Here's the updated Tag Albums module:
- Contains virtual album support used in the previous beta post.
- Fixed a bug related to creating dynamic albums with "Display items that contain ALL of the following tags" option.
- Added the previously missing "filter the tag albums by first letter" links back into the page, but in a different spot then before -- this way there still aren't any theme overrides necessary. The links can either be displayed at the top or bottom of the page, there's admin options to specify this.
- Deleted the "Theme Files" folder -- no longer necessary.
- Album descriptions still aren't displayed on the dynamic pages, but no one seems to think that this is worth overriding theme files for, so I'm leaving it that way.
- Increased module version number to 4.
I just installed the update, and now even when clicking the "View Tag Albums" in the sidebar, the next button goes to the next image in the original album instead of the next image in the tab album, which worked before. Now the next/previous buttons do not work in any tag album. Clicking an image in a tag gallery goes to the URL of the original album. Same for search albums, as stated before.
Just went to github and got the lastest version of search and uploaded. No change
I see you've been busy with clean canvas, which is what my theme is based on, so I'll make those changes and let you know if that helped anything.
I keep hoping for good news to report, but I have none.
I uploaded the new clean_canvas, the new tags_album, and no changes. Then went to using wind, and the links still don't work.
I've run out of ideas to try.
I don't know, but whatever the problem is, it's effecting your entire gallery, not just tag_albums. I'm seeing the same problem with both the default tag module and the search module as well as tag_albums.
Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Fri, 2012-07-06 16:44
Who do I go to to get this fixed? I've downloaded and installed the latest, and installed the fixes you made for the theme I'm using. I really like the concept of tag albums, but when they jump to their original album, its not that great.
You're saying it is not an issue with the module, but the core. Another upgrade just came out, and fingers crossed, this will fix it.
I'll post results, but if this is just my install, I guess it doesn't really matter.
One thing I've learned is that the current "album" state of an item is stored in gallery's cookie. If I block my gallery's cookie and select a tag and then click on an item, it shows the image under the normal album. So you might make sure Gallery is able to create its cookie and that nothing is blocking it from being able to change it's value.
If I view an image in a tag album, copy the url to the clipboard and then close the browser and clear the browser cache, then go directly to that image, it still thinks I'm viewing it in that tag album.
- Mark H.
Using Gallery 3.0.4 -
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Sun, 2012-07-08 07:09
It looks like Gallery's cookie corresponds to a record in the "caches" database table, the key field should be "display_context_" and then a bunch of random letters and number. Example: "display_context_0b4a460d2a4d463740139371e6cc8f67" -- are you seeing these records in your database?
Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Sun, 2012-07-08 11:59
Not sure if I understand, (ok, so I'm sure I don't) but here are the last three records in the cache table:
Not sure if I understand, (ok, so I'm sure I don't) but here are the last three records in the cache table:
When you first go to your web site, gallery sets a browser cookie called g3sid, which contains a unique session id string (example: e62d2723ee99597c06e889076fed1732). Then, when you browse albums, search results, tag pages, etc, gallery creates / updates a database record called "display_context_SESSION_ID" (example: display_context_e62d2723ee99597c06e889076fed1732). When you then click into a photo, gallery uses the sid cookie to look up the display_context record, when then tells gallery how to render the photo page (part of an album, part of search results, part of a tag album, etc).
From what I can tell, your Gallery is correctly creating the g3sid cookie, and it appears to be creating the corresponding display_context records, so in theory everything should be working. For some reason your gallery doesn't appear to actually use the display_context when generating photo pages -- I've only ever seen this happen with older, incompatible themes, but you've indicated that this is not the case. I'm not sure what else could cause this problem.
Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Mon, 2012-07-09 17:58
I don't want to clog up this thread further with more posts since it seems to be unique to me, so one last question:
Attached is a screenshot of the search results for display_context in my install
Is there anything here I should look into further?
Houston (rWatcher), we (I) have a problem. I'm currently and belatedly upgrading to the latest version of Gallery3 and Greydragon and the Tag Albums module, and I find that tags and tab albums are not working as they should in Greydragon 3.2.2 and Gallery 3.0.4, but they are working in the default Wind theme. I've created a duplicate of my site for testing which I will PM you.
The fact that it is working in the Wind theme suggests that the fault lies with GD rather than the module, but I'm raising it here because you understand tag behaviour in various themes better than anyone.
Case 1: Tag Albums not enabled
If I click on a tag and then the first thumb in the tag thumbnail page and start to navigate, all is well while the thumbs are in the same album, but at the first jump to an image in a different album the resize image is not shown. In fact the whole "g-column-centerleft" DIV is empty, other than the image title, so no comments or navigation controls either.
No breadcrumbs are shown for Tags thumbnail pages and resize images, whereas they are in the Wind theme.
Case 2: Tag Albums enabled and above Tags in Module Order
If I try and navigate a tag I get the same behaviour as in case 1. And the resize images that are correctly displayed are the same ones as in case 1. Depending on the sort order in Tag Albums preferences they may not be the first ones - it's the first uploaded images that are displayed correctly. All others are blank with nothing other than title in the main centre column.
