Thanks for your suggestions, however most of that has been checked/ruled out/tried.
"Album Options" is not in the main menu (before) Admin, so that's why there's no way to edit tags or custom fields. These attributes cannot be accessed by the menu that appears when you mouse-over the album. I've tried removing other modules looking for conflicts in the menu (pages, all tags), and all that's left in the main menu are HOME and ADMIN, no ALBUM OPTIONS.
"calpagehtml.php" was copied from the clean canvas theme to the views directory and the theme itself seems ok. I tried reverting back to the default calpagehtml.php to see if it was an issue with the clean canvas file, but the html is still incomplete, <ul class="g-metadata"> is still the last line of code after the first thumbnail.
"Module Order" is installed, and "Tag Album" is above "NavCarousel", which I thought might do the trick, but does not.
Your reply is appreciated. Hoping rWatcher sees the post soon
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Tue, 2011-11-08 10:32
crystalgirl wrote:
"Album Options" is not in the main menu (before) Admin, so that's why there's no way to edit tags or custom fields. These attributes cannot be accessed by the menu that appears when you mouse-over the album. I've tried removing other modules looking for conflicts in the menu (pages, all tags), and all that's left in the main menu are HOME and ADMIN, no ALBUM OPTIONS.
Whenever I am within a tag album, there is no "Album Options" in the main menu. This makes sense to me as it's not a real album, so you can't edit it this way. The only way that I can edit a tag album is via the menu that appears when I mouse over the thumb for the tag album from inside its parent. If you don't see this pop-up menu, or if it doesn't contain "Edit Album", then something is wrong (assuming that you are logged in).
Joined: 2011-09-27
Posts: 36
Posted: Tue, 2011-11-08 13:31
When I mouse-over from the parent, I do see various options for editing an album. There are EDIT PERMISSIONS and EDIT ALBUM WITH RICH TEXT EDITOR. If you can "edit tags" from this menu, do you have another module installed to do so?
Neither EDITING TAGS nor CUSTOM FIELDS is in this (mouse-over) menu. These are options that can be accessed via the ALBUM OPTIONS menu. These items can be accessed until the TAG query data is selected (when G3 believes it is a physical album).
So this being the case, is my only options to edit directly via the database?
Joined: 2011-09-27
Posts: 36
Posted: Tue, 2011-11-08 12:50
I was just thinking....perhaps the CUSTOM FIELDS and TAGS are non-issues???? I was assuming that the TAG ALBUM module would work with the METADESCRIPTION module which uses tags for SEO. I did not see meta tags in the html, so this might be an incorrect assumption or perhaps requires some tweaking to make them play nicely.
And I was assuming that the TAG ALBUM module would work with the CUSTOM FIELDS module. At this point, I don't have any way of knowing since the HTML for Custom Fields would be more near the end of the code, and the HTML is truncated well before that point. If the 2 modules are not compatible, I certainly don't need to be able to edit them.
Any comments and suggestions are certainly appreciated.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Tue, 2011-11-08 15:02
I don't use the custom fields module and I don't understand what you're trying to do with it. What would a custom field be used for in a tag album? I also don't have the RTF editor module installed.
When you mouse-over from the parent do you see an option "Edit the album", and if so does it enable you to edit the custom fields and/or the tags that will be displayed in the album? It's in this dialog that I edit the tags displayed in this particular tag album, and my understanding is that this is where you also edit the custom fields. If you don't see this option then something is preventing it displaying - perhaps the RTF module?
crystalgirl wrote:
Neither EDITING TAGS nor CUSTOM FIELDS is in this (mouse-over) menu. These are options that can be accessed via the ALBUM OPTIONS menu. These items can be accessed until the TAG query data is selected (when G3 believes it is a physical album).
I don't have "Editing Tags" as a separate item in the "Album Options" menu - I have it in the "Edit this album" dialog.
I think that you will need rWatcher to solve the truncation problem. He's not usually away for more than a couple of days.
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Posts: 36
Posted: Tue, 2011-11-08 19:32
After checking....You are right on the "Edit Album" issue....TinyMCE replaces "Edit Album" with "Edit Album with Rich Text Editor". When I disabled TinyMCE, I saw "Edit Album", and indeed could edit those vary fields which had become inaccessible, namely the tags and custom fields. So, now, I do have a workaround for modifying the album attributes.
Custom fields can be displayed for photos and for albums. In my case, I'm using them to display hyperlinks to other web sites and articles about the photos or albums.
So for now, the big issue remains....the truncation problem, and I now know the culprit....there is a conflict with the CUSTOM FIELDS module. When I disable it, the HTML is complete. When I enable it, the HTML is truncated.
Any guesses as to the source of the conflict????? Tag Albums or Custom Fields?
I sure hope this can be resolved....I'd love to use BOTH modules.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Wed, 2011-11-09 00:48
Interesting. We've had these sorts of conflicts before with other modules. It makes me frustrated that Tag Albums is not better integrated into gallery 3, like the basic Tags module. I'm on the road and far from home and not in a position to make a guess about the cause of the problem. Even if I was, what would take me days to work out, rWatcher can usually spot in minutes. Re TinyMCE, perhaps you could raise the issues you discovered with its author.
Joined: 2003-12-22
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Posted: Wed, 2011-11-09 01:25
You are right on the "Edit Album" issue....TinyMCE replaces "Edit Album" with "Edit Album with Rich Text Editor".
Yes, interesting on many levels. Knowing your configuration module-wise gave me the idea of simulating your environment. Had it not been for the TinyMCE revelation, I never would have tried disabling the Custom Fields module, which ultimately held the key to the HTML truncation mystery.
It is confusing to me why that module is even being executed to display thumbnails for Tag Album, but I'm still pretty much a newbie and don't have a good grasp on the overall G3 architecture.
I'm really not too concerned about the TinyMCE issue....its a workaround that is easy enough to do if I need to alter Tag Album attributes.
I'm truly keeping my fingers crossed that rWatcher can quickly reproduce the situation, and implement a fix (not that I'm hoping that it is his problem). Its just that I haven't found much help from Custom Fields author and think that a fix might incur a delay if it must be done in the code for that module.
The HTML truncation is definitely a deal-breaker for my application and I'm hoping for a positive resolution so that Tag Albums and Custom Fields coexist on the same playground
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Posted: Wed, 2011-11-09 01:56
Thanks Floridave! Can you post here when the new code for TinyMCE is available?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2011-11-09 02:04
Can you post here when the new code for TinyMCE is available?
You are terrific Floridave! Your mods works like a charm!
