imagemaps works.
Currently i have no plans to fix this - indeed odd - behaviour.
But if someone want to help me out ... ;-)
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 88
to 1). check your Gallery, I added an album with two pages: on each page one column is larger than the others
to 2). I'm using background color and also bitmap url for some of my albums in 1.5.x, it's quick & easy. skinable albums would be nice but adds complexity.
to 3). this is certainly a matter of personal taste, I'd prefer larger spacings. I assume I can adjust all of that in the css, correct?
regarding formating comments: my post wasn't really clear on that: my main concern was that the comments are flushed to the left window side (left justified is ok), which is - again - a matter of personal taste. if the left offset and block size is configurable for comments via css then I'm happy with it.
to 5): I will think about some code to fix this, but I'm not sure it will make 1.6 release. I would choose the following procedure: define the map for sized versions. upon completion, map is upscaled to full size version and also stored in photo.dat. whenever the size of the sized version is changed, also the imagemap coords are transformed/scaled. since there is now also full size resizing, same here. full & sized pics with display of imagemap.
again Jens, your tremendous efforts for the G1 'Phoenix' are really appreciated. thank you!
-- Peter
Posts: 27300
I guess now we have a codename for G1.6.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 32509
using or links instead. never mind, links make sense there.
i see. i guess if one knows g1 a bit better this is obvious.
this should be part of the g1 docs...
thanks for fixing this.
what have i done?
looking forward to it.
g2 avoids this by changing the image-URL on any change (e.g. when rotating). the image-URL has the serialNumber in it which changes on each change.
for g1, this is probably not applicable. although, you could have a serialNumber too and add ?1, ?2, ... in the image-URLs too.
but maybe there are simpler / better solutions. having ?1 is sure not nice in the image URL.
i guess i was referring to "edit" photo / album. doesn't really matter. the point there is that some popups are just too small by default and have ugly scroll-bars, some even have horizontal scroll bars which are very annoying.
Posts: 1
Some time ago since I used gallery 1.
At this point I am trying the beta3 version so some remarks may be 'outdated'...
- Had no problem at all to add my old gallery 1.1 something albums and convert them. Great job!
- RSS does not seem to function correctly ('not a valid RSS') or doesn't show anything... or gives partly XML:
<pubDate>Sun, 24 Jun 2007 04:22:18 +0200</pubDate>
<comments>http://xxxx.xThe XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
The following tags were not closed: rss, channel. Error processing resource 'http://<hiding on purpose>/gallery/rss.php'.
-- Gives error when not logged on. Seems logical but nicer message would be better
-- Would be nice if RSS could show whether there is a new comment and/or picture?
-- Comment dialog does not clear when comment is added. I am not sure what is different, when playing with Gallery yesterday I did not notice this. So maybe local problem?
-- I would prefer that album information (how many etc) is not shown when you are not logged in... also it 'should' only show information on what a user actually can see. I find the number of items (albums+pictures) somewhat confusing.
-- Experienced a total 'freeze' (had to restart Apache) when resizing thumbnails in album. Probably because I also tried to open an other album at the same time. Not been able to reproduce it exactly but experienced this twice now (give it a shake more...)
well.. my 2 cents...
Still a great program! Also like G1 because it is 'lightweight'...
Posts: 88
regarding edit thumbnail / cropping original 'little square':
I too would have preferred a larger starting frame, e.g. the whole frame. edit thumbnail in 1.5.x used a fat cyan colored selection frame around the complete pic that couldn't be missed. why not use color as means of distinction?
one afterthought on this feature: default aspect ratio is none and orientation is portrait. wouldn't it make sense to use aspect ratio and orientation of the actual picture/thumbnail as defaults? or apply the previous selection for aspect ratio & orientation (on a per album basis), certainly helpful if one does a couple of pics in a row.
-- Peter
Posts: 6818
@Rayo: I just used and the result was that the Gallery 1.6 RSS is a valid feed.
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 92
installed 1.6-RC1-svn-b83 over a copy of 1.5.6
few problems when updating te albums, without errors it just stopped.
(random time) 32589pictures 253albums
Gallery doesn't search anymore in description, please leave this possible.
Posts: 6818
This sounds like:
FAQ: Why do I get the error Allowed memory size of Xxx bytes exhausted?
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 92
could be right.
will check it out.
but the search option works.. only no results from the photo description..
Posts: 133
Thanks for keeping G1 going....
Ok first thing when uploading via FTP I noticed that some files are older than exisiting ones...
(Upgrading from 1.6Alpha1 --> gallery-1.6-RC1-svn-b83
The upgrade page gives me a warning about files....
2 files are out of date, corrupted or missing.
16 files are newer then expected.
(Not sure what I should do here?)
This should be fixed before proceeding.
Look at Check Versions for more details.