If I try and navigate a virtual album, in some cases all the resize pages are partially blank, as per case 1, some work completely and others work part of the way through and then are blank.
If I try and navigate a tag album, I seem to get in consistent results. Sometimes I can navigate from one folder to another, and sometimes I get the blank center column.
Again, no breadcrumbs are shown for Tags thumbnail pages or Virtual Albums thumbs pages or resize images.
Case 3: Tag Albums enabled and below Tags in Module Order
Same results as case 2
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Sun, 2012-08-05 19:04
Looks like GD doesn't have any support for virtual albums
I've attached an updated version of Tag Albums, which includes a "Theme Files" folder for GD to get it working with Tag Albums. It seems to work fine with my test Gallery now, but let me know if I missed anything.
I don't want to clog up this thread further with more posts since it seems to be unique to me, so one last question:
Attached is a screenshot of the search results for display_context in my install
Is there anything here I should look into further?
Looks like everything's there, I'm not sure why it's not working. The references in helpers\item.php are the one's responsible for switching between "album" view and "virtual album" view.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Tue, 2012-08-07 00:38
Thank you rWatcher. I was neither expecting nor asking you to go to so much trouble. I will try to test the new version in the next day or so. I was trying to do a major upgrade last week, and now am in the middle of a major photographic commission.
Serge has let me know that GD4 deals with tag navigation correctly, and I'll try and test this version asap, but I'm reluctant to use a version of GD that still seems to be experimental on my production site. So I appreciate your efforts, as they should enable me to upgrade to G3.0.4.
Joined: 2005-07-22
Posts: 181
Posted: Wed, 2012-08-08 00:26
Is there a way to have the URLs of dynamic albums stay as their original names rather than being re-written to /tag_albums/album/($id)/($title)?
I'd like to use tags but maintain short URLs with no (obvious) extraneous elements.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2012-08-08 01:00
We can't use just bare tag name for some reason, I forget the reason at this time. It use to work without the ID in the url.
We can't use just bare tag name for some reason, I forget the reason at this time. It use to work without the ID in the url.
Thanks -- that's not the case I'm interested in, though. I have an album configured with the "display items that contain these tags" option. When I view that album it redirects to the technical-details long URL. I'd like it to stay at the URL for the "real" album that was replaced.
Joined: 2005-07-22
Posts: 181
Posted: Wed, 2012-08-08 02:42
I'm really not familiar with the framework, but basically: instead of redirecting to the special URL which is configured to run the code that displays the tag album, just display it right there.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Wed, 2012-08-08 07:12
I agree with you, but as I said in the other thread, I have asked rWatcher about this in the past, and while he was able to simplify things a little, what you see is the best he could do. He clearly understands things far better than I, and so I respect his opinion. The clunkly URLs that TA generates is a pain, but I have tolerated is because it was the only way to get its functionality.
But with G3.0.4 there may be another option. Isn't there a module that will take you to an external URL if you click on an album thumb? At a quick glance I couldn't see it in the list. But with this module you could redirect your "virtual album" to the thumbnail page for the tag in question. You would need to create the link manually for each album, but it would work. You might be able to convince rWatcher to make this an option. The URLs that G3.0.4 creates for tag thumbnail pages are still a bit clunky, but they are a bit better than what TA produces.
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Tue, 2012-08-14 00:41
undagiga wrote:
Thank you rWatcher. I was neither expecting nor asking you to go to so much trouble. I will try to test the new version in the next day or so. I was trying to do a major upgrade last week, and now am in the middle of a major photographic commission.
Serge has let me know that GD4 deals with tag navigation correctly, and I'll try and test this version asap, but I'm reluctant to use a version of GD that still seems to be experimental on my production site. So I appreciate your efforts, as they should enable me to upgrade to G3.0.4.
You're welcome. Let me know if you run into any other issues with Tag Albums.
mattdm wrote:
I'm really not familiar with the framework, but basically: instead of redirecting to the special URL which is configured to run the code that displays the tag album, just display it right there.
I'm not aware of any way to populate an album with photo's that aren't actually in that album using the existing module API. In theory I could probably override a couple of core files and hack something together that would do what your asking, but I generally try to avoid that unless absolutely necessary as it tends to cause the module to break every time there's a new Gallery release.
undagiga wrote:
Isn't there a module that will take you to an external URL if you click on an album thumb? At a quick glance I couldn't see it in the list. But with this module you could redirect your "virtual album" to the thumbnail page for the tag in question. You would need to create the link manually for each album, but it would work. You might be able to convince rWatcher to make this an option. The URLs that G3.0.4 creates for tag thumbnail pages are still a bit clunky, but they are a bit better than what TA produces.