Joined: 2011-09-27
Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 2011-11-09 14:02
I've come across another issue causing me grief...
I have the ALL TAGS module installed. I noticed that all my links were modified to use Tag Albums (which isn't working for me since I have Custom Fields installed).
So I went in the TAG ALBUMS ADMIN and unchecked the box for : "Display filter links on "All Tags" album pages?". The hyperlinks remained unchanged still using the TAG ALBUMS links.
Of course when I uninstalled TAG ALBUMS, the ALL TAGS hyperlinks were correct.
Is anyone else using both modules, but have normal tag links on the ALL TAGS pages? If so, what might I be doing wrong?
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Wed, 2011-11-09 21:46
crystalgirl wrote:
I've come across another issue causing me grief...
I have the ALL TAGS module installed. I noticed that all my links were modified to use Tag Albums (which isn't working for me since I have Custom Fields installed).
There's instructions in the first post for setting this up:
rwatcher wrote:
To adjust tag links found elsewhere in the Gallery so that they point to the Tag Albums module, install / activate the "Module Order" module ( ), then select Admin -> Settings -> Module order and move "Tag Albums" above Tags. This will cause all tag links (including the All Tags module) to point to Tag Album pages (Warning: Only tested with Gallery 3.0.1).
To turn it off and have normal tag links again, just move Tag Albums below Tags instead of above.
As for the custom fields module, I'll have to look into it and see if I can figure out what the module is doing that's conflicting with tag albums.
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Mon, 2012-04-02 23:43
Custom Fields issue located -- the custom fields module calls "$theme->children->rewind();" when loading information to display on item thumbnails. As I've never actually seen this rewind function used before, it doesn't exist on my custom built array of child items. This has now been fixed, and everything should now work fine with custom fields.
Joined: 2011-09-27
Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 2011-11-10 00:22
Whew hew rWatcher! It all works now !!! You are awesome! Thank you!
I had module order already installed, guess I just didn't give that any thought...was thinking that it was the check box I mentioned.
A couple more questions...
1. Is it possible to have NavCarousel work with the Tag Albums? (Or is this a question for the NavCarousel author?)
2. Is it possible for the MetaDescription tags to be added to the HTML? (Or is this a question for the MetaDescription author?)
3. Re Custom Fields, there is an area in the sidebar for custom fields to be displayed. While I entered data for the custom fields, it did not display. Is this something that is an issue with Tag Albums or the Custom Fields module?
Thanks so much for the quick fixes Keeping my fingers crossed that you have more good news!
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Tue, 2011-11-22 00:22
crystalgirl wrote:
1. Is it possible to have NavCarousel work with the Tag Albums? (Or is this a question for the NavCarousel author?)
This should work. I didn't test thoroughly so let me know if it breaks anything.
Joined: 2011-11-25
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2011-11-25 14:06
Hi all,
Just have installed a fresh G3 + the Tag Album (which is for me should be the default behaviour of G3 to browse pictures using tags!!!!).
I try to get pictures using the REST API. This works fine for standard albums but I can't get albums members (pictures in my case) when I use an URL of a "Tag Album" entity. No members are returned.
try { $auth = Gallery3::login($SITE_URL, $USER, $PASSWORD); } catch (Exception $e) { exit('ERROR: Forbidden access to the gallery.'); }
try { echo "<h1>Photo collection using REST API and URL=".$url."</h1>"; $collection = Gallery3::factory($url, $auth); echo '<br />('.count($collection->data->members).') Members found.'; print_r($collection->data->members);
echo "<h1>Photo collection using unREST API and URL=".$unresturl."</h1>"; $collectionU = Gallery3::factory($unresturl, $auth); echo '<br />('.count($collectionU->data).') Members found.'; print_r($collectionU);
Tag albums aren't actual albums, they're just empty albums that have been re-programmed to direct the user to a dynamic page containing the desired photos. As such, you're not going to see any sub-members (photos, etc) as there aren't any.
Joined: 2012-01-02
Posts: 51
Posted: Mon, 2012-01-02 00:47
I just installed Gallery, and i'm using this plugin. I see that the title of the image and author are overlapping each other.
By the way, can i change the text "View Tag Albums"? I'd rather it say "Browse by Fighter", which would make more sense on my website.
Joined: 2012-01-02
Posts: 51
Posted: Mon, 2012-01-09 05:58
I fixed the issues above by commenting out the text from those pages.
I have a different issue though.
Because this module creates "virtual" albums, there are two URLs for every photo on my site. When using the Facebook Comments and Facebook Like modules, this is not a good thing, because every photo has two separate sets of likes and comments. Example:
There are no likes and no comments in the first link, but there is 1 like and 1 comment (about tag_albums) in the 2nd link. These are actually the same exact image. I like having virtual albums based on tags, but when clicking on the photo itself, it should re-direct to the "real" url of the image to avoid such problems with functionality.
Tag browsing and Facebook integration are both extremely important qualities of a good Image Gallery script. Please don't force users to have to choose between one or the other.
EDIT: I examined my website more closely, and realized that i wasn't actually using this module for its intended purpose. Deleting it fixed the problem without losing any functionality from my site whatsoever. I can still browse by tags, see a page of photos with the same tag, and now the photos link to the "real" urls. I'm not honestly not sure why i needed this in the first place haha
Joined: 2012-03-30
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2012-03-30 20:23
Hi All,
I found tag_albums extremly useful in Gallery3. Unfortunately I have an issue with it and I couldn't find cure in forums.
I have problem setting "Display items that contain ALL of the following tags" for an album. If I give only one tag, it works [EDIT: I checked it once again, the first page is OK in that case, but pressing next gives the same error message ]. Anyway in that case there is no difference in "ANY" and "ALL" at all. But with more than one tag ( usually I give only two, in any order ) I can not open that album, I receive error. Error message says: "Kohana_Exception [ Framework Error ]: The relative_url_cache property does not exist in the Item_Model class".
Fixing gallery in Maintenance mode doesn't help. I also tried set the $config["internal_cache"] to 0 in config.php, but no result.
I don't know what to do in that case. When I use "ANY" instead of "ALL", than everything works as expected. But with ALL, it crashes.
Can you give me some help how to move forward with that isssue?
Technical background details:
Platform information
Operating system: Linux 2.6.32-38-server
Apache: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
PHP: 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.14
MySQL: 5.1.61-0ubuntu0.10.04.1
Server load: 0.09 0.11 0.1
Graphics toolkit: gd
SYSPATH/libraries/ORM.php[ 474 ]
469 unset($this->related[$column]);
470 }
471 }
472 else
473 {
474 throw new Kohana_Exception('The :property: property does not exist in the :class: class',
475 array(':property:' => $column, ':class:' => get_class($this)));
476 }
477 }
479 /**
Thanks in advance,
Joined: 2012-03-31
Posts: 16
Posted: Sat, 2012-03-31 06:54
Firstly, thanks for this module! It's what let me escape from Zenphoto and still keep some semblance of dynamic albums. In some ways, this is better.
