I'm done with about 95% of the core file. I've just created a sourceforge account. Can anyone tell me how to upload my changes?
Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Tue, 2004-04-27 08:59
Hello majornono,
they way you did is perfectly fine.
So you can just send them to me via Mail (i prefer a zip instead of embedded textfile)
or you go to the translation tracker on gallerys sourcforge page.
Then i will merge you files with the cvs.
If you meant to make a nl_NL package.... you cant do / are not allowed to do that.
Joined: 2004-04-19
Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 2004-04-27 09:13
Thanxs Jim,
I've used the language tracker on the sourceforge page to upload the file.
?? I downloaded version 1.4.4 and its full of english words and errors
Like: This album contains 3 onderdelen.
And I have also a & in my menu.
SO I was hoping there is a new version
Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Thu, 2004-08-05 13:25
Ah, okay.
No currently there is no one activly maintaining the nederlands translation.
You just signed as volunteer ;)
Joined: 2004-07-28
Posts: 28
Posted: Thu, 2004-08-05 13:27
Oke tell me where I can post the translation?
And what files the are in.
Maby you can contact me at my msn
EDIT: I downloaded the lastest version, I will translate as mutch as possible to night. If nobody screams STOP, because the are allready translation, I will do it. Because it a shame if two people are translation the same text.
Joined: 2004-08-06
Posts: 19
Posted: Fri, 2004-08-06 08:46
do you need any help on making the translation? I already have a sourceforge account. I haven't installed 1.4.4 yet, but when I do it would be nice to have a good nl_NL translation.
Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Fri, 2004-08-13 10:05
recently i got two updates for nederlands translation.
I will make some official updated packs for the SF download page soon.
Joined: 2004-08-28
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2004-08-31 18:21
I have just finished a complete wrap for the Dutch translation against the 1.4.4 version. Both core and config have all phrases translated. On the fly I also did loads of stylish updates.
I don't think there's a possibility to attach files in this forum, so if one of the developers/maintainers contacts me, I'll be happy to supply a tarball.
Best regards, Martin
Joined: 2005-01-29
Posts: 61
Posted: Thu, 2005-02-03 21:49
In welke php-bestanden vind ik de vertalingen naar het Nederlands?
Is het mogelijk om in de verzonden emails enkel Nederlands terug te vinden?
Joined: 2005-05-08
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-15 07:47
Kun je me die bestanden doormeelen?
alstro appestaartje wanadoo.nl
Grim Reaper
Joined: 2005-10-16
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 20:25
I've started the complete translation for version 1.5
I'll post again as soon as i am done.
Joined: 2005-10-04
Posts: 109
Posted: Tue, 2005-10-18 10:57
Is gallery 2 being translated and if so, where can I get the latest files and who is the 'project leader'?
Joined: 2005-11-03
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2005-11-03 19:18
In Gallery2 page "Aanvragen van een verloren of vergeten wachtwoord", the sentence "Uw wachtwoord opnieuw instellen veriest dat uw gebruikers account een email adres heeft toegewezen, en dat u toegang heeft tot dat email adres."
"veriest" needs to be "vereist"
p.s. sorry if this is the wrong place, i don't know where else to post this.
saul11, the latest files for G2 are always in CVS.
Joined: 2003-06-09
Posts: 47
Posted: Mon, 2005-11-07 13:33
Hi All (and especially Dutch people ;-)),
For some time I am busy translating Gallery2 into Dutch. I have put quite some time in it, and now almost everything has been translated (currently more than 3.000 phrases).
However, I only have limited knowledge about some technical photography jargon. Therefore, there are 67 phrases left, which I am unable to translate. These are all in the EXIF module.
Are there any Dutch people available who can help with the translation of these jargon terms?
Don't mind me asking please, but I'm wondering how the actual file list gets updated by these CVS files. Just want to understand the idea behind it here.
You specify a link with *checkout* in the URL. Is that file the same as http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/gallery/gallery2/install/po/
Else you could try checking it for the last 67 phrases you need.
