Administration and Maintenance

 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
can't delete an album with an apostrophy (')815 years 30 weeks ago
by cdike
15 years 26 weeks ago
by bharat
Managing users - guest password? Make email addr optional?815 years 41 weeks ago
by zooloo
15 years 41 weeks ago
by zooloo
[SOLVED] Gallery 2 migration errors :(815 years 43 weeks ago
by flasht
15 years 42 weeks ago
by flasht
Intalled new gallery2.3 now need to know how to install database backup from previous Gallery2 ?98 years 8 weeks ago
by dognation
8 years 8 weeks ago
by suprsidr
An error occurred while upgrading Gallery Core Module98 years 16 weeks ago
by Dphillips
8 years 16 weeks ago
by Dphillips
JQuery selector validity/scope98 years 48 weeks ago
by Dayo
8 years 48 weeks ago
by Dayo
Problems upgrading from 2.2.1 to 2.3910 years 2 weeks ago
by teejnut
10 years 2 weeks ago
by teejnut
where are thumbnails stored on my server?910 years 28 weeks ago
by chrisatlemon
10 years 28 weeks ago
by chrisatlemon
Backing up database910 years 36 weeks ago
by christ8
10 years 34 weeks ago
by mdlueck
Change database root account911 years 17 weeks ago
by adrian_vg
11 years 17 weeks ago
by adrian_vg
Upgrading from 2.2.5 to 2.3911 years 18 weeks ago
by robmock
11 years 18 weeks ago
by nivekiam
substitute images automatically911 years 26 weeks ago
by aclara
11 years 26 weeks ago
by floridave
Best way to handle trojan infected Gallery 2 install- possible to save photos/comments?911 years 28 weeks ago
by redeye_lady
11 years 28 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Some Broken Thumbnails can't be rebuilt, Cannot build Thumbnails on new uploads911 years 31 weeks ago
by ztampfhung
11 years 31 weeks ago
by ztampfhung
New Theme Not Visable on Admin Panel Plugin List911 years 34 weeks ago
by katrina_KVR
11 years 34 weeks ago
by katrina_KVR
Accidental downgrade attempt - now stuck911 years 50 weeks ago
by otherland
11 years 50 weeks ago
by floridave
Failure after upgrade from 2.2.6 -> 2.3912 years 22 hours ago
by mathiascraig
11 years 49 weeks ago
by floridave
top level gallery missing albums912 years 2 days ago
by bwschultz
12 years 1 day ago
by bwschultz
Gallery recovery912 years 5 weeks ago
by Computeck4
12 years 5 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Dreaded "Storage Directory Permissions" Failure in upgrade of 2.2.5 to 2.2.6912 years 7 weeks ago
by echo_reply
12 years 6 weeks ago
by echo_reply
How to back up Gallery best (and the fastest way)?912 years 20 weeks ago
by Dirkii
12 years 18 weeks ago
by jens_k
Trying to rebuild global thumbnails...912 years 23 weeks ago
by RainbearNJ
12 years 9 weeks ago
by noarail
Upgrade problems from 2.0 to 2.2.4912 years 32 weeks ago
by dmartien
12 years 31 weeks ago
by valiant
Stuck on step 1 of upgrading to 2.2.4 912 years 32 weeks ago
by bsoule
12 years 31 weeks ago
by jens_k
Mirroring with Gallery 2.912 years 43 weeks ago
by SteveTraylen
12 years 43 weeks ago
by valiant