Gallery 3.0 Beta 3 is ready!
Beta 3 is here! With this final beta, we begin the sprint to our full release! Your feedback in our beta series has been priceless so far, help us with our final push to work out the last little bugs and issues and polish up the product! Download it now! or read on for more details...
Intended audience
Gallery 3 Beta 3 is still not quite a finished product yet. There's still a lot of polishing to do, and a bunch of small missing features. But even in its incomplete state it is a fast, reliable and secure product. Live a little, try it out! If you're excited about creating beautiful themes and writing your own custom modules, now is a great time to get involved!
Security warning
Our good friends at Gotham Digital Science did a professional security audit for us, and we have fixed all the major flaws they uncovered. The minor issues that remain are along the lines of "you should ask for the old password as a confirmation when you let users change their password." We'll fix those, before the final release. All big security holes are closed. Did we miss some? We hope not, but if you install Beta 3 on a public site, we encourage you to watch for new releases and be prepared to upgrade if we put out security fixes.
Wahoooo! Let's go!
With the disclaimers and warnings out of the way, here it is:
Download Gallery 3.0 Beta 3 (1.3 MB)
or retrieve directly from our revision control with git
clone git://
Upgrading from Gallery 3 Beta 1 and Beta 2
You can upgrade from Beta 1 or Beta 2 (but not from earlier
releases). Upgrading is really easy! Unpack the new version on top
of the old one to replace the existing files and then either browse to:
(except use your real domain name) or if you have shell access, run:
php index.php upgrade
The Gallery 3 Philosophy
We set out to make an amazing application. Not only will you be able to easily host your photos, but you'll find that Gallery 3 makes it a joy. We focused on the following 4 principles:
Keep It Small - Gallery 3 is 4.5 MB with all of its features. This is a tiny fraction of the size of most similar applications.
Make It Intuitive - We've got some great usability and user interface experts on our team, designing and prototyping interfaces that just make sense. Frequent tasks are now quick and easy. Tough tasks are possible with great new interfaces.
Make It Fast - We've made some tough decisions in keeping the scope of Gallery 3 small. We've created a set of features that we think will make most of you really happy, while avoiding some of the crazier features that make the product slow. As a result, you're going to find that it's really snappy!
Make it Extensible - Our module system is so simple that even now while we're still in beta, the community has written 26 modules ranging from facial recognition to slideshows to batch tagging. Download and play with them from the gallery3-contrib repository on GitHub.
How Did We Do It?
We have stood on the shoulders of giants. Gallery 3.0 is made possible by some truly great advances in technology.
Kohana - We evaluated many PHP frameworks before choosing Kohana. It's speed, flexibility and power made it just what we needed. Thanks to the Kohana folks for providing this first class application framework!
PHP 5 - We're taking advantage of many of the new features and capabilities available in the latest versions of PHP. This allows us to write much less code and have a faster product.
jQuery - the write less, do more Javascript library. Gallery 3's rich user interface is heavily driven by Javascript and is made possible by the simple and powerful jQuery framework.
So what's new in this release?
There's not enough room to list everything, but highlights include:-
Beta 3
(hide details)
- Configurable custom URLs for each album, photo or movie.
- Greatly improved UI for administration pages
- Systematic fixes for Cross Site Security (XSS) vulnerabilities.
- Compatibility with PHP 5.3
- New, extensible context menus for albums, photos and movies.
- Better support for viewing full size images
- Rewritten Organize module. It's got a little less functionality now, but it's much cleaner and will be a primary focus for the next release.
- Tags are now searchable
- Much improved bidirectional language support
- 103 fixed tickets in the beta 3 release
- Beta 2 (show details)
- Beta 1 (show details)
- Alpha 4 (show details)
- Alpha 3 (show details)
- Alpha 2 (show details)
- Alpha 1 (show details)
This is the final beta release. Now we're going to be restraining ourselves to UI polishing, cross browser support, performance and stability. We want to release this to you as soon as possible! A few things that we know we'll be adding include:
- More bulk editing capabilities in the Organize feature
- Import permissions from Gallery 2
- Remap Gallery 2 urls to Gallery 3
- Improved tagging support
- Basic embedding hooks / instructions
- (opt-in) Stats collection (helps us to improve the product)
You can track development on our Trac roadmap.