A tool that might help you translating is babylon or its online translation box
I had a look at your file, but I'm afraid I can't help you with the photographers jargon either. Please reply if both of my above 'tips' weren't of any help, then I'll have a better look at the cvs file.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Mon, 2005-11-07 18:58
saul11, not sure I understand your question.
people submit *.po files to us, we commit them to CVS and run scripts that compile them into *.mo files that are actually used by G2.
modules/exif/po/nl_NL.po and install/po/nl_NL.po are definitely NOT the same.
there is a nl_NL.po file for every module and theme with translations for that plugin. installer/upgrader also have their own translations.
Joined: 2005-10-04
Posts: 109
Posted: Mon, 2005-11-07 19:25
ah okay, so the human readable po files are on the CVS and when a localization is 100% it is also gets to the file list I assume?
I expected them to be different actually, but I was confused by Arjen translating gallery2 (itself) and having his .po file on a checkout module location. Or do I not understand the CVS structure here?
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Tue, 2005-11-08 04:42
Gallery2 does not yet have language packs. None of the language packs listed on the sourceforge "file list" are for Gallery2. Right now Gallery2 packages and individual modules always include every language we have available. Eventually we will have downloadable language packs.
Gallery 1.x and 2.x are both in CVS; you can access all the files via sourceforge. I don't know why it is confusing for nl_NL.po to be available.
Joined: 2005-11-28
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2005-11-28 08:22
Hello, I'm new here.
I have a few questions about the Dutch translation of Gallery 2.
1. Is the current state of the Dutch translation automatically distributed with the current version of G2? If not, where can I get a more recent version?
2. I don't want to offend anyone that is putting hard time working on this huge project, however there are quite some issues that I want to change in the Dutch po for my installation.
a) The many errors concerning d's and t's
b) I would rather use jij and jouw than u and uw. If people here disagree, no problem, I will keep it locally
and c) some style issues that seem to be litteral translations of the English version.
Is there any way I can help or does anyone have news for me?
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Mon, 2005-11-28 23:27
Barend, most recent translations (along with most recent code) are available in CVS.
Joined: 2003-06-09
Posts: 47
Posted: Sun, 2005-12-18 12:43
Hi Barend,
I have done most of the translation for Gallery 2. If you see any (style) errors in the translation, please feel free to indicate that. There are more than 3.000 phrases that have been translated and I am sure there are still a lot of errors in it.
With regards to using the more formal u, uw and jij, jouw for translating 'you', I have chosen for the more formal way. The main reason is that this is most common. For example the local Windows version also uses the more formal form.
Joined: 2006-04-11
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2006-04-11 06:33
Hey Arjan,
Where can I send the errors which I see?
Joined: 2004-12-08
Posts: 143
Posted: Sat, 2006-05-20 17:08
Joined: 2006-06-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2006-06-25 23:18
Ik ben een vrij recente gebruiker van Gallery en was wel geflatteerd door de mogelijkheid om de interface om te zetten naar het Nederlands. Vooral mijn soms niet zo jonge familieleden die zich niet zo makkelijk voelen in 't Engels weten zoiets te appreciëren.
Na enig werken ermee ben ik echter danig geschrokken van de vele fouten in de Nederlandse vertaling. Zo valt het aantal werkwoordfouten (voltooide deelwoorden en pv's) op en zijn spelfouten (niet toevallige tikfouten dus) amper te tellen.
Daarmee wil ik geen afbreuk doen aan de enorme inspanning die geleverd is om een Nederlandse versie af te leveren. Maar ik bied meteen mijn medewerking aan om de vertaling te helpen opschonen en corrigeren. Jammer genoeg is het me niet onmiddellijk duidelijk waar ik het betreffende po-bestand kan vinden/downloaden. Misschien kan iemand van de officieel erkende vertalers me op weg helpen?
Joined: 2006-08-06
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2006-08-06 14:37
Hello Dutchies,
Yesterday I installed Gallery and it works sweeet.
But then I installed gettext for localization, and noticed a little error in the translation.
When rating is activated it says: steemen instead of the more correct Dutch: stemmen.
So I edited "/modules/rating/po/nl.po".
But after uploading that file I see nothing changed.
How can that be?
Is there another file hidden somewhere?
