phpDocumentor GalleryCore
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Procedural File: GalleryItem.class

Source Location: /modules/core/classes/GalleryItem.class

Page Details

Abstract base class for all objects in the Gallery composite tree.

Container for all functionality and data common objects that Gallery can deal with. Each GalleryItem has the capacity to own other GalleryItems in a parent-child relationship. That capacity can be enabled or disabled by subclasses of GalleryItem.

G2:  <class-name>GalleryItem</class-name>
Author:  Bharat Mediratta <>
Version:  $Revision: 17580 $
G2:  <parent-class-name>GalleryFileSystemEntity</parent-class-name>
G2:  <schema>
G2:  </schema>
G2:  <schema-minor>2</schema-minor>
G2:  <schema-major>1</schema-major>
G2:  <requires-id/>
Class Description
GalleryItem Abstract base class for all objects in the Gallery composite tree.

Documentation generated on Fri, 08 Oct 2010 04:59:50 -0700 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC6