Element index for package GalleryCore
Package indexes
[ a ]
[ b ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
[ e ]
[ f ]
[ g ]
[ h ]
[ i ]
[ j ]
[ k ]
[ l ]
[ m ]
[ n ]
[ o ]
[ p ]
[ r ]
[ s ]
[ t ]
[ u ]
[ v ]
[ w ]
[ x ]
[ _ ]
- _createAccessListCompacterLock
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::_createAccessListCompacterLock()
Create the access list compactor lock entity.
- _createAdminUser
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::_createAdminUser()
Create the initial admin user.
- _createAllUsersGroup
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::_createAllUsersGroup()
Create the initial all users group.
- _createAnonymousUser
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::_createAnonymousUser()
Create the initial anonymous user.
- _createEverybodyGroup
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::_createEverybodyGroup()
Create the everybody group.
- _createRootAlbumItem
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::_createRootAlbumItem()
Create the root album item.
- _createSiteAdminsGroup
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::_createSiteAdminsGroup()
Create the site admins group.
- _prepareConfigUpgrade
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::_prepareConfigUpgrade()
Determine what changes to config.php are required for this upgrade.
- _sortSchemaTableLast
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::_sortSchemaTableLast()
Sort an associative array where the key is the name of the table. Force the schema table to be last in line.
- $_activeUser
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_activeUser
The active GalleryUser instance
- $_authToken
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_authToken
Authentication token to verify genuine requests.
- $_blacklistedFileExtensions
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, variable GalleryPlatform::$_blacklistedFileExtensions
List of file extensions that are disallowed for server and/or client security reasons.
- $_boundDomains
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, variable GalleryTranslator::$_boundDomains
Keep track of the gettext domains we've already bound
- $_cacheablePage
- in file GalleryTheme.class, variable GalleryTheme::$_cacheablePage
Is the page we're rendering cacheable?
- $_callbacks
- in file GalleryModule.class, variable GalleryModule::$_callbacks
This module's callbacks. This is a pipe (|) delimited string containing
- $_callCount
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, variable GalleryTemplateAdapter::$_callCount
The number of times our block callbacks have been executed
- $_columnPrefix
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_columnPrefix
A string to prepend to column names
- $_compiledTemplateDir
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, variable GalleryTemplate::$_compiledTemplateDir
A directory where the templates will be written into.
- $_config
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_config
Storage for all configuration variables, set in config.php. The values contained here can't be modified. Well, they can be modified but they can't be saved so it's not a good idea.
- $_cookieDomain
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_cookieDomain
The domain for our cookie.
- $_creationTime
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_creationTime
The time this session was created.
- $_currentBaseHost
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, variable GalleryUrlGenerator::$_currentBaseHost
The base host (protocol + host name) of all URLs generated with function makeUrl.
- $_currentUrl
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, variable GalleryUrlGenerator::$_currentUrl
The complete URL (protocol + host name + path + file + query string) of the current request eg. 'http://example.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=15'.
- $_currentUrlBaseDir
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, variable GalleryUrlGenerator::$_currentUrlBaseDir
The complete URL dir (protocol + host name + path) of all URLs to be generated eg.
- $_currentView
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_currentView
The name of the current view
- $_data
- in file GalleryEvent.class, variable GalleryEvent::$_data
Event specific data
- $_database
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_database
Name of the database to use
- $_db
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_db
Internal pointer to ADOdb database object
- $_debug
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_debug
The current debugging mode. One of 'buffered', 'logged', 'immediate' or false.
- $_debugBuffer
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_debugBuffer
A place to temporarily store debug output when the debugging mode is set to 'buffered'
- $_debugLogFile
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_debugLogFile
Where to send debug output (when the debugging mode is set to 'logged')
- $_debugSnippet
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_debugSnippet
A secondary debug buffer used to record debug output even if regular debug mode is disabled.
- $_debugSnippetActive
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_debugSnippetActive
Are we currently recording a debug snippet?
- $_description
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, variable GalleryPlugin::$_description
The description of this plugin
- $_doNotUseTempId
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_doNotUseTempId
Whether no pseudo/temporary session id should be returned on getId() if there is no real session id yet.
- $_embedSessionString
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, variable GalleryUrlGenerator::$_embedSessionString
The session key=value for the CMS application in which Gallery is embedded. Should only be non-empty when cookieless browsing is supported by CMS, eg. 'session=3838562834573' which is then added to all URLs generated by Gallery.
- $_entity
- in file GalleryEvent.class, variable GalleryEvent::$_entity
Target entity
- $_entityInfoCache
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_entityInfoCache
A cache of member info that we've discovered about various classes
- $_errorCode
- in file GalleryStatus.class, variable GalleryStatus::$_errorCode
The actual error code
- $_errorMessage
- in file GalleryStatus.class, variable GalleryStatus::$_errorMessage
A descriptive message of the error
- $_eventName
- in file GalleryEvent.class, variable GalleryEvent::$_eventName
Event name
- $_expirationLimit
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_expirationLimit
How many sessions to delete per expireSessions() call.
- $_extras
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_extras
Internal pointer to our DatabaseStorageExtras object
- $_file
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, variable GalleryUrlGenerator::$_file
URL base filename of Gallery, defaults to 'main.php'. Can also include some parameters, eg.
- $_firstGalleryStatus
- in file GallerySmarty.class, variable GallerySmarty::$_firstGalleryStatus
A GalleryStatus object from the last called fetch
- $_forceSaveSession
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_forceSaveSession
Whether a persistent session should be forced to be created.
- $_group
- in file GalleryModule.class, variable GalleryModule::$_group
The module group (optional).
- $_host
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, variable GalleryUrlGenerator::$_host
The host string of generated URLs (including optional port) eg. 'www.example.com'.
- $_hostname
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_hostname
Host the database runs on
- $_id
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, variable GalleryPlugin::$_id
The id of this plugin
- $_index
- in file GalleryRepository.class, variable GalleryRepository::$_index
Local repository index.
- $_index
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, variable GalleryRepositoryIndex::$_index
Repository index.
- $_isCookiePathConfigured
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, variable GalleryUrlGenerator::$_isCookiePathConfigured
Whether the cookie path was configured by the admin.
- $_isEmptyAllowedForNotNullColumn
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_isEmptyAllowedForNotNullColumn
Whether this storage accepts empty (string) values for NOT NULL columns. Some DBMS implicitly converts empty values to NULL on INSERT/UPDATE and then the value would violate a NOT NULL condition.
- $_isLoaded
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, variable GalleryRepositoryIndex::$_isLoaded
Indicates whether the index has been loaded from the filesystem.
- $_isPersistent
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_isPersistent
Whether this is a persistent session or just a session for this single request.
- $_isPersistentSessionAllowedForRequest
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_isPersistentSessionAllowedForRequest
Whether a persistent session is allowed to be created in this request.
- $_isPersistentSessionNew
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_isPersistentSessionNew
Whether a persistent session has been created (not updated) in this request.
- $_isRightToLeft
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, variable GalleryTranslator::$_isRightToLeft
Does the active language read right-to-left?
- $_isSearchEngineSession
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_isSearchEngineSession
Whether this is a session for a search engine.
- $_isSessionSaved
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_isSessionSaved
Whether the session has been saved in the persistent store during the current request handling. Used to determine whether we need to "touch" the session to prevent it from expiring in case the session data hasn't changed anyway.
- $_isTransactional
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_isTransactional
Are we attempting to be transactional?
- $_isUsingCookies
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_isUsingCookies
Is it OK to rely on cookies for this session?
- $_itemTypeName
- in file GalleryDynamicAlbum.class, variable GalleryDynamicAlbum::$_itemTypeName
Type name info for this dynamic album
- $_l10Domain
- in file GalleryView.class, variable GalleryView::$_l10Domain
The localization domain for this view.
- $_l10Domain
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, variable GalleryPlugin::$_l10Domain
The localization domain for this plugin
- $_languageCode
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, variable GalleryTranslator::$_languageCode
Currently selected locale
- $_loadedSessionData
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_loadedSessionData
The serialized session data as loaded from database.
- $_locks
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, variable GalleryLockSystem::$_locks
Information about all the locks we currently hold.
- $_lockSystem
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_lockSystem
The active GalleryLockSystem implementation
- $_modificationTime
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_modificationTime
The time this session was last modified.
- $_name
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, variable GalleryPlugin::$_name
The name of this plugin
- $_nonTransactionalDb
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_nonTransactionalDb
Internal pointer to a non-transactional ADOdb database object
- $_password
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_password
Password for the database user
- $_path
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, variable GalleryUrlGenerator::$_path
URL path to Gallery, eg. '/gallery2/' of http://example.com/gallery2/main.php.
- $_persistentStatus
- in file GalleryPersistent.class, variable GalleryPersistent::$_persistentStatus
Keep track of which internal values are persistant and which ones aren't so that we'll know when and what to save to the database.
- $_phpVm
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_phpVm
A facade in front of the PHP virtual machine. We use this as an abstraction layer to let us interpose mock objects between our code and the VM for testing purposes. When we're not in a test environment, this is always an instance of GalleryPhpVm.
- $_platform
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_platform
An instance of the GalleryPlatform class
- $_profile
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_profile
The current profiling mode.
- $_progressBarStats
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, variable GalleryTemplateAdapter::$_progressBarStats
Current state of the progress bar.
- $_protocol
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, variable GalleryUrlGenerator::$_protocol
The protocol of generated URLs, 'http' or 'https'.
- $_references
- in file FlockLockSystem.class, variable FlockLockSystem::$_references
Reference counts for every lock we're holding so that if we've got a file doubly read locked we don't try to delete it until all read locks are released.
- $_releaseQueue
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, variable GalleryLockSystem::$_releaseQueue
List of locks that are pending release.
- $_remoteIdentifier
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_remoteIdentifier
A set of identifying values that we can use to verify that the session is coming from the same browser as it used to (to prevent session hijacking).
- $_requiredCoreApi
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, variable GalleryPlugin::$_requiredCoreApi
The version of the Core API required by this plugin
- $_requiredModuleApi
- in file GalleryModule.class, variable GalleryModule::$_requiredModuleApi
The version of the GalleryModule API required by this module
- $_requiredThemeApi
- in file GalleryTheme.class, variable GalleryTheme::$_requiredThemeApi
The version of the GalleryTheme API required by this theme.
- $_schema
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_schema
Database schema to use (not used by all db types)
- $_session
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_session
Storage for all session variables.
- $_sessionData
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_sessionData
The session data.
- $_sessionId
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_sessionId
The id of this session.
- $_shutdownActions
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_shutdownActions
Actions to perform at the end of the request
- $_smarty
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, variable GalleryTemplate::$_smarty
The Smarty instance
- $_source
- in file GalleryRepository.class, variable GalleryRepository::$_source
The source of this index (released, experimental, community)
- $_source
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, variable GalleryRepositoryIndex::$_source
The source of this index (released, experimental, community)
- $_stack
- in file GalleryStatus.class, variable GalleryStatus::$_stack
The stack trace, if possible.
- $_standardSettings
- in file GalleryTheme.class, variable GalleryTheme::$_standardSettings
Which of the standard theme settings this theme supports.
- $_storage
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_storage
The backend persistent store for the Gallery class
- $_tablePrefix
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_tablePrefix
A string to prepend to table names
- $_templateAdapter
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_templateAdapter
The adapter between the template system and any Gallery callbacks that want to use in the template process.
- $_templateDir
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, variable GalleryTemplate::$_templateDir
The directory containing our template files
- $_templateVersion
- in file GalleryModule.class, variable GalleryModule::$_templateVersion
The version of the templates associated with this plugin
- $_theme
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, variable GalleryTemplateAdapter::$_theme
The active theme
- $_timeLimit
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_timeLimit
The time at which we should cease whatever operation we're doing
- $_trailer
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, variable GalleryTemplateAdapter::$_trailer
Aggregation of text that we want to output at the bottom of the page, useful for when we need to put javascript at the bottom.
- $_trailerCallbacks
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, variable GalleryTemplateAdapter::$_trailerCallbacks
Registered callbacks that will get executed during the trailer.
- $_translator
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_translator
Instance of the GalleryTranslator class
- $_type
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_type
Database type (ADOdb driver name)
- $_urlGenerator
- in file Gallery.class, variable Gallery::$_urlGenerator
Instance of the GalleryUrlGenerator class
- $_usePersistentConnections
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_usePersistentConnections
Whether or not we should use persistent database connections
- $_userId
- in file GallerySession.class, variable GallerySession::$_userId
The id of the session's user.
- $_username
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GalleryStorage::$_username
Name of the database user
- $_utilities
- in file GalleryRepository.class, variable GalleryRepository::$_utilities
Repository utilities.
- $_utilities
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, variable GalleryRepositoryIndex::$_utilities
Repository utilities.
- $_version
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, variable GalleryPlugin::$_version
The version of this plugin
- _acquireLock
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::_acquireLock()
Extending class must implement this function to actually acquire a lock.
- _acquireLock
- in file FlockLockSystem.class, method FlockLockSystem::_acquireLock()
- _acquireLock
- in file DatabaseLockSystem.class, method DatabaseLockSystem::_acquireLock()
- _acquireNewPersistentSession
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::_acquireNewPersistentSession()
Acquire a new persistent session and guarantee we've got a valid, unqiue sessionId.
- _buildCombinedJavascriptFileAndGenerateUrl
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::_buildCombinedJavascriptFileAndGenerateUrl()
Combine the specified files into a single file and store it in the disk cache with the key.
- _canBeViewedInline
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::_canBeViewedInline()
Helper function to check renderer and list of mime types for canBeViewedInline.
- _cleanPageDataCache
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::_cleanPageDataCache()
Delete value of obsolete cache data.
- _closeLockFile
- in file FlockLockSystem.class, method FlockLockSystem::_closeLockFile()
Close file for this lock and remove file if there are no more references.
- _combineJavascriptFiles
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::_combineJavascriptFiles()
Combine as many static Javascript files as possible into a single request to core.CombinedJavascript to minimize the number of connections required by the browser to retrieve them, which improves performance on slower connections.
- _createDepthTree
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::_createDepthTree()
Recursively walk a parent/child map and build the depth tree.
- _createDir
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::_createDir()
Internal function to create the album directory
- _deleteModuleEntities
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::_deleteModuleEntities()
Delete all entities with a type registered by this module.
- _emptySessionData
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::_emptySessionData()
Get rid of all session data.
- _executeSqlFile
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_executeSqlFile()
Execute a given SQL file against the database. Prefix table and column names as necessary.
- _expireSessions
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::_expireSessions()
Get rid of any sessions that have not been accessed within our inactivity timeout or have exceeded the max lifetime.
- _flattenParamsArray
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::_flattenParamsArray()
Convert a structure of nested URL parameters into a flat array of parameters.
- _flushPluginCache
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::_flushPluginCache()
Flush plugin-related caches.
- _getActualTemplatePath
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::_getActualTemplatePath()
Given a template name (foo/bar/path/file.tpl), return the active template path based on the
- _getApiQueryParams
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::_getApiQueryParams()
Retrieve the core, module and theme API versions.
- _getAsArray
- in file GalleryStatus.class, method GalleryStatus::_getAsArray()
Internal function collect error code and stack trace info
- _getCache
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::_getCache()
Get the static cache
- _getConnection
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_getConnection()
Connect to the database
- _getEntityOrMapInfo
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_getEntityOrMapInfo()
Retrieve the entity or map information from the Schema table. If tryAllModules is false then only consider plugins that are active.
- _getExtraPageCacheKey
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::_getExtraPageCacheKey()
Returns session related page cache key, eg. to make the page cache language sensitive
- _getExtras
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_getExtras()
Get the reference to our GalleryStorageExtras instance where we put less frequently used code (most code that's used to modify the database).
- _getItem
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::_getItem()
Return the current item, as specified in the itemId request variable.
- _getLocalPath
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::_getLocalPath()
Check for a local override of an href path (to override a css or js file, for example).
- _getLockFile
- in file FlockLockSystem.class, method FlockLockSystem::_getLockFile()
Return the lock file for a given object id.
- _getOptimizeStatements
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_getOptimizeStatements()
Get sql to optimize a table
- _getRequestVariable
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::_getRequestVariable()
Return a specified request variable from the GET or POST vars.
- _getResponseHeaders
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::_getResponseHeaders()
Array of response headers which have already been set.
- _getSerializedSession
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::_getSerializedSession()
Get the serialized session for comparing purposes.
- _getSmarty
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::_getSmarty()
Return a properly configured instance of Smarty. This used to be a single shared static instance of Smarty, but now we build it every time we need it. Theoretically we shouldn't be creating more than one GalleryTemplate and hence, more than one Smarty instance per request. However, having it as a static object makes it less testable.
- _getSqlReplacements
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_getSqlReplacements()
Return database specific syntax to replace in schema SQL
- _getThemeAndParametersByEvent
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::_getThemeAndParametersByEvent()
Let non-core code override the theme and its parameters for this request.
- _getThemeId
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::_getThemeId()
Return the themeid for the current item.
- _getWhereSql
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_getWhereSql()
Accepts a $mapInfo pair and $match value to add match information to supplied array.
- _guaranteeTransaction
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_guaranteeTransaction()
Begin transaction if not already in one.
- _image
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::_image()
Implementation of image() that can return an error.
- _initCompiledTemplateDir
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::_initCompiledTemplateDir()
Initializes the directory where compiled templates will be saved for this specific template directory
- _internalGetRequestVariable
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::_internalGetRequestVariable()
Take a path in the form of ('foo', 'bar', 'baz') and a source array and get the value from it like this: return $source['foo']['bar']['baz'];
- _internalPutRequestVariable
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::_internalPutRequestVariable()
Take a path in the form of ('foo', 'bar', 'baz') and a destination array and put the value into it like this: $destination['foo']['bar']['baz'] = $value;
- _internalRemoveRequestVariable
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::_internalRemoveRequestVariable()
Take a path in the form of ('foo', 'bar', 'baz') and a source array and remove the value from it like this: unset($source['foo']['bar']['baz']);
- _isHttps
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::_isHttps()
Determine if the request is using the HTTPS protocol.
- _isPersistentSessionAllowedForRequest
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::_isPersistentSessionAllowedForRequest()
Whether this controller/view request generally allows creating a session.
- _isPersistentSessionRequired
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::_isPersistentSessionRequired()
Check whether this session should be persistent or not.
- _isRestrictedByOpenBaseDir
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::_isRestrictedByOpenBaseDir()
Check if path is allowed by open_basedir, given platform path separator & case sensitivity.
- _loadPermissionPreferences
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::_loadPermissionPreferences()
Load preferences for file/dir permissions and calculate umask.
- _loadSessionData
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::_loadSessionData()
Load the session data or generate a new session with new data. Also sets $this->_isPersistent to true if loaded from persistent store.
- _loadTheme
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::_loadTheme()
Load the given theme if it's active.
- _moveObjectsBetweenLocks
- in file DatabaseLockSystem.class, method DatabaseLockSystem::_moveObjectsBetweenLocks()
- _moveObjectsBetweenLocks
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::_moveObjectsBetweenLocks()
Move ids from givens locks into a new lock.
- _newLockId
- in file DatabaseLockSystem.class, method DatabaseLockSystem::_newLockId()
- _newLockId
- in file FlockLockSystem.class, method FlockLockSystem::_newLockId()
- _newLockId
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::_newLockId()
Generate an id for a new lock.
- _normalizeValue
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_normalizeValue()
Cast the value to the proper member type when interacting with the database. Optionally also perform a UTF-8-safe truncation for strings.
- _parseUri
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::_parseUri()
Split a URI string into file, path, host and protocol substrings and normalize them.
- _performMaintenance
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::_performMaintenance()
Perform some pruning of our cache to prevent it from growing too large when we're doing exceptionally long operations like adding many items in one request.
- _permissionCheck
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::_permissionCheck()
Process possible permission errors when accessing a view.
- _postDeactivationEvent
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::_postDeactivationEvent()
Post a deactivation event for this plugin. Used by deactivate and reactivate.
- _preverifyAggregatePackages
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::_preverifyAggregatePackages()
Preverify that we will have no trouble unpacking and writing the packages we downloaded
- _printFailure
- in file BuildDerivativesTask.class, method BuildDerivativesTask::_printFailure()
- _rebuildCache
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::_rebuildCache()
Rebuild the cache. This should never be called directly; instead you should call GalleryCoreApi::rebuildDerivativeCacheIfNotCurrent($derivativeId)
- _recursiveChmod
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::_recursiveChmod()
Helper for recursiveChmod.
- _registerCookieAttr
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::_registerCookieAttr()
Register a cookie variable safely.
- _releaseLocksNow
- in file DatabaseLockSystem.class, method DatabaseLockSystem::_releaseLocksNow()
- _releaseLocksNow
- in file FlockLockSystem.class, method FlockLockSystem::_releaseLocksNow()
- _releaseLocksNow
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::_releaseLocksNow()
Release the given locks now
- _removeObjectsFromLock
- in file FlockLockSystem.class, method FlockLockSystem::_removeObjectsFromLock()
- _removeObjectsFromLock
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::_removeObjectsFromLock()
Remove some object ids from the given lock.
- _removeObjectsFromLock
- in file DatabaseLockSystem.class, method DatabaseLockSystem::_removeObjectsFromLock()
- _removeObsoleteThemeBlocks
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::_removeObsoleteThemeBlocks()
Remove obsolete blocks from existing themes (bug #1636339).
- _rescan
- in file BuildDerivativesTask.class, method BuildDerivativesTask::_rescan()
- _safeCssName
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::_safeCssName()
This removes unsafe characters from a string so they can be used as a class name or id in html and be addressed via css
- _saveLocalUrlMap
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::_saveLocalUrlMap()
Save changes to the local URL map.
- _saveLocalUrlMapPhp5
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::_saveLocalUrlMapPhp5()
Compatibility function for PHP 5.3. See comment in GalleryUrlGenerator::_getLocalPath.
- _setConnectionSettings
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_setConnectionSettings()
Set runtime settings for the given database connection.
- _setCookie
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::_setCookie()
Send back a cookie to the browser.
- _setlocale
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::_setlocale()
Attempt to set the requested locale. Try fallbacks and character sets if needed to find a valid locale.
- _setUserData
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::_setUserData()
Set values in user object based on given args.
- _shutdown
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::_shutdown()
Perform any necessary shutdown tasks.
- _sortItemLinks
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::_sortItemLinks()
Sort an array of associative arrays on the 'text' key.
- _traceStart
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_traceStart()
Start tracing. If Gallery is in debug, this method will begin storing all output and routing it into Gallery's debug system.
- _traceStop
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_traceStop()
Stop tracing. If Gallery is in debug, this will method will stop tracing.
- _translate
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::_translate()
Translate string. Results are cached.
- _translateColumnName
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_translateColumnName()
Translate a potentially unsafe column name into a safe one
- _translateQuery
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_translateQuery()
Translate all table and column names from [Entity::member] notation to table.column notation.
- _translateTableName
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_translateTableName()
Translate a potentially unsafe table name into a safe one by adding a prefix or suffix to avoid conflicting with a reserved word.
- _truncateString
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::_truncateString()
Perform a UTF-8-safe truncation of the string to a size
- _updateProgress
- in file BuildDerivativesTask.class, method BuildDerivativesTask::_updateProgress()
- _addParameter
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::_addParameter()
Add a new parameter for this plugin
- _array_unshift_key_value
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_medium.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_medium::_array_unshift_key_value()
Utility method to array_unshift a single key => value pair.
- _changePermission
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::_changePermission()
Make the appropriate permission change.
- _clearCachedAccessListIds
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_simple::_clearCachedAccessListIds()
Clear all cached access list ids
- _copyAccessList
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::_copyAccessList()
Create a duplicate access list.
- _deleteCache
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple.class, method GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple::_deleteCache()
Clear cached mime type data
- _encodePostData
- in file WebHelper_simple.class, method WebHelper_simple::_encodePostData()
Encode the post data. For each key/value pair, urlencode both the key and the value and then
- _fetchAccessListIds
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_simple::_fetchAccessListIds()
Like GalleryCoreApi::fetchAccessListIds but only processes a single permission id
- _fetchAllParameters
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_simple::_fetchAllParameters()
Get all the parameters for this plugin
- _fetchAllPermissions
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_simple::_fetchAllPermissions()
Return a list of all available permissions
- _fetchChildItemIds
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::_fetchChildItemIds()
Helper function for getting child ids
- _fetchDescendentItemIds
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::_fetchDescendentItemIds()
Helper function for getting descendent ids.
- _fetchPermissionBitsForItem
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::_fetchPermissionBitsForItem()
Return a permissions for the given item
- _getAccessListCompacterLock
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::_getAccessListCompacterLock()
Acquire a read or write lock on our access list compacter semaphore. While we have this read lock, the access list can't be compacted. While we have a write lock, we're in the process of compacting so nobody else should be touching the access map.
- _getEventListeners
- in file GalleryEventHelper_simple.class, method GalleryEventHelper_simple::_getEventListeners()
Static array of registered event listeners.
- _getFactoryData
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_simple::_getFactoryData()
Get the static factory registry
- _getMimeData
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple.class, method GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple::_getMimeData()
Get all mime type data
- _getOrderInfo
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::_getOrderInfo()
If we want to sort, which storage info we need?
- _getSingleton
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple.class, method GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple::_getSingleton()
Singleton that can be cleared.
- _getSingleton
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_simple::_getSingleton()
The single copy of the factory registry data
- _isDisabled
- in file GalleryUserHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserHelper_medium::_isDisabled()
Return true if the failure count and last attempt are over our threshold. For every 10 failures, logins are disabled for 1 hour.
- _loadDerivatives
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple::_loadDerivatives()
Load the derivative images for the ids/types specified
- _newPermissionBit
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::_newPermissionBit()
Return an unused permission bit that we can use for our purposes
- _parseLocation
- in file WebHelper_simple.class, method WebHelper_simple::_parseLocation()
Prepare to follow redirect URL.
- _parseUrlForFsockopen
- in file WebHelper_simple.class, method WebHelper_simple::_parseUrlForFsockopen()
Prepare for fsockopen call.
- _postGroupEvent
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::_postGroupEvent()
Post Gallery::ViewableTreeChange event for change of group permissions.
- _removePermissionsFromAllItems
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::_removePermissionsFromAllItems()
Remove the given permissions from all items. Useful when we remove a permission from the system.
- _setPermission
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::_setPermission()
Add a permission to the database and to our permission cache.
- _truncatePathComponent
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_medium.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_medium::_truncatePathComponent()
Truncate the given path component to the maximum allowed length.
- _updateParameter
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::_updateParameter()
Update an existing parameter for this plugin
- $_activate
- in file ModuleTest.class, variable ModuleTestModule::$_activate
- $_active
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, variable AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestWrapper::$_active
- $_active
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, variable AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestWrapper::$_active
- $_addedMapData
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, variable RepositoryTestStorage::$_addedMapData
- $_albums
- in file PermissionTest.class, variable PermissionTest::$_albums
Our internal albums
- $_count
- in file UserHelperTest.class, variable UserHelperTestMockStorage::$_count
- $_creationTime
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, variable ItemAttributesTestSession::$_creationTime
- $_db
- in file StorageTest.class, variable StorageTest::$_db
- $_event
- in file EntityTest.class, variable EntityTestEventListener::$_event
- $_event
- in file EventTest.class, variable EventTestEventListener::$_event
- $_event
- in file PermissionTest.class, variable PermissionTestEventListener::$_event
- $_factory
- in file EventTest.class, variable EventTestEventListener::$_factory
- $_galleryTemplateAdapter
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, variable AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::$_galleryTemplateAdapter
- $_galleryTemplateAdapter
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, variable AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest::$_galleryTemplateAdapter
- $_galleryTemplateAdapter
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, variable AdminRepositoryControllerTest::$_galleryTemplateAdapter
- $_galleryTemplateAdapter
- in file AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class, variable AdminLanguageManagerViewTest::$_galleryTemplateAdapter
- $_galleryTemplateAdapter
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, variable AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest::$_galleryTemplateAdapter
- $_idMap
- in file LocalizationAuditTest.class, variable LocalizationAuditTest::$_idMap
- $_includes
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, variable TemplateAdapterMockSmarty::$_includes
- $_index
- in file RepositoryTest.class, variable RepositoryTest::$_index
- $_index
- in file RepositoryTest.class, variable RepositoryTestIndex::$_index
- $_index
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, variable RepositoryIndexTest::$_index
- $_lastAttempt
- in file UserHelperTest.class, variable UserHelperTestMockStorage::$_lastAttempt
- $_module
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, variable CoreModuleTest::$_module
- $_nr
- in file PermissionTest.class, variable PermissionTestEventListener::$_nr
- $_operations
- in file UserHelperTest.class, variable UserHelperTestMockStorage::$_operations
- $_originalPlatform
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, variable SimpleCallbackTestPlatform::$_originalPlatform
- $_packageMap
- in file PhpDocAuditTest.class, variable PhpDocAuditTest::$_packageMap
- $_pluginData
- in file RepositoryTest.class, variable RepositoryTestIndex::$_pluginData
- $_recordSets
- in file StorageTest.class, variable StorageTestDB::$_recordSets
- $_removedMapData
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, variable RepositoryTestStorage::$_removedMapData
- $_resetCallCount
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, variable LogoutControllerTestSession::$_resetCallCount
- $_resultIndex
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, variable RepositoryTestSearchResults::$_resultIndex
- $_results
- in file StorageTest.class, variable StorageTest::$_results
- $_results
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, variable RepositoryTestSearchResults::$_results
- $_resultsNonTransactional
- in file StorageTest.class, variable StorageTest::$_resultsNonTransactional
- $_rows
- in file StorageTest.class, variable StorageTestRecordSet::$_rows
- $_sampleIndex
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, variable RepositoryIndexTest::$_sampleIndex
- $_sampleIndex
- in file RepositoryTest.class, variable RepositoryTest::$_sampleIndex
- $_savedGet
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, variable UrlGeneratorTest::$_savedGet
- $_searches
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, variable RepositoryTestStorage::$_searches
- $_searchResults
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, variable RepositoryTestStorage::$_searchResults
- $_stat
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, variable FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform::$_stat
- $_stat
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, variable FastDownloadTestRemovePermissionPlatform::$_stat
- $_testCase
- in file StorageTest.class, variable StorageTestDB::$_testCase
- $_testCase
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, variable PluginParameterTestMockStorage::$_testCase
- $_testStatus
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, variable AdminRepositoryControllerTestSession::$_testStatus
- $_themeApi
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, variable RepositoryIndexTestTheme::$_themeApi
- $_time
- in file UserHelperTest.class, variable UserHelperTestPhpVm::$_time
- $_updatedMapData
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, variable RepositoryTestStorage::$_updatedMapData
- $_urlGenerator
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, variable UrlGeneratorTest::$_urlGenerator
- $_userId
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, variable ItemAttributesTestSession::$_userId
- $_userId
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, variable LogoutControllerTestSession::$_userId
- $_version
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, variable AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestWrapper::$_version
- $_version
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, variable AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestWrapper::$_version
- _addCall
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, method FlushTemplatesTaskTestPlatform::_addCall()
- _addCall
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTestPlatform::_addCall()
- _addUserToAdminGroup
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::_addUserToAdminGroup()
- _assertCompleteProgressBar
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::_assertCompleteProgressBar()
Assert the completeProgressBar() parameters for progress-bar based tasks.
- _assertErrorFromProgressBar
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::_assertErrorFromProgressBar()
Assert form / validation errors from the progress-bar callback.
- _assertPeers
- in file CallbacksTest.class, method CallbacksTest::_assertPeers()
- _buildDescriptor
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::_buildDescriptor()
- _buildPlatformResponses
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::_buildPlatformResponses()
- _call
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::_call()
- _checkHiddenFormVars
- in file TemplateAuditTest.class, method TemplateAuditTest::_checkHiddenFormVars()
- _checkTextInJavascript
- in file TemplateAuditTest.class, method TemplateAuditTest::_checkTextInJavascript()
- _checkTrailingIfs
- in file TemplateAuditTest.class, method TemplateAuditTest::_checkTrailingIfs()
- _createAlbumWithNonDefaultTheme
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::_createAlbumWithNonDefaultTheme()
- _createGroup
- in file AdminEditGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupControllerTest::_createGroup()
- _createGroup
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::_createGroup()
- _createGroup
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::_createGroup()
- _createGroup
- in file AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest::_createGroup()
- _createLinkedPhotos
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::_createLinkedPhotos()
- _createTestAlbum
- in file ItemOrderTest.class, method ItemOrderTest::_createTestAlbum()
- _createTestUsers
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::_createTestUsers()
- _createUser
- in file AdminUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminUsersControllerTest::_createUser()
- _createUser
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::_createUser()
- _deleteGroup
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::_deleteGroup()
- _deleteGroup
- in file AdminCreateGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateGroupControllerTest::_deleteGroup()
- _deleteGroup
- in file AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest::_deleteGroup()
- _deleteGroup
- in file AdminEditGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupControllerTest::_deleteGroup()
- _download
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::_download()
- _expireSessions
- in file DeleteSessionsTaskTest.class, method DeleteSessionsTaskTestSession::_expireSessions()
- _fetchPermissionBitsForItem
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTest::_fetchPermissionBitsForItem()
- _fetchPluginStatus
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestWrapper::_fetchPluginStatus()
- _fetchPluginStatus
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestWrapper::_fetchPluginStatus()
- _getChildId
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, method ItemAddAlbumControllerTest::_getChildId()
- _getDerivativeSizes
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveSingleControllerTest::_getDerivativeSizes()
- _getDerivativeSizes
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::_getDerivativeSizes()
- _getDescriptorForPreVerifyPackageTests
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::_getDescriptorForPreVerifyPackageTests()
- _getNonTransactionalResults
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::_getNonTransactionalResults()
- _getPluginState
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::_getPluginState()
- _getRepositoryPluginListTestCase
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::_getRepositoryPluginListTestCase()
- _getResponseHeaders
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::_getResponseHeaders()
- _getSecondChildId
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, method ItemAddAlbumControllerTest::_getSecondChildId()
- _getStatusFromProgressBar
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::_getStatusFromProgressBar()
- _getUpgradeTestCase
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::_getUpgradeTestCase()
- _get_compile_path
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterMockSmarty::_get_compile_path()
- _handleCallback
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::_handleCallback()
- _hasCacheControlNoCacheHeader
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::_hasCacheControlNoCacheHeader()
- _initNewUrlGenerator
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::_initNewUrlGenerator()
- _loadTemplate
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::_loadTemplate()
Helper method to load the UserLoginView template data.
- _markSessionForCleanup
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::_markSessionForCleanup()
- _markUserForCleanup
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::_markUserForCleanup()
- _permissionTest
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::_permissionTest()
- _prepareForFetchAccessListIds
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::_prepareForFetchAccessListIds()
- _prepareForGetPluginUpgradeInfo
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::_prepareForGetPluginUpgradeInfo()
- _prepareForLoadThemeAndParameters
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::_prepareForLoadThemeAndParameters()
- _prepareGenerateUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::_prepareGenerateUrl()
- _prepareToReadFromDiskCache
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::_prepareToReadFromDiskCache()
- _processChildElement
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::_processChildElement()
This callback processes the child as it is popped off the stack
- _processEndElement
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::_processEndElement()
XML Callback to process end elements
- _processStartElement
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::_processStartElement()
XML Callback to process start elements
- _putItemRequestVariables
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::_putItemRequestVariables()
- _read_file
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestMockSmarty::_read_file()
- _runCallback
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::_runCallback()
- _set
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::_set()
- _setAdminEmail
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::_setAdminEmail()
Set the email address for 'admin'
- _setAggregrateDownloadResponses
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::_setAggregrateDownloadResponses()
- _setCalled
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::_setCalled()
- _setDerivativePreferences
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::_setDerivativePreferences()
- _setDerivativePreferences
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveSingleControllerTest::_setDerivativePreferences()
- _setDownloadAndUnpackPackagesResponses
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::_setDownloadAndUnpackPackagesResponses()
- _setDownloadHeaders
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::_setDownloadHeaders()
- _setFormFromValues
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::_setFormFromValues()
- _setRepositoryResponses
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, method RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest::_setRepositoryResponses()
- _setSplitPackagesResponses
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::_setSplitPackagesResponses()
- _setTheme
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::_setTheme()
- _setupAdapterWithMocks
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::_setupAdapterWithMocks()
- _setupChmodTest
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::_setupChmodTest()
- _setupRepositoryPluginListResponses
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::_setupRepositoryPluginListResponses()
- _setUpRepositoryUtilitiesResponses
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::_setUpRepositoryUtilitiesResponses()
- _setupUpdateUtilitiesResponses
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::_setupUpdateUtilitiesResponses()
- _smarty_include
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterMockSmarty::_smarty_include()
- _sortPermissions
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::_sortPermissions()
Sort permissions by group, user then permission name
- _testAcquireReadLockParents
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::_testAcquireReadLockParents()
- _testAcquireReadLockParentsOnRoot
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::_testAcquireReadLockParentsOnRoot()
- _testManyReadLocks
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::_testManyReadLocks()
- _testManyWriteLocks
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::_testManyWriteLocks()
- _testOneReadLock
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::_testOneReadLock()
- _testOneWriteLock
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::_testOneWriteLock()
- _testReadLockToWriteLock
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::_testReadLockToWriteLock()
Test acquiring a write lock on an entity that has already been read locked. We don't
- _testReadReadAgainThenWrite
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::_testReadReadAgainThenWrite()
- _testReleaseEmpty
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::_testReleaseEmpty()
- _testReleaseNull
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::_testReleaseNull()
- _testRemovePermission
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::_testRemovePermission()
- _testViewCount
- in file ShowItemTest.class, method ShowItemTest::_testViewCount()
- _tryAllLockSystems
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::_tryAllLockSystems()
- _verifyMapEntryRemoved
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest::_verifyMapEntryRemoved()
- _verifyMissingAll
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::_verifyMissingAll()
All Delete requests have in common that the user,
- _verifyNoPasswordChange
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest::_verifyNoPasswordChange()
- _wasOnLoadCalled
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTestEntity::_wasOnLoadCalled()
- $_callBack
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, variable GalleryDatabaseExport::$_callBack
This variable contains the call back information and contains the follwoing keys
- $_elementStack
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, variable GalleryXmlProcessor::$_elementStack
Push down stack for xml processing.
- $_fieldNames
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GallerySearchResults::$_fieldNames
Field names describing the record set
- $_fieldPrefixLength
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, variable GalleryDatabaseExport::$_fieldPrefixLength
- $_fileReadChunkSize
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, variable GalleryDatabaseImport::$_fileReadChunkSize
Defines the number of bytes to read before letting the user know that we haven't forgotten them.
- $_fragment
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GallerySqlFragment::$_fragment
Internal sql fragment
- $_ignoreTables
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, variable GalleryDatabaseExport::$_ignoreTables
This array contains a list of tables that are transitory in nature and do not need to have the data in them backed up. The schema table is not rally transitory, but will be recreated as part of the import.
- $_mapInfo
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GallerySearchResults::$_mapInfo
Gallery data type info array
- $_recordSet
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GallerySearchResults::$_recordSet
Internal record set object
- $_rowChunkSize
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, variable GalleryDatabaseExport::$_rowChunkSize
Defines the number of rows to be read before letting the user know that we are still working.
- $_serverInfo
- in file MSSqlStorage.class, variable MSSqlStorage::$_serverInfo
Version info of database server
- $_values
- in file GalleryStorage.class, variable GallerySqlFragment::$_values
Internal sql values
- $_xmlParser
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, variable GalleryXmlProcessor::$_xmlParser
a reference to the PHP supplied XML parser.
- _addMapEntries
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_addMapEntries()
Add new entries to a map. This utility takes the values from entry array e.g., (parm1 => (p1val1, p1val2, p1val3), parm2 => (p2val1, p2val2, p2val3)) and inserts them into the map similar to the following: INSERT INTO ... (PARM1, PARM2) VALUES (p1val1, p2val1), (p1val2, p2val2) ...
- _clearEntityAndMapCache
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_clearEntityAndMapCache()
Clear out the entity and map caches, which we should do any time we add or remove a table.
- _dbInit
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_dbInit()
Connect to database if needed and optionally guarantee db transaction.
- _doStatusCheck
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, method GalleryDatabaseImport::_doStatusCheck()
Do the version validation prior actually reloading the Gallery installation
- _encodeHtmlSpecialChars
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, method GalleryDatabaseExport::_encodeHtmlSpecialChars()
Simulate calling htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'). We avoid using
- _executeSql
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_executeSql()
Execute a given SQL against the database. Prefix table and column names as necessary. Split multiple commands in the file into separate Execute() calls.
- _expireLocks
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_expireLocks()
Delete all not-so-fresh locks.
- _exportData
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, method GalleryDatabaseExport::_exportData()
Export the table data to the output stream
- _exportModule
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, method GalleryDatabaseExport::_exportModule()
Export a module to the export file.
- _exportPluginStatus
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, method GalleryDatabaseExport::_exportPluginStatus()
Export the list of installed plugins. For each plugin include whether it is active or not, the module version number, the required core version and the required gallery version.
- _exportSequence
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, method GalleryDatabaseExport::_exportSequence()
Export the a sequence. Sequences are not defined by the schema.tpl file but are created by calling adoDB directly.
- _exportTable
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, method GalleryDatabaseExport::_exportTable()
Export a gallery table to the output stream
- _getLockClearance
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_getLockClearance()
Internal function to get clearance to acquire locks
- _getNonTransactionalDatabaseConnection
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_getNonTransactionalDatabaseConnection()
Return a non transactional database connection.
- _getOptimizeStatements
- in file OracleStorage.class, method OracleStorage::_getOptimizeStatements()
- _getOptimizeStatements
- in file SQLiteStorage.class, method SQLiteStorage::_getOptimizeStatements()
- _getOptimizeStatements
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::_getOptimizeStatements()
- _getOptimizeStatements
- in file MSSqlStorage.class, method MSSqlStorage::_getOptimizeStatements()
- _getOptimizeStatements
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method MySqlStorage::_getOptimizeStatements()
- _getOptimizeStatements
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::_getOptimizeStatements()
- _getSqlReplacements
- in file MSSqlStorage.class, method MSSqlStorage::_getSqlReplacements()
- _getSqlReplacements
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method MySqlStorage::_getSqlReplacements()
- _getTableInfo
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_getTableInfo()
Load the Entities or Maps.inc file.
- _getUniqueIdWithConnection
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_getUniqueIdWithConnection()
Internal implementation of GalleryStorage::getUniqueId that additionally takes a database connection.
- _identifyEntities
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_identifyEntities()
Identify the type of entity associated with the id provided
- _loadTableVersions
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_loadTableVersions()
- _metaTables
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_metaTables()
Get a list of all database tables (not limited to our table-prefix)
- _normalizeValue
- in file OracleStorage.class, method OracleStorage::_normalizeValue()
- _openBackupFileForWriting
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, method GalleryDatabaseExport::_openBackupFileForWriting()
Creates the file name and opens the file to write the content of the backup.
- _processCData
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, method GalleryXmlProcessor::_processCData()
XML Callback to process CDATA elements. Called by the PHP Xml parser
- _processEndElement
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, method GalleryXmlProcessor::_processEndElement()
XML Callback to process end elements. Called by the PHP Xml parser
- _processStartElement
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, method GalleryDatabaseImport::_processStartElement()
- _processStartElement
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, method GalleryXmlProcessor::_processStartElement()
XML Callback to process start elements. Called by the PHP Xml parser
- _setConnectionSettings
- in file OracleStorage.class, method OracleStorage::_setConnectionSettings()
- _setConnectionSettings
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::_setConnectionSettings()
- _setConnectionSettings
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method MySqlStorage::_setConnectionSettings()
- _truncateString
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::_truncateString()
Truncate UTF-8 strings to given byte length rather than character length since DB2 interprets string lengths in bytes.
- _truncateString
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method MySqlStorage::_truncateString()
Truncate UTF-8 strings either to given character or to byte length depending on the MySQL version.
- _updateSchemaTableInfo
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_updateSchemaTableInfo()
Convenience function to update the Schema table with the creation SQL for a table.
- _updateTableInfo
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::_updateTableInfo()
- $_optionInstances
- in file ItemAdd.inc, variable ItemAddController::$_optionInstances
ItemAddOption instances to use when handling this request. Only used by test code.
- $_pluginInstances
- in file UserLogin.inc, variable UserLoginController::$_pluginInstances
ValidationPlugin instances to use when handling this request. Only used by test code.
- $_pluginInstances
- in file UserRecoverPassword.inc, variable UserRecoverPasswordController::$_pluginInstances
ValidationPlugin instances to use when handling this request. Only used by test code.
- _assertPermissions
- in file DownloadItem.inc, method DownloadItemView::_assertPermissions()
Assert the required permissions for the given item.
- _checkForOperation
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditPlugin::_checkForOperation()
Check to see if a given operation is available for any of a set of mime types
- _countInstallActions
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController::_countInstallActions()
Calculate the total number of actions for the progress notifications
- _createDownloadFileList
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController::_createDownloadFileList()
Create a list of all the files that need to be downloaded
- _deleteLanguagePackages
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, method AdminLanguageManagerController::_deleteLanguagePackages()
Delete the requested language packages
- _determinePackageAvailability
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, method AdminLanguageManagerView::_determinePackageAvailability()
Count the number of packages available for download from this repository
- _downloadAndInstallLanguagePackages
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, method AdminLanguageManagerController::_downloadAndInstallLanguagePackages()
Download and install the language packages
- _extractAndAddFiles
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddController::_extractAndAddFiles()
Extract files from an archive item and add new items to the same album.
- _fetchPluginStatus
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController::_fetchPluginStatus()
Passthrough to GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginStatus, used by test code to allow us to inject mock plugins.
- _generateAuthString
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdmin.inc, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminView::_generateAuthString()
Generate the authorization string used for login.txt
- _getAllLanguages
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, method AdminLanguageManagerView::_getAllLanguages()
Creates a list of all upgradeable packages.
- _getDirectoryListing
- in file SimpleCallback.inc, method SimpleCallbackView::_getDirectoryListing()
- _getFormLanguages
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, method AdminLanguageManagerController::_getFormLanguages()
Parse the form and determine the locales that need to be installed or removed
- _getRepositories
- in file AdminRepository.inc, method AdminRepositoryController::_getRepositories()
Get the repositories, but allow tests to inject their own version.
- _getSizesForMaxlength
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditView::_getSizesForMaxlength()
Returns sizes for "maxlength" in forms
- _getSizesForMaxlength
- in file ItemEditCaptions.inc, method ItemEditCaptionsView::_getSizesForMaxlength()
Returns sizes for "maxlength" in forms
- _recursiveAddDir
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddController::_recursiveAddDir()
Recursively add files from extracted archive.
- _sendFile
- in file DownloadItem.inc, method DownloadItemView::_sendFile()
- _synchronizeLanguages
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController::_synchronizeLanguages()
Synchronize the active language packages with the newly downloaded packages
- _synchronizeLanguagesByLocale
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, method AdminLanguageManagerController::_synchronizeLanguagesByLocale()
Synchronize the active language packages with the newly downloaded packages
- _updateGeneralSettings
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, method AdminLanguageManagerController::_updateGeneralSettings()
Update the general settings (UseBrowserPref and default language)
- acquireReadLock
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::acquireReadLock()
Read lock one or more objects
- acquireReadLock
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::acquireReadLock()
Acquire read locks on the given items
- acquireReadLock
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::acquireReadLock()
Read Lock one or more objects
- acquireReadLockParents
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::acquireReadLockParents()
Acquire read locks on all the ancestors of this id. This is useful when we're going to do a filesystem related operation and we want to make sure that the tree does not change out from underneath us.
- acquireWriteLock
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::acquireWriteLock()
Write lock one or more objects
- acquireWriteLock
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::acquireWriteLock()
Write lock one or more objects
- acquireWriteLock
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::acquireWriteLock()
Acquire write locks on the given items
- activate
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::activate()
- activate
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::activate()
- activate
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::activate()
Activate this plugin
- activatePlugin
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::activatePlugin()
Activate the given plugin
- addDerivativePreference
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::addDerivativePreference()
Add a derivative preference to a given item
- addEntityPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::addEntityPermission()
Add the given itemid, entityid, permission mapping.
- addErrorCode
- in file GalleryStatus.class, method GalleryStatus::addErrorCode()
Add a new code to our set of codes
- addEventLogEntry
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::addEventLogEntry()
Store a value in the event log.
- addExistingItemToAlbum
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::addExistingItemToAlbum()
Add an existing data item to an album
- addExternalIdMapEntry
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::addExternalIdMapEntry()
Add an externalId<->entityId map entry for existing G2/emApp users/groups Example:
- addGroupPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::addGroupPermission()
Add the given itemid, groupid, permission mapping
- addItemToAlbum
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::addItemToAlbum()
Add a new data item to an album from a data file.
- addMapEntry
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::addMapEntry()
Add a new entry to a map
- addMapEntry
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::addMapEntry()
Add a new entry to a map
- addMimeType
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::addMimeType()
Add the given extension to the database and map it to the specified mime type and mark it viewable as requested. Return ERROR_COLLISION if there's already a mapping for the given extension.
- addOnLoadHandler
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::addOnLoadHandler()
Add onLoad handler.
- addPermissionToSession
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::addPermissionToSession()
Grant permissions identified by an entity id to the current user's session.
- addShutdownAction
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::addShutdownAction()
Add an action to be performed at the end of the request.
- addToNavigation
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::addToNavigation()
Start new navigation.