If needed I can perhaps help translating into Dutch. Because I do not want to work on a part that is already done by someone else, I should like to know which file(s) I can help with.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2007-03-14 18:18
Any help would be great.. however, Gallery 2.2 will release very soon so updates submitted in the next few DAYS will be most useful. I'm not aware of anyone working on dutch translations right now, so click "downloads" at the top of this site and find where to download the current nightly snapshot. Then follow the instructions linked above to submit updates. http://gallery.menalto.com/localization/gallery2/detail shows the translations status.. I recommend starting with core, install and upgrade, then any modules/themes you like. Feel free to submit updates in batches, or even each file as you complete it, to make sure everything you get done goes into G2.2. Thanks!
Joined: 2007-09-12
Posts: 180
Posted: Tue, 2007-11-20 14:58
Anyone still working on it? Cause the Dutch language is really a mess. Lot's of typos and missing phrases. I work on Windows & can't get 'make' to work in Cygwin. So I can only use the existing po's to translate (of the nightly 2.3 build). Is that an option?
Joined: 2008-03-28
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2008-03-28 22:55
Niet verstandig om Nederlandse vertaling te gebruiken begrijp ik. Is dit een stille dood gestorven?
Joined: 2007-09-12
Posts: 180
Posted: Wed, 2008-07-23 11:31
Dave123 wrote:
Niet verstandig om Nederlandse vertaling te gebruiken begrijp ik. Is dit een stille dood gestorven?
I work on it from time to time. But I can't build the .po files (or I have no idea how on my Windows machine) some of the modules don't have any translation at all so I can't work with them. But I will try to translate more of the existing po-files. The core is 97% so it's not that bad translated.
Joined: 2004-02-02
Posts: 92
Posted: Tue, 2008-11-18 16:46
Ik zou graag mee willen werken. hoe en waar kan ik me bruikbaar maken? heb meerdere gallery's en gebruik vele diverse modules.
Wat betreft de naam gallerie / gallerij .
het is toch http://gallery.menalto.com; ik bedoel microsoft windows heet toch ook geen microsoft raam o.i.d ;)
ik bedoel we moeten denk ik de naam (merk) van dé Gallery wel respecteren..
Joined: 2009-07-18
Posts: 48
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-23 22:56
A week ago i've downloaded and installed gallery 2.3
I put the language main setting on dutch.
So now my website is dutch for maybe 90% beause there are still words in english (which is for me no problem.. but for some non english people i know it is)
A friend has the setting in her account on german, and it is almost all in german.
So i made a few transalations in the nl.po file from the module/comment/po section. Because there were to much ""
Then i also saw in the mo file that there also text was for example: Add CommentAre you sure?Back to %sCancelCommentComment ModuleComment PreviewComment added successfullyComment change confirmationComment
etc etc etc.
So what i did was... the changes in nl.po for example Comment added successfullybecameComment added successfully. However, first a check before I publish it i changed in the nl.mo file:
Add CommentAre you sure?Back to %sCancelCommentComment ModuleComment PreviewComment added successfullyComment change confirmationComment
Add CommentAre you sure?Back to %sCancelCommentComment ModuleComment PreviewComment added successfully. However, first a check before I publish itComment change confirmationComment
As wel in the english part as the dutch part (with dutch words).
I also changed in CommentChangeConfirmation.tpl on line 13.
{g->text text="Comment added successfully"}
{g->text text="Comment added successfully. However, first a check before I publish it"}
Now, when i uploaded those nl.mo and nl.po files to the server the next thing happen:
I go to my website. It is in dutch with some english words. Then i click on reactie toevoegen (means add comment). Still in dutch.
Then when i click on save/send i get this message
Bevestiging reactie verandering
Comment added successfully. However, first a check before I publish it.
Terug naar album
I can't seem to change it in dutch.
Then i thought... I rename the two nl files and took the 2 german files
de.mo became nl.mo
de.po became nl.po
then i tried the same thing with the comment and expected it to see in german.
but no, i got (again):
Bevestiging reactie verandering
Comment added successfully. However, first a check before I publish it.
Terug naar album
I am confused.
Is there a way to solve this?
I already tried to empty cache and template cache with no results
Thank you for an answer.