The only module I know of that does that something like that is item links:
The problem with redirects like that is that then the breadcrumb trail doesn't match up to the path the user clicked through to get to the tag page. Tag Album URL's are a bit clunker the Tags, but they allow for consistent breadcrumbs. If you don't care about breadcrumbs then you could definitely use item links.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Tue, 2012-08-14 13:35
rWatcher wrote:
You're welcome. Let me know if you run into any other issues with Tag Albums.
What you did seems to work perfectly, for resize pages. Thanks a million. However there is still a problem, but it's not clear that you can do anything about it. I have Greydragon configured so that when I click on a resize image them Shadowbox starts up. Even with your latest changes, Shadowbox traverses the album that the image I clicked on is contained in, rather than the images with the tag. Is it possible to tweak the theme to deal with this? I will PM you a demo link.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Tue, 2012-08-14 13:39
Actually there is another problem. Same comment applies about whether or not this can be fixed. When I traverse the resize images, the paginator numbers 1 2 3 .... refer to the album rather than the tag.
I have Tag Alums below Tags in module order - is this correct for the latest version.
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Tue, 2012-08-14 18:50
undagiga wrote:
Actually there is another problem. Same comment applies about whether or not this can be fixed. When I traverse the resize images, the paginator numbers 1 2 3 .... refer to the album rather than the tag.
I have Tag Alums below Tags in module order - is this correct for the latest version.
If Tag Albums is below Tags, then you're using the Tags module to browse photos instead of Tag Albums, which is not properly supported by Grey Dragon. I did include code to fix this for Tag Album Tag pages (that's the longer /tag_albums/tag/77/0/TAG_NAME urls) in the current release -- Make sure you've updated both the actual module and the theme files, as I had to make changes to both to provide the GD theme with the necessary data for its paginator.
rWatcher wrote:
I've attached an updated version of Tag Albums, which includes a "Theme Files" folder for GD to get it working with Tag Albums. It seems to work fine with my test Gallery now, but let me know if I missed anything.
As far as the Shadowbox module (this one, right? ) -- I'll have to look at the code and see if I can figure out how it works. I can probably do something similar to my modifications for paginator and tag albums, I just have to find the right file to edit.
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Posts: 693
Posted: Wed, 2012-08-15 01:04
rWatcher - Yes, that's the correct module. But first let me try out a few things. There is a question of how much effort it's worth putting into this, if GD4 will solve the problems. I haven't had time to try it out yet. I'm drowning in new images at the moment.
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Wed, 2012-08-15 04:39
undagiga wrote:
rWatcher - Yes, that's the correct module. But first let me try out a few things. There is a question of how much effort it's worth putting into this, if GD4 will solve the problems. I haven't had time to try it out yet. I'm drowning in new images at the moment.
Turns out it only took 6 lines of code to make shadowbox work with Tag Albums, so I went ahead and did it -- There's now a photo.html.php in the theme files folder with the necessary changes. Note that this only fixes it with Tag Albums, any other dynamic pages (like Tags) will still have issues.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Wed, 2012-08-15 15:31
Works like a charm! I am in your debt again.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Thu, 2012-08-16 02:03
Enjoy the coffee!
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Posted: Thu, 2012-08-16 18:27
undagiga wrote:
Enjoy the coffee!
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Fri, 2012-08-17 01:11
You're welcome.
Now that my production site is running GD3.2.2, I am testing GD4 on my test site and GD4 is having the same problems that we had with 3.2.2 - shadowbox and paginator issues. See and the next post. I'm not asking you to do anything, as I think Serge should be able to incorporate your changes fairly readily. I could probably do it myself, but it needs to be incorporated in the theme. I'm just observing what a change the new tags navigation code is and how much has to be done in themes to make use of it. I wonder if the other theme writers realise.
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Fri, 2012-08-17 05:58
If Serge doesn't come up with something, I'll re-modify the files once GD4 is out of beta
This problem with GreyDragon seems to be that it has theme elements, like the page numbers and the "up to parent album" button that the rest of the themes don't seem to have. The "up to parent album" button isn't really a big deal, it's pretty easy to pull the correct URL out of the breadcrumbs trail. Paginator (and by extension shadowbox, as they both need the same info) are a bit tricky as there isn't really any default way for the theme to get that information for dynamic pages. Hopefully Serge can add something onto his theme to allow modules to provide that extra information, either by looking for a standard variable name like my modifications do, or by setting up a API function call.
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Posts: 693
Posted: Fri, 2012-08-17 08:07
I hadn't really thought about the up button as I don't normally use it, but you're right as always. One more complication.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2012-08-22 19:37
@rWatcher: with my compliments support for tags album has been added in GD4 and up button
Thanks If there's anything I can do to make the module easier to integrate, let me know.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Thu, 2012-08-23 23:20
As per my post in the GD4 thread, I don't think that the initial issue is whether or not GD4 supports Tag Albums. Rather it's whether or not GD4 fully supports the core tag code in G3.0.4. That said, support for Tag Albums would be icing on the cake.
I do appreciate the efforts of both of you, as you would have seen in your coffee funds recently.