- addToTrailer
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::addToTrailer()
Add the content to our trailer block
- addUserPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::addUserPermission()
Add the given itemid, userid, permission mapping
- addUserToGroup
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::addUserToGroup()
Add the specified user to the specified group.
- addUserToGroup
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::addUserToGroup()
Add a user to a G2 group.
- adjustDependentDerivatives
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::adjustDependentDerivatives()
Use the given operation as a transform for each derivative that depends on the target
- in file GalleryStorage.class, constant ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER
This will let ADOdb know which error handler function we want to use.
- appendParamsToUrl
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::appendParamsToUrl()
Append parameters to a URL using the Gallery prefix and URL encoding keys and values.
- applyDerivativePreferences
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::applyDerivativePreferences()
(Re)create derivatives for a data item according to preferences for given album
- applyToolkitOperation
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::applyToolkitOperation()
Use the given operation as a transform for each derivative that depends on the target
- applyTransform
- in file GalleryToolkit.class, method GalleryToolkit::applyTransform()
Apply the transform operation to the set of target operations. The transform operation
- arrayKeysRecursive
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::arrayKeysRecursive()
Get all array keys, looking even in arrays contained within the array.
- array_merge_replace
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::array_merge_replace()
Merges two arrays and replace existing entries, like the PHP function array_merge_recursive.
- assertHasItemPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::assertHasItemPermission()
Assert that the current user has the specific permission for the target item
- assertIsGenuineRequest
- in file GalleryController.class, method GalleryController::assertIsGenuineRequest()
Verifies the genuineness of the request
- assertIsInternalUrl
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::assertIsInternalUrl()
Assert that the given URL is internal to the application
- assertUserIsSiteAdministrator
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::assertUserIsSiteAdministrator()
Assert that the active user is a site administrator
- atomicWrite
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::atomicWrite()
Perform an atomic write to a file. This guarantees that the data written is not corrupted (but it does not prevent another process from immediately replacing the file with its own version).
- autoCacheControl
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::autoCacheControl()
Method to opt-in to managed HTTP cache control
- autoComplete
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::autoComplete()
Include our AutoCompletion template.
- autoConfigure
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::autoConfigure()
Allow this module to autoconfigure itself. It should only autoconfigure if it is
- acquireReadLock
- in file GalleryLockHelper_simple.class, method GalleryLockHelper_simple::acquireReadLock()
- acquireReadLockParents
- in file GalleryLockHelper_simple.class, method GalleryLockHelper_simple::acquireReadLockParents()
- acquireWriteLock
- in file GalleryLockHelper_simple.class, method GalleryLockHelper_simple::acquireWriteLock()
- activate
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::activate()
- addEntityPermission
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::addEntityPermission()
- addEventLogEntry
- in file GalleryEventLogHelper_medium.class, method GalleryEventLogHelper_medium::addEventLogEntry()
- addExistingItemToAlbum
- in file GalleryItemHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemHelper_medium::addExistingItemToAlbum()
- addGroupPermission
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::addGroupPermission()
- addItemToAlbum
- in file GalleryItemHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemHelper_medium::addItemToAlbum()
- addMimeType
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryMimeTypeHelper_advanced::addMimeType()
- addPermissionToSession
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_simple::addPermissionToSession()
- addPreference
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::addPreference()
- addRun
- in file MaintenanceHelper_simple.class, method MaintenanceHelper_simple::addRun()
Add a new task run to the maintenance map.
- addUserPermission
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::addUserPermission()
- addUserToGroup
- in file GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium::addUserToGroup()
- adjustDependentDerivatives
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::adjustDependentDerivatives()
- applyDerivativePreferences
- in file GalleryItemHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemHelper_medium::applyDerivativePreferences()
- applyToolkitOperation
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::applyToolkitOperation()
- assertHasItemPermission
- in file GalleryUserHelper_simple.class, method GalleryUserHelper_simple::assertHasItemPermission()
- assertSiteAdministrator
- in file GalleryUserHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserHelper_medium::assertSiteAdministrator()
- activate
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::activate()
- activate
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestModule::activate()
- activate
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestModule::activate()
- activate
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::activate()
- activate
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestModule::activate()
- addMapEntry
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTestMockStorage::addMapEntry()
- addMapEntry
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestStorage::addMapEntry()
- addMapEntry
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::addMapEntry()
- addMapEntry
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestMockStorage::addMapEntry()
- AdminCoreControllerTest
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, class AdminCoreControllerTest
AdminCore controller tests
- AdminCoreControllerTest
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::AdminCoreControllerTest()
- AdminCoreControllerTestUnixPlatform
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTestUnixPlatform::AdminCoreControllerTestUnixPlatform()
- AdminCoreControllerTestUnixPlatform
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, class AdminCoreControllerTestUnixPlatform
- AdminCoreControllerTestUrlGenerator
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, class AdminCoreControllerTestUrlGenerator
Small mock url generator for the cookie path test
- AdminCoreControllerTestWinNtPlatform
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, class AdminCoreControllerTestWinNtPlatform
- AdminCoreControllerTestWinNtPlatform
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTestWinNtPlatform::AdminCoreControllerTestWinNtPlatform()
- AdminCreateGroupControllerTest
- in file AdminCreateGroupControllerTest.class, class AdminCreateGroupControllerTest
AdminCreateGroup controller tests
- AdminCreateGroupControllerTest
- in file AdminCreateGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateGroupControllerTest::AdminCreateGroupControllerTest()
- AdminCreateUserControllerTest
- in file AdminCreateUserControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateUserControllerTest::AdminCreateUserControllerTest()
- AdminCreateUserControllerTest
- in file AdminCreateUserControllerTest.class, class AdminCreateUserControllerTest
AdminCreateUser controller tests
- AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest
- in file AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest.class, class AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest
AdminDeleteGroup controller tests
- AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest
- in file AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest::AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest()
- AdminDeleteUserControllerTest
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, class AdminDeleteUserControllerTest
AdminDeleteUser controller tests
- AdminDeleteUserControllerTest
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::AdminDeleteUserControllerTest()
- AdminEditGroupControllerTest
- in file AdminEditGroupControllerTest.class, class AdminEditGroupControllerTest
AdminEditGroup controller tests
- AdminEditGroupControllerTest
- in file AdminEditGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupControllerTest::AdminEditGroupControllerTest()
- AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest
- in file AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest::AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest()
- AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest
- in file AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class, class AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest
AdminEditGroupUsers controller tests
- AdminEditUserControllerTest
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, class AdminEditUserControllerTest
AdminEditUser controller tests
- AdminEditUserControllerTest
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::AdminEditUserControllerTest()
- AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest.class, method AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest::AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest()
- AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest.class, class AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest
Test AdminEventLogViewerCallback
- AdminGroupsControllerTest
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, class AdminGroupsControllerTest
AdminGroups controller tests
- AdminGroupsControllerTest
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::AdminGroupsControllerTest()
- AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest::AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest()
- AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, class AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest
AdminLanguageManager controller tests
- AdminLanguageManagerViewTest
- in file AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerViewTest::AdminLanguageManagerViewTest()
- AdminLanguageManagerViewTest
- in file AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class, class AdminLanguageManagerViewTest
AdminLanguageManager view tests
- AdminLanguagesViewTestTranslator
- in file AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class, class AdminLanguagesViewTestTranslator
- AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest::AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest()
- AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest.class, class AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest
AdminMaintenanceControllerTest controller tests
- AdminMaintenanceControllerTest
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, class AdminMaintenanceControllerTest
AdminMaintenance controller tests
- AdminMaintenanceControllerTest
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTest::AdminMaintenanceControllerTest()
- AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskFail
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, class AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskFail
- AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskProgressBar
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, class AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskProgressBar
- AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskSuccess
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, class AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskSuccess
- AdminMaintenanceControllerTestUrlGenerator
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, class AdminMaintenanceControllerTestUrlGenerator
- AdminPerformanceControllerTest
- in file AdminPerformanceControllerTest.class, method AdminPerformanceControllerTest::AdminPerformanceControllerTest()
- AdminPerformanceControllerTest
- in file AdminPerformanceControllerTest.class, class AdminPerformanceControllerTest
AdminPerformance controller tests
- AdminRepositoryControllerTest
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryControllerTest::AdminRepositoryControllerTest()
- AdminRepositoryControllerTest
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryControllerTest
AdminRepository controller tests
- AdminRepositoryControllerTestSession
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryControllerTestSession
- AdminRepositoryControllerTestUrlGenerator
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryControllerTestUrlGenerator
- AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest
AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstall controller tests
- AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest()
- AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestModule
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestModule
- AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestPhpVm
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestPhpVm::AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestPhpVm()
- AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestPhpVm
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestPhpVm
- AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestUrlGenerator
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestUrlGenerator
- AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestWrapper
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestWrapper
- AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest::AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest()
- AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest
AdminRepository controller tests
- AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestModule
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestModule
- AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestPhpVm
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestPhpVm
- AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestPhpVm
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestPhpVm::AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestPhpVm()
- AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestUrlGenerator
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestUrlGenerator
- AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestWrapper
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, class AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestWrapper
- AdminThemesControllerTest
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTest::AdminThemesControllerTest()
- AdminThemesControllerTest
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, class AdminThemesControllerTest
AdminThemes controller tests
- AdminThemesControllerTestTheme
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, class AdminThemesControllerTestTheme
Test theme
- AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest
- in file AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest.class, class AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest
AdminToolkitPriority controller tests
- AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest
- in file AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest.class, method AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest::AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest()
- AdminUsersControllerTest
- in file AdminUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminUsersControllerTest::AdminUsersControllerTest()
- AdminUsersControllerTest
- in file AdminUsersControllerTest.class, class AdminUsersControllerTest
AdminUsers controller tests
- AlbumTest
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::AlbumTest()
- AlbumTest
- in file AlbumTest.class, class AlbumTest
Test Album functionality
- AlbumTestToolkit
- in file AlbumTest.class, class AlbumTestToolkit
Dummy test toolkit
- atomicWrite
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::atomicWrite()
- atomicWrite
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform::atomicWrite()
- atomicWrite
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestPlatform::atomicWrite()
- autoCacheControl
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestNoAutoCacheControlItemView::autoCacheControl()
- autoCacheControl
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTestImmediateItemNoAutoCacheView::autoCacheControl()
- autoConfigure
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::autoConfigure()
- autoConfigure
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestModule::autoConfigure()
- autoConfigure
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestModule::autoConfigure()
- AdminCoreControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminCoreControllerTest.class
- AdminCreateGroupControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminCreateGroupControllerTest.class
- AdminCreateUserControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminCreateUserControllerTest.class
- AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest.class
- AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class
- AdminEditGroupControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminEditGroupControllerTest.class
- AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class
- AdminEditUserControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminEditUserControllerTest.class
- AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest.class
- procedural page AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest.class
- AdminGroupsControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminGroupsControllerTest.class
- AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class
- AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class
- procedural page AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class
- AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest.class
- procedural page AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest.class
- AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class
- AdminPerformanceControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminPerformanceControllerTest.class
- AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class
- AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class
- AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class
- AdminThemesControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminThemesControllerTest.class
- AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest.class
- AdminUsersControllerTest.class
- procedural page AdminUsersControllerTest.class
- AlbumTest.class
- procedural page AlbumTest.class
- acquireReadLock
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::acquireReadLock()
- acquireWriteLock
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::acquireWriteLock()
- addMapEntry
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::addMapEntry()
- AdminCoreController
- in file AdminCore.inc, class AdminCoreController
This controller will handle the setting of several general Gallery options
- AdminCoreView
- in file AdminCore.inc, class AdminCoreView
This view will prompt for general Gallery settings
- AdminCreateGroupController
- in file AdminCreateGroup.inc, class AdminCreateGroupController
This controller will handle the creation of a group
- AdminCreateGroupView
- in file AdminCreateGroup.inc, class AdminCreateGroupView
This view will prompt for data to create a new group
- AdminCreateUserController
- in file AdminCreateUser.inc, class AdminCreateUserController
This controller will handle the creation of an user
- AdminCreateUserView
- in file AdminCreateUser.inc, class AdminCreateUserView
This view will prompt for data to create a new user
- AdminDeleteGroupController
- in file AdminDeleteGroup.inc, class AdminDeleteGroupController
This controller will handle the deletion of a group
- AdminDeleteGroupView
- in file AdminDeleteGroup.inc, class AdminDeleteGroupView
This view will prompt for confirmation to delete a group
- AdminDeleteUserController
- in file AdminDeleteUser.inc, class AdminDeleteUserController
This controller will handle the deletion of an user
- AdminDeleteUserView
- in file AdminDeleteUser.inc, class AdminDeleteUserView
This view will prompt for confirmation to delete a user
- AdminEditGroupController
- in file AdminEditGroup.inc, class AdminEditGroupController
This controller will handle changes made to a group
- AdminEditGroupUsersController
- in file AdminEditGroupUsers.inc, class AdminEditGroupUsersController
This controller will handle changes made to the user-group mapping
- AdminEditGroupUsersView
- in file AdminEditGroupUsers.inc, class AdminEditGroupUsersView
This view will show the possibilities of user-group mappings for a specified group.
- AdminEditGroupView
- in file AdminEditGroup.inc, class AdminEditGroupView
This view will show options available to groups
- AdminEditUserController
- in file AdminEditUser.inc, class AdminEditUserController
This controller will handle changes made to an user
- AdminEditUserView
- in file AdminEditUser.inc, class AdminEditUserView
This view will show a form to change user options
- AdminEventLogViewerCallbackView
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallback.inc, class AdminEventLogViewerCallbackView
This immediate view provides the backend for callbacks made by the AJAX AdminEventLogViewerView.
- AdminEventLogViewerView
- in file AdminEventLogViewer.inc, class AdminEventLogViewerView
This view will let Site Admins browse the event log.
- AdminGroupsController
- in file AdminGroups.inc, class AdminGroupsController
This controller will send the user to the chosen subView in the AdminGroups
- AdminGroupsView
- in file AdminGroups.inc, class AdminGroupsView
This view will show available options to administer the groups of Gallery
- AdminLanguageManagerController
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, class AdminLanguageManagerController
This controller will handle an administration request to add, update or remove a language.
- AdminLanguageManagerView
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, class AdminLanguageManagerView
This view will show all repository-related features.
- AdminMaintenanceController
- in file AdminMaintenance.inc, class AdminMaintenanceController
This controller will perform the chosen task in AdminMaintenance
- AdminMaintenanceView
- in file AdminMaintenance.inc, class AdminMaintenanceView
This view will show available maintenance tasks
- AdminPerformanceController
- in file AdminPerformance.inc, class AdminPerformanceController
Update performance settings
- AdminPerformanceView
- in file AdminPerformance.inc, class AdminPerformanceView
Update performance settings
- AdminPluginsView
- in file AdminPlugins.inc, class AdminPluginsView
This view will show administration options for available plugins
- AdminRepositoryController
- in file AdminRepository.inc, class AdminRepositoryController
This controller will handle an administration request for a module
- AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController.class, class AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController
Common base class for Downloaded Plugins and Language Manager controllers.
- AdminRepositoryDownloadController
- in file AdminRepositoryDownload.inc, class AdminRepositoryDownloadController
This controller will handle an administration request for a module
- AdminRepositoryDownloadView
- in file AdminRepositoryDownload.inc, class AdminRepositoryDownloadView
This view will show all repository-related features.
- AdminRepositoryView
- in file AdminRepository.inc, class AdminRepositoryView
This view will show all repository-related features.
- AdminThemesController
- in file AdminThemes.inc, class AdminThemesController
This controller will handle an administration request for a theme
- AdminThemesView
- in file AdminThemes.inc, class AdminThemesView
This view will show administration options for available themes
- AdminToolkitPriorityController
- in file AdminToolkitPriority.inc, class AdminToolkitPriorityController
This controller adjusts relative toolkit priorities
- AdminToolkitPriorityView
- in file AdminToolkitPriority.inc, class AdminToolkitPriorityView
This view will show toolkits and their relative priorities
- AdminUsersController
- in file AdminUsers.inc, class AdminUsersController
This controller will send the user to the chosen subView in the AdminUsers View
- AdminUsersView
- in file AdminUsers.inc, class AdminUsersView
This view will show available options to administer the users of Gallery
- autoCacheControl
- in file CombinedJavascript.inc, method CombinedJavascriptView::autoCacheControl()
- autoCacheControl
- in file DownloadItem.inc, method DownloadItemView::autoCacheControl()
- AdminCore.inc
- procedural page AdminCore.inc
- AdminCreateGroup.inc
- procedural page AdminCreateGroup.inc
- AdminCreateUser.inc
- procedural page AdminCreateUser.inc
- AdminDeleteGroup.inc
- procedural page AdminDeleteGroup.inc
- AdminDeleteUser.inc
- procedural page AdminDeleteUser.inc
- AdminEditGroup.inc
- procedural page AdminEditGroup.inc
- AdminEditGroupUsers.inc
- procedural page AdminEditGroupUsers.inc
- AdminEditUser.inc
- procedural page AdminEditUser.inc
- AdminEventLogViewer.inc
- procedural page AdminEventLogViewer.inc
- AdminEventLogViewerCallback.inc
- procedural page AdminEventLogViewerCallback.inc
- AdminGroups.inc
- procedural page AdminGroups.inc
- AdminLanguageManager.inc
- procedural page AdminLanguageManager.inc
- AdminMaintenance.inc
- procedural page AdminMaintenance.inc
- AdminPerformance.inc
- procedural page AdminPerformance.inc
- AdminPlugins.inc
- procedural page AdminPlugins.inc
- AdminRepository.inc
- procedural page AdminRepository.inc
- AdminRepositoryDownload.inc
- procedural page AdminRepositoryDownload.inc
- AdminThemes.inc
- procedural page AdminThemes.inc
- AdminToolkitPriority.inc
- procedural page AdminToolkitPriority.inc
- AdminUsers.inc
- procedural page AdminUsers.inc
- AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController.class
- procedural page AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController.class
- beginTransaction
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::beginTransaction()
Begin a new transaction, if the storage layer supports them.
- block
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::block()
Include a module's block into the current smarty page. The only required param is 'type' which should be of the form <module>.<blockname> eg: "core.LoginBlock". Any other parameters get passed on to the block itself.
- BuildDerivativesTask
- in file BuildDerivativesTask.class, class BuildDerivativesTask
This is a MaintenanceTask that will ensure the data files for all derivatives (thumbnails, etc) have been built.
- buildItemQuery
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::buildItemQuery()
Build query to select items in a given sort order
- BuildDerivativesTask.class
- procedural page BuildDerivativesTask.class
- buildItemQuery
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::buildItemQuery()
- BuildDerivativesTaskTest
- in file BuildDerivativesTaskTest.class, class BuildDerivativesTaskTest
Test the BuildDerivatives maintenance task functionality
- BuildDerivativesTaskTest
- in file BuildDerivativesTaskTest.class, method BuildDerivativesTaskTest::BuildDerivativesTaskTest()
- BuildDerivativesTaskTestStorage
- in file BuildDerivativesTaskTest.class, method BuildDerivativesTaskTestStorage::BuildDerivativesTaskTestStorage()
- BuildDerivativesTaskTestStorage
- in file BuildDerivativesTaskTest.class, class BuildDerivativesTaskTestStorage
- BuildDerivativesTaskTest.class
- procedural page BuildDerivativesTaskTest.class
- callback
- in file Callbacks.inc, method CoreCallbacks::callback()
- convertCharacterSetToUtf8
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::convertCharacterSetToUtf8()
Change character set encoding to utf 8 for MySQL if necessary. This is public because it is also used by ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task.
- CoreCallbacks
- in file Callbacks.inc, class CoreCallbacks
- CoreModuleExtras
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, class CoreModuleExtras
Extra, rarely used core module code. Most modules will not need to push their extra code into a separate class, but the core module has a lot of install code that is very rarely used so we tuck it out of the way.
- Callbacks.inc
- procedural page Callbacks.inc
- CoreModuleExtras.inc
- procedural page CoreModuleExtras.inc
- $canContainChildren
- in file GalleryItem.class, variable GalleryItem::$canContainChildren
Can this item contain children?
- $creationTimestamp
- in file GalleryEntity.class, variable GalleryEntity::$creationTimestamp
Date and time this item was created, in seconds since the epoch.
- cachePermissions
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::cachePermissions()
Store the given permission => ids mapping in the session cache
- callback
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::callback()
Call back to a module to get it to preload some data for the template. The only required param is 'type' which should be of the form <module>.<blockname> eg: "core.LoginBlock".
- can
- in file GalleryCapabilities.class, method GalleryCapabilities::can()
Get a boolean configuration flag.
- canBeViewedInline
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, method GalleryPhotoItem::canBeViewedInline()
- canBeViewedInline
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::canBeViewedInline()
Data items that can be viewed inline (photos, movies, etc) should return true. Items that can't be viewed inline (word documents, text, etc) should return false.
- canBeViewedInline
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, method GalleryDerivativeImage::canBeViewedInline()
- canBeViewedInline
- in file GalleryRenderer.class, method GalleryRenderer::canBeViewedInline()
Can this renderer display the given item?
- canBeViewedInline
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::canBeViewedInline()
Data items that can be viewed inline (photos, movies, etc) should return true.
- canBeViewedInline
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::canBeViewedInline()
- canBeViewedInline
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, method GalleryAnimationItem::canBeViewedInline()
- canTranslate
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::canTranslate()
Can we translate?
- canTranslatePlural
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::canTranslatePlural()
Can we make plural translations?
- castToFloat
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::castToFloat()
Cast to float taking into account that older PHP versions will not treat "." as a decimal separator if the current locale uses "," - when we stop supporting these older versions we can ditch this method and just cast to (float). (Note that newer PHP versions may accept only "." even if locale uses ",").
- changeInDescendents
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::changeInDescendents()
Return a checkbox asking whether to chenge the value in descendents.
- changePassword
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::changePassword()
Change the user's password to the new value provided.
- chdir
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::chdir()
chdir -- change working directory.
- checkActiveUser
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::checkActiveUser()
Ensure G2 session has same active user as CMS session.
- checkPathCollision
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::checkPathCollision()
Check for a collision of FileSystemEntiry paths.
- checkPoint
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::checkPoint()
Mark a storage checkpoint, which will commit pending transactions and perform any future tied-tasks
- chmod
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::chmod()
Set filesystem permissions; mode defaults to system preference for file/dir permissions.
- class_exists
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::class_exists()
Checks if the class has been defined
- cleanStore
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::cleanStore()
Clean out and reset the persistent store for this strategy.
- clearDebugBuffer
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::clearDebugBuffer()
Clear any buffered debug output
- clearPermissionCache
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::clearPermissionCache()
Clear permission cache for active user.
- clearPersistentFlag
- in file GalleryPersistent.class, method GalleryPersistent::clearPersistentFlag()
Clear a flag.
- clearRepositoryCache
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::clearRepositoryCache()
Clear the cached version of the repositories saved by a call to getRepositories()
- clearstatcache
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::clearstatcache()
Clear the stat cache.
- closedir
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::closedir()
Close a directory resource.
- commitTransaction
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::commitTransaction()
Commit our transaction, if the storage layer supports them.
- compactAccessLists
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::compactAccessLists()
Compact the access map. Remove any duplicate access maps and remap any subscribers from the duplicates to the one remaining version.
- compareIdentifiers
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::compareIdentifiers()
Compare two arrays and return score consisting of 1 point for each matching element.
- comparePluginListEntries
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::comparePluginListEntries()
Compares two plugin list entries.
- compareRevisions
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::compareRevisions()
Compares two specified revisions.
- compareVersions
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::compareVersions()
Compares two specified versions and, optionally, build numbers (timestamps). Returns the relation between the first and second specified versions.
- completeProgressBar
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::completeProgressBar()
Complete progress bar.
- configureStore
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::configureStore()
Configure the persistent store for this strategy, for the given module.
- configureStoreCleanup
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::configureStoreCleanup()
Perform any cleanup necessary after installing or upgrading the given module.
- container
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::container()
Include a module's container into the current smarty page. The only required param is 'type' which should be of the form <module>.<blockname> eg: "core.LoginBlock". Any other parameters get passed on to the block itself.
- containsKey
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::containsKey()
Does the cache contain the key specified?
- containsPlugin
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::containsPlugin()
Determines if the specified plugin exists in the index.
- convertBitsToInt
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::convertBitsToInt()
Convert value from a database bit column into an integer
- ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task
- in file ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task.class, class ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task
This is a MaintenanceTask that will optimize all the Gallery tables in the database to make Gallery run smoothly.
- convertExtensionToMime
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::convertExtensionToMime()
Convert a file extension to a mime type
- convertFromUtf8
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::convertFromUtf8()
Convert the string from the internal encoding (UTF-8) to target encoding.
- convertIntToBits
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::convertIntToBits()
Convert an integer into something that the database will accept into a bit column
- convertMimeToExtensions
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::convertMimeToExtensions()
Convert a mime type to a file extension
- convertPathToUrl
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::convertPathToUrl()
Convert a filesystem path inside the Gallery directory to an absolute URL.
- convertPermissionBitsToIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::convertPermissionBitsToIds()
Return all the permission ids for a permission bit set
- convertPermissionIdsToBits
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::convertPermissionIdsToBits()
Return the permission bits for a set of permission ids
- convertToUtf8
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::convertToUtf8()
Convert the string from the source encoding to UTF8
- copy
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::copy()
Copy a file.
- copyDerivativePreferences
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::copyDerivativePreferences()
Copy the derivative preferences from one id to another.
- copyPermissions
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::copyPermissions()
Copy a set of permissions from one id to another
- CoreCaptchaAdminOption
- in file CoreCaptchaAdminOption.class, class CoreCaptchaAdminOption
Captcha configuration for core module.
- CoreModule
- in file module.inc, class CoreModule
Gallery core module.
- CoreModule
- in file module.inc, method CoreModule::CoreModule()
- crc32
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::crc32()
Calculates the crc32 polynomial of a string
- create
- in file GalleryUnknownItem.class, method GalleryUnknownItem::create()
Create a new GalleryUnknownItem from an image file
- create
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::create()
Create a new instance of this user in the persistent store
- create
- in file GalleryGroup.class, method GalleryGroup::create()
Create a new instance of this GalleryGroup in the persistent store
- create
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, method GalleryDerivativeImage::create()
Create a new GalleryDerivativeImage
- create
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, method GalleryPhotoItem::create()
Create a new GalleryPhotoItem from an image file
- create
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::create()
Create a new instance of this GalleryEntity in the persistent store
- create
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::create()
Create a new GalleryDerivative
- create
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::create()
Create a new instance of this type in the persistent store.
- create
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::create()
Create a new instance of this AlbumItem in the persistent store.
- create
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, method GalleryAnimationItem::create()
Create a new GalleryAnimationItem from a animation file
- create
- in file GalleryChildEntity.class, method GalleryChildEntity::create()
Create this item in our persistent store
- create
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::create()
Create a new instance of this FileSystemEntity in the persistent store.
- create
- in file GalleryDynamicAlbum.class, method GalleryDynamicAlbum::create()
Initialize dynamic album
- create
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::create()
Create a new instance of this GalleryEntity in the persistent store.
- create
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::create()
Create a new GalleryMovieItem from a video file
- createAlbum
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::createAlbum()
Create a new album.
- createAlbumTree
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::createAlbumTree()
Turn a set of albums into a depth tree suitable for display in a hierarchical format.
- createFastDownloadFile
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::createFastDownloadFile()
Create a small PHP file containing all the information we need to send a data item or derivative to the browser.
- createGroup
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::createGroup()
Create a G2 group.
- createItemAttributes
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::createItemAttributes()
Create a new set of attributes for an item
- createLink
- in file GalleryChildEntity.class, method GalleryChildEntity::createLink()
- createLink
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::createLink()
Create a new linked version of this item into a new album
- createLink
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::createLink()
- createLink
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::createLink()
- createPluginsDirectory
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::createPluginsDirectory()
Checks if the plugins directory exists and creates a subdirectory for each plugin type.
- createRoot
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::createRoot()
Create a new root level album
- createRoot
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::createRoot()
Create a root level instance of this GalleryEntity in the persistent store.
- createRoot
- in file GalleryChildEntity.class, method GalleryChildEntity::createRoot()
Create a root level item.
- createRoot
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::createRoot()
Create a new root level instance of this FileSystemEntity in the persistent store.
- createUser
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::createUser()
Create a G2 user.
- ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task.class
- procedural page ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task.class
- CoreCaptchaAdminOption.class
- procedural page CoreCaptchaAdminOption.class
- checkPathCollision
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_medium.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_medium::checkPathCollision()
- compactAccessLists
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::compactAccessLists()
- convertBitsToIds
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_simple::convertBitsToIds()
- convertExtensionToMime
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple.class, method GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple::convertExtensionToMime()
- convertFromUtf8
- in file GalleryCharsetHelper_simple.class, method GalleryCharsetHelper_simple::convertFromUtf8()
- convertIdsToBits
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_simple::convertIdsToBits()
- convertMimeToExtensions
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple.class, method GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple::convertMimeToExtensions()
- convertToUtf8
- in file GalleryCharsetHelper_simple.class, method GalleryCharsetHelper_simple::convertToUtf8()
- copyPermissions
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::copyPermissions()
- copyPreferences
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::copyPreferences()
- createAlbum
- in file GalleryItemHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemHelper_advanced::createAlbum()
- createFastDownloadFile
- in file GalleryEntityHelper_medium.class, method GalleryEntityHelper_medium::createFastDownloadFile()
- createItemAttributes
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced::createItemAttributes()
- $callCount
- in file DeleteSessionsTaskTest.class, variable DeleteSessionsTaskTestSession::$callCount
- $className
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, variable DownloadItemTestEntity::$className
- calculateStateChanges
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackWithFakeHandler::calculateStateChanges()
- calculateVersion
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::calculateVersion()
Adds/subtracts two version strings and returns the result.
- CallbacksTest
- in file CallbacksTest.class, class CallbacksTest
Test module callbacks
- canBeViewedInline
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTestRenderer::canBeViewedInline()
- canTranslate
- in file AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class, method AdminLanguagesViewTestTranslator::canTranslate()
- CharsetTest
- in file CharsetTest.class, class CharsetTest
Test character set helper
- CharsetTestPhpVm
- in file CharsetTest.class, class CharsetTestPhpVm
- checkFile
- in file LocalizationAuditTest.class, method LocalizationAuditTest::checkFile()
- checkFile
- in file Php43CompatibilityTest.class, method Php43CompatibilityTest::checkFile()
- checkFile
- in file TemplateAuditTest.class, method TemplateAuditTest::checkFile()
- checkFile
- in file SvnAuditTest.class, method SvnAuditTest::checkFile()
- checkFile
- in file CodeAuditTest.class, method CodeAuditTest::checkFile()
- checkFile
- in file PhpDocAuditTest.class, method PhpDocAuditTest::checkFile()
- checkPoint
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackMockStorage::checkPoint()
- checkPoint
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestStorage::checkPoint()
- checkPreamble
- in file CodeAuditTest.class, method CodeAuditTest::checkPreamble()
- ChildTest
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::ChildTest()
- ChildTest
- in file ChildTest.class, class ChildTest
Test Child functionality
- ChildTestSortOrder
- in file ChildTest.class, class ChildTestSortOrder
Test sort order
- ChildTestSortOrder2
- in file ChildTest.class, class ChildTestSortOrder2
Test sort order to verify self-join is avoided
- class_exists
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestPhpVm::class_exists()
- class_exists
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestPhpVm::class_exists()
- clearPerformedOperations
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTestToolkit::clearPerformedOperations()
- closedir
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::closedir()
- closedir
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestPlatform::closedir()
- closedir
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTestPlatform::closedir()
- closedir
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::closedir()
- closedir
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTestPlatform::closedir()
- closedir
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTestPlatform::closedir()
- CodeAuditTest
- in file CodeAuditTest.class, method CodeAuditTest::CodeAuditTest()
- CodeAuditTest
- in file CodeAuditTest.class, class CodeAuditTest
Scan through all of our source code and verify that we're not doing anything \"bad\".
- CombinedJavascriptTest
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, class CombinedJavascriptTest
Test CombinedJavascript functionality
- CombinedJavascriptTest
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::CombinedJavascriptTest()
- ConfigViewController
- in file ControllerTest.class, class ConfigViewController
Mock GalleryController
- ControllerTest
- in file ControllerTest.class, class ControllerTest
Test GalleryController functionality
- ControllerTest
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::ControllerTest()
- ControllerTestModule
- in file ControllerTest.class, class ControllerTestModule
Mock GalleryModule
- copy
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTestWinNtPlatform::copy()
- copy
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTestUnixPlatform::copy()
- copy
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::copy()
- CoreApiTest
- in file CoreApiTest.class, method CoreApiTest::CoreApiTest()
- CoreApiTest
- in file CoreApiTest.class, class CoreApiTest
Gallery core API tests.
- CoreModuleTest
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, class CoreModuleTest
Test CoreModule functionality
- CoreModuleTest
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::CoreModuleTest()
- CoreSearchTest
- in file CoreSearchTest.class, class CoreSearchTest
Test CoreSearch functionality
- CoreSearchTest
- in file CoreSearchTest.class, method CoreSearchTest::CoreSearchTest()
- create
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTestEntity::create()
- CreateThumbnailOptionTest
- in file CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class, class CreateThumbnailOptionTest
CreateThumbnailOption tests
- CreateThumbnailOptionTest
- in file CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class, method CreateThumbnailOptionTest::CreateThumbnailOptionTest()
- CreateThumbnailOptionTestToolkit
- in file CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class, class CreateThumbnailOptionTestToolkit
Dummy test toolkit
- CallbacksTest.class
- procedural page CallbacksTest.class
- CharsetTest.class
- procedural page CharsetTest.class
- ChildTest.class
- procedural page ChildTest.class
- CodeAuditTest.class
- procedural page CodeAuditTest.class
- CombinedJavascriptTest.class
- procedural page CombinedJavascriptTest.class
- ControllerTest.class
- procedural page ControllerTest.class
- CoreApiTest.class
- procedural page CoreApiTest.class
- CoreModuleTest.class
- procedural page CoreModuleTest.class
- CoreSearchTest.class
- procedural page CoreSearchTest.class
- CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class
- procedural page CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class
- cleanStore
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::cleanStore()
- cleanStore
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::cleanStore()
- cleanStore
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::cleanStore()
- configureStore
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::configureStore()
- configureStore
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::configureStore()
- configureStore
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::configureStore()
- configureStoreCleanup
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::configureStoreCleanup()
- convertBitsToInt
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::convertBitsToInt()
- convertBitsToInt
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::convertBitsToInt()
- convertIntToBits
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::convertIntToBits()
- convertIntToBits
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::convertIntToBits()
- createSequence
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::createSequence()
Create a sequence.
- calculateStateChanges
- in file PluginCallback.inc, method PluginCallbackView::calculateStateChanges()
Given two sets of states, figure out what's changed from before to after.
- ChangeLanguageController
- in file ChangeLanguage.inc, class ChangeLanguageController
This controller handles changing the language in the current session
- CombinedJavascriptView
- in file CombinedJavascript.inc, class CombinedJavascriptView
Pack many Javascript files together and download them all at once.
- CreateThumbnailOption
- in file CreateThumbnailOption.inc, class CreateThumbnailOption
This ItemAddOption allows the user to choose to create thumbnails when the image is uploaded.
- ChangeLanguage.inc
- procedural page ChangeLanguage.inc
- CombinedJavascript.inc
- procedural page CombinedJavascript.inc
- CreateThumbnailOption.inc
- procedural page CreateThumbnailOption.inc
- $derivativeOperations
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, variable GalleryDerivative::$derivativeOperations
A sequence of operations used to derive this data from the original.
- $derivativeOrder
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, variable GalleryDerivative::$derivativeOrder
The order of this derivative relative to others
- $derivativeSize
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, variable GalleryDerivative::$derivativeSize
The size of the derived object
- $derivativeSourceId
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, variable GalleryDerivative::$derivativeSourceId
What's the source of this derivative? The source must be the id of another data container.
- $derivativeType
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, variable GalleryDerivative::$derivativeType
The type of this derivative (eg, DERIVATIVE_TYPE_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL)
- $description
- in file GalleryItem.class, variable GalleryItem::$description
The (long) description of this item
- $duration
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, variable GalleryMovieItem::$duration
The duration of the movie in seconds
- DatabaseBackupTask
- in file DatabaseBackupTask.class, class DatabaseBackupTask
This is a maintenance task that will back up the Gallery database.
- DatabaseLockSystem
- in file DatabaseLockSystem.class, class DatabaseLockSystem
Database backed locking. This is less efficient than filesystem based locking, but is more reliable and portable.
- in file GalleryStorage.class, constant DATABASE_COLUMN_PREFIX
Default prefix to prepend to column names
- in file GalleryStorage.class, constant DATABASE_SEQUENCE_EVENT_LOG
Name of the sequence we'll use for event log records
- in file GalleryStorage.class, constant DATABASE_SEQUENCE_ID
Name of the sequence we'll use for GalleryEntity ids
- in file GalleryStorage.class, constant DATABASE_SEQUENCE_LOCK
Name of the sequence we'll use for lock ids
- in file GalleryStorage.class, constant DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX
Default prefix to prepend to table names
- date
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::date()
Format a local time/date
- date
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::date()
Return a valid Gallery date.
- deactivate
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::deactivate()
- deactivate
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::deactivate()
Deactivate this plugin.
- deactivate
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::deactivate()
- deactivatePlugin
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::deactivatePlugin()
Deactivate the given plugin
- debug
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::debug()
Show debug output.
- debug
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::debug()
Output a debug message
- debug_r
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::debug_r()
Output a print_r style debug message
- decodeBlob
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::decodeBlob()
Decode a blob of binary data into a form that's safe for a varchar column
- defaultButton
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::defaultButton()
Add hidden form elements to select a default submit button that is used if enter is pressed in a text input.
- defined
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::defined()
Checks whether the given constant exists and is defined.
- delete
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::delete()
Delete this GalleryEntity
- delete
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::delete()
Delete this GalleryEntity. Delete all of its children also, if it has any.
- delete
- in file GalleryGroup.class, method GalleryGroup::delete()
Delete this GalleryGroup.
- delete
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::delete()
Delete this GalleryFileSystemEntity
- delete
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::delete()
Delete this GalleryEntity
- delete
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::delete()
Delete this AlbumItem.
- delete
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::delete()
Delete this GalleryEntity
- delete
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::delete()
Delete this GalleryUser.
- delete
- in file GalleryDynamicAlbum.class, method GalleryDynamicAlbum::delete()
- deleteEntity
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::deleteEntity()
Delete the GalleryEntity
- deleteEntityById
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::deleteEntityById()
Delete the entity with the given id
- deleteFastDownloadFileById
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::deleteFastDownloadFileById()
Delete the fast download file for a specific entity
- deleteGroup
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::deleteGroup()
Delete a G2 group.
- deleteRenderer
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::deleteRenderer()
Remove the given renderer from all items that are using it.
- DeleteSessionsTask
- in file DeleteSessionsTask.class, class DeleteSessionsTask
This is a MaintenanceTask that removes all expired sessions from the database.
- deleteSortOrder
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::deleteSortOrder()
Remove the given sort order from any thing in the framework that uses it (albums and the default sort order).
- deleteUser
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::deleteUser()
Delete a G2 user.
- deleteUserItems
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::deleteUserItems()
Delete all non-album items of a user. Then delete all remaining albums that are empty.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant DERIVATIVE_TYPE_IMAGE_PREFERRED
Preferred image type
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant DERIVATIVE_TYPE_IMAGE_RESIZE
Resized image type
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant DERIVATIVE_TYPE_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL
Thumbnail image type
- describeEntity
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::describeEntity()
Describe the members, modules and parent of an entity
- describeEntity
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::describeEntity()
Describe the members, modules and parent of an entity
- describeMap
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::describeMap()
Describe all the members of a map
- describeMap
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::describeMap()
Describe all the members of a map
- detachLink
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::detachLink()
Detach this entity from the entity it is linked to by the simple expedient of overwriting over all non-null members with the equivalent from the link target.
- detachLink
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::detachLink()
- dimensions
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::dimensions()
Include form inputs for dimensions.
- display
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::display()
Display the properly localized template
- doLoadTemplate
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::doLoadTemplate()
Prepare all the various things that a view requires in order to load up the template properly (like the theme, the form variables, the status variables, etc. then call the view's loadTemplate() method and pass in the given template.
- done
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::done()
Complete the G2 transaction.
- doNotUseTempId
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::doNotUseTempId()
Instruct the session to not return a pseudo temporary session id on getId() calls Makes sure that the URL generator and other componennts don't use a pseudo session id for guest users without a real session. Call this method before starting to output immediate views the progress bar.
- downloadAggregatePackages
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::downloadAggregatePackages()
Contact the repository and download the specified files with one request.
- downloadAndUnpack
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::downloadAndUnpack()
Downloads a file from the repository.
- downloadAndUnpackPackages
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::downloadAndUnpackPackages()
Retrieve all the specified files as one http request and separate into individual packages.
- downloadFile
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::downloadFile()
Downloads a file from the specified URL.
- downloadIndex
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::downloadIndex()
- downloadPackagesForPlugin
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::downloadPackagesForPlugin()
Download the specified packages.
- DatabaseBackupTask.class
- procedural page DatabaseBackupTask.class
- DatabaseLockSystem.class
- procedural page DatabaseLockSystem.class
- DeleteSessionsTask.class
- procedural page DeleteSessionsTask.class
- deactivate
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::deactivate()
- deleteCache
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_simple::deleteCache()
Reset the static factory registry
- deleteEntityById
- in file GalleryEntityHelper_medium.class, method GalleryEntityHelper_medium::deleteEntityById()
- deleteFastDownloadFileById
- in file GalleryEntityHelper_medium.class, method GalleryEntityHelper_medium::deleteFastDownloadFileById()
- deleteRenderer
- in file GalleryItemHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemHelper_advanced::deleteRenderer()
- deleteSortOrder
- in file GalleryItemHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemHelper_advanced::deleteSortOrder()
- deleteUserItems
- in file GalleryUserHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserHelper_medium::deleteUserItems()
- detectSystemCharset
- in file GalleryCharsetHelper_simple.class, method GalleryCharsetHelper_simple::detectSystemCharset()
Detect the standard charset for this system
- DatabaseExportTest
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::DatabaseExportTest()
- DatabaseExportTest
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, class DatabaseExportTest
Test Database Export functionality
- DatabaseImportTest
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, class DatabaseImportTest
Test Database Import functionality
- DatabaseImportTest
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::DatabaseImportTest()
- DatabaseImportTest1Module
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, class DatabaseImportTest1Module
- DatabaseImportTest1Module
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest1Module::DatabaseImportTest1Module()
- DatabaseImportTest2Module
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, class DatabaseImportTest2Module
- DatabaseImportTest2Module
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest2Module::DatabaseImportTest2Module()
- DatabaseImportTest3Module
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest3Module::DatabaseImportTest3Module()
- DatabaseImportTest3Module
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, class DatabaseImportTest3Module
- DatabaseImportTest4Module
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest4Module::DatabaseImportTest4Module()
- DatabaseImportTest4Module
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, class DatabaseImportTest4Module
- DatabaseStorageTest
- in file DatabaseStorageTest.class, method DatabaseStorageTest::DatabaseStorageTest()
- DatabaseStorageTest
- in file DatabaseStorageTest.class, class DatabaseStorageTest
Test Item functionality
- DataCacheTest
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::DataCacheTest()
- DataCacheTest
- in file DataCacheTest.class, class DataCacheTest
Test DataCache functionality
- DataCacheTestMockVm
- in file DataCacheTest.class, class DataCacheTestMockVm
Mock VM
- DataCacheTestPlatform
- in file DataCacheTest.class, class DataCacheTestPlatform
Mock platform
- DataCacheTestPlatform
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::DataCacheTestPlatform()
- DataCacheTestPlatform_testGetFromDisk
- in file DataCacheTest.class, class DataCacheTestPlatform_testGetFromDisk
Mock platform
- DataItemTest
- in file DataItemTest.class, class DataItemTest
Test DataItem functionality
- DataItemTest
- in file DataItemTest.class, method DataItemTest::DataItemTest()
- DBTimeStamp
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTestDB::DBTimeStamp()
- deactivate
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::deactivate()
- deactivate
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::deactivate()
- deleteEntityByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeNoMatch
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::deleteEntityByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeNoMatch()
- deleteEntityByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeSubclassMatch
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::deleteEntityByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeSubclassMatch()
- DeleteSessionsTaskTest
- in file DeleteSessionsTaskTest.class, method DeleteSessionsTaskTest::DeleteSessionsTaskTest()
- DeleteSessionsTaskTest
- in file DeleteSessionsTaskTest.class, class DeleteSessionsTaskTest
Test the DeleteSessions maintenance task functionality
- DeleteSessionsTaskTestSession
- in file DeleteSessionsTaskTest.class, class DeleteSessionsTaskTestSession
- DerivativeTest
- in file DerivativeTest.class, class DerivativeTest
Test Derivative functionality
- DerivativeTest
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::DerivativeTest()
- DerivativeTestCmp
- in file DerivativeTest.class, function DerivativeTestCmp()
- DerivativeTestItem
- in file DerivativeTest.class, class DerivativeTestItem
Test item
- DerivativeTestToolkit
- in file DerivativeTest.class, class DerivativeTestToolkit
Test toolkit
- DerivativeTestUnixPlatform
- in file DerivativeTest.class, class DerivativeTestUnixPlatform
- DerivativeTestWinNtPlatform
- in file DerivativeTest.class, class DerivativeTestWinNtPlatform
Used for the rebuildCache test
- DownloadItemTest
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, class DownloadItemTest
Test DownloadItem functionality
- DownloadItemTest
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::DownloadItemTest()
- DownloadItemTestChildEntity
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, class DownloadItemTestChildEntity
- DownloadItemTestEntity
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, class DownloadItemTestEntity
- DownloadItemTestPhpVm
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, class DownloadItemTestPhpVm
Test PhpVm to ignore header() calls
- DownloadItemTest_error_handler
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, function DownloadItemTest_error_handler()
- DatabaseExportTest.class
- procedural page DatabaseExportTest.class
- DatabaseImportTest.class
- procedural page DatabaseImportTest.class
- DatabaseStorageTest.class
- procedural page DatabaseStorageTest.class
- DataCacheTest.class
- procedural page DataCacheTest.class
- DataItemTest.class
- procedural page DataItemTest.class
- DeleteSessionsTaskTest.class
- procedural page DeleteSessionsTaskTest.class
- DerivativeTest.class
- procedural page DerivativeTest.class
- DownloadItemTest.class
- procedural page DownloadItemTest.class
- Db2Storage
- in file Db2Storage.class, class Db2Storage
IBM DB2 UDB (for Linux/UNIX/Windows) extension of the GalleryStorage class.
- Db2Storage
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::Db2Storage()
- decodeBlob
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::decodeBlob()
- decodeBlob
- in file OracleStorage.class, method OracleStorage::decodeBlob()
- decodeBlob
- in file SQLiteStorage.class, method SQLiteStorage::decodeBlob()
- decodeBlob
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::decodeBlob()
- decodeBlob
- in file MSSqlStorage.class, method MSSqlStorage::decodeBlob()
- decodeBlob
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method MySqlStorage::decodeBlob()
- deleteEntity
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::deleteEntity()
- describeEntity
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::describeEntity()
Describe the members, modules and parent of an entity
- dropSequence
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::dropSequence()
Drop a sequence.
- Db2Storage.class
- procedural page Db2Storage.class
- DownloadItemView
- in file DownloadItem.inc, class DownloadItemView
Provides downloading of binary items
- DownloadItem.inc
- procedural page DownloadItem.inc
- $email
- in file GalleryUser.class, variable GalleryUser::$email
The User's email address.
- $entityType
- in file GalleryEntity.class, variable GalleryEntity::$entityType
The actual type of this object. This will allow the storage class to correctly load this object from the database.
- embedForceSessionId
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::embedForceSessionId()
Decide whether to include session id in the URL.
- encodeBlob
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::encodeBlob()
Encode a blob of binary data into a form that's safe for a varchar column
- entitySubstr
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::entitySubstr()
An entity-safe equivalent to substr (http://php.net/substr).
- error
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::error()
Return an error status.
- errorProgressBar
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::errorProgressBar()
Display error progress bar.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_BAD_DATA_TYPE
You attempted an operation which had a bad data type.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER
One of the parameters passed to this function is bad.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_BAD_PATH
You attempted an operation which had a bad path component.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_BAD_PLUGIN
Something went wrong when loading or activating a plugin.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_BROKEN_DERIVATIVE
You did an operation on a derivative that is broken.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_COLLISION
A name collision happened in the filesystem or database as a result of this operation. A common cause of this is attempting to use an existing filename when moving an item from one location to another.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED
The module you tried to use requires configuration.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_DELETED_OBJECT
You attempted an illegal operation on a deleted object.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_ILLEGAL_CHILD
You attempted to add a child to a GalleryItem which can't have children.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_LOCK_IN_USE
The lock you're trying to acquire is currently in use and was not released within the timeout period you specified.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_LOCK_REQUIRED
You attempted an operation which requires a lock.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_LOCK_TIMEOUT
You were unable to get a lock in the time allotted.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT
The object you're trying to access is no longer available. Perhaps it was deleted. You shouldn't get this when an object has simply moved.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_MISSING_VALUE
You're missing a value necessary to continue with the current operation.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_OBSOLETE_DATA
You attempted to modify an object using an in-memory version that is out of date with the version that's in the storage.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_OUT_OF_SPACE
You don't have enough space for the operation required.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED
You don't have permission to complete the given action.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE
We experienced a platform specific error (perhaps filesystem related)
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_PLUGIN_VERSION_MISMATCH
The plugin exists, but the version on disk doesn't match the version in the database.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_REQUEST_FORGED
You attempted an operation which requires a valid authentication token.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_STORAGE_CONNECTION
A storage operation was attempted with an invalid storage connection.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE
An unspecified storage error occurred.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_TOOLKIT_FAILURE
An unspecified error occured while completing a toolkit command..
