Gallery 3.0 Beta 2 is ready!
Beta 2 is ready and that brings us one giant step closer to a polished Gallery 3.0 launch! We're very happy to announce that beta 2 comes with a 1-click upgrader. That's right-- you no longer have to reinstall your Gallery 3 install, we support upgrading from beta 1 (but not from earlier releases). What's that? You can't wait to try it out? Download it now! or read on for more details...
Intended audience
Gallery 3 Beta 2 is still not a finished product, yet. We are a lot closer, but still have plenty of polishing left to do on it. But most of the big pieces are in place and it's beginning to really shine. Even in its incomplete state, it is a stable and reliable product. If you're looking to move forward and you're willing to live a little bit on the edge, now is the time. If you're excited about creating beautiful themes and writing your own custom modules, now is a great time to get involved!
Security warning
We've commissioned a professional audit from our good friends over at Gotham Digital Science and they gave us a list of security flaws in the product. We have fixed all the major flaws they uncovered. There are still some little issues left, but they are along the lines of "you should ask for the old password as a confirmation when you let users change their password". We'll fix them, but they're not fixed yet. Are all the security holes closed? We hope so, but history says that there are probably a few that we haven't uncovered yet. If you install Beta 2 on a public site, we encourage you to watch for new releases and be prepared to upgrade when we put out security fixes.
Let's go!
With the disclaimers and warnings out of the way, here it is:
Download Gallery 3.0 Beta 2 (1.6 MB)
or retrieve directly from our revision control with git
clone git://
Upgrading from Gallery 3 Beta 1
You can upgrade from Beta 1 (but not from earlier releases).
Upgrading is really easy! Unpack the new version on top of the old
one and then either browse to:
(except use your real domain name) or if you have shell access, run:
php index.php upgrade
You want more features?
You can get all kinds of community-developed modules from our gallery3-contrib repository on GitHub. Download away, and ask for help in the forums if things go wrong.
The Gallery 3 Philosophy
Gallery 3.0 is easy and fun to customize. We have made every effort to make it much easier for the casual developer to hack on the product. You don't need a computer science degree to do something really cool with it! And our user-centric development process ensures that the user interface is not an afterthought.
Who's it for? - Back when we started Gallery 3, we clearly defined our scope and audience. The biggest shocker here is that we're no longer supporting every web platform out there. We're focusing our energy on the ones that are the most common.
These tough early decisions have made the product leaner and faster for you. For example, we got rid of photo-level permissions and provide them only at the album level. This makes the app faster and easier to maintain while simplifying the UI and removing a feature that most don't use. You can still do all the things you did before, but you'll have to do them a little differently now.
Simplicity - We've got some great usability and user interface experts on our team, designing and prototyping interfaces that just make sense. The emphasis is on making simple, frequent tasks quick and easy. To see an example of this, check out the Admin Dashboard and the User/Group administration page.
Size matters! - Gallery 3.0 is currently a mere 7.2MB (uncompressed on your disk), with all its features. Compare that to the 16.5MB of Gallery 2.3's bare bones minimal package. Tough decisions have greatly helped us to reduce code bloat.
On the shoulders of giants... - Gallery 3.0 is made possible by some truly great advances in technology.
We evaluated many PHP frameworks before choosing Kohana. It makes PHP application development simple and fast. Thanks to the Kohana folks for providing this first class application framework!
PHP 5. We're taking advantage of many of the new features and capabilities available in the latest versions of PHP. This allows us to write less code and have a faster product.
We're using jQuery to create the rich user interactions in the browser that make the application fast and light. Especially with with jQuery UI and a host of plugins, UI development couldn't be more hassle-free.
Easily customizable - Did you know you can create your own theme just by copying an existing theme to a new folder? How's that for easy? There's no new templating language so if you know HTML and PHP you can start hacking today.
Easily extendable - We've worked hard to keep things simple. You can write your own module complete with installer, menus and theme integration in just a few lines of code. And to make life easier, we've created a Developer module that gives you a point and click way to create your own modules.
Fewer configurations - We support Gallery 3 on Unix running MySQL 5, Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.2.3. I know what you're thinking..I run IIS/NGinx/LightHTTPD/etc.. what about me? Gallery 3 may work just fine on those platforms, but we're not primarily focused on them. Assemble your community and create a fork on GitHub and add fixes for your platform, we'll advise you and maybe eventually roll in your patches. In the meantime, the Gallery team is going to focus its energy on making the best possible product on the supported configuration.