Got feedback?
If you have any overall feedback, please visit the Gallery 3.0 Beta 3 Feedback forum topic and let us know! If you have questions, please visit the Gallery 3 Wiki, the future home for Gallery 3 documentation.
@John R and any other windows user:
If you want to use other image tools than GD, download WHICH for windows
I use it on Windows Server 2003 R2 with no problems.
Just remember to install the image tools in the root folder as it doesn't work with folders that contains spaces ie "Program Files"
Upgraded from G2 to G3 beta2 and import was fine (took all night).
Updated to G3beta 3 but still having the following problems...
In Latest Firefox or IExplorer 8:
1. Viewing a photos - counter stays at zero and cannot progress to the next photo (next button does not advance). Also the 'Previous button not working even though an image in the middle of the album is being viewed (image counter stuck on 0)
! not every album...
This one is troublesome:
2. In IE8 the album thumbnails flicker on and off the screen like some mosaic puzzle. Often can only see half the album thumbnails or even less.
Same when logged in.
I think there were a couple of other basic things but I stopped at this point.
We are at beta 3 now as the topic suggests and if you read this thread it would have said this issue was fixed with an experimental version:
FAQ: How do I upgrade?
So please upgrade and your IE issue will be resolved.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Indeed, after unpacking and running the installer ... all is fixed.
Ha! so I thought...
Next button advance is working (IE8 and Firefox), but the flickering/ vanishing album thumbnails (IE8) has not been fixed. At first it looked that way but it happens but more inside albums and not as bad on the front page of the gallery.
First, go into your themes directory and rename or delete the directory named 'default'
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
I hope Gallery 3 the final version will appear soon!I wait so much this great program.Congratulations guys for what u are doing!
When I try to upgrade the Gallery2.3 into Gallery3.3 I'm losing some information and it takes a very long time (5 h). I upgrade Gallery2.3 with 1 album (3 photos) and result is Gallery3.3 with 1 album (2 photos). Error log is empty. Where is the problem?
I cannot upload swf files anymore.
Please start new threads after trying an experimental version.
erdean2, swf is not a supported file format at this time.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
If Javascript is disabled, then it seems to be impossible to comment a picture. This can be easily reproduced by visiting the gallery, someone was so kind to point to in a comment:
If you disable javascript and navigate to a picture, then you'll never be able to use the comment feature, while it is available with javascript enabled.
Another thing, which may be fixed, is the vertical align of pictures. With javascript disabled, pictures are aligned to top. It should be possible to do this with pure CSS and without Javascript.
@mreimer: If javascript is disabled, then I'm surprised that anything works. It was a conscious decision to use jquery(javascript) to provide additional ui functionality. It should degrade properly, but will not be laid out properly or have any functionality like adding comments.
That's just the way we chose to do it.
OK. I will go back to previous version as not have swf is lame.
@erdean2: The problem with hosting swf files is in the past the security surrounding them has been questionable and without proper controls, provides a security exposure that we are not willing to deal with at this point.
I don't like to design pages, which require javascript to be enabled. I only use it for stuff like preselecting text boxes. It's nice to have it preselected, but if there is no javascript enabled, the full functionality still is usable.
Which would mean: Won't be fixed?
Will there be a chance to change this behavior using the module system? Would it be possible to write a "drop all this web2.0 stuff" module, which adds a gallery 2 like user interface? If this is possible, I'd try to write it as soon as Gallery 3 is stable and a final version is available.
If this is impossible, I'll have to stay with Gallery 2.x. How long will Gallery 2.x still be supplied with security patches?
@mreimer: regarding javascript, I don't think we will be lessening the dependency on javascript in the future. One of the basic premises, that we as the core team, decided was that with Gallery3 would be designed an Ajax enabled application.
Not with the module system, but some people have chosen to write themes that lessen the javascript requirement. You are also welcome to create a fork on github and hack away to your heart's content.
As long as someone is willing to commit to taking the time to make them. Gallery 1.x was kept around for along time because someone committed to keeping it updated.
using gallery3,how to upload batch pics one time?
now it seems just can upload one by one
Install the server add module.
You can select more than one item at a time with flash uploader.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I have been keeping up with the progress through the roadmap page, and I am a little confused...
