pgilbert, when you've updated to use $params['peerWindowSize'] then you should update your theme.html to not recommend modifying GalleryTheme.class anymore.. thanks!
seems not to be implemented yet - I tried myself locally, but failed adding the
'peerItemIndex' => '15'
to the default settings and
$settings[] = array('key' => 'peerItemIndex', 'name' =>
- Peer Items displayed (10 to 40)'),
'type' => 'text-field',
'type-params' =>
array('size' => 2),
'value' => $params['peerItemIndex']);
to the photo block in
Could you give me a hint what I made wrong... (to prevent editing the *.class from the last CVS).
I've used the "peerItemIndex" because this variable was used because this is in the if statement of the class-File and not the "peerWindowSize".
Joined: 2005-03-28
Posts: 157
Posted: Thu, 2005-08-04 11:20
Can you help-me how to check if slideshou module is active?
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-08-04 11:47
list ($ret, $pluginStatus) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginStatus('module');
if ($ret->isError()) {
return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
if (!empty($pluginStatus['slideshow']['active'])) {
// slideshow module is active
note: is this check really needed?
Joined: 2005-03-28
Posts: 157
Posted: Thu, 2005-08-04 11:56
On PG theme I want to display a image with a link only if the module is active, and I don't know how to do that
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-08-04 12:48
hmm, don't quite understand the exact application. once you implemented it, i can tell you if it could have been done simpler.
Joined: 2005-03-28
Posts: 157
Posted: Thu, 2005-08-04 13:41
Unfortunatly I'm trying but I don't know how i should implemet that.
Can you help me , a simple way of doing some thing like that on a ".tpl" file.
{if slideshow is active}
show link
Joined: 2005-07-03
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2005-08-04 15:35
Can I check in this theme how many some picture has been viewed ? There is some statistics page ?
PS. Sorry for my english
PS2. Great theme.
Joined: 2003-04-28
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2005-08-04 16:28
pgilbert, great theme! Thanks for sharing your work.
Is there a secret to editing the logo.gif? It just shows up white in PSP. Am I missing something?
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-08-04 18:22
pgilbert, we don't offer this information at the moment. i guess we'll add it soon.
meanwhile, you have to change your, in the functions, add the above code, then assign
if (!empty($pluginStatus['slideshow']['active'])) {
$theme['slideshow'] = 1;
} else {
$theme['slideshow'] =0;
and in your album / photo.tpl, you can then use
{if $theme.slideshow}
Joined: 2005-03-28
Posts: 157
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-05 10:06
valiant, thank's but it's not working, i'm puting that on
The last version almost everything seem to be ok (version '0.10.3').
Joined: 2005-08-05
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-05 19:28
Just installed this with b4 and it's beautiful. However nothing I do seems to make any difference when it comes to getting the sidebar to appear.
I can't find any obvious way to turn this stuff on. I added some blocks via the them control panel but no change. Aside from a logo change the skin is stock and unchanged.
Joined: 2005-02-19
Posts: 1023
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-05 19:41
pgilbert, marvelous (Due to the Insight-Upgrafe-Module-Issues I'm currently facing (see my post in Support), I had to rename it to 0.10.2 to get into the gallery.
I even have now nearly only the portfolio and author as localized templates (besides some really cosmetical adaptations)
Joined: 2005-02-19
Posts: 1023
Posted: Sat, 2005-08-06 08:12
that's the error I get leaving the version number at 0.10.3
Unable to upgrade the PG Theme theme
Upgrade Other Modules
Stack Trace:
Error (ERROR_BAD_PLUGIN) : Unknown theme version 0.10.2
* in C:\Inetpub\Scripts\GALLERY2\themes\PGtheme\ at line 472 (GalleryStatus::error)
* in C:\Inetpub\Scripts\GALLERY2\modules\core\classes\GalleryTheme.class at line 544 (PGthemeTheme::upgrade)
* in C:\Inetpub\Scripts\GALLERY2\upgrade\steps\UpgradeOtherModulesStep.class at line 113 (GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade)
* in C:\Inetpub\Scripts\GALLERY2\upgrade\index.php at line 177 (UpgradeOtherModulesStep::processRequest)
Debug Output:
getParameter permissions.file for core plugin
fopen(F:\g2data\cache\module/core/0/0/, rb, 0)
fread(Resource id #29, 4096)
fclose(Resource id #29)
[1123315640] can't guarantee 300 -- extending!
