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ANNOUNCE: Elements2Pix2Gallery2 - Client to upload from Adobe Photoshop Elements to Gallery2913 years 24 weeks ago
by fweeee
10 years 23 weeks ago
by 2010nfl
Looking for sample perl code to add image with Custom Fields in G2113 years 24 weeks ago
by fweeee
13 years 24 weeks ago
by fweeee
Populating Keywords via API013 years 24 weeks ago
by fweeee
[solved] problems uploading MANY pictures013 years 26 weeks ago
by fangorn
ANNOUNCE: ApertureToGallery 0.98.5113 years 29 weeks ago
by khans
13 years 28 weeks ago
by ckdake
ANNOUNCE: Pix2Gallery2 Client for Windows113 years 29 weeks ago
by teddink
13 years 29 weeks ago
by ckdake
aperture to gallery 403 errors ever resolved?013 years 31 weeks ago
by stinkpot
per-item SVN support?313 years 31 weeks ago
by jonnymiller
13 years 28 weeks ago
by mindless
Problem F-SPOT Export713 years 31 weeks ago
by maus24
13 years 22 weeks ago
by ckdake
ANNOUNCE: galleryadd.pl 2.301113 years 32 weeks ago
by iainlea
11 years 4 days ago
by Wizzu
ApertureToGallery-0.98.4.zip113 years 34 weeks ago
by stinkpot
13 years 34 weeks ago
by khans
Bug in Feature Vote - My Votes section313 years 34 weeks ago
by ckawalek
13 years 30 weeks ago
by wdekreij
kabouters album013 years 36 weeks ago
by kabouter
Adobe Lightbox to Gallery?513 years 37 weeks ago
by kwai6969
13 years 6 weeks ago
by Lapinoo
galleryadd.pl gets error 5001213 years 40 weeks ago
by martinolich
11 years 41 weeks ago
by artych002
ANNOUNCE: GLoSS screensaver & desktop changer now supports G2.2RC1213 years 42 weeks ago
by conorboyd
13 years 39 weeks ago
by conorboyd
ANNOUNCE: ApertureToGallery 0.98.4013 years 43 weeks ago
by khans
Unable to connect to Gallery 2.1.2 from iPhotoToGallery 0.6.6 via https213 years 43 weeks ago
by TvE
13 years 39 weeks ago
by TvE
iPhotoToGallery 0.66 cannot connect to Gallery 2.1.2 via https013 years 43 weeks ago
by TvE
Picasa for Members ?113 years 44 weeks ago
by Joel Theodore
13 years 43 weeks ago
by Joel Theodore
galleryadd.pl - "unknown error" when fetching list013 years 48 weeks ago
by fweeee
Gallery 2 API - Linking113 years 48 weeks ago
by fweeee
13 years 48 weeks ago
by ckdake
Shozu compatibility113 years 49 weeks ago
by torakun
13 years 47 weeks ago
by cobalt027
Joomla gallery2 bridge component: From front end of joomla site, gallery does not open image folders, neither full image013 years 50 weeks ago
by busk4d0
Publish this file on the web in Vista?513 years 50 weeks ago
by skalman70
13 years 7 weeks ago
by linglingaa