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED
The operation you attempted is unimplemented.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_UNKNOWN
An unknown error occurred.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE
You tried a file operation on an unsupported file type.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION
You tried an unsupported operation.
- estimateDerivativeDimensions
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::estimateDerivativeDimensions()
Estimate the dimensions of a GalleryDerivativeImage from its operations and its source.
- estimateDimensions
- in file GalleryToolkit.class, method GalleryToolkit::estimateDimensions()
Estimate the dimensions of a GalleryDerivativeImage from its operations and its source.
- exec
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::exec()
Execute a command and record the results and status.
- execute
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::execute()
Execute a database statement
- exists
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::exists()
Check to see if a value exists in the session.
- existsInCache
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::existsInCache()
Checks whether an index file exists in the local repository cache.
- exit_
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::exit_()
Output a message and terminate the current script
- expireCache
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::expireCache()
Expire the cache.
- expireDerivativeTreeBySourceIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::expireDerivativeTreeBySourceIds()
Expire all derivatives that depend on the source ids specified
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant EXPORT_SCHEMA_VERSION
Current Schema Version
- extension_loaded
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::extension_loaded()
Return true if the given extension is loaded.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant EXTERNAL_ACCESS_FULL
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant EXTERNAL_ACCESS_READ
External access for entity members (default: none)
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant EXTERNAL_ACCESS_WRITE
- extractClasses
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::extractClasses()
Extracts the class names from a given query
- extractRevision
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::extractRevision()
Extracts the revision number from a string generated by CVS' Id tag.
- estimateDerivativeDimensions
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::estimateDerivativeDimensions()
- expireDerivativeTreeBySourceIds
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::expireDerivativeTreeBySourceIds()
- EmbedTest
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::EmbedTest()
- EmbedTest
- in file EmbedTest.class, class EmbedTest
Test Embed functionality
- EntityTest
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::EntityTest()
- EntityTest
- in file EntityTest.class, class EntityTest
Test Entity functionality
- EntityTestEntity
- in file EntityTest.class, class EntityTestEntity
- EntityTestEventListener
- in file EntityTest.class, class EntityTestEventListener
Dummy event listener
- EntityTestOnLoadHandler
- in file EntityTest.class, class EntityTestOnLoadHandler
- EventLogHelperTest
- in file EventLogHelperTest.class, class EventLogHelperTest
Test the GalleryEventLogHelper code
- EventLogHelperTest
- in file EventLogHelperTest.class, method EventLogHelperTest::EventLogHelperTest()
- EventLogHelperTestPhpVm
- in file EventLogHelperTest.class, class EventLogHelperTestPhpVm
- EventTest
- in file EventTest.class, class EventTest
Test Event functionality
- EventTest
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTest::EventTest()
- EventTestEventListener
- in file EventTest.class, class EventTestEventListener
Dummy event listener
- EventTestFactory
- in file EventTest.class, class EventTestFactory
- EventTestModule
- in file EventTest.class, class EventTestModule
Mock module.
- EventTestModule
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTestModule::EventTestModule()
- EventTestPlatform
- in file EventTest.class, class EventTestPlatform
Mock platform.
- exec
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::exec()
- execute
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestStorage::execute()
- execute
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTestDB::execute()
- exists
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTestSession::exists()
- exists
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestSession::exists()
- exit_
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginTestPhpVm::exit_()
- EmbedTest.class
- procedural page EmbedTest.class
- EntityTest.class
- procedural page EntityTest.class
- EventLogHelperTest.class
- procedural page EventLogHelperTest.class
- EventTest.class
- procedural page EventTest.class
- exec
- in file WinNtPlatform.class, method WinNtPlatform::exec()
- exec
- in file UnixPlatform.class, method UnixPlatform::exec()
- encodeBlob
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::encodeBlob()
- encodeBlob
- in file MSSqlStorage.class, method MSSqlStorage::encodeBlob()
- encodeBlob
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::encodeBlob()
- encodeBlob
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method MySqlStorage::encodeBlob()
- encodeBlob
- in file SQLiteStorage.class, method SQLiteStorage::encodeBlob()
- encodeBlob
- in file OracleStorage.class, method OracleStorage::encodeBlob()
Derived from PostgreSqlStorage::encodeBlob and adjusted for Oracle (based on experiments).
- execute
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::execute()
- executeSqlFile
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::executeSqlFile()
- exportToXmlFile
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, method GalleryDatabaseExport::exportToXmlFile()
Extracts an XML schema from an existing database.
- errorHandler
- in file ErrorPage.inc, method ErrorPageView::errorHandler()
Entry point from main.php
- ErrorPageView
- in file ErrorPage.inc, class ErrorPageView
This view prepares all the information the theme requires to render an error page.
- ErrorPage.inc
- procedural page ErrorPage.inc
- $fullName
- in file GalleryUser.class, variable GalleryUser::$fullName
The User's full name
- fastDownload
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::fastDownload()
Send a data file out to the browser as quickly as possible.
- fclose
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::fclose()
Closes an open file pointer.
- feof
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::feof()
Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer.
- fetch
- in file GallerySmarty.class, method GallerySmarty::fetch()
Fetch should also return a GalleryStatus object
- fetch
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::fetch()
Render the properly localized template
- fetchAccessListId
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchAccessListId()
Look up an item's access list.
- fetchAccessListIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchAccessListIds()
Fetch all the access list ids that grant the given permission to the given user (either directly or via a group).
- fetchAlbumTree
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchAlbumTree()
Fetch album tree visible to current user, optionally starting from a given album and to a given depth.
- fetchAllItemIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchAllItemIds()
Return the ids of all items that match the given type and have the given permission.
- fetchAllItemIdsByOwnerId
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchAllItemIdsByOwnerId()
Return the ids of all items which are owned by the given userid.
- fetchAllPermissionsForItem
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchAllPermissionsForItem()
Return a list of permissions for the given item id
- fetchAllPluginParameters
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchAllPluginParameters()
Get all the parameters for this plugin
- fetchChildAlbumItemIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchChildAlbumItemIds()
Same as fetchChildItemIds except we only want sub-albums
- fetchChildCounts
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchChildCounts()
Return the number of children for the items specified, that are visible to the given user.
- fetchChildDataItemIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchChildDataItemIds()
Same as fetchChildItemIds except we only want data items
- fetchChildIdByPathComponent
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchChildIdByPathComponent()
Returns the id of the child filesystem entity that matches the given path component.
- fetchChildItemIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchChildItemIds()
Return the ids of the children of this entity, in the order specified by the orderBy field and the direction specified by the orderDirection field, that are visible to the given user.
- fetchChildItemIdsIgnorePermissions
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchChildItemIdsIgnorePermissions()
Same as fetchChildItemIds, except that we ignore permissions
- fetchChildItemIdsWithPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchChildItemIdsWithPermission()
Return the ids of all the child items of the given item that have the matching permission.
- fetchContainerPath
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::fetchContainerPath()
Return a path for any objects contained within this one (ie, children)
- fetchDerivativePreferencesForItem
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchDerivativePreferencesForItem()
Get the derivative preferences for the given item
- fetchDerivativesByItemIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchDerivativesByItemIds()
Convenience function to fetch all derivatives for a given item id
- fetchDerivativesBySourceIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchDerivativesBySourceIds()
Load the derivative images that have the specified source id(s) with the type(s) specified
- fetchDescendentAlbumItemIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchDescendentAlbumItemIds()
Same as fetchDescendentItemIds except we only want sub-albums
- fetchDescendentCounts
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchDescendentCounts()
Fetch the breakdown of descendents for a given item
- fetchDescendentItemIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchDescendentItemIds()
Return the ids of the descendents of this entity that are visible to the given user.
- fetchEntitiesLinkedTo
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchEntitiesLinkedTo()
Fetch the ids of the entities linked to the target entity
- fetchExtremeChildWeight
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchExtremeChildWeight()
Fetch the highest or lowest weight of all children
- fetchFinalOperations
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::fetchFinalOperations()
Get the complete set of operations required by this derivative. This will return the original source GalleryDataItem or preferred GalleryDerivative and an array of all the operations that must be performed in order to create the correct output file, including the post filter.
- fetchGroupByGroupName
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchGroupByGroupName()
Lookup a group by name
- fetchGroupCount
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchGroupCount()
Return a count of groups, optionally matching a search string
- fetchGroupNames
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchGroupNames()
Return a map of groupIds => groupNames.
- fetchGroupsForUser
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchGroupsForUser()
Return a list of groups that a user belongs to.
- fetchItemIdByPath
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemIdByPath()
Given a complete logical path, return the item id that it refers to.
- fetchItemIdCount
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemIdCount()
Return the number of of items that match the given type and have the given permission.
- fetchItemizedDescendentCounts
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemizedDescendentCounts()
Fetch the breakdown of descendents for a given item. Note: this call is more expensive than GalleryCoreApi::fetchDescendentCounts(), so use that version where possible.
- fetchItemOrderWeight
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemOrderWeight()
Get the order weight for a given item id
- fetchItemOrderWeights
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemOrderWeights()
Get the order weight for many item ids
- fetchItemViewCount
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemViewCount()
Get the view counts for many item ids
- fetchItemViewCounts
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemViewCounts()
Get the view counts for many item ids
- fetchLanguageCodeForUser
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchLanguageCodeForUser()
Fetch the preferred language of a specific user.
- fetchLinkableChildItemIdsWithPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchLinkableChildItemIdsWithPermission()
Return the ids of all the child items of the given item that have the matching permission and are linkable entities. Useful for, example, for finding all the children where we (the active user) has the 'core.changePermissions' permission bit set. This allows us to cascade permission updates.
- fetchLogicalPath
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::fetchLogicalPath()
Return the logical path to this item. Note that this path is only valid as long as the entire tree is at least read locked.
- fetchNextItemWeight
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchNextItemWeight()
Fetch the weight of the next peer in line (higher or lower, as specified)
- fetchOriginationTimestamp
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchOriginationTimestamp()
Fetch the originationTimestamp through our known toolkits
- fetchParameters
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::fetchParameters()
Fetch all plugin specific parameters for the given item. The results will contain a mixture of global parameters and item specific parameters, where the item specific ones ones override the global ones.
- fetchParent
- in file GalleryChildEntity.class, method GalleryChildEntity::fetchParent()
Get the parent instance
- fetchParents
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchParents()
Load all the ancestors of this item
- fetchParentSequence
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchParentSequence()
Get the parent sequence for this item id
- fetchPath
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::fetchPath()
Get the full path to the data file.
- fetchPath
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::fetchPath()
Get the full path to the data file.
- fetchPath
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::fetchPath()
Return the full path of this item. Note that this path is only valid as long as the entire tree is at least read locked.
- fetchPermissionsForItems
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchPermissionsForItems()
Return a list of permissions for the given items
- fetchPluginList
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginList()
Return a plugin list by plugin type of all installed plugins.
- fetchPluginStatus
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginStatus()
Get the status of all plugins of a given type
- fetchPreferredsByItemIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchPreferredsByItemIds()
Convenience function to fetch the preferred for an item id
- fetchPreferredSource
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchPreferredSource()
Return the preferred source for this item by returning the first occurrence of the following:
- fetchResizesByItemIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchResizesByItemIds()
Convenience function to fetch the resizes for an item id
- fetchThemeId
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchThemeId()
Return the correct theme for this item. If the appropriate theme cannot be loaded, we fall back on the default. And if that can't be loaded, then we return null.
- fetchThumbnailsByItemIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchThumbnailsByItemIds()
Convenience function to fetch the thumbnail for an item id
- fetchUserByUserName
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserByUserName()
Lookup a user by username
- fetchUserCount
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserCount()
Return the total number of users
- fetchUsernames
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchUsernames()
Return a map of userNames => userids
- fetchUsersForGroup
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchUsersForGroup()
Return a list of user ids belonging to a group
- fetchWebFile
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebFile()
Fetch the web page at the given url. Follow redirects to get the data and upon completion return the http response, headers and the actual URL that we used to get the data.
- fetchWebPage
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage()
Fetch the web page at the given url. Follow redirects to get the data and upon completion return the body, http response, headers and the actual URL that we used to get the data.
- fflush
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::fflush()
Flush an open file pointer.
- fgets
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::fgets()
Gets line from file pointer.
- file
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::file()
Return a file as an array.
- filesize
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::filesize()
How large is the given file?
- file_exists
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::file_exists()
Does the given file exist?
- file_get_contents
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::file_get_contents()
Reads the entire contents of the specified file into a string.
- file_put_contents
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::file_put_contents()
Writes specified data to file. Uses PHP's file_put_contents() function if it is available.
- fixCookieVars
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::fixCookieVars()
Fix the superglobal $_COOKIE to conform with RFC 2965
- flock
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::flock()
flock -- Portable advisory file locking.
- FlockLockSystem
- in file FlockLockSystem.class, class FlockLockSystem
Flock() based locking. This is fairly efficient, but it will not work on NFS and is known to be unreliable on some operating systems including some flavors of the 2.4 Linux kernel.
- FlushDatabaseCacheTask
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTask.class, class FlushDatabaseCacheTask
This is a MaintenanceTask that will delete all cached database information.
- FlushTemplatesTask
- in file FlushTemplatesTask.class, class FlushTemplatesTask
This is a MaintenanceTask that will delete all the cached Smarty templates.
- fopen
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::fopen()
Open a file or URL.
- formVar
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::formVar()
Return a transformed element name.
- fread
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::fread()
Reads data from an open file handle.
- fseek
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::fseek()
Seeks on a file pointer.
- fsockopen
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::fsockopen()
Initiates a socket connection to the resource specified by target.
- ftruncate
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::ftruncate()
Truncates a file to a given length.
- function_exists
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::function_exists()
Return true if the given function has been defined.
- fwrite
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::fwrite()
Write the contents of string to the file stream pointed to by handle.
- FlockLockSystem.class
- procedural page FlockLockSystem.class
- FlushDatabaseCacheTask.class
- procedural page FlushDatabaseCacheTask.class
- FlushTemplatesTask.class
- procedural page FlushTemplatesTask.class
- fetchAccessListId
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::fetchAccessListId()
- fetchAccessListIds
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_simple::fetchAccessListIds()
- fetchAlbumTree
- in file GalleryItemHelper_simple.class, method GalleryItemHelper_simple::fetchAlbumTree()
- fetchAllItemIds
- in file GalleryItemHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemHelper_medium::fetchAllItemIds()
- fetchAllItemIdsByOwnerId
- in file GalleryItemHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemHelper_medium::fetchAllItemIdsByOwnerId()
- fetchAllParameters
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_simple::fetchAllParameters()
- fetchAllPermissionsForItem
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::fetchAllPermissionsForItem()
- fetchChildAlbumItemIds
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::fetchChildAlbumItemIds()
- fetchChildCounts
- in file GalleryItemHelper_simple.class, method GalleryItemHelper_simple::fetchChildCounts()
- fetchChildDataItemIds
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::fetchChildDataItemIds()
- fetchChildIdByPathComponent
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_simple::fetchChildIdByPathComponent()
- fetchChildItemIds
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::fetchChildItemIds()
- fetchChildItemIdsIgnorePermissions
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::fetchChildItemIdsIgnorePermissions()
- fetchChildItemIdsWithPermission
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::fetchChildItemIdsWithPermission()
- fetchDerivativesByItemIds
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::fetchDerivativesByItemIds()
- fetchDerivativesBySourceIds
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::fetchDerivativesBySourceIds()
- fetchDescendentAlbumItemIds
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::fetchDescendentAlbumItemIds()
- fetchDescendentCounts
- in file GalleryItemHelper_simple.class, method GalleryItemHelper_simple::fetchDescendentCounts()
- fetchDescendentItemIds
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::fetchDescendentItemIds()
- fetchEntitiesLinkedTo
- in file GalleryEntityHelper_medium.class, method GalleryEntityHelper_medium::fetchEntitiesLinkedTo()
- fetchExtremeChildWeight
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced::fetchExtremeChildWeight()
- fetchGroupByGroupName
- in file GalleryGroupHelper_simple.class, method GalleryGroupHelper_simple::fetchGroupByGroupName()
- fetchGroupCount
- in file GalleryGroupHelper_simple.class, method GalleryGroupHelper_simple::fetchGroupCount()
- fetchGroupNames
- in file GalleryGroupHelper_simple.class, method GalleryGroupHelper_simple::fetchGroupNames()
- fetchGroupsForUser
- in file GalleryUserGroupHelper_simple.class, method GalleryUserGroupHelper_simple::fetchGroupsForUser()
- fetchItemIdByPath
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_simple::fetchItemIdByPath()
- fetchItemIdCount
- in file GalleryItemHelper_simple.class, method GalleryItemHelper_simple::fetchItemIdCount()
- fetchItemizedDescendentCounts
- in file GalleryItemHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemHelper_advanced::fetchItemizedDescendentCounts()
- fetchLanguageCodeForUser
- in file GalleryUserHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserHelper_medium::fetchLanguageCodeForUser()
- fetchLastRun
- in file MaintenanceHelper_simple.class, method MaintenanceHelper_simple::fetchLastRun()
Return information about the last run of this task.
- fetchLinkableChildItemIdsWithPermission
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::fetchLinkableChildItemIdsWithPermission()
- fetchNextWeight
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced::fetchNextWeight()
- fetchOrderWeight
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_medium::fetchOrderWeight()
- fetchOrderWeights
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_medium::fetchOrderWeights()
- fetchOriginationTimestamp
- in file GalleryItemHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemHelper_medium::fetchOriginationTimestamp()
- fetchParents
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple::fetchParents()
- fetchParentSequence
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple::fetchParentSequence()
- fetchPermissionsForItems
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_simple::fetchPermissionsForItems()
- fetchPluginList
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_simple::fetchPluginList()
- fetchPluginStatus
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_simple::fetchPluginStatus()
- fetchPreferencesForItem
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::fetchPreferencesForItem()
- fetchPreferredsByItemIds
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_medium.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_medium::fetchPreferredsByItemIds()
- fetchPreferredSource
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::fetchPreferredSource()
- fetchResizesByItemIds
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_medium.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_medium::fetchResizesByItemIds()
- fetchTasks
- in file MaintenanceHelper_simple.class, method MaintenanceHelper_simple::fetchTasks()
Fetch all the available maintenance tasks
- fetchThemeId
- in file GalleryItemHelper_simple.class, method GalleryItemHelper_simple::fetchThemeId()
- fetchThumbnailsByItemIds
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple::fetchThumbnailsByItemIds()
- fetchUncachedDescendentCounts
- in file GalleryItemHelper_simple.class, method GalleryItemHelper_simple::fetchUncachedDescendentCounts()
Fetch the number of descendents for a given item
- fetchUserByUserName
- in file GalleryUserHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserHelper_medium::fetchUserByUserName()
- fetchUserCount
- in file GalleryUserHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserHelper_medium::fetchUserCount()
- fetchUsernames
- in file GalleryUserHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserHelper_medium::fetchUsernames()
- fetchUsersForGroup
- in file GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium::fetchUsersForGroup()
- fetchViewCount
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple::fetchViewCount()
- fetchViewCounts
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple::fetchViewCounts()
- fetchWebFile
- in file WebHelper_simple.class, method WebHelper_simple::fetchWebFile()
- fetchWebPage
- in file WebHelper_simple.class, method WebHelper_simple::fetchWebPage()
- FactoryTest
- in file FactoryTest.class, class FactoryTest
Test Factory functionality
- FactoryTest
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::FactoryTest()
- FactoryTestDummy
- in file FactoryTest.class, class FactoryTestDummy
Bogus class that we can feed to the factory
- FactoryTestDummy2
- in file FactoryTest.class, class FactoryTestDummy2
- FactoryTestModule
- in file FactoryTest.class, class FactoryTestModule
Bogus classes that we can feed to the factory
- FactoryTestModule
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTestModule::FactoryTestModule()
- FactoryTestModule2
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTestModule2::FactoryTestModule2()
- FactoryTestModule2
- in file FactoryTest.class, class FactoryTestModule2
- FastDownloadTest
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::FastDownloadTest()
- FastDownloadTest
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, class FastDownloadTest
Test our fast download code.
- FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, class FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform
Fake platform that simulates writing to a file and captures the output
- FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform::FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform()
- FastDownloadTestRemovePermissionPlatform
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestRemovePermissionPlatform::FastDownloadTestRemovePermissionPlatform()
- FastDownloadTestRemovePermissionPlatform
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, class FastDownloadTestRemovePermissionPlatform
Test platform to verify that we're deleting cache files
- fclose
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform::fclose()
- fclose
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::fclose()
- fclose
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::fclose()
- fclose
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::fclose()
- fclose
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::fclose()
- fclose
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::fclose()
- fclose
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::fclose()
- feof
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::feof()
- fetch
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest_FakeTemplate::fetch()
- fetchParameters
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestFakeTheme::fetchParameters()
- fetchParameters
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestInactiveTheme::fetchParameters()
- fetchParameters
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestThemeId1Theme::fetchParameters()
- fetchParameters
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestThemeId2Theme::fetchParameters()
- fetchPath
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTestEntity::fetchPath()
- fetchPath
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTestChildEntity::fetchPath()
- FetchRow
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTestRecordSet::FetchRow()
- fflush
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::fflush()
- fflush
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::fflush()
- fgets
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::fgets()
- filesize
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestPlatform::filesize()
- filesize
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::filesize()
- filesize
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::filesize()
- FileSystemTest
- in file FileSystemTest.class, class FileSystemTest
Test FileSystem functionality
- FileSystemTest
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::FileSystemTest()
- FileSystemTestPlatform
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTestPlatform::FileSystemTestPlatform()
- FileSystemTestPlatform
- in file FileSystemTest.class, class FileSystemTestPlatform
Mock platform
- FileSystemTestPlatformForRename
- in file FileSystemTest.class, class FileSystemTestPlatformForRename
Mock platform for the rename method
- FileSystemTestPlatformForRename
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTestPlatformForRename::FileSystemTestPlatformForRename()
- file_exists
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTestPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestMockPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestRemovePermissionPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTestPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTestPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform_testGetFromDisk::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTestPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, method FlushTemplatesTaskTestPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::file_exists()
- file_exists
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform::file_exists()
- file_get_contents
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::file_get_contents()
- file_get_contents
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::file_get_contents()
- finishScan
- in file PhpDocAuditTest.class, method PhpDocAuditTest::finishScan()
- finishScan
- in file LocalizationAuditTest.class, method LocalizationAuditTest::finishScan()
- flock
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::flock()
- flock
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::flock()
- flock
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform::flock()
- flock
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::flock()
- flock
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::flock()
- flock
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::flock()
- flock
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::flock()
- FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest::FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest()
- FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, class FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest
Test the FlushDatabaseCache maintenance task functionality
- FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTestPlatform
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTestPlatform::FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTestPlatform()
- FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTestPlatform
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, class FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTestPlatform
- FlushTemplatesTaskTest
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, method FlushTemplatesTaskTest::FlushTemplatesTaskTest()
- FlushTemplatesTaskTest
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, class FlushTemplatesTaskTest
Test the FlushTemplates maintenance task functionality
- FlushTemplatesTaskTestPlatform
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, class FlushTemplatesTaskTestPlatform
- FlushTemplatesTaskTestPlatform
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, method FlushTemplatesTaskTestPlatform::FlushTemplatesTaskTestPlatform()
- FooControllerController
- in file MainTest.class, class FooControllerController
- FooView
- in file MainTest.class, class FooView
- fopen
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::fopen()
- fopen
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::fopen()
- fopen
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::fopen()
- fopen
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::fopen()
- fopen
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform::fopen()
- fopen
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::fopen()
- fopen
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::fopen()
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, constant FORCE_GZIP
Test Gallery Template Adapter functionality
- fread
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::fread()
- fsockopen
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::fsockopen()
- function_exists
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTestPhpVm::function_exists()
- function_exists
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverPasswordControllerPhpVm::function_exists()
- function_exists
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTestPhpVm::function_exists()
- function_exists
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestPhpVm::function_exists()
- function_exists
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTestPhpVm::function_exists()
- fwrite
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::fwrite()
- fwrite
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::fwrite()
- FactoryTest.class
- procedural page FactoryTest.class
- FastDownloadTest.class
- procedural page FastDownloadTest.class
- FileSystemTest.class
- procedural page FileSystemTest.class
- FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class
- procedural page FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class
- FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class
- procedural page FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class
- $groupName
- in file GalleryGroup.class, variable GalleryGroup::$groupName
The group name
- $groupType
- in file GalleryGroup.class, variable GalleryGroup::$groupType
The group type
- Gallery
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::Gallery()
- Gallery
- in file Gallery.class, class Gallery
Global storage container and utility class for Gallery.
- GalleryAdodbErrorHandler
- in file GalleryStorage.class, function GalleryAdodbErrorHandler()
Default Error Handler for ADOdb. Derived from adodb-errorhandler.inc.php which is (c) 2000, 2001 John Lim (jlim@natsoft.com.my). All rights reserved.
- GalleryAlbumItem
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, class GalleryAlbumItem
A subclass of GalleryItem for containing groups of GalleryItems.
- GalleryAnimationItem
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, class GalleryAnimationItem
A subclass of DataItem for containing Animations.
- GalleryAuthPlugin
- in file GalleryAuthPlugin.class, class GalleryAuthPlugin
Interface for authentication plugins.
- GalleryCapabilities
- in file GalleryCapabilities.class, class GalleryCapabilities
Switches and configuration for some core functionality.
- GalleryChildEntity
- in file GalleryChildEntity.class, class GalleryChildEntity
An entity that can be the child of another entity.
- GalleryController
- in file GalleryController.class, class GalleryController
The API for module controllers.
- GalleryCoreApi
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, class GalleryCoreApi
This is the unified API for Gallery 2.
- GalleryCoreSearch
- in file GalleryCoreSearch.class, class GalleryCoreSearch
This is an implementation of the search module's SearchInterface_1_0
- GalleryDataCache
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, class GalleryDataCache
Utility class for caching data
- GalleryDataItem
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, class GalleryDataItem
A subclass of GalleryItem for items containing actual data.
- GalleryDerivative
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, class GalleryDerivative
A container for data that is derived from another data source.
- GalleryDerivativeImage
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, class GalleryDerivativeImage
A GalleryDerivative for images.
- GalleryDynamicAlbum
- in file GalleryDynamicAlbum.class, class GalleryDynamicAlbum
A container like GalleryAlbumItem but for a dynamic set of child items.
- GalleryEmbed
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, class GalleryEmbed
Access point for external application in which Gallery is embedded.
- GalleryEntity
- in file GalleryEntity.class, class GalleryEntity
A GalleryEntity is a stateful representation of an entity in the persistent store. You can load, modify, save and delete it. Any modifications made to this entity will live in memory until you commit the changes to the store (hence, it's stateful).
- GalleryEvent
- in file GalleryEvent.class, method GalleryEvent::GalleryEvent()
- GalleryEvent
- in file GalleryEvent.class, class GalleryEvent
This is a container for information about a specific event
- GalleryEventListener
- in file GalleryEventListener.class, class GalleryEventListener
A class that can respond to events posted by the system
- GalleryFileSystemEntity
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, class GalleryFileSystemEntity
A GalleryChildEntity that also has data stored in the filesystem.
- GalleryGroup
- in file GalleryGroup.class, class GalleryGroup
Representation of a group of users
- GalleryItem
- in file GalleryItem.class, class GalleryItem
Abstract base class for all objects in the Gallery composite tree.
- GalleryLockSystem
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, class GalleryLockSystem
This is an interface for all locking systems. You must extend it and implement all of its methods in order to introduce a new locking system.
- GalleryLockSystem
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::GalleryLockSystem()
- GalleryModule
- in file GalleryModule.class, class GalleryModule
This is a container for information about a module.
- GalleryMovieItem
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, class GalleryMovieItem
A subclass of DataItem for containing Movies.
- GalleryPersistent
- in file GalleryPersistent.class, method GalleryPersistent::GalleryPersistent()
- GalleryPersistent
- in file GalleryPersistent.class, class GalleryPersistent
Base class that contains information about the state of its members
- GalleryPhotoItem
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, class GalleryPhotoItem
A subclass of DataItem for containing Photos.
- GalleryPhpVm
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, class GalleryPhpVm
An abstraction layer over PHP. For now, this serves as a way to allow our test classes to interpose themselves between the code and the PHP VM so that we can simulate different VMs. For example, this lets us return arbitrary values for calls like function_exists(). Every call here is a straight pass-through. New functions can be added at any time.
- GalleryPlatform
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, class GalleryPlatform
A framework for doing platform specific tasks. This is an abstract class that implements many basic tasks that are different from platform to platform.
- GalleryPlugin
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, class GalleryPlugin
Plugin meta-info container. This is a container for information about a given plugin.
- GalleryRenderer
- in file GalleryRenderer.class, class GalleryRenderer
An interface for classes that render GalleryDataItems in different formats.
- GalleryRepository
- in file GalleryRepository.class, class GalleryRepository
Provides all repository-related functionality.
- GalleryRepositoryIndex
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, class GalleryRepositoryIndex
Provides all repository-related functionality.
- GalleryRepositoryIndex
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::GalleryRepositoryIndex()
- GalleryRepositoryUtilities
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, class GalleryRepositoryUtilities
Provides repository-related utility functions. Some of them are also used by repository tools.
- GallerySession
- in file GallerySession.class, class GallerySession
Container for session related data.
- GallerySmarty
- in file GallerySmarty.class, class GallerySmarty
A wrapper around Smarty that uses Gallery's error handling
- GallerySortInterface_1_2
- in file GallerySortInterface_1_2.class, class GallerySortInterface_1_2
This is an interface for adding custom sort orders for displaying items.
- GalleryStatus
- in file GalleryStatus.class, method GalleryStatus::GalleryStatus()
- GalleryStatus
- in file GalleryStatus.class, class GalleryStatus
Container for error status.
- GalleryStorage
- in file GalleryStorage.class, class GalleryStorage
Database storage mechanism. This object provides the hooks for saving and restoring objects in the persistent store.
- GalleryStorage
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::GalleryStorage()
- GalleryTemplate
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::GalleryTemplate()
- GalleryTemplate
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, class GalleryTemplate
This is Gallery's templating class. It hides the details of the implementation (eg, Smarty) and provides a unified means of handling internationalization.
- GalleryTemplateAdapter
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, class GalleryTemplateAdapter
This class is a glue layer between the templating system and our various callbacks that generate URLs, localized text, dates, themed widgets, etc.
- GalleryTemplateAdapter
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::GalleryTemplateAdapter()
- GalleryTheme
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::GalleryTheme()
Constructor to prevent PHP Notices in upgrader and AdminThemes.inc when old themes with a theme.inc are still in the themes folder. The old themes call $this->GalleryTheme() in their constructor.
- GalleryTheme
- in file GalleryTheme.class, class GalleryTheme
This interface provides functionality so user-interfaces have a customizable theme. A theme should implement this class.
- GalleryToolkit
- in file GalleryToolkit.class, class GalleryToolkit
A toolkit for manipulating files.
- GalleryTranslator
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::GalleryTranslator()
- GalleryTranslator
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, class GalleryTranslator
Internationalization and Localization utilities.
- GalleryUnknownItem
- in file GalleryUnknownItem.class, class GalleryUnknownItem
A subclass of DataItem for containing unknown objects.
- GalleryUrlGenerator
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, class GalleryUrlGenerator
This class generates all URLs for Gallery based on the auto-detected protocol, hostname, URL
- GalleryUser
- in file GalleryUser.class, class GalleryUser
Representation of a single user.
- GalleryUtilities
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, class GalleryUtilities
A collection of useful utilities that have no obvious home.
- GalleryValidationPlugin
- in file GalleryValidationPlugin.class, class GalleryValidationPlugin
This is an interface for security/validation plugins that will be used in multiple places across the codebase. Most notably, UserLogin and the register module.
- GalleryView
- in file GalleryView.class, class GalleryView
The API for module views.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant GALLERY_DEFAULT_VIEW
Default view
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant GALLERY_ERROR
The operation had errors
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, constant GALLERY_MAIN_PHP
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant GALLERY_PERMISSION_ALL_ACCESS
This is the special "All Access" permission
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant GALLERY_PERMISSION_COMPOSITE
This permission is a composite of other permissions
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant GALLERY_PERMISSION_SESSION_KEY
Key for storing permissions granted to this session
- generateUrl
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::generateUrl()
Generate a Gallery URL.
- get
- in file GalleryCapabilities.class, method GalleryCapabilities::get()
Get a configuration value.
- get
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::get()
Retrieve data from the cache
- get
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::get()
Get a value from the session data.
- getActiveLanguageCode
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getActiveLanguageCode()
Get the active language code.
- getActiveLanguageCode
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::getActiveLanguageCode()
Return supported locale that was selected after initialization.
- getActiveUser
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getActiveUser()
Get the active user.
- getActiveUserId
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getActiveUserId()
Get the Id of the active user.
- getAdoDbType
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::getAdoDbType()
Return the type of this database (ADOdb driver name)
- getAffectedRows
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::getAffectedRows()
Return the number of rows that were affected by the last UPDATE/DELETE. Note that MySQL treats this a little differently than other databases; if you do an UPDATE operation and nothing is actually changed (eg. in the situation where the SET clauses in your UPDATE match the existing values) then mysql will return 0 affected rows.
- getAllFactoryImplementationIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getAllFactoryImplementationIds()
Return the ids and class names of all the available implementations for a class
- getAllFactoryImplementationIdsWithHint
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getAllFactoryImplementationIdsWithHint()
Return the ids of all the available implementations for a class for a given hint.
- getAllHeaders
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::getAllHeaders()
Fetch all HTTP request headers
- getAllKeys
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::getAllKeys()
Return all the keys in the cache
- getAllPluginIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getAllPluginIds()
Get the list of all available plugins of a given type
- getAllRequestVariables
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getAllRequestVariables()
Return all request variables with the Gallery variable prefix.
- getAllSortOrders
- in file GallerySortInterface_1_2.class, method GallerySortInterface_1_2::getAllSortOrders()
Get information about available sort orders
- getAllUpgradeablePackages
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::getAllUpgradeablePackages()
Creates a list of all upgradeable packages.
- getAnonymousUserId
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getAnonymousUserId()
Get id of the guest user.
- getApiVersion
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::getApiVersion()
Return the major and minor version of the Embedding API.
- getApiVersion
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getApiVersion()
Return the major and minor version of the Core API.
- getApiVersion
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::getApiVersion()
Return the major and minor version of the GalleryTheme API.
- getApiVersion
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getApiVersion()
Return the major and minor version of the GalleryModule API.
- getAsHtml
- in file GalleryStatus.class, method GalleryStatus::getAsHtml()
Return the error as an HTML string
- getAsText
- in file GalleryStatus.class, method GalleryStatus::getAsText()
Return the error as a plain text string delimited by newlines
- getAuthToken
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::getAuthToken()
Returns the authentication token associated with this session.
- getAvailableLanguagesInPlugin
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::getAvailableLanguagesInPlugin()
Returns available languages for the specified plugin.
- getBlock
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::getBlock()
Get a module block
- getBrokenDerivativePath
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::getBrokenDerivativePath()
Return path for broken derivative placeholder which is shown when we fail to generate a derivative item. Descendent classes can override this method to use their own broken derivative placeholder, which can be of any mime type, eg. a wav file for broken audio derivatives, etc.
- getCacheableUrl
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::getCacheableUrl()
Return a URL that is stripped of all parameters that don't directly affect the output of the page, like navigation parameters. This URL can be used as the cache key for this page.
- getCachePath
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::getCachePath()
Given a path info descriptor, return the path to the appropriate cache file.
- getCacheTuple
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::getCacheTuple()
For a given id, return a tuple with the breakdown of the id. The caching mechanism uses this to determine where in the cache tree to place the file. The breakdown happens according to the digits of the id. The first element returned is the hundreds digit, the second element is the tens digit.
- getCallbacks
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getCallbacks()
- getCanContainChildren
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::getCanContainChildren()
- getClassFile
- in file GalleryPersistent.class, method GalleryPersistent::getClassFile()
Return the relative path to the class for this entity
- getClassName
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, method GalleryDerivativeImage::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryDynamicAlbum.class, method GalleryDynamicAlbum::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, method GalleryPhotoItem::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryGroup.class, method GalleryGroup::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::getClassName()
Return the case sensitive name of this entity class. This is exactly what get_class() would return in PHP5. PHP4 is case-insensitive though so we must rely on it being set in each entity. The framework uses this as an index into entity related tables.
- getClassName
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryChildEntity.class, method GalleryChildEntity::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, method GalleryAnimationItem::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file GalleryUnknownItem.class, method GalleryUnknownItem::getClassName()
- getCodeBasePath
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getCodeBasePath()
Get the local path to the Gallery code base path (not URL or web root). Optionally append a relative path.
- getConfig
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getConfig()
Get a value from the Gallery configuration settings
- getConfigurationView
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getConfigurationView()
Get the name of the GalleryView containing the administration view specifically for configuring this module. It may be one that is also listed in getSiteAdminViews().
- getCookieDomain
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::getCookieDomain()
- getCookiePath
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::getCookiePath()
Get the cookie path that will encompass Gallery (and CMS app if embedded).
- getCookieVar
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getCookieVar()
Return a sanitized version of the given variable from the _COOKIE superglobal.
- getCreationTime
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::getCreationTime()
Return the Unix timestamp from when this session was created.
- getCreationTimestamp
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::getCreationTimestamp()
- getCurrentRequestUri
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::getCurrentRequestUri()
Return the current request URI.
- getCurrentUrl
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::getCurrentUrl()
Return the complete URL of the current request.
- getCurrentUrlDir
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::getCurrentUrlDir()
Return the base directory of all generated URLs. Eg, if the URL is:
- getCurrentView
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getCurrentView()
Get the current view
- getcwd
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::getcwd()
getcwd -- gets the current working directory.
- getData
- in file GalleryEvent.class, method GalleryEvent::getData()
Return the event's data
- getDatabaseExporter
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::getDatabaseExporter()
This method gets a Gallery Database Exporter object.
- getDatabaseImporter
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::getDatabaseImporter()
This method gets a Gallery Database Importer object.
- getDebug
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getDebug()
Get the debug state
- getDebugBuffer
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getDebugBuffer()
Get any buffered debug output
- getDefaultAlbumId
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getDefaultAlbumId()
Get id of the album to display by default.
- getDefaultLanguageCode
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::getDefaultLanguageCode()
Get default language code for this request.
- getDerivativeOperations
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::getDerivativeOperations()
- getDerivativeOrder
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::getDerivativeOrder()
- getDerivativeSize
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::getDerivativeSize()
- getDerivativeSourceId
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::getDerivativeSourceId()
- getDerivativeType
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::getDerivativeType()
- getDescription
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::getDescription()
- getDescription
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::getDescription()
- getDescriptorUrl
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::getDescriptorUrl()
Returns the specified plugin's descriptor URL relative to the repository root URL.
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
Return the filesystem specific directory separator.
- getDownloadFileList
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::getDownloadFileList()
Creates a list of URLs that
- getDuration
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::getDuration()
- getEmail
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::getEmail()
- getEmbedPathByHttpRequest
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::getEmbedPathByHttpRequest()
Simplify finding the path to embed.php by sending it as a HTTP header
- getEntity
- in file GalleryEvent.class, method GalleryEvent::getEntity()
Return the event's entity
- getEntityType
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::getEntityType()
- getErrorCode
- in file GalleryStatus.class, method GalleryStatus::getErrorCode()
Return the actual error code
- getErrorCodeConstants
- in file GalleryStatus.class, method GalleryStatus::getErrorCodeConstants()
Break down an error code into a list of constants
- getErrorMessage
- in file GalleryStatus.class, method GalleryStatus::getErrorMessage()
Return the error message
- getEventName
- in file GalleryEvent.class, method GalleryEvent::getEventName()
Return the event name
- getExternalAccessMemberList
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getExternalAccessMemberList()
Get a list of entity members which are allowed to be shown / set by external systems (e.g.
- getExternalIdMap
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::getExternalIdMap()
Get the complete externalId<->entityId map (for users and groups).
- getFactoryDefinitionHints
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getFactoryDefinitionHints()
Return the Hints for the specified class type and implId.
- getFile
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getFile()
Return data about file attached to request.
- getFileBase
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getFileBase()
Return the file's basename.
- getFileExtension
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getFileExtension()
Return the file's extension.
- getFileNameComponents
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getFileNameComponents()
Get the type of the file from its filename.
- getFileRevision
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::getFileRevision()
Extracts the revision number from a string generated by CVS' Id tag.
- getFirstBytesFromFile
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::getFirstBytesFromFile()
Reads specified number of bytes from the file's beginning.
- getFormVariables
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getFormVariables()
Return all request variables that match the prefix.
- getFromDisk
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::getFromDisk()
Get the file from disk. PathInfo is of the form that can be passed to getCachePath
- getFullName
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::getFullName()
- getFunctionSql
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::getFunctionSql()
Return a customized function for this database platform
- getGalleryId
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::getGalleryId()
Old multisite system used a galleryId based on the current URL. Return a value here so sites won't break before they can upgrade.
- getGalleryVersion
- in file module.inc, method CoreModule::getGalleryVersion()
Get the current version of Gallery.
- getGroup
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getGroup()
- getGroupName
- in file GalleryGroup.class, method GalleryGroup::getGroupName()
- getGroupType
- in file GalleryGroup.class, method GalleryGroup::getGroupType()
- getHashedPassword
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::getHashedPassword()
- getHeight
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, method GalleryPhotoItem::getHeight()
- getHeight
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::getHeight()
- getHeight
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, method GalleryDerivativeImage::getHeight()
- getHeight
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, method GalleryAnimationItem::getHeight()
- gethostbyname
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::gethostbyname()
Returns the IP address of the Internet host specified by hostname.
- getHostName
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::getHostName()
Return the host name for the current request.
- getHttpDate
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getHttpDate()
Return a date and time string that is conformant to RFC 2616
- getHttpDate
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getHttpDate()
Deprecated. Use Gallery::getHttpDate instead.
- getId
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::getId()
- getId
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::getId()
- getId
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::getId()
The session id.
- getImageBlock
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock()
Get HTML for an image block
- getimagesize
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::getimagesize()
Get size information about an image.
- getIndexMetaData
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::getIndexMetaData()
- getInfo
- in file DatabaseBackupTask.class, method DatabaseBackupTask::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file BuildDerivativesTask.class, method BuildDerivativesTask::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTask.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTask::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file FlushTemplatesTask.class, method FlushTemplatesTask::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task.class, method ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file DeleteSessionsTask.class, method DeleteSessionsTask::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file ResetViewCountsTask.class, method ResetViewCountsTask::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file SetOriginationTimestampTask.class, method SetOriginationTimestampTask::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file OptimizeDatabaseTask.class, method OptimizeDatabaseTask::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file SystemInfoTask.class, method SystemInfoTask::getInfo()
- getInstalledVersions
- in file module.inc, method CoreModule::getInstalledVersions()
Get the version of the core module and of Gallery itself. We store this on disk to avoid having to load up the database (which can be problematic if we're doing an upgrade and don't want to count a specific database schema). If the versions.dat file indicates that Gallery is in maintenance mode, then set the configuration value to indicate this.
- getIsBroken
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::getIsBroken()
- getIsLinkable
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::getIsLinkable()
- getItem
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::getItem()
Return the current item, as specified in the itemId request variable.
- getItem
- in file GalleryController.class, method GalleryController::getItem()
Return the current item, as specified in the itemId request variable.
- getItemAdminViews
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getItemAdminViews()
Get the list of GalleryViews containing the various item administration views for this module. The module should check permissions and item type to determine which views are applicable for the authenticated user. As with getSiteAdminViews(), the view title text must be localized.
- getItemAdminViews
- in file module.inc, method CoreModule::getItemAdminViews()
- getItemLinks
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getItemLinks()
Return 0 or more item-specific links to an arbitrary module view.
- getItemLinks
- in file module.inc, method CoreModule::getItemLinks()
- getItemSummaries
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getItemSummaries()
Return module-specific summary content about the item
- getKey
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::getKey()
The session key parameter used in URLs and the cookie.
- getKeywords
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::getKeywords()
- getL10Domain
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::getL10Domain()
- getL10Domain
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::getL10Domain()
Get the localization domain for this view.
- getLanguage
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::getLanguage()
- getLanguageAndCountryFromLanguageCode
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::getLanguageAndCountryFromLanguageCode()
Determine the language and country given the language code (i.e. en, en_GB)
- getLanguageBaseRevision
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::getLanguageBaseRevision()
Reads the strings.raw revision of the specified plugin.
- getLanguageCodeFromLocale
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::getLanguageCodeFromLocale()
Convert the locale to the language code
- getLanguageCodeFromRequest
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::getLanguageCodeFromRequest()
Examine the incoming request and try to figure out what languages the browser will accept.
- getLanguageData
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::getLanguageData()
Return our language data.
- getLanguageDescription
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getLanguageDescription()
Returns the language description of the specified language-country code.
- getLanguageDescription
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::getLanguageDescription()
Returns the language description of the specified language-country code.
- getLanguagePackageFiles
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::getLanguagePackageFiles()
The purpose of this method is to determine which language packages should be downloaded from
- getLanguagePackageFiles
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::getLanguagePackageFiles()
- getLegalPathCharacters
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::getLegalPathCharacters()
Legal characters on all systems: A-Z a-z 0-9 # _ . -
- getLegalPathComponent
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getLegalPathComponent()
Get a legal path component in the given parent id. Legal by the platform standards, and legal in that it doesn't cause a conflict with other path components.
- getLineEnding
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::getLineEnding()
Return the string of characters which represent the line ending on this platform.
- getLinkedEntity
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::getLinkedEntity()
- getLinkId
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::getLinkId()
- getLockIds
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::getLockIds()
Return the ids of all the locks we hold
- getLockIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getLockIds()
Get the set of lock ids
- getLockSystem
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getLockSystem()
Return the active lock system.
- getMapEntry
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getMapEntry()
Get entries in a map that match a criteria and return selected fields
- getMapEntry
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::getMapEntry()
Get entries in a map that match a criteria and return selected fields
- getMaximumManagedToolkitPriority
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getMaximumManagedToolkitPriority()
Get maximum priority value (lowest priority) in managed priority range (20-40)
- getMetaData
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::getMetaData()
Gets index meta data, which currently includes the local index timestamp (set when the index has been downloaded) and each plugin type count.
- getMimeType
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getMimeType()
Determine the proper mime type given the file and optionally with the mime type from the request
- getMimeType
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::getMimeType()
- getMimeType
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::getMimeType()
- getModificationTime
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::getModificationTime()
Return the Unix timestamp from when this session was last modified.
- getModificationTimestamp
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::getModificationTimestamp()
- getModuleEntityTypes
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getModuleEntityTypes()
Get names of all GalleryEntity types this module may register.
- getName
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::getName()
- getNavigation
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::getNavigation()
Get data for a specific navigation id.
- getNavigationId
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::getNavigationId()
Get the current navigation id.
- getNavigationLinks
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::getNavigationLinks()
Get a list of navigation links to go back to where we came from.
- getNavigationReturnUrl
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::getNavigationReturnUrl()
Get an URL to return to the currently loaded view, stripping all parameters that are of navigational nature.
- getOnLoadHandlerIds
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getOnLoadHandlerIds()
Get ids of all onLoadHandlers this module may register.
- getOnLoadHandlers
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::getOnLoadHandlers()
- getOptionData
- in file CoreCaptchaAdminOption.class, method CoreCaptchaAdminOption::getOptionData()
- getOrderBy
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::getOrderBy()
- getOrderDirection
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::getOrderDirection()
- getOriginalValue
- in file GalleryPersistent.class, method GalleryPersistent::getOriginalValue()
Return the original value of the given member.
- getOriginationTimestamp
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::getOriginationTimestamp()
- getOwnerId
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::getOwnerId()
- getPackageUrl
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::getPackageUrl()
Returns the specified plugin package's URL relative to the repository root URL.
- getPackageVersionAndBuild
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::getPackageVersionAndBuild()
Returns the version and build of the specified plugin package.
- getPackageVersionAndBuild
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::getPackageVersionAndBuild()
- getPageData
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::getPageData()
Get page data from the cache.
- getPageSize
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::getPageSize()
Return the number of items per page, or 0 if there is no pagination in this theme.
- getParameter
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::getParameter()
Convenience method to get a plugin parameter
- getParentId
- in file GalleryChildEntity.class, method GalleryChildEntity::getParentId()
- getPathComponent
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::getPathComponent()
- getPermissionIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getPermissionIds()
Get all the permission ids that match the specified flags.
- getPermissions
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getPermissions()
Return all the permissions that the given user has for the given item.
- getPhpIniBool
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getPhpIniBool()
Get a php.ini value and return its boolean value.
- getPhpVm
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getPhpVm()
Return our PHP virtual machine abstraction
- getPlatform
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getPlatform()
Get the Gallery platform object.
- getPluginBaseDir
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getPluginBaseDir()
Returns the base directory of the specified plugin.