(mysql): SHOW TABLES
Loading plugin PGtheme
Class not defined, trying to include it.
PGtheme plugin successfully instantiated
Binding text domain: themes_PGtheme ->
GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade PGtheme theme
GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade get the version parameter
getParameter _version for PGtheme plugin
g2_PluginParameterMap.g_pluginType = 'theme'
g2_PluginParameterMap.g_pluginId = 'PGtheme'
g2_PluginParameterMap.g_itemId = 0
GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade compare versions
GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade, installed version is 0.10.2, theme upgrade
Joined: 2005-03-28
Posts: 157
Posted: Sat, 2005-08-06 16:08
V 0.10.3 upgrade error fixed, download it again
Joined: 2005-02-19
Posts: 1023
Posted: Sat, 2005-08-06 16:37
pgilbert, perfect now - wow, can you probably give some insight what happened (just for curiosity )
Joined: 2005-03-28
Posts: 157
Posted: Sat, 2005-08-06 21:56
LFrank, on at the end of 'function upgrade' was missing: "case '0.10.2':"
Joined: 2004-07-14
Posts: 34
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 02:34
Great theme! Using it with G2 RC1. All is well except I get the following message at the very top of every Photo page:
Warning: Missing argument 4 for showphotopage() in /home/langha/public_html/gallery2/themes/PGtheme/ on line 348
This doesn't appear on any other page other than individual photos. Any help?
Joined: 2005-08-07
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 03:44
I had the same error, must be a bug. In most of the way down, where it says showphotopage, i changed the line..
function showPhotoPage(&$template, $item, $params,$pluginStatus) {
function showPhotoPage(&$template, $item, $params) {
I think that this killed my ability to use the slide show though, but it did clear the error. I am hoping for a better fix.
In addition to that, on my setup I seem to only get 9 thumbs, even when there are more than that in the album. I have seen others setups, and they show more than 9 thumbs...anyone know what I am doing wrong?
boufa, which version of the gallery are you using?. Since two/three days there is an updated gallerytheme.class in the core distributed which allows to set the number of PeerWindows from within the template admin - before you had to edit the class file directly. Oops - just realized you've had the same error and therefore the new versions.
What did you set for " MicroThumbs - (peerWindowSize) Micro Thumbs diplayed plus first and last" in the template admin?
Joined: 2005-08-07
Posts: 10
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 07:05
Great theme! But i also have the same problem as the two users above: Warning: Missing argument 4 for showphotopage() in /home/langha/public_html/gallery2/themes/PGtheme/ on line 348. I have my microthumbs set to [21].
Joined: 2005-08-07
Posts: 8
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 07:06
Trying to use the theme with G2 RC1.
Uploaded all of the files and edited theme.js
PG Theme shows up under the All Themes tab, but when I click install nothing happens.
Am I missing something really stupid?
Joined: 2005-02-19
Posts: 1023
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 07:39
skodie, you have to activate the newly installed theme for one of your albums or your site in Album edit
Joined: 2005-02-01
Posts: 132
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 08:30
Great theme!
I just edited Slideshow.tpl to have the correct logo displayed when a colorpack is installed. I changed this:
LFrank - It dosn't get to that point. When I click install it dosn't do anythihg so the theme dosn't appear as an option to be set as a defalut theme or to be used with any of the albums.
Joined: 2005-02-19
Posts: 1023
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 16:49
skodie, have you activated it on the first page ("All Themes") of the Themes Setup? If Yes, ...
... strange ...
Joined: 2005-08-07
Posts: 8
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 17:08
LFrank - When I click install for every other theme I get two new links (activate & uninstall). When I click install for the PG Theme, it dosn't do anything. The install link stays.
Joined: 2004-07-14
Posts: 34
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 17:27
pgilbert wrote:
PGtheme with some bugs fixed working on RC1 (version: '0.10.3' build: '2')
The theme is really nice, my only beef is that when your viewing an image and click a thumb it has to reload the whole PAGE. Why not just load the image where other one was. Why have to do a whole page refresh ?
