Hi all
The line numbers of the changes below apply to gallery version 1.3.4; although the modifications still work with G1.4, keep in mind to look out for the right context instead of line numbers!
I've added quite a revolutionary printing service feature (in my opinion) which will allow to print to dozends of different services all over the world.
I haven't tested it that much yet, please report bugs/problems/wishes
The link to a picture where you should be able to test it
You should see then the logo of Photocolor Kreuzlingen. But together with a button "change my lab..."
After setting your standard lab it will be stored and in future you will be directed automatically to the shopping basket which you can reach now by hitting the "nächste Seite" ("next page") button. To change the lab later you can always hit "vorherige Seite" which brings you back to the last page in the ordering process, so you would most probably land back again in the settings page. The "zurück zum Album" button is zu get back to the album you came from. Everything quite easy! After defining the pictures you want to order you have to register.
3 easy modifications necessary if you want the same for your gallery:
1st in file: edit_appearence.php; changes are written in red
line 166 should read new after adding "photocolor" to the array:
<td><select name="print_photos"><?php echo selectOptions($gallery->album, "print_photos", array("none", "shutterfly", "shutterfly without donation", "photoaccess", "fotokasten", "photocolor")) ?></select></td>
2nd in file: view_photo.php; changes are written in red
starting with line ~ 415
//Dominik Zumstein added Photocolor Kreuzlingen for Switzerland/Europe (http://www.photocolor.ch)
//ALL Fotowire partners (http://www.fotowire.com/home/html/labs.asp) all over the world
//should be possible to chose from by only modifying the ID
$RF = makeAlbumUrl($gallery->session->albumName);
$printService = $gallery->album->fields["print_photos"];
if (!strncmp($printService, "shutterfly", 10)) {
$adminCommands .= "<a href=# onClick=\"document.sflyc4p.returl.value=document.location; document.sflyc4p.submit();\">[print this photo on Shutterfly]</a>";
$printShutterflyForm = 1;
} else if (!strncmp($printService, "fotokasten", 10)) {
$adminCommands .= popup_link("[Lasse dieses Foto drucken mit Fotokasten]", "'http://1071.partner.fotokasten.de/affiliateapi/standard.php?add=" . $rawImage . '&thumbnail=' . $thumbImage . '&height=' . $imageHeight . '&width=' . $imageWidth . "'", 1);
} else if (!strncmp($printService, 'photoaccess', 11)) {
$adminCommands .= "<a href=# onClick=\"document.photoAccess.returnUrl.value=document.location; document.photoAccess.submit()\">[print this photo on PhotoAccess]</a>";
$printPhotoAccessForm = 1;
} else if (!strncmp($printService, 'photocolor', 10)) {
$adminCommands .= popup_link("[Print this photo on Photocolor Kreuzlingen]", "'http://print.fotowire.com/webprint/v2/start.asp?WID=33640&FN=" . $rawImage . '&TN=' . $thumbImage . '&RF=' . $RF . "'", 1);
written in blue is the very important ID! With exchanging only this numbers you get access to ~100 different labs. (see below) Please note that there shouldn't be any spaces in the string before and after the ID. (unfortunately produced by this forum)
That's it, enjoy!
Posts: 77
You can make the changes even more complete by editing the setup screen showing printing services as well:
in the /setup folder find config_data.inc edit this passage rather at the end of the file as you wish: (The changes in red correspond with above example)
"print_photos" => array(
"prompt" => _("Printing Service"),
"desc" => _("Allow visitors to print photos directly from the album.") .
_("If you choose shutterfly, Gallery will charge an extra 2 cents (US) for every photo printed") .
"<br>(". _("a 4x6 print normally costs 49 cents US") .
"),<br>" . _("and 1.8 cents of that will get donated back to the Gallery project.") .
"<br>" . _("This is one great way for you to help support this free software."),
"value" => "shutterfly",
"choices" => array("none", "shutterfly", "shutterfly without donation", "photoaccess", "fotokasten", "photocolor")
If anyone has any kind of feedback I'd be interested
Posts: 126
I only saw european labs.
Posts: 77
I'm on the way figuring out the different Codes used to specify the different labs. Basically, ALL labs served by fotowire should be accessible. http://www.fotowire.com/home/html/labs.asp There are a located (and/or shipping) all around the globe. It's really amazing how many labs are listed, take a look!