- getPluginBaseDirs
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getPluginBaseDirs()
Returns an array of directories that can contain plugins.
- getPluginHeader
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::getPluginHeader()
Returns the specified plugin's build.
- getPluginName
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::getPluginName()
Returns the specified plugin's name in the active language.
- getPluginName
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::getPluginName()
- getPluginPackages
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::getPluginPackages()
Gets version and build information about the installed packages of the specified plugin.
- getPluginParameter
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter()
Convenience method to retrieve a plugin parameter
- getPlugins
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::getPlugins()
Returns a list of plugins from the index of the specified type.
- getPluginType
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getPluginType()
- getPluginType
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::getPluginType()
- getPluginType
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::getPluginType()
- getPluginUpgradeInfo
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::getPluginUpgradeInfo()
Determines which packages of the specified plugin are newer in the repository.
- getPluginVersion
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::getPluginVersion()
Returns the version of the specified plugin.
- getPostFilterOperations
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::getPostFilterOperations()
- getProfilingHtml
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::getProfilingHtml()
Return storage profiling information in HTML format
- getProperty
- in file GalleryToolkit.class, method GalleryToolkit::getProperty()
Get a certain property of a file
- getProvidedApis
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::getProvidedApis()
Returns the provided APIs relevant to the specified plugin type.
- getPseudoFileName
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getPseudoFileName()
Return approximate filename of given GalleryEntity, or 'unknown' if we can't figure it out.
- getRawData
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::getRawData()
Returns the complete index array. Used for testing purposes.
- getRedundantToolkitPriorities
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getRedundantToolkitPriorities()
Get list of toolkits/priorities in managed priority range (20-40) for which another toolkit supports a same operation and mime type.
- getRemoteHostAddress
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getRemoteHostAddress()
Return the address of the remote host.
- getRemoteIdentifier
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::getRemoteIdentifier()
Return a value that we can use to identify the client. We can't tie it to the IP address because that changes too frequently (dialup users, users behind proxies) so we have to be creative. Changing this algorithm will cause all existing sessions to be discarded.
- getRenderer
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::getRenderer()
- getRenderer
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::getRenderer()
- getRepositories
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::getRepositories()
Return a set of all the repositories that are currently active. The error count indicates the number of repositories that failed to initialize for some reason (perhaps from a malformed local copy of the index). The fix for this is to download a new version of the repository.
- getRepositoryCacheDir
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::getRepositoryCacheDir()
Returns the path of the local repository cache.
- getRepositoryPluginList
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::getRepositoryPluginList()
Returns a list of plugins of the specified type.
- getRequestVariables
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables()
Return the specified request variables. Accept any number of keys and return that number of values, in order.
- getRequestVariablesNoPrefix
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariablesNoPrefix()
Return the specified request variables (omit Gallery variable prefix). Should be used only when interacting with an external API where prefix can't be used. Accept any number of keys and return that number of values, in order.
- getRequiredCoreApi
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::getRequiredCoreApi()
- getRequiredModuleApi
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getRequiredModuleApi()
- getRequiredThemeApi
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::getRequiredThemeApi()
- getRewriteRules
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getRewriteRules()
Returns a set of short URL rules. Array structure:
- getSearchModuleInfo
- in file GalleryCoreSearch.class, method GalleryCoreSearch::getSearchModuleInfo()
- getSerialNumber
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::getSerialNumber()
- getServerVar
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getServerVar()
Return a sanitized version of the given variable from the _SERVER superglobal.
- getSession
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getSession()
Get the Gallery session object.
- getSessionId
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::getSessionId()
Retrieve G2 session id. This method can be called after init() or handleRequest().
- getSessionId
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::getSessionId()
Return the session id.
- getSettings
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::getSettings()
Return the possible settings that a theme can specify on a global or per item basis. Used for theme with simple settings (@see isAdvancedSettings)
- getSiteAdminViews
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getSiteAdminViews()
Get the name of the GalleryView containing the various site administration views for this module. Note that the text value is localized since they will be displayed directly to the user. Include group/groupLabel in data to override the values from getGroup().
- getSiteAdminViews
- in file module.inc, method CoreModule::getSiteAdminViews()
- getSize
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::getSize()
- getSortInfo
- in file GallerySortInterface_1_2.class, method GallerySortInterface_1_2::getSortInfo()
Return information about this sort
- getSortOrder
- in file GallerySortInterface_1_2.class, method GallerySortInterface_1_2::getSortOrder()
Get the query fragments used to perform this sort.
- getStandardSettings
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::getStandardSettings()
- getStatus
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::getStatus()
Get a status message.
- getStorage
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getStorage()
Return an instance of the GalleryStorage class
- getSubPermissions
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getSubPermissions()
Expand a single permission into all the possible permissions that it can possibly be.
- getSummary
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::getSummary()
- getSupportedLanguageCode
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::getSupportedLanguageCode()
Find a supported locale from given string.
- getSupportedLanguages
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getSupportedLanguages()
Return the list of languages that we support.
- getSupportedLanguages
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::getSupportedLanguages()
Return the list of languages that we support.
- getSystemLinks
- in file module.inc, method CoreModule::getSystemLinks()
- getSystemLinks
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getSystemLinks()
Return 0 or more system-specific links to an arbitrary module view. Get the name of the GalleryView containing the administration view specifically for configuring this module.
- getTableVersions
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::getTableVersions()
Examine the schema table and return the version of all the Gallery tables
- getTemplateAdapter
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getTemplateAdapter()
Return the template adapter. There is only ever one in the system.
- getTemplateVersion
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getTemplateVersion()
- getTheme
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::getTheme()
- getTitle
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::getTitle()
- getToolkitByOperation
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitByOperation()
Get a toolkit that can perform the given operation
- getToolkitByProperty
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitByProperty()
Get a toolkit that can retrieve the given property
- getToolkitOperationMimeTypes
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitOperationMimeTypes()
Get all valid input mime types for a certain operation
- getToolkitOperations
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitOperations()
Get all valid operations on a certain mime type
- getToolkitPriorityById
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitPriorityById()
Get maximum priority value (lowest priority) in managed priority range (20-40)
- getToolkitProperties
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitProperties()
Get all valid properties of a certain mime type
- getToolkitsByProperty
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitsByProperty()
Get the toolkits that can retrieve the given property
- getTranslator
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getTranslator()
Return a reference to our GalleryTranslator instance
- getUniqueId
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::getUniqueId()
Get a new, unique id
- getUrlGenerator
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::getUrlGenerator()
Get the URL generator
- getUrlVariablesFiltered
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::getUrlVariablesFiltered()
Return all request variables from the URL except the listed keys.
- getUser
- in file GalleryAuthPlugin.class, method GalleryAuthPlugin::getUser()
Perform authentication & return a user object
- getUser
- in file GallerySession.class, method SessionAuthPlugin::getUser()
- getUserAdminViews
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::getUserAdminViews()
Get the list of GalleryViews containing the various user administration views for this module. The module should check permissions and item type to determine which views are applicable for the authenticated user. As with getSiteAdminViews(), the view title text must be localized.
- getUserAdminViews
- in file module.inc, method CoreModule::getUserAdminViews()
- getUserId
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::getUserId()
Return the user id of the active user of this sesison.
- getUserName
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::getUserName()
- getVariable
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::getVariable()
Retrieve a template value
- getVariableByReference
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::getVariableByReference()
Retrieve a reference to a template value
- getVersion
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::getVersion()
- getViewDescription
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::getViewDescription()
This should return a description of the current view.
- getViewedSinceTimestamp
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::getViewedSinceTimestamp()
- getViewType
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::getViewType()
Type of view.
- getWidth
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, method GalleryPhotoItem::getWidth()
- getWidth
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, method GalleryDerivativeImage::getWidth()
- getWidth
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::getWidth()
- getWidth
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, method GalleryAnimationItem::getWidth()
- get_magic_quotes_gpc
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::get_magic_quotes_gpc()
Gets the current configuration setting of magic quotes gpc
- glob
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::glob()
The glob() function searches for all the pathnames matching pattern according to the rules used by the libc glob() function, which is similar to the rules used by common shells. No tilde expansion or parameter substitution is done.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant GROUP_ALL_USERS
The "all users" group (everybody but the guest account)
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant GROUP_EVERYBODY
The "everybody" group (all users plus any guest accounts)
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant GROUP_NORMAL
A normal group
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant GROUP_SITE_ADMINS
The "site admins" group
- guaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::guaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail()
Make sure that the album has a thumbnail. If it doesn't, then grab the first handy child and make it the album's thumbnail. We're not picky.
- guaranteeDirExists
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::guaranteeDirExists()
Make sure that the given directory exists (creating it and parent directories if necessary).
- guaranteeTimeLimit
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::guaranteeTimeLimit()
Guarantee that we have at least this many more seconds to work
- gzencode
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::gzencode()
Create a gzip compressed string
- gzinflate
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::gzinflate()
Inflate a deflated string
- Gallery.class
- procedural page Gallery.class
- GalleryAlbumItem.class
- procedural page GalleryAlbumItem.class
- GalleryAnimationItem.class
- procedural page GalleryAnimationItem.class
- GalleryAuthPlugin.class
- procedural page GalleryAuthPlugin.class
- GalleryCapabilities.class
- procedural page GalleryCapabilities.class
- GalleryChildEntity.class
- procedural page GalleryChildEntity.class
- GalleryConstants.class
- procedural page GalleryConstants.class
- GalleryController.class
- procedural page GalleryController.class
- GalleryCoreApi.class
- procedural page GalleryCoreApi.class
- GalleryCoreSearch.class
- procedural page GalleryCoreSearch.class
- GalleryDataCache.class
- procedural page GalleryDataCache.class
- GalleryDataItem.class
- procedural page GalleryDataItem.class
- GalleryDerivative.class
- procedural page GalleryDerivative.class
- GalleryDerivativeImage.class
- procedural page GalleryDerivativeImage.class
- GalleryDynamicAlbum.class
- procedural page GalleryDynamicAlbum.class
- GalleryEmbed.class
- procedural page GalleryEmbed.class
- GalleryEntity.class
- procedural page GalleryEntity.class
- GalleryEvent.class
- procedural page GalleryEvent.class
- GalleryEventListener.class
- procedural page GalleryEventListener.class
- GalleryFileSystemEntity.class
- procedural page GalleryFileSystemEntity.class
- GalleryGroup.class
- procedural page GalleryGroup.class
- GalleryItem.class
- procedural page GalleryItem.class
- GalleryLockSystem.class
- procedural page GalleryLockSystem.class
- GalleryModule.class
- procedural page GalleryModule.class
- GalleryMovieItem.class
- procedural page GalleryMovieItem.class
- GalleryPersistent.class
- procedural page GalleryPersistent.class
- GalleryPhotoItem.class
- procedural page GalleryPhotoItem.class
- GalleryPhpVm.class
- procedural page GalleryPhpVm.class
- GalleryPlatform.class
- procedural page GalleryPlatform.class
- GalleryPlugin.class
- procedural page GalleryPlugin.class
- GalleryRenderer.class
- procedural page GalleryRenderer.class
- GalleryRepository.class
- procedural page GalleryRepository.class
- GalleryRepositoryIndex.class
- procedural page GalleryRepositoryIndex.class
- GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class
- procedural page GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class
- GallerySession.class
- procedural page GallerySession.class
- GallerySmarty.class
- procedural page GallerySmarty.class
- GallerySortInterface_1_2.class
- procedural page GallerySortInterface_1_2.class
- GalleryStatus.class
- procedural page GalleryStatus.class
- GalleryStorage.class
- procedural page GalleryStorage.class
- GalleryTemplate.class
- procedural page GalleryTemplate.class
- GalleryTemplateAdapter.class
- procedural page GalleryTemplateAdapter.class
- GalleryTheme.class
- procedural page GalleryTheme.class
- GalleryToolkit.class
- procedural page GalleryToolkit.class
- GalleryTranslator.class
- procedural page GalleryTranslator.class
- GalleryUnknownItem.class
- procedural page GalleryUnknownItem.class
- GalleryUrlGenerator.class
- procedural page GalleryUrlGenerator.class
- GalleryUser.class
- procedural page GalleryUser.class
- GalleryUtilities.class
- procedural page GalleryUtilities.class
- GalleryValidationPlugin.class
- procedural page GalleryValidationPlugin.class
- GalleryView.class
- procedural page GalleryView.class
- GalleryCharsetHelper_medium
- in file GalleryCharsetHelper_medium.class, class GalleryCharsetHelper_medium
A collection of useful charset related utilities
- GalleryCharsetHelper_simple
- in file GalleryCharsetHelper_simple.class, class GalleryCharsetHelper_simple
A collection of useful charset related utilities
- GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple
- in file GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class, class GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple
Helper class for GalleryChildEntities
- GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, class GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced
Utility functions useful in managing GalleryDerivatives
- GalleryDerivativeHelper_medium
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_medium.class, class GalleryDerivativeHelper_medium
Utility functions useful in managing GalleryDerivatives
- GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class, class GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple
Utility functions useful in managing GalleryDerivatives
- GalleryEntityHelper_medium
- in file GalleryEntityHelper_medium.class, class GalleryEntityHelper_medium
Helper class for GalleryEntities
- GalleryEntityHelper_simple
- in file GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class, class GalleryEntityHelper_simple
Helper class for GalleryEntities
- GalleryEventHelper_simple
- in file GalleryEventHelper_simple.class, class GalleryEventHelper_simple
Gallery event helper.
- GalleryEventLogHelper_medium
- in file GalleryEventLogHelper_medium.class, class GalleryEventLogHelper_medium
A set of helper methods for adding entries to the event log.
- GalleryFactoryHelper_medium
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_medium.class, class GalleryFactoryHelper_medium
A factory for creating all different kinds of objects
- GalleryFactoryHelper_simple
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class, class GalleryFactoryHelper_simple
A factory for creating all different kinds of objects
- GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_medium
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_medium.class, class GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_medium
Helper class for GalleryFileSystemEntities
- GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_simple
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_simple.class, class GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_simple
Helper class for GalleryFileSystemEntities
- GalleryGroupHelper_simple
- in file GalleryGroupHelper_simple.class, class GalleryGroupHelper_simple
Utility functions useful in managing GalleryGroups
- GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class, class GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced
Helper functions for ItemAttributes map
- GalleryItemAttributesHelper_medium
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_medium.class, class GalleryItemAttributesHelper_medium
Helper functions for ItemAttributes map
- GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple.class, class GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple
Helper functions for ItemAttributes map.
- GalleryItemHelper_advanced
- in file GalleryItemHelper_advanced.class, class GalleryItemHelper_advanced
Helper class for GalleryItems
- GalleryItemHelper_medium
- in file GalleryItemHelper_medium.class, class GalleryItemHelper_medium
Helper class for GalleryItems
- GalleryItemHelper_simple
- in file GalleryItemHelper_simple.class, class GalleryItemHelper_simple
Helper class for GalleryItems
- GalleryLockHelper_simple
- in file GalleryLockHelper_simple.class, class GalleryLockHelper_simple
Helper class for handling locking. It delegates to the active GalleryLockSystem implementation that we're using, which is stored in the Gallery instance.
- GalleryMimeTypeHelper_advanced
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_advanced.class, class GalleryMimeTypeHelper_advanced
A collection of useful mime type related utilities
- GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple.class, class GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple
A collection of useful mime type related utilities
- GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, class GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced
The central registry for all permissions in the system
- GalleryPermissionHelper_simple
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class, class GalleryPermissionHelper_simple
The central registry for all permissions in the system
- GalleryPluginHelper_medium
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, class GalleryPluginHelper_medium
Track all plugins and their state
- GalleryPluginHelper_simple
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_simple.class, class GalleryPluginHelper_simple
Track all plugins and their state
- GalleryThemeHelper_medium
- in file GalleryThemeHelper_medium.class, class GalleryThemeHelper_medium
A helper class for GalleryTheme
- GalleryToolkitHelper_medium
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, class GalleryToolkitHelper_medium
This is a helper class that provides an interface to the GalleryToolkit api. Modules that implement a GalleryToolkit interface can register their various operations and properties using this class, and then classes that want to use a toolkit operation or property can locate the appropriate toolkit by operation/property and mime type.
- GalleryToolkitHelper_simple
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_simple.class, class GalleryToolkitHelper_simple
This is a helper class that provides an interface to the GalleryToolkit api. Modules that implement a GalleryToolkit interface can register their various operations and properties using this class, and then classes that want to use a toolkit operation or property can locate the appropriate toolkit by operation/property and mime type.
- GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium
- in file GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium.class, class GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium
A collection of useful utilities for managing translations
- GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium
- in file GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium.class, class GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium
Helper functions for users/groups
- GalleryUserGroupHelper_simple
- in file GalleryUserGroupHelper_simple.class, class GalleryUserGroupHelper_simple
Helper functions for users/groups
- GalleryUserHelper_medium
- in file GalleryUserHelper_medium.class, class GalleryUserHelper_medium
Utility functions useful in managing GalleryUsers
- GalleryUserHelper_simple
- in file GalleryUserHelper_simple.class, class GalleryUserHelper_simple
Utility functions useful in managing GalleryUsers
- getAllImplementationIds
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_simple::getAllImplementationIds()
- getAllImplementationIdsWithHint
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_medium.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_medium::getAllImplementationIdsWithHint()
- getAllPluginIds
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::getAllPluginIds()
- getAuthString
- in file UserRecoverPasswordHelper_simple.class, method UserRecoverPasswordHelper_simple::getAuthString()
Get the request authString from the database.
- getCharsetTable
- in file GalleryCharsetHelper_medium.class, method GalleryCharsetHelper_medium::getCharsetTable()
Return a mapping for the given character set.
- getExternalAccessMemberList
- in file GalleryEntityHelper_medium.class, method GalleryEntityHelper_medium::getExternalAccessMemberList()
- getFactoryDefinitionHints
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_medium.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_medium::getFactoryDefinitionHints()
- getLanguageDescription
- in file GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium.class, method GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium::getLanguageDescription()
- getLegalPathComponent
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_medium.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_medium::getLegalPathComponent()
- getLockIds
- in file GalleryLockHelper_simple.class, method GalleryLockHelper_simple::getLockIds()
- getMaximumManagedPriority
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_simple.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_simple::getMaximumManagedPriority()
- getMimeType
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple.class, method GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple::getMimeType()
- getOperationMimeTypes
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::getOperationMimeTypes()
- getOperations
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::getOperations()
- getParameter
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_simple::getParameter()
- getPermissionIds
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::getPermissionIds()
- getPermissions
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_simple::getPermissions()
- getProperties
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::getProperties()
- getRedundantPriorities
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::getRedundantPriorities()
- getRequestExpires
- in file UserRecoverPasswordHelper_simple.class, method UserRecoverPasswordHelper_simple::getRequestExpires()
Get the request expiration for the UserPasswordRequest from the database.
- getSubPermissions
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::getSubPermissions()
- getSupportedLanguages
- in file GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium.class, method GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium::getSupportedLanguages()
- getToolkitByOperation
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_simple.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_simple::getToolkitByOperation()
- getToolkitByProperty
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_simple.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_simple::getToolkitByProperty()
- getToolkitPriorityById
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_simple.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_simple::getToolkitPriorityById()
- getToolkitsByProperty
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_simple.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_simple::getToolkitsByProperty()
- guaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail
- in file GalleryItemHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemHelper_advanced::guaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail()
- GalleryCharsetHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryCharsetHelper_medium.class
- GalleryCharsetHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryCharsetHelper_simple.class
- GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class
- GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class
- procedural page GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class
- GalleryDerivativeHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryDerivativeHelper_medium.class
- GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class
- GalleryEntityHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryEntityHelper_medium.class
- GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class
- GalleryEventHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryEventHelper_simple.class
- GalleryEventLogHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryEventLogHelper_medium.class
- GalleryFactoryHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryFactoryHelper_medium.class
- GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class
- GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_medium.class
- GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryFileSystemEntityHelper_simple.class
- GalleryGroupHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryGroupHelper_simple.class
- GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class
- procedural page GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class
- GalleryItemAttributesHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryItemAttributesHelper_medium.class
- GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple.class
- GalleryItemHelper_advanced.class
- procedural page GalleryItemHelper_advanced.class
- GalleryItemHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryItemHelper_medium.class
- GalleryItemHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryItemHelper_simple.class
- GalleryLockHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryLockHelper_simple.class
- GalleryMimeTypeHelper_advanced.class
- procedural page GalleryMimeTypeHelper_advanced.class
- GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple.class
- GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class
- procedural page GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class
- GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class
- GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class
- GalleryPluginHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryPluginHelper_simple.class
- GalleryThemeHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryThemeHelper_medium.class
- GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class
- GalleryToolkitHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryToolkitHelper_simple.class
- GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium.class
- GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium.class
- GalleryUserGroupHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryUserGroupHelper_simple.class
- GalleryUserHelper_medium.class
- procedural page GalleryUserHelper_medium.class
- GalleryUserHelper_simple.class
- procedural page GalleryUserHelper_simple.class
- GalleryTemplateAdapterTest
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::GalleryTemplateAdapterTest()
- generateUrl
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryControllerTestUrlGenerator::generateUrl()
- generateUrl
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestUrlGenerator::generateUrl()
- generateUrl
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterMockUrlGenerator::generateUrl()
- generateUrl
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTestUrlGenerator::generateUrl()
- generateUrl
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestUrlGenerator::generateUrl()
- GenID
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTestDB::GenID()
- get
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestSession::get()
- get
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestSession::get()
- getAddedMapData
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::getAddedMapData()
- getAffectedRows
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::getAffectedRows()
- getallheaders
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestPhpVm::getallheaders()
- getAvailableLanguagesInPlugin
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTestIndex::getAvailableLanguagesInPlugin()
- getCalls
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, method FlushTemplatesTaskTestPlatform::getCalls()
- getCalls
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTestPlatform::getCalls()
- getClassFile
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTestEntity::getClassFile()
- getClassName
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailTestItem::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTestEntity::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTestEntity::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTestDataItem::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTestItem::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTestMovieItem::getClassName()
- getClassName
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestEntity::getClassName()
- getConfigurationView
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTestModule::getConfigurationView()
- getConfigurationView
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestModule::getConfigurationView()
- getCreationTime
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestSession::getCreationTime()
- getCurrentUrlDir
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTestUrlGenerator::getCurrentUrlDir()
- getcwd
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestOpenBaseDirUnixPlatform::getcwd()
- getcwd
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestOpenBaseDirWinNtPlatform::getcwd()
- getDescriptorUrl
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTestIndex::getDescriptorUrl()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTestPlatformForRename::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestOpenBaseDirUnixPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTestPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestRemovePermissionPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestOpenBaseDirWinNtPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestWinPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTestPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getDirectorySeparator
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform::getDirectorySeparator()
- getEvent
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTestEventListener::getEvent()
- getEvent
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTestEventListener::getEvent()
- getEvent
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTestEventListener::getEvent()
- getFileContents
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::getFileContents()
- getHeaderCalls
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestSetResponseHeaderPhpVm::getHeaderCalls()
- getHeight
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailTestItem::getHeight()
- getId
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::getId()
- getId
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestThemeId1Theme::getId()
- getId
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestThemeId2Theme::getId()
- getId
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::getId()
- getId
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestInactiveTheme::getId()
- getId
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestFakeTheme::getId()
- getId
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterMockTheme::getId()
- getId
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::getId()
- getId
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestSession::getId()
- getInfo
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskSuccess::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskProgressBar::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskFail::getInfo()
- getInfo
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, method MaintenanceHelperTestTask::getInfo()
- getLanguageData
- in file AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class, method AdminLanguagesViewTestTranslator::getLanguageData()
- getMailData
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::getMailData()
- getMailedCount
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::getMailedCount()
- getMap
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::getMap()
- getMap
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method TestThemeId2Theme::getMap()
- getMapEntry
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestMockStorage::getMapEntry()
- getMapEntry
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::getMapEntry()
- getMimeType
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTestEntity::getMimeType()
- getMimeType
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTestChildEntity::getMimeType()
- getModuleEntityTypes
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestModule::getModuleEntityTypes()
- getName
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::getName()
- getName
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::getName()
- getName
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::getName()
- getOnLoadHandlerIds
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestModule::getOnLoadHandlerIds()
- getPackageUrl
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTestIndex::getPackageUrl()
- getPackageVersionAndBuild
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTestIndex::getPackageVersionAndBuild()
- getPerformedOperations
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTestToolkit::getPerformedOperations()
- getPluginHeader
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTestIndex::getPluginHeader()
- getPluginName
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTestIndex::getPluginName()
- getPlugins
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTestIndex::getPlugins()
- getPluginStates
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackWithFakeHandler::getPluginStates()
- getPluginType
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTestPlugin::getPluginType()
- getPreamble
- in file CodeAuditTest.class, method CodeAuditTest::getPreamble()
- getProperty
- in file PhotoTest.class, method PhotoTestToolkit::getProperty()
- getProperty
- in file MovieTest.class, method MovieTestToolkit::getProperty()
- getProperty
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTestToolkit::getProperty()
- getRecord
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::getRecord()
- getRemovedMapData
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::getRemovedMapData()
- getRequiredCoreApi
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTestTheme::getRequiredCoreApi()
- getRequiredCoreApi
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::getRequiredCoreApi()
- getRequiredCoreApi
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTestModule::getRequiredCoreApi()
- getRequiredModuleApi
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTestPlugin::getRequiredModuleApi()
- getRequiredModuleApi
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::getRequiredModuleApi()
- getRequiredModuleApi
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTestModule::getRequiredModuleApi()
- getRequiredThemeApi
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTestTheme::getRequiredThemeApi()
- getRequiredThemeApi
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTestPlugin::getRequiredThemeApi()
- getSearches
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::getSearches()
- getSearches
- in file BuildDerivativesTaskTest.class, method BuildDerivativesTaskTestStorage::getSearches()
- getSettings
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::getSettings()
- getSettings
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method TestThemeId2Theme::getSettings()
- getSettings
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method TestThemeId1Theme::getSettings()
- getSingleton
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::getSingleton()
- getSortInfo
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTestSortOrder2::getSortInfo()
- getSortInfo
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTestSortOrder::getSortInfo()
- getSortOrder
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTestSortOrder2::getSortOrder()
- getSortOrder
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTestSortOrder::getSortOrder()
- getStatus
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryControllerTestSession::getStatus()
- getType
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestStorage::getType()
- getUniqueId
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::getUniqueId()
- getUpdatedMapData
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::getUpdatedMapData()
- getUserId
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTestSession::getUserId()
- getUserId
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestSession::getUserId()
- getUserId
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestSession::getUserId()
- getUserName
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestMockUser::getUserName()
- getVersion
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::getVersion()
- getVersion
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTestModule::getVersion()
- getVersion
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTestPlugin::getVersion()
- getViewType
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTestImmediateItemView::getViewType()
- getViewType
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestNoAutoCacheControlItemView::getViewType()
- getViewType
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestAdminView::getViewType()
- getViewType
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestItemView::getViewType()
- getViewType
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTestImmediateItemNoAutoCacheView::getViewType()
- getWidth
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailTestItem::getWidth()
- get_magic_quotes_gpc
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestAddSlashesPhpVm::get_magic_quotes_gpc()
- get_magic_quotes_gpc
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestDoNotAddSlashesPhpVm::get_magic_quotes_gpc()
- get_template_vars
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestMockSmarty::get_template_vars()
- gzinflate
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTestPhpVm::gzinflate()
- getLineEnding
- in file WinNtPlatform.class, method WinNtPlatform::getLineEnding()
- getLineEnding
- in file UnixPlatform.class, method UnixPlatform::getLineEnding()
- GalleryDatabaseExport
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, class GalleryDatabaseExport
GalleryDatabaseExport provides the functionality to export the gallery database.
- GalleryDatabaseImport
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, class GalleryDatabaseImport
GalleryDatabaseImport provides the functionality to import the Gallery database.
- GalleryDatabaseImport
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, method GalleryDatabaseImport::GalleryDatabaseImport()
- GallerySearchResults
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GallerySearchResults::GallerySearchResults()
- GallerySearchResults
- in file GalleryStorage.class, class GallerySearchResults
Container for database result set
- GallerySqlFragment
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GallerySqlFragment::GallerySqlFragment()
- GallerySqlFragment
- in file GalleryStorage.class, class GallerySqlFragment
Container to store an sql fragment that can be passed to the db abstraction layer.
- GalleryStorageExtras
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, class GalleryStorageExtras
Extended functionality in GalleryStorage that's not generally required for simply viewing albums and photos.
- GalleryStorageExtras
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::GalleryStorageExtras()
- GalleryXmlProcessor
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, method GalleryXmlProcessor::GalleryXmlProcessor()
- GalleryXmlProcessor
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, class GalleryXmlProcessor
GalleryXmlProcessor provides a simple xml processor. It doesn't support anything fancy like namespaces and such.
- getAffectedRows
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::getAffectedRows()
- getFragment
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GallerySqlFragment::getFragment()
The sql fragment
- getFunctionSql
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::getFunctionSql()
- getFunctionSql
- in file OracleStorage.class, method OracleStorage::getFunctionSql()
- getFunctionSql
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::getFunctionSql()
- getFunctionSql
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method MySqlStorage::getFunctionSql()
- getFunctionSql
- in file SQLiteStorage.class, method SQLiteStorage::getFunctionSql()
- getFunctionSql
- in file MSSqlStorage.class, method MSSqlStorage::getFunctionSql()
- getModuleSql
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::getModuleSql()
Load up the table creation and alteration SQL files for the given module
- getParserError
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, method GalleryXmlProcessor::getParserError()
- getProfilingHtml
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::getProfilingHtml()
- getType
- in file MSSqlStorage.class, method MSSqlStorage::getType()
Return the type of this database
- getType
- in file SQLiteStorage.class, method SQLiteStorage::getType()
Return the type of this database
- getType
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method MySqlStorage::getType()
Return the type of this database
- getType
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::getType()
Return the type of this database
- getType
- in file OracleStorage.class, method OracleStorage::getType()
Return the type of this database
- getType
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::getType()
Return the type of this database
- getUniqueId
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method MySqlStorage::getUniqueId()
- getUniqueId
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::getUniqueId()
- getValues
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GallerySqlFragment::getValues()
Return the values that map into the sql fragment's ? markers
- getVersion
- in file SQLiteStorage.class, method SQLiteStorage::getVersion()
Get database version.
- getVersion
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::getVersion()
Get database version.
- getVersion
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::getVersion()
Get database version.
- getVersion
- in file MSSqlStorage.class, method MSSqlStorage::getVersion()
Get database version.
- getVersion
- in file OracleStorage.class, method OracleStorage::getVersion()
Get database version.
- getVersion
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method MySqlStorage::getVersion()
Get database version.
- GalleryDatabaseExport.class
- procedural page GalleryDatabaseExport.class
- GalleryDatabaseImport.class
- procedural page GalleryDatabaseImport.class
- GalleryStorageExtras.class
- procedural page GalleryStorageExtras.class
- getAllAddOptions
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddOption::getAllAddOptions()
Return all the available option plugins
- getAllOptions
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditOption::getAllOptions()
Return all the available option plugins
- getInfo
- in file AdminMaintenance.inc, method MaintenanceTask::getInfo()
Return internationalized text about this task
- getItem
- in file ShowItem.inc, method ShowItemView::getItem()
- getPluginState
- in file PluginCallback.inc, method PluginCallbackView::getPluginState()
Get the state ('active', 'inactive', 'uninstalled', etc) of a given module
- getPluginStates
- in file PluginCallback.inc, method PluginCallbackView::getPluginStates()
Get the state ('active', 'inactive', 'uninstalled', etc) of all modules
- getTitle
- in file ItemEditItem.inc, method ItemEditItem::getTitle()
- getTitle
- in file ItemEditAnimation.inc, method ItemEditAnimation::getTitle()
- getTitle
- in file ItemEditMovie.inc, method ItemEditMovie::getTitle()
- getTitle
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnail.inc, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnail::getTitle()
- getTitle
- in file ItemEditTheme.inc, method ItemEditTheme::getTitle()
- getTitle
- in file ItemEditAlbum.inc, method ItemEditAlbum::getTitle()
- getTitle
- in file ItemEditPhoto.inc, method ItemEditPhoto::getTitle()
- getTitle
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto.inc, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto::getTitle()
- getTitle
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddPlugin::getTitle()
Return a localized title for this plugin, suitable for display to the user
- getTitle
- in file ItemAddFromBrowser.inc, method ItemAddFromBrowser::getTitle()
- getTitle
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditPlugin::getTitle()
Return a localized title for this plugin, suitable for display to the user
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemReorder.inc, method ItemReorderView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ShowItem.inc, method ShowItemView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file SiteAdmin.inc, method SiteAdminView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file UserPreferences.inc, method UserPreferencesView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file UserChangePassword.inc, method UserChangePasswordView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file UserAdmin.inc, method UserAdminView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemPermissions.inc, method ItemPermissionsView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file MaintenanceMode.inc, method MaintenanceModeView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemAddConfirmation.inc, method ItemAddConfirmationView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemMoveSingle.inc, method ItemMoveSingleView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemAdmin.inc, method ItemAdminView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemDelete.inc, method ItemDeleteView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemEditCaptions.inc, method ItemEditCaptionsView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemMove.inc, method ItemMoveView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemMakeHighlight.inc, method ItemMakeHighlightView::getViewDescription()
- getViewDescription
- in file ItemAddAlbum.inc, method ItemAddAlbumView::getViewDescription()
- getViewType
- in file UserAdmin.inc, method UserAdminView::getViewType()
- getViewType
- in file ItemAdmin.inc, method ItemAdminView::getViewType()
- getViewType
- in file ShowItem.inc, method ShowItemView::getViewType()
- getViewType
- in file ProgressBar.inc, method ProgressBarView::getViewType()
- getViewType
- in file ErrorPage.inc, method ErrorPageView::getViewType()
- getViewType
- in file ShowItemError.inc, method ShowItemErrorView::getViewType()
- getViewType
- in file SiteAdmin.inc, method SiteAdminView::getViewType()
- groupSort
- in file SiteAdmin.inc, method SiteAdminView::groupSort()
- $hashedPassword
- in file GalleryUser.class, variable GalleryUser::$hashedPassword
The User's password in a hashed form.
- $height
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, variable GalleryAnimationItem::$height
The height of this animation.
- $height
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, variable GalleryPhotoItem::$height
The height of this image.
- $height
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, variable GalleryDerivativeImage::$height
The height of the image.
- $height
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, variable GalleryMovieItem::$height
The height of this movie.
- handleEvent
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::handleEvent()
- handleEvent
- in file GalleryEventListener.class, method GalleryEventListener::handleEvent()
Handle the event
- handleRequest
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::handleRequest()
Process the G2 request.
- handleRequest
- in file GalleryController.class, method GalleryController::handleRequest()
Take the appropriate action based on the user input provided.
- handleSettingsRequest
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::handleSettingsRequest()
Let the theme handle the incoming request. Used for theme with advanced settings.
- handleThemeSettingsRequest
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::handleThemeSettingsRequest()
Handle theme settings form submission
- hasItemPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::hasItemPermission()
Return true if the current user has the specific permission for the target item
- hasNoOperations
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::hasNoOperations()
Return true if we have no derivative or postfilter operations
- hasOnLoadHandler
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::hasOnLoadHandler()
Check for an onLoad handler.
- hasPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::hasPermission()
Are any or the given user/group ids directly granted all given permissions for the target item? Ignores session-based permissions.
- hasPermission
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::hasPermission()
Look up the given permission in the cache. Return true if the permission exists in the cache, false if it doesn't. A return of false doesn't mean that the user doesn't have the permission -- just that it's not in the cache.
- hasRequestVariable
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::hasRequestVariable()
Check to see if the given key is in the request.
- hasSiteAdminSessionExpired
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::hasSiteAdminSessionExpired()
Check if the site admininstration session timeout has expired
- hasVariable
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::hasVariable()
Return true if the given variable is set
- head
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::head()
Render head content
- head
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::head()
Add a template to include in the <head> section
- header
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::header()
Send a raw HTTP header
- headers_sent
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::headers_sent()
Checks if or where headers have been sent
- hiddenFormVars
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::hiddenFormVars()
Return any hidden form variables that we want to embed in this form based on the current session and request context. We use this to pass the special "return" variable forward, for example.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant HIGHER_WEIGHT
Indicate a higher weight
- htmlEntityDecode
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::htmlEntityDecode()
Equivalent to html_entity_decode() for PHP < 4.3.0 which doesn't have it.
- htmlSafe
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::htmlSafe()
Strip out all potentially dangerous content within HTML.
- handleEvent
- in file GalleryUserHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserHelper_medium::handleEvent()
Handler for Gallery::Login and Gallery::FailedLogin events.
- handleEvent
- in file GalleryItemHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemHelper_medium::handleEvent()
Handler for Gallery::ViewableTreeChange event.
- handleThemeSettingsRequest
- in file GalleryThemeHelper_medium.class, method GalleryThemeHelper_medium::handleThemeSettingsRequest()
- hasItemPermission
- in file GalleryUserHelper_simple.class, method GalleryUserHelper_simple::hasItemPermission()
- hasPermission
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::hasPermission()
- $height
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, variable ItemEditPhotoThumbnailTestItem::$height
- handleCallback
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackWithFakeHandler::handleCallback()
- handleEvent
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest_BeforeDisplayListener::handleEvent()
- handleEvent
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTestEventListener::handleEvent()
- handleEvent
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestEventListener::handleEvent()
- handleEvent
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTestEventListener::handleEvent()
- handleEvent
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTestEventListener::handleEvent()
- handleEvent
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTestEventListener::handleEvent()
- handleEvent
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestEventListener::handleEvent()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTestPluginRequiresProgressBar::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTestPluginFailAndWarn::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTestPluginSuccess::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTestPluginContinue::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTestAddPluginWebDav::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTestPluginSuccess::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTestPluginFail::handleRequest()
- handleRequestAfterAdd
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddTestOption::handleRequestAfterAdd()
- handleRequestAfterEdit
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTestOptionWithProgressBar::handleRequestAfterEdit()
- handleRequestAfterEdit
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTestOption::handleRequestAfterEdit()
- handleRequestWithProgressBar
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::handleRequestWithProgressBar()
- hasSiteAdminSessionExpired
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestSession::hasSiteAdminSessionExpired()
- header
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginTestPhpVm::header()
- header
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestSetResponseHeaderPhpVm::header()
- header
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestPhpVm::header()
- header
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTestPhpVm::header()
- header
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestPhpVm::header()
- header
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTestPhpVm::header()
- headers_sent
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginTestPhpVm::headers_sent()
- headers_sent
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestPhpVm::headers_sent()
- headers_sent
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestPhpVm::headers_sent()
- headers_sent
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTestPhpVm::headers_sent()
- handleCallback
- in file PluginCallback.inc, method PluginCallbackView::handleCallback()
Handle the specific callback, and store its result in the given output array.
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditPhoto.inc, method ItemEditPhoto::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnail.inc, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnail::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto.inc, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditTheme.inc, method ItemEditTheme::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditMovie.inc, method ItemEditMovie::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditItem.inc, method ItemEditItem::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditPlugin::handleRequest()
Let the plugin handle the incoming request
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditAlbum.inc, method ItemEditAlbum::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditAnimation.inc, method ItemEditAnimation::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemEditCaptions.inc, method ItemEditCaptionsController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemMakeHighlight.inc, method ItemMakeHighlightController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemMoveSingle.inc, method ItemMoveSingleController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file UserPreferences.inc, method UserPreferencesController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file UserLogin.inc, method UserLoginController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file UserRecoverPassword.inc, method UserRecoverPasswordController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdmin.inc, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirm.inc, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file UserChangePassword.inc, method UserChangePasswordController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ShowItem.inc, method ShowItemController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminCore.inc, method AdminCoreController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemPermissions.inc, method ItemPermissionsController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemReorder.inc, method ItemReorderController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file Logout.inc, method LogoutController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemMove.inc, method ItemMoveController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemDeleteSingle.inc, method ItemDeleteSingleController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, method AdminLanguageManagerController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminGroups.inc, method AdminGroupsController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminMaintenance.inc, method AdminMaintenanceController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminPerformance.inc, method AdminPerformanceController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminRepository.inc, method AdminRepositoryController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminEditUser.inc, method AdminEditUserController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminEditGroupUsers.inc, method AdminEditGroupUsersController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminCreateUser.inc, method AdminCreateUserController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminCreateGroup.inc, method AdminCreateGroupController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminDeleteGroup.inc, method AdminDeleteGroupController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminDeleteUser.inc, method AdminDeleteUserController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminEditGroup.inc, method AdminEditGroupController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminRepositoryDownload.inc, method AdminRepositoryDownloadController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminThemes.inc, method AdminThemesController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddPlugin::handleRequest()
Let the plugin handle the incoming request
- handleRequest
- in file ItemAddAlbum.inc, method ItemAddAlbumController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemAddFromBrowser.inc, method ItemAddFromBrowser::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemDelete.inc, method ItemDeleteController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminToolkitPriority.inc, method AdminToolkitPriorityController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file AdminUsers.inc, method AdminUsersController::handleRequest()
- handleRequest
- in file ChangeLanguage.inc, method ChangeLanguageController::handleRequest()
- handleRequestAfterAdd
- in file CreateThumbnailOption.inc, method CreateThumbnailOption::handleRequestAfterAdd()
- handleRequestAfterAdd
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddOption::handleRequestAfterAdd()
Let the plugin handle the incoming request. We expect the $items to be locked.
- handleRequestAfterEdit
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditOption::handleRequestAfterEdit()
Let the plugin handle the incoming request. We expect the $item to be locked.
- handleRequestWithProgressBar
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddController::handleRequestWithProgressBar()
Handles the add item request and is expected to be called as a progress-bar callback.
- isConfigUpgradeRequired
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::isConfigUpgradeRequired()
Check if any changes to config.php are required for this upgrade.
- $id
- in file GalleryEntity.class, variable GalleryEntity::$id
The id of this item
- $isBroken
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, variable GalleryDerivative::$isBroken
Is the derivative broken? We set this to true if a toolkit operation failed, or for similar reasons.
- $isLinkable
- in file GalleryEntity.class, variable GalleryEntity::$isLinkable
Does this entity type support linking?
- i18n
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::i18n()
Mark a string as being internationalized. This is a semaphore method; it does nothing but it allows us to easily identify strings that require translation. Generally this is used to mark strings that will be stored in the database (like module names and descriptions).
- iconv
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::iconv()
iconv -- Convert string to requested character encoding
- identifySearchEngine
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::identifySearchEngine()
Return id of the search engine currently crawling the site by analyzing the current request.
- image
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::image()
Delegate to the appropriate item class to render an image.
- incrementItemViewCount
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::incrementItemViewCount()
Update the view count for this item id
- init
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::init()
Configure the GalleryUrlGenerator with all the data it needs.
- init
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::init()
Initialize Gallery; must be called before most GalleryEmbed methods can be used.
- init
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::init()
Initialize the view.
- init
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::init()
Register shutdown function to release any hanging locks.
- init
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::init()
Initializes the repository index and utilities.
- init
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::init()
Initialize the translator with the specified language code hint
- init
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::init()
Either create a new session, or attach to an existing one.
- initEmpty
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::initEmpty()
Set a new/unused sessionid.
- initEmptySession
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::initEmptySession()
Initialize an empty session.
- initNavigation
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::initNavigation()
Initialize the navigation.
- initSession
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::initSession()
Initialize session.
- initTranslator
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::initTranslator()
Initialize our GalleryTranslator
- ini_get
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::ini_get()
Get configuration parameter
- ini_set
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::ini_set()
Set configuration parameter
- installOrUpgrade
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::installOrUpgrade()
Perform the plugin installation or upgrade, whatever is required.
- installOrUpgrade
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade()
Perform the module installation or upgrade, whatever is required. It will do the following: - Get the current version of the theme (if its already installed)
- Let the theme perform any necessary upgrade tasks.
- installOrUpgrade
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::installOrUpgrade()
Perform the module installation or upgrade, whatever is required.
- installTranslationsForLocale
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::installTranslationsForLocale()
Copy the translations for a given locale into our locale hierarchy.
- installTranslationsForPlugin
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::installTranslationsForPlugin()
Copy the translations for a given plugin into our locale hierarchy.
- invalidateDerivativeDimensionsBySourceIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::invalidateDerivativeDimensionsBySourceIds()
Zero out the dimensions for all derivatives that depend on the given source id so that they will be recalculated before the next view.
- isA
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::isA()
Figure out if the object specified is an instance of or an instance of a sub class of the class specified
- isActive
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::isActive()
Is this plugin active?
- isAdvancedSettings
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::isAdvancedSettings()
Return whether the theme uses simple or advanced settings. To support simple settings the theme needs to implement getSettings and validateSettings To support advanced settings the theme must implement loadSettingsTemplate and handleSettingsRequest.
- isAllowedInEmbedOnly
- in file GalleryController.class, method GalleryController::isAllowedInEmbedOnly()
Does this controller allow direct access even in embed-only mode?
- isAllowedInEmbedOnly
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::isAllowedInEmbedOnly()
Does this view allow direct access even in embed-only mode?
- isAllowedInMaintenance
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::isAllowedInMaintenance()
Does this view allow access to non-admins when site is in maintenance mode?
- isAllowedInMaintenance
- in file GalleryController.class, method GalleryController::isAllowedInMaintenance()
Does this controller allow access to non-admins when site is in maintenance mode?
- isAnonymousUser
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::isAnonymousUser()
Is the user a guest?
- isCacheCurrent
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::isCacheCurrent()
Is the cache for this item still current? If the cache is expired, it can be rebuilt with rebuildCache()
- isCompatibleWithApi
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::isCompatibleWithApi()
Verify that the API provided is compatible with the API that we require.
- isCompatibleWithEmbedApi
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::isCompatibleWithEmbedApi()
Return whether the supplied Embedding API version is compatible or not
- isContainer
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::isContainer()
Can this item contain other file system items?
- isContainer
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::isContainer()
Can this item contain other file system items? Always returns true -- AlbumItems contain other GalleryItems
- isControllerLike
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::isControllerLike()
Does this view change any data? Only controllers should change data, but AJAX and some immediate views are handled in views in Gallery.
- isCoreUpgradeAvailable
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::isCoreUpgradeAvailable()
Determines whether a core module upgrade is available.
- isCorrectAuthToken
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::isCorrectAuthToken()
Checks the given authentication token and resets the internal token on failure.
- isCorrectPassword
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::isCorrectPassword()
Is the password provided correct?
- isCorrectPassword
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::isCorrectPassword()
Verify given password is correct.
- isDisabledUsername
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::isDisabledUsername()
Return true if this username is not allowed to log in (generally due to automated abuse).
- isEmbedded
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::isEmbedded()
Check if Gallery is in embedded mode
- isEmbedded
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::isEmbedded()
Deprecated. Use Gallery::isEmbedded instead.
- isExactlyA
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::isExactlyA()
Figure out if the object specified is an instance of the class specified, excluding subclasses
- isExternalIdMapped
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::isExternalIdMapped()
Check if externalId is mapped to a G2 user/group.
- isFileCachingEnabled
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::isFileCachingEnabled()
Is caching to disk enabled?
- isImmediate
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::isImmediate()
Is this an immediate or a buffered view?
- isInstalled
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::isInstalled()
Return true if enough of this storage system is installed that there'll be a conflict if you try to do another install.
- isLegalPathComponent
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::isLegalPathComponent()
Return true if the path component specified is composed of legal characters.
- isLinked
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::isLinked()
Return true if this entity is linked to another
- isLocked
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::isLocked()
- isMemoryCachingEnabled
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::isMemoryCachingEnabled()
Is in-memory caching enabled?
- isModified
- in file GalleryPersistent.class, method GalleryPersistent::isModified()
Have we modified any data in this class?
- isNavigationBackPossible
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::isNavigationBackPossible()
Check if we currently have a back link to where we came from.
- isPathInList
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::isPathInList()
Return true if the path exists and is in the given path list. Make sure to pass paths in the system charset to this method.
- isPersistent
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::isPersistent()
Whether this session is a persistent session (= stored on the server) or just a session for this single request. Note that a non-persistent session can become persistent at the end of the request when we evaluate the conditions whether to create a persistent session or not.
- isPluginAvailable
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::isPluginAvailable()
Determines whether the specified plugin is available in the local Gallery.
- isPluginCompatible
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::isPluginCompatible()
Checks plugin compatibility with a certain version of Gallery.
- isPluginCompatibleWithApis
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::isPluginCompatibleWithApis()
Return true if the plugin is compatible with the current API versions. False otherwise.
- isPluginInDefaultLocation
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::isPluginInDefaultLocation()
Indicates whether the specified plugin is in the default plugin directory.
- isProfiling
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::isProfiling()
Get the profiling state
- isReadLocked
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::isReadLocked()
Return true if the given id is read locked or write locked
- isReadLocked
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::isReadLocked()
Return true if the given id is read locked or write locked by us.
- isRestrictedByOpenBaseDir
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::isRestrictedByOpenBaseDir()
Return true if the path provided is not allowed by the current open_basedir configuration.
- isRightToLeft
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::isRightToLeft()
Does the active language read right-to-left?
- isSafeHttpHeader
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::isSafeHttpHeader()
Checks whether the given HTTP header is safe.
- isSearchEngineSession
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::isSearchEngineSession()
Return true if this session is identified as one coming from a search engine.