I've uploaded a few files and went to edit the caption's, bottom of page said...
Warning: strftime() expects parameter 2 to be long, array given in
/gallery16/captionator.php on line 328
Capture Date:
Admin page ---> manage users top of popup says..
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /gallery16/popups/manage_users.php on line 80
I was also having a few alignment problems with microthumb navigation but I'll wait until you reply as to what to do next.
Re-installed a fresh copy 1.6 RC1svnb83 no more warnings about files..
Still get the message when doing a bulk edit of captions.
Warning: strftime() expects parameter 2 to be long, array given in /home/tomcatuk/public_html/gallery16/captionator.php on line 328
Capture Date:
Manage users still gives.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/tomcatuk/public_html/gallery16/popups/manage_users.php on line 80
Album titles
The titles to the albums are not central.
Odd image
Get a strange white line or white box at bottom of page on album pages
The spiral bound boarder seems to be broken...
Test gallery
Regards Steve
Posts: 50
From chronos:
I completely agree with chronos. Why can't 1.6 come looking exactly like 1.5 looks, and if a new design is wanted it can be added as a new theme. This is one of the reasons I never liked G2, I liked the layout and look of G1, but G2 doesn't have a theme that completely emulates G1.
I guess in my opinion, I would like v1.6 to ship so that when I upgrade my 1.5 galleries, it will have the same look and layout and information that the 1.5 gives, so my users will see no difference.
Posts: 4
Hello everybody,
I get the same behaviour (version b83) that tomcat76, it gives me a warning with some files.
I also tried updating from a previous version and I just had to delete the actual config.php. If not I will go perfectly through the configuration wizard but at the end it will say there are problems but nothing worng was marked.
Finally: I have my gallery 1.6 installed on my debian etch under apache1.3. I tried to upload pictures from my Mac OSX using both applets and they never worked, saying they couldn't find gallery. I tried with Safari and Firefox. Using the other upload methods works ok.
I don't know if this is already implemented (I couldn't find it) or I can add it as a feature request. I like to have the files upload somehow organized. I would like to have an option that allows to rename automatically or manually the files names while they are being upload or once they are within the server. It could be great if we could change the name to the capture and time date included in the exif information of the file( I think, not really an expert) or if it doesn't exist to some predefined info like: upload date and time followed by original name or something like that.
I hope I arrived to explained it correctly.
Thanks for your work, gallery is great.
Posts: 2
A few issues:
Issue 1)
Since at least b40 (yeah, I'm a bad person for not reporting this sooner) and continuing through b83, util.php tries to call imagetypes() within gdAvailable(). This causes my php installation to complain when going through the Configuration Wizard:
Call to undefined function imagetypes() in /data/web/htdocs/gallery-1.6-RC1-svn-b83/util.php on line 1742
Forcing the function gdAvailable() to always return false (since I don't have gd installed) makes life better. It's obviously not the right fix, but it's still a problem. I'm not php savvy enough to know how to not fail catastropically if imagetypes() isn't defined, but that seems like the right answer.
Let me know which php info you need to help figure this out further. (I'm using 5.2.3 at the moment, but this happened with 5.2.x so far as I can recall.)
Issue 2)
Sorting within an album doesn't seem to actually sort properly, and I can't see the pattern of what's happening. For example, sorting within causes to sort before when sorting by "Picture Taken Date". But looking at the exif info, DSC02481 has:
Image Created : 2007:06:24 11:00:48
and DSC04718 has:
Image Created : 2007:06:23 14:21:44
Clearly 04718 should have been first!
Issue 3)
When going through the Configuration Wizard, some files in b83 are listed as out of date, newer than expected, or otherwise have issues. See attached "GalleryVersions.jpg" for what I'm seeing. I verified in the b83 archive that indeed they are the same as the installed versions that I'm using.
Issue 4)
There is at least one instance of the word "previous" spelled incorrectly. It can be seen in the Configuration Wizard, but more easily via "grep -r previos *" in the gallery directory.
Posts: 2
Quick update on two of the items:
If I select "Rebuild Capture Dates", then it seems to sort and work as expected. This didn't happen in prior Gallery versions (it would "just work" when I sorted). I'm not sure what to look at here.
This seems to be the same set of files that is being discussed above. For reference, I extracted b83 to it's own directory, and then copied over my .htaccess and config.php from a b40 installation.
Posts: 133
Updated to v1.6 b84 complete uninstall except for the album's, temp config.php .htaccess file.
The text display of the images runs straight down the page for some reason so not sure what's happened there....
Take a look....
Regards Steve
Posts: 6818
b84? yaaaaaawn ;-)
b88 is current.
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 133
Ok updated, and then updated again with all old files removed but still get this message...
10 files are out of date, corrupted or missing.
32 files are newer then expected.
Also with a black theme you don't get to see your logon details black text on a black background?