What I'm trying to figure out right now, is how to change the "album cover" used for each tag on the all tags page. It seems haphazard right now, because the vast majority of my pictures were added with the add from server module. I could live with being able to set it to say, most recent by captured date, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Being able to pick one for each tag would be very cool, too (maybe an idea for a future version?).
It's just that I now have 1700+ images under 300+ tags, and on the All Tags page I have album cover duplication (which really doesn't look good), and some really less than "showy" shots being used - items I want to keep, but that aren't good enough to represent an album. A lot of these tags probably won't see a new item added in months, if ever. :/
Did I miss something, or does anyone have an idea how to go about this?
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Mon, 2012-04-02 23:35
Abacs wrote:
Hi All,
I found tag_albums extremly useful in Gallery3. Unfortunately I have an issue with it and I couldn't find cure in forums.
I have problem setting "Display items that contain ALL of the following tags" for an album. If I give only one tag, it works [EDIT: I checked it once again, the first page is OK in that case, but pressing next gives the same error message ]. Anyway in that case there is no difference in "ANY" and "ALL" at all. But with more than one tag ( usually I give only two, in any order ) I can not open that album, I receive error. Error message says: "Kohana_Exception [ Framework Error ]: The relative_url_cache property does not exist in the Item_Model class".
Fixing gallery in Maintenance mode doesn't help. I also tried set the $config["internal_cache"] to 0 in config.php, but no result.
I don't know what to do in that case. When I use "ANY" instead of "ALL", than everything works as expected. But with ALL, it crashes.
Can you give me some help how to move forward with that isssue?
I am unable to reproduce this issue on my end. I've created a new album, specified two tags and set it to "ALL" -- this generated an album with 22 items in it, spread across three pages. I can move between the pages using the First, Next, Previous, and Next buttons, everything works fine. Example:
I suppose it's possible you could be experiencing some kind of compatibility issue with either the Theme you're using, or another third-party module. Are you using anything else, beyond the ones included with Gallery? You also mentioned changing settings in the config.php file. Did you make any other customization's to Gallery or it's settings? Beyond that, I'm not really sure what could cause the problem you're experiencing.
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Wed, 2012-06-27 23:21
dn3 wrote:
Firstly, thanks for this module! It's what let me escape from Zenphoto and still keep some semblance of dynamic albums. In some ways, this is better.
What I'm trying to figure out right now, is how to change the "album cover" used for each tag on the all tags page. It seems haphazard right now, because the vast majority of my pictures were added with the add from server module. I could live with being able to set it to say, most recent by captured date, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Being able to pick one for each tag would be very cool, too (maybe an idea for a future version?).
It's just that I now have 1700+ images under 300+ tags, and on the All Tags page I have album cover duplication (which really doesn't look good), and some really less than "showy" shots being used - items I want to keep, but that aren't good enough to represent an album. A lot of these tags probably won't see a new item added in months, if ever. :/
Did I miss something, or does anyone have an idea how to go about this?
Updated version of Tag Albums -- Supports specifying which photo to use as a thumbnail.
- Log in as an admin (this option is not available to non-admin users).
- Click into the all tags page and select the tag you want to set a specific thumbnail for, OR click into a dynamic album that you what to set / change the thumbnail of.
- Click on the photo you want to use as the thumbnail.
- From the photo view page, click the "Photo options -> Choose as the tag album cover" menu option (Note: do not confuse with the "Photo options -> Choose as the album cover", make sure it's the one that says "tag" or you'll change the wrong thumbnail).
- You should now see a message stating the the album thumbnail has been changed to the current photo's thumbnail.
Joined: 2012-03-31
Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 2012-04-03 03:15
Wow, thanks! Works perfectly so far, will do more testing and post if anything turns up. Awesome module, this stuff should be in the core imo.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Tue, 2012-04-03 03:54
rWatcher - I haven't started to test Greydragon 3.2 beta yet, but I assume at some stage we will need to update the GD replacement files in this mod for the new theme version. I guess it makes sense to wait until the new GD version is released as production. U-G
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Tue, 2012-04-03 04:02
undagiga wrote:
rWatcher - I haven't started to test Greydragon 3.2 beta yet, but I assume at some stage we will need to update the GD replacement files in this mod for the new theme version. I guess it makes sense to wait until the new GD version is released as production. U-G
That was my thinking as well. Seems silly to spend the time making the module work with a beta theme when something major could change and break it again once the new GD is out of beta.
Joined: 2012-03-30
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2012-04-04 20:50
Yes, you were right. It seems to be a compatibility issue.
I restored the whole gallery to original files except database. Problem still ouccured. So my problem is in my db. Then I deleted all tags, and did some tests. With manual tagging everything working as it should. But some of tags I created with Batch Tag. I deleted them, and if I recreated manualy some of them, then everithing is OK. If I use Batch Tag I receive the error.
So finally at least I know how can I avoid the problem. I would like to add a kind of "date tag" to all of my photos.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Thu, 2012-04-12 23:48
rWatcher - do you understand the implications of 3.0.3 for your Tag Albums module? At a quick glance at the Sourceforge fixed list, it almost reads like it is no longer necessary?
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Tue, 2012-04-17 04:13
undagiga wrote:
rWatcher - do you understand the implications of 3.0.3 for your Tag Albums module? At a quick glance at the Sourceforge fixed list, it almost reads like it is no longer necessary?
Looks like it's no longer necessary for browsing photos with a specific tag as a virtual album. I think this module is still necessary if you want to generate a dynamic album from a combination of tags.
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Posts: 693
Posted: Wed, 2012-04-18 01:14
I'm about to go offline for some weeks. When I resurface I will try to get D3.0.3 and GD3.2.0 working. I may have questions and requests. I don't recall whether it's possible with the current module to keep the dynamic album option, but revert to normal tags. Is that possible? If not, might it be?
If we have interpreted the change log correctly then we won't need to replace theme files any more, will we?
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Wed, 2012-04-18 04:24
undagiga wrote:
I'm about to go offline for some weeks. When I resurface I will try to get D3.0.3 and GD3.2.0 working. I may have questions and requests. I don't recall whether it's possible with the current module to keep the dynamic album option, but revert to normal tags. Is that possible? If not, might it be?