Joined: 2004-08-22
Posts: 164
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 23:44
This is a characteristic of HTML. It has nothing to do with Pedro's theme, Gallery 2 or customizing either.
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Mon, 2005-08-08 00:14
You might be able to customize this yourself. If you or your the majority of your visitors are on broadband you might be able to use javascript to preload the images then perform image swapping when you click on a thumbnail.
Your dial-up users might not appreciate it all that much though ;)
However, you might still be able to do the image swapping with javascript just don't preload the image. Use javascript to bring your "loading" animated gif to the forground over the existing image then they'll slowly see the image they clicked on appear over that.
This is just a bunch of random thoughts and I don't know how easy or hard it would be to actually implement or even possible with how G2 is coded.
Joined: 2005-02-01
Posts: 132
Posted: Tue, 2005-08-09 12:40
Is it possible to remove the 'Options' menu option in the slideshow? It doesn't work and I don't think it is neccesary to have that option during a slideshow anyway.
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Tue, 2005-08-09 14:00
Are you referring to the menu of options at the top when in the slideshow and not the java based slideshow applet?
If so you should be able to customize /modules/slideshow/templates/Slideshow.tpl to show only the stuff you want.
Be sure to follow the instructions at the top of the file about creating a local directory.
Joined: 2005-03-28
Posts: 157
Posted: Tue, 2005-08-09 15:14
I fixed the 'Option' at top menu, it wasn't working but if working i think that the only action available it's "searching".
I think also that's not needed during the slideshow so i mantained the 'Option' to have the same top menu but disable it.
pgilbert, 10.3 ?? I've thought version: '0.10.4' Build:'3' aka 'Service Pack 3' is the latest ;)
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 33
Posted: Tue, 2005-08-09 17:01
Was curious if there is a way to edit the 'title' font size? I've noticed in the edit captions area there is not an option for size. It's just a tab big for my tast =)
Great theme!
Joined: 2005-02-19
Posts: 1023
Posted: Tue, 2005-08-09 17:30
Erehwon, you can change it in the theme.css (.giTitle) to a value you like. You might want to put your changes in a 'local' folder (works for the css too )
I've added a second one to differentiate the File Names from the Titles.
Joined: 2004-01-16
Posts: 33
Posted: Tue, 2005-08-09 18:53
Ahh thanks LFrank... I'll give that a try :D
Edit: That worked... but the next question is:
.giTitle, #gallery h2, #gallery h3, #gallery h4
What heading refers to what setting? Example:
Does h2 = title ; h3 = album name? Etc Etc
Then, if I want to change the size for each individual heading is it done as thus:
.giTitle, #gallery h2 {
.giTitle, #gallery h3 {
etc etc for each one I want to do ??
Joined: 2005-02-19
Posts: 1023
Posted: Tue, 2005-08-09 19:53
Erehwon, if you don't have a CSS browser by hand to see what the code does, a tip could be to display the page source and look what kind of "<div " is in front of the specific entry.
I.e. a "view" on the source of an entry on my album page:
The two characters "▪" concatenated to the title look like the 'bullet' points your looking for.
EDIT: Posting gave the proove - the charachters are like & # 9 6 4 2 without the blanks
Joined: 2005-06-19
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2005-08-10 10:18
This theme is awesome! Thanks Pedro!
Just one question though, I saw someone ask it earlier but it didn't really get addressed, is it possible to add how many times each pic has been viewed? I'm no coder and looking through the Matrix theme tpls and trying to find out how to do this is a bit difficult.
If anyone could point me in the right direction that'd be great! :P
Just one question though, I saw someone ask it earlier but it didn't really get addressed, is it possible to add how many times each pic has been viewed? I'm no coder and looking through the Matrix theme tpls and trying to find out how to do this is a bit difficult.
If anyone could point me in the right direction that'd be great! :P
I think thats found @:
Site Admin --> Themes --> PGTheme --> Item Show/Hide Information
Joined: 2005-04-07
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2005-08-10 11:55
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_medium.class at line 209 (gallerystatus::error)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 505 (galleryuserhelper_medium::assertsiteadministrator)
in modules/core/ at line 45 (gallerycoreapi::assertuserissiteadministrator)
in main.php at line 176 (adminthemescontroller::handlerequest)
in main.php at line 90
in main.php at line 82
I'm getting this when I want to save changes to the configuration. It's only in firefox, though. IE is fine - just thought I'd report the bug.