The first 2 codes I found up to now (serving Germany/Switzerland):
*33640 Photocolor Kreuzlingen serving Germany
*365003 Photocolor Kreuzlingen serving Switzerland
*18000 Colormailer International (based in Switzerland)
more information about Colormailer (prices): http://www.colormailer.com/prices.cpl?lng=en&cntry=eu
(served countries)
I hope to be able to provide other codes soon!
Anyway you didn't look quite well:
there are following non-European labs available:
Platinum Imaging
6827 Snider Plaza
Dallas, Texas 75205
Ion Photo & Design
165 West Washington St.
Madison, Georgia 30650
Fahyfoto - U.K. and Northern Ireland
13, High Street
Galway .
and others shipping worldwide, too
We could start collecting codes here; everybody askes his favotrite lab for it and lists it below. What do you think?[/]
Posts: 9
This system looks exactly what I'm looking for, has anyone got the codes for any of the UK labs, otherwise how do I go about getting the codes?
Posts: 77
the idea I had was either asking the labs directly (they must be interested in selling something and obviously know their codes) Maybe you can ask directly at www.fotowire.com (they didn't answer my email one week ago, though) third, maybe best: try their downloadable Software for fotouploads (you can choose the printing service their) and use httptracer as local proxy ([url]www.lazydogutilities.com[/url]). This program logs all traffic you can look for your favorite service and it's ID which is between <ID>...</ID> [somehow logically;-)] Anyway, you might have to try out a bit as it seems not all labs are supporting this feature at the moment. Just try different IDs and replace it in the view-photo.php file. (it's hidden in the ordering string; take care you delete nothing else...)
I just tried out the last thing,
*ID for Bonusprint located in Ireland, shipping worldwide: 26050
hope this helps,
ps I added a little txt file with some logs, it's by far not complete (basically Swiss, bc I have Switzerland in my profile;-), but it's there to give you an idea of how it looks. Hope to find more time to find more IDs soon. It would maybe really be a good idea for everybody to help searching for valid IDs...[/]
Posts: 77
alright, just made some more log files for you, so you don't have to download everything...
Hope something is useful for somebody!
Posts: 77
*ID 18001 is a hit! On the page will show up like 30 american labs to choose from!
Posts: 9
Thanks nick, the UK list looks exactly what I want.
When I've had a chance totry it I'll report back.
Posts: 314
Any Dutch labs in the list?
Posts: 77
there are some
You have to find an appropriate yourself though
Edited: added New Zealand lablist
Posts: 77
Well, some more lists, tell me what else you need.
Try to extract the IDs from the messy txt files as written above and post working IDs here for other users.
If anyone knows how to write a patch file to easy apply the changes he is welcome to pm it to me or invited to write the patch himself;-)
When looking for IDs, consider, that normally, at the beginning of the file are country-based companies, later foreign companies shipping to this country.
Hope to help somebody
Posts: 5
Hello, where can i find the ID for the french part of Switzerland...
You can see my galerys at
http://idealdeal.ch and at
Twice with your script code for photos print labo at fotocolor Kreuzlingen... But i would like put the links to swiss-french labo.
Thank's for your great contribution :lol:
Posts: 5
Sorry, So Sorry!!!! I find the swiss ID's In this Forum...
I'm Blind!
Thank you nick... A suggestion, can you offer the choice for another labos, may be in a roll over menu? I try to do that...
Posts: 77
I was thinking of this, too, but as fotowire features like 100 different labs, it's out of question... But I welcome suggestions about this thing! And I wonder how the official part of gallery developers plans to integrate printing services in G2... Cause it's quite well possible that visitors to your site from different countries would like to use different services....
Posts: 126
Unless I have an option for setting my own prices I don't see any reason to switch from the built in printing services.
I am sure this will be very useful for a wide variety of users however.
One thing you need to remember about the built in services is that they support Gallery in exchange for being featured in the software...
Posts: 5
That's OK, but I don't see how my visitors who come in majority from Switzerland would order images in USA or elsewhere in Europe... I think it's better to offer a choice for each country... May be? or i mistaken...
Posts: 77
@loxly, trax-I:
1-2 cents per image ordered for gallery is a nice thought, I think though (and this is an old discussion in this forum) that for a lot of users, shutterfly & the other services already integrated are too expensive and too slow.
I sent bharat an email a couple of days ago regarding fotowire. Probably he is checking out whether they would offer an affiliate program. Would be great!