That's possible, you just have to reverse my instructions on the first page for using module order to point tag links to tag albums.
rWatcher wrote:
To adjust tag links found elsewhere in the Gallery so that they point to the Tag Albums module, install / activate the "Module Order" module ( ), then select Admin -> Settings -> Module order and move "Tag Albums" above Tags. This will cause all tag links (including the All Tags module) to point to Tag Album pages (Warning: Only tested with Gallery 3.0.1).
undagiga wrote:
If we have interpreted the change log correctly then we won't need to replace theme files any more, will we?
Not sure. I'll need to update the module to take advantage of the new breadcrumb code, so that'll remove at least one of the custom theme files. I'll have to see if I can apply whatever the new code in Gallery core that the tags module is using to make the dynamic albums work without custom theme files. The option for viewing the list of all tags as a series of albums might still require a custom theme file.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Wed, 2012-04-18 08:25
Now I remember the whole module order thing. Thanks. For my part I don't use 'viewing the list of all tags as a series of albums' I just want consistent navigation when viewing tags plus virtual albums. Anyway, I can't start this now, but I will try to get to it in June.
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Wed, 2012-06-27 23:22
Here is the updated, Gallery 3.0.3 compatible version of the module. I've only tested it with Wind so far, but there aren't any custom view files (for now) so I don't foresee issues with other themes.
That said, I've run into two issues by removing all the view files -- The "display the tags list as a series of fake albums" page no longer has the ability to filter the list of tags by first letter. Also, dynamic albums no longer have a spot to display an album description (there isn't one on dynamic pages). Before I further modify the module / add back in a custom view file to fix this, does anyone actually care about displaying a description on the dynamic album pages? It's not a big deal for me to write up the code for it (I should be able to use a single view file to handle both issues), but having to copy an extra file to your theme folder if you're using anything other then Wind does add some extra complexity to installing / upgrading the module.
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Wed, 2012-05-23 09:18
Just tried the new version with Gallery 3.0.3 and GreyDragon 3.2.2 - works like a charm. Thanks for the great work!
Re: feedback on the additional features, I don't personally use them. Leaving them out certainly makes maintaining code easier as you don't need to redo all of the view files each time there's an update, so in my opinion that's a win.
Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Thu, 2012-06-14 03:11
Well, it's impossible to keep ahead of you, rWatcher. I was using tags, and they pulled up a tag page of photos as expected, but when you click "next", it went to the next image in the original folder. Found a thread dealing with that which pointed here. I uploaded and installed it, and while it found the tags, all the thumbnails were stacked on top of each other. Went further down the thread, and found your beta version here already addressing it.
I am using a variation of the Clean Canvas theme, and your beta took care of the stack thumbs just fine. I still have to change the order of how the modules fire to get the "next" button to follow the tag album and not the original album, but wanted you to know that the Clean Canvas theme works with this as well.
I just uploaded, installed, and activated Module Order, and put Tag Albums above tags. The "next" button goes to the next image in the original album and not the next image in the tag album. Is there something more I need to do? I also have Tags in Album. Should I move its order as well?
I just uploaded, installed, and activated Module Order, and put Tag Albums above tags. The "next" button goes to the next image in the original album and not the next image in the tag album. Is there something more I need to do? I also have Tags in Album. Should I move its order as well?
When you then click on a photo from within a tag albums page, gallery sets up a browser cookie that tells it to render the photo page as if it was part of a tag album instead of it's original album so that the previous/next buttons and breadcrumbs navigate within the tags and not the original album.
Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Thu, 2012-06-14 18:29
When I click a tag initially, it shows the tag album and the URL is as you described.
But when I click on a photo from that tag album, the URL is the same as if it had been called from its original album, and of course the "next" button follows the original album.
But when I click on a photo from that tag album, the URL is the same as if it had been called from its original album,
That's supposed to happen.
BillWill wrote:
and of course the "next" button follows the original album.
That's not supposed to happen.
If you click into the tag_album url I posted above, and click on one of the pictures there, do the breadcrumbs and next/previous buttons navigate just the pictures in the album, or do they navigate the original album?
Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Fri, 2012-06-15 13:12
The breadcrumbs look right. The word "color" doesn't appear in the urls, so I'm not sure if it is doing what it should. Here's what happens:
The photo pages that are accessed from within these "virtual albums" have been modified so that the previous / next buttons navigate within the virtual album instead of the album the photo is actually in
Hello rWatcher -
I tried moving tag_albums to even be the first module to run, but I'm sure you know that didn't help either. I know you must be busy, but is there anything I can poke around in to see how to make this work as planned?
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
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Posts: 722
Posted: Sun, 2012-06-24 04:36
BillWill wrote:
Hello rWatcher -
I tried moving tag_albums to even be the first module to run, but I'm sure you know that didn't help either. I know you must be busy, but is there anything I can poke around in to see how to make this work as planned?
I was hoping this would turn out to be some kind of 3.0.4 compatibility bug (as the previous version was only tested with 3.0.3), but I've updated to 3.0.4 now and I still can't reproduce this bug so I'm not sure what's going on here.
BillWill wrote:
Clean Canvas theme
Have you tried using the default Wind theme? Does it work with Wind, or does that also have the same problem? If Wind works it's possible it could be a theme-specific issue.
Also, the search module works the same was as the Tag Albums module -- the previous and next buttons on the photo pages should move you with the search results, not within the containing albums. Are you able to get the search module working, or does that also not work properly?
Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Sun, 2012-06-24 13:41
I checked both of those out, and I think the results help narrow things down. It doesn't work with Wind, and search doesn't work the way it should either.
Since both tag_albums and search are having this, it looked like the issue is above the modules. I just downloaded gallery-gallery3-3.0-893-gc48df3b and compared files. There were only about three files that were different, (tags.php was one of them). Uploaded all the files with different sizes, but didn't change anything. I also removed the few bits of code I had changed in the theme, but still didn't change anything.
Where exactly does the URL get redefined when the search and tag_albums modules are used? Maybe I could find something there?
I did find an an error when I clicked the "View Tag Albums" link in the sidebar. Maybe its related.
You don't have permission to access /album/tag_albums/ on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I don't know if this is new, as I wasn't using it before.
I checked both of those out, and I think the results help narrow things down. It doesn't work with Wind, and search doesn't work the way it should either.
Since both tag_albums and search are having this, it looked like the issue is above the modules. I just downloaded gallery-gallery3-3.0-893-gc48df3b and compared files. There were only about three files that were different, (tags.php was one of them). Uploaded all the files with different sizes, but didn't change anything. I also removed the few bits of code I had changed in the theme, but still didn't change anything.