What's new in this release?
- Support for Photo printing with Digibug (beta 2)
- Many stability improvements for the Gallery2 import module, including better logging, and multi-site support. You still can't import from embedded Gallery2 installs (sorry!) (beta 2)
- The Server Add module has been completely rewritten to be more robust.(beta 2)
- Recent Changes and Most Viewed albums are now available (beta 2)
- Improved localization support for strings in dialog boxes (beta 2)
- Lots of small improvements to the organize module (a full rewrite is planned for the next release) (beta 2)
- Totally awesome 1-click upgrader. Upgrading has never been this easy! (beta 2)
- Support for configurable date formats (under Admin > Settings > Advanced) (beta 2)
- Support for short URL styles (look in gallery3/.htaccess for info on how to set that up) (beta 2)
- 108 closed tickets in the beta 2 release
- Support for upgrading to further releases (beta 1)
- Full HTTPS support (beta 1)
- Use the EXIF caption as the photo description (beta 1)
- Support for installs into non-empty databases (beta 1)
- Gallery 2 Import now imports comments, sort orders, keywords, tags, timestamps and more (beta 1)
- Photo and album names are editable (beta 1)
- Big improvements to the Organize (bulk editing) feature including drag and drop, mass rotation and album highlights (beta 1)
- Advanced settings editor (beta 1)
- Greatly improved permissions interface (beta 1)
- Improved localization client UI allowing to translate plurals (beta 1)
- Performance improvements (beta 1)
- 85 closed tickets in the beta 1 release
- Bulk editing interface (alpha 4)
- Gallery 2 to Gallery 3 import (alpha 4)
- Tag management for admins (alpha 4)
- 41 closed tickets in the alpha 4 release
- Support for database table prefixes (alpha 3)
- Random image block for the sidebar (alpha 3)
- Module administration view (alpha 3)
- Added translation server and localization client (alpha 3)
- Reimplemented the Flash uploader using SWFUpload (alpha 3)
- Album sort orderers (alpha 3)
- Add photos directly from the web server (improved in alpha 3)
- User/group/permissions management UI (alpha 3)
- Auto-login at the end of the installer, with a welcome page (alpha 3)
- Moved Google Maps and Polar Rose modules out of the official package into the community repository (alpha 3)
- 58 closed tickets in the alpha 3 release
- Localized UI with built-in editor (server side support is not finished) (alpha 2)
- RSS feed for comments (alpha 2)
- RSS feed for new images or movies (alpha 2)
- EXIF read support (alpha 2)
- Add photos directly from the web server (alpha 2)
- Support for uploading and viewing FLV movie files (alpha 2)
- Ability to view full size photos (alpha 2)
- Boolean and full text search (alpha 2)
- Album browsing
- Item commenting, comment moderation
- Spam protection with Akismet and Recaptcha
- Image toolkit support for ImageMagick, GD, and GraphicsMagick
- Theme system, including separate admin theme.
- Module system to extend the functionality, and a series of existing modules
- Basic metadata boolean search with relevance ranking
- Flash-powered slideshow (Cooliris)
- Album media RSS feeds
- Quick edits of item metadata
- In place item deletion and rotation
- User group management (drag & drop interface)
- Basic user permission management
- Admin dashboard with drag and drop blocks
From the beta release onwards we'll be working on polishing up what we already have. We will try to restrain ourselves from adding lots of new features and will focus on stability so that we can release it to you sooner.. A few things that we know that we'll be adding include:
- More bulk editing capabilities in the Organize feature
- Import permissions from Gallery 2
- Remap Gallery 2 urls to Gallery 3
- Improved tagging support
- Basic embedding hooks / instructions
- (opt-in) Stats collection (helps us to improve the product)
You can track development on our Trac roadmap.
Got feedback?
If you have any overall feedback, please visit the Gallery 3.0 Beta 2 Feedback forum topic and let us know! If you have questions, please visit the Gallery 3 Wiki, the future home for Gallery 3 documentation.
Sweet, getting so close to 3.0 Will be downloading today to test.
Awesome! Updating my gallery now!
[img][/img] Random picture from my Gallery
I'm now marking my calendar to Gallery 3 release! Well done!
Great news! What about safe mode? Will it be possible to run gallery3 with safemode on?