Posts: 1023
seems not to be implemented yet - I tried myself locally, but failed adding the
'peerItemIndex' => '15'
to the default settings and
$settings[] = array('key' => 'peerItemIndex', 'name' =>
- Peer Items displayed (10 to 40)'),
'type' => 'text-field',
'type-params' =>
array('size' => 2),
'value' => $params['peerItemIndex']);
to the photo block in
Could you give me a hint what I made wrong... (to prevent editing the *.class from the last CVS).
I've used the "peerItemIndex" because this variable was used because this is in the if statement of the class-File and not the "peerWindowSize".
Posts: 157
Can you help-me how to check if slideshou module is active?
Posts: 32509
note: is this check really needed?
Posts: 157
On PG theme I want to display a image with a link only if the module is active, and I don't know how to do that
Posts: 32509
hmm, don't quite understand the exact application. once you implemented it, i can tell you if it could have been done simpler.
Posts: 157
Unfortunatly I'm trying but I don't know how i should implemet that.
Can you help me , a simple way of doing some thing like that on a ".tpl" file.
{if slideshow is active}
show link
Posts: 6
Can I check in this theme how many some picture has been viewed ? There is some statistics page ?
PS. Sorry for my english
PS2. Great theme.
Posts: 3
pgilbert, great theme! Thanks for sharing your work.
Is there a secret to editing the logo.gif? It just shows up white in PSP. Am I missing something?
Posts: 32509
pgilbert, we don't offer this information at the moment. i guess we'll add it soon.
meanwhile, you have to change your, in the functions, add the above code, then assign
if (!empty($pluginStatus['slideshow']['active'])) {
$theme['slideshow'] = 1;
} else {
$theme['slideshow'] =0;
and in your album / photo.tpl, you can then use
{if $theme.slideshow}
Posts: 157
valiant, thank's but it's not working, i'm puting that on
and at photo.tpl:
and that's not working wath's wrong?
Posts: 32509
before you change the $theme variable, add this line:
$theme =& $template->getVariableByReference('theme');
Posts: 157
valiant, Working thank's
The last version almost everything seem to be ok (version '0.10.3').
Posts: 4
Just installed this with b4 and it's beautiful. However nothing I do seems to make any difference when it comes to getting the sidebar to appear.
I can't find any obvious way to turn this stuff on. I added some blocks via the them control panel but no change. Aside from a logo change the skin is stock and unchanged.
Posts: 1023
pgilbert, marvelous
(Due to the Insight-Upgrafe-Module-Issues I'm currently facing (see my post in Support), I had to rename it to 0.10.2 to get into the gallery.
I even have now nearly only the portfolio and author as localized templates (besides some really cosmetical adaptations)
Posts: 1023
that's the error I get leaving the version number at 0.10.3
Unable to upgrade the PG Theme theme
Upgrade Other Modules
Stack Trace:
Error (ERROR_BAD_PLUGIN) : Unknown theme version 0.10.2
* in C:\Inetpub\Scripts\GALLERY2\themes\PGtheme\ at line 472 (GalleryStatus::error)
* in C:\Inetpub\Scripts\GALLERY2\modules\core\classes\GalleryTheme.class at line 544 (PGthemeTheme::upgrade)
* in C:\Inetpub\Scripts\GALLERY2\upgrade\steps\UpgradeOtherModulesStep.class at line 113 (GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade)
* in C:\Inetpub\Scripts\GALLERY2\upgrade\index.php at line 177 (UpgradeOtherModulesStep::processRequest)
Debug Output:
getParameter permissions.file for core plugin
fopen(F:\g2data\cache\module/core/0/0/, rb, 0)
fread(Resource id #29, 4096)
fclose(Resource id #29)
[1123315640] can't guarantee 300 -- extending!
(mysql): SHOW TABLES
Loading plugin PGtheme
Class not defined, trying to include it.