- isStorageInitialized
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::isStorageInitialized()
Check if GalleryStorage has been instantiated
- isSupportedOperationSequence
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::isSupportedOperationSequence()
Verify that a given mime-type/operation-sequence combination is supported by our existing toolkits by walking the sequence and making sure that we have a toolkit that can handle each operation.
- isSymlinkSupported
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::isSymlinkSupported()
Return a boolean specifying whether or not this platform can perform a symbolic link (symlink) command.
- isTransactional
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::isTransactional()
Is the database transactional?
- isTrustedProxy
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::isTrustedProxy()
Is this address a trusted proxy? Right now we consider any RFC1918 host trustworthy.
- isUserInGroup
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::isUserInGroup()
Is the given user id in the given group?
- isUserInSiteAdminGroup
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::isUserInSiteAdminGroup()
Is the active user in the admin group?
- isUsingCookies
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::isUsingCookies()
Is this transaction known to be using cookies?
- isValidEmailString
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::isValidEmailString()
Validate string is valid format for an email address.
- isViewableMimeType
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::isViewableMimeType()
Return true if the given mime type is viewble in a web browser
- isWriteLocked
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::isWriteLocked()
Return true if the given id is write locked by us.
- isWriteLocked
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::isWriteLocked()
Return true if the given id is write locked
- is_dir
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::is_dir()
Is the given path a directory?
- is_executable
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::is_executable()
Is the given path an executable file?
- is_file
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::is_file()
Is the given path a normal file?
- is_link
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::is_link()
Is the given path a symbolic link?
- is_readable
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::is_readable()
Is the given path a readable file?
- is_uploaded_file
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::is_uploaded_file()
Is the given path an uploaded file?
- is_writeable
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::is_writeable()
Is the given path a writeable file?
- itemLink
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::itemLink()
Render a single item link as an <option> or <a>.
- itemTypeName
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::itemTypeName()
- itemTypeName
- in file GalleryUnknownItem.class, method GalleryUnknownItem::itemTypeName()
- itemTypeName
- in file GalleryDynamicAlbum.class, method GalleryDynamicAlbum::itemTypeName()
- itemTypeName
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, method GalleryAnimationItem::itemTypeName()
- itemTypeName
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::itemTypeName()
Return the name of this type of item.
- itemTypeName
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::itemTypeName()
- itemTypeName
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::itemTypeName()
- itemTypeName
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, method GalleryPhotoItem::itemTypeName()
- itemTypeName
- in file GalleryGroup.class, method GalleryGroup::itemTypeName()
- incrementViewCount
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple::incrementViewCount()
- initializeMimeTypes
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryMimeTypeHelper_advanced::initializeMimeTypes()
Initialize mime types and store them in the database
- installTranslationsForLocale
- in file GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium.class, method GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium::installTranslationsForLocale()
- installTranslationsForPlugin
- in file GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium.class, method GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium::installTranslationsForPlugin()
- invalidateDerivativeDimensionsBySourceIds
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::invalidateDerivativeDimensionsBySourceIds()
- invalidateDescendentCountCaches
- in file GalleryItemHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemHelper_medium::invalidateDescendentCountCaches()
Invalidate our descendent count cache, any time we make a change that
- isDisabledUsername
- in file GalleryUserHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserHelper_medium::isDisabledUsername()
- isPluginCompatibleWithApis
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_simple::isPluginCompatibleWithApis()
- isReadLocked
- in file GalleryLockHelper_simple.class, method GalleryLockHelper_simple::isReadLocked()
- isSupportedOperationSequence
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::isSupportedOperationSequence()
- isUserInGroup
- in file GalleryUserGroupHelper_simple.class, method GalleryUserGroupHelper_simple::isUserInGroup()
- isUserInSiteAdminGroup
- in file GalleryUserGroupHelper_simple.class, method GalleryUserGroupHelper_simple::isUserInSiteAdminGroup()
- isViewableMimeType
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple.class, method GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple::isViewableMimeType()
- isWriteLocked
- in file GalleryLockHelper_simple.class, method GalleryLockHelper_simple::isWriteLocked()
- $isOnLoadHandlerRegistered
- in file ModuleTest.class, variable ModuleTestEventListener::$isOnLoadHandlerRegistered
- iconv
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTestPhpVm::iconv()
- iconv
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverPasswordControllerPhpVm::iconv()
- ignore_error_handler
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::ignore_error_handler()
- IndexDotPhpTest
- in file IndexDotPhpTest.class, class IndexDotPhpTest
Test index.php functionality
- IndexDotPhpTest
- in file IndexDotPhpTest.class, method IndexDotPhpTest::IndexDotPhpTest()
- init
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest_GalleryRepository::init()
- init
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::init()
- init
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::init()
- init
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::init()
- ini_get
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestPhpVm::ini_get()
- installOrUpgrade
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestModule::installOrUpgrade()
- installOrUpgrade
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::installOrUpgrade()
- installOrUpgrade
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::installOrUpgrade()
- installOrUpgrade
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTestModule::installOrUpgrade()
- isActive
- in file ShowItemTest.class, method ShowItemTestTheme::isActive()
- isActive
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::isActive()
- isActive
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::isActive()
- isActive
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestFakeTheme::isActive()
- isActive
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestInactiveTheme::isActive()
- isActive
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestThemeId2Theme::isActive()
- isActive
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestThemeId1Theme::isActive()
- isActive
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method TestThemeId2Theme::isActive()
- isActive
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method TestThemeId1Theme::isActive()
- isActive
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::isActive()
- isActive
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestModule::isActive()
- isActive
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTestModule::isActive()
- isAdvancedSettings
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::isAdvancedSettings()
- isAdvancedSettings
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::isAdvancedSettings()
- isAppropriate
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTestOptionWithProgressBar::isAppropriate()
- isAppropriate
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTestOption::isAppropriate()
- isAppropriate
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddTestOption::isAppropriate()
- isImmediate
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTestImmediateView::isImmediate()
- isImmediate
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTestImmediateItemView::isImmediate()
- isImmediate
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTestImmediateItemNoAutoCacheView::isImmediate()
- isPersistent
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestSession::isPersistent()
- isPersistent
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestSession::isPersistent()
- isSearchEngineSession
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestSession::isSearchEngineSession()
- isUsingCookies
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTestSession::isUsingCookies()
- is_dir
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTestPlatform::is_dir()
- is_dir
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTestPlatform::is_dir()
- is_dir
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::is_dir()
- is_dir
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::is_dir()
- is_dir
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestPlatform::is_dir()
- is_dir
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTestPlatform::is_dir()
- is_dir
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestPlatform::is_dir()
- is_dir
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::is_dir()
- is_dir
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::is_dir()
- is_dir
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::is_dir()
- is_dir
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::is_dir()
- is_readable
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::is_readable()
- is_readable
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::is_readable()
- is_readable
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::is_readable()
- is_readable
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestMockPlatform::is_readable()
- is_uploaded_file
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::is_uploaded_file()
- is_writeable
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::is_writeable()
- is_writeable
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::is_writeable()
- is_writeable
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::is_writeable()
- is_writeable
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::is_writeable()
- ItemAddAlbumControllerTest
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, method ItemAddAlbumControllerTest::ItemAddAlbumControllerTest()
- ItemAddAlbumControllerTest
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, class ItemAddAlbumControllerTest
ItemAddAlbum controller tests
- ItemAddControllerTest
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::ItemAddControllerTest()
- ItemAddControllerTest
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, class ItemAddControllerTest
ItemAdd controller tests
- ItemAddControllerTestAddPluginWebDav
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, class ItemAddControllerTestAddPluginWebDav
ItemAddPlugin to test backwards compatibility with the WebDAV module.
- ItemAddControllerTestPluginContinue
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, class ItemAddControllerTestPluginContinue
ItemAddPlugin that doesn't fail, nor complete
- ItemAddControllerTestPluginFail
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, class ItemAddControllerTestPluginFail
ItemAddPlugin that always fails
- ItemAddControllerTestPluginSuccess
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, class ItemAddControllerTestPluginSuccess
ItemAddPlugin that always completes
- ItemAddControllerTestToolkit
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, class ItemAddControllerTestToolkit
Test toolkit
- ItemAddFromBrowserTest
- in file ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class, class ItemAddFromBrowserTest
ItemAddChildren controller tests
- ItemAddFromBrowserTest
- in file ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class, method ItemAddFromBrowserTest::ItemAddFromBrowserTest()
- ItemAddPhpVm
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddPhpVm::ItemAddPhpVm()
- ItemAddPhpVm
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, class ItemAddPhpVm
Configurable PHP VM
- ItemAddTestOption
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddTestOption::ItemAddTestOption()
- ItemAddTestOption
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, class ItemAddTestOption
Test ItemAddOption
- ItemAttributesTest
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, class ItemAttributesTest
Test ItemAttribute functionality.
- ItemAttributesTest
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::ItemAttributesTest()
- ItemAttributesTestPhpVm
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, class ItemAttributesTestPhpVm
- ItemAttributesTestPhpVm
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestPhpVm::ItemAttributesTestPhpVm()
- ItemAttributesTestSession
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestSession::ItemAttributesTestSession()
- ItemAttributesTestSession
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, class ItemAttributesTestSession
- ItemDeleteControllerTest
- in file ItemDeleteControllerTest.class, class ItemDeleteControllerTest
ItemDelete controller tests
- ItemDeleteControllerTest
- in file ItemDeleteControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteControllerTest::ItemDeleteControllerTest()
- ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest
- in file ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest.class, class ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest
ItemDeleteSingle Controller tests
- ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest
- in file ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest::ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest()
- ItemEditAlbumPluginTest
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::ItemEditAlbumPluginTest()
- ItemEditAlbumPluginTest
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, class ItemEditAlbumPluginTest
ItemEditAlbum controller tests
- ItemEditAlbumPluginTestCmp
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, function ItemEditAlbumPluginTestCmp()
- ItemEditAlbumPluginTestDataItem
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, class ItemEditAlbumPluginTestDataItem
Mock data item
- ItemEditAlbumPluginTestToolkit
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, class ItemEditAlbumPluginTestToolkit
Mock toolkit
- ItemEditAnimationPluginTest
- in file ItemEditAnimationPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAnimationPluginTest::ItemEditAnimationPluginTest()
- ItemEditAnimationPluginTest
- in file ItemEditAnimationPluginTest.class, class ItemEditAnimationPluginTest
ItemEditAnimation controller tests
- ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest
- in file ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest.class, class ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest
ItemEditCaptions controller tests
- ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest
- in file ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest.class, method ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest::ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest()
- ItemEditControllerTest
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, class ItemEditControllerTest
ItemEdit controller tests
- ItemEditControllerTest
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTest::ItemEditControllerTest()
- ItemEditControllerTestOption
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, class ItemEditControllerTestOption
Test ItemEditOption that returns warnings and errors and doesn't require a progress bar.
- ItemEditControllerTestOptionWithProgressBar
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, class ItemEditControllerTestOptionWithProgressBar
Test ItemEditOption that returns warnings and errors and requires a progress bar.
- ItemEditControllerTestPluginFailAndWarn
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, class ItemEditControllerTestPluginFailAndWarn
Test plugin that fails
- ItemEditControllerTestPluginRequiresProgressBar
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, class ItemEditControllerTestPluginRequiresProgressBar
Test plugin that requires a progress bar
- ItemEditControllerTestPluginSuccess
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, class ItemEditControllerTestPluginSuccess
Test plugin that returns success
- ItemEditItemPluginTest
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, class ItemEditItemPluginTest
ItemEditItem controller tests
- ItemEditItemPluginTest
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::ItemEditItemPluginTest()
- ItemEditItemPluginTestToolkit
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, class ItemEditItemPluginTestToolkit
Test toolkit
- ItemEditMoviePluginTest
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTest::ItemEditMoviePluginTest()
- ItemEditMoviePluginTest
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, class ItemEditMoviePluginTest
ItemEditMovie controller tests
- ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform()
- ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, class ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform
ItemEditMovie controller tests
- ItemEditPhotoPluginTest
- in file ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoPluginTest::ItemEditPhotoPluginTest()
- ItemEditPhotoPluginTest
- in file ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class, class ItemEditPhotoPluginTest
ItemEditPhoto controller tests
- ItemEditPhotoPluginTestToolkit
- in file ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class, class ItemEditPhotoPluginTestToolkit
Test toolkit
- ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, class ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest
ItemEditPhoto controller tests
- ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest::ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest()
- ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTestToolkit
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, class ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTestToolkit
Test toolkitk
- ItemEditPhotoThumbnailTestItem
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, class ItemEditPhotoThumbnailTestItem
- ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, class ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest
ItemEditPhoto controller tests
- ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest()
- ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTestToolkit
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, class ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTestToolkit
Test toolkit
- ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, class ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme
Test theme
- ItemEditThemePluginTest
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, class ItemEditThemePluginTest
ItemEditTheme controller tests
- ItemEditThemePluginTest
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::ItemEditThemePluginTest()
- ItemEditThemeTestPlatform
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, class ItemEditThemeTestPlatform
Test platform
- ItemEditThemeTestPlatform
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::ItemEditThemeTestPlatform()
- ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest
- in file ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest.class, method ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest::ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest()
- ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest
- in file ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest.class, class ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest
ItemMakeHighlight controller tests
- ItemMakeHighlightTestToolkit
- in file ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest.class, class ItemMakeHighlightTestToolkit
Dummy test toolkit
- ItemMoveControllerTest
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::ItemMoveControllerTest()
- ItemMoveControllerTest
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, class ItemMoveControllerTest
ItemMove controller tests
- ItemMoveSingleControllerTest
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, class ItemMoveSingleControllerTest
ItemMoveSingle controller tests
- ItemMoveSingleControllerTest
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveSingleControllerTest::ItemMoveSingleControllerTest()
- ItemMoveSingleTestToolkit
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, class ItemMoveSingleTestToolkit
Dummy test toolkit
- ItemMoveTestToolkit
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, class ItemMoveTestToolkit
Dummy test toolkit
- ItemOrderTest
- in file ItemOrderTest.class, method ItemOrderTest::ItemOrderTest()
- ItemOrderTest
- in file ItemOrderTest.class, class ItemOrderTest
Test ItemOrder functionality
- ItemPermissionsControllerTest
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::ItemPermissionsControllerTest()
- ItemPermissionsControllerTest
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, class ItemPermissionsControllerTest
ItemPermissions controller tests
- ItemReorderControllerTest
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, class ItemReorderControllerTest
ItemReorder controller tests
- ItemReorderControllerTest
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::ItemReorderControllerTest()
- ItemTest
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::ItemTest()
- ItemTest
- in file ItemTest.class, class ItemTest
Test Item functionality
- ItemTestMovieItem
- in file ItemTest.class, class ItemTestMovieItem
Test movie item
- ItemTestRenderer
- in file ItemTest.class, class ItemTestRenderer
Test renderer
- ItemTestToolkit
- in file ItemTest.class, class ItemTestToolkit
Test toolkit
- IndexDotPhpTest.class
- procedural page IndexDotPhpTest.class
- ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class
- procedural page ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class
- ItemAddControllerTest.class
- procedural page ItemAddControllerTest.class
- ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class
- procedural page ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class
- ItemAttributesTest.class
- procedural page ItemAttributesTest.class
- ItemDeleteControllerTest.class
- procedural page ItemDeleteControllerTest.class
- ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest.class
- procedural page ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest.class
- ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class
- procedural page ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class
- ItemEditAnimationPluginTest.class
- procedural page ItemEditAnimationPluginTest.class
- ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest.class
- procedural page ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest.class
- ItemEditControllerTest.class
- procedural page ItemEditControllerTest.class
- ItemEditItemPluginTest.class
- procedural page ItemEditItemPluginTest.class
- ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class
- procedural page ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class
- ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class
- procedural page ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class
- ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class
- procedural page ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class
- ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class
- procedural page ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class
- ItemEditThemePluginTest.class
- procedural page ItemEditThemePluginTest.class
- ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest.class
- procedural page ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest.class
- ItemMoveControllerTest.class
- procedural page ItemMoveControllerTest.class
- ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class
- procedural page ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class
- ItemOrderTest.class
- procedural page ItemOrderTest.class
- ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class
- procedural page ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class
- ItemReorderControllerTest.class
- procedural page ItemReorderControllerTest.class
- ItemTest.class
- procedural page ItemTest.class
- isRestrictedByOpenBaseDir
- in file UnixPlatform.class, method UnixPlatform::isRestrictedByOpenBaseDir()
- isRestrictedByOpenBaseDir
- in file WinNtPlatform.class, method WinNtPlatform::isRestrictedByOpenBaseDir()
- isSymlinkSupported
- in file UnixPlatform.class, method UnixPlatform::isSymlinkSupported()
- isSymlinkSupported
- in file WinNtPlatform.class, method WinNtPlatform::isSymlinkSupported()
- is_executable
- in file WinNtPlatform.class, method WinNtPlatform::is_executable()
- importToDb
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, method GalleryDatabaseImport::importToDb()
Imports a file in Gallery export format.
- isInstalled
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::isInstalled()
- isAllowedInEmbedOnly
- in file UserRecoverPasswordDownload.inc, method UserRecoverPasswordDownloadView::isAllowedInEmbedOnly()
- isAllowedInEmbedOnly
- in file DownloadItem.inc, method DownloadItemView::isAllowedInEmbedOnly()
- isAllowedInEmbedOnly
- in file ItemDeleteJs.inc, method ItemDeleteJsView::isAllowedInEmbedOnly()
- isAllowedInEmbedOnly
- in file CombinedJavascript.inc, method CombinedJavascriptView::isAllowedInEmbedOnly()
- isAllowedInMaintenance
- in file Logout.inc, method LogoutController::isAllowedInMaintenance()
- isAllowedInMaintenance
- in file UserAdmin.inc, method UserAdminView::isAllowedInMaintenance()
- isAllowedInMaintenance
- in file UserLogin.inc, method UserLoginController::isAllowedInMaintenance()
- isAppropriate
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddPlugin::isAppropriate()
Is this plugin appropriate at this time? Default is true.
- isAppropriate
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddOption::isAppropriate()
Is this option appropriate at this time?
- isAppropriate
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditOption::isAppropriate()
Is this option appropriate at this time?
- isAppropriate
- in file CreateThumbnailOption.inc, method CreateThumbnailOption::isAppropriate()
- isControllerLike
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallback.inc, method AdminEventLogViewerCallbackView::isControllerLike()
- isControllerLike
- in file RepositoryCallback.inc, method RepositoryCallbackView::isControllerLike()
- isControllerLike
- in file SimpleCallback.inc, method SimpleCallbackView::isControllerLike()
- isControllerLike
- in file PluginCallback.inc, method PluginCallbackView::isControllerLike()
- isImmediate
- in file UserRecoverPasswordDownload.inc, method UserRecoverPasswordDownloadView::isImmediate()
- isImmediate
- in file RepositoryCallback.inc, method RepositoryCallbackView::isImmediate()
- isImmediate
- in file CombinedJavascript.inc, method CombinedJavascriptView::isImmediate()
- isImmediate
- in file DownloadItem.inc, method DownloadItemView::isImmediate()
- isImmediate
- in file SimpleCallback.inc, method SimpleCallbackView::isImmediate()
- isImmediate
- in file PluginCallback.inc, method PluginCallbackView::isImmediate()
- isImmediate
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallback.inc, method AdminEventLogViewerCallbackView::isImmediate()
- isImmediate
- in file ItemDeleteJs.inc, method ItemDeleteJsView::isImmediate()
- isSupported
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditPlugin::isSupported()
Does this plugin support the given item type?
- isSupported
- in file ItemEditItem.inc, method ItemEditItem::isSupported()
- isSupported
- in file ItemEditPhoto.inc, method ItemEditPhoto::isSupported()
- isSupported
- in file ItemEditMovie.inc, method ItemEditMovie::isSupported()
- isSupported
- in file ItemEditAnimation.inc, method ItemEditAnimation::isSupported()
- isSupported
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnail.inc, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnail::isSupported()
- isSupported
- in file ItemEditAlbum.inc, method ItemEditAlbum::isSupported()
- isSupported
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto.inc, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto::isSupported()
- isSupported
- in file ItemEditTheme.inc, method ItemEditTheme::isSupported()
- ItemAddAlbumController
- in file ItemAddAlbum.inc, class ItemAddAlbumController
This controller will handle the addition of an album
- ItemAddAlbumView
- in file ItemAddAlbum.inc, class ItemAddAlbumView
This view will prompt for the data for a new album to be created
- ItemAddConfirmationView
- in file ItemAddConfirmation.inc, class ItemAddConfirmationView
This view will show confirmation of newly added items
- ItemAddController
- in file ItemAdd.inc, class ItemAddController
This controller will handle the addition of new items in the gallery
- ItemAddFromBrowser
- in file ItemAddFromBrowser.inc, class ItemAddFromBrowser
This ItemAdd plugin adds items uploaded from the web browser.
- ItemAddOption
- in file ItemAdd.inc, class ItemAddOption
Interface for options to the ItemAdd view and controller.
- ItemAddPlugin
- in file ItemAdd.inc, class ItemAddPlugin
Interface for plugins to the ItemAdd view and controller.
- ItemAddView
- in file ItemAdd.inc, class ItemAddView
This view will show the selected plugin for adding items to the gallery
- ItemAdminView
- in file ItemAdmin.inc, class ItemAdminView
This view will present the available options to administrate an item/album
- ItemDeleteController
- in file ItemDelete.inc, class ItemDeleteController
This controller will handle the deletion of items
- ItemDeleteJsView
- in file ItemDeleteJs.inc, class ItemDeleteJsView
Generate JavaScript for deleting item
- ItemDeleteSingleController
- in file ItemDeleteSingle.inc, class ItemDeleteSingleController
This controller-like view will handle the deletion of a single item
- ItemDeleteView
- in file ItemDelete.inc, class ItemDeleteView
This view will prompt for selecting items to delete
- ItemEditAlbum
- in file ItemEditAlbum.inc, class ItemEditAlbum
This plugin will handle the changes users make to an album.
- ItemEditAnimation
- in file ItemEditAnimation.inc, class ItemEditAnimation
Plugin for editing Animations
- ItemEditCaptionsController
- in file ItemEditCaptions.inc, class ItemEditCaptionsController
This controller will save many item captions at once.
- ItemEditCaptionsView
- in file ItemEditCaptions.inc, class ItemEditCaptionsView
This view will allow the user to edit many item captions at once.
- ItemEditController
- in file ItemEdit.inc, class ItemEditController
This controller will handle the editing of an item
- ItemEditItem
- in file ItemEditItem.inc, class ItemEditItem
Plugin for editing data common to all items
- ItemEditMovie
- in file ItemEditMovie.inc, class ItemEditMovie
Plugin for editing Movies
- ItemEditOption
- in file ItemEdit.inc, class ItemEditOption
Interface for options to the ItemEdit view and controller.
- ItemEditPhoto
- in file ItemEditPhoto.inc, class ItemEditPhoto
This plugin will handle the editing of a photo
- ItemEditPhotoThumbnail
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnail.inc, class ItemEditPhotoThumbnail
This edit plugin allows you to customize the photo's thumbnail
- ItemEditPlugin
- in file ItemEdit.inc, class ItemEditPlugin
Interface for plugins to the ItemEdit view and controller
- ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto.inc, class ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto
This plugin will handle applying operations to a photo
- ItemEditTheme
- in file ItemEditTheme.inc, class ItemEditTheme
This plugin will handle the changes users make to theme settings for an album.
- ItemEditView
- in file ItemEdit.inc, class ItemEditView
This view will show options to edit an item
- ItemMakeHighlightController
- in file ItemMakeHighlight.inc, class ItemMakeHighlightController
This controller will make an item the highlight for its parent
- ItemMakeHighlightView
- in file ItemMakeHighlight.inc, class ItemMakeHighlightView
This view will prompt for which ancestor album to set the highlight
- ItemMoveController
- in file ItemMove.inc, class ItemMoveController
This controller will handle moving one or more items from one album to another.
- ItemMoveSingleController
- in file ItemMoveSingle.inc, class ItemMoveSingleController
This controller will handle moving an item from one album to another.
- ItemMoveSingleView
- in file ItemMoveSingle.inc, class ItemMoveSingleView
This view will prompt for the destination of moving this item
- ItemMoveView
- in file ItemMove.inc, class ItemMoveView
This view will prompt for which items to move and where is the destination.
- ItemPermissionsController
- in file ItemPermissions.inc, class ItemPermissionsController
This controller will handle the changes in the permission of an item
- ItemPermissionsView
- in file ItemPermissions.inc, class ItemPermissionsView
This view will prompt for permission settings of an item
- ItemReorderController
- in file ItemReorder.inc, class ItemReorderController
This controller will handle changing the order of items in an album.
- ItemReorderView
- in file ItemReorder.inc, class ItemReorderView
This view will prompt for how to change the order of items in the album
- ItemAdd.inc
- procedural page ItemAdd.inc
- ItemAddAlbum.inc
- procedural page ItemAddAlbum.inc
- ItemAddConfirmation.inc
- procedural page ItemAddConfirmation.inc
- ItemAddFromBrowser.inc
- procedural page ItemAddFromBrowser.inc
- ItemAdmin.inc
- procedural page ItemAdmin.inc
- ItemDelete.inc
- procedural page ItemDelete.inc
- ItemDeleteJs.inc
- procedural page ItemDeleteJs.inc
- ItemDeleteSingle.inc
- procedural page ItemDeleteSingle.inc
- ItemEdit.inc
- procedural page ItemEdit.inc
- ItemEditAlbum.inc
- procedural page ItemEditAlbum.inc
- ItemEditAnimation.inc
- procedural page ItemEditAnimation.inc
- ItemEditCaptions.inc
- procedural page ItemEditCaptions.inc
- ItemEditItem.inc
- procedural page ItemEditItem.inc
- ItemEditMovie.inc
- procedural page ItemEditMovie.inc
- ItemEditPhoto.inc
- procedural page ItemEditPhoto.inc
- ItemEditPhotoThumbnail.inc
- procedural page ItemEditPhotoThumbnail.inc
- ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto.inc
- procedural page ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto.inc
- ItemEditTheme.inc
- procedural page ItemEditTheme.inc
- ItemMakeHighlight.inc
- procedural page ItemMakeHighlight.inc
- ItemMove.inc
- procedural page ItemMove.inc
- ItemMoveSingle.inc
- procedural page ItemMoveSingle.inc
- ItemPermissions.inc
- procedural page ItemPermissions.inc
- ItemReorder.inc
- procedural page ItemReorder.inc
- $keywords
- in file GalleryItem.class, variable GalleryItem::$keywords
A set of keywords that describe this item
- $language
- in file GalleryUser.class, variable GalleryUser::$language
The User's language preference
- $linkedEntity
- in file GalleryEntity.class, variable GalleryEntity::$linkedEntity
The target entity this entity is linked to
- $linkId
- in file GalleryEntity.class, variable GalleryEntity::$linkId
The id of the target entity this entity is linked to
- $locked
- in file GalleryUser.class, variable GalleryUser::$locked
Locked flag - determines whether the user is allowed to edit their own settings
- language
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::language()
Return active language code in format used with HTML lang attribute.
- legalizePathComponent
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::legalizePathComponent()
Remove any illegal characters from the path component.
- link
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::link()
Add a <link> element in the <head> section
- linkId
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::linkId()
This takes an array and looks for view, subview, and controller to make a linkid (being used as a css classname)
- load
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::load()
Loads and unserializes the index from the local filesystem into memory.
- loadAvailableBlocks
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::loadAvailableBlocks()
Load the block configuration files from every module
- loadCommonTemplateData
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::loadCommonTemplateData()
Load commonly used data into theme template.
- loadController
- in file GalleryController.class, method GalleryController::loadController()
Load a controller
- loadEntities
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::loadEntities()
Load the GalleryEntities with the ids specified
- loadEntitiesById
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById()
Load the GalleryEntities with the ids specified
- loadEntityByExternalId
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::loadEntityByExternalId()
Map external id to G2 id and then load the entity
- loadPlugin
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin()
Load and initialize the given plugin
- loadSettingsTemplate
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::loadSettingsTemplate()
Load the template with data to define the theme settings. Used for theme with advanced settings.
- loadTemplate
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::loadTemplate()
Load the template with data from this view.
- loadTemplate
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::loadTemplate()
Load the template with data from this view.
- loadTemplate
- in file GalleryValidationPlugin.class, method GalleryValidationPlugin::loadTemplate()
Prepare template for validation.
- loadThemeAndParameters
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::loadThemeAndParameters()
Load theme, theme parameters and item to use for this view.
- loadThemeForItem
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::loadThemeForItem()
Get the theme for this item by finding the theme id for the nearest album.
- loadThemeSettingsForm
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::loadThemeSettingsForm()
Load template data for a theme settings form
- loadView
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::loadView()
Load a view.
- localIndexExists
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::localIndexExists()
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant LOCK_READ
Read lock type
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant LOCK_WRITE
Write lock type
- login
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::login()
Login the specified user in the G2 session.
- logoButton
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::logoButton()
Render logo button image.
- logout
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::logout()
Reset the G2 session. Do not call init() before this method.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant LOWER_WEIGHT
Indicate a lower weight
- loadAvailableBlocks
- in file GalleryThemeHelper_medium.class, method GalleryThemeHelper_medium::loadAvailableBlocks()
- loadEntitiesById
- in file GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryEntityHelper_simple::loadEntitiesById()
- loadEntityByExternalId
- in file GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class, method GalleryEntityHelper_simple::loadEntityByExternalId()
- loadPlugin
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_simple::loadPlugin()
- loadThemeSettingsForm
- in file GalleryThemeHelper_medium.class, method GalleryThemeHelper_medium::loadThemeSettingsForm()
- LanguageTest
- in file LanguageTest.class, method LanguageTest::LanguageTest()
- LanguageTest
- in file LanguageTest.class, class LanguageTest
Test language selection functionality
- legalizePathComponent
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::legalizePathComponent()
- loadTemplate
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest_FakeView::loadTemplate()
- LocalizationAuditTest
- in file LocalizationAuditTest.class, class LocalizationAuditTest
Lint check our localizations
- LocalizationAuditTest
- in file LocalizationAuditTest.class, method LocalizationAuditTest::LocalizationAuditTest()
- LockTest
- in file LockTest.class, class LockTest
Lock tests.
- LockTest
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::LockTest()
- LogoutControllerTest
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, class LogoutControllerTest
Logout controller tests.
- LogoutControllerTest
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTest::LogoutControllerTest()
- LogoutControllerTestEventListener
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, class LogoutControllerTestEventListener
- LogoutControllerTestSession
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, class LogoutControllerTestSession
- LanguageTest.class
- procedural page LanguageTest.class
- LocalizationAuditTest.class
- procedural page LocalizationAuditTest.class
- LockTest.class
- procedural page LockTest.class
- LogoutControllerTest.class
- procedural page LogoutControllerTest.class
- loadEntities
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::loadEntities()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnail.inc, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnail::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEditPhoto.inc, method ItemEditPhoto::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto.inc, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhoto::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEditTheme.inc, method ItemEditTheme::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemMove.inc, method ItemMoveView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemMakeHighlight.inc, method ItemMakeHighlightView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEditMovie.inc, method ItemEditMovie::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEditItem.inc, method ItemEditItem::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditPlugin::loadTemplate()
Load the template with data from this plugin
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEditAlbum.inc, method ItemEditAlbum::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEditAnimation.inc, method ItemEditAnimation::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEditCaptions.inc, method ItemEditCaptionsView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemMoveSingle.inc, method ItemMoveSingleView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemPermissions.inc, method ItemPermissionsView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file UserPreferences.inc, method UserPreferencesView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file UserLogin.inc, method UserLoginView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file UserRecoverPassword.inc, method UserRecoverPasswordView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdmin.inc, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirm.inc, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file UserChangePassword.inc, method UserChangePasswordView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file UserAdmin.inc, method UserAdminView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file MaintenanceMode.inc, method MaintenanceModeView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemReorder.inc, method ItemReorderView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ShowItem.inc, method ShowItemView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ShowItemError.inc, method ShowItemErrorView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file SiteAdmin.inc, method SiteAdminView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminCore.inc, method AdminCoreView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditOption::loadTemplate()
Load the template with data from this plugin
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminGroups.inc, method AdminGroupsView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminEventLogViewer.inc, method AdminEventLogViewerView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, method AdminLanguageManagerView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminMaintenance.inc, method AdminMaintenanceView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminPlugins.inc, method AdminPluginsView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminPerformance.inc, method AdminPerformanceView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminEditUser.inc, method AdminEditUserView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminEditGroupUsers.inc, method AdminEditGroupUsersView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminCreateUser.inc, method AdminCreateUserView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminCreateGroup.inc, method AdminCreateGroupView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminDeleteGroup.inc, method AdminDeleteGroupView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminDeleteUser.inc, method AdminDeleteUserView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminEditGroup.inc, method AdminEditGroupView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemDelete.inc, method ItemDeleteView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminRepository.inc, method AdminRepositoryView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddPlugin::loadTemplate()
Load the template with data from this plugin
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemAddAlbum.inc, method ItemAddAlbumView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemAddConfirmation.inc, method ItemAddConfirmationView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemAdmin.inc, method ItemAdminView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemAddFromBrowser.inc, method ItemAddFromBrowser::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddOption::loadTemplate()
Load the template with data from this plugin
- loadTemplate
- in file ErrorPage.inc, method ErrorPageView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminThemes.inc, method AdminThemesView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminRepositoryDownload.inc, method AdminRepositoryDownloadView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminToolkitPriority.inc, method AdminToolkitPriorityView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file AdminUsers.inc, method AdminUsersView::loadTemplate()
- loadTemplate
- in file CreateThumbnailOption.inc, method CreateThumbnailOption::loadTemplate()
- LogoutController
- in file Logout.inc, class LogoutController
This controller will handle a user logging out of Gallery
- Logout.inc
- procedural page Logout.inc
- module.inc
- procedural page module.inc
- $mimeType
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, variable GalleryDerivative::$mimeType
The mime type of data file
- $mimeType
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, variable GalleryDataItem::$mimeType
The mime type of the data file
- $modificationTimestamp
- in file GalleryEntity.class, variable GalleryEntity::$modificationTimestamp
Date and time this item was last modified, in seconds since the epoch.
- mail
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::mail()
Send mail
- mail
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::mail()
mail -- Send an email. Lines in the headers and body should be terminated with \r\n in accordance with RFC2821.
- mainDivAttributes
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::mainDivAttributes()
Return attributes for container of all Gallery content.
- makeAbsoluteUrl
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::makeAbsoluteUrl()
Make a given URL an absolute Gallery URL. The specified URL can be relative (e.g. main.php), server-relative (e.g. /gallery2/main.php) or already absolute.
- makeMarkers
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::makeMarkers()
Return a string of ? markers.
- makeRelativeUrl
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::makeRelativeUrl()
Translate the given absolute URL to a relative URL.
- makeSupportedViewableOperationSequence
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::makeSupportedViewableOperationSequence()
Make sure operation sequence is supported and produces a browser-viewable output mime type.
- makeUrl
- in file GalleryUrlGenerator.class, method GalleryUrlGenerator::makeUrl()
Add given path to current protocol/server/port to create full URL.
- markup
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::markup()
Apply markup to given text.
- maybeCompactAccessLists
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::maybeCompactAccessLists()
Compact the access list map, if we deem that it's a good time to do so.
- mb_convert_encoding
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::mb_convert_encoding()
mb_convert_encoding -- Convert character encoding
- md5
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::md5()
Return the 32-byte md5 hash of the given string
- md5Salt
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::md5Salt()
Create a hashed password using md5 plus salt.
- mergeDerivativeOperations
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::mergeDerivativeOperations()
Merge together two sets of operations into one in the most sensible way.
- mergeOperations
- in file GalleryToolkit.class, method GalleryToolkit::mergeOperations()
Merge two operations together in an intelligent way. The end result of
- meta
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::meta()
Add a meta element to the <head> section
- mkdir
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::mkdir()
Create a new directory.
- MockStatusMonitor
- in file ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task.class, class MockStatusMonitor
Use a mock status monitor to simulate what we use in the upgrader.
- move
- in file GalleryChildEntity.class, method GalleryChildEntity::move()
Move this item to a new parent
- move
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::move()
Move this item to a new parent
- move
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::move()
Move item to a new parent
- move
- in file GalleryDynamicAlbum.class, method GalleryDynamicAlbum::move()
- move
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::move()
Move item to a new parent
- moveIdsBetweenLocks
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::moveIdsBetweenLocks()
Move ids between locks.
- move_uploaded_file
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::move_uploaded_file()
Move an uploaded file to a new location and return the new location. If the second filename is not provided, a new file is created in the Gallery temporary directory.
- MailHelper_simple
- in file MailHelper_simple.class, class MailHelper_simple
A collection of useful mail-related utilities
- MaintenanceHelper_simple
- in file MaintenanceHelper_simple.class, class MaintenanceHelper_simple
A collection of useful maintenance related methods
- makeSupportedViewableOperationSequence
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::makeSupportedViewableOperationSequence()
- maybeCompactAccessLists
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::maybeCompactAccessLists()
- mergeOperations
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::mergeOperations()
- MailHelper_simple.class
- procedural page MailHelper_simple.class
- MaintenanceHelper_simple.class
- procedural page MaintenanceHelper_simple.class
- mail
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::mail()
- mail
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestPhpVm::mail()
- mail
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTestUnixPlatform::mail()
- mail
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::mail()
- mail
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTestWinNtPlatform::mail()
- MailHelperDummyPlatform
- in file MailHelperTest.class, class MailHelperDummyPlatform
Dummy GalleryPlatform for MailHelperTest
- MailHelperDummyPlatform
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::MailHelperDummyPlatform()
- MailHelperTest
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperTest::MailHelperTest()
- MailHelperTest
- in file MailHelperTest.class, class MailHelperTest
Test mail functionality
- MaintenanceHelperTest
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, class MaintenanceHelperTest
Tests for data about maintenance tasks
- MaintenanceHelperTest
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, method MaintenanceHelperTest::MaintenanceHelperTest()
- MaintenanceHelperTestTask
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, class MaintenanceHelperTestTask
- MainTest
- in file MainTest.class, class MainTest
Test main.php
- MainTest
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::MainTest()
- MainTestImmediateItemNoAutoCacheView
- in file MainTest.class, class MainTestImmediateItemNoAutoCacheView
- MainTestImmediateItemView
- in file MainTest.class, class MainTestImmediateItemView
- MainTestImmediateView
- in file MainTest.class, class MainTestImmediateView
- MainTestPhpVm
- in file MainTest.class, class MainTestPhpVm
- MainTest_BeforeDisplayListener
- in file MainTest.class, class MainTest_BeforeDisplayListener
- MainTest_FakeTemplate
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest_FakeTemplate::MainTest_FakeTemplate()
- MainTest_FakeTemplate
- in file MainTest.class, class MainTest_FakeTemplate
Fake GalleryTemplate that doesn't actually fetch the data.
- MainTest_FakeView
- in file MainTest.class, class MainTest_FakeView
Fake view that returns a bogus body template path so that it seems like a real view.
- MapTest
- in file MapTest.class, class MapTest
Test Map functionality
- MapTest
- in file MapTest.class, method MapTest::MapTest()
- MarkupTest
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::MarkupTest()
- MarkupTest
- in file MarkupTest.class, class MarkupTest
Test Markup functionality
- mb_convert_encoding
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTestPhpVm::mb_convert_encoding()
- md5
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverPasswordControllerPhpVm::md5()
- md5
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestPhpVm::md5()
- mergeOperations
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTestToolkit::mergeOperations()
- mergeOperations
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTestToolkit::mergeOperations()
- mergeOperations
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTestToolkit::mergeOperations()
- mergeOperations
- in file ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoPluginTestToolkit::mergeOperations()
- MimeTest
- in file MimeTest.class, class MimeTest
Test Mime type functionality
- MimeTest
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::MimeTest()
- mkdir
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestPlatform::mkdir()
- mkdir
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::mkdir()
- mkdir
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, method FlushTemplatesTaskTestPlatform::mkdir()
- mkdir
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::mkdir()
- mkdir
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::mkdir()
- mkdir
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::mkdir()
- mkdir
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTestPlatform::mkdir()
- MockGalleryStatus
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method MockGalleryStatus::MockGalleryStatus()
- MockGalleryStatus
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, class MockGalleryStatus
- MailHelperTest.class
- procedural page MailHelperTest.class
- MaintenanceHelperTest.class
- procedural page MaintenanceHelperTest.class
- MainTest.class
- procedural page MainTest.class
- MapTest.class
- procedural page MapTest.class
- MarkupTest.class
- procedural page MarkupTest.class
- MimeTest.class
- procedural page MimeTest.class
- ModuleTest.class
- procedural page ModuleTest.class
- MovieTest.class
- procedural page MovieTest.class
- ModuleTest
- in file ModuleTest.class, class ModuleTest
Test Module functionality
- ModuleTestEntity
- in file ModuleTest.class, class ModuleTestEntity
- ModuleTestEventListener
- in file ModuleTest.class, class ModuleTestEventListener
- ModuleTestModule
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestModule::ModuleTestModule()
- ModuleTestModule
- in file ModuleTest.class, class ModuleTestModule
- ModuleTestOnLoadHandler
- in file ModuleTest.class, class ModuleTestOnLoadHandler
- ModuleTestPlatform
- in file ModuleTest.class, class ModuleTestPlatform
Test platform for this test
- ModuleTestPlatform
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestPlatform::ModuleTestPlatform()
- MovieTest
- in file MovieTest.class, method MovieTest::MovieTest()
- MovieTest
- in file MovieTest.class, class MovieTest
Test Movie functionality
- MovieTestToolkit
- in file MovieTest.class, class MovieTestToolkit
- MSSqlStorage.class
- procedural page MSSqlStorage.class
- moveIdsBetweenLocks
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::moveIdsBetweenLocks()
- MSSqlStorage
- in file MSSqlStorage.class, method MSSqlStorage::MSSqlStorage()
- MSSqlStorage
- in file MSSqlStorage.class, class MSSqlStorage
MSSQL extension of the GalleryStorage class.
- MySqlStorage
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method MySqlStorage::MySqlStorage()
- MySqlStorage
- in file GalleryStorage.class, class MySqlStorage
MySQL extension of the GalleryStorage class.
- MaintenanceModeView
- in file MaintenanceMode.inc, class MaintenanceModeView
View to display message when site is down for maintenance.
- MaintenanceTask
- in file AdminMaintenance.inc, class MaintenanceTask
Base class for all maintenance tasks
- MaintenanceMode.inc
- procedural page MaintenanceMode.inc
- needsConfiguration
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::needsConfiguration()
Does this module require configuration before it can be activated?
- newEntity
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::newEntity()
Create a new GalleryEntity
- newEvent
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::newEvent()
Create a new event with the given name.
- newFactoryInstance
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstance()
Create a new instance of the given type
- newFactoryInstanceByHint
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstanceByHint()
Create a new instance of the given type based on the hint(s) provided
- newFactoryInstanceById
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstanceById()
Create a new instance of the given type based on the id provided
- newItemByMimeType
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::newItemByMimeType()
Return the appropriate GalleryItem instance for the mime type provided.
- newLockId
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::newLockId()
Generate a new lock id.
- nl_langinfo
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::nl_langinfo()
Query language and locale information
- newEvent
- in file GalleryEventHelper_simple.class, method GalleryEventHelper_simple::newEvent()
- newInstance
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_simple::newInstance()
- newInstanceByHint
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_simple::newInstanceByHint()
- newInstanceById
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_simple::newInstanceById()
- newItemByMimeType
- in file GalleryItemHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemHelper_medium::newItemByMimeType()
- needsConfiguration
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::needsConfiguration()
- nextResult
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestMockStorageFakeResults::nextResult()
- nextResult
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestRecordSet::nextResult()
- nextResult
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestSearchResults::nextResult()
- nl_langinfo
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverPasswordControllerPhpVm::nl_langinfo()
- nl_langinfo
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTestPhpVm::nl_langinfo()
- newEntity
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::newEntity()
- newLockId
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::newLockId()
- nextResult
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GallerySearchResults::nextResult()
Return the next search result, as an associative array
- nameSort
- in file SiteAdmin.inc, method SiteAdminView::nameSort()
- $onLoadHandlers
- in file GalleryEntity.class, variable GalleryEntity::$onLoadHandlers
Handlers to run when this entity is loaded.
- $orderBy
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, variable GalleryAlbumItem::$orderBy
Specify the name of the field that we're using to order children
- $orderDirection
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, variable GalleryAlbumItem::$orderDirection
Specify the order direction that we're applying to the orderBy field
- $originationTimestamp
- in file GalleryItem.class, variable GalleryItem::$originationTimestamp
Date and time when this item was originally captured (i.e. photographed, filmed, etc)
- $ownerId
- in file GalleryItem.class, variable GalleryItem::$ownerId
The id of the User who owns this item
- OptimizeDatabaseTask.class
- procedural page OptimizeDatabaseTask.class
- omitAuthTokenCheck
- in file GalleryController.class, method GalleryController::omitAuthTokenCheck()
Whether the controller opts-out from the framework's auth token check.
- onLoad
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::onLoad()
This is called after an entity is loaded by the GalleryStorage subsystem.
- onSave
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::onSave()
This is called after an entity is saved by the GalleryStorage subsystem.
- opendir
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::opendir()
Open a file or URL.
- optimize
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::optimize()
Optimize the database.
- OptimizeDatabaseTask
- in file OptimizeDatabaseTask.class, class OptimizeDatabaseTask
This is a MaintenanceTask that will optimize all the Gallery tables in the database to make Gallery run smoothly.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ORDER_ASCENDING
Order in an ascending fashion
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant ORDER_DESCENDING
Order in an descending fashion
- OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest.class
- procedural page OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest.class
- omitAuthTokenCheck
- in file MainTest.class, method FooControllerController::omitAuthTokenCheck()
- onLoad
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestOnLoadHandler::onLoad()
- onLoad
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTestOnLoadHandler::onLoad()
- onLoad
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTestEntity::onLoad()
- opendir
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::opendir()
- opendir
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTestPlatform::opendir()
- opendir
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTestPlatform::opendir()
- opendir
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTestPlatform::opendir()
- opendir
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::opendir()
- opendir
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestPlatform::opendir()
- optimize
- in file OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest.class, method OptimizeDatabaseTaskTestStorage::optimize()
- OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest
- in file OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest.class, method OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest::OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest()
- OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest
- in file OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest.class, class OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest
Test the OptimizeDatabase maintenance task functionality
- OptimizeDatabaseTaskTestStorage
- in file OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest.class, class OptimizeDatabaseTaskTestStorage
- OptimizeDatabaseTaskTestStorage
- in file OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest.class, method OptimizeDatabaseTaskTestStorage::OptimizeDatabaseTaskTestStorage()
- optimizeWasCalled
- in file OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest.class, method OptimizeDatabaseTaskTestStorage::optimizeWasCalled()
- OracleStorage.class
- procedural page OracleStorage.class
- optimize
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::optimize()
- OracleStorage
- in file OracleStorage.class, method OracleStorage::OracleStorage()
- OracleStorage
- in file OracleStorage.class, class OracleStorage
Oracle extension of the GalleryStorage class.
- performConfigUpgrade
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::performConfigUpgrade()
Perform upgrade of config.php file.
- performFactoryRegistrations
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::performFactoryRegistrations()
- $parentId
- in file GalleryChildEntity.class, variable GalleryChildEntity::$parentId
The id of the parent of this GalleryChildEntity
- $pathComponent
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, variable GalleryFileSystemEntity::$pathComponent
The path component of this item (eg. "image1"). This value, when combined with the paths of all the parent objects (say, "rootAlbum", "album01") will form the complete path to the item ("rootAlbum/album01/image1").
- $postFilterOperations
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, variable GalleryDerivative::$postFilterOperations
More operations that are applied at the very end of the derivative operations, and are not carried down to derivatives that depend on this one. Useful for operations like watermarking that change the derivative in a way that we don't want to propagate.
- packSetting
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::packSetting()
Convert a setting from a string format into a PHP native format. The string format is
- parseHead
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::parseHead()
Parse html (headHtml) for css links, javascript, meta tags and page title
- performFactoryRegistrations
- in file module.inc, method CoreModule::performFactoryRegistrations()
- performFactoryRegistrations
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::performFactoryRegistrations()
Register any factory implementations. This is called at module activation time.
- performOperation
- in file GalleryToolkit.class, method GalleryToolkit::performOperation()
Perform a certain operation
- performShutdownActions
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::performShutdownActions()
Process registered shutdown actions.
- performValidation
- in file GalleryValidationPlugin.class, method GalleryValidationPlugin::performValidation()
Perform validation for this request.
- permissionCheck
- in file GalleryController.class, method GalleryController::permissionCheck()
- pluginExistsInIndex
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::pluginExistsInIndex()
- postEvent
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::postEvent()
Deliver an event to anybody listening.
- postToWebPage
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::postToWebPage()
Post form data to a remote url and return the http response, headers and body of the reply
- preFilter
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::preFilter()
Remove leading whitespace when compiling tpl to produce smaller html page sizes.
- prefixFormVariable
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::prefixFormVariable()
Return prefixed form variable name.
- preloadBlock
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::preloadBlock()
Call preload for given block if the module is active and a preload exists.
- preVerifyPackage
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::preVerifyPackage()
Verify that a package will install cleanly by examining all of its paths and making sure that any file operations that we intend to make will be successful.
- preVerifyPackage
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::preVerifyPackage()
Verify that a package will install cleanly by examining all of its paths and making sure that any file operations that we intend to make will be successful.