Where exactly does the URL get redefined when the search and tag_albums modules are used? Maybe I could find something there?
The photo URL's don't change. When you load an album or a search results page or a tag albums page, gallery sets a cookie that tells it which function to use to render photo page elements like breadcrumbs, previous / next buttons, etc. If you look at the search module's controller file:
Line 67 tells php to print out the search results page, and then 69-70 tell gallery which function to use to render the photo page elements (item::set_display_context_callback), should you click on something in the search results. item::set_display_context_callback is then in this file, lines 409-415:
Then when the actual photo page is loaded, gallery calls the get_display_context in the above file (lines 420-433), which in turn calls the Search_Controller::get_display_context function back in the controllers/search.php file on lines 73-96.
If this is a site wide problem, you might want to start up a new thread and see if one of the Gallery core developers can figure out what's wrong.
BillWill wrote:
I did find an an error when I clicked the "View Tag Albums" link in the sidebar. Maybe its related.
You don't have permission to access /album/tag_albums/ on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I don't know if this is new, as I wasn't using it before.
"/album/tag_albums" -- I'm not sure without seeing the actual web site, but this sounds like it's looking for an album called "tag_albums" and not the module tag_albums. I'm not sure why that would happen, unless you named one of your albums "tag_albums". Either that, or you've installed Gallery into a folder called "album" and removed index.php from the URL's. If that's the case, then there might be some kind of problem with modules/tag_albums/controllers/tag_albums.php but then I wouldn't expect any of the tag_album pages to load..
Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Sun, 2012-06-24 19:31
Thanks for the explanations. To clarify:
If this is a site wide problem, you might want to start up a new thread and see if one of the Gallery core developers can figure out what's wrong.
It happens from the sidebar link from albums, subalbums, and photos. Is that what you meant by sitewide? If so, I'll report it.
you've installed Gallery into a folder called "album" and removed index.php from the URL's
If that's the case, then there might be some kind of problem with modules/tag_albums/controllers/tag_albums.php
Is that true even though the search module has the same issue?
I reuploaded both versions of the tag_album module. The most recent version, and the beta. (one at a time.)
That fixed the tag_album link in the sidebar. Also, in both cases, when I click the tags_module link in the sidebar, it goes to the list of tag albums. Clicking next goes to the next image in the tag album as expected.
The problem is, and I haven't been describing it accurately, is when I click an individual tag from the side bar, I get an album of tags, but when I click on a thumbnail to see the image, it is there that the navigation doesn't go to the next image in the tag album - it goes to the next image in the original album.
So the sidebar is fine now, regardless of which version of the module you use? In that case it probably means one of the files didn't transfer properly the last time.
BillWill wrote:
Also, in both cases, when I click the tags_module link in the sidebar, it goes to the list of tag albums. Clicking next goes to the next image in the tag album as expected.
So if I understand this right, when you click on a tag album, and then click on a photo within one of the tag albums, the previous / next buttons navigate the photos in the tag album, and not the real album, correct? And this is with both the older module and the new beta?
BillWill wrote:
The problem is, and I haven't been describing it accurately, is when I click an individual tag from the side bar, I get an album of tags, but when I click on a thumbnail to see the image, it is there that the navigation doesn't go to the next image in the tag album - it goes to the next image in the original album.
What sidebar block are these tag links in? The Info block, the Tag Cloud block, something else? If the virtual albums are working properly when you browse all the tag albums, but not when you click directly into a tag album then there may be an issue with how the link is generated.
Would it be possible for you to PM me a link to this site, so I can see exactly what's going on with it?
Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Mon, 2012-06-25 18:51
1. Yes. I'm using beta now for the thumbnail fix.
2. Yes, with both.
3. The tag links are in the "Tags in Album" block.
Posts: 36
Thanks for your suggestions, however most of that has been checked/ruled out/tried.
"Album Options" is not in the main menu (before) Admin, so that's why there's no way to edit tags or custom fields. These attributes cannot be accessed by the menu that appears when you mouse-over the album. I've tried removing other modules looking for conflicts in the menu (pages, all tags), and all that's left in the main menu are HOME and ADMIN, no ALBUM OPTIONS.
"calpagehtml.php" was copied from the clean canvas theme to the views directory and the theme itself seems ok. I tried reverting back to the default calpagehtml.php to see if it was an issue with the clean canvas file, but the html is still incomplete, <ul class="g-metadata"> is still the last line of code after the first thumbnail.
"Module Order" is installed, and "Tag Album" is above "NavCarousel", which I thought might do the trick, but does not.
Your reply is appreciated. Hoping rWatcher sees the post soon
Posts: 693
Whenever I am within a tag album, there is no "Album Options" in the main menu. This makes sense to me as it's not a real album, so you can't edit it this way. The only way that I can edit a tag album is via the menu that appears when I mouse over the thumb for the tag album from inside its parent. If you don't see this pop-up menu, or if it doesn't contain "Edit Album", then something is wrong (assuming that you are logged in).
Posts: 36
When I mouse-over from the parent, I do see various options for editing an album. There are EDIT PERMISSIONS and EDIT ALBUM WITH RICH TEXT EDITOR. If you can "edit tags" from this menu, do you have another module installed to do so?
Neither EDITING TAGS nor CUSTOM FIELDS is in this (mouse-over) menu. These are options that can be accessed via the ALBUM OPTIONS menu. These items can be accessed until the TAG query data is selected (when G3 believes it is a physical album).
So this being the case, is my only options to edit directly via the database?
Posts: 36
I was just thinking....perhaps the CUSTOM FIELDS and TAGS are non-issues???? I was assuming that the TAG ALBUM module would work with the METADESCRIPTION module which uses tags for SEO. I did not see meta tags in the html, so this might be an incorrect assumption or perhaps requires some tweaking to make them play nicely.
And I was assuming that the TAG ALBUM module would work with the CUSTOM FIELDS module. At this point, I don't have any way of knowing since the HTML for Custom Fields would be more near the end of the code, and the HTML is truncated well before that point. If the 2 modules are not compatible, I certainly don't need to be able to edit them.
Any comments and suggestions are certainly appreciated.
Posts: 693
I don't use the custom fields module and I don't understand what you're trying to do with it. What would a custom field be used for in a tag album? I also don't have the RTF editor module installed.
When you mouse-over from the parent do you see an option "Edit the album", and if so does it enable you to edit the custom fields and/or the tags that will be displayed in the album? It's in this dialog that I edit the tags displayed in this particular tag album, and my understanding is that this is where you also edit the custom fields. If you don't see this option then something is preventing it displaying - perhaps the RTF module?