Hi, thanks for gallery3! i love it!
* How can i set album covers, which aren't a cover of direct sub-album?
* I'm using imagemagick as the graphics toolkit, but when trying to set an album cover i see this msg in the log:
but the program convert is there:
# ls -alh /usr/bin/convert
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5.2K 2009-06-05 00:50 /usr/bin/convert
in the apache error log aren't any errors/warnings.
suhosin is enabled, but the function-blacklist ist empty.
Thanks, Jan
Great, thank you very much.
qq: Basic embedding hooks / instructions; can somebody throw some light on this? I would really like to start integrating version 3 to different sites.
again thx a lot,
Thanks for all your work. However, I just upgraded from beta1 to beta2 and my gallery owner tags are blank. I only had two existing galleries and I created a new one using the server load module as a test. All three just say "By: ". Also just noticed this seems to affect individual images as well.
Any ideas?
Thanks again
Album tree is the module that i miss most in Gallery 3. Is there any plan or way to use album tree module in g3
Well Done!
Even though I've been playing with all the release updates, sadly I won't be upgrading do to the lack of "symlink" option.
I keep all my photo's in a specific directory on my server and just can't see having 2 copies of everything.
The anticipation is building up. I have run beta 1 on a offline machine and indeed it seems as the new Gallery 3 will be a success. It is much simpler to use, quicker to operate and has a distinctly better interface.
However, for people like me who uses WordPress as main thread and Gallery as the source of media plugins like WPG2 need to be upgraded to Gallery 3 before we can upgrade.
Beta 2 brings a wealth of changes and new features. I will be testing in particular the EXIF support and EXIF use as source for photo description. I place EXIF and ITPC code in all my photographs, so this is something really of big interest for me.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
The upgrader is cool, nice work!
More docs and a embedded API to come. In the mean time you have to create a new theme and add your navigation/footer/sidebar if the internal user interface for footer and header are not enough.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
EXIF/IPTC work for me:
please post an image that does not work for you in this regard.
even keywords are imported to tags!
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I love these Gallery 3 betas- they load so much faster than Gallery 2, and look great.
2 things. First, when I apply a watermark, the thumbnails show the watermark at it's normal size (ie you can typically only see part of the watermark if it wider than the thumbnail). Is the watermark supposed to be scaled similarly to the thumbnail when used on a thumbnail? If so, this is not happening.
Second, how do I change the widgets in the sidebar? I feel like there is a menu somewhere, but I just can't find it.
Thanks for this great app! ~Chris
Hey guys,
I am still enjoying the gallery and the amazing work you did...
May be its a probleme of configuration, but I configured the server add modul to a "root" directory containing both subfolders and pictures (around 20 sub folders and 3000 pictures), but when i tried to add some picture I am not able to see none of the picture or folder in the "pop-up windows".
No matter problems with the previous version of the module add fromm server, I use to see all subfolders and pictures in my root "directory".
And sorry for te previous problem I repported (redirection prob). It was a mistake from me ...
I know this might have been asked in the forums, but for clarification purposes I was wondering if you could shed some light on windows support and more or less future requirements.
xampp is the tool I use on a laptop for mocking up sites / gallery. It makes a great way to sandbox, however, to try to use imagemagick with gallery3 it's not supported or not working. I've tried about everything you can think.
So I'm wondering if this is an issue with gallery3 not ready to be configured to run in windows. I can't see this as being an issue with xampp and gallery. I feel its more of a seeing the "paths" issue.
Will gallery3 support windows fully in the future? I would love to continue using xampp as my dev sandbox. Right now I can only test g3 in a unix environment.
Other that that...LOOKING GOOD
There is none. If it works, it works.
To get IM working on G3 on windows will most likely require hacking at core files. You can try specifying the path under Admin > Settings > Advanced.
The only known issue I know of on Windows is CSS files are broken. Right now you have to apply this patch:
Though it appears bharat has pulled that into the main code base, so if you download a current copy of the code it should be fine (NOT the B2 download, this change was applied after B2 was released):
It's not looking so good. The few windows users are making a lot of noise but nobody is stepping up to the plate. We need a dedicated person or two for this to happen. All the dev team works in and knows is Linux.
Read this, it's been posted in ever G3 announcement:
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Thanks for the update. I wasn't sure if there was any change since the early announcements about the windows support.
