Gallery 2 Theme Contest Extended
Submitted by valiant on Sat, 2007-01-06 21:59
The Gallery Project is pleased to announce the Gallery 2 Theme Contest!
Gallery is looking for new, inspiring, feature complete, and original themes to be created by our amazing users! In appreciation for these themes, we will award you with fame and prize money. Start designing your own Gallery 2 theme today! Read all about the rules and how a theme can be created on the Gallery 2 Theme Contest Page.
Update: The contest has been extended until February 15th 2007!Most people have not been aware of the theme contest. To raise more awareness and to supply the theme designers with more documentation and tutorials, we decided to extend the theme contest to give new entrants a chance to design a new theme in the remaining time. Stay tuned for more helpful code snippets and tutorials.
this project is too expensive for me
how long have we wait for it ?
I don't understand - how is it too expensive for you? Who is charging you?
Do we have to just Zip the folder of new gallery theme that we have desiged ? Bit confused here ..Can somebody give me details .
Web Hosting Reviews
Hello Skyle.
Yes, a zip file is appropriate.
Please check out the rules at
linkfelhő | My gallery 2
Ohh got it
Thanks a lot .
Web Hosting Reviews
Hello everybody!

We have only 9 days remaining of the Theme Contest!
If you haven't started to create a colorpack, frame or theme for our great prizes yet, then it's time now!
linkfelhő | My gallery 2 about dogs
Thanks a lot you have extended the contest as I have joined today otherwise I would have missed it.
You are welcome ;)
There are 5 more days, good luck everyone!
Well I have just sent mine off.
Isn't it amazing how big a folder turns out, even when zipped, when it has some images samples in.
I'm not sure if i can make something decent in 5 days but i will sure try.
Hello people!
For all those people making some new theme for Gallery2 PLEASE: We need more DARK THEMES (Grey, Black, etc) we already have good white ones...
Themes like the "Carbon" would be welcome!
Thanks and Good Luck for all!!!
The color can be changed easily (either by editing theme.css or by using a colorpack).
What I'd like to see are more themes that present the photos in a unique way.
Enter the Gallery 2 Theme Contest today!
Great contest! Will do my best, hope that I'll make it in the only two days that are left..
Thiez - Realtones
Does anybody know when we can see the entries and/or the winners?
Probably next week
Dog Gallery
It's next week! :D
Acronym Database
Yes I'm intersted in seeing the results
Bruynzeel Keukens
I didn't have enough time to finish my theme, i will still continue on it though.
I'm very curious what you guys came up with, so Bharat and the others.. Hurry up! :D
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I don;t know why people are being so impatient.
Presumably the time it is taking them indicates their having received a lot of interesting entries.
Actually I was amazed at their original estimate being such a short time.
Hey New view
Is it just my computer os is eveeryone getting a new view (display) of the forum entries.
Our little pictures on the right instead of the left, and the whole width of the text is only about half the width of my screen, but the total appearance is very pleasing.
(this is a news story, not a forum topic)
Where are the winners?
Take a look at the announcement:
Yes i saw the winners:
1)Pedro Gilberto (Portugal) - Prize $500
cool money
maybe soem day I'll win ;-)