
 TopicRepliesCreatedLast replysort icon
Locales missing RC4516 years 51 weeks ago
by Taomyn
16 years 51 weeks ago
by Taomyn
error during config: 'Missing value: locale_alias"1417 years 9 weeks ago
by solcita
16 years 51 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Language doesn't change116 years 51 weeks ago
by hubner
16 years 51 weeks ago
by Tim_j
where are the languages in RC3917 years 1 week ago
by robertomb
16 years 50 weeks ago
by Tim_j
alignment mixture (ltr-rtl) in hebrew locale ver 1.4.1316 years 50 weeks ago
by osz
16 years 50 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Tip: Language not found, language not change016 years 50 weeks ago
by Yuan
Heading broken when in Chinese mode1417 years 5 weeks ago
by alexfung
16 years 50 weeks ago
by alexfung
Creating .mo files1417 years 1 week ago
by jhave
16 years 49 weeks ago
by ProTON
problem with italian translation416 years 50 weeks ago
by treeffe
16 years 49 weeks ago
by Tim_j
problems with .sh files AGAIN216 years 49 weeks ago
by ProTON
16 years 49 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Locale Problems again...316 years 49 weeks ago
by bigmo
16 years 49 weeks ago
by bigmo
[RESOLVED] Unable to change language...616 years 47 weeks ago
by eldiablo
16 years 47 weeks ago
by eldiablo
config issue216 years 44 weeks ago
by Jewel1
16 years 44 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Others Languages don´t work416 years 46 weeks ago
by FDFLocke
16 years 44 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Fatal Error After Server Upgrade716 years 44 weeks ago
by bradb
16 years 44 weeks ago
by Tim_j
language pack problem216 years 44 weeks ago
by ning8497
16 years 44 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Missing value: locale_alias216 years 44 weeks ago
by ning8497
16 years 44 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Value missing: locale_alias[bg_BG]!216 years 44 weeks ago
by danzel
16 years 44 weeks ago
by Tim_j
can't install french language pack...716 years 43 weeks ago
by regisp
16 years 43 weeks ago
by h0bbel
file Spanish language pack error?216 years 43 weeks ago
by fgspon
16 years 43 weeks ago
by fgspon
Error on Step 4: Call to undefined function: _()416 years 45 weeks ago
by Shmood
16 years 42 weeks ago
by Shmood
Others Languages don´t work216 years 43 weeks ago
by feer
16 years 42 weeks ago
by feer
Problem of installing language pack of version 1.4.1116 years 42 weeks ago
by jazzcat
16 years 42 weeks ago
by alindeman
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[en_US]! in Gallery 1.4.1316 years 44 weeks ago
by irlchrusty
16 years 42 weeks ago
by irlchrusty
Help... its impossible to change the languaje116 years 42 weeks ago
by dan_up35
16 years 42 weeks ago
by Tim_j