Joined: 2010-11-26
Posts: 693
Posted: Fri, 2012-08-24 07:15
Further, I've tested the latest beta of GD4, and the up button works, but some things still don't work when navigating tags. Both Shadowbox the paginator numbers use / refer to images in the same album as the current resize, not to the other images with the current tag.
p.s. This is with Tag Albums disabled for clarity. rWatcher - you can revisit my test site to see this.
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Sun, 2012-08-26 20:33
undagiga wrote:
Both Shadowbox the paginator numbers use / refer to images in the same album as the current resize, not to the other images with the current tag.
I set Tag Albums to generate an extra variable ($theme->dynamic_siblings) that contains everything that should be in the "virtual" album, and then modified a few GD theme files to use this variable (if present) for page numbers and Shadowbox -- In theory, any other module (Tag, Search, etc) could also generate this variable, allowing it to work properly with the modified GD code. I doubt you're going to get that to happen with core modules, so the theme might need to be modified to handle those pages on it's own. Although I'm not really seeing anything in $theme that could be used to easily distinguish a photo page that was reached from a "virtual" tag album, instead of a real album.
Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Thu, 2012-09-06 11:04
Still can't get the tag_albums to stay inside itself. Once a tag album is created, clicking on any photo sends you the photo as part of the original album. I'm going to try a different theme, since clean canvas seems to have reached the "duct-tape" phase anyway. I'll let you know if it fixes this problem.
Still can't get the tag_albums to stay inside itself. Once a tag album is created, clicking on any photo sends you the photo as part of the original album. I'm going to try a different theme, since clean canvas seems to have reached the "duct-tape" phase anyway. I'll let you know if it fixes this problem.
The default Tags module and the Search module that are included with Gallery work the same was as Tag Albums -- If you can get one of them to work, then everything should work. I'd suggest testing with an un-modified version of the Wind theme that comes with Gallery and working from there.
If you're still having problems, even with Wind, you might want to try starting a separate thread and see if you can get the attention of one of the Gallery core developers, as this appears to be a site wide problem, affecting all dynamic pages.
Joined: 2008-08-28
Posts: 205
Posted: Mon, 2012-09-10 02:15
Hello rWatcher -
I created a new thread as you suggested, and after reinstalling, the issue comes back here. At least sort of. It seems that the dynamic albums aren't getting along with some of the other mods. I only tested them against Tag Albums, since that is the main one I'm trying to save, but since you said Search, Tags, etc., are all the same, I suppose they have the issue as well.
After a long, painful weekend of reinstalling everything, then activating/deactivating mods one at a time, here what I've found:
1. tag_albums throws a 0/ into the URL when you click an image in the "index" tag album to see one of the individual tag albums. Doesn't seem to hurt anything, but I thought I'd mention it.
2. I've found three mods that break Tag Albums. Sadly, all three of them are ones I like very much, and I hope I don't have to choose between using Tag Albums and using those three. I like the Tag Albums a lot (obviously, or I wouldn't have had a lost weekend for it.) I like the others as well.
The three mods that break it are:
1. Author
2. Shopping Basket
3. Tag by group
The three get along with each other, but not with your new Tags Album. Tag by Group is the only one whose author (floridave) is still participating, so I don't see any support coming from the two who are no longer here.
Dave changed his module and now it is no longer conflicting.
The others still are, so with those remaining modules DEactivated, I put my install in debug mode and got this message:
ErrorException [ Warning Message ]: Missing argument 1 for tag_albums_Controller::index()
MODPATH/tag_albums/controllers/tag_albums.php[ 27 ]
22 // Display the index page, but only show albums for 23 // tags whose name begins with $filter. 24 $this->index($id, $filter); 25 } 26 27 public function index($id, $filter) { 28 // Load a page containing sub-albums for each tag in the gallery. 29 30 // Check to see if the user has overridden default behavior, and act accordingly. 31 if ((module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index_scope", "false")) || ($id == "")) { 32 $tag_album_index_type = module::get_var("tag_albums", "tag_index", "default");
Thanks. I was going to do that, but I wasn't sure if I should have submitted it to the main contrib, or to Kandsten's account ( ). I guess the main contrib.
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Fri, 2012-10-05 11:00
@rWatcher - I think I may have found and corrected another issue...
The issue is that features that work with tag pages (e.g. the tag_menu, which enables modules like downloadalbum, slideshow, and proofsheet) are not present with tag_albums, even when it's simply viewing an album of a single tag. The URL /gallery/tag_albums/tag/123/0/abc shows no tag_menu, but the URL /gallery/tag/123/0/abc does. I wanted to fix this.
In controllers/tag_albums.php, I changed one line of code and added one other:
public function tag($id, $album_id) {
// Set up and display the actual page.
// $template = new Theme_View("page.html", "collection", "Tag Albums"); // mod Shad Laws
$template = new Theme_View("page.html", "collection", "tag"); // mod Shad Laws - calling it a tag means the tag_menu will appear
array("page" => $page,
"max_pages" => $max_pages,
"page_size" => $page_size,
"tag" => $display_tag, // mod Shad Laws - this provides the tag id, etc.