I don't have "Editing Tags" as a separate item in the "Album Options" menu - I have it in the "Edit this album" dialog.
I think that you will need rWatcher to solve the truncation problem. He's not usually away for more than a couple of days.
Posts: 36
After checking....You are right on the "Edit Album" issue....TinyMCE replaces "Edit Album" with "Edit Album with Rich Text Editor". When I disabled TinyMCE, I saw "Edit Album", and indeed could edit those vary fields which had become inaccessible, namely the tags and custom fields. So, now, I do have a workaround for modifying the album attributes.
Custom fields can be displayed for photos and for albums. In my case, I'm using them to display hyperlinks to other web sites and articles about the photos or albums.
So for now, the big issue remains....the truncation problem, and I now know the culprit....there is a conflict with the CUSTOM FIELDS module. When I disable it, the HTML is complete. When I enable it, the HTML is truncated.
Any guesses as to the source of the conflict????? Tag Albums or Custom Fields?
I sure hope this can be resolved....I'd love to use BOTH modules.
Posts: 693
Interesting. We've had these sorts of conflicts before with other modules. It makes me frustrated that Tag Albums is not better integrated into gallery 3, like the basic Tags module. I'm on the road and far from home and not in a position to make a guess about the cause of the problem. Even if I was, what would take me days to work out, rWatcher can usually spot in minutes. Re TinyMCE, perhaps you could raise the issues you discovered with its author.
Posts: 27300
I will fix that so that both options are available. Check for new code on the page.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 36
Yes, interesting on many levels. Knowing your configuration module-wise gave me the idea of simulating your environment. Had it not been for the TinyMCE revelation, I never would have tried disabling the Custom Fields module, which ultimately held the key to the HTML truncation mystery.
It is confusing to me why that module is even being executed to display thumbnails for Tag Album, but I'm still pretty much a newbie and don't have a good grasp on the overall G3 architecture.
I'm really not too concerned about the TinyMCE issue....its a workaround that is easy enough to do if I need to alter Tag Album attributes.
I'm truly keeping my fingers crossed that rWatcher can quickly reproduce the situation, and implement a fix (not that I'm hoping that it is his problem). Its just that I haven't found much help from Custom Fields author and think that a fix might incur a delay if it must be done in the code for that module.
The HTML truncation is definitely a deal-breaker for my application and I'm hoping for a positive resolution so that Tag Albums and Custom Fields coexist on the same playground
Posts: 36
Thanks Floridave! Can you post here when the new code for TinyMCE is available?
Posts: 27300
Posts: 36
You are terrific Floridave! Your mods works like a charm!
Posts: 36
I've come across another issue causing me grief...
I have the ALL TAGS module installed. I noticed that all my links were modified to use Tag Albums (which isn't working for me since I have Custom Fields installed).
So I went in the TAG ALBUMS ADMIN and unchecked the box for : "Display filter links on "All Tags" album pages?". The hyperlinks remained unchanged still using the TAG ALBUMS links.
Of course when I uninstalled TAG ALBUMS, the ALL TAGS hyperlinks were correct.
Is anyone else using both modules, but have normal tag links on the ALL TAGS pages? If so, what might I be doing wrong?
Posts: 722
There's instructions in the first post for setting this up:
To turn it off and have normal tag links again, just move Tag Albums below Tags instead of above.
As for the custom fields module, I'll have to look into it and see if I can figure out what the module is doing that's conflicting with tag albums.
Posts: 722
Custom Fields issue located -- the custom fields module calls "$theme->children->rewind();" when loading information to display on item thumbnails. As I've never actually seen this rewind function used before, it doesn't exist on my custom built array of child items. This has now been fixed, and everything should now work fine with custom fields.
Posts: 36
Whew hew rWatcher! It all works now !!! You are awesome! Thank you!
I had module order already installed, guess I just didn't give that any thought...was thinking that it was the check box I mentioned.
A couple more questions...
1. Is it possible to have NavCarousel work with the Tag Albums? (Or is this a question for the NavCarousel author?)
2. Is it possible for the MetaDescription tags to be added to the HTML? (Or is this a question for the MetaDescription author?)
3. Re Custom Fields, there is an area in the sidebar for custom fields to be displayed. While I entered data for the custom fields, it did not display. Is this something that is an issue with Tag Albums or the Custom Fields module?
Thanks so much for the quick fixes
Keeping my fingers crossed that you have more good news!
Posts: 722
This should work. I didn't test thoroughly so let me know if it breaks anything.
Posts: 5
Hi all,
Just have installed a fresh G3 + the Tag Album (which is for me should be the default behaviour of G3 to browse pictures using tags!!!!).
I try to get pictures using the REST API. This works fine for standard albums but I can't get albums members (pictures in my case) when I use an URL of a "Tag Album" entity. No members are returned.
I also tried using the unrest API module ( but get a similar result: No members/photo are returned.
Example of code with REST/unREST calls:
Any help welcomed ;-)
Posts: 722
Tag albums aren't actual albums, they're just empty albums that have been re-programmed to direct the user to a dynamic page containing the desired photos. As such, you're not going to see any sub-members (photos, etc) as there aren't any.
Posts: 51
I just installed Gallery, and i'm using this plugin. I see that the title of the image and author are overlapping each other.
I don't want the title of the image anyway, so how do i remove it so there is no more messy overlap?
EDIT: When clicking "View Tag Albums", the tag titles are going to be obstructed by thumbnails. See the link below.
By the way, can i change the text "View Tag Albums"? I'd rather it say "Browse by Fighter", which would make more sense on my website.
Posts: 51
I fixed the issues above by commenting out the text from those pages.
I have a different issue though.
Because this module creates "virtual" albums, there are two URLs for every photo on my site. When using the Facebook Comments and Facebook Like modules, this is not a good thing, because every photo has two separate sets of likes and comments. Example:
There are no likes and no comments in the first link, but there is 1 like and 1 comment (about tag_albums) in the 2nd link. These are actually the same exact image. I like having virtual albums based on tags, but when clicking on the photo itself, it should re-direct to the "real" url of the image to avoid such problems with functionality.
Tag browsing and Facebook integration are both extremely important qualities of a good Image Gallery script. Please don't force users to have to choose between one or the other.
EDIT: I examined my website more closely, and realized that i wasn't actually using this module for its intended purpose. Deleting it fixed the problem without losing any functionality from my site whatsoever. I can still browse by tags, see a page of photos with the same tag, and now the photos link to the "real" urls. I'm not honestly not sure why i needed this in the first place haha
Posts: 2
Hi All,
I found tag_albums extremly useful in Gallery3. Unfortunately I have an issue with it and I couldn't find cure in forums.