As for no windows support does that mean no iss support or none at all. I'd assume none at all for now. I wish I was keeping up better with gallery I'd love to do some dev work just to get windows going better. Oh well.
Thanks again.
No windows support. Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP only.
Not IIS, Lighttpd, Nginx, not Windows, not MS SQL, not Oracle, etc.
Some support people may spend a bit of time helping. If I see an issue I think can be easy to fix I may try to help, but it gets into a "this would just work on Linux" and I have other stuff going on, I'm not going to spend much time helping that.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
I just found a very ominous message on the WPG2 plugin page
The author says: "With the upcoming Gallery3 changes, I no longer have time to develop the Wordpress/Gallery2 plugin (WPG2) and will provide no further versions. Feel free to take over the project."
I am not sure how to read this. Does it mean he is busy doing a WPG3 plugin, or has he abandoned the WPG plugin altogether. If the later is the case can the core Gallery3 team take over this plugin, please? WordPress is hugely popular platform. I would hate to be stuck with Gallery2 or worse, having to switch to another platform.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
I doubt it as the core developers ( that could code it ) don't use WP. I use WP but don't have the skill/time to do such a project.
The WP community is much larger and I would expect that they could do this.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I'm sure there will be a WP / Gallery 3 integration at some point. We'll see how long it takes until someone takes a stab at it.
Regarding Windows support: Its our opinion that Microsoft should step up and make PHP scripts run identical with scripts running on other platforms. We as developers should not have to make changes to our scripts to support IIS or Windows platforms. If in the meantime, someone wants to step up and support a Windows fork, then we would be happy to support their efforts, we just don't have the time or the inclination to support it ourselves.
The same goes for integration with WP, Drupal or other CMS system. If somemone is willing to step up and take ownership of the integration component, we would be happy to support them. Personally, I would like to see a WP integration, but don't have the WP knowledge to write it or the time to give to it
@clindsey: Both of those issues are in the works: and\apps/trac/gallery/ticket/110
@Luluberlu: what's in your gallery3/var/logs files?
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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Unless you're attempting to integrate it into a larger site on Windows, or are running a lone marginal computer, I don't think windows support matters all that much anymore.
There are plenty of options for pre-configured LAMPs, they're easy to install and use (nobody wants to spend their weekend reading how-to documents), and Gallery should install quite easily on one of them. So linux isn't bad if you're just using it for running servers and messing around with.
All you need is the a computer to run it on. Fortunately, Gallery 2.x (and hopefully Gallery 3.0) runs just fine on 256MB of RAM. Most computers can afford to have 256MB sliced off for a virtual. It doesn't have to cost anything - MS Virtual PC 2007 is free and works just fine.
Assuming you're not starved for disk space, once you get used to virtuals it'll be comforting to see how easy backup and restore can be. It sure makes experimentation with new versions worry-free.
It <was on a fresh install of beta 2,
here is the log
Gallery3 doesn't work with php 5.3. It has to be fixed!
@Luberlu: I don't understand your problem from your description. Can you please start a topic in the Gallery 3 forum and explain in detail what you did and what happened? Screenshots would be very helpful.
@Oriolhernan: Sir, yes sir!
I assume you're referring to this problem: We'll fix it soon.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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Finished translating everything to Swedish. Took me a good 6 hours but now it's done and submitted.
Still can't get to everything even with the show all option but there isn't much left now.
There are lots of reoccurring phrases that one needs to translate over and over. Why is that? I'm not a programmer but wouldn't it be quite simple to do a lookup on the current phrase to see if it exists already? Ifd it does and there is a translation a "copy translation from previous phrase" button there would speed things up quite a bit.
@ Bharat, done :
I have same concern.... also have no plan moving on to the new version.
Though, thanks for the good work.
Thank you very much for is Great Update, i updated MY Gallery3 B1 to B2, with one click so easy, thank you,
is it possible to move a Album(plus photos in it) from a Gallery3 A3 to a Gallery3 Beta2 Install ???
Please help me, Thank you again for this great product
Nope. Only the betas support upgrading. The Alphas do not support any sort of upgrading. The closest you can do is use the Server Add plugin and re-import those images into your current G3. You'll lose titles, descriptions, comments, etc
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Refering to alfa and beta1 :
I have now beta2 up and running in apache - and it runs fine. Exept the import from gallery2 function. It still just gives a blank page.