"children" => $tag_children,
"breadcrumbs" => $tag_album_breadcrumbs,
"children_count" => $count));
$template->page_title = $display_tag->name;
$template->content = new View("dynamic.html");
$template->content->title = $display_tag->name;
$template->content->description = $page_description;
Does this seem like a reasonable way to fix it? I figured since I've only edited the tag function, which is only intended for single tag viewing, it shouldn't break tag-related code downstream...
Take care,
Joined: 2008-10-21
Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 2012-10-18 12:04
I just discovered this wonderful module.. thanks a lot..
- I was wondering if I can implement an option for showing tag albums randomly in the tag albums index? as some tags are similar except with some change at the end or second word of the tag, and that makes the index page have many duplicates in the thumbnail.
- Is there a way to add Filter for another non-Latin language that has tags?
Joined: 2012-09-28
Posts: 23
Posted: Tue, 2012-10-23 23:17
Not sure what exactly happened, but when I added about 1500 photos to the Gallery I'm working on, which now has about 21,000 photos, I found that a strange thing happened. First, I had created a couple of Tag albums composed of "ANY" tags, and a couple with "ALL". Now, for whatever reason, the "ANY" albums properly display the photos in the tag album, but the existing (and new) Tag albums that use the "ALL" syntax no longer work.
How can I begin to troubleshoot this issue? I'd really like to get those dynamic albums working again.
Also, since I'm using Shadlaw's brilliant short_fix module, I was wondering if it would be possible to change the Tag albums module do that it used the standard + - " " search syntax - which would possibly make the code simpler and more granular dynamic albums possible.
Joined: 2012-03-14
Posts: 183
Posted: Tue, 2012-11-06 15:27
@deanshavit -
Re: your problem, I'm not sure I understand the issue you're having. Did you create tags called "any" and "all" and then have issues getting them to appear properly?
Re: changing the tag albums module for searching, it's not needed. The search functionality is separate from the tag albums module, and is largely modified by the short_search_fix module.
Posts: 722
Here's the updated Tag Albums module:
- Contains virtual album support used in the previous beta post.
- Fixed a bug related to creating dynamic albums with "Display items that contain ALL of the following tags" option.
- Added the previously missing "filter the tag albums by first letter" links back into the page, but in a different spot then before -- this way there still aren't any theme overrides necessary. The links can either be displayed at the top or bottom of the page, there's admin options to specify this.
- Deleted the "Theme Files" folder -- no longer necessary.
- Album descriptions still aren't displayed on the dynamic pages, but no one seems to think that this is worth overriding theme files for, so I'm leaving it that way.
- Increased module version number to 4.
Posts: 205
Hello -
I just installed the update, and now even when clicking the "View Tag Albums" in the sidebar, the next button goes to the next image in the original album instead of the next image in the tab album, which worked before. Now the next/previous buttons do not work in any tag album. Clicking an image in a tag gallery goes to the URL of the original album. Same for search albums, as stated before.
Just went to github and got the lastest version of search and uploaded. No change
I see you've been busy with clean canvas, which is what my theme is based on, so I'll make those changes and let you know if that helped anything.
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 205
I keep hoping for good news to report, but I have none.
I uploaded the new clean_canvas, the new tags_album, and no changes. Then went to using wind, and the links still don't work.
I've run out of ideas to try.
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 722
I don't know, but whatever the problem is, it's effecting your entire gallery, not just tag_albums. I'm seeing the same problem with both the default tag module and the search module as well as tag_albums.
Posts: 205
Who do I go to to get this fixed? I've downloaded and installed the latest, and installed the fixes you made for the theme I'm using. I really like the concept of tag albums, but when they jump to their original album, its not that great.
You're saying it is not an issue with the module, but the core. Another upgrade just came out, and fingers crossed, this will fix it.
I'll post results, but if this is just my install, I guess it doesn't really matter.
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 205
Nope - after clicking a link in the tag_album, it throws you into the original album instead of staying in the links album.
What is going on here? Fresh installs all around, so if it was a core issue, the last couple of upgrades should have fixed it.
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 199
Photos: 68913
Posts: 241
One thing I've learned is that the current "album" state of an item is stored in gallery's cookie. If I block my gallery's cookie and select a tag and then click on an item, it shows the image under the normal album. So you might make sure Gallery is able to create its cookie and that nothing is blocking it from being able to change it's value.
If I view an image in a tag album, copy the url to the clipboard and then close the browser and clear the browser cache, then go directly to that image, it still thinks I'm viewing it in that tag album.
- Mark H.
Using Gallery 3.0.4 -
Posts: 722
It looks like Gallery's cookie corresponds to a record in the "caches" database table, the key field should be "display_context_" and then a bunch of random letters and number. Example: "display_context_0b4a460d2a4d463740139371e6cc8f67" -- are you seeing these records in your database?
