Theme: Pear4gallery3
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 205 |
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Pear4gallery3 is ported from g2 -> g3 is a theme with an aim to provide a clean and "fast" theme. It's based on Apples mobile me's gallery. Downloads can be made from gallerymodules or directly from my github repo Screen shoots: I must say that the developers of gallery3 have done a magnificent job, building themes is really easy. Please let me know if you have any issues or improvement suggestions. If you like the theme please consider Donating to my Beer found. |
Posts: 10
[/i]I really like to be able to change the picture size.
this feature should be built into g3!
Posts: 12
Really like your theme on your demo site, but when trying the theme on my own gallery it does not show any photo or album at all. Is some further configuration needed to get this working?
Changed back to my old theme now, but will watch this place for future versions.
Edit: Tried Theme Options and got an error message:
InvalidArgumentException [ 0 ]: Passed variable is not an array or object, using empty array instead
DOCROOT/themes/fredrike-pear4gallery3-c3dc09d/admin/controllers/admin_theme_options.php[ 13 ]
Posts: 2466
Cool theme
Posts: 205
Did you get any more messages like a line number or so? I dont have time to set up a new test gallery at this moment So I can't really debug this error
Posts: 205
Ahh, when downloading based on tags in github you get an obscure directory format.. Try redownload the 1.0.2 version and rename the dir to pear4gallery3.
Posts: 12
Thanks, now it seems to do much more. Only now see that I need the square-thumbs module enabled, now updating all thumbs after activating this module. Let you know if it works afterwards.
Posts: 12
Finished updating thumbnails, theme settings page now is working correctly, but theme still does not show any photo from my Gallery.
But understand you can not spend time debugging and also understand that you provided the download link on a 'if it works it works' basis. Now switching back to the Grey Dragon theme, but watching this space for updates.
Posts: 205
I can't reproduce this but my idea is that the album.html.php takes too long to execute hence it's aborted..
Try with the latest version, it contains some fixes wich might make it work.
Posts: 5
I have a little problem. Slideshow runs far too fast. Where can I set the speed?
Maybe only I see it. I do not know.
please check
Posts: 205
Yes, that's a bug, change the value 1000 to your prefered delay (in ms) at pear line 329 and pear line 337. This will of corse be configurable, but what is a reasonable value for the delay?
Did you notice that 'space' pauses and left/right or p/n changes image?
Posts: 5
it's is OK, thanks a lot
Posts: 5
I have a problem again ... a little bit ashamed ... I do not know why this happens, one of the folders are set differently than others. I have no idea why.
At the bottom of the gray bar expands, pictures are not clicking.
Could it be a general problem with the gallery, or maybe template?
link to this folder
Posts: 205
I'm just back from my vacation to Greece. Can you move back to pear and send me a pm and I'll see what the problem might bee.
Posts: 112
this is a great theme but one thing that is missing and keeps me from being able to use it is (and this may be my misunderstanding of gallery structure) lack of a description field access or display. i really want to be able to have some place for descriptions, comments, etc on the right hand side below the thumbnails in mosiac view. similar to predros "PGLightBox".
also, how to set defaults, like on page load to be mosaic?
otherwise i see alot of great potential for this!!
Posts: 205
Glad you like it!
The removal of descriptions, view count and comments are intentional, I wanted to create a theme without all the extra cluttering the page from the important things (the images). I didn't find a good place to put the information and since the RESTS interface just are for logged in users at this moment I don't even have the ability to load the information.
I'll have a look at PGLightBox and see if I can steal some ideas from there.
Posts: 5
good theme thanks
i install download album modul
but can't find link or icon
where is download link?
Posts: 205
As written in the first post:
But now the pull request have been accepted so downloads can be made from ( as well.
Posts: 112
cool! ya i think there would be option to really extend it that way. make the description, comment, rating fields optional somehow.
also, i remember when i tried it, there was no to set a default view when the page loads.
Posts: 12
Personally have the opinion is that the lack of clutter is just the thing in which this theme is different than others. So if it were up to me, doing effort to include these things optionally would really not be a priority.
Would also defeat the purpose to build an Apple like theme if you do not follow the Apple paradigm of 'less is more'.
Just my two cents.....
Posts: 112
true. but it would be handy to have the option of showing titles and so on. ya, check out the xtreme theme, there is ALOT of functionality there, maby it is a bit to much, but alot can be turned on and off in the theme admin making it really customizable. its just not nearly as dynamic as this one!!