- progressCallBack
- in file DatabaseBackupTask.class, method DatabaseBackupTask::progressCallBack()
Callback function to recieve notifications of database backup progess
- put
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::put()
Store a value in the session.
- put
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::put()
Store data in the cache You must provide a unique key. Existing keys are overwritten.
- putByReference
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::putByReference()
Store a reference to the data in the cache
- putInSession
- in file GalleryStatus.class, method GalleryStatus::putInSession()
Store error in session for reporting after a redirect
- putPageData
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::putPageData()
Store page data from the cache.
- putRequestVariable
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::putRequestVariable()
Push the given key => value pair back into the request.
- putStatus
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::putStatus()
Store a status message.
- putToDisk
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::putToDisk()
Put the specified data into a cache file from disk. PathInfo is of the form that can be passed to getCachePath.
- phpUtf8Strcut
- in file GalleryCharsetHelper_medium.class, method GalleryCharsetHelper_medium::phpUtf8Strcut()
A multibyte safe PHP implementation of mb_strcut for UTF-8.
- phpUtf8Substring
- in file GalleryCharsetHelper_medium.class, method GalleryCharsetHelper_medium::phpUtf8Substring()
A multibyte safe PHP implementation of mb_substr for UTF-8.
- postEvent
- in file GalleryEventHelper_simple.class, method GalleryEventHelper_simple::postEvent()
- postToWebPage
- in file WebHelper_simple.class, method WebHelper_simple::postToWebPage()
- PermissionSetTest.class
- procedural page PermissionSetTest.class
- PermissionTest.class
- procedural page PermissionTest.class
- PhotoTest.class
- procedural page PhotoTest.class
- Php43CompatibilityTest.class
- procedural page Php43CompatibilityTest.class
- PhpDocAuditTest.class
- procedural page PhpDocAuditTest.class
- PhpVmTest.class
- procedural page PhpVmTest.class
- PlatformTest.class
- procedural page PlatformTest.class
- PluginCallbackTest.class
- procedural page PluginCallbackTest.class
- PluginParameterTest.class
- procedural page PluginParameterTest.class
- PluginTest.class
- procedural page PluginTest.class
- performFactoryRegistrations
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestModule::performFactoryRegistrations()
- performFactoryRegistrations
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTestModule::performFactoryRegistrations()
- performOperation
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTestToolkit::performOperation()
- performOperation
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTestToolkit::performOperation()
- performOperation
- in file CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class, method CreateThumbnailOptionTestToolkit::performOperation()
- performOperation
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTestToolkit::performOperation()
- performOperation
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTestToolkit::performOperation()
- performOperation
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTestToolkit::performOperation()
- performOperation
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTestToolkit::performOperation()
- performOperation
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTestToolkit::performOperation()
- performOperation
- in file ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoPluginTestToolkit::performOperation()
- performValidation
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTestPlugin::performValidation()
- performValidation
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestPlugin::performValidation()
- PermissionSetTest
- in file PermissionSetTest.class, method PermissionSetTest::PermissionSetTest()
- PermissionSetTest
- in file PermissionSetTest.class, class PermissionSetTest
Test PermissionSet functionality
- PermissionTest
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::PermissionTest()
- PermissionTest
- in file PermissionTest.class, class PermissionTest
Test Permission functionality
- PermissionTestEventListener
- in file PermissionTest.class, class PermissionTestEventListener
Dummy event listener
- PhotoTest
- in file PhotoTest.class, class PhotoTest
Test Photo functionality
- PhotoTest
- in file PhotoTest.class, method PhotoTest::PhotoTest()
- PhotoTestToolkit
- in file PhotoTest.class, class PhotoTestToolkit
Test toolkit
- Php43CompatibilityTest
- in file Php43CompatibilityTest.class, method Php43CompatibilityTest::Php43CompatibilityTest()
- Php43CompatibilityTest
- in file Php43CompatibilityTest.class, class Php43CompatibilityTest
Scan through all of our source code and verify that we're not using anything that is not
- PhpDocAuditTest
- in file PhpDocAuditTest.class, method PhpDocAuditTest::PhpDocAuditTest()
- PhpDocAuditTest
- in file PhpDocAuditTest.class, class PhpDocAuditTest
Lint check our phpdoc
- PhpVmTest
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::PhpVmTest()
- PhpVmTest
- in file PhpVmTest.class, class PhpVmTest
Test the GalleryPhpVm. These are passthrough functions so all we do is perform a smoke test to make sure that the basic arguments are getting passed through correctly.
- PlatformTest
- in file PlatformTest.class, class PlatformTest
Test platform functionality.
- PlatformTest
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::PlatformTest()
- PlatformTestOpenBaseDirUnixPlatform
- in file PlatformTest.class, class PlatformTestOpenBaseDirUnixPlatform
- PlatformTestOpenBaseDirWinNtPlatform
- in file PlatformTest.class, class PlatformTestOpenBaseDirWinNtPlatform
- PlatformTestPhpVm
- in file PlatformTest.class, class PlatformTestPhpVm
- PlatformTestPhpVm
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestPhpVm::PlatformTestPhpVm()
- PluginCallbackControllerTestModule
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, class PluginCallbackControllerTestModule
- PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, class PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin
Test module
- PluginCallbackControllerTestTheme
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, class PluginCallbackControllerTestTheme
- PluginCallbackMockStorage
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, class PluginCallbackMockStorage
- PluginCallbackTest
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::PluginCallbackTest()
- PluginCallbackTest
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, class PluginCallbackTest
PluginCallback tests
- PluginCallbackWithFakeHandler
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, class PluginCallbackWithFakeHandler
- PluginParameterTest
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, class PluginParameterTest
Test plugin parameters
- PluginParameterTest
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTest::PluginParameterTest()
- PluginParameterTestMockStorage
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTestMockStorage::PluginParameterTestMockStorage()
- PluginParameterTestMockStorage
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, class PluginParameterTestMockStorage
- PluginTest
- in file PluginTest.class, class PluginTest
Test Plugin functionality
- PluginTestCompatibleModule
- in file PluginTest.class, class PluginTestCompatibleModule
- PluginTestPlugin
- in file PluginTest.class, class PluginTestPlugin
- preloadBlock
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTestTheme::preloadBlock()
- progressCallback
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::progressCallback()
- put
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestSession::put()
- put
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTestSession::put()
- put
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestSession::put()
- put
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestSession::put()
- putInSession
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method MockGalleryStatus::putInSession()
- putStatus
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryControllerTestSession::putStatus()
- PostgreSqlStorage.class
- procedural page PostgreSqlStorage.class
- parseSqlTemplate
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::parseSqlTemplate()
Parse the SQL template file and break it down by database and sql file type and return the results in an array. The best way to see how this is supposed to work is to look in the unit test.
- PostgreSqlStorage
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, method PostgreSqlStorage::PostgreSqlStorage()
- PostgreSqlStorage
- in file PostgreSqlStorage.class, class PostgreSqlStorage
PostgreSQL extension of the GalleryStorage class.
- PluginCallback.inc
- procedural page PluginCallback.inc
- ProgressBar.inc
- procedural page ProgressBar.inc
- performDownloadAndInstallation
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController::performDownloadAndInstallation()
Download specified packages to the local repository cache and perform installation.
- PluginCallbackView
- in file PluginCallback.inc, class PluginCallbackView
This view lets you make very simple callbacks to the framework to get very specific data.
- pluginSort
- in file AdminRepository.inc, method AdminRepositoryView::pluginSort()
- pluginSort
- in file AdminPlugins.inc, method AdminPluginsView::pluginSort()
- postprocessItems
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddController::postprocessItems()
Do post-processing which includes extracting archive-items and letting all ItemAddOption instances handle the added items.
- ProgressBarView
- in file ProgressBar.inc, class ProgressBarView
This is a null view that we use to indicate to the theme that it should render a progress bar.
- $renderer
- in file GalleryItem.class, variable GalleryItem::$renderer
The renderer for drawing this item
- ResetViewCountsTask.class
- procedural page ResetViewCountsTask.class
- rand
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::rand()
Generate random integer
- reactivate
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::reactivate()
Reactivate this plugin. The plugin is already active, so call deactivate() and then activate(). Perform the deactivation without sending an event because the activation will immediately follow and we don't want other plugins to sense this deactivation and deactivate themselves. If the plugin isn't currently active, don't do anything.
- readdir
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::readdir()
Return the next file resource from a directory.
- readfile
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::readfile()
Output a file.
- readIndividualManifest
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::readIndividualManifest()
Read one manifest file.
- readManifest
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::readManifest()
Get contents of MANIFEST files.
- realpath
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::realpath()
Expand all symbolic links and resolve references to '/./', '/../' and extra '/' characters in
- rebalanceChildOrderWeights
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::rebalanceChildOrderWeights()
Rebalance the order weights associated with this item's children. When this method is complete, the child item ids should still have the same order as they have now, but their order weights should be spaced out to exactly the spacing value specified in the arguments.
- rebuildCache
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, method GalleryDerivativeImage::rebuildCache()
Rebuild the cache.
- rebuildCache
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::rebuildCache()
Rebuild the cache. This should never be called directly; instead you should call GalleryCoreApi::rebuildDerivativeCacheIfNotCurrent($derivativeId)
- rebuildDerivativeCache
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::rebuildDerivativeCache()
Rebuild the cache for the given derivative
- rebuildDerivativeCacheIfNotCurrent
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::rebuildDerivativeCacheIfNotCurrent()
Rebuild the cached derivative file if it is not current.
- recode_string
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::recode_string()
recode_string -- Recode a string according to a recode request
- recursiveChmod
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::recursiveChmod()
Recursively set filesystem permissions. Modes default to system preferences for file/dir permissions.
- recursiveFixDirPermissions
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::recursiveFixDirPermissions()
Fixes the directory permissions (as eg. unzip creates them with file permissions because of the umask).
- recursiveRmdir
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::recursiveRmdir()
Delete a directory, and all its contents.
- refresh
- in file GalleryDynamicAlbum.class, method GalleryDynamicAlbum::refresh()
- refresh
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::refresh()
Refresh this item from the persistent store
- refreshEntity
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::refreshEntity()
Refresh a GalleryEntity from the database if it has changed
- refreshLocks
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::refreshLocks()
Refresh all the locks that we hold so that they aren't accidentally considered expired
- refreshLocks
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::refreshLocks()
Refresh all the locks that we hold so that they aren't accidentally considered expired
- refreshLocks
- in file DatabaseLockSystem.class, method DatabaseLockSystem::refreshLocks()
- refreshLocks
- in file FlockLockSystem.class, method FlockLockSystem::refreshLocks()
- refreshLocks
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::refreshLocks()
Refresh all the locks that we hold so that they aren't accidentally considered expired
- regenerate
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::regenerate()
Regenerate the session id to prevent a session fixation attack by a hostile website.
- registerEventListener
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::registerEventListener()
Register an event listener.
- registerEventListeners
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::registerEventListeners()
Register any event listeners that this module requires. Each module will get a chance to register its event listeners before any events are posted.
- registerFactoryImplementation
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::registerFactoryImplementation()
Register a new implementation with the factory
- registerFactoryImplementationForRequest
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::registerFactoryImplementationForRequest()
Register a new implementation with the factory for this request only
- registerPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::registerPermission()
Register a new permission
- registerToolkitOperation
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::registerToolkitOperation()
Register the operations that a toolkit is able to perform on a certain mime type.
- registerToolkitProperty
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::registerToolkitProperty()
Register a parameter that a toolkit can extract from a certain mime type.
- registerTrailerCallback
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::registerTrailerCallback()
Register a callback function to be executed when we run the trailer.
- releaseAllLocks
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::releaseAllLocks()
Release any locks that we're holding
- releaseAllLocks
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::releaseAllLocks()
Let go of all of our locks.
- releaseLocks
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::releaseLocks()
Release the given locks.
- releaseLocks
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::releaseLocks()
Release the given lock(s) (queue the specified locks for later release on transactional databases or release them immediately if transactions are not supported)
- releaseLocks
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks()
Release the given lock(s)
- releaseQueue
- in file GalleryLockSystem.class, method GalleryLockSystem::releaseQueue()
Cleanup any locks queued for release
- remapOwnerId
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::remapOwnerId()
Transfer the ownership of all items by oldUser to newUser
- remapSourceIds
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::remapSourceIds()
Find all derivatives attached to one source and switch them to another one
- remove
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::remove()
Remove a value from the session.
- remove
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::remove()
Remove data from the cache
- removeAllMapEntries
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeAllMapEntries()
Remove ALL entries from this map.. use with caution!
- removeAllMapEntries
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::removeAllMapEntries()
Remove ALL entries from a map. Use with caution!
- removeAllPluginParameters
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeAllPluginParameters()
Remove all parameters for this plugin
- removeAllUsersFromGroup
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeAllUsersFromGroup()
Remove any users in the group
- removeByPattern
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::removeByPattern()
Remove data from the cache
- removeDerivativeOperation
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeDerivativeOperation()
Remove the given operation from the operation set.
- removeDerivativePreferenceForItemType
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeDerivativePreferenceForItemType()
Remove derivative preference for a given item/type combination
- removeDerivativePreferencesForItem
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeDerivativePreferencesForItem()
Remove all derivative preferences for a given item
- removeEntityPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeEntityPermission()
Remove the given itemid, entityid, permission mapping
- removeFormVariables
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::removeFormVariables()
Remove all request variables that match the prefix.
- removeFromDisk
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::removeFromDisk()
Remove the cache file from disk. PathInfo is of the form that can be passed to getCachePath
- removeGroupPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeGroupPermission()
Remove the given itemid, groupid, permission mapping
- removeIdsFromLock
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::removeIdsFromLock()
Remove ids from a lock.
- removeItemAttributes
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeItemAttributes()
Remove the attributes for the given item
- removeItemPermissions
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeItemPermissions()
Remove all permissions for the given itemid
- removeMapEntry
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeMapEntry()
Remove entries from a map
- removeMapEntry
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::removeMapEntry()
Remove entries from a map
- removeMimeType
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeMimeType()
Remove specified mime data from the list.
- removeObsoleteFiles
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::removeObsoleteFiles()
Remove obsolete files when a plugin is updated.
- removeOnLoadHandler
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::removeOnLoadHandler()
Remove onLoad handler.
- removeOnLoadHandlers
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeOnLoadHandlers()
Remove onLoadHandlers from all entities
- removePageData
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::removePageData()
Remove all cached page data for the given item ids
- removeParameter
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::removeParameter()
Convenience method to remove a plugin parameter
- removePlugin
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removePlugin()
Remove the given plugin from the map
- removePluginParameter
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removePluginParameter()
Remove a parameter for this plugin
- removePluginParameterByValue
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removePluginParameterByValue()
Remove all plugin entries for a given parameter and value pair
- removePluginParametersForItemId
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removePluginParametersForItemId()
Remove all plugin parameters for a given item id
- removeRequestVariable
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::removeRequestVariable()
Remove a request variable.
- removeTranslationsForPlugin
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeTranslationsForPlugin()
Remove the translations for a given plugin from our locale hierarchy.
- removeUserFromAllGroups
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeUserFromAllGroups()
Remove the user from all groups
- removeUserFromGroup
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeUserFromGroup()
Remove the specified user to the specified group.
- removeUserFromGroup
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::removeUserFromGroup()
Remove a user from a G2 group.
- removeUserPermission
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::removeUserPermission()
Remove the given itemid, userid, permission mapping
- rename
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::rename()
Rename this album
- rename
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::rename()
Rename this item
- rename
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::rename()
Rename this DataItem
- rename
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::rename()
Rename a file/dir.
- render
- in file GalleryRenderer.class, method GalleryRenderer::render()
Render the given GalleryItem in the given output format. For example, you can render a GalleryPhotoItem with an <img> tag in the HTML format, whereas GalleryMovieItem would use <object> or <embed>.
- render
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, method GalleryDerivativeImage::render()
- render
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, method GalleryAnimationItem::render()
- render
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::render()
- render
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::render()
- render
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, method GalleryPhotoItem::render()
- render
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::render()
Render this item in the given format. For example, GalleryDerivativeImage may want to render as an <img> tag in the HTML format.
- renderImmediate
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::renderImmediate()
Print out the immediate output for this view. This will bypass any global templating. This style of view should be reserved for binary data.
- renderStatusMessage
- in file ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task.class, method MockStatusMonitor::renderStatusMessage()
- replaceSessionIdInData
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::replaceSessionIdInData()
Replaces the session id in all string members of an object or in all elements of an array.
- replaceTempSessionIdIfNecessary
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::replaceTempSessionIdIfNecessary()
If we started this request without a sessionId, then we used SESSION_TEMP_ID in all generated
- requestWebPage
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::requestWebPage()
Make an HTTP request to a remote URL and return the HTTP response status, headers and body.
- requireOnce
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce()
Require a file, but only once. All specified paths must be relative to the gallery2 directory. Think of it as a virtual PHP include_path.
- requiresMaintenanceMode
- in file DatabaseBackupTask.class, method DatabaseBackupTask::requiresMaintenanceMode()
- requiresProgressBar
- in file SetOriginationTimestampTask.class, method SetOriginationTimestampTask::requiresProgressBar()
- requiresProgressBar
- in file DatabaseBackupTask.class, method DatabaseBackupTask::requiresProgressBar()
- requiresProgressBar
- in file DeleteSessionsTask.class, method DeleteSessionsTask::requiresProgressBar()
- requiresProgressBar
- in file BuildDerivativesTask.class, method BuildDerivativesTask::requiresProgressBar()
- rescan
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, method GalleryPhotoItem::rescan()
- rescan
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::rescan()
- rescan
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::rescan()
Scan this item's data for changes.
- rescan
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, method GalleryAnimationItem::rescan()
- reset
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::reset()
Clean/remove and reinitialize a session.
- reset
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::reset()
Empty the cache of all but protected entries
- resetOriginalValues
- in file GalleryPersistent.class, method GalleryPersistent::resetOriginalValues()
Reset all original values to the current values in the entity (or null if so specified).
- resetPlatform
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::resetPlatform()
Clear any cached saved state in this platform.
- resetProgressBarStats
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::resetProgressBarStats()
Reset progress bar timing stats.
- ResetViewCountsTask
- in file ResetViewCountsTask.class, class ResetViewCountsTask
This is a MaintenanceTask that will reset the view counts for all albums/items.
- resourceGetSecure
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::resourceGetSecure()
- resourceGetTemplate
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::resourceGetTemplate()
- resourceGetTemplateBaseDir
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::resourceGetTemplateBaseDir()
Returns the base directory of the specified template. This is required to support loading templates from g2data/plugins.
- resourceGetTimestamp
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::resourceGetTimestamp()
- resourceGetTrusted
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::resourceGetTrusted()
- rmdir
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::rmdir()
Delete a directory.
- rollbackTransaction
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::rollbackTransaction()
Rollback our transaction, if the storage layer supports them.
- roundToString
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::roundToString()
Round a float and convert to a string. Replace , with . in case current locale uses comma as fraction separator.
- run
- in file SystemInfoTask.class, method SystemInfoTask::run()
- run
- in file SetOriginationTimestampTask.class, method SetOriginationTimestampTask::run()
- run
- in file BuildDerivativesTask.class, method BuildDerivativesTask::run()
- run
- in file ResetViewCountsTask.class, method ResetViewCountsTask::run()
- run
- in file DatabaseBackupTask.class, method DatabaseBackupTask::run()
- run
- in file FlushTemplatesTask.class, method FlushTemplatesTask::run()
- run
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTask.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTask::run()
- run
- in file DeleteSessionsTask.class, method DeleteSessionsTask::run()
- run
- in file ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task.class, method ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task::run()
- run
- in file OptimizeDatabaseTask.class, method OptimizeDatabaseTask::run()
- rebalanceChildOrderWeights
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced::rebalanceChildOrderWeights()
- rebuildCache
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::rebuildCache()
- rebuildCacheIfNotCurrent
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple::rebuildCacheIfNotCurrent()
- refreshLocks
- in file GalleryLockHelper_simple.class, method GalleryLockHelper_simple::refreshLocks()
- registerEventListener
- in file GalleryEventHelper_simple.class, method GalleryEventHelper_simple::registerEventListener()
- registerFactoryImplementationForRequest
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_medium.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_medium::registerFactoryImplementationForRequest()
- registerImplementation
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_medium.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_medium::registerImplementation()
- registerOperation
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::registerOperation()
- registerPermission
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::registerPermission()
- registerProperty
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::registerProperty()
- releaseAllLocks
- in file GalleryLockHelper_simple.class, method GalleryLockHelper_simple::releaseAllLocks()
- releaseLocks
- in file GalleryLockHelper_simple.class, method GalleryLockHelper_simple::releaseLocks()
- remapOwnerId
- in file GalleryItemHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemHelper_advanced::remapOwnerId()
- remapSourceIds
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::remapSourceIds()
- removeAllParameters
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::removeAllParameters()
- removeAllUsersFromGroup
- in file GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium::removeAllUsersFromGroup()
- removeEntityPermission
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::removeEntityPermission()
- removeGroupPermission
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::removeGroupPermission()
- removeItemAttributes
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced::removeItemAttributes()
- removeItemPermissions
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::removeItemPermissions()
- removeMimeType
- in file GalleryMimeTypeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryMimeTypeHelper_advanced::removeMimeType()
- removeOnLoadHandlers
- in file GalleryEntityHelper_medium.class, method GalleryEntityHelper_medium::removeOnLoadHandlers()
- removeOperation
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::removeOperation()
- removeParameter
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::removeParameter()
- removeParameterByValue
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::removeParameterByValue()
- removeParametersForItemId
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::removeParametersForItemId()
- removePlugin
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::removePlugin()
- removePreferenceForItemType
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::removePreferenceForItemType()
- removePreferencesForItem
- in file GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced::removePreferencesForItem()
- removeTranslationsForPlugin
- in file GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium.class, method GalleryTranslatorHelper_medium::removeTranslationsForPlugin()
- removeUserFromAllGroups
- in file GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium::removeUserFromAllGroups()
- removeUserFromGroup
- in file GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium.class, method GalleryUserGroupHelper_medium::removeUserFromGroup()
- removeUserPermission
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::removeUserPermission()
- requestWebPage
- in file WebHelper_simple.class, method WebHelper_simple::requestWebPage()
- RepositoryCallbackTest.class
- procedural page RepositoryCallbackTest.class
- RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class
- procedural page RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class
- RepositoryIndexTest.class
- procedural page RepositoryIndexTest.class
- RepositoryTest.class
- procedural page RepositoryTest.class
- RepositoryTestStorage.class
- procedural page RepositoryTestStorage.class
- RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class
- procedural page RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class
- rand
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestPhpVm::rand()
- rand
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestMockVm::rand()
- readdir
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::readdir()
- readdir
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTestPlatform::readdir()
- readdir
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTestPlatform::readdir()
- readdir
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTestPlatform::readdir()
- readdir
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::readdir()
- readdir
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestPlatform::readdir()
- realpath
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestOpenBaseDirUnixPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestOpenBaseDirWinNtPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestWinPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTestPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, method FlushTemplatesTaskTestPlatform::realpath()
- realpath
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::realpath()
- recode_string
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTestPhpVm::recode_string()
- RecordCount
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTestRecordSet::RecordCount()
- RecoverDummyPlatform
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, class RecoverDummyPlatform
- RecoverDummyPlatform
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::RecoverDummyPlatform()
- RecoverPasswordControllerPhpVm
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, class RecoverPasswordControllerPhpVm
- recursiveRmdir
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::recursiveRmdir()
- recursiveRmdir
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::recursiveRmdir()
- recursiveRmDir
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::recursiveRmDir()
- recursiveRmdir
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTestPlatform::recursiveRmdir()
- recursiveRmdir
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::recursiveRmdir()
- recursiveRmdir
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestPlatform::recursiveRmdir()
- recursiveRmdir
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, method FlushTemplatesTaskTestPlatform::recursiveRmdir()
- recursiveRmdir
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTestPlatform::recursiveRmdir()
- recursiveRmdir
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::recursiveRmdir()
- regenerate
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestSession::regenerate()
- regenerate
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestSession::regenerate()
- regenerateWasCalled
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestSession::regenerateWasCalled()
- regenerateWasCalled
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestSession::regenerateWasCalled()
- removeMapEntry
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestMockStorage::removeMapEntry()
- removeMapEntry
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::removeMapEntry()
- removeMapEntry
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTestMockStorage::removeMapEntry()
- removeParameter
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::removeParameter()
- rename
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTestPlatformForRename::rename()
Rename a file/dir
- render
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTestRenderer::render()
- renderImmediate
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTestImmediateView::renderImmediate()
- RepositoryCallbackTest
- in file RepositoryCallbackTest.class, method RepositoryCallbackTest::RepositoryCallbackTest()
- RepositoryCallbackTest
- in file RepositoryCallbackTest.class, class RepositoryCallbackTest
RepositoryCallback tests
- RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, class RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest
Test repository utilities functionality
- RepositoryIndexTest
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, class RepositoryIndexTest
Test repository index functionality
- RepositoryIndexTestModule
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, class RepositoryIndexTestModule
- RepositoryIndexTestTheme
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, class RepositoryIndexTestTheme
- RepositoryTest
- in file RepositoryTest.class, class RepositoryTest
Test repository functionality
- RepositoryTestIndex
- in file RepositoryTest.class, class RepositoryTestIndex
- RepositoryTestIndex
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTestIndex::RepositoryTestIndex()
- RepositoryTestModule
- in file RepositoryTest.class, class RepositoryTestModule
- RepositoryTestSearchResults
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, class RepositoryTestSearchResults
- RepositoryTestSearchResults
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestSearchResults::RepositoryTestSearchResults()
- RepositoryTestStorage
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::RepositoryTestStorage()
- RepositoryTestStorage
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, class RepositoryTestStorage
Test storage class used for testing functions that interact with the database.
- RepositoryTest_GalleryRepository
- in file RepositoryTest.class, class RepositoryTest_GalleryRepository
- RepositoryUtilitiesTest
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, class RepositoryUtilitiesTest
Test repository utilities functionality
- RepositoryUtilitiesTestPhpVm
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTestPhpVm::RepositoryUtilitiesTestPhpVm()
- RepositoryUtilitiesTestPhpVm
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, class RepositoryUtilitiesTestPhpVm
- RepositoryUtilitiesTestPlugin
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, class RepositoryUtilitiesTestPlugin
- requiresProgressBar
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTestOptionWithProgressBar::requiresProgressBar()
- requiresProgressBar
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskProgressBar::requiresProgressBar()
- reset
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::reset()
- reset
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTestEventListener::reset()
- reset
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTestSession::reset()
- reset
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::reset()
- reset
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::reset()
- reset
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::reset()
- resetCalls
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::resetCalls()
- resultCount
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestMockStorageFakeResults::resultCount()
- resultCount
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestRecordSet::resultCount()
- resultCount
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestSearchResults::resultCount()
- rmdir
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::rmdir()
- rollbackTransaction
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::rollbackTransaction()
- rollbackTransaction
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackMockStorage::rollbackTransaction()
- run
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskFail::run()
- run
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskSuccess::run()
- run
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskProgressBar::run()
- run
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, method MaintenanceHelperTestTask::run()
- rename
- in file WinNtPlatform.class, method WinNtPlatform::rename()
- refreshEntity
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::refreshEntity()
- refreshLocks
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::refreshLocks()
- release
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, method GalleryXmlProcessor::release()
This method releases the php parser.
- releaseLocks
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::releaseLocks()
- removeAllMapEntries
- in file SQLiteStorage.class, method SQLiteStorage::removeAllMapEntries()
- removeAllMapEntries
- in file Db2Storage.class, method Db2Storage::removeAllMapEntries()
- removeAllMapEntries
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::removeAllMapEntries()
- removeIdsFromLock
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::removeIdsFromLock()
- removeMapEntry
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::removeMapEntry()
- resultCount
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GallerySearchResults::resultCount()
The number of results from this search
- RepositoryCallback.inc
- procedural page RepositoryCallback.inc
- renderImmediate
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallback.inc, method AdminEventLogViewerCallbackView::renderImmediate()
- renderImmediate
- in file SimpleCallback.inc, method SimpleCallbackView::renderImmediate()
- renderImmediate
- in file PluginCallback.inc, method PluginCallbackView::renderImmediate()
- renderImmediate
- in file ItemDeleteJs.inc, method ItemDeleteJsView::renderImmediate()
- renderImmediate
- in file RepositoryCallback.inc, method RepositoryCallbackView::renderImmediate()
- renderImmediate
- in file DownloadItem.inc, method DownloadItemView::renderImmediate()
- renderImmediate
- in file UserRecoverPasswordDownload.inc, method UserRecoverPasswordDownloadView::renderImmediate()
- renderImmediate
- in file CombinedJavascript.inc, method CombinedJavascriptView::renderImmediate()
- RepositoryCallbackView
- in file RepositoryCallback.inc, class RepositoryCallbackView
This view lets you make very simple callbacks to the framework to get very specific data.
- requiresMaintenanceMode
- in file AdminMaintenance.inc, method MaintenanceTask::requiresMaintenanceMode()
This task requires that the administrator sets Gallery into maintenance mode.
- requiresProgressBar
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditOption::requiresProgressBar()
Will this task run so long that it requires a progress bar?
- requiresProgressBar
- in file AdminMaintenance.inc, method MaintenanceTask::requiresProgressBar()
Will this task run so long that it requires a progress bar?
- run
- in file AdminMaintenance.inc, method MaintenanceTask::run()
Execute the task
- runProgressBarOptions
- in file ItemEdit.inc, method ItemEditController::runProgressBarOptions()
- runRecreateResizes
- in file ItemEditAlbum.inc, method ItemEditAlbum::runRecreateResizes()
- runRecreateThumbnails
- in file ItemEditAlbum.inc, method ItemEditAlbum::runRecreateThumbnails()
- runTask
- in file AdminMaintenance.inc, method AdminMaintenanceController::runTask()
- $serialNumber
- in file GalleryEntity.class, variable GalleryEntity::$serialNumber
The serial number of this object in the persistent store. This value will help us to avoid collisions.
- $size
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, variable GalleryDataItem::$size
The byte size of the data file
- $summary
- in file GalleryItem.class, variable GalleryItem::$summary
The summary of this item
- SetOriginationTimestampTask.class
- procedural page SetOriginationTimestampTask.class
- SystemInfoTask.class
- procedural page SystemInfoTask.class
- sanitizeInputValues
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::sanitizeInputValues()
Perform necessary pre-processing on the value part of the incoming array (which may be an
- save
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::save()
Save the changes to this GalleryUser.
- save
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::save()
Save the changes to this GalleryItem.
- save
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::save()
Save the changes to this GalleryEntity.
- save
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::save()
- save
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::save()
- save
- in file GalleryDynamicAlbum.class, method GalleryDynamicAlbum::save()
- save
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::save()
Save any session changes to the store. Does not save sessions that don't have a sessionId yet. Triggers the expiration of existing persistent sessions in 2% of all calls.
- saveEntity
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::saveEntity()
Save the changes to the GalleryEntity
- scaleDimensionsToFit
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::scaleDimensionsToFit()
Scale the given width/height to a new target size, maintaining aspect ratio.
- scanPlugin
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::scanPlugin()
Scan one plugin and update its entries in the GalleryPluginPackageMap.
- search
- in file GalleryCoreSearch.class, method GalleryCoreSearch::search()
- search
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::search()
- search
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::search()
Search the persistent store for the target values matching the given criteria
- search
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::search()
Search specific module.
- searchScan
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::searchScan()
Perform a search across all available searchable modules.
- sendTemplatedEmail
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::sendTemplatedEmail()
Send an email using a smarty template for the message body
- SessionAuthPlugin
- in file GallerySession.class, class SessionAuthPlugin
Get the active user from the session's user id.
- in file GallerySession.class, constant SESSION_ID_PARAMETER
Define gallery session key for this install.
- in file GallerySession.class, constant SESSION_TEMP_ID
Define a temporary session id for new guest user sessions. If the guest needs a session, all HTML already generated will be scanned to replace this temporary id with the correct id.
- set
- in file GalleryCapabilities.class, method GalleryCapabilities::set()
Set a configuration value.
- setActiveLanguageCode
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::setActiveLanguageCode()
Set the active language code for this session.
- setActiveUser
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::setActiveUser()
Set the id of the active user. The active user is the user who is logged on in this session.
- setCacheControl
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::setCacheControl()
Set cache headers for sensitive pages
- setCallbacks
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::setCallbacks()
- setCanContainChildren
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::setCanContainChildren()
- setConfig
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::setConfig()
Store a value in the Gallery config table
- setCreationTimestamp
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::setCreationTimestamp()
- setCurrentView
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::setCurrentView()
Set the current view
- setData
- in file GalleryEvent.class, method GalleryEvent::setData()
Set this event's data
- setDebug
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::setDebug()
Set Adodb debug mode.
- setDebug
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::setDebug()
Change the debugging state
- setDebugLogFile
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::setDebugLogFile()
Set the location of debugging output
- setDerivativeOperations
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::setDerivativeOperations()
- setDerivativeOrder
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::setDerivativeOrder()
- setDerivativeSize
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::setDerivativeSize()
- setDerivativeSourceId
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::setDerivativeSourceId()
- setDerivativeType
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::setDerivativeType()
- setDescription
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::setDescription()
- setDescription
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::setDescription()
- setDuration
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::setDuration()
- setEmail
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::setEmail()
- setEntity
- in file GalleryEvent.class, method GalleryEvent::setEntity()
Set this event's entity
- setEntityType
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::setEntityType()
- setEventName
- in file GalleryEvent.class, method GalleryEvent::setEventName()
Set this event's name
- setFileCachingEnabled
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::setFileCachingEnabled()
Turn caching to disk on or off
- setFullName
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::setFullName()
- setGalleryVersion
- in file module.inc, method CoreModule::setGalleryVersion()
Set the current version of Gallery.
- setGroup
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::setGroup()
- setGroupName
- in file GalleryGroup.class, method GalleryGroup::setGroupName()
- setGroupType
- in file GalleryGroup.class, method GalleryGroup::setGroupType()
- setHashedPassword
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::setHashedPassword()
- setHeight
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::setHeight()
- setHeight
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, method GalleryPhotoItem::setHeight()
- setHeight
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, method GalleryDerivativeImage::setHeight()
- setHeight
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, method GalleryAnimationItem::setHeight()
- setId
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::setId()
- setId
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::setId()
- setIsBroken
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::setIsBroken()
- setIsLinkable
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::setIsLinkable()
- setItemOrderWeight
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::setItemOrderWeight()
Set the order weight for an item id
- setItemViewCount
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::setItemViewCount()
Update the view count for this item id
- setKeywords
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::setKeywords()
- setLanguage
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::setLanguage()
- setLinkedEntity
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::setLinkedEntity()
- setLinkId
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::setLinkId()
- setlocale
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::setlocale()
Set locale information. Passing multiple locales isn't avialable until PHP 4.3.0 so it's not supported here (yet).
- setLocked
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::setLocked()
- setMaintenanceMode
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::setMaintenanceMode()
Allows the application to programmatically set Gallery into or out of maintenance mode.
- setMemoryCachingEnabled
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::setMemoryCachingEnabled()
Turn in-memory caching on or off
- setMimeType
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::setMimeType()
- setMimeType
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::setMimeType()
- setModificationTimestamp
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::setModificationTimestamp()
- setName
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::setName()
- setOnLoadHandlers
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::setOnLoadHandlers()
- setOrderBy
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::setOrderBy()
- setOrderDirection
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::setOrderDirection()
- setOriginationTimestamp
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::setOriginationTimestamp()
- SetOriginationTimestampTask
- in file SetOriginationTimestampTask.class, class SetOriginationTimestampTask
This is a MaintenanceTask that will attempt to retrieve and set the origination timestamp for all items (usually from EXIF data).
- setOwnerId
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::setOwnerId()
- setParameter
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::setParameter()
Convenience method to set a plugin parameter
- setParentId
- in file GalleryChildEntity.class, method GalleryChildEntity::setParentId()
- setParentSequence
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::setParentSequence()
Set the parent id sequence for an item id
- setPathComponent
- in file GalleryFileSystemEntity.class, method GalleryFileSystemEntity::setPathComponent()
- setPersistentFlag
- in file GalleryPersistent.class, method GalleryPersistent::setPersistentFlag()
Set a flag.
- setPlatform
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::setPlatform()
Set the Gallery platform object.
- setPluginParameter
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter()
Set a plugin parameter
- setPostFilterOperations
- in file GalleryDerivative.class, method GalleryDerivative::setPostFilterOperations()
- setProfile
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::setProfile()
Set the profiling state. Pass in an array containing the different kinds of things that you want to profile. Right now, we only do sql profiling so the only valid values are:
- setRenderer
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::setRenderer()
- setRequiredCoreApi
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::setRequiredCoreApi()
- setRequiredModuleApi
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::setRequiredModuleApi()
- setRequiredThemeApi
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::setRequiredThemeApi()
- setResponseHeader
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::setResponseHeader()
Set HTTP response header.
- setSerialNumber
- in file GalleryEntity.class, method GalleryEntity::setSerialNumber()
- setSize
- in file GalleryDataItem.class, method GalleryDataItem::setSize()
- setStackTrace
- in file GalleryStatus.class, method GalleryStatus::setStackTrace()
Set the stack trace
- setStandardSettings
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::setStandardSettings()
- setStandardTemplateVariables
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::setStandardTemplateVariables()
Set standard user information available for every view.
- setSummary
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::setSummary()
- setTemplateVersion
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::setTemplateVersion()
- setTheme
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::setTheme()
Set the theme
- setTheme
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, method GalleryAlbumItem::setTheme()
- setThemeForRequest
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::setThemeForRequest()
Override the theme for this request.
- setThumbnailFromItem
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::setThumbnailFromItem()
Set the thumbnail for an album from an item, according to the thumbnail preferences for the album.
- setTitle
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::setTitle()
- setUrlGenerator
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::setUrlGenerator()
Set the URL generator
- setUserId
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::setUserId()
Set the active user id for this session.
- setUserName
- in file GalleryUser.class, method GalleryUser::setUserName()
- setVariable
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::setVariable()
Assign a template key/value pair
- setVariableByReference
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::setVariableByReference()
Assign a template key/value pair
- setVersion
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::setVersion()
- setViewedSinceTimestamp
- in file GalleryItem.class, method GalleryItem::setViewedSinceTimestamp()
- setWidth
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, method GalleryPhotoItem::setWidth()
- setWidth
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, method GalleryAnimationItem::setWidth()
- setWidth
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, method GalleryMovieItem::setWidth()
- setWidth
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, method GalleryDerivativeImage::setWidth()
- shouldCache
- in file GalleryDataCache.class, method GalleryDataCache::shouldCache()
Should we use the cache for this page or not? Right now we cache a page if it's a GET request, the browser hasn't specified that it wants uncached data, and the caching policy for the given user class is appropriate.
- shouldDoCompileCheck
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::shouldDoCompileCheck()
Check whether modification checks should be done to see if the compiled templates are still up to date. The result is cached in memory.
- shouldDoCompileCheck
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::shouldDoCompileCheck()
Check whether modification checks should be done to see if the compiled templates are still up to date. The result is cached in memory.
- shouldSaveSession
- in file GalleryView.class, method GalleryView::shouldSaveSession()
Should session be saved and session cookie sent when this view is accessed?
- shouldSaveSession
- in file GalleryController.class, method GalleryController::shouldSaveSession()
Should session be saved and session cookie sent when this controller is used?
- showAdminPage
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::showAdminPage()
Load all the necessary template data to render a page for an administrative (or other) view.
- showAlbumPage
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::showAlbumPage()
Load all the necessary template data to render a page for an album.
- showErrorPage
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::showErrorPage()
Load all the necessary template data to render an error page.
- showModulePage
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::showModulePage()
Load all the necessary template data to render a page for a module view (any views that aren't user, site, or item admin eg slideshow or members list).
- showPhotoPage
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::showPhotoPage()
Load all the necessary template data to render a page for a single item.
- showProgressBarPage
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::showProgressBarPage()
Load all the necessary template data to render a progress bar page.
- shrinkDimensions
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::shrinkDimensions()
Use GalleryUtilities::shrinkDimensionsToFit to scale template vars to new target size.
- shrinkDimensionsToFit
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::shrinkDimensionsToFit()
Scale the given width/height to a new target size, maintaining aspect ratio, but only if the dimensions are already larger than the target (in other words, don't increase the dimensions).
- splitAggregatePackage
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::splitAggregatePackage()
This method reads the aggregate download file and extracts the package files.
- splitHtml
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::splitHtml()
Split the HTML content into its various component pieces.
- splitPath
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::splitPath()
Split path into component elements. Include root path for absolute paths.
- start
- in file GallerySession.class, method GallerySession::start()
Start session by ensuring we've got a valid, unique sessionId and send cookie if necessary.
- startRecordingDebugSnippet
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::startRecordingDebugSnippet()
Start recording a debug snippet
- stat
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::stat()
Get information about a file.
- stopRecordingDebugSnippet
- in file Gallery.class, method Gallery::stopRecordingDebugSnippet()
Stop recording the debug snippet and return whatever got recorded.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_FLAG_DELETED
Deleted flag
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_FLAG_NEWLY_CREATED
Newly created flag
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_SIZE_LARGE
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_SIZE_MEDIUM
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_SIZE_SMALL
Storage sizes
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_TYPE_BIT
Bits type
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Text type
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_TYPE_ID
ID type
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_TYPE_INTEGER
Integer type
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_TYPE_STRING
String type
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_TYPE_TEXT
Text type
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant STORAGE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP
Timestamp type
- strftime
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::strftime()
Format a local time/date according to locale settings. Converts any text output from strftime tokens to UTF-8.
- strToLower
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::strToLower()
ASCII version of PHP's strtolower(). PHP's strtolower doesn't work in all locales as expected, eg. in Turkish, we get non-ASCII characters for an ASCII input string.
- strToUpper
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::strToUpper()
ASCII version of PHP's strtoupper().
- studyPermissions
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::studyPermissions()
Study the permissions for all items (for the given user).
- style
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::style()
Add a stylesheet to include in the <head> section
- symlink
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::symlink()
Symlink a file.
- SystemInfoTask
- in file SystemInfoTask.class, class SystemInfoTask
This is a MaintenanceTask that will return system details useful for posting in support forum.
- sendTemplatedEmail
- in file MailHelper_simple.class, method MailHelper_simple::sendTemplatedEmail()
- setMaintenanceMode
- in file MaintenanceHelper_simple.class, method MaintenanceHelper_simple::setMaintenanceMode()
- setOrderWeight
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced::setOrderWeight()
- setParameter
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::setParameter()
- setParentSequence
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced::setParentSequence()
- setPluginInstance
- in file GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class, method GalleryPluginHelper_medium::setPluginInstance()
Set a given plugin instance in the plugin cache.
- setThumbnailFromItem
- in file GalleryItemHelper_medium.class, method GalleryItemHelper_medium::setThumbnailFromItem()
- setViewCount
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced::setViewCount()
- studyPermissions
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_simple.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_simple::studyPermissions()
- SessionAuthPluginTest.class
- procedural page SessionAuthPluginTest.class
- SessionTest.class
- procedural page SessionTest.class
- ShowItemControllerTest.class
- procedural page ShowItemControllerTest.class
- ShowItemTest.class
- procedural page ShowItemTest.class
- SimpleCallbackTest.class
- procedural page SimpleCallbackTest.class
- SiteAdminTest.class
- procedural page SiteAdminTest.class
- StatusTest.class
- procedural page StatusTest.class
- StorageTest.class
- procedural page StorageTest.class
- SvnAuditTest.class
- procedural page SvnAuditTest.class
- save
- in file DeleteSessionsTaskTest.class, method DeleteSessionsTaskTestSession::save()
- search
- in file BuildDerivativesTaskTest.class, method BuildDerivativesTaskTestStorage::search()
- search
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestStorage::search()
- search
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::search()
- SelectLimit
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTestDB::SelectLimit()
- SessionAuthPluginTest
- in file SessionAuthPluginTest.class, method SessionAuthPluginTest::SessionAuthPluginTest()
- SessionAuthPluginTest
- in file SessionAuthPluginTest.class, class SessionAuthPluginTest
Session authentication tests
- SessionTest
- in file SessionTest.class, class SessionTest
Test session functionality.
- SessionTest
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::SessionTest()
- SessionTestPhpVm
- in file SessionTest.class, class SessionTestPhpVm
- SessionTestPhpVm
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestPhpVm::SessionTestPhpVm()
- SessionTestRecordSet
- in file SessionTest.class, class SessionTestRecordSet
- SessionTestRecordSet
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestRecordSet::SessionTestRecordSet()
- SessionTestStorage
- in file SessionTest.class, class SessionTestStorage
- SessionTestStorage
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestStorage::SessionTestStorage()
- SessionTest_error_handler
- in file SessionTest.class, function SessionTest_error_handler()
- set
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestMockPlatform::set()
- setContinue
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestPlugin::setContinue()
- setContinue
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTestPlugin::setContinue()
- setCwd
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestOpenBaseDirWinNtPlatform::setCwd()
- setCwd
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestOpenBaseDirUnixPlatform::setCwd()
- setErrors
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestPlugin::setErrors()
- setErrors
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTestPlugin::setErrors()
- SetFetchMode
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTestDB::SetFetchMode()
- setFunctionExists
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTestPhpVm::setFunctionExists()
- setHeight
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailTestItem::setHeight()
- setlocale
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTestPhpVm::setlocale()
- setMd5
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverPasswordControllerPhpVm::setMd5()
- setParameter
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method TestThemeId2Theme::setParameter()
- setParameter
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::setParameter()
- setPluginType
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTestPlugin::setPluginType()
- setRand
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestMockVm::setRand()
- setRealpathData
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestOpenBaseDirUnixPlatform::setRealpathData()
- setRealpathData
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTestOpenBaseDirWinNtPlatform::setRealpathData()
- setReply
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackWithFakeHandler::setReply()
- setRequiredModuleApi
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTestPlugin::setRequiredModuleApi()
- setRequiredThemeApi
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTestPlugin::setRequiredThemeApi()
- setResult
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::setResult()
- setResults
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTestDB::setResults()
- setReturn
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTestPhpVm::setReturn()
- setSearchResults
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::setSearchResults()
- setStat
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform::setStat()
- setTime
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestMockVm::setTime()
- setUp
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file DataItemTest.class, method DataItemTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest.class, method AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ShowItemControllerTest.class, method ShowItemControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminPerformanceControllerTest.class, method AdminPerformanceControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ShowItemTest.class, method ShowItemTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file BuildDerivativesTaskTest.class, method BuildDerivativesTaskTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file CallbacksTest.class, method CallbacksTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class, method CreateThumbnailOptionTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file SessionAuthPluginTest.class, method SessionAuthPluginTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file DeleteSessionsTaskTest.class, method DeleteSessionsTaskTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file CoreSearchTest.class, method CoreSearchTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file SiteAdminTest.class, method SiteAdminTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerViewTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file DatabaseStorageTest.class, method DatabaseStorageTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class, method UserChangePasswordControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest.class, method AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, method RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, method ItemAddAlbumControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemEditAnimationPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAnimationPluginTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoPluginTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, method MaintenanceHelperTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class, method ItemAddFromBrowserTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest.class, method ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveSingleControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest.class, method ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file LanguageTest.class, method LanguageTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemDeleteControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file EventLogHelperTest.class, method EventLogHelperTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file PhotoTest.class, method PhotoTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::setUp()
Create nested albums that only have core.canChangePermissions that we can use for testing.
- setUp
- in file PermissionSetTest.class, method PermissionSetTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest.class, method OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest::setUp()
- setUp
- in file MovieTest.class, method MovieTest::setUp()
- setUserId
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestSession::setUserId()
- setUserId
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestSession::setUserId()
- setUserId
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTestSession::setUserId()
- setWidth
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailTestItem::setWidth()
- shouldCheckFile
- in file CodeAuditTest.class, method CodeAuditTest::shouldCheckFile()
- shouldCheckFile
- in file TemplateAuditTest.class, method TemplateAuditTest::shouldCheckFile()
- shouldCheckFile
- in file SvnAuditTest.class, method SvnAuditTest::shouldCheckFile()
- shouldCheckFile
- in file PhpDocAuditTest.class, method PhpDocAuditTest::shouldCheckFile()
- shouldCheckFile
- in file LocalizationAuditTest.class, method LocalizationAuditTest::shouldCheckFile()
- shouldCheckFile
- in file Php43CompatibilityTest.class, method Php43CompatibilityTest::shouldCheckFile()
- ShowItemControllerTest
- in file ShowItemControllerTest.class, method ShowItemControllerTest::ShowItemControllerTest()
- ShowItemControllerTest
- in file ShowItemControllerTest.class, class ShowItemControllerTest
ShowItem controller tests
- ShowItemTest
- in file ShowItemTest.class, method ShowItemTest::ShowItemTest()
- ShowItemTest
- in file ShowItemTest.class, class ShowItemTest
Test ShowItem view
- ShowItemTestTheme
- in file ShowItemTest.class, method ShowItemTestTheme::ShowItemTestTheme()
- ShowItemTestTheme
- in file ShowItemTest.class, class ShowItemTestTheme
Test theme
- SimpleCallbackTest
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::SimpleCallbackTest()
- SimpleCallbackTest
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, class SimpleCallbackTest
Test SimpleCallback functionality
- SimpleCallbackTestPhpVm
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, class SimpleCallbackTestPhpVm
For the directory listing tests, we need a mock PHP VM
- SimpleCallbackTestPlatform
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, class SimpleCallbackTestPlatform
- SimpleCallbackTestPlatform
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTestPlatform::SimpleCallbackTestPlatform()
- SiteAdminTest
- in file SiteAdminTest.class, class SiteAdminTest
Tests for SiteAdmin view
- SiteAdminTest
- in file SiteAdminTest.class, method SiteAdminTest::SiteAdminTest()
- stat
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperDummyPlatform::stat()
- stat
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::stat()
- stat
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method RecoverDummyPlatform::stat()
- stat
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestMockPlatform::stat()
- stat
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestCreateFastDownloadPlatform::stat()
- StatusTest
- in file StatusTest.class, class StatusTest
Test Status functionality
- StatusTest
- in file StatusTest.class, method StatusTest::StatusTest()
- StorageTest
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::StorageTest()
- StorageTest
- in file StorageTest.class, class StorageTest
Test some Storage functionality
- StorageTestDB
- in file StorageTest.class, class StorageTestDB
- StorageTestDB
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTestDB::StorageTestDB()
- StorageTestRecordSet
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTestRecordSet::StorageTestRecordSet()
- StorageTestRecordSet
- in file StorageTest.class, class StorageTestRecordSet
- SvnAuditTest
- in file SvnAuditTest.class, class SvnAuditTest
Scan through all of our source code and verify proper subversion properties.