I don't know what that comment is suppose to mean. You cannot upgrade from the Alphas, period. It was never designed, intended or coded to be able to upgrade from the Alphas. Only the Betas and newer support upgrading. If you were running an Alpha, the only think you can do is delete and start over.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
The comment is based on earlier thread on g2_import. It was told that there was no support for Lighttpd and that I should run it under Apache for any form of support. I was arguing that it was not an webservice issue but alas. So I installed Apache and tried the g2_import again. And it still is not functioning well. I can see that it copies som files to ../var/modules/g2_import from the "old" g2. And after that, nothing.
@osomanden: please start new topic in the Gallery 3 forums on your g2_import issue and I'll investigate. If you can attach a zip file containing your var/modules/g2_import directory and tell us what version of G2 you're using that would help.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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Great to see further progress.
Think I asked before:
would it be possible to use photo description for meta description in the head code?
Can help with search engines, say; inc might see descriptions together with titles in search results - bit more incentive for people to click links and visit albums/photos.
likewise, might use tags for the meta keywords
maybe also meta title (even tho also have title in head from title of photo: I just notice a flickr photo page has meta title the same as the title in head code)
Could help get photos found and visited via search engines.
Internal linking also important with this; currently, internal linking seems to be especially via tags, tho I think more navigation menus will appear.
Aspects like this maybe helpful, esp in cases where gallery users post shots of similar subjects to images other photographers post to Flickr etc.
Hi, nice work again with this beta 2, i hope the beta 3 will apport a lot of new feature.
But I have a probleme, i renamed a directory in my var/albums var/thumbs var/resizes and modify the relative_path_cache in the database but after that I have a problem with the generation of the navigation bar some pictures (a lot),other albums and sub albums appears on it.
Could you tell me more about the generation of this navigation menu, earhaps could I correct the problems without a reinstall
sorry for my poor english
Don't do that
I don't have time right now, but I did a bit of digging for someone a few days back, so you can search the forums. But those paths are specified in about 4 or 5 files. You'd need to change that path in all of those places.
To fix it, put things back the way they were.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Too late, you've probably already screwed up your hierarchy. Put things back, and then after that install the rescue module from the gallery3-contrib repo and run the "Fix album/photo hierarchy" maintenance task to fix things up again.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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Whoo great I don't see this module in the list. Without Modifing the folder name it works fine thanks a lot.
I will try too read code of this module to understand how it works
Hi guys, great to hear that Gallery 3 is on it's way! I am looking forward to using it on my website.
A couple of questions:
I am interested in integrating Gallery 3 into my website both visually and functionally. Will it be possible to visually integrate Gallery 3 by customizing the page header, footer and possibly CSS to match that of the rest of my website? Also, will it be possible to make Gallery 3 use the existing user database from my website so that users do not need a second account to use the gallery and when they login to the main section of my website they also get logged-in to the Gallery installation?
If anyone can answer these it would be most appriciated. Thanks!
Yes, should be easier than G2 even. Docs are being worked on, well being thought about
, but to create a new theme, simply copy
/themes/default to /themes/MyTheme done, now start hacking
Edit themes/MyTheme/ to change your theme name and other references
Start hacking, see themes/MyTheme/views for the pages.
I believe so, but don't quote me on that
I don't know if that will be ready for the first release or not, but I have read that integrations like that should be easier. I don't know though.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
@DocMartin meta descriptions would be up to the theme developer to do this. There is lots of other meta data that could be added as well. It should be a simple change to the view. Edit themes/default/views/page.html.php
Start a new thread in the forums if you get stuck.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Thanks for this - I hadn't thought of this being in theme; but will look at this
I've a white page when I install gallery 3. All the install progress works ok but when I go to the main page I have the blank page.
@bharat Are You sure that gallery3 works with php 5.3 ?
@oriolhernan: I've tested the latest version of Gallery 3 with PHP 5.3 release candidates. Try getting the latest code (I've added some fixes since beta 2).
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git | help! vote!
Hey Guys, Just upgraded to the latest gallery 2 beta, pre beta 3, found a bug in IE 8, when using any of the drop down admin utilities It opens to the right of the screen instead of underneath, so you have say your modules all to the right of the main page instead of under where it should be, you have to actualy scroll to the right to get to them, I tried the same with The latest version of Safari and had no problems...