As of today, the 3.0 release looks to be 92% complete, but the 3.0 release client 1 is at 61%. I am not a programmer so I don't know if that is normal or not, but it seemed odd that RC1 would be further behind than the full 3.0.
Does that mean you guys are skipping RC1 and going straight to 3.0 release?
I think that stuff all depends on how things are actually tagged for the tickets. Right now there is probably just a higher ratio of tickets open (lower percentage number for completion) that are marked for RC1 than those for 3.0. I don't think the tracking software has the logic in it to know what order the releases should go in.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
I've had a similar problem (but maybe not the same?) as the one described above by Florin_Andrei. I'm running my own server (A QNAP TS-219) with PHP5 on Apache, and I've got ImageMagick running. Everything works fine, except in bulk uploads. Not only does it not upload all of the images, it also gives the error "Not a valid file" - and it does not create thumbs and resizes of the images. The most profound impact, however, was that it brought the server to its knees and it had to be restarted as it did not respond.
I guess it is the Imagemagick that is too taxing on the system, but as a user I find it natural to assume that when the upload bar turns green and reports "Uploaded" - I can continue. However, after some trial-and-error, I found out that: 1) 7 images is the upload limit for my server before causing errors and nonresponsive behavior 2) it takes approximately 3 minutes for each uploaded to be processed, and until then more images should not be uploaded - preferably, the upload window should remain open until the resizes are done (the temp file should be renamed and resized).
This means that it takes a very long time to upload larger amounts of images.
I should perhaps mention that I'm in the process of uploading 6 years worth of photos, and even though it is slow I think it's worth it because I like G3 otherwise.
I don't think we have much control on how fast a images gets sent to the server. There is many factors beyond out control in this regard; upload from your client to the server is your ISPs area of responsibility, clinet and server performance among others.
Please start a new thread in the forums, this is a story, so we can investigate further.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
So I want to switch from G2 to G3 and 'go live' with this baby. Hurry, Hurry, Hurry, before you loose all the interest you generated.
How can I help speed the process up, you guys are killing me with the death slow marching now. 
Want to help?
1) Don't ask "when it will be done", just wastes our time. It's done when it's done. I guess I'll just start ignoring these sorts of posts.
2) Install G3, grab the latest experimental version (not B3) and install and test it:
3) Test it, import your G2 and see how things go.
4) Find bugs if you can
5) Help out with coding or support if you can. The dev and support teams are very small and we do this in our spare time.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
I disagree, maybe just irritates you is all. Ignore these posts if you want, fine by me.
I wish I was smart enough to help code, but I'm not. That's why I wouldn't mind paying for something like this if it would help produce results faster.
But trust me I know how you feel about "spare time", I run a website/side biz that requires TONS of time and very little in return.
But I think you guys set yourselves up for this constant questioning of releases. You had dates and hyped the whole thing. Now dates are removed, timelines, deadlines, mean....well very little.
Best of luck, guess I'll check back in a year or so. Certainly has lots of potential for sure. Keep up the good work and I'll quit complaining.
when I want to upload large mp4 file, I get the following error:
"2009-11-10 12:47:56 +02:00 --- error: Caught exception rebuilding image: konferencija11
#0 [internal function]: graphics_Core::resize('/w3/', '/w3/', Array)
#1 /w3/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#2 /w3/ graphics_Core::generate(Object(Item_Model))
#3 /w3/ movie_Core::create(Object(Item_Model), '/w3/', 'konferencija11....', 'konferencija11')
#4 [internal function]: Simple_Uploader_Controller->add_photo('18')
#5 /w3/ ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Simple_Uploader_Controller), Array)
#6 [internal function]: Kohana::instance()
#7 /w3/ call_user_func(Array)
#8 /w3/ Event::run('system.execute')
#9 /w3/ require('/w3/')
#10 {main}
2009-11-10 12:47:56 +02:00 --- alert: exception 'Exception' with message '@todo EMPTY_INPUT_FILE' in /w3/
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: graphics_Core::resize('/w3/', '/w3/', Array)
#1 /w3/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#2 /w3/ graphics_Core::generate(Object(Item_Model))
#3 /w3/ movie_Core::create(Object(Item_Model), '/w3/', 'konferencija11....', 'konferencija11')
#4 [internal function]: Simple_Uploader_Controller->add_photo('18')
#5 /w3/ ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Simple_Uploader_Controller), Array)
#6 [internal function]: Kohana::instance()
#7 /w3/ call_user_func(Array)
#8 /w3/ Event::run('system.execute')
#9 /w3/ require('/w3/')
#10 {main}"
what is wrong?