- SvnAuditTest
- in file SvnAuditTest.class, method SvnAuditTest::SvnAuditTest()
- splitPath
- in file UnixPlatform.class, method UnixPlatform::splitPath()
- splitPath
- in file WinNtPlatform.class, method WinNtPlatform::splitPath()
- strftime
- in file WinNtPlatform.class, method WinNtPlatform::strftime()
- SQLiteStorage.class
- procedural page SQLiteStorage.class
- saveEntity
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::saveEntity()
- SQLiteStorage
- in file SQLiteStorage.class, method SQLiteStorage::SQLiteStorage()
- SQLiteStorage
- in file SQLiteStorage.class, class SQLiteStorage
SQLite extension of the GalleryStorage class.
- ShowItem.inc
- procedural page ShowItem.inc
- ShowItemError.inc
- procedural page ShowItemError.inc
- SimpleCallback.inc
- procedural page SimpleCallback.inc
- SiteAdmin.inc
- procedural page SiteAdmin.inc
- setError
- in file ErrorPage.inc, method ErrorPageView::setError()
- setOptionInstances
- in file ItemAdd.inc, method ItemAddController::setOptionInstances()
Tests can use this method to hardwire a specific set of option instances to use.
- setPluginInstances
- in file UserRecoverPassword.inc, method UserRecoverPasswordController::setPluginInstances()
Tests can use this method to hardwire a specific set of plugin instances to use.
- setPluginInstances
- in file UserLogin.inc, method UserLoginController::setPluginInstances()
Tests can use this method to hardwire a specific set of plugin instances to use.
- shouldSaveSession
- in file DownloadItem.inc, method DownloadItemView::shouldSaveSession()
- shouldSaveSession
- in file ItemDeleteJs.inc, method ItemDeleteJsView::shouldSaveSession()
- ShowItemController
- in file ShowItem.inc, class ShowItemController
Handle the rendering of an album or item.
- ShowItemErrorView
- in file ShowItemError.inc, class ShowItemErrorView
This view will show an error message when an item cannot be displayed
- ShowItemView
- in file ShowItem.inc, class ShowItemView
Handle the rendering of an album or item.
- SimpleCallbackView
- in file SimpleCallback.inc, class SimpleCallbackView
This view lets you make very simple callbacks to the framework to get very specific data.
- SiteAdminView
- in file SiteAdmin.inc, class SiteAdminView
This view will show the availiable site-admin options
- sortByName
- in file ItemAdmin.inc, method ItemAdminView::sortByName()
- $theme
- in file GalleryAlbumItem.class, variable GalleryAlbumItem::$theme
The theme to use for this item
- $title
- in file GalleryItem.class, variable GalleryItem::$title
The (short) title of this item
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, constant TEMPLATE_DATA_VERSION
The current protocol version of the template data. Whenever the template library changes, bump this number to trigger a complete rebuild of all compiled templates.
- tempnam
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::tempnam()
Create a file with a unique file name.
- testPersistentFlag
- in file GalleryPersistent.class, method GalleryPersistent::testPersistentFlag()
Test a flag.
- text
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::text()
- theme
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::theme()
Perform a theme related function. Possible parameters are include => file to include inside the theme's templates/ dir url => url to a file inside the themes dir
- time
- in file GalleryPhpVm.class, method GalleryPhpVm::time()
Return current Unix timestamp
- title
- in file GalleryTemplate.class, method GalleryTemplate::title()
Set the title to include in the <head> section
- touch
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::touch()
touch -- Sets access and modification time of file.
- trailer
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::trailer()
Render trailer output
- translate
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::translate()
Localize the given content.
- translateDomain
- in file GalleryTranslator.class, method GalleryTranslator::translateDomain()
Localize the given text.
- translateRepositoryName
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::translateRepositoryName()
Translate the repository tag to its localized name
- trigger_error
- in file GallerySmarty.class, method GallerySmarty::trigger_error()
Make trigger_error behave more Gallery-like
- $transCnt
- in file StorageTest.class, variable StorageTestDB::$transCnt
- TemplateAdapterTest.class
- procedural page TemplateAdapterTest.class
- TemplateAuditTest.class
- procedural page TemplateAuditTest.class
- TemplateTest.class
- procedural page TemplateTest.class
- ThemeTest.class
- procedural page ThemeTest.class
- ToolkitTest.class
- procedural page ToolkitTest.class
- TranslatorTest.class
- procedural page TranslatorTest.class
- TruncateTest.class
- procedural page TruncateTest.class
- tearDown
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file DeleteSessionsTaskTest.class, method DeleteSessionsTaskTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class, method ItemAddFromBrowserTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, method MaintenanceHelperTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file EventLogHelperTest.class, method EventLogHelperTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, method RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file AdminPerformanceControllerTest.class, method AdminPerformanceControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file SessionAuthPluginTest.class, method SessionAuthPluginTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest.class, method AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerViewTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file PermissionSetTest.class, method PermissionSetTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file ShowItemControllerTest.class, method ShowItemControllerTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file BuildDerivativesTaskTest.class, method BuildDerivativesTaskTest::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::tearDown()
- TemplateAdapterMockSmarty
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, class TemplateAdapterMockSmarty
- TemplateAdapterMockTheme
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, class TemplateAdapterMockTheme
- TemplateAdapterMockTranslator
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, class TemplateAdapterMockTranslator
- TemplateAdapterMockUrlGenerator
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, class TemplateAdapterMockUrlGenerator
- TemplateAdapterTest
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, class TemplateAdapterTest
Test Gallery Template Adapter functionality
- TemplateAuditTest
- in file TemplateAuditTest.class, method TemplateAuditTest::TemplateAuditTest()
- TemplateAuditTest
- in file TemplateAuditTest.class, class TemplateAuditTest
Test Template functionality
- TemplateTest
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::TemplateTest()
- TemplateTest
- in file TemplateTest.class, class TemplateTest
Test Template functionality
- TemplateTestFakeTheme
- in file TemplateTest.class, class TemplateTestFakeTheme
- TemplateTestInactiveTheme
- in file TemplateTest.class, class TemplateTestInactiveTheme
- TemplateTestMockPlatform
- in file TemplateTest.class, class TemplateTestMockPlatform
- TemplatetestMockSmarty
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTestMockSmarty::TemplatetestMockSmarty()
- TemplateTestMockSmarty
- in file TemplateTest.class, class TemplateTestMockSmarty
- template_exists
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterMockSmarty::template_exists()
- testAcquireNewPersistentSession
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testAcquireNewPersistentSession()
- testAcquireNewPersistentSessionRetryOnCollision
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testAcquireNewPersistentSessionRetryOnCollision()
- testAcquireNewPersistentSessionWithGivenSessionId
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testAcquireNewPersistentSessionWithGivenSessionId()
- testAcquireReadLockParents
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testAcquireReadLockParents()
- testAcquireReadLockParentsOnRoot
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testAcquireReadLockParentsOnRoot()
- testActivateBadCoreApiActivate
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTest::testActivateBadCoreApiActivate()
- testActivateBadCoreApiActivate
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testActivateBadCoreApiActivate()
- testActivateBadModuleApiActivate
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTest::testActivateBadModuleApiActivate()
- testActivateBadThemeApiActivate
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testActivateBadThemeApiActivate()
- testActivateFlushesTemplateCacheAndLocalUrlMap
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testActivateFlushesTemplateCacheAndLocalUrlMap()
- testActivateModule
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testActivateModule()
Activate a module that doesn't require configuration (this should succeed)
- testActivateModuleNeedsConfiguration
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testActivateModuleNeedsConfiguration()
Activate a module that requires configuration (this should fail)
- testActivateModuleWithRedirect
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testActivateModuleWithRedirect()
Activate a module that sends back a redirect
- testActivateTheme
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testActivateTheme()
Activate a theme.
- testActivateThemeWithRedirect
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testActivateThemeWithRedirect()
Activate a theme that sends back a redirect
- testAddAlbum
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, method ItemAddAlbumControllerTest::testAddAlbum()
- testAddAlbumInvalidName
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, method ItemAddAlbumControllerTest::testAddAlbumInvalidName()
- testAddAlbumMissingName
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, method ItemAddAlbumControllerTest::testAddAlbumMissingName()
- testAddAlbumWithPeriodInName
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, method ItemAddAlbumControllerTest::testAddAlbumWithPeriodInName()
- testAddAlbumWithSpaces
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, method ItemAddAlbumControllerTest::testAddAlbumWithSpaces()
- testAddAndFetchLastRun
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, method MaintenanceHelperTest::testAddAndFetchLastRun()
- testAddAndRemoveUserAndGroupPermission
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testAddAndRemoveUserAndGroupPermission()
Add and remove some user and group permissions and test retrieving them.
- testAddAndRemoveUserFromGroup
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testAddAndRemoveUserFromGroup()
Create user, create group, add user to group, remove user from group,
- testAddBogusUser
- in file AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest::testAddBogusUser()
- testAddChildrenFromBrowser
- in file ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class, method ItemAddFromBrowserTest::testAddChildrenFromBrowser()
- testAddDuplicateAlbum
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, method ItemAddAlbumControllerTest::testAddDuplicateAlbum()
- testAddDuplicateUser
- in file AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest::testAddDuplicateUser()
- testAddDuplicateUserToGroup
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testAddDuplicateUserToGroup()
- testAddEventLogEntryNewRow
- in file EventLogHelperTest.class, method EventLogHelperTest::testAddEventLogEntryNewRow()
- testAddEventLogEntryRowExists
- in file EventLogHelperTest.class, method EventLogHelperTest::testAddEventLogEntryRowExists()
- testAddFromBrowserFail
- in file ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class, method ItemAddFromBrowserTest::testAddFromBrowserFail()
- testAddFromBrowserMix
- in file ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class, method ItemAddFromBrowserTest::testAddFromBrowserMix()
- testAddGroupPermission
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddGroupPermission()
- testAddGroupPermissionCascade
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddGroupPermissionCascade()
- testAddGroupPermissionInvalidGroup
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddGroupPermissionInvalidGroup()
- testAddGroupPermissionInvalidPermission
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddGroupPermissionInvalidPermission()
- testAddGroupPermissionMissingGroup
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddGroupPermissionMissingGroup()
- testAddGroupPermissionRedundant
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddGroupPermissionRedundant()
- testAddItemParameters
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTest::testAddItemParameters()
- testAddItemToAlbum
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testAddItemToAlbum()
- testAddItemToAlbumEntitizesAngleBracketsButIgnoresXssPayload
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testAddItemToAlbumEntitizesAngleBracketsButIgnoresXssPayload()
- testAddItemToAlbumWithOriginationTimestamp
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testAddItemToAlbumWithOriginationTimestamp()
- testAddMap
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testAddMap()
- testAddMapArray
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testAddMapArray()
- testAddMapArrayNonTransactionalDatabaseConnection
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testAddMapArrayNonTransactionalDatabaseConnection()
- testAddMapArrayTruncate
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testAddMapArrayTruncate()
- testAddMapNonTransactionalDatabaseConnection
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testAddMapNonTransactionalDatabaseConnection()
- testAddMapTruncate
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testAddMapTruncate()
- testAddMimeType
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::testAddMimeType()
- testAddMimeTypeForLongMimeTypeString
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::testAddMimeTypeForLongMimeTypeString()
- testAddMissingUser
- in file AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest::testAddMissingUser()
- testAddMovieToAlbum
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testAddMovieToAlbum()
- testAddNonViewableImage
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testAddNonViewableImage()
- testAddNonViewableImageWithPreExistingPreferred
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testAddNonViewableImageWithPreExistingPreferred()
- testAddNull
- in file MapTest.class, method MapTest::testAddNull()
- testAddParameter
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTest::testAddParameter()
- testAddPermissionToEntityWithoutPermissions
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testAddPermissionToEntityWithoutPermissions()
- testAddPermissionToSession
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testAddPermissionToSession()
- testAddPluginParameterFieldTypes
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTest::testAddPluginParameterFieldTypes()
- testAddSmallPhotoToAlbum
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testAddSmallPhotoToAlbum()
Add a small (dimension wise) photo to an album and make sure that we don't create resizes that are larger (dimension wise) than the original.
- testAddUnknownChildFromBrowser
- in file ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class, method ItemAddFromBrowserTest::testAddUnknownChildFromBrowser()
- testAddUser
- in file AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest::testAddUser()
- testAddUserPermission
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddUserPermission()
- testAddUserPermissionCascade
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddUserPermissionCascade()
- testAddUserPermissionInvalidPermission
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddUserPermissionInvalidPermission()
- testAddUserPermissionInvalidUser
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddUserPermissionInvalidUser()
- testAddUserPermissionMissingUser
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddUserPermissionMissingUser()
- testAddUserPermissionRedundant
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testAddUserPermissionRedundant()
- testAddWithEmptyTitle
- in file ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class, method ItemAddFromBrowserTest::testAddWithEmptyTitle()
- testAddWithSpaces
- in file ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class, method ItemAddFromBrowserTest::testAddWithSpaces()
- testAdjustDependentDerivatives
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testAdjustDependentDerivatives()
- testAlbumsFirstOrder
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testAlbumsFirstOrder()
- testAlbumSourcePermission
- in file ShowItemTest.class, method ShowItemTest::testAlbumSourcePermission()
- testApiChange
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testApiChange()
- testAppendNestedParamsToUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testAppendNestedParamsToUrl()
- testAppendParamsToUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testAppendParamsToUrl()
- testAppendParamsToUrlDoesNotHandleBracketsInKeyString
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testAppendParamsToUrlDoesNotHandleBracketsInKeyString()
- testAppendParamsToUrlEmptyParams
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testAppendParamsToUrlEmptyParams()
- testAppendParamsToUrlNoHtmlEntities
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testAppendParamsToUrlNoHtmlEntities()
- testAppendParamsToUrlNoPrefix
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testAppendParamsToUrlNoPrefix()
- testAppendParamsToUrlNoUrlEncode
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testAppendParamsToUrlNoUrlEncode()
- testAppendParamsToUrlPreservesParamOrder
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testAppendParamsToUrlPreservesParamOrder()
- testAppendParamsToUrlUrlEncodesParamKeyCorrectly
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testAppendParamsToUrlUrlEncodesParamKeyCorrectly()
- testAppendParamsToUrlWithQueryString
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testAppendParamsToUrlWithQueryString()
- testApplyTransform
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testApplyTransform()
- testApplyTransformLocale
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testApplyTransformLocale()
- testArrayInput
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testArrayInput()
- testAssertHasItemPermission
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testAssertHasItemPermission()
- testAssertIsGenuineRequestDefaultsToFalse
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testAssertIsGenuineRequestDefaultsToFalse()
- testAssertIsGenuineRequestHandlesEmptyValue
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testAssertIsGenuineRequestHandlesEmptyValue()
- testAssertIsGenuineRequestIgnoresNonPersistentSessions
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testAssertIsGenuineRequestIgnoresNonPersistentSessions()
- testAssertIsGenuineRequestWithInValidAuthToken
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testAssertIsGenuineRequestWithInValidAuthToken()
- testAssertIsGenuineRequestWithValidAuthToken
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testAssertIsGenuineRequestWithValidAuthToken()
- testAssertIsGunuineRequestOmittedInMaintenanceMode
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testAssertIsGunuineRequestOmittedInMaintenanceMode()
- testAssertMbFunctionOverloadingDisabled
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testAssertMbFunctionOverloadingDisabled()
- testAssertSiteAdministrator
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testAssertSiteAdministrator()
- testAtomicWrite
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testAtomicWrite()
- testAuthTokenCheckIsEnforcedForControllerLikeViews
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testAuthTokenCheckIsEnforcedForControllerLikeViews()
- testAuthTokenCheckIsEnforcedForControllers
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testAuthTokenCheckIsEnforcedForControllers()
- testAuthTokenCheckIsOmittedForSpecificControllers
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testAuthTokenCheckIsOmittedForSpecificControllers()
- testAuthTokenRoundtrip
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testAuthTokenRoundtrip()
- testAutoCacheControlDoesNotConflict
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::testAutoCacheControlDoesNotConflict()
- testAutoCompleteIncludesAuthToken
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testAutoCompleteIncludesAuthToken()
- testBaseFileWithQMark
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testBaseFileWithQMark()
- testBlockPreloads
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testBlockPreloads()
- testBold
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testBold()
- testBold2
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testBold2()
- testBold3
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testBold3()
- testCachePermission
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testCachePermission()
- testCalculateStateChangesIds
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testCalculateStateChangesIds()
- testCalculateStateChangesIdsDontConflict
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testCalculateStateChangesIdsDontConflict()
- testCalculateStateChangesNoChange
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testCalculateStateChangesNoChange()
- testCalculateStateChangesPluginDeleted
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testCalculateStateChangesPluginDeleted()
- testCanBeViewedInlineImages
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testCanBeViewedInlineImages()
- testCanBeViewedInlineOthers
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testCanBeViewedInlineOthers()
- testCanBeViewedInlineRenderer
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testCanBeViewedInlineRenderer()
- testCancel
- in file AdminCreateGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateGroupControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file AdminCreateUserControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateUserControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class, method UserChangePasswordControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file AdminEditGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest.class, method ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest.class, method ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCancel
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testCancel()
- testCantRemoveSelfFromSiteAdmins
- in file AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest::testCantRemoveSelfFromSiteAdmins()
- testCastToFloat
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testCastToFloat()
- testChangeCookieDomain
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testChangeCookieDomain()
- testChangeCookiePath
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testChangeCookiePath()
- testChangeEmailPasswordWithStars
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testChangeEmailPasswordWithStars()
- testChangeEmailPasswordWithWrongNumberOfStars
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testChangeEmailPasswordWithWrongNumberOfStars()
- testChangeGuestPassword
- in file UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class, method UserChangePasswordControllerTest::testChangeGuestPassword()
- testChangeInDescendents
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::testChangeInDescendents()
Test applying options from 'Theme' tab to sub-albums
- testChangeInDescendents
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testChangeInDescendents()
- testChangeInDescendents
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::testChangeInDescendents()
Test applying options from 'Album' tab to sub-albums
- testChangeInDescendentsLeaf
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::testChangeInDescendentsLeaf()
Test applying options from 'Album' tab to sub-albums with no subalbums
- testChangeInDescendentsLeaf
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::testChangeInDescendentsLeaf()
Test applying options from 'Theme' tab to sub-albums with no subalbum
- testChangeLanguageController
- in file LanguageTest.class, method LanguageTest::testChangeLanguageController()
- testChangeOwner
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testChangeOwner()
- testChangeOwnerCascade
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testChangeOwnerCascade()
- testChangeOwnerInvalidUser
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testChangeOwnerInvalidUser()
- testChangeOwnerMissingUser
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testChangeOwnerMissingUser()
- testChangePassword
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::testChangePassword()
- testChangePassword
- in file UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class, method UserChangePasswordControllerTest::testChangePassword()
- testChangePermissions
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTest::testChangePermissions()
- testChangeSize
- in file ItemEditAnimationPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAnimationPluginTest::testChangeSize()
- testChangeSize
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTest::testChangeSize()
- testChangeSizeInvalidValues
- in file ItemEditAnimationPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAnimationPluginTest::testChangeSizeInvalidValues()
- testChangeSizeInvalidValues
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTest::testChangeSizeInvalidValues()
- testChangeSizeMissingValues
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTest::testChangeSizeMissingValues()
- testChangeSizeMissingValues
- in file ItemEditAnimationPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAnimationPluginTest::testChangeSizeMissingValues()
- testChangeValues
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testChangeValues()
- testChdir
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testChdir()
- testCheckActiveUserChangeToAnonymous
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testCheckActiveUserChangeToAnonymous()
- testCheckActiveUserLoginAdministrator
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testCheckActiveUserLoginAdministrator()
- testCheckActiveUserLoginFromAnonymous
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testCheckActiveUserLoginFromAnonymous()
- testCheckActiveUserLoginNonAdministrator
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testCheckActiveUserLoginNonAdministrator()
- testCheckActiveUserNewId
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testCheckActiveUserNewId()
- testCheckActiveUserResumeAnonymousUser
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testCheckActiveUserResumeAnonymousUser()
- testCheckActiveUserSameId
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testCheckActiveUserSameId()
- testCheckActiveUserSwitchUserGalleryUserNotSet
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testCheckActiveUserSwitchUserGalleryUserNotSet()
- testCheckApiVersionOnInit
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testCheckApiVersionOnInit()
- testCheckForOperation
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testCheckForOperation()
- testCheckPathCollisionCaseSensitivity
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testCheckPathCollisionCaseSensitivity()
- testCheckPathCollisionTruncation
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testCheckPathCollisionTruncation()
- testCheckUserPassword
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testCheckUserPassword()
- testCheckUserPasswordEntitiesLegacy
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testCheckUserPasswordEntitiesLegacy()
- testCheckUserPasswordPhpassFallback
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testCheckUserPasswordPhpassFallback()
- testCheckUserPasswordSimpleMd5Legacy
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testCheckUserPasswordSimpleMd5Legacy()
- testChildItemIdsIgnorePermission
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testChildItemIdsIgnorePermission()
- testChooseBogusTheme
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::testChooseBogusTheme()
- testChooseDefaultTheme
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::testChooseDefaultTheme()
- testChooseTheme
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::testChooseTheme()
- testChooseThemeInDescendents
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::testChooseThemeInDescendents()
- testChooseThemeInvalidSerialNumber
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::testChooseThemeInvalidSerialNumber()
- testClassExists
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testClassExists()
- testCleanPageDataCache
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testCleanPageDataCache()
- testCleanupAfterDeleteEntity
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTest::testCleanupAfterDeleteEntity()
- testClear
- in file AdminPerformanceControllerTest.class, method AdminPerformanceControllerTest::testClear()
- testCMYKPhoto
- in file PhotoTest.class, method PhotoTest::testCMYKPhoto()
- testCodeAudit
- in file CodeAuditTest.class, method CodeAuditTest::testCodeAudit()
- testColor1
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testColor1()
- testColor2
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testColor2()
- testCombineJavascriptFiles
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testCombineJavascriptFiles()
- testCombineJavascriptFilesUseYuiUtilities
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testCombineJavascriptFilesUseYuiUtilities()
- testCombineJavascriptFilesWithDynamic
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testCombineJavascriptFilesWithDynamic()
- testComment
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testComment()
- testCompactAccessLists
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testCompactAccessLists()
- testCompareIdentifiers
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testCompareIdentifiers()
- testComparePluginListEntries
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testComparePluginListEntries()
- testCompareRevisions
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testCompareRevisions()
- testCompareVersions
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testCompareVersions()
- testCompatibleModule
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testCompatibleModule()
- testCompatibleTheme
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testCompatibleTheme()
- testContainsKey
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testContainsKey()
- testContainsPlugin
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testContainsPlugin()
- testConvertBitsToIdsWithCompress
- in file PermissionSetTest.class, method PermissionSetTest::testConvertBitsToIdsWithCompress()
- testConvertBitsToIdsWithCompressAndAllAccess
- in file PermissionSetTest.class, method PermissionSetTest::testConvertBitsToIdsWithCompressAndAllAccess()
- testConvertBitsToIdsWithoutCompress
- in file PermissionSetTest.class, method PermissionSetTest::testConvertBitsToIdsWithoutCompress()
- testConvertExtensionToMime
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::testConvertExtensionToMime()
- testConvertFromUtf8SystemCharset
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertFromUtf8SystemCharset()
- testConvertFromUtf8UnknownSystemCharset
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertFromUtf8UnknownSystemCharset()
- testConvertFromUtf8UsingIconv
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertFromUtf8UsingIconv()
- testConvertFromUtf8UsingIconvFallback1
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertFromUtf8UsingIconvFallback1()
- testConvertFromUtf8UsingIconvFallback2
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertFromUtf8UsingIconvFallback2()
- testConvertFromUtf8UsingIconvFallback3
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertFromUtf8UsingIconvFallback3()
- testConvertFromUtf8UsingMbConvertEncoding
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertFromUtf8UsingMbConvertEncoding()
- testConvertFromUtf8UsingPurePhp
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertFromUtf8UsingPurePhp()
- testConvertFromUtf8UsingPurePhpUnknownSourceEncoding
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertFromUtf8UsingPurePhpUnknownSourceEncoding()
- testConvertFromUtf8UsingRecodeString
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertFromUtf8UsingRecodeString()
- testConvertMimeToExtensions
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::testConvertMimeToExtensions()
- testConvertPathToUrl
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testConvertPathToUrl()
- testConvertRoundTrip1
- in file PermissionSetTest.class, method PermissionSetTest::testConvertRoundTrip1()
We don't know what the exact bits are so don't try to assert on them.
- testConvertRoundTrip2
- in file PermissionSetTest.class, method PermissionSetTest::testConvertRoundTrip2()
We don't know what the exact bits are so don't try to assert on them.
- testConvertToUtf8SystemCharset
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertToUtf8SystemCharset()
- testConvertToUtf8UnknownSystemCharset
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertToUtf8UnknownSystemCharset()
- testConvertToUtf8UsingIconv
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertToUtf8UsingIconv()
- testConvertToUtf8UsingIconvFallback1
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertToUtf8UsingIconvFallback1()
- testConvertToUtf8UsingIconvFallback2
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertToUtf8UsingIconvFallback2()
- testConvertToUtf8UsingIconvFallback3
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertToUtf8UsingIconvFallback3()
- testConvertToUtf8UsingMbConvertEncoding
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertToUtf8UsingMbConvertEncoding()
- testConvertToUtf8UsingPurePhp
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertToUtf8UsingPurePhp()
- testConvertToUtf8UsingPurePhpUnknownSourceEncoding
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertToUtf8UsingPurePhpUnknownSourceEncoding()
- testConvertToUtf8UsingRecodeString
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testConvertToUtf8UsingRecodeString()
- testCopy
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testCopy()
- testCopyPermissions
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testCopyPermissions()
Test copying permissions from one item to another This covers:
- testCoreApiOldMinorButOkMajor
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testCoreApiOldMinorButOkMajor()
- testCoreApiTooNew
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testCoreApiTooNew()
- testCountInstallActions
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::testCountInstallActions()
- testCrc32
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testCrc32()
- testCreate
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::testCreate()
- testCreate
- in file AdminUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminUsersControllerTest::testCreate()
- testCreateAlbumByGuestUser
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testCreateAlbumByGuestUser()
- testCreateAlbumByRegisteredUser
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testCreateAlbumByRegisteredUser()
- testCreateAlbumEntitizesAngleBracketsButIgnoresXssPayload
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testCreateAlbumEntitizesAngleBracketsButIgnoresXssPayload()
- testCreateAlbumHighlight
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testCreateAlbumHighlight()
- testCreateAlbumTree
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testCreateAlbumTree()
- testCreateAlbumWithAlternativeGuestUser
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testCreateAlbumWithAlternativeGuestUser()
- testCreateAlbumWithLeadingAndTrailingSpace
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testCreateAlbumWithLeadingAndTrailingSpace()
- testCreateAndDeleteAlbum
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testCreateAndDeleteAlbum()
- testCreateAndDeleteNestedAlbums
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testCreateAndDeleteNestedAlbums()
- testCreateAndDeletePhoto
- in file PhotoTest.class, method PhotoTest::testCreateAndDeletePhoto()
- testCreateAndModifyGroup
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testCreateAndModifyGroup()
Create group, modify group, delete group
- testCreateAndModifyUser
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testCreateAndModifyUser()
Create user, modify user, delete user
- testCreateCollision
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testCreateCollision()
Verify that creating a second album with the same path as an existing one throws a collision error.
- testCreateCollision
- in file DataItemTest.class, method DataItemTest::testCreateCollision()
Verify that creating a second dataitem entity with the same path as an existing one throws a collision error.
- testCreateCollision
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testCreateCollision()
Verify that creating a second filesystem entity with the same path as an existing one throws a collision error.
- testCreateDuplicateGroup
- in file AdminCreateGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateGroupControllerTest::testCreateDuplicateGroup()
- testCreateDuplicateGroup
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testCreateDuplicateGroup()
Create duplicate group
- testCreateDuplicateUser
- in file AdminCreateUserControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateUserControllerTest::testCreateDuplicateUser()
- testCreateDuplicateUser
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testCreateDuplicateUser()
Create duplicate user
- testCreateEntityPassword
- in file AdminCreateUserControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateUserControllerTest::testCreateEntityPassword()
- testCreateFastDownloadFileForDataItem
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::testCreateFastDownloadFileForDataItem()
- testCreateFastDownloadFileForDerivative
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::testCreateFastDownloadFileForDerivative()
- testCreateGroup
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testCreateGroup()
Create group, delete group
- testCreateGroup
- in file AdminCreateGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateGroupControllerTest::testCreateGroup()
- testCreateLinkCopiesRenderer
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testCreateLinkCopiesRenderer()
- testCreateMultipleThumbnails
- in file CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class, method CreateThumbnailOptionTest::testCreateMultipleThumbnails()
- testCreateMultipleWithNoThumbnail
- in file CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class, method CreateThumbnailOptionTest::testCreateMultipleWithNoThumbnail()
- testCreatePluginDirectory
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testCreatePluginDirectory()
- testCreateRenameAndDeleteAlbum
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testCreateRenameAndDeleteAlbum()
- testCreateSymlink
- in file DataItemTest.class, method DataItemTest::testCreateSymlink()
Create an data item being a symlink to an existing file
- testCreateTableSql
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::testCreateTableSql()
- testCreateThumbnail
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testCreateThumbnail()
- testCreateThumbnail
- in file CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class, method CreateThumbnailOptionTest::testCreateThumbnail()
- testCreateUser
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testCreateUser()
Create user, delete user
- testCreateUser
- in file AdminCreateUserControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateUserControllerTest::testCreateUser()
- testCreateUserWithClearTextPassword
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testCreateUserWithClearTextPassword()
- testCreateWithNoThumbnail
- in file CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class, method CreateThumbnailOptionTest::testCreateWithNoThumbnail()
- testCurrentUrlToken
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testCurrentUrlToken()
- testDataImport
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::testDataImport()
- testDeactivateAlreadyDeactivatedModule
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testDeactivateAlreadyDeactivatedModule()
- testDeactivateAlreadyDeactivatedTheme
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testDeactivateAlreadyDeactivatedTheme()
- testDeactivateDefaultTheme
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testDeactivateDefaultTheme()
- testDeactivateDefaultTheme
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testDeactivateDefaultTheme()
- testDeactivateModule
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testDeactivateModule()
- testDeactivatePostsEventAfterFactoryUnregistration
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTest::testDeactivatePostsEventAfterFactoryUnregistration()
- testDeactivateTheme
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testDeactivateTheme()
- testDelete
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testDelete()
- testDeleteActiveModule
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testDeleteActiveModule()
- testDeleteActiveUser
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::testDeleteActiveUser()
Try to delete the active user (this will fail silently)
- testDeleteAdmin
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testDeleteAdmin()
Verify item owners are remapped ok if we delete a site admin.
- testDeleteAlbum
- in file ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest::testDeleteAlbum()
Create a random album and verify that we can delete it.
- testDeleteAllUsersGroup
- in file AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest::testDeleteAllUsersGroup()
- testDeleteAllUsersGroupFromText
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::testDeleteAllUsersGroupFromText()
- testDeleteAnonymous
- in file AdminUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminUsersControllerTest::testDeleteAnonymous()
- testDeleteAnonymousUser
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testDeleteAnonymousUser()
- testDeleteAnonymousUser
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::testDeleteAnonymousUser()
Try to delete the anonymous user (this will fail silently)
- testDeleteBogusItem
- in file ItemDeleteControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteControllerTest::testDeleteBogusItem()
Test deleting a random item that doesn't exist. We should get a
- testDeleteBogusItem
- in file ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest::testDeleteBogusItem()
Test deleting a random item that doesn't exist. We should get a
- testDeleteEverybodyGroup
- in file AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest::testDeleteEverybodyGroup()
- testDeleteEverybodyGroupFromText
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::testDeleteEverybodyGroupFromText()
- testDeleteFromText
- in file AdminUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminUsersControllerTest::testDeleteFromText()
- testDeleteFromText
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::testDeleteFromText()
- testDeleteGroup
- in file AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest::testDeleteGroup()
Create and delete a group
- testDeleteGroupPermission
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testDeleteGroupPermission()
- testDeleteGroupPermissionCascade
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testDeleteGroupPermissionCascade()
- testDeleteItem
- in file ItemDeleteControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteControllerTest::testDeleteItem()
Create a random album and verify that we can delete it.
- testDeleteItem
- in file ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest::testDeleteItem()
Create a random item and verify that we can delete it and stay on the same page
- testDeleteItemWithoutPermission
- in file ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest::testDeleteItemWithoutPermission()
Verify that we can't delete items without the right permissions
- testDeleteLanguagePackages
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest::testDeleteLanguagePackages()
- testDeleteLastAdmin
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testDeleteLastAdmin()
Verify we can't delete the last site admin.
- testDeleteModuleFailsToRmdir
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testDeleteModuleFailsToRmdir()
- testDeleteMultipleItems
- in file ItemDeleteControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteControllerTest::testDeleteMultipleItems()
Create a random album and verify that we can delete multiple items
- testDeleteMultipleItemsWithoutPermission
- in file ItemDeleteControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteControllerTest::testDeleteMultipleItemsWithoutPermission()
try to delete a bunch of items some of which we don't have permission
- testDeleteNextPageOutOfRange
- in file ItemDeleteControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteControllerTest::testDeleteNextPageOutOfRange()
- testDeletePageItem
- in file ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest::testDeletePageItem()
Create a random item and verify that we can delete it and move to the parent page
- testDeletePreviousPageOutOfRange
- in file ItemDeleteControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteControllerTest::testDeletePreviousPageOutOfRange()
- testDeleteRenderer
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testDeleteRenderer()
- testDeleteRootAlbum
- in file ItemDeleteControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteControllerTest::testDeleteRootAlbum()
Test deleting the root album We should get a bad parameter error
- testDeleteRootAlbum
- in file ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemDeleteSingleControllerTest::testDeleteRootAlbum()
Test deleting the root album. We should get a bad parameter error
- testDeleteSelf
- in file AdminUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminUsersControllerTest::testDeleteSelf()
- testDeleteSelf
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testDeleteSelf()
- testDeleteSiteAdminGroupFromText
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::testDeleteSiteAdminGroupFromText()
- testDeleteSiteAdminsGroup
- in file AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteGroupControllerTest::testDeleteSiteAdminsGroup()
- testDeleteSortOrderFromAlbums
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testDeleteSortOrderFromAlbums()
- testDeleteSortOrderFromDefault
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testDeleteSortOrderFromDefault()
- testDeleteSpecialGroups
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testDeleteSpecialGroups()
- testDeleteUser
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::testDeleteUser()
Create and delete a user, no items created/deleted
- testDeleteUser
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testDeleteUser()
Create group, create user, add user to group, assign
- testDeleteUserAndAssignItemsToAnonymousUser
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::testDeleteUserAndAssignItemsToAnonymousUser()
Try to delete a user and assign items to anonymous user
- testDeleteUserAndAssignItemsToNonexistentUser
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::testDeleteUserAndAssignItemsToNonexistentUser()
Try to delete a user and assign items to nonexistent userName
- testDeleteUserAndAssignItemsToSameUser
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::testDeleteUserAndAssignItemsToSameUser()
Try to delete a user and assign items to nonexistent userName
- testDeleteUserDeleteItemWithDirectPermission
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::testDeleteUserDeleteItemWithDirectPermission()
Create a user, add 1 item, delete the user and the item
- testDeleteUserDeleteItemWithoutPermission
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::testDeleteUserDeleteItemWithoutPermission()
Create a user, add 1 item, delete the user
- testDeleteUserItems
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testDeleteUserItems()
Create user1, add some items, some with delete permission,
- testDeleteUserNewOwnerForItem
- in file AdminDeleteUserControllerTest.class, method AdminDeleteUserControllerTest::testDeleteUserNewOwnerForItem()
Create a user, add 1 subalbum, add another user, delete the user
- testDeleteUserPermission
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testDeleteUserPermission()
- testDeleteUserPermissionCascade
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testDeleteUserPermissionCascade()
- testDeletingLinks
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testDeletingLinks()
- testDerivativePreferences
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testDerivativePreferences()
- testDescendentAlbumItemIds
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testDescendentAlbumItemIds()
- testDescendentItemIds
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testDescendentItemIds()
- testDescendentItemIdsInadequatePermissions
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testDescendentItemIdsInadequatePermissions()
- testDescendentItemIdsNoItem
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testDescendentItemIdsNoItem()
- testDescendentItemIdsNoPermissions
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testDescendentItemIdsNoPermissions()
- testDescendentRoot
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testDescendentRoot()
- testDescribeEntityWritesToMemoryCache
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testDescribeEntityWritesToMemoryCache()
- testDescribeMapReadsFromMemoryCache
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testDescribeMapReadsFromMemoryCache()
- testDescribeMapWritesToMemoryCache
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testDescribeMapWritesToMemoryCache()
- testDetachLink
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testDetachLink()
- testDetectHeaderInjectionAttack
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testDetectHeaderInjectionAttack()
- testDetectPhishingAttack
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testDetectPhishingAttack()
- testDetectPhishingAttackThroughFormUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testDetectPhishingAttackThroughFormUrl()
- testDetectSourceEncodingWithNlLangInfo
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testDetectSourceEncodingWithNlLangInfo()
- testDetectSourceEncodingWithOpenBSDBug
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testDetectSourceEncodingWithOpenBSDBug()
- testDetectSourceEncodingWithoutNlLangInfo
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testDetectSourceEncodingWithoutNlLangInfo()
- testDoLoadTemplateAddsNoCacheForPrivateView
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testDoLoadTemplateAddsNoCacheForPrivateView()
- testDoLoadTemplateAddsNoCacheNoIndexHeadersForAdminView
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testDoLoadTemplateAddsNoCacheNoIndexHeadersForAdminView()
- testDoLoadTemplateDoesNotAddNoCacheForPublicView
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testDoLoadTemplateDoesNotAddNoCacheForPublicView()
- testDoLoadTemplateDoesNotAddNoIndexDirectiveForNonAdminView
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testDoLoadTemplateDoesNotAddNoIndexDirectiveForNonAdminView()
- testDone
- in file AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest::testDone()
- testDontCreateThumbnail
- in file CreateThumbnailOptionTest.class, method CreateThumbnailOptionTest::testDontCreateThumbnail()
- testDontIncrementItemViewCountTooOften
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testDontIncrementItemViewCountTooOften()
Verify that we don't increment the view count until a day after the last increment within the same session.
- testDoRedirectConvertsToAbsoluteUrl
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testDoRedirectConvertsToAbsoluteUrl()
- testDoRedirectIisBugFix
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testDoRedirectIisBugFix()
Test that we only append the GALLERYSID to Location URLs if really needed.
- testDoRedirectRemoveTrailingQMark
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testDoRedirectRemoveTrailingQMark()
- testDownloadAggregatePackages
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testDownloadAggregatePackages()
- testDownloadAggregatePackagesFailedDownload
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testDownloadAggregatePackagesFailedDownload()
- testDownloadAggregatePackagesTempDirectoryMissing
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testDownloadAggregatePackagesTempDirectoryMissing()
- testDownloadAndUnpack
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testDownloadAndUnpack()
- testDownloadAndUnpackPackages
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testDownloadAndUnpackPackages()
- testDownloadAndUnpackPackagesFailed
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testDownloadAndUnpackPackagesFailed()
- testDownloadAndUnpackPackagesLockedFiles
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testDownloadAndUnpackPackagesLockedFiles()
- testDownloadAndUnpackPackagesNoDescriptors
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testDownloadAndUnpackPackagesNoDescriptors()
- testDownloadBogusEntityFailsWithErrorMissingObject
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::testDownloadBogusEntityFailsWithErrorMissingObject()
- testDownloadCancel
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest::testDownloadCancel()
- testDownloadEntityWithAssociatedPermission
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::testDownloadEntityWithAssociatedPermission()
- testDownloadFailureOnBasePackage
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, method RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest::testDownloadFailureOnBasePackage()
- testDownloadFailureOnLanguagePackage
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, method RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest::testDownloadFailureOnLanguagePackage()
- testDownloadFileWithGzinflate
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testDownloadFileWithGzinflate()
- testDownloadFileWithGzinflateButIgnoringCompression
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testDownloadFileWithGzinflateButIgnoringCompression()
- testDownloadFileWithoutGzinflate
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testDownloadFileWithoutGzinflate()
- testDownloadOtherFailureOnBasePackage
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, method RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest::testDownloadOtherFailureOnBasePackage()
- testDownloadOtherFailureOnLanguagePackage
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, method RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest::testDownloadOtherFailureOnLanguagePackage()
- testDownloadPackages
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, method RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest::testDownloadPackages()
- testDownloadPackagesDescriptorDownloadFailure
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, method RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest::testDownloadPackagesDescriptorDownloadFailure()
- testDownloadPackagesDescriptorOtherFailure
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, method RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest::testDownloadPackagesDescriptorOtherFailure()
- testDownloadPackagesDescriptorPreVerifyFailure
- in file RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest.class, method RepositoryDownloadPackagesTest::testDownloadPackagesDescriptorPreVerifyFailure()
- testEditAll
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testEditAll()
- testEditAllUsersGroupUsersFromText
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::testEditAllUsersGroupUsersFromText()
- testEditEmailWithEntityPassword
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testEditEmailWithEntityPassword()
- testEditEmailWithInvalidPassword
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testEditEmailWithInvalidPassword()
- testEditEmailWithoutPassword
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testEditEmailWithoutPassword()
- testEditFromText
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::testEditFromText()
- testEditFromText
- in file AdminUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminUsersControllerTest::testEditFromText()
- testEditGroup
- in file AdminEditGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupControllerTest::testEditGroup()
- testEditGroupMissingName
- in file AdminEditGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupControllerTest::testEditGroupMissingName()
- testEditInvalidEmail
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testEditInvalidEmail()
- testEditItem
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testEditItem()
- testEditMissingEmail
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testEditMissingEmail()
- testEditOriginationTimestamp
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testEditOriginationTimestamp()
- testEditOtherThanEmailInvalidPassword
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testEditOtherThanEmailInvalidPassword()
- testEditOtherThanEmailWithoutPassword
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testEditOtherThanEmailWithoutPassword()
- testEditPasswordMismatch
- in file UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class, method UserChangePasswordControllerTest::testEditPasswordMismatch()
- testEditPasswordMissingCurrentPassword
- in file UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class, method UserChangePasswordControllerTest::testEditPasswordMissingCurrentPassword()
- testEditPasswordWrongCurrentPassword
- in file UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class, method UserChangePasswordControllerTest::testEditPasswordWrongCurrentPassword()
- testEditRequiredOnly
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testEditRequiredOnly()
- testEditResizes
- in file ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoPluginTest::testEditResizes()
- testEditResizesInvalid
- in file ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoPluginTest::testEditResizesInvalid()
- testEditResizesMissing
- in file ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoPluginTest::testEditResizesMissing()
- testEditResizesNoDerivative
- in file ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoPluginTest::testEditResizesNoDerivative()
- testEditResizesRaw
- in file ItemEditPhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoPluginTest::testEditResizesRaw()
- testEditThumbnail
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest::testEditThumbnail()
- testEditThumbnail2
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest::testEditThumbnail2()
- testEditThumbnail3
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest::testEditThumbnail3()
- testEditUserDuplicateUsername
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::testEditUserDuplicateUsername()
- testEditUserNewUsername
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::testEditUserNewUsername()
- testEditUserSameUsername
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::testEditUserSameUsername()
- testEditUserSetLocked
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::testEditUserSetLocked()
- testEditUsersFromText
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::testEditUsersFromText()
- testEmailMissing
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testEmailMissing()
Usernames with missing email are treated just like regular usernames to avoid automated phishing attempts to get usernames.
- testEmailTestFailure
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testEmailTestFailure()
- testEmailTestInvalidEmail
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testEmailTestInvalidEmail()
- testEmailTestMissingEmail
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testEmailTestMissingEmail()
- testEmailTestSuccess
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testEmailTestSuccess()
- testEmbeddedEntityIsAReference
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTest::testEmbeddedEntityIsAReference()
- testEmbeddedLogin
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testEmbeddedLogin()
- testEmbeddedLogout
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testEmbeddedLogout()
- testEmbeddingAppSpecifiesDifferentAdodbFetchMode
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testEmbeddingAppSpecifiesDifferentAdodbFetchMode()
- testEmbedForceSessionId
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testEmbedForceSessionId()
- testEmbedOnly
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testEmbedOnly()
Test embed-only mode with simple permission denied error.
- testEmbedOnlyUrl
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testEmbedOnlyUrl()
Test embed-only mode with configured redirect URL.
- testEmptySearch
- in file CoreSearchTest.class, method CoreSearchTest::testEmptySearch()
- testEmptySessionData
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testEmptySessionData()
- testEmptyVsNull
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testEmptyVsNull()
- testEncodeDecodeBlob
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testEncodeDecodeBlob()
- testEntityPassword
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testEntityPassword()
- testEntitySubstr
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testEntitySubstr()
- testEstimateDerivativeDimensions
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testEstimateDerivativeDimensions()
- testEstimateDerivativeDimensions2
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testEstimateDerivativeDimensions2()
- testEstimateDerivativeDimensions3
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testEstimateDerivativeDimensions3()
- testEstimateDerivativeDimensions4
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testEstimateDerivativeDimensions4()
- testExec
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testExec()
Make sure executing a bogus path fails.
- testExecWithSpaceInG2DataPath
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testExecWithSpaceInG2DataPath()
Verify bugfix: quotes around redirect file for stderr output, in case path has a space
- testExistsInCache
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testExistsInCache()
- testExpireDerivatives
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testExpireDerivatives()
- testExpireSessions
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testExpireSessions()
- testExportDataDescribeFailure
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::testExportDataDescribeFailure()
- testExportDataNoError
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::testExportDataNoError()
- testExportPluginStatus
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::testExportPluginStatus()
- testExportSequences
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::testExportSequences()
- testExportTableIgnoreData
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::testExportTableIgnoreData()
- testExportTableNoCreateSql
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::testExportTableNoCreateSql()
- testExtensionLoaded
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testExtensionLoaded()
- testExtractRevision
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testExtractRevision()
- testFactoryRegistrationsBeforeActivateEvent
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTest::testFactoryRegistrationsBeforeActivateEvent()
- testFailureInCallbackTriggersRollback
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testFailureInCallbackTriggersRollback()
- testFailureInPluginStatesAfterHandlingRequestTriggersRollback
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testFailureInPluginStatesAfterHandlingRequestTriggersRollback()
- testFailureInPluginStatesBeforeHandlingRequestTriggersRollback
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testFailureInPluginStatesBeforeHandlingRequestTriggersRollback()
- testFetchAccessListIds
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testFetchAccessListIds()
- testFetchAccessListIdsForArrayMiss
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testFetchAccessListIdsForArrayMiss()
- testFetchAccessListIdsForArrayWithFourPermissions
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testFetchAccessListIdsForArrayWithFourPermissions()
- testFetchAccessListIdsForArrayWithSinglePermission
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testFetchAccessListIdsForArrayWithSinglePermission()
- testFetchAccessListIdsForArrayWithTwoPermissions
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testFetchAccessListIdsForArrayWithTwoPermissions()
- testFetchAlbumConflict
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testFetchAlbumConflict()
- testFetchAlbumTree
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testFetchAlbumTree()
Test GalleryCoreApi::fetchAlbumTree
- testFetchAlbumTreeNoPermissions
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testFetchAlbumTreeNoPermissions()
- testFetchAllItemIds
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testFetchAllItemIds()
- testFetchAllItemIdsByOwnerId
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testFetchAllItemIdsByOwnerId()
- testFetchAllItemIdsWithMultiplePermissions
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testFetchAllItemIdsWithMultiplePermissions()
- testFetchAllItemIdsWithSpecificPermission
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testFetchAllItemIdsWithSpecificPermission()
- testFetchAllParameters
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTest::testFetchAllParameters()
- testFetchByCreateDate
- in file ItemOrderTest.class, method ItemOrderTest::testFetchByCreateDate()
- testFetchByModifyDate
- in file ItemOrderTest.class, method ItemOrderTest::testFetchByModifyDate()
- testFetchByOrder
- in file ItemOrderTest.class, method ItemOrderTest::testFetchByOrder()
- testFetchByRandom
- in file ItemOrderTest.class, method ItemOrderTest::testFetchByRandom()
- testFetchByTitle
- in file ItemOrderTest.class, method ItemOrderTest::testFetchByTitle()
- testFetchChildAlbumItemIds
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testFetchChildAlbumItemIds()
- testFetchChildDataItemIds
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testFetchChildDataItemIds()
- testFetchChildIdByPathComponent
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testFetchChildIdByPathComponent()
- testFetchChildIds
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testFetchChildIds()
Create a parent, a child, verify that fetchChildren on the parent returns the child, delete both.