Posts: 8
Just making sure I am not missing anything, it looks like tags are also not supported, correct?
Posts: 205
Most of the meta data is not displayed in this theme.
Only title and description is displayed directly (description will appear when one hovers over a picture or a photo). Meta data for photos (exif-data) are dynamically loaded when one click on the i in single image view i.e.
If you have suggestions on where to add more data please fill a "issue report" here and I'll get to it as soon as possible.
Tags for instance would be quite useful to have, but I don't know how/where they would fit.
Posts: 8
Yeah I agree with you. The thing this theme has going for it is the minimalist appearance. I was more so asking a question just to make sure. One request I will log at that link is the ability to set mosaic vs. grid by album. My root album just has a collection of albums so mosaic doesn't work well here. However in each album, I really prefer the mosaic setup. If these could be default in each album I think that would be best. Logging the issue/request now.
Posts: 2
thanks a lot for your contribution on this great theme, it looks great on Firefox. But I found the video content could not be performed after applying pear4gallery3 theme
Posts: 4
Nice theme, thanks for making it available.
I noted that it is not tested on IE which is the browser I usually use (fixed by IT Dept) so I thought I should bring a few problems to your attention:
1. The carousel option doesn't work on my installation (Error Line 375, 'console' is undefined). This option doesn't work in Firefox either.
2. The two buttons 'View at smallest/largest photo size' both give 'Err on page' (Error line 53, Char: 15910, 'undefined' is null or not an object). They also don't align with the slider as in Firefox (which gives no error message but equally, the two buttons do nothing in that browser either).
Would also appreciate info on how you got rounded corners on your thumbnails in the grid display (in second image down at top of this page)- much more elegant especially when the 4:3 aspect ratio has been squared.
Many thanks
Posts: 205
IE sucks (and I don't have a Windows installation available for debugging)!
What version of Firefox/IE do you have? I can't reproduce your first bug.
I'll have a look on the second bug, it seems that I've just forgot to implement this feature when porting the theme from G2 -> G3.
The rounded album thumbs are generated by placing a transparent png as a background image with the same color as the background in a div and place this div on top of the square pictures.
Have a look at my demopage at: there you'll find the latest version..
Edit: I think both of the bugs have been ironed out (have a look on demo page above, download from git for now).
Posts: 1
Great theme, thanks! I am interested to make the Carousel the default but it doesn't look like I can, is this possible? I'd also be interested to link directory to the Carousel view but the query string viewMode=carousel and viewMode=Carousel don't do the trick. Are either of these things possible?
Posts: 205
Glad you like it!
I'll have a look and see if I can implement direct and url links to the carousel (never thought of it as a default view). The problem might be if you have subalbums, how do we display this?
Posts: 21
Great Theme, I really like it and would use it a.s.a.p if it was not for one small thing - It will not play Videos, it just shows the thumbnail for the Video.
Do you have any plans to implement support for Videos?
Posts: 205
Video support is on my todo, the problem now is that I don't really have any movies for test purpose.
If you have any please send med a PM and I'll get started on support as soon as possible..
Posts: 205
Ok, support for videos and Carousel view via hash/settings pushed to github: Please let me know if I introduced any new bugs and I'll push the changes to gallerymodules in next week.
One more thing: I still think IE (all versions) sucks so I will not spend any time trying to make this theme look good there. If you however think it's important feel free to clone my repo in github and push IE changes and I'll surely will make them available.
Posts: 21
Looks great, but I do not know if it is intentional or not the the Videos noes not show up in the Carousel and Slideshow.
It would be great to have the Thumbnail show up in Carousel and be "clickable" like in Grid and Mosaic views to play the video, and an "autoplay" in Slideshow would also be cool.
Thanks once again for a great theme.
Posts: 205
Ah, so that's how you want it.. Never thought of it like that, but that seems like a smooth solution. Given the nature of how video playing works in G3 I don't think it's possible to achieve "autoplay". The rest should be quite straight forward.
Posts: 205
New updated version of .pear.
I've spent quite some time to optimise and bug-fixing so if you are following this thread and are using the git-hub download I really suggest you to update till the latest version.
Please let me know if you have any suggestion of improvements.
Posts: 1
Great Theme! But was wondering if there is a way to add a link to the main website page. Or if the "Home" button can link to the main page.