Posts: 205
Not sure if I understand, (ok, so I'm sure I don't) but here are the last three records in the cache table:
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
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Clean Canvas theme
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Albums: 205
Photos: 70736
Posts: 722
When you first go to your web site, gallery sets a browser cookie called g3sid, which contains a unique session id string (example: e62d2723ee99597c06e889076fed1732). Then, when you browse albums, search results, tag pages, etc, gallery creates / updates a database record called "display_context_SESSION_ID" (example: display_context_e62d2723ee99597c06e889076fed1732). When you then click into a photo, gallery uses the sid cookie to look up the display_context record, when then tells gallery how to render the photo page (part of an album, part of search results, part of a tag album, etc).
From what I can tell, your Gallery is correctly creating the g3sid cookie, and it appears to be creating the corresponding display_context records, so in theory everything should be working. For some reason your gallery doesn't appear to actually use the display_context when generating photo pages -- I've only ever seen this happen with older, incompatible themes, but you've indicated that this is not the case. I'm not sure what else could cause this problem.
Posts: 205
I don't want to clog up this thread further with more posts since it seems to be unique to me, so one last question:
Attached is a screenshot of the search results for display_context in my install
Is there anything here I should look into further?
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 205
Photos: 70736
Posts: 693
Houston (rWatcher), we (I) have a problem. I'm currently and belatedly upgrading to the latest version of Gallery3 and Greydragon and the Tag Albums module, and I find that tags and tab albums are not working as they should in Greydragon 3.2.2 and Gallery 3.0.4, but they are working in the default Wind theme. I've created a duplicate of my site for testing which I will PM you.
The fact that it is working in the Wind theme suggests that the fault lies with GD rather than the module, but I'm raising it here because you understand tag behaviour in various themes better than anyone.
Case 1: Tag Albums not enabled
If I click on a tag and then the first thumb in the tag thumbnail page and start to navigate, all is well while the thumbs are in the same album, but at the first jump to an image in a different album the resize image is not shown. In fact the whole "g-column-centerleft" DIV is empty, other than the image title, so no comments or navigation controls either.
No breadcrumbs are shown for Tags thumbnail pages and resize images, whereas they are in the Wind theme.
Case 2: Tag Albums enabled and above Tags in Module Order
If I try and navigate a tag I get the same behaviour as in case 1. And the resize images that are correctly displayed are the same ones as in case 1. Depending on the sort order in Tag Albums preferences they may not be the first ones - it's the first uploaded images that are displayed correctly. All others are blank with nothing other than title in the main centre column.
If I try and navigate a virtual album, in some cases all the resize pages are partially blank, as per case 1, some work completely and others work part of the way through and then are blank.
If I try and navigate a tag album, I seem to get in consistent results. Sometimes I can navigate from one folder to another, and sometimes I get the blank center column.
Again, no breadcrumbs are shown for Tags thumbnail pages or Virtual Albums thumbs pages or resize images.
Case 3: Tag Albums enabled and below Tags in Module Order
Same results as case 2
Posts: 722
Looks like GD doesn't have any support for virtual albums
I've attached an updated version of Tag Albums, which includes a "Theme Files" folder for GD to get it working with Tag Albums. It seems to work fine with my test Gallery now, but let me know if I missed anything.
Posts: 722
Looks like everything's there, I'm not sure why it's not working. The references in helpers\item.php are the one's responsible for switching between "album" view and "virtual album" view.
Posts: 693
Thank you rWatcher. I was neither expecting nor asking you to go to so much trouble. I will try to test the new version in the next day or so. I was trying to do a major upgrade last week, and now am in the middle of a major photographic commission.
Serge has let me know that GD4 deals with tag navigation correctly, and I'll try and test this version asap, but I'm reluctant to use a version of GD that still seems to be experimental on my production site. So I appreciate your efforts, as they should enable me to upgrade to G3.0.4.
Posts: 181
Is there a way to have the URLs of dynamic albums stay as their original names rather than being re-written to /tag_albums/album/($id)/($title)?
I'd like to use tags but maintain short URLs with no (obvious) extraneous elements.
Posts: 27300
We can't use just bare tag name for some reason, I forget the reason at this time. It use to work without the ID in the url.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
Oh here it is:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 181
Thanks -- that's not the case I'm interested in, though. I have an album configured with the "display items that contain these tags" option. When I view that album it redirects to the technical-details long URL. I'd like it to stay at the URL for the "real" album that was replaced.
Posts: 181
I'm really not familiar with the framework, but basically: instead of redirecting to the special URL which is configured to run the code that displays the tag album, just display it right there.
Posts: 693
I agree with you, but as I said in the other thread, I have asked rWatcher about this in the past, and while he was able to simplify things a little, what you see is the best he could do. He clearly understands things far better than I, and so I respect his opinion. The clunkly URLs that TA generates is a pain, but I have tolerated is because it was the only way to get its functionality.
But with G3.0.4 there may be another option. Isn't there a module that will take you to an external URL if you click on an album thumb? At a quick glance I couldn't see it in the list. But with this module you could redirect your "virtual album" to the thumbnail page for the tag in question. You would need to create the link manually for each album, but it would work. You might be able to convince rWatcher to make this an option. The URLs that G3.0.4 creates for tag thumbnail pages are still a bit clunky, but they are a bit better than what TA produces.