Joined: 2004-02-02
Posts: 92
Posted: Fri, 2009-09-11 21:38
please is there a way to help to have better support for the dutch people?
thanks in advance
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2009-09-12 02:17
please is there a way to help to have better support for the dutch people?
Sure, get a large following and dedicated people willing to do support who can speak Dutch. Thus the German forums were born: http://gallery.menalto.com/forum/74
As well as the link to the Russian support site.
But if you're talking about just G2's translation, that's probably not going to happen since development of G2 is done. All current work is being done on G3 where translating the software has become much easier.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 6818
Hello majornono,
thanks for maintaining the dutch translation.
Posts: 14
I'm done with about 95% of the core file. I've just created a sourceforge account. Can anyone tell me how to upload my changes?
Posts: 6818
Hello majornono,
they way you did is perfectly fine.
So you can just send them to me via Mail (i prefer a zip instead of embedded textfile)
or you go to the translation tracker on gallerys sourcforge page.
Then i will merge you files with the cvs.
If you meant to make a nl_NL package.... you cant do / are not allowed to do that.
Posts: 14
Thanxs Jim,
I've used the language tracker on the sourceforge page to upload the file.
Posts: 28
Oke and where can we download the newest version of the ducth language pack?
Just at:
Hope to hear from you soon!
Posts: 6818
Posts: 28
?? I downloaded version 1.4.4 and its full of english words and errors
Like: This album contains 3 onderdelen.
And I have also a & in my menu.
SO I was hoping there is a new version
Posts: 6818
Ah, okay.
No currently there is no one activly maintaining the nederlands translation.
You just signed as volunteer ;)
Posts: 28
Oke tell me where I can post the translation?
And what files the are in.
Maby you can contact me at my msn
EDIT: I downloaded the lastest version, I will translate as mutch as possible to night. If nobody screams STOP, because the are allready translation, I will do it. Because it a shame if two people are translation the same text.
Posts: 19
do you need any help on making the translation? I already have a sourceforge account. I haven't installed 1.4.4 yet, but when I do it would be nice to have a good nl_NL translation.
Posts: 6818
recently i got two updates for nederlands translation.
You can download them from http://jems.de/archive/1.4.4/langpacks
I will make some official updated packs for the SF download page soon.
Posts: 1
I have just finished a complete wrap for the Dutch translation against the 1.4.4 version. Both core and config have all phrases translated. On the fly I also did loads of stylish updates.
I don't think there's a possibility to attach files in this forum, so if one of the developers/maintainers contacts me, I'll be happy to supply a tarball.
Best regards, Martin
Posts: 61
In welke php-bestanden vind ik de vertalingen naar het Nederlands?
Is het mogelijk om in de verzonden emails enkel Nederlands terug te vinden?
Posts: 1
Kun je me die bestanden doormeelen?
alstro appestaartje wanadoo.nl
Posts: 1
I've started the complete translation for version 1.5
I'll post again as soon as i am done.
Posts: 109
Is gallery 2 being translated and if so, where can I get the latest files and who is the 'project leader'?
Posts: 1
In Gallery2 page "Aanvragen van een verloren of vergeten wachtwoord", the sentence "Uw wachtwoord opnieuw instellen veriest dat uw gebruikers account een email adres heeft toegewezen, en dat u toegang heeft tot dat email adres."
"veriest" needs to be "vereist"
p.s. sorry if this is the wrong place, i don't know where else to post this.
Posts: 8601
fixed that typo in cvs. you can also report these using the translations tracker on http://sourceforge.net/projects/gallery
saul11, the latest files for G2 are always in CVS.
Posts: 47
Hi All (and especially Dutch people ;-)),
For some time I am busy translating Gallery2 into Dutch. I have put quite some time in it, and now almost everything has been translated (currently more than 3.000 phrases).
However, I only have limited knowledge about some technical photography jargon. Therefore, there are 67 phrases left, which I am unable to translate. These are all in the EXIF module.
Are there any Dutch people available who can help with the translation of these jargon terms?
You can view the untranslated terms at:
Obviously, the "" phrases in this file are still waiting for translation.
I hope you can help to achieve a 100% Dutch translation for Gallery 2!