Please start a new thread. Give more info.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
How can I get newest nightly update?
Be sure to follow the tips about unpacking the code and moving the var directory around
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
I have problems with mp4 files, I try to upload file and everytime I get the same error:"Upload error: bad image file".
Error log file:
2009-11-12 16:41:56 +02:00 --- error: Caught exception rebuilding image: Legenda-tesiasi-Mano-namai
#0 [internal function]: gallery_graphics_Core::resize('/www/gallery...', '/www/gallery...', Array)
#1 /www/gallery/modules/gallery/helpers/graphics.php(152): call_user_func_array('gallery_graphic...', Array)
#2 /www/gallery/modules/gallery/helpers/movie.php(121): graphics_Core::generate(Object(Item_Model))
#3 /www/gallery/modules/gallery/controllers/simple_uploader.php(61): movie_Core::create(Object(Item_Model), '/www/gallery...', 'Legenda-tesiasi...', 'Legenda-tesiasi...')
#4 [internal function]: Simple_Uploader_Controller->add_photo('1')
#5 /gallery/system/core/Kohana.php(291): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Simple_Uploader_Controller), Array)
#6 [internal function]: Kohana::instance()
#7 /www/gallery/system/core/Event.php(209): call_user_func(Array)
#8 /www/gallery/system/core/Bootstrap.php(55): Event::run('system.execute')
#9 /www/gallery/index.php(86): require('/www/gallery...')
#10 {main}
2009-11-12 16:41:56 +02:00 --- alert: exception 'Exception' with message '@todo EMPTY_INPUT_FILE' in /www/gallery/modules/gallery/helpers/gallery_graphics.php:55
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: gallery_graphics_Core::resize('/www/gallery...', '/www/gallery...', Array)
#1 /www/gallery/modules/gallery/helpers/graphics.php(152): call_user_func_array('gallery_graphic...', Array)
#2 /www/gallery/modules/gallery/helpers/movie.php(121): graphics_Core::generate(Object(Item_Model))
#3 /www/gallery/modules/gallery/controllers/simple_uploader.php(61): movie_Core::create(Object(Item_Model), '/www/gallery...', 'Legenda-tesiasi...', 'Legenda-tesiasi...')
#4 [internal function]: Simple_Uploader_Controller->add_photo('1')
#5 /www/gallery/system/core/Kohana.php(291): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Simple_Uploader_Controller), Array)
#6 [internal function]: Kohana::instance()
#7 /www/gallery/system/core/Event.php(209): call_user_func(Array)
#8 /www/gallery/system/core/Bootstrap.php(55): Event::run('system.execute')
#9 /www/gallery/index.php(86): require('/www/gallery...')
Can you help me?
It is easier to follow in a new thread and not a news story.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I have this problem on IE8 too. Fresh Beta 3 installation, just changed path from /gallery3 to /gallery (but I've done it BEFORE any installation steps). Upgrader says "Installed version: 12" for "Gallery", if it matters.
It has nothing to do with the directory name. Upgrade to the latest experimental code (follow the tips about unpacking the code to ensure that no old files remain)
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
WOW, looks promising. Good job guys.
I like the translating mode, it was really a brilliant idea. By the way, from where someone can find the other's translation, if he wants to use it?
Please guys... I know you don't dig this question (I actually was going to make a fake Gmail addy and ask but I figured if I do it nicely you will forgive)
Will we have a final release G3 for Christmas?
Final I doubt it. We have to go through the RC stages yet.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
@doceave: The problem is... there is a long list of tickets (42 left) and only a a few people working on them. Life tends to start intruding on volunteer time during this part of the year. So the sooner we finish this ticket list, the sooner we get through the RC's and to the final. So if you have any PHP programming experience and you feel that you could fix one of the issues, then talk to one of the developers, create a fork on github and start hacking
@mamouneyya: Admin >> Language >> Settings. Check the languages you want and then hit update, this should bring down what ever languages are available.
