Free or paid help setting up gallery


Joined: 2007-06-13
Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 2007-07-29 20:50


I have installed the gallery and have gone through the admin end to make certain settings, but now I am stuck and need some help.

I want it set up for individual albums for artists to showcase their art. I thought I had done it correctly, but my tester user name and password doesn't reflect it.

Please pm your cost and when you are available.

Thank you


Joined: 2007-07-15
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-30 18:46

Good luck finding someone to help - I was unable to find anyone dependable AND economical. However, if you check my posts, you will find some answers that I have posted including some free help from

Also, be sure to to find the extra modules for your version of Gallery and activate User Albums and Registration. Those are essential for outside users to Register and have their own album, private or public or otherwise.


Elizabeth Bozeman

Hosted at GoDaddy:
Apache Version: 1.3.33
PHP 4 Version: 4.3.11
PHP 5 Version: 5.1.4
PHP Save_Mode: Disabled
MySQL Database Versions: 4.0.24 and 5.0
Gallery 2.1.2
ImageMagick Version: 6.0


Joined: 2007-06-13
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-30 19:57

Thank you for your help. I have been through the mill the last month. Webhost deleted my site and gallery by "accident" and had to start all over. If I can't find help here, I will just use another gallery instead.


Joined: 2007-07-15
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-30 20:10

Who's your web host? maybe you should check out the "Certified Web Host" page at and consider a different host? GoDaddy hasn't been entirely helpful but adequate to the task - as long as I don't mind using Gallery version 2.1.2 only.

good luck,

Hosted at GoDaddy:
Apache Version: 1.3.33
PHP 4 Version: 4.3.11
PHP 5 Version: 5.1.4
PHP Save_Mode: Disabled
MySQL Database Versions: 4.0.24 and 5.0
Gallery 2.1.2
ImageMagick Version: 6.0
GD Version: 2.0.28
Safari 2.04; Firefox, Netscape


Joined: 2007-06-13
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-30 20:27

Already have a new one.


Joined: 2007-06-13
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2007-07-31 01:49

This guy destroyed my site more than once. Twice he moved it to a different server without telling me and screwed them up and then the last time he said he lost the database. One of the times I didn't know what had happened, just that the site was gone. I emailed and called for 4 days and no one would respond. Finally I had a friend email pretending she wanted hosting and they answered her within 5 minutes! So he emails back and says why haven't you answered my friend and tell her where her site is and they finally email me to tell me about the bad site move. Oh and then when I switched to new hosting, I did keep their hosting to have just the gallery on there and then the jerk deleted it.


Joined: 2007-06-13
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2007-07-31 11:35

I built new sites and everything is ok except for the gallery's. I was able to get the photos off of an old back up.


Joined: 2007-05-20
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2007-08-01 05:07

I don't know if you have already done this, or if you have left this discussion entirely, but if I were you I would certainly do a review of the hosting agency so that others are informed as to the problems that occurred. I did it on the site itself and then I did it on a review that has no affiliation with current hosts or at least is impartial to the what is said.



Joined: 2007-06-13
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2007-08-01 11:18

I plan on doing just that, however right now my priority is getting the gallery up.