I have problem setting "Display items that contain ALL of the following tags" for an album. If I give only one tag, it works [EDIT: I checked it once again, the first page is OK in that case, but pressing next gives the same error message ]. Anyway in that case there is no difference in "ANY" and "ALL" at all. But with more than one tag ( usually I give only two, in any order ) I can not open that album, I receive error. Error message says: "Kohana_Exception [ Framework Error ]: The relative_url_cache property does not exist in the Item_Model class".
Fixing gallery in Maintenance mode doesn't help. I also tried set the $config["internal_cache"] to 0 in config.php, but no result.
I don't know what to do in that case. When I use "ANY" instead of "ALL", than everything works as expected. But with ALL, it crashes.
Can you give me some help how to move forward with that isssue?
Technical background details:
Platform information
Operating system: Linux 2.6.32-38-server
Apache: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
PHP: 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.14
MySQL: 5.1.61-0ubuntu0.10.04.1
Server load: 0.09 0.11 0.1
Graphics toolkit: gd
Gallery stats
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Albums: 1008
Photos: 29196
SYSPATH/libraries/ORM.php[ 474 ]
469 unset($this->related[$column]);
470 }
471 }
472 else
473 {
474 throw new Kohana_Exception('The :property: property does not exist in the :class: class',
475 array(':property:' => $column, ':class:' => get_class($this)));
476 }
477 }
479 /**
Thanks in advance,
Posts: 16
Firstly, thanks for this module! It's what let me escape from Zenphoto and still keep some semblance of dynamic albums. In some ways, this is better.
What I'm trying to figure out right now, is how to change the "album cover" used for each tag on the all tags page. It seems haphazard right now, because the vast majority of my pictures were added with the add from server module. I could live with being able to set it to say, most recent by captured date, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Being able to pick one for each tag would be very cool, too (maybe an idea for a future version?).
It's just that I now have 1700+ images under 300+ tags, and on the All Tags page I have album cover duplication (which really doesn't look good), and some really less than "showy" shots being used - items I want to keep, but that aren't good enough to represent an album. A lot of these tags probably won't see a new item added in months, if ever. :/
Did I miss something, or does anyone have an idea how to go about this?
Posts: 722
I am unable to reproduce this issue on my end. I've created a new album, specified two tags and set it to "ALL" -- this generated an album with 22 items in it, spread across three pages. I can move between the pages using the First, Next, Previous, and Next buttons, everything works fine. Example:
I suppose it's possible you could be experiencing some kind of compatibility issue with either the Theme you're using, or another third-party module. Are you using anything else, beyond the ones included with Gallery? You also mentioned changing settings in the config.php file. Did you make any other customization's to Gallery or it's settings? Beyond that, I'm not really sure what could cause the problem you're experiencing.
Posts: 722
Updated version of Tag Albums -- Supports specifying which photo to use as a thumbnail.
- Log in as an admin (this option is not available to non-admin users).
- Click into the all tags page and select the tag you want to set a specific thumbnail for, OR click into a dynamic album that you what to set / change the thumbnail of.
- Click on the photo you want to use as the thumbnail.
- From the photo view page, click the "Photo options -> Choose as the tag album cover" menu option (Note: do not confuse with the "Photo options -> Choose as the album cover", make sure it's the one that says "tag" or you'll change the wrong thumbnail).
- You should now see a message stating the the album thumbnail has been changed to the current photo's thumbnail.
Posts: 16
Wow, thanks! Works perfectly so far, will do more testing and post if anything turns up. Awesome module, this stuff should be in the core imo.
Posts: 693
rWatcher - I haven't started to test Greydragon 3.2 beta yet, but I assume at some stage we will need to update the GD replacement files in this mod for the new theme version. I guess it makes sense to wait until the new GD version is released as production. U-G
Posts: 722
That was my thinking as well. Seems silly to spend the time making the module work with a beta theme when something major could change and break it again once the new GD is out of beta.
Posts: 2
Yes, you were right. It seems to be a compatibility issue.
I restored the whole gallery to original files except database. Problem still ouccured. So my problem is in my db. Then I deleted all tags, and did some tests. With manual tagging everything working as it should. But some of tags I created with Batch Tag. I deleted them, and if I recreated manualy some of them, then everithing is OK. If I use Batch Tag I receive the error.
So finally at least I know how can I avoid the problem. I would like to add a kind of "date tag" to all of my photos.
Posts: 693
rWatcher - do you understand the implications of 3.0.3 for your Tag Albums module? At a quick glance at the Sourceforge fixed list, it almost reads like it is no longer necessary?
Posts: 722
Looks like it's no longer necessary for browsing photos with a specific tag as a virtual album. I think this module is still necessary if you want to generate a dynamic album from a combination of tags.
Posts: 693
I'm about to go offline for some weeks. When I resurface I will try to get D3.0.3 and GD3.2.0 working. I may have questions and requests. I don't recall whether it's possible with the current module to keep the dynamic album option, but revert to normal tags. Is that possible? If not, might it be?
If we have interpreted the change log correctly then we won't need to replace theme files any more, will we?
Posts: 722
That's possible, you just have to reverse my instructions on the first page for using module order to point tag links to tag albums.
Not sure. I'll need to update the module to take advantage of the new breadcrumb code, so that'll remove at least one of the custom theme files. I'll have to see if I can apply whatever the new code in Gallery core that the tags module is using to make the dynamic albums work without custom theme files. The option for viewing the list of all tags as a series of albums might still require a custom theme file.
Posts: 693
Now I remember the whole module order thing. Thanks. For my part I don't use 'viewing the list of all tags as a series of albums' I just want consistent navigation when viewing tags plus virtual albums. Anyway, I can't start this now, but I will try to get to it in June.
Posts: 722
Here is the updated, Gallery 3.0.3 compatible version of the module. I've only tested it with Wind so far, but there aren't any custom view files (for now) so I don't foresee issues with other themes.
That said, I've run into two issues by removing all the view files -- The "display the tags list as a series of fake albums" page no longer has the ability to filter the list of tags by first letter. Also, dynamic albums no longer have a spot to display an album description (there isn't one on dynamic pages). Before I further modify the module / add back in a custom view file to fix this, does anyone actually care about displaying a description on the dynamic album pages? It's not a big deal for me to write up the code for it (I should be able to use a single view file to handle both issues), but having to copy an extra file to your theme folder if you're using anything other then Wind does add some extra complexity to installing / upgrading the module.