@talmdal: I understand... this is just the most awaited piece of software since Windows 95! (Ok I was excited!)
I might be doing something wrong but when i go to github and download the gallery contrib section, I was expecting it to include both the modules and themes dirs. but upon unzip or untar I only ever get the modules dir. How can I download the themes from github?
I think you're getting bit by a bug on github where it's not including all of the stuff. If you look under the modules directory you'll see that it doesn't include all of the modules either.
I think right now the only way to get them all is to use the command line
git clone git://
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Its been reported to github here:
Thanks for gallery3. It is certainly a big step forward - at least
what uploading concerns.
However I have a few comments.
There are to purposes you use gallery3 for. First as show-case.
One ore more uses want to show a few photos to relatives, friends or
the public.
1.1) Friends I have installed gallery 2 for struggle with scaling down the
photos because on-line space is rather small compared to the size
of the original photos (e.g. 500M). And they do not want the original of-camera photos
anyway on-line.
The trick would be to delete the original photo
that after importing the and scaling down.
The other group of people using gallery3 as Photo MANAGER.
2.1) To them the original photos are an valuable asset that they need to have
control over.
Luckily gallery3 chooses to keep sort of with the Unix Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
and place .../gallery3/var and original and var/albums.
Also since no random key is used anymore and mods are 777 gallery3/var
is world readable.
However people usually have better ways to upload like scp or ftp
and want to upload directory trees of even want to keep the originals outside
gallery for better backup and replication.
You also might link to a raw file for some photos.
I am writing a php script do import photos placed under album,
but still struggle on how to set left_ptr and right_ptr.
2.2) Tag should be coming from a radio button list and also displayed below the
Pourquoi faut-il attendre si longtemps? Si vous étiez à ma place !
Why does this take so long - if you were in my place....
Parce que nous aimons prendre notre temps pour accroître l'agonie.
Because we like to take our time to increase the agony.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
We wish we had more time to make this go sooner. :-/
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
You know something I've wanted in G2 for a long time is the option to put navigation on both top and bottom, and a way to configure exactly how you want the links to be, something like this:
Previous <----> Next <----> Back to Album
1, 2, 3, 4, <--pages
and then the same thing on the bottom.
My reasoning is that when you have many rows, sometimes people miss pages. The "back to Album" link would return to the root album.
Thanks a lot you guys and gals. I can't wait for the finished product. I think it was a VERY good choice to make G3 as simple as possible with easy to implement options that show images, while letting others develop addons and plugins for shopping carts, payment options, and other non image related options--like Firefox focuses on getting the information from the server to the browser, and others develop addons and plugins. Great choice.
It was simple in G2 and some themes have this option. G3 will be the same, even simpler and with that simplicity should come even more themes. Recent updates give the themer an admin interface to add options like this simpler.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Dave, I had forgotten that the menu options were theme specific. Sorry. I can't wait for G3 final.
I had used Gallery for 2 years then found Zenphoto, which was much easier. But when you announced Gallery 3 my hopes were raised that you might improve on Zenphoto, perhaps with clickable tags??, so I patiently waited. However, I know many, many, many have given up and stuck with Zenphoto because of the slow progress. I know this is open source but please consider the negative impact that the slow progress is having on the user base.
Please provide progress reports and a more friendly tone when people ask about the schedule. Just some friendly advice.
@pochombo: I feel your pain. And it's really fine with us if you stick with ZenPhoto. You should use whatever product is best for you. I wish we could go faster, and I wish we had more time for friendly status messages but when you only have a little time each day to work on a hobby project that you do entirely for fun (read: zero money), you have to prioritize your time carefully. There are hundreds of people who are helping out in the forums actually making the project go faster by contributing, but there are very few people who are actually writing the code and doing the design work. If you'd like to see it sooner, help us because that's the only way it's going to happen -- anything else is trying to get blood from a stone.
I'll happily grant you permission to post progress reports right here on the Gallery website if you'd like to participate in the project. To adapt your message above, "please consider the negative impact that lack of help is having on the developer community".
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
I have a question:
Is this gallery death? I've never heard something about this gallery. The Beta version is very old. Sorry for my bad englisch.