If you know any terms, you can simply post them here or submit them as described at http://codex.gallery2.org/index.php/Gallery2:Localization
Posts: 109
Thanks mindless,
Don't mind me asking please, but I'm wondering how the actual file list gets updated by these CVS files. Just want to understand the idea behind it here.
You specify a link with *checkout* in the URL. Is that file the same as http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/gallery/gallery2/install/po/
Else you could try checking it for the last 67 phrases you need.
A tool that might help you translating is babylon or its online translation box
I had a look at your file, but I'm afraid I can't help you with the photographers jargon either. Please reply if both of my above 'tips' weren't of any help, then I'll have a better look at the cvs file.
Posts: 8601
saul11, not sure I understand your question.
people submit *.po files to us, we commit them to CVS and run scripts that compile them into *.mo files that are actually used by G2.
modules/exif/po/nl_NL.po and install/po/nl_NL.po are definitely NOT the same.
there is a nl_NL.po file for every module and theme with translations for that plugin. installer/upgrader also have their own translations.
Posts: 109
ah okay, so the human readable po files are on the CVS and when a localization is 100% it is also gets to the file list I assume?
I expected them to be different actually, but I was confused by Arjen translating gallery2 (itself) and having his .po file on a checkout module location. Or do I not understand the CVS structure here?
Posts: 8601
Gallery2 does not yet have language packs. None of the language packs listed on the sourceforge "file list" are for Gallery2. Right now Gallery2 packages and individual modules always include every language we have available. Eventually we will have downloadable language packs.
Gallery 1.x and 2.x are both in CVS; you can access all the files via sourceforge. I don't know why it is confusing for nl_NL.po to be available.
Posts: 9
Hello, I'm new here.
I have a few questions about the Dutch translation of Gallery 2.
1. Is the current state of the Dutch translation automatically distributed with the current version of G2? If not, where can I get a more recent version?
2. I don't want to offend anyone that is putting hard time working on this huge project, however there are quite some issues that I want to change in the Dutch po for my installation.
a) The many errors concerning d's and t's
b) I would rather use jij and jouw than u and uw. If people here disagree, no problem, I will keep it locally
and c) some style issues that seem to be litteral translations of the English version.
Is there any way I can help or does anyone have news for me?
Posts: 8601
Barend, most recent translations (along with most recent code) are available in CVS.
Posts: 47
Hi Barend,
I have done most of the translation for Gallery 2. If you see any (style) errors in the translation, please feel free to indicate that. There are more than 3.000 phrases that have been translated and I am sure there are still a lot of errors in it.
With regards to using the more formal u, uw and jij, jouw for translating 'you', I have chosen for the more formal way. The main reason is that this is most common. For example the local Windows version also uses the more formal form.
Posts: 3
Hey Arjan,
Where can I send the errors which I see?
Posts: 143
Posts: 1
Ik ben een vrij recente gebruiker van Gallery en was wel geflatteerd door de mogelijkheid om de interface om te zetten naar het Nederlands. Vooral mijn soms niet zo jonge familieleden die zich niet zo makkelijk voelen in 't Engels weten zoiets te appreciëren.
Na enig werken ermee ben ik echter danig geschrokken van de vele fouten in de Nederlandse vertaling. Zo valt het aantal werkwoordfouten (voltooide deelwoorden en pv's) op en zijn spelfouten (niet toevallige tikfouten dus) amper te tellen.
Daarmee wil ik geen afbreuk doen aan de enorme inspanning die geleverd is om een Nederlandse versie af te leveren. Maar ik bied meteen mijn medewerking aan om de vertaling te helpen opschonen en corrigeren. Jammer genoeg is het me niet onmiddellijk duidelijk waar ik het betreffende po-bestand kan vinden/downloaden. Misschien kan iemand van de officieel erkende vertalers me op weg helpen?
Posts: 1
Hello Dutchies,
Yesterday I installed Gallery and it works sweeet.
But then I installed gettext for localization, and noticed a little error in the translation.
When rating is activated it says: steemen instead of the more correct Dutch: stemmen.
So I edited "/modules/rating/po/nl.po".
But after uploading that file I see nothing changed.
How can that be?
Is there another file hidden somewhere?