PGtheme plugin successfully instantiated
Binding text domain: themes_PGtheme ->
GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade PGtheme theme
GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade get the version parameter
getParameter _version for PGtheme plugin
g2_PluginParameterMap.g_pluginType = 'theme'
g2_PluginParameterMap.g_pluginId = 'PGtheme'
g2_PluginParameterMap.g_itemId = 0
GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade compare versions
GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade, installed version is 0.10.2, theme upgrade
Posts: 157
V 0.10.3 upgrade error fixed, download it again
Posts: 1023
pgilbert, perfect now - wow, can you probably give some insight what happened (just for curiosity
Posts: 157
LFrank, on at the end of 'function upgrade' was missing: "case '0.10.2':"
Posts: 34
Great theme! Using it with G2 RC1. All is well except I get the following message at the very top of every Photo page:
Warning: Missing argument 4 for showphotopage() in /home/langha/public_html/gallery2/themes/PGtheme/ on line 348
This doesn't appear on any other page other than individual photos. Any help?
Posts: 1
I had the same error, must be a bug. In most of the way down, where it says showphotopage, i changed the line..
function showPhotoPage(&$template, $item, $params,$pluginStatus) {
function showPhotoPage(&$template, $item, $params) {
I think that this killed my ability to use the slide show though, but it did clear the error. I am hoping for a better fix.
In addition to that, on my setup I seem to only get 9 thumbs, even when there are more than that in the album. I have seen others setups, and they show more than 9 thumbs...anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Posts: 1023
boufa, which version of the gallery are you using?. Since two/three days there is an updated gallerytheme.class in the core distributed which allows to set the number of PeerWindows from within the template admin - before you had to edit the class file directly. Oops - just realized you've had the same error and therefore the new versions.
What did you set for " MicroThumbs - (peerWindowSize) Micro Thumbs diplayed plus first and last" in the template admin?
Posts: 10
Great theme! But i also have the same problem as the two users above: Warning: Missing argument 4 for showphotopage() in /home/langha/public_html/gallery2/themes/PGtheme/ on line 348. I have my microthumbs set to [21].
Posts: 8
Trying to use the theme with G2 RC1.
Uploaded all of the files and edited theme.js
PG Theme shows up under the All Themes tab, but when I click install nothing happens.
Am I missing something really stupid?
Posts: 1023
skodie, you have to activate the newly installed theme for one of your albums or your site in Album edit
Posts: 132
Great theme!
I just edited Slideshow.tpl to have the correct logo displayed when a colorpack is installed. I changed this:
to this:
I think I copied this code from theme.tpl.
Posts: 10
Oh and the fade-in feature doesn't seem to be very compatible with Firefox. It just forever loops 'loading photo'.
Every now and then (10% of the time) it would work perfectly. Any suggestions?
Posts: 157
PGtheme with some bugs fixed working on RC1 (version: '0.10.3' build: '2')
Posts: 8
LFrank - It dosn't get to that point. When I click install it dosn't do anythihg so the theme dosn't appear as an option to be set as a defalut theme or to be used with any of the albums.
Posts: 1023
skodie, have you activated it on the first page ("All Themes") of the Themes Setup? If Yes, ...
... strange ...
Posts: 8
LFrank - When I click install for every other theme I get two new links (activate & uninstall). When I click install for the PG Theme, it dosn't do anything. The install link stays.
Posts: 34
Do you have a list of what was fixed? Did it address the problem I and someone else posted on the previous page? Thanks, great work.
I do have another question if anyone knows the answer:
How do I get the site navigation links to appear at the top to show where the user is?
Posts: 157
imsirius, bug "on line 348" fixed as boufa wrote, and you can use Slide Show.
And i add an option to show/hide this stuff...
PGtheme (version: '0.10.4' build: '2')
Posts: 3
The theme is really nice, my only beef is that when your viewing an image and click a thumb it has to reload the whole PAGE. Why not just load the image where other one was. Why have to do a whole page refresh ?
Posts: 164
This is a characteristic of HTML. It has nothing to do with Pedro's theme, Gallery 2 or customizing either.
Posts: 16504
You might be able to customize this yourself. If you or your the majority of your visitors are on broadband you might be able to use javascript to preload the images then perform image swapping when you click on a thumbnail.
Your dial-up users might not appreciate it all that much though ;)
However, you might still be able to do the image swapping with javascript just don't preload the image. Use javascript to bring your "loading" animated gif to the forground over the existing image then they'll slowly see the image they clicked on appear over that.