Posts: 722
You're welcome. Let me know if you run into any other issues with Tag Albums.
I'm not aware of any way to populate an album with photo's that aren't actually in that album using the existing module API. In theory I could probably override a couple of core files and hack something together that would do what your asking, but I generally try to avoid that unless absolutely necessary as it tends to cause the module to break every time there's a new Gallery release.
The only module I know of that does that something like that is item links:
The problem with redirects like that is that then the breadcrumb trail doesn't match up to the path the user clicked through to get to the tag page. Tag Album URL's are a bit clunker the Tags, but they allow for consistent breadcrumbs. If you don't care about breadcrumbs then you could definitely use item links.
Posts: 693
What you did seems to work perfectly, for resize pages. Thanks a million. However there is still a problem, but it's not clear that you can do anything about it. I have Greydragon configured so that when I click on a resize image them Shadowbox starts up. Even with your latest changes, Shadowbox traverses the album that the image I clicked on is contained in, rather than the images with the tag. Is it possible to tweak the theme to deal with this? I will PM you a demo link.
Posts: 693
Actually there is another problem. Same comment applies about whether or not this can be fixed. When I traverse the resize images, the paginator numbers 1 2 3 .... refer to the album rather than the tag.
I have Tag Alums below Tags in module order - is this correct for the latest version.
Posts: 722
If Tag Albums is below Tags, then you're using the Tags module to browse photos instead of Tag Albums, which is not properly supported by Grey Dragon. I did include code to fix this for Tag Album Tag pages (that's the longer /tag_albums/tag/77/0/TAG_NAME urls) in the current release -- Make sure you've updated both the actual module and the theme files, as I had to make changes to both to provide the GD theme with the necessary data for its paginator.
As far as the Shadowbox module (this one, right? ) -- I'll have to look at the code and see if I can figure out how it works. I can probably do something similar to my modifications for paginator and tag albums, I just have to find the right file to edit.
Posts: 693
rWatcher - Yes, that's the correct module. But first let me try out a few things. There is a question of how much effort it's worth putting into this, if GD4 will solve the problems. I haven't had time to try it out yet. I'm drowning in new images at the moment.
Posts: 722
Turns out it only took 6 lines of code to make shadowbox work with Tag Albums, so I went ahead and did it -- There's now a photo.html.php in the theme files folder with the necessary changes. Note that this only fixes it with Tag Albums, any other dynamic pages (like Tags) will still have issues.
Posts: 693
Works like a charm! I am in your debt again.
Posts: 693
Enjoy the coffee!
Posts: 722
Posts: 693
You're welcome.
Now that my production site is running GD3.2.2, I am testing GD4 on my test site and GD4 is having the same problems that we had with 3.2.2 - shadowbox and paginator issues. See and the next post. I'm not asking you to do anything, as I think Serge should be able to incorporate your changes fairly readily. I could probably do it myself, but it needs to be incorporated in the theme. I'm just observing what a change the new tags navigation code is and how much has to be done in themes to make use of it. I wonder if the other theme writers realise.
Posts: 722
If Serge doesn't come up with something, I'll re-modify the files once GD4 is out of beta
This problem with GreyDragon seems to be that it has theme elements, like the page numbers and the "up to parent album" button that the rest of the themes don't seem to have. The "up to parent album" button isn't really a big deal, it's pretty easy to pull the correct URL out of the breadcrumbs trail. Paginator (and by extension shadowbox, as they both need the same info) are a bit tricky as there isn't really any default way for the theme to get that information for dynamic pages. Hopefully Serge can add something onto his theme to allow modules to provide that extra information, either by looking for a standard variable name like my modifications do, or by setting up a API function call.
Posts: 693
I hadn't really thought about the up button as I don't normally use it, but you're right as always. One more complication.
Posts: 2466
@rWatcher: with my compliments support for tags album has been added in GD4
and up button
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 722
If there's anything I can do to make the module easier to integrate, let me know.
Posts: 693
As per my post in the GD4 thread, I don't think that the initial issue is whether or not GD4 supports Tag Albums. Rather it's whether or not GD4 fully supports the core tag code in G3.0.4. That said, support for Tag Albums would be icing on the cake.
I do appreciate the efforts of both of you, as you would have seen in your coffee funds recently.
Posts: 693
Further, I've tested the latest beta of GD4, and the up button works, but some things still don't work when navigating tags. Both Shadowbox the paginator numbers use / refer to images in the same album as the current resize, not to the other images with the current tag.
p.s. This is with Tag Albums disabled for clarity. rWatcher - you can revisit my test site to see this.