Posts: 8601
I have made this correction in svn, thanks.
Posts: 22
If needed I can perhaps help translating into Dutch. Because I do not want to work on a part that is already done by someone else, I should like to know which file(s) I can help with.
Posts: 8601
Any help would be great.. however, Gallery 2.2 will release very soon so updates submitted in the next few DAYS will be most useful. I'm not aware of anyone working on dutch translations right now, so click "downloads" at the top of this site and find where to download the current nightly snapshot. Then follow the instructions linked above to submit updates. http://gallery.menalto.com/localization/gallery2/detail shows the translations status.. I recommend starting with core, install and upgrade, then any modules/themes you like. Feel free to submit updates in batches, or even each file as you complete it, to make sure everything you get done goes into G2.2. Thanks!
Posts: 180
Anyone still working on it? Cause the Dutch language is really a mess. Lot's of typos and missing phrases. I work on Windows & can't get 'make' to work in Cygwin. So I can only use the existing po's to translate (of the nightly 2.3 build). Is that an option?
Posts: 1
Niet verstandig om Nederlandse vertaling te gebruiken begrijp ik. Is dit een stille dood gestorven?
Posts: 180
I work on it from time to time. But I can't build the .po files (or I have no idea how on my Windows machine) some of the modules don't have any translation at all so I can't work with them. But I will try to translate more of the existing po-files. The core is 97% so it's not that bad translated.
Posts: 92
Ik zou graag mee willen werken. hoe en waar kan ik me bruikbaar maken? heb meerdere gallery's en gebruik vele diverse modules.
Wat betreft de naam gallerie / gallerij .
het is toch http://gallery.menalto.com; ik bedoel microsoft windows heet toch ook geen microsoft raam o.i.d ;)
ik bedoel we moeten denk ik de naam (merk) van dé Gallery wel respecteren..
Posts: 48
A week ago i've downloaded and installed gallery 2.3
I put the language main setting on dutch.
So now my website is dutch for maybe 90% beause there are still words in english (which is for me no problem.. but for some non english people i know it is)
A friend has the setting in her account on german, and it is almost all in german.
So i made a few transalations in the nl.po file from the module/comment/po section. Because there were to much ""
Then i also saw in the mo file that there also text was for example: Add CommentAre you sure?Back to %sCancelCommentComment ModuleComment PreviewComment added successfullyComment change confirmationComment
etc etc etc.
So what i did was... the changes in nl.po for example Comment added successfully became Comment added successfully. However, first a check before I publish it
i changed in the nl.mo file:
Add CommentAre you sure?Back to %sCancelCommentComment ModuleComment PreviewComment added successfullyComment change confirmationComment
Add CommentAre you sure?Back to %sCancelCommentComment ModuleComment PreviewComment added successfully. However, first a check before I publish itComment change confirmationComment
As wel in the english part as the dutch part (with dutch words).
I also changed in CommentChangeConfirmation.tpl on line 13.
{g->text text="Comment added successfully"}
{g->text text="Comment added successfully. However, first a check before I publish it"}
Now, when i uploaded those nl.mo and nl.po files to the server the next thing happen:
I go to my website. It is in dutch with some english words. Then i click on reactie toevoegen (means add comment). Still in dutch.
Then when i click on save/send i get this message
Bevestiging reactie verandering
Comment added successfully. However, first a check before I publish it.
Terug naar album
I can't seem to change it in dutch.
Then i thought... I rename the two nl files and took the 2 german files
de.mo became nl.mo
de.po became nl.po
then i tried the same thing with the comment and expected it to see in german.
but no, i got (again):
Bevestiging reactie verandering
Comment added successfully. However, first a check before I publish it.
Terug naar album
I am confused.
Is there a way to solve this?
I already tried to empty cache and template cache with no results
Thank you for an answer.
Posts: 92
please is there a way to help to have better support for the dutch people?
thanks in advance
Posts: 16504
Sure, get a large following and dedicated people willing to do support who can speak Dutch. Thus the German forums were born:
As well as the link to the Russian support site.
But if you're talking about just G2's translation, that's probably not going to happen since development of G2 is done. All current work is being done on G3 where translating the software has become much easier.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here