In the meantime you can always donate 5$ to gallery you saved by purchasing cheaper prints :wink:
Posts: 5
@trax-l, loxly:,
I can send 10 $ to the development team, but i don't have a credit card. can i have your bank information to send monney. you can give me these informations trough my private e-mail :wink:
Posts: 110
Jezus christ, good working guys. I was looking just for such a feature. Does anyone, also have a list of Indian services?
(I don't know how to scan for these ID's my selfs)
Posts: 77
There is, as far as I saw no lab directly in India, but some shipping to. Find out the prices by downloading the fotowire software.
Hope this helps
Posts: 110
thanks nick77!
Posts: 110
see a new thread I started:
Posts: 77
and a follow-up (with the Gallery Crew) to the fotowire business: (look at the bottom of the page)
Posts: 77
lablist for australia, queensland. Forgot to post it the other day...
Posts: 20
The link in your previous post re "and a follow-up (with the Gallery Crew) to the fotowire business" does not seem to work. Can you post a link that works to that info please.
I had already been speaking to fotowire about other options when I came across your post. I already have a detailed document from them for their 'client protocol' which is an xml definition document to get into the more techy parts of the web print software you have linked to.
My understanding is that now they have merged silverlab and fotowire, they have an option for loxly's issue about setting your own prices.
I am also trying to persuade an offshore lab to set up with fotowire which will allow you to connect to Europe wide delivery to a lab that can sell VAT free (for now, if the order is below the VAT threshold), which should allow for some very competitive pricing.
If you would like the client protocol document, let me know. I do not have permission to post it here, so please ask me offline.
Posts: 1
I am attaching a list with all the Fotowire Labs at this time. Feel free to play with it.
Posts: 974
when you search for labs in your country on their website, the logo for each lab appears to have an id number associated with it, like
I don't have the page open, so I can't give you exact examples.
Posts: 110
nick, how does this script work?
If a user clicks on "order photprint" when viewing the intermediate resolution picture, will this lower resolution photo be used to print, or is the script smart enough to use the full-sized / high resolution photo instead?
Posts: 77
@jmullan: I can confirm the pictures I had a look at used the IDs of the appropriate lab. Seems to be safe & foolproof. Thanks.
@bobob: the script is only a little add-on to what already exists - both on the side of gallery and of fotowire. Of course it sends the hi-quality pic, better saying: it's giving it's url to the fotowire webserver; he downloads it afterwards. $rawImage is the variable containing the path to the high resolution image.
In short: it doesn't matter whether you are looking at the small or big image.
By the way: If you have unabled users to see the full resolution image, it still should be possible (for example, if you want to sell your images at higher prices and don't want users to download the image and send it by themselfes to a lab) to have it printed at highest quality. I didn't try out if it really works (I don't need that...). Would be nice, if somebody could post whether it's yes or no!
Posts: 65
Hi guys,
I am trying to put the link as an image in the view_photo.php and this is what I have come up with so far...
$adminCommands .= '<a href=# onclick="window.open(\'http://print.fotowire.com/webprint/v2/start.asp?WID=18001&FN=\' . $rawImage . \'&TN=\' . $thumbImage . \'&RF=\' . $RF . \'width=600,height=400,scrollbars,location,resizable,status\');"><img src="images/view-labs.gif" ALT="Photolabs=\"0\"></a> \';
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks a ton in advance!
Posts: 110
I am using the hack posted here to use a local printing service in my country. It's great, but would like to make things easier for the user by letting him/her select multiple foto's in one time in the album view for printing.
I started a new thread for this. See
Any advice/pointers are welcome!
Posts: 3474
Should we be including this in the Gallery codebase?
I haven't had a lot of time to play with all of this yet, but it looks wonderful. Can you e-mail me directly?
-Beckett (
Posts: 77
@bobob, sorry for the delay: I think, best would be, if you would change the overview windows of your gallery and generate near each picture the appropriate link. you could use a button or image too, I guess
Posts: 20
I see you have this working on a 1.4 CVS version of Gallery. The code seems to have changed quite a lot in the latest CVS files to offer drop down lists. Would you be able to update this code to work with the latest version?
I only ask as I now have a fotowire ID code for a local lab that I put the backend software into, so I would like to test sending orders direct to the lab using the ID code.
I have also got the guys at Silverwire looking into a solution that will allow different prices to be set by the photographer rather than calling the default lab prices.
I can test it on an old version of gallery, but would love to have it working in the current version.
Posts: 77
asap I'm looking at it; though I doubt this will be soon, too busy at the moment
Further: I don't have a drop-down list; this was just an idea...