Posts: 205
Glad you like it!
What main website page are you referring to? The root of the G3 installation? Where do you find a "Home" button?
I'll gladly add more functions to the theme (as long as they don't clutter the screen).
Posts: 253
Very nice theme Erlis, I am a mac user and really like the design..the options to chose the different views and colors are so cool !
But I won't be able to use it if :
I can't add a sidebar with all the widgets I need (like the very cool Recent Items Carousel, or the Album tree)
I can't see a breadcrumb navigation to get back a little quicker to the previous albums...
Anyway nice job and keep up the good work !
Posts: 1
Hi Erlis,
This is a great theme.
Could you have a look to website to see if your theme works correctly.
1. after switching to Mosaic mode Main Window is not centred, but attached to left,
it comes to the centre after resizing a browser window;
2. In Mosaic mode navigation from image to image is not smooth, sometimes with a delay to get a correct frame proportions.
It would be good to have some simple transition effects during navigation images
Posts: 104
i like it! nice work! May just be me but one thing that I would like, is if the escape key could take me back to the album from the picture view screen..
Posts: 104
I made another comment here but realized the latest version fixed it and I can't delete this comment now..
Posts: 205
Glad you like it!
I had a quick look at your gallery and I must say the images you have there are really amazing!! What browser are you using, everything looks perfect in Chrome and I'm still struggling with bugs in IE perhaps is that what you are expecting.
What kind of transition effects do you suggest? I guess most of the effects described at: should be quite straight froward to implement, but please give me your ideas.
Glad you like it!
As I said to previous comments regarding lacking of features and sidebars: Please make a simple mockup picture showing how you would like it to appear and I'll try to add the features as configurable options.
tp: That is now fixed in the latest version in github.
Posts: 253
Thank you for your answer Erlis,
I will get back to you with a mockup picture asap..
Posts: 253
Hi Erlis,
Here is a little pic of what I feel could be really cool :
On the top you would have the breadcrumb, I see only one problem here, it's the title, if the breadcrumb is too long, it's going to interfere wit the title, so they might have to be on two different lines...
On the right you have a frame containing the sidebar content....with all the content that you can have on the sidebar on G3.
Below you can chose to activate or deactivate the sidebar or you can set it to be only viewable on the grid view...
what do you think ?
Posts: 205
So, the first implementation of breadcumb is now live at:
I'm not sure I really like it, but I'll let it be there and make it a configuration option.
For the sidebar I see three different modes, toggable (via button or mouse over)/always on/disabled. I'll see what I can come up with here..
Posts: 253
waow ! you're quick !
I agree, the breadcrumb isn't as its best, maybe with with some separators such as ">" or "-->" or smth more original... (no idea yet) or an image...
maybe the distance between the links is too big...
or you could have one thick line that grows bigger every time a link is added, so it does not looks like tabs...
looking forward to seeing what you come up with the sidebar
Posts: 205
I let the breadcrumb be as it is, there are probably just minor tweaks in css to make it look better.. (Again, if you come up with some good ideas pm me images).
Now there are a toggable sidebar (I'm currently using the pear logo to toggle the sidebar). Will try to add the options in settings and commit to git.
edit: changes pushed to github..
Posts: 104
FYI - I just downloaded the latest (2.7.1) and it causes display and navigation issues.. It only fills half the screen and no links work. I tried deleting everything and re-uploading the themne and switching settings around but that didn't resolve. Moved back to 2.7 for now where there are no issues of the sort...
Posts: 104
This is probably just my personal preference, but I like things centered.. I'll see if I can figure out the changes, but posting here in case it makes sense to you too... See attached for instances..
Posts: 205
Strange, since I didn't have any issues like you are describing on my test installation.. Perhaps it's something wrong with the settings, did you review the theme options on your clean install?
Yes, that are undocumented issues ;) to bad you had to point it out, now I have to fix it..
Regarding grid-view I've tried to fix it in the thumbPadding function, but could not get the math right..
The carousel is kind of magic since I'm just invoking the ImageFlow..
Just pm-me changes or fork my repo in github and I'll try to include it as soon as possible.
Now time for x-mas, so I'll be away for some time.
Posts: 104
Yeah I reviewed and switched around theme options after the clean install and nothing worked. I will try again with next update, whenever that is.. Thanks and Merry Xmas!