Posts: 722
I set Tag Albums to generate an extra variable ($theme->dynamic_siblings) that contains everything that should be in the "virtual" album, and then modified a few GD theme files to use this variable (if present) for page numbers and Shadowbox -- In theory, any other module (Tag, Search, etc) could also generate this variable, allowing it to work properly with the modified GD code. I doubt you're going to get that to happen with core modules, so the theme might need to be modified to handle those pages on it's own. Although I'm not really seeing anything in $theme that could be used to easily distinguish a photo page that was reached from a "virtual" tag album, instead of a real album.
Posts: 205
Still can't get the tag_albums to stay inside itself. Once a tag album is created, clicking on any photo sends you the photo as part of the original album. I'm going to try a different theme, since clean canvas seems to have reached the "duct-tape" phase anyway. I'll let you know if it fixes this problem.
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 205
Photos: 70736
Posts: 722
The default Tags module and the Search module that are included with Gallery work the same was as Tag Albums -- If you can get one of them to work, then everything should work. I'd suggest testing with an un-modified version of the Wind theme that comes with Gallery and working from there.
If you're still having problems, even with Wind, you might want to try starting a separate thread and see if you can get the attention of one of the Gallery core developers, as this appears to be a site wide problem, affecting all dynamic pages.
Posts: 205
Hello rWatcher -
I created a new thread as you suggested, and after reinstalling, the issue comes back here. At least sort of. It seems that the dynamic albums aren't getting along with some of the other mods. I only tested them against Tag Albums, since that is the main one I'm trying to save, but since you said Search, Tags, etc., are all the same, I suppose they have the issue as well.
After a long, painful weekend of reinstalling everything, then activating/deactivating mods one at a time, here what I've found:
1. tag_albums throws a 0/ into the URL when you click an image in the "index" tag album to see one of the individual tag albums. Doesn't seem to hurt anything, but I thought I'd mention it.
2. I've found three mods that break Tag Albums. Sadly, all three of them are ones I like very much, and I hope I don't have to choose between using Tag Albums and using those three. I like the Tag Albums a lot (obviously, or I wouldn't have had a lost weekend for it.) I like the others as well.
The three mods that break it are:
1. Author
2. Shopping Basket
3. Tag by group
The three get along with each other, but not with your new Tags Album. Tag by Group is the only one whose author (floridave) is still participating, so I don't see any support coming from the two who are no longer here.
How can I go about having all of these get along?
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 235
Photos: 75002
Posts: 205
Dave changed his module and now it is no longer conflicting.
The others still are, so with those remaining modules DEactivated, I put my install in debug mode and got this message:
Does this provide any useful information?
Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5
PHP: 5.3.8
MySQL: 5.0.95
Clean Canvas theme
Graphics Toolkit = ImageMagick
Albums: 235
Photos: 75002
Posts: 722
The code in Author is really outdated. This should fix it.
Edit: I've downloaded and installed this module:
I'm not seeing any error's. Tag Albums works fine. Is there another version of it I should be testing with?
Posts: 722
Basket is also really outdated. This should fix it.
Posts: 27300
I have taken your edit and initiated a pull request:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 722
Thanks. I was going to do that, but I wasn't sure if I should have submitted it to the main contrib, or to Kandsten's account ( ). I guess the main contrib.
Posts: 183
@rWatcher - I think I may have found and corrected another issue...
The issue is that features that work with tag pages (e.g. the tag_menu, which enables modules like downloadalbum, slideshow, and proofsheet) are not present with tag_albums, even when it's simply viewing an album of a single tag. The URL /gallery/tag_albums/tag/123/0/abc shows no tag_menu, but the URL /gallery/tag/123/0/abc does. I wanted to fix this.
In controllers/tag_albums.php, I changed one line of code and added one other:
Does this seem like a reasonable way to fix it? I figured since I've only edited the tag function, which is only intended for single tag viewing, it shouldn't break tag-related code downstream...
Take care,
Posts: 158
I just discovered this wonderful module.. thanks a lot..
- I was wondering if I can implement an option for showing tag albums randomly in the tag albums index? as some tags are similar except with some change at the end or second word of the tag, and that makes the index page have many duplicates in the thumbnail.
- Is there a way to add Filter for another non-Latin language that has tags?
Posts: 23
Not sure what exactly happened, but when I added about 1500 photos to the Gallery I'm working on, which now has about 21,000 photos, I found that a strange thing happened. First, I had created a couple of Tag albums composed of "ANY" tags, and a couple with "ALL". Now, for whatever reason, the "ANY" albums properly display the photos in the tag album, but the existing (and new) Tag albums that use the "ALL" syntax no longer work.
How can I begin to troubleshoot this issue? I'd really like to get those dynamic albums working again.
Also, since I'm using Shadlaw's brilliant short_fix module, I was wondering if it would be possible to change the Tag albums module do that it used the standard + - " " search syntax - which would possibly make the code simpler and more granular dynamic albums possible.
Posts: 183
@deanshavit -
Re: your problem, I'm not sure I understand the issue you're having. Did you create tags called "any" and "all" and then have issues getting them to appear properly?
Re: changing the tag albums module for searching, it's not needed. The search functionality is separate from the tag albums module, and is largely modified by the short_search_fix module.
Take care,