Regards Steve (b88)
Posts: 6818
dont worry about the version check... its a developer version.
You are right, the black skin is out of date. (Feel free to send me an update
Jens (Not Jen's)
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 133
Regards Steve
Hi Jens, sorry cannot help there, no knowledge in that area.or any other come to that..
Updated to b92 and I still get when accessing "manager users"
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /gallery16/popups/manage_users.php on line 80
Register new account. the close page option does not appear to work in Firefox v2.0.0.5, its ok with IE 7
Regards Steve
Posts: 4
Using gallery-1.6-RC1-svn-b98.tar.gz:
First, thanks for the "captchas". That alone is enough to make upgrade to 1.6. And the 'jenskin' is nice.
But I have issues
1. Really would like a subalbum tree like 1.5...or at least someway to get the javascript tree to initialize expanded.
2. It periodically thinks that some of the albums need upgrading, even though I upgraded all of them on the initial access. Yes, all the db files are writable, and are being updated. Every time.
[Later:] It's a bad idea to test 1.6 on one URL while leaving 1.5 available on another URL, both running against the same album directory. Someone browsing the 1.5 version will cause the .dat files to downgrade, thus causing 1.6 to want to upgrade them again. Doh!
3. Default CSS (e.g. black/css/screen.css.default) is being sent as Type "application/octet-stream" rather than "text/css", which makes firefox (at least) ignore it. (I'm using lighttpd and fastcgi php5.2, and the .css mimetype is set correctly). Copying whatever.css.default to whatever.css makes it work.
4. With template "classic" and skin "black", in the top-level album overview, the pictures in the left column don't line up with the album info. See attached file gallery16.png. When the skin 'jenskin' is used, it's fine. I didn't try others. (Note also yet another request to upgrade the albums.)
5. How do I disable the popup caption? It splats accross the middle of the pictures and is unreadable anyway. (I'm talking about what happens when you hover over a picture in the album thumbnail view.)
6. I'm getting the following errors in my php.log:
[31-Jul-2007 14:06:53] PHP Warning: fopen(/srv/apps/gallery/config.php) [<a href='function.fopen'>function.fopen</a>]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /srv/apps/gallery/platform/fs_unix.php on line 66
Unfortunately, it doesn't say *what* it's trying to open.
7. Gallery is also trying to call "/convert", possibly from GetImVersion(). It should check to see if the imagemagick path is defined before calling it. This may be related to item 2? Imagemagick used to be optional; if it's become required, the setup should specify that.
I'd be happy to try new versions or help debug.
Posts: 88
hi Jens,
this thread seems to have dried up...
I haven't tested anymore myself, I admit. what is the status of your 1.6 dev progress?
is there still a plan to actually release a 1.6 version?
just wondering...
thanks & cheers,
-- Peter
Posts: 6818
yes, 1.6 will definitely released.
The security audit is finished and they discovered a lot bugs which i have to fix.
Then i want at least 5 different skins for G1.
When this is done i will release the first Release Candidate. Hopefully this year.
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 41
I don't know whether its the right place for the post but i have the following comments after installing the 1.6 beta
1. when embedded - the folders/albums are overlapping each other when resizing the windows - as they try to fit in the window.
2. ecards function - even though i did the email test, and the ecards preview work ok, i was not able to send the ecard with an error message to contact the administrator.
3. I dont know whether I am doing something wrong ,but I cant force the gallery to sisplay the Shutterfly/MPush services even though I check them in the wizard
4. I have 6500 photos in my gallery which causes the block-random.php to be overloaded - as it tries to allocated about 40Mb it gets stuck. I its a shame this feature could not be somehow better optimized.
But generally 1.6 is very nice and I am looking for the next steps!
Martin Sviták
id | architecture
Posts: 4
Jens, I just grabbed the latest svn trunk (r17331), and it doesn't seem to want to generate thumbnails or create the intermediate resized pics. I suspect it's related to the renaming of NetPBM->Netpbm in r17326, but rolling back to 17325 didn't help. Oh, and setup wizard in r17331 sets $gallery->app->graphics = "NetPBM"; shouldn't that be "Netpbm"? (But changing it didn't fix the problem.) I'm still getting error messages about trying to call "/convert", which is imagemagick, which I don't have installed.
Later: it looks like somewhere in my experimenting, the thumb *did* get created, but it's not being displayed.
Posts: 6818
Hello vmole,
thanks for reporting this.
Should be fixed in r17335 (b118)
Best greeting,
P.S.: You can expect an RC1 in January 2008
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 4
Yep, that fixes the thumbnail problem.
I just noticed that version I've been running for a while (r17066) isn't cleaning up the captchas it generates (in albums/captcha_tmp). This may have been fixed since then, but I didn't see anything in the svn log that mentioned it.
Steve, Looking forward to RC1.