Posts: 183
Just tried the new version with Gallery 3.0.3 and GreyDragon 3.2.2 - works like a charm. Thanks for the great work!
Re: feedback on the additional features, I don't personally use them. Leaving them out certainly makes maintaining code easier as you don't need to redo all of the view files each time there's an update, so in my opinion that's a win.
Posts: 205
Well, it's impossible to keep ahead of you, rWatcher. I was using tags, and they pulled up a tag page of photos as expected, but when you click "next", it went to the next image in the original folder. Found a thread dealing with that which pointed here. I uploaded and installed it, and while it found the tags, all the thumbnails were stacked on top of each other. Went further down the thread, and found your beta version here already addressing it.
I am using a variation of the Clean Canvas theme, and your beta took care of the stack thumbs just fine. I still have to change the order of how the modules fire to get the "next" button to follow the tag album and not the original album, but wanted you to know that the Clean Canvas theme works with this as well.
Thanks for your amazing presence here.
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 205
Hello -
I just uploaded, installed, and activated Module Order, and put Tag Albums above tags. The "next" button goes to the next image in the original album and not the next image in the tag album. Is there something more I need to do? I also have Tags in Album. Should I move its order as well?
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 722
The module order instructions are to allow the tag albums module to point "tag" links to itself instead of the tag module. So instead of seeing a URL for tag, like this:
You'll see one that points to tag albums like this:
Is this the type of URL you're seeing?
When you then click on a photo from within a tag albums page, gallery sets up a browser cookie that tells it to render the photo page as if it was part of a tag album instead of it's original album so that the previous/next buttons and breadcrumbs navigate within the tags and not the original album.
Posts: 205
When I click a tag initially, it shows the tag album and the URL is as you described.
But when I click on a photo from that tag album, the URL is the same as if it had been called from its original album, and of course the "next" button follows the original album.
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 722
That's supposed to happen.
That's not supposed to happen.
If you click into the tag_album url I posted above, and click on one of the pictures there, do the breadcrumbs and next/previous buttons navigate just the pictures in the album, or do they navigate the original album?
Posts: 205
The breadcrumbs look right. The word "color" doesn't appear in the urls, so I'm not sure if it is doing what it should. Here's what happens:
start here:
>>click dimensional analysys, go here:
>>click hell, go here:
ps: like the Dr. Who examples!
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 205
Hello rWatcher -
I tried moving tag_albums to even be the first module to run, but I'm sure you know that didn't help either. I know you must be busy, but is there anything I can poke around in to see how to make this work as planned?
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 722
I was hoping this would turn out to be some kind of 3.0.4 compatibility bug (as the previous version was only tested with 3.0.3), but I've updated to 3.0.4 now and I still can't reproduce this bug so I'm not sure what's going on here.
Have you tried using the default Wind theme? Does it work with Wind, or does that also have the same problem? If Wind works it's possible it could be a theme-specific issue.
Also, the search module works the same was as the Tag Albums module -- the previous and next buttons on the photo pages should move you with the search results, not within the containing albums. Are you able to get the search module working, or does that also not work properly?
Posts: 205
I checked both of those out, and I think the results help narrow things down. It doesn't work with Wind, and search doesn't work the way it should either.
Since both tag_albums and search are having this, it looked like the issue is above the modules. I just downloaded gallery-gallery3-3.0-893-gc48df3b and compared files. There were only about three files that were different, (tags.php was one of them). Uploaded all the files with different sizes, but didn't change anything. I also removed the few bits of code I had changed in the theme, but still didn't change anything.
Where exactly does the URL get redefined when the search and tag_albums modules are used? Maybe I could find something there?
I did find an an error when I clicked the "View Tag Albums" link in the sidebar. Maybe its related.
You don't have permission to access /album/tag_albums/ on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I don't know if this is new, as I wasn't using it before.
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
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Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 722
The photo URL's don't change. When you load an album or a search results page or a tag albums page, gallery sets a cookie that tells it which function to use to render photo page elements like breadcrumbs, previous / next buttons, etc. If you look at the search module's controller file:
Line 67 tells php to print out the search results page, and then 69-70 tell gallery which function to use to render the photo page elements (item::set_display_context_callback), should you click on something in the search results. item::set_display_context_callback is then in this file, lines 409-415:
Then when the actual photo page is loaded, gallery calls the get_display_context in the above file (lines 420-433), which in turn calls the Search_Controller::get_display_context function back in the controllers/search.php file on lines 73-96.
If this is a site wide problem, you might want to start up a new thread and see if one of the Gallery core developers can figure out what's wrong.
"/album/tag_albums" -- I'm not sure without seeing the actual web site, but this sounds like it's looking for an album called "tag_albums" and not the module tag_albums. I'm not sure why that would happen, unless you named one of your albums "tag_albums". Either that, or you've installed Gallery into a folder called "album" and removed index.php from the URL's. If that's the case, then there might be some kind of problem with modules/tag_albums/controllers/tag_albums.php but then I wouldn't expect any of the tag_album pages to load..
Posts: 205
Thanks for the explanations. To clarify:
It happens from the sidebar link from albums, subalbums, and photos. Is that what you meant by sitewide? If so, I'll report it.
Is that true even though the search module has the same issue?
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 205
I reuploaded both versions of the tag_album module. The most recent version, and the beta. (one at a time.)
That fixed the tag_album link in the sidebar. Also, in both cases, when I click the tags_module link in the sidebar, it goes to the list of tag albums. Clicking next goes to the next image in the tag album as expected.
The problem is, and I haven't been describing it accurately, is when I click an individual tag from the side bar, I get an album of tags, but when I click on a thumbnail to see the image, it is there that the navigation doesn't go to the next image in the tag album - it goes to the next image in the original album.
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 722
So the sidebar is fine now, regardless of which version of the module you use? In that case it probably means one of the files didn't transfer properly the last time.
So if I understand this right, when you click on a tag album, and then click on a photo within one of the tag albums, the previous / next buttons navigate the photos in the tag album, and not the real album, correct? And this is with both the older module and the new beta?
What sidebar block are these tag links in? The Info block, the Tag Cloud block, something else? If the virtual albums are working properly when you browse all the tag albums, but not when you click directly into a tag album then there may be an issue with how the link is generated.
Would it be possible for you to PM me a link to this site, so I can see exactly what's going on with it?
Posts: 205
1. Yes. I'm using beta now for the thumbnail fix.
2. Yes, with both.
3. The tag links are in the "Tags in Album" block.
I will pm you the link.
Thank you.
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913