This is just a bunch of random thoughts and I don't know how easy or hard it would be to actually implement or even possible with how G2 is coded.
Posts: 132
Is it possible to remove the 'Options' menu option in the slideshow? It doesn't work and I don't think it is neccesary to have that option during a slideshow anyway.
Posts: 16504
Are you referring to the menu of options at the top when in the slideshow and not the java based slideshow applet?
If so you should be able to customize /modules/slideshow/templates/Slideshow.tpl to show only the stuff you want.
Be sure to follow the instructions at the top of the file about creating a local directory.
Posts: 157
I fixed the 'Option' at top menu, it wasn't working but if working i think that the only action available it's "searching".
I think also that's not needed during the slideshow so i mantained the 'Option' to have the same top menu but disable it.
Updated to (version: '0.10.3' build: '3') at:
Posts: 1023
pgilbert, 10.3 ?? I've thought version: '0.10.4' Build:'3' aka 'Service Pack 3' is the latest ;)
Posts: 33
Was curious if there is a way to edit the 'title' font size? I've noticed in the edit captions area there is not an option for size. It's just a tab big for my tast =)
Great theme!
Posts: 1023
Erehwon, you can change it in the theme.css (.giTitle) to a value you like. You might want to put your changes in a 'local' folder (works for the css too
.giTitle, #gallery h2, #gallery h3, #gallery h4 {
font-size: 1.3em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #eee;
.giTitle2 {
font-size: xx-small;
font-weight: normal;
color: #c7c7c7;
I've added a second one to differentiate the File Names from the Titles.
Posts: 33
Ahh thanks LFrank... I'll give that a try :D
Edit: That worked... but the next question is:
.giTitle, #gallery h2, #gallery h3, #gallery h4
What heading refers to what setting? Example:
Does h2 = title ; h3 = album name? Etc Etc
Then, if I want to change the size for each individual heading is it done as thus:
.giTitle, #gallery h2 {
.giTitle, #gallery h3 {
etc etc for each one I want to do ??
Posts: 1023
Erehwon, if you don't have a CSS browser by hand to see what the code does, a tip could be to display the page source and look what kind of "<div " is in front of the specific entry.
I.e. a "view" on the source of an entry on my album page:
<p class="giTitle2">
▪ Portraits ▪
<p class="giDescription">
Portraits, People and Faces
<div class="block-core-ItemInfo giInfo">
<span class="date summary">
Date: 31.07.2005
<span class="size summary">
Size: 5 items
(90 items total)
<span class="viewCount summary">
shows the different descriptions. If you want to have different styles for different headings you might need to edit the template itsself.
Posts: 33
Thanks amigo :D
Posts: 33
Nother question:
I would like to be able to remove the bullets from the album names... have no clue where to look to remove those
Posts: 1023
Erehwon, I'm mot 100% sure - but worth a try ;)
I you look in album.tpl, you find:
{if $theme.params.ItemsTitle}
{if !empty($child.title)}
<p class="giTitle">
{if $child.canContainChildren}
{g->text text="▪ %s ▪" arg1=$child.title|markup}
The two characters "▪" concatenated to the title look like the 'bullet' points your looking for.
EDIT: Posting gave the proove - the charachters are like & # 9 6 4 2 without the blanks
Posts: 3
This theme is awesome! Thanks Pedro!
Just one question though, I saw someone ask it earlier but it didn't really get addressed, is it possible to add how many times each pic has been viewed? I'm no coder and looking through the Matrix theme tpls and trying to find out how to do this is a bit difficult.
If anyone could point me in the right direction that'd be great! :P
Posts: 33
LFrank, that worked great... thanks a ton.
Posts: 33
I think thats found @:
Site Admin --> Themes --> PGTheme --> Item Show/Hide Information
Posts: 4
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_medium.class at line 209 (gallerystatus::error)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 505 (galleryuserhelper_medium::assertsiteadministrator)
in modules/core/ at line 45 (gallerycoreapi::assertuserissiteadministrator)
in main.php at line 176 (adminthemescontroller::handlerequest)
in main.php at line 90
in main.php at line 82
I'm getting this when I want to save changes to the configuration. It's only in firefox, though. IE is fine - just thought I'd report the bug.
Thanks for a great job,