I didn't have a look at the 1.4.1 neither, so I really am behind the moon...
ps: though at first glance I should guess that the fotowire code still should work as it is mostly based on fotowire.... So hopefully only little modifications.
Posts: 20
OK, I thought in the meantime I would test this on the 1.4pl2 version (same as yours). I followed the code changes in the first 2 posts and I have no errors and can change the print provider to include 'photocolor' in the config pages.
But each time I go in to the album, it is fixed to PhotoAccess and does not change, whatever option I choose.
Are there any other places to make the changes in the 1.4 version files.
Alternatively, is there a way to choose manually to select photocolor as the print photos option?
Posts: 20
oops. Nick you can ignore this previous post. Just realised that the print photos options is set per album. I just had to go into album properties and change it there. Fixed now.
Now to link to the Jersey lab ID to see if I can get prints locally.
Posts: 77
Posts: 14
can someone pls post the code changes needed for the more recent versions of gallery (ie after the dropdown menu was implemented)?
I'm having a look now but if someone has already done it......
Posts: 31
Sorry Guys I have lost the thread of this thread!
All I want to do is have a feature on my site where visitors from Australia can use an Australian Printing Service. ( Although maybe USA & UK too! )
Main priority is Australia. Can some one help me with easy steps for Australia.
Posts: 77
you have to use a australian ID (chose from attached australian file above) with the code provided at the beginning of the thread. (I didn't check though if it still is working in the new 1.4.1 version. Will be doing this over Christmas hopefully...
Posts: 31
Yes i have the new version. Just tried for an hour no luck, just get erroron page message, something with the javascript? Anyway will keep trying & let u know
Posts: 14
i'm from australia as well, i must have checked about 50 australian ids but not a single one works.
If you find one, let me know!
Posts: 14
using the http tracer program above, i get the following info
POST http://printservice.fotowire.com/fworder2/orderevaluate3.asp HTTP/1.0
Accept: text/*
User-Agent: fwClient(;ENU;3) OS(5.0.2195;ENA;WinNT) WinInet(6.0.2800.1106) Browser(1.6.20031.20208;;mozill~1)
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Language: en
Host: printservice.fotowire.com
Content-Length: 74
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Pragma: no-cache
The LID above is the same as the WID shown in the xml list but this number doesn't appear to work using the web. If i change WID to LID in the url, i get the standard error
"Invalid parameter
The page you just requested requires a valid WebSite ID (WID)
Please report this error to the webmaster"
Any ideas?
Posts: 77
I just tried a couple of australian lab and I had the same error. Possibly not all of the labs are equiped for web transmission though I don't see the differnce to the program...
Anyway, you find of course a lot of labs shipping to australia, try for example
colourmailer Australia, visit the page to see pricing details.
their ID: 18013
What I noted: a couple of labs (especially some AGFA labs) where marked as
Possibly they switched to Agfanet print service. Unfortunately it seems, they only offer printing from software and not from the web.
Further I gonna ask Beckett whether he (as he wanted) is going to implement fotowire labs in the gallery core; this would mean: no more headaches with updated gallery version
I don't see another solution at the moment then choosing a lab overseas. At least you've got some choice....
Posts: 77
ps: why not email one of the labs and ask for their WID? they won't have anything against a couple of additional prints....
Posts: 31
Forgive me for being dumb. But i have been trying like crazy to get this working with the lab codes, now I look & you say they don't work?
Someone please spell it out for me, ..................Can my website www.babyweb.com.au offer a facility to print photos in Australia, by Australian Labs, in Australian Dollars? ..............
Posts: 77
pitty you! The labcodes in general work great; though it really seems that there's no lab based in Australia which is able to accept orders from online galleries. My suggestion as above: ask either a fotolab or fotowire - Or use a lab from a different continent (which is - I know - dumb, but probably could serve for the instance)
You have to understand that I couldn't check hundreds of codes, but to easen you the search for labs, I posted above xml files. I'm sorry the codes of Australia don't do as they promised
Posts: 4
It doesn't still work the same way as before. The Source Codes of the two files edit_appearence.php and -especially- view_photo.php has been changed. I tried to adapt your idea but my php knowledge is too bad. I gave up.
You would be my hero, if you could alter the code. Cause the new features of 1.4.1 are quite important...
Grüessli vom Weschte...
Posts: 31
The two source codes are quite easy to change, but what is it exactly you want to do. I have altered the codes & think it works in new version... I haven't tested it because no Australian labs support Gallery!
Let me know, i'm no genius but may be able to help!