- testFetchChildIds2
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testFetchChildIds2()
- testFetchChildIdsWithSort
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testFetchChildIdsWithSort()
- testFetchChildItemIds
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testFetchChildItemIds()
- testFetchChildItemIdsDifferentUser
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testFetchChildItemIdsDifferentUser()
- testFetchChildItemIdsWithPermission
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testFetchChildItemIdsWithPermission()
- testFetchChildItemIdsWithPermissionArray
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testFetchChildItemIdsWithPermissionArray()
- testFetchDerivativesByItemIds
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testFetchDerivativesByItemIds()
- testFetchDerivativesBySourceIds
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testFetchDerivativesBySourceIds()
- testFetchDescendentCounts
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testFetchDescendentCounts()
- testFetchDescendentCountsDifferentUser
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testFetchDescendentCountsDifferentUser()
- testFetchDescendentCountsSessionPermission
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testFetchDescendentCountsSessionPermission()
- testFetchFinalOperations
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testFetchFinalOperations()
This test makes sure that we're generating the right set of operations for our derivatives for a given derivative tree, including derivative operations and postfilters.
- testFetchGroupByName
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testFetchGroupByName()
Create group, fetch it by name, delete group
- testFetchGroupCount
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testFetchGroupCount()
Count groups, Create group, count groups again, delete group
- testFetchGroupNames
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testFetchGroupNames()
Create group, fetch group names, make sure it's in there, delete group
- testFetchHttpsWebFile
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchHttpsWebFile()
- testFetchHttpsWebPage
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchHttpsWebPage()
- testFetchItemIdByPath
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testFetchItemIdByPath()
- testFetchItemIdCount
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testFetchItemIdCount()
- testFetchItemIdCount2
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testFetchItemIdCount2()
- testFetchItemizedDescendentCounts
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testFetchItemizedDescendentCounts()
- testFetchLanguageCodeForUser
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::testFetchLanguageCodeForUser()
- testFetchLinkableChildItemIdsWithPermission
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testFetchLinkableChildItemIdsWithPermission()
- testFetchLogicalPath
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testFetchLogicalPath()
- testFetchNextItemWeight
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testFetchNextItemWeight()
Set the weights to something sequential then verify that we can find the next higher or lower weight.
- testFetchParents
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testFetchParents()
Create several levels of nested albums, then fetch the parents from the bottom most one and compare it against the parents we know.
- testFetchParentSequence
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testFetchParentSequence()
- testFetchParentsWithMultiplePermissions
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testFetchParentsWithMultiplePermissions()
- testFetchParentsWithoutPermission
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testFetchParentsWithoutPermission()
- testFetchParentsWithPermission
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testFetchParentsWithPermission()
- testFetchPath
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testFetchPath()
- testFetchPermissionsForItems
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testFetchPermissionsForItems()
Test getting permissions for a non activeUser This covers:
- testFetchPermissionsForItemsCache
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testFetchPermissionsForItemsCache()
- testFetchPermissionsForItemsForOtherUserId
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testFetchPermissionsForItemsForOtherUserId()
- testFetchPluginStatusForWrongPluginType
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testFetchPluginStatusForWrongPluginType()
- testFetchPreferredSource
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testFetchPreferredSource()
- testFetchRedirectedDoubleLocation
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchRedirectedDoubleLocation()
- testFetchRedirectedWebPage
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchRedirectedWebPage()
- testFetchRedirectedWebPageRelativeRedirect
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchRedirectedWebPageRelativeRedirect()
- testFetchRepeatedHeader
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchRepeatedHeader()
- testFetchSearchModuleInfo
- in file CoreSearchTest.class, method CoreSearchTest::testFetchSearchModuleInfo()
- testFetchTasks
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, method MaintenanceHelperTest::testFetchTasks()
- testFetchUserByName
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testFetchUserByName()
Create user, fetch it by name, delete user
- testFetchUserCount
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testFetchUserCount()
Count users, Create user, count users again, delete user
- testFetchUserCountByGroupId
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testFetchUserCountByGroupId()
- testFetchUserCountBySubstring
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testFetchUserCountBySubstring()
Verify that we can fetch all users with a given substring in their username
- testFetchUserCountBySubstringAndGroupId
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testFetchUserCountBySubstringAndGroupId()
Verify that we can fetch all users from a group with a given substring in their username
- testFetchUserNames
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testFetchUserNames()
Create user, fetch user names, make sure it's in there, delete user
- testFetchUsersFromGroupBySubstringAndGroupId
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testFetchUsersFromGroupBySubstringAndGroupId()
Verify that we can fetch all users from a group with a given substring in their username
- testFetchWebFile
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchWebFile()
- testFetchWebFileExtraHeaders
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchWebFileExtraHeaders()
- testFetchWebFilePostData
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchWebFilePostData()
- testFetchWebPage
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchWebPage()
- testFetchWebPageAlternatePort
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchWebPageAlternatePort()
- testFetchWebPageError404
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchWebPageError404()
- testFetchWebPageError500
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchWebPageError500()
- testFetchWebPageExtraHeaders
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchWebPageExtraHeaders()
- testFetchWebPageTooManyRedirects
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchWebPageTooManyRedirects()
- testFetchWebPageWithQueryString
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchWebPageWithQueryString()
- testFetchWebPageWithSpaces
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testFetchWebPageWithSpaces()
- testFile
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testFile()
- testFileExists
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testFileExists()
- testFileGetAndPutContents
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testFileGetAndPutContents()
- testFilesize
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testFilesize()
- testFilterClear
- in file AdminGroupsControllerTest.class, method AdminGroupsControllerTest::testFilterClear()
- testFilterClear
- in file AdminUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminUsersControllerTest::testFilterClear()
- testFinalOperations2
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testFinalOperations2()
- testFinalOperationsEmpty
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testFinalOperationsEmpty()
- testFixCookieVars
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testFixCookieVars()
- testFopen
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testFopen()
- testForceFullUrlOff
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testForceFullUrlOff()
- testForceFullUrlOn
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testForceFullUrlOn()
- testFsockopen
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testFsockopen()
Try opening a socket to the current web server.
- testFsockopenBadHost
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testFsockopenBadHost()
Try opening a socket to a bogus web server.
- testFunctionExists
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testFunctionExists()
- testGalleryFailedLoginEventFailuresWhenDisabledAreIgnored
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::testGalleryFailedLoginEventFailuresWhenDisabledAreIgnored()
- testGalleryFailedLoginEventFirstFailure
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::testGalleryFailedLoginEventFirstFailure()
- testGalleryFailedLoginEventMissingUsername
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::testGalleryFailedLoginEventMissingUsername()
- testGalleryFailedLoginEventSecondFailure
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::testGalleryFailedLoginEventSecondFailure()
- testGalleryLoginEvent
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::testGalleryLoginEvent()
- testGenerateFullUrlOff
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateFullUrlOff()
- testGenerateFullUrlOn
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateFullUrlOn()
- testGenerateFullUrlOnForRelative
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateFullUrlOnForRelative()
- testGenerateHref
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateHref()
- testGenerateReturnUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateReturnUrl()
- testGenerateServerRelativeUrlOff
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateServerRelativeUrlOff()
- testGenerateServerRelativeUrlOn
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateServerRelativeUrlOn()
- testGenerateServerRelativeUrlOnForRelative
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateServerRelativeUrlOnForRelative()
- testGenerateServerRelativeUrlOnFullUrlOn
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateServerRelativeUrlOnFullUrlOn()
- testGenerateUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrl()
- testGenerateUrlAddsAuthTokenForControllerUrls
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlAddsAuthTokenForControllerUrls()
- testGenerateUrlCachesReturnUrlByCurrentView
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlCachesReturnUrlByCurrentView()
- testGenerateUrlCookielessEmbedded
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlCookielessEmbedded()
- testGenerateUrlEmbeddedDownloadItemCookiePathNotSet
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlEmbeddedDownloadItemCookiePathNotSet()
- testGenerateUrlEmbeddedFullBaseUri
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlEmbeddedFullBaseUri()
- testGenerateUrlEmbeddedMultisite
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlEmbeddedMultisite()
- testGenerateUrlEmbeddedPathBaseUri
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlEmbeddedPathBaseUri()
- testGenerateUrlEmbeddedWithCookiePathSet
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlEmbeddedWithCookiePathSet()
- testGenerateUrlForceSessionId
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlForceSessionId()
- testGenerateUrlForceSessionIdFalse
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlForceSessionIdFalse()
- testGenerateUrlForController
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlForController()
- testGenerateUrlForView
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlForView()
- testGenerateUrlInitWithForceEmptyFilePart
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlInitWithForceEmptyFilePart()
- testGenerateUrlInMultisite
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlInMultisite()
- testGenerateUrlNoHtmlEntities
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlNoHtmlEntities()
- testGenerateUrlNoUrlEncode
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlNoUrlEncode()
- testGenerateUrlSwapsInReturnUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlSwapsInReturnUrl()
- testGenerateUrlUseAuthTokenFalseHasNoAuthToken
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlUseAuthTokenFalseHasNoAuthToken()
- testGenerateUrlUseAuthTokenTrueControllerUrlHasAuthToken
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlUseAuthTokenTrueControllerUrlHasAuthToken()
- testGenerateUrlUseAuthTokenTrueHasAuthToken
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlUseAuthTokenTrueHasAuthToken()
- testGenerateUrlWithForceSessionIdFalseOverridesEmbedForceSessionId
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlWithForceSessionIdFalseOverridesEmbedForceSessionId()
- testGenerateUrlWithoutPersistentSession
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlWithoutPersistentSession()
- testGenerateUrlWithoutSession
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlWithoutSession()
- testGenerateUrlWithProtocol
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGenerateUrlWithProtocol()
- testGetActiveLanguageCode
- in file LanguageTest.class, method LanguageTest::testGetActiveLanguageCode()
- testGetAllImplementationIds
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testGetAllImplementationIds()
Register an implementation, get all implementation ids
- testGetAllImplementationIdsWithHint
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testGetAllImplementationIdsWithHint()
- testGetAllLanguagesCompatible
- in file AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerViewTest::testGetAllLanguagesCompatible()
- testGetAllLanguagesNoPackages
- in file AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerViewTest::testGetAllLanguagesNoPackages()
- testGetAllLanguagesNotCompatible
- in file AdminLanguageManagerViewTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerViewTest::testGetAllLanguagesNotCompatible()
- testGetAllPluginIds
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testGetAllPluginIds()
- testGetAllRequestVariables
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetAllRequestVariables()
- testGetAndPut
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testGetAndPut()
- testGetAuthToken
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testGetAuthToken()
- testGetAvailableLanguagesInPlugin
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetAvailableLanguagesInPlugin()
- testGetAvailableLanguagesInPluginFiltered
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetAvailableLanguagesInPluginFiltered()
- testGetBlock
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testGetBlock()
- testGetCacheableUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetCacheableUrl()
- testGetCachePath
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testGetCachePath()
- testGetCacheTuple
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testGetCacheTuple()
- testGetChildCounts
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testGetChildCounts()
- testGetChildCountsDifferentUser
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testGetChildCountsDifferentUser()
- testGetConfigurationView
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::testGetConfigurationView()
- testGetConfigurationView
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testGetConfigurationView()
- testGetCookiePath
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetCookiePath()
- testGetCookieVar
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetCookieVar()
- testGetCreationAndModificationDate
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testGetCreationAndModificationDate()
- testGetCurrentRequestUri
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetCurrentRequestUri()
- testGetCurrentRequestUriCachesResult
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetCurrentRequestUriCachesResult()
- testGetCurrentRequestUriForAbsoluteUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetCurrentRequestUriForAbsoluteUrl()
- testGetCurrentUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetCurrentUrl()
- testGetCurrentUrlDir
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetCurrentUrlDir()
- testGetCurrentUrlDirBaseFileNotFound
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetCurrentUrlDirBaseFileNotFound()
- testGetDefaultAlbumId
- in file CoreApiTest.class, method CoreApiTest::testGetDefaultAlbumId()
- testGetDefaultAlbumIdNotRoot
- in file CoreApiTest.class, method CoreApiTest::testGetDefaultAlbumIdNotRoot()
- testGetDescriptorUrl
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetDescriptorUrl()
- testGetDirectorySeparator
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testGetDirectorySeparator()
- testGetDownloadFileList
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testGetDownloadFileList()
- testGetEmbedPathByHttpRequestInvalidRequest
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testGetEmbedPathByHttpRequestInvalidRequest()
- testGetEmbedPathByHttpRequestNoServerAddr
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testGetEmbedPathByHttpRequestNoServerAddr()
- testGetEmbedPathByHttpRequestNoServerAddrG2NotInstalled
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testGetEmbedPathByHttpRequestNoServerAddrG2NotInstalled()
- testGetEmbedPathByHttpRequestValidRequest
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testGetEmbedPathByHttpRequestValidRequest()
- testGetErrorCodeConstantsNoSpecificError
- in file StatusTest.class, method StatusTest::testGetErrorCodeConstantsNoSpecificError()
- testGetErrorCodeConstantsTwoErrors
- in file StatusTest.class, method StatusTest::testGetErrorCodeConstantsTwoErrors()
- testGetExternalAccessMemberList
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testGetExternalAccessMemberList()
- testGetExtraPageCacheKey
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testGetExtraPageCacheKey()
- testGetExtraPageCacheKeyForStandalone
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testGetExtraPageCacheKeyForStandalone()
- testGetFactoryDefinitionHints
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testGetFactoryDefinitionHints()
- testGetFile
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFile()
- testGetFileBase
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFileBase()
- testGetFileExtension
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFileExtension()
- testGetFileNameComponents
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFileNameComponents()
- testGetFileNameComponents2
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFileNameComponents2()
- testGetFileNameComponents3
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFileNameComponents3()
- testGetFirstBytesFromFile
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testGetFirstBytesFromFile()
- testGetFormLanguages
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest::testGetFormLanguages()
- testGetFormVariables
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFormVariables()
- testGetFormVariables2
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFormVariables2()
- testGetFormVariables3
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFormVariables3()
Test the error condition where we have a value in _POST and we put the same value back via
- testGetFormVariables4
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFormVariables4()
- testGetFormVariablesNoPrefix
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFormVariablesNoPrefix()
- testGetFormVariablesNoPrefix2
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetFormVariablesNoPrefix2()
- testGetFromDisk
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testGetFromDisk()
- testGetHostName
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetHostName()
- testGetHostNameEmbeddedOverride
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetHostNameEmbeddedOverride()
- testGetHostNameOverride
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetHostNameOverride()
- testGetHttpDate
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetHttpDate()
- testGetId
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testGetId()
- testGetInstalledVersions
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::testGetInstalledVersions()
- testGetInstalledVersions2LinesReturned
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::testGetInstalledVersions2LinesReturned()
- testGetInstalledVersionsFromCache
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::testGetInstalledVersionsFromCache()
- testGetInstalledVersionsNoCacheOrVersionFile
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::testGetInstalledVersionsNoCacheOrVersionFile()
- testGetInstalledVersionsSetsMaintenanceModeFromFile
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::testGetInstalledVersionsSetsMaintenanceModeFromFile()
- testGetInstalledVersionsSetsMaintenanceModeFromFileWithAbsoluteUrl
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::testGetInstalledVersionsSetsMaintenanceModeFromFileWithAbsoluteUrl()
- testGetItem
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testGetItem()
- testGetItemAdminViews
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::testGetItemAdminViews()
- testGetItemMissingItemIdFails
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testGetItemMissingItemIdFails()
- testGetItemOnlyReturnsItems
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testGetItemOnlyReturnsItems()
- testGetItemOnlyReturnsItems
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testGetItemOnlyReturnsItems()
- testGetItemRequiresViewPermission
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testGetItemRequiresViewPermission()
- testGetItemRequiresViewPermission
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testGetItemRequiresViewPermission()
- testGetLanguageAndCountryFromLanguageCode
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testGetLanguageAndCountryFromLanguageCode()
- testGetLanguageBaseRevision
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testGetLanguageBaseRevision()
- testGetLanguageCodeFromLocale
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testGetLanguageCodeFromLocale()
- testGetLanguageCodeFromLocaleChinese
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testGetLanguageCodeFromLocaleChinese()
- testGetLanguageCodeFromRequest
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testGetLanguageCodeFromRequest()
- testGetLanguageCodeFromRequest2
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testGetLanguageCodeFromRequest2()
- testGetLanguageDescription
- in file LanguageTest.class, method LanguageTest::testGetLanguageDescription()
- testGetLanguageDescription
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testGetLanguageDescription()
- testGetLanguagePackageFilesArrayInput
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetLanguagePackageFilesArrayInput()
- testGetLanguagePackageFilesScalarInput
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetLanguagePackageFilesScalarInput()
- testGetLanguagePackageFilesVersionMisMatch
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetLanguagePackageFilesVersionMisMatch()
- testGetLanguagePackageFilesVersionNotAvailable
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetLanguagePackageFilesVersionNotAvailable()
- testGetLegalPathComponent
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testGetLegalPathComponent()
- testGetLegalPathComponentForTruncatedName
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testGetLegalPathComponentForTruncatedName()
- testGetLegalPathComponentForTruncatedNameWithCollision
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testGetLegalPathComponentForTruncatedNameWithCollision()
- testGetLineEnding
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testGetLineEnding()
- testGetMagicQuotesGpc
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testGetMagicQuotesGpc()
- testGetMapEntries
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testGetMapEntries()
- testGetMapEntriesAll
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testGetMapEntriesAll()
- testGetMapEntriesLimited
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testGetMapEntriesLimited()
- testGetMapEntriesOrdered
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testGetMapEntriesOrdered()
- testGetMapEntry
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testGetMapEntry()
- testGetMaximumManagedPriority
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testGetMaximumManagedPriority()
- testGetMetaData
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetMetaData()
- testGetMimeType
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::testGetMimeType()
- testGetMimeTypeExtensionAndMimeTypeUndefined
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::testGetMimeTypeExtensionAndMimeTypeUndefined()
- testGetMimeTypeExtensionIsValid
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::testGetMimeTypeExtensionIsValid()
- testGetMimeTypeUsedMimeType
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::testGetMimeTypeUsedMimeType()
- testGetMimeTypeWithoutRequestMimeType
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::testGetMimeTypeWithoutRequestMimeType()
- testGetNavigationReturnUrlArrayParam
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetNavigationReturnUrlArrayParam()
- testGetNavigationReturnUrlNoCookies
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testGetNavigationReturnUrlNoCookies()
- testGetOperationMimeTypes
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testGetOperationMimeTypes()
- testGetPackageUrl
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetPackageUrl()
- testGetPackageVersionAndBuild
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetPackageVersionAndBuild()
- testGetPageDataExpiredData
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testGetPageDataExpiredData()
- testGetPermissionIds
- in file PermissionSetTest.class, method PermissionSetTest::testGetPermissionIds()
- testGetPermissions
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testGetPermissions()
- testGetPermissions
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testGetPermissions()
- testGetPhpIniBool
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetPhpIniBool()
- testGetPluginHeader
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetPluginHeader()
- testGetPluginName
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetPluginName()
- testGetPluginPackages
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testGetPluginPackages()
- testGetPlugins
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetPlugins()
- testGetPluginStateActive
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testGetPluginStateActive()
- testGetPluginStateCore
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testGetPluginStateCore()
- testGetPluginStateInactive
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testGetPluginStateInactive()
- testGetPluginStateIncompatibleCoreApi
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testGetPluginStateIncompatibleCoreApi()
- testGetPluginStateIncompatibleModuleApi
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testGetPluginStateIncompatibleModuleApi()
- testGetPluginStateUnconfigured
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testGetPluginStateUnconfigured()
- testGetPluginStateUninstalled
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testGetPluginStateUninstalled()
- testGetPluginStateUnupgraded
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testGetPluginStateUnupgraded()
- testGetPluginUpgradeInfoForBasePackageUpgrade
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testGetPluginUpgradeInfoForBasePackageUpgrade()
- testGetPluginUpgradeInfoInstalledVersionNewer
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testGetPluginUpgradeInfoInstalledVersionNewer()
- testGetPluginVersion
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testGetPluginVersion()
- testGetProvidedApis
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testGetProvidedApis()
- testGetPseudoFileName
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetPseudoFileName()
- testGetRawData
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testGetRawData()
- testGetRecordDetails
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest.class, method AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest::testGetRecordDetails()
- testGetRecordDetailsBogusId
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest.class, method AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest::testGetRecordDetailsBogusId()
- testGetRecordDetailsInvalidId
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest.class, method AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest::testGetRecordDetailsInvalidId()
- testGetRecords
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest.class, method AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest::testGetRecords()
- testGetRecordsBogusInputs
- in file AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest.class, method AdminEventLogViewerCallbackTest::testGetRecordsBogusInputs()
- testGetRedundantPriorities
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testGetRedundantPriorities()
- testGetRemoteHostAddress1
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetRemoteHostAddress1()
- testGetRemoteHostAddress2
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetRemoteHostAddress2()
- testGetRemoteHostAddress3
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetRemoteHostAddress3()
- testGetRemoteHostAddress4
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetRemoteHostAddress4()
- testGetRemoteHostAddress5
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetRemoteHostAddress5()
- testGetRepositoriesAndClearCache
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testGetRepositoriesAndClearCache()
- testGetRepositoryPluginList
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testGetRepositoryPluginList()
- testGetRepositoryPluginListThemeGroupLabel
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testGetRepositoryPluginListThemeGroupLabel()
- testGetRequestVariables
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetRequestVariables()
- testGetSerializedSession
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testGetSerializedSession()
- testGetServerVar
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGetServerVar()
- testGetSubPermissions
- in file PermissionSetTest.class, method PermissionSetTest::testGetSubPermissions()
- testGetSupportedLanguageEnglishFilterd
- in file LanguageTest.class, method LanguageTest::testGetSupportedLanguageEnglishFilterd()
- testGetSupportedLanguageEnglishOnly
- in file LanguageTest.class, method LanguageTest::testGetSupportedLanguageEnglishOnly()
- testGetSupportedLanguageHasExceptionForChineseDefaultCountry
- in file LanguageTest.class, method LanguageTest::testGetSupportedLanguageHasExceptionForChineseDefaultCountry()
- testGetSystemLinks
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::testGetSystemLinks()
- testGetThemeIdForInactiveTheme
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testGetThemeIdForInactiveTheme()
- testGetThemeIdForMissingObject
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testGetThemeIdForMissingObject()
- testGetThemeIdForMissingTheme
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testGetThemeIdForMissingTheme()
- testGetThemeIdWithoutViewPermissionHasFallback
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testGetThemeIdWithoutViewPermissionHasFallback()
- testGetThemeIdWithViewPermission
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testGetThemeIdWithViewPermission()
- testGetToolkitPriorityById
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testGetToolkitPriorityById()
- testGetUniqueId
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testGetUniqueId()
- testGuaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail1
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testGuaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail1()
- testGuaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail2
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testGuaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail2()
- testGuaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail3
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testGuaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail3()
- testGuaranteeDirExists
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGuaranteeDirExists()
- testGuaranteeDirExistsLoop
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGuaranteeDirExistsLoop()
- testGuaranteeDirExistsLoop2
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGuaranteeDirExistsLoop2()
- testGuaranteeDirExistsLoop3
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testGuaranteeDirExistsLoop3()
- testGuestPreferences
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testGuestPreferences()
- testGuestRedirect
- in file SiteAdminTest.class, method SiteAdminTest::testGuestRedirect()
- testGzipAccepted
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::testGzipAccepted()
- testGzipNotAccepted
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::testGzipNotAccepted()
- testHandleRequest
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest::testHandleRequest()
- testHandleRequestDelegate
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTest::testHandleRequestDelegate()
- testHandleRequestDelegatesToProgressBarView
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestDelegatesToProgressBarView()
- testHandleRequestItemAddWebDavBackwardsCompatibility
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestItemAddWebDavBackwardsCompatibility()
- testHandleRequestPluginRequiresProgressBarOptionDoesNot
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTest::testHandleRequestPluginRequiresProgressBarOptionDoesNot()
- testHandleRequestPluginWithoutProgressBarOptionRequiresProgressBar
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTest::testHandleRequestPluginWithoutProgressBarOptionRequiresProgressBar()
- testHandleRequestRequiresAddPermission
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestRequiresAddPermission()
- testHandleRequestRequiresContainerItem
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestRequiresContainerItem()
- testHandleRequestWithoutPreferred
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithoutPreferred()
- testHandleRequestWithPreferred
- in file ItemEditControllerTest.class, method ItemEditControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithPreferred()
- testHandleRequestWithProgressBarAutoRedirectOnError
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithProgressBarAutoRedirectOnError()
- testHandleRequestWithProgressBarAutoRedirectOnSuccessWithinPeriod
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithProgressBarAutoRedirectOnSuccessWithinPeriod()
- testHandleRequestWithProgressBarContinueAdding
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithProgressBarContinueAdding()
- testHandleRequestWithProgressBarNoAutoRedirectOnSuccessAfterPeriod
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithProgressBarNoAutoRedirectOnSuccessAfterPeriod()
- testHandleRequestWithProgressBarSuccess
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithProgressBarSuccess()
- testHandleRequestWithProgressBarWithArchiveExtract
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithProgressBarWithArchiveExtract()
- testHandleRequestWithProgressBarWithArchiveExtractNoAddAlbumPermission
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithProgressBarWithArchiveExtractNoAddAlbumPermission()
- testHandleRequestWithProgressBarWithFailure
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithProgressBarWithFailure()
- testHandleRequestWithProgressBarWithOption
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithProgressBarWithOption()
- testHandleRequestWithProgressBarWithOptionAndError
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithProgressBarWithOptionAndError()
- testHandleRequestWithXss
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testHandleRequestWithXss()
- testHasItemPermission
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testHasItemPermission()
- testHasItemPermission
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::testHasItemPermission()
- testHasItemPermissionChecksPermissionCache
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testHasItemPermissionChecksPermissionCache()
- testHasNoOperations
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testHasNoOperations()
- testHasPermission
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testHasPermission()
Test copying permissions from one item to another This covers:
- testHasRequestVariable
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testHasRequestVariable()
- testHasRequestVariable2
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testHasRequestVariable2()
- testHasSiteAdminSessionExpired
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testHasSiteAdminSessionExpired()
- testHeadContentFromTemplate
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testHeadContentFromTemplate()
- testHeadContentFromTemplateNoCombinedJavascript
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testHeadContentFromTemplateNoCombinedJavascript()
- testHeader
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testHeader()
- testHeaderDetectsHeaderInjection
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testHeaderDetectsHeaderInjection()
- testHeadersSent
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testHeadersSent()
- testHeavyNesting
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testHeavyNesting()
- testHtmlSafe
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testHtmlSafe()
- testHtmlSafeUtf7
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testHtmlSafeUtf7()
- testHtmlSafeWithDecode
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testHtmlSafeWithDecode()
- testHtmlSpecialChars
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testHtmlSpecialChars()
- testHttpRedirect
- in file IndexDotPhpTest.class, method IndexDotPhpTest::testHttpRedirect()
Test if we redirect correctly to main.php
- testIconv
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testIconv()
- testIdentifySearchEngineCrawlerFromRequest
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testIdentifySearchEngineCrawlerFromRequest()
- testIfModifiedSinceFromGetAllHeadersWithCapitalLetters
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::testIfModifiedSinceFromGetAllHeadersWithCapitalLetters()
- testIfModifiedSinceFromGetAllHeadersWithLowerCaseLetters
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::testIfModifiedSinceFromGetAllHeadersWithLowerCaseLetters()
- testIfModifiedSinceFromServerVars
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::testIfModifiedSinceFromServerVars()
- testIgnoreGuestPreviewMode
- in file ShowItemControllerTest.class, method ShowItemControllerTest::testIgnoreGuestPreviewMode()
- testImageEntity
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testImageEntity()
- testImagePath
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testImagePath()
- testImageSize
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testImageSize()
- testImageUrl
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testImageUrl()
- testImmediateViewNormalizesError
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testImmediateViewNormalizesError()
- testImmediateViewRequestSetsCacheControl
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testImmediateViewRequestSetsCacheControl()
- testImmediateViewRequestWithoutAutoCacheControl
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testImmediateViewRequestWithoutAutoCacheControl()
- testImportSequence
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::testImportSequence()
- testInactiveModule
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testInactiveModule()
- testIncrementItemViewCount
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testIncrementItemViewCount()
Update the view count and verify it.
- testIncrementItemViewCountGuestIfModifiedIsSet
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testIncrementItemViewCountGuestIfModifiedIsSet()
- testIncrementItemViewCountGuestIfModifiedIsSet2
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testIncrementItemViewCountGuestIfModifiedIsSet2()
- testIncrementItemViewCountGuestIfModifiedIsSetNotGuest
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testIncrementItemViewCountGuestIfModifiedIsSetNotGuest()
- testIncrementItemViewCountGuestNoSessionIfModifiedNotSetIsNotSearchEngine
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testIncrementItemViewCountGuestNoSessionIfModifiedNotSetIsNotSearchEngine()
- testIncrementItemViewCountGuestNoSessionIfModifiedNotSetIsSearchEngine
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testIncrementItemViewCountGuestNoSessionIfModifiedNotSetIsSearchEngine()
- testIncrementItemViewCountThreshold
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testIncrementItemViewCountThreshold()
Verify that we don't increment the view count until a day after the last increment within the same session.
- testInheritDefaults
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testInheritDefaults()
- testInit
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testInit()
Test non-standard ports go in both HTTP_HOST and SERVER_PORT
- testInit
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInit()
- testInitAndStartDoNotGenerateAuthToken
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitAndStartDoNotGenerateAuthToken()
- testInitDefault
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testInitDefault()
- testInitEmbedded
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testInitEmbedded()
- testInitEmpty
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitEmpty()
- testInitEmptyEmptyRemoteId
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitEmptyEmptyRemoteId()
- testInitEmptySecure
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitEmptySecure()
- testInitEmptyVerifyNoCookieIsSet
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitEmptyVerifyNoCookieIsSet()
- testInitEmptyWithUserId
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitEmptyWithUserId()
- testInitForExistingSession
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitForExistingSession()
- testInitiateDownload
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest::testInitiateDownload()
- testInitInvalidSessionId
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitInvalidSessionId()
- testInitMultipleTimes
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testInitMultipleTimes()
- testInitNavigationHandlesEmbedUriWithoutFilePart
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testInitNavigationHandlesEmbedUriWithoutFilePart()
- testInitOverride
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testInitOverride()
- testInitRemoteIdentifier
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitRemoteIdentifier()
Normally we initialize remoteIdentifer when a session is created and check it on each request for session hijack protection. However, in some cases (create new session for print services to access) we initialize with empty remoteIdentifier. In this case the first init() call should allow access and set the remoteIdentifier based on this request.
- testInitSecondPass
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testInitSecondPass()
- testInitSetsIsCookiePathConfiguredIfEmbedded
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testInitSetsIsCookiePathConfiguredIfEmbedded()
- testInitSwitchToSecure
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitSwitchToSecure()
- testInitSwitchToUnsecure
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitSwitchToUnsecure()
- testInitToActiveLanguage
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testInitToActiveLanguage()
- testInitToDefaultLanguage
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testInitToDefaultLanguage()
- testInitToHardcodedDefaultLanguage
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testInitToHardcodedDefaultLanguage()
- testInitWithFixCookieVars
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testInitWithFixCookieVars()
- testInitWithoutDatabaseWithActiveLanguage
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testInitWithoutDatabaseWithActiveLanguage()
- testInstallBadCoreApi
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTest::testInstallBadCoreApi()
- testInstallBadCoreApi
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testInstallBadCoreApi()
- testInstallBadModuleApi
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTest::testInstallBadModuleApi()
- testInstallBadThemeApi
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testInstallBadThemeApi()
- testInstallDoesNotIgnoreStorageError
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testInstallDoesNotIgnoreStorageError()
- testInstallIgnoresPluginScanErrors
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testInstallIgnoresPluginScanErrors()
- testInstallModule
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testInstallModule()
- testInstallModuleNeedsConfiguration
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testInstallModuleNeedsConfiguration()
- testInstallModuleThatReportsWrongAutoConfigureResult
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testInstallModuleThatReportsWrongAutoConfigureResult()
- testInstallOrUpgradeSetsNewModuleVersion
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTest::testInstallOrUpgradeSetsNewModuleVersion()
- testInstallTheme
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testInstallTheme()
- testInstallTranslationsForLocale
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testInstallTranslationsForLocale()
- testInstallTranslationsForLocaleEnUS
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testInstallTranslationsForLocaleEnUS()
- testInstallTranslationsForLocaleNoParam
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testInstallTranslationsForLocaleNoParam()
- testInstallTranslationsForPluginCreateDirectory
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testInstallTranslationsForPluginCreateDirectory()
- testInstallTranslationsForPluginMoFilesInLocaleDirectory
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testInstallTranslationsForPluginMoFilesInLocaleDirectory()
- testInstallTranslationsForPluginMoFilesInPoDirectory
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testInstallTranslationsForPluginMoFilesInPoDirectory()
- testInvalidateDerivativeDimensionsBySourceIds
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testInvalidateDerivativeDimensionsBySourceIds()
- testInvalidEmail
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::testInvalidEmail()
- testInvalidKey
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::testInvalidKey()
- testInvalidPathComponent
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testInvalidPathComponent()
- testInvalidPathComponentDisallowedFileExtension
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testInvalidPathComponentDisallowedFileExtension()
- testInvalidSave
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::testInvalidSave()
- testInvalidSave
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::testInvalidSave()
- testInvalidSave2
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::testInvalidSave2()
- testInvalidSerialNumber
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTest::testInvalidSerialNumber()
- testInvalidSerialNumber
- in file ItemEditAnimationPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAnimationPluginTest::testInvalidSerialNumber()
- testInvalidSerialNumber
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testInvalidSerialNumber()
- testInvalidSerialNumber
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::testInvalidSerialNumber()
- testInvalidSmtpFrom
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testInvalidSmtpFrom()
- testInvalidThumbnailSize
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testInvalidThumbnailSize()
- testInvalidUser
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testInvalidUser()
Invalid usernames are treated just like regular usernames to avoid automated phishing attempts to get usernames.
- testIsA
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testIsA()
- testIsCompatibleWithApi
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testIsCompatibleWithApi()
- testIsCompatibleWithEmbedApi
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testIsCompatibleWithEmbedApi()
- testIsCoreUpgradeAvailable
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testIsCoreUpgradeAvailable()
- testIsCorrectAuthToken
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testIsCorrectAuthToken()
- testIsCorrectAuthTokenCanHandleNull
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testIsCorrectAuthTokenCanHandleNull()
- testIsCorrectAuthTokenForForgedAuthToken
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testIsCorrectAuthTokenForForgedAuthToken()
- testIsCorrectAuthTokenForSessionWithoutAuthToken
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testIsCorrectAuthTokenForSessionWithoutAuthToken()
- testIsDir
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsDir()
- testIsDisabledUsernameAboveCutoffAndRecent
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::testIsDisabledUsernameAboveCutoffAndRecent()
- testIsDisabledUsernameAboveCutoffButNotRecent
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::testIsDisabledUsernameAboveCutoffButNotRecent()
- testIsDisabledUsernameBelowCutoff
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::testIsDisabledUsernameBelowCutoff()
- testIsDisabledUsernameNoRows
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::testIsDisabledUsernameNoRows()
- testIsDisabledUsernameWayAboveCutoffAndTooRecent
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTest::testIsDisabledUsernameWayAboveCutoffAndTooRecent()
- testIsEmbedded
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testIsEmbedded()
- testIsExactlyA
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testIsExactlyA()
- testIsExecutable
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsExecutable()
- testIsFile
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsFile()
- testIsHttps
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testIsHttps()
- testIsLegalPathComponent
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsLegalPathComponent()
- testIsLegalPathComponentForAllowedExtension
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsLegalPathComponentForAllowedExtension()
- testIsLegalPathComponentForBlacklistedExtension
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsLegalPathComponentForBlacklistedExtension()
- testIsLegalPathComponentWithDotForDirectory
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsLegalPathComponentWithDotForDirectory()
- testIsLink
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsLink()
- testIsModifiedMember
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testIsModifiedMember()
- testIsPathInList
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testIsPathInList()
- testIsPersistent
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testIsPersistent()
- testIsPersistentSessionAllowedForRequest
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testIsPersistentSessionAllowedForRequest()
Check that we don't save sessions for core.DownloadItem, migrate.Redirect and CSS requests.
- testIsPersistentSessionAllowedForRequestCachesResult
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testIsPersistentSessionAllowedForRequestCachesResult()
- testIsPersistentSessionRequired
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testIsPersistentSessionRequired()
- testIsPluginAvailable
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testIsPluginAvailable()
- testIsPluginCompatible
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testIsPluginCompatible()
- testIsReadable
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsReadable()
- testIsRestrictedByOpenBaseDir
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsRestrictedByOpenBaseDir()
- testIsRestrictedByOpenBaseDirForMatchAllOpenBaseDir
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsRestrictedByOpenBaseDirForMatchAllOpenBaseDir()
- testIsSafeHttpHeader
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testIsSafeHttpHeader()
- testIsTrustedProxy
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testIsTrustedProxy()
- testIsUploadedFile
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsUploadedFile()
- testIsUsingCookies
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testIsUsingCookies()
- testIsValidEmailString
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testIsValidEmailString()
The readManifest() code doesn't use GalleryPlatform and is hard to test. So this test is
- testIsViewableMimeType
- in file MimeTest.class, method MimeTest::testIsViewableMimeType()
- testIsWriteable
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testIsWriteable()
- testItalic
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testItalic()
- testItemLink
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testItemLink()
- testItemLinkAsSelectOption
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testItemLinkAsSelectOption()
- testItemLinkOverrideTextClassAndAddAttribute
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testItemLinkOverrideTextClassAndAddAttribute()
- testItemLinkWithScript
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testItemLinkWithScript()
- testItemPermission
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::testItemPermission()
- testItemSourcePermission
- in file ShowItemTest.class, method ShowItemTest::testItemSourcePermission()
- testJavascript
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testJavascript()
- testJavascriptInImage
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testJavascriptInImage()
- testLegalizePathComponent
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testLegalizePathComponent()
- testLegalizePathComponent3
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testLegalizePathComponent3()
- testLegalizePathComponentForDirectory
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testLegalizePathComponentForDirectory()
- testLegalizePathComponentUnknownExtension
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testLegalizePathComponentUnknownExtension()
- testLegalizePathComponentWithBlacklistedExtension
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testLegalizePathComponentWithBlacklistedExtension()
- testLineBreaks
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testLineBreaks()
- testLineEndings
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testLineEndings()
- testLink
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testLink()
- testLinkedMembers
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testLinkedMembers()
- testLinkId1
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testLinkId1()
- testLinkId2
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testLinkId2()
- testLinkId3
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testLinkId3()
- testLinkId4
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testLinkId4()
- testLinkId5
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testLinkId5()
- testLinkId6
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testLinkId6()
- testList
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testList()
- testLoad
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testLoad()
- testLoadAvailableBlocks
- in file CoreApiTest.class, method CoreApiTest::testLoadAvailableBlocks()
- testLoadBadPluginType
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testLoadBadPluginType()
- testLoadConfigurationController
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testLoadConfigurationController()
- testLoadControllerFail
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testLoadControllerFail()
- testLoadControllerSuccess
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testLoadControllerSuccess()
- testLoadedSessionData
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testLoadedSessionData()
- testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheMultipleRequestedEntityTypes
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheMultipleRequestedEntityTypes()
- testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeExactMatch
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeExactMatch()
- testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeForMultipleEntities
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeForMultipleEntities()
- testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeMismatchForMultipleEntities
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeMismatchForMultipleEntities()
- testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeNoMatch
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeNoMatch()
- testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeSubclassMatch
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testLoadEntitiesByIdAssertsTheRequestedEntityTypeSubclassMatch()
- testLoadEntitiesByIdEntityTypeParameterIsOptional
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testLoadEntitiesByIdEntityTypeParameterIsOptional()
- testLoadLanguageSelector
- in file CallbacksTest.class, method CallbacksTest::testLoadLanguageSelector()
- testLoadMalformedIndex
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testLoadMalformedIndex()
- testLoadPeers
- in file CallbacksTest.class, method CallbacksTest::testLoadPeers()
- testLoadPlugin
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testLoadPlugin()
- testLoadRootAlbum
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testLoadRootAlbum()
- testLoadSessionData
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testLoadSessionData()
- testLoadSessionDataExpiredSession
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testLoadSessionDataExpiredSession()
User agents should not send back expired cookies (RFC 2965), but what if they do? Thus Gallery should not blindly load the session data for a given sessionId, but first check if the session already expired.
- testLoadSessionDataLoadMiss
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testLoadSessionDataLoadMiss()
- testLoadThemeAndParametersDefaultTheme
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testLoadThemeAndParametersDefaultTheme()
- testLoadThemeAndParametersForAlbumItem
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testLoadThemeAndParametersForAlbumItem()
- testLoadThemeAndParametersForDataItem
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testLoadThemeAndParametersForDataItem()
- testLoadThemeAndParametersOverrideByEventListener
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testLoadThemeAndParametersOverrideByEventListener()
- testLoadThemeAndParametersOverrideByEventListenerIncludingParams
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testLoadThemeAndParametersOverrideByEventListenerIncludingParams()
- testLoadThemeAndParametersOverrideByEventListenerWithBogusTheme
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testLoadThemeAndParametersOverrideByEventListenerWithBogusTheme()
- testLoadThemeAndParametersOverrideByEventListenerWithInactiveTheme
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testLoadThemeAndParametersOverrideByEventListenerWithInactiveTheme()
- testLoadThemeForItemPostsEvent
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testLoadThemeForItemPostsEvent()
- testLoadValidationPlugins
- in file CallbacksTest.class, method CallbacksTest::testLoadValidationPlugins()
- testLoadViewFail
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testLoadViewFail()
- testLoadViewSuccess
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testLoadViewSuccess()
- testLoadViewWithoutAutoCacheControlDoesNotAdd
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testLoadViewWithoutAutoCacheControlDoesNotAdd()
- testLocale
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest::testLocale()
- testLocalUrlMapAddNew
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testLocalUrlMapAddNew()
- testLocalUrlMapCacheHit
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testLocalUrlMapCacheHit()
- testLocalUrlMapForceCheckDoesNotSave
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testLocalUrlMapForceCheckDoesNotSave()
- testLocalUrlMapSave
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testLocalUrlMapSave()
- testLockedUserPreferences
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testLockedUserPreferences()
- testLogin
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testLogin()
- testLoginDisabledUserName
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testLoginDisabledUserName()
- testLoginInvalidUser
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testLoginInvalidUser()
- testLoginRedirect
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testLoginRedirect()
- testLoginRedirectDoesNotRedirectByDefault
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testLoginRedirectDoesNotRedirectByDefault()
- testLoginRedirectDoesNotRedirectIfRedirectNotDefined
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testLoginRedirectDoesNotRedirectIfRedirectNotDefined()
- testLoginRedirectIgnoredWhenAlreadyLoggedIn
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testLoginRedirectIgnoredWhenAlreadyLoggedIn()
- testLoginRedirectUrlIsAbsolute
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testLoginRedirectUrlIsAbsolute()
- testLoginRedirectWithSubView
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testLoginRedirectWithSubView()
- testLoginValidUserInvalidPassword
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testLoginValidUserInvalidPassword()
- testLogout
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTest::testLogout()
- testLogoutAlternateGuest
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTest::testLogoutAlternateGuest()
- testLogoutEventDelegate
- in file LogoutControllerTest.class, method LogoutControllerTest::testLogoutEventDelegate()
- testLookupDirectories
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupDirectories()
- testLookupDirectoriesAsGuestUser
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupDirectoriesAsGuestUser()
- testLookupDirectoriesAsNonSiteAdmin
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupDirectoriesAsNonSiteAdmin()
- testLookupDirectoriesWithEntity
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupDirectoriesWithEntity()
- testLookupDirectoriesWithPattern
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupDirectoriesWithPattern()
- testLookupDirectoriesWithUmlauts
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupDirectoriesWithUmlauts()
- testLookupFiles
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupFiles()
- testLookupFilesAsGuestUser
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupFilesAsGuestUser()
- testLookupFilesAsNonSiteAdmin
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupFilesAsNonSiteAdmin()
- testLookupFilesWithEntity
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupFilesWithEntity()
- testLookupFilesWithPattern
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupFilesWithPattern()
- testLookupFilesWithUmlauts
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupFilesWithUmlauts()
- testLookupGroupname
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupGroupname()
- testLookupGroupnameAsGuestUser
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupGroupnameAsGuestUser()
- testLookupGroupnameWithEntity
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupGroupnameWithEntity()
- testLookupUsername
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupUsername()
- testLookupUsernameAlternateGuestUser
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupUsernameAlternateGuestUser()
- testLookupUsernameAsGuestUser
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupUsernameAsGuestUser()
- testLookupUsernameWithEntity
- in file SimpleCallbackTest.class, method SimpleCallbackTest::testLookupUsernameWithEntity()
- testMailUsesUnixLineEndings
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testMailUsesUnixLineEndings()
- testMaintenanceMode
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testMaintenanceMode()
Test maintenance mode controller redirect with standard redirect URL.
- testMaintenanceModeUrl
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testMaintenanceModeUrl()
Test maintenance mode view redirect with configured redirect URL.
- testMakeAbsoluteUrlForAbsoluteUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeAbsoluteUrlForAbsoluteUrl()
- testMakeAbsoluteUrlForRelativeUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeAbsoluteUrlForRelativeUrl()
- testMakeAbsoluteUrlForServerRelativeUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeAbsoluteUrlForServerRelativeUrl()
- testMakeHighlightGrandparent
- in file ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest.class, method ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest::testMakeHighlightGrandparent()
- testMakeHighlightParent
- in file ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest.class, method ItemMakeHighlightControllerTest::testMakeHighlightParent()
- testMakeMarkers
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testMakeMarkers()
- testMakeRelativeUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeRelativeUrl()
- testMakeRelativeUrlBaseFileInReturnUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeRelativeUrlBaseFileInReturnUrl()
- testMakeRelativeUrlBaseFileNotInRequestUri
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeRelativeUrlBaseFileNotInRequestUri()
- testMakeRelativeUrlBaseFileNotInReturnUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeRelativeUrlBaseFileNotInReturnUrl()
- testMakeRelativeUrlCachesStaticComponents
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeRelativeUrlCachesStaticComponents()
- testMakeRelativeUrlDifferentServerPath
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeRelativeUrlDifferentServerPath()
- testMakeRelativeUrlDifferentSubdomains
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeRelativeUrlDifferentSubdomains()
- testMakeRelativeUrlDontForceServerRelative
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeRelativeUrlDontForceServerRelative()
- testMakeRelativeUrlForceServerRelative
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeRelativeUrlForceServerRelative()
- testMakeRelativeUrlOtherProtocol
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeRelativeUrlOtherProtocol()
- testMakeServerRelativeUrl
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeServerRelativeUrl()
- testMakeUrl1
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeUrl1()
Basic tests
- testMakeUrl2
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeUrl2()
Test non-standard ports go in both HTTP_HOST and SERVER_PORT (also tests ::init)
- testMakeUrl3
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeUrl3()
Test browsing to https://example.com
- testMakeUrl4
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeUrl4()
Test non-standard port only in SERVER_PORT. This is the case where the browser went to http://example.com and got internally redirected to something like http://internal.server:82/. We want to serve up a new url that the browser can handle.
- testMakeUrl5
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testMakeUrl5()
- testMalformedCode
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testMalformedCode()
- testMalformedRemoteHostAddress
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testMalformedRemoteHostAddress()
- testMalformedRemoteHostAddress2
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testMalformedRemoteHostAddress2()
- testMaliciousBrowserInput1
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testMaliciousBrowserInput1()
- testMaliciousFilename
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::testMaliciousFilename()
- testMaliciousKey
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::testMaliciousKey()
- testMaliciousMarkup
- in file ItemAddAlbumControllerTest.class, method ItemAddAlbumControllerTest::testMaliciousMarkup()
- testMaliciousMarkup
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testMaliciousMarkup()
- testMaliciousMarkup
- in file ItemAddFromBrowserTest.class, method ItemAddFromBrowserTest::testMaliciousMarkup()
- testMaliciousMarkup
- in file ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest.class, method ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest::testMaliciousMarkup()
- testMaliciousRemoteHostAddress
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testMaliciousRemoteHostAddress()
- testMaliciousUrlComponent
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::testMaliciousUrlComponent()
- testManyReadLocks
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testManyReadLocks()
- testManyWriteLocks
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testManyWriteLocks()
- testMarkupBbcode
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testMarkupBbcode()
- testMarkupHtml
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testMarkupHtml()
- testMarkupHtmlEmptyData
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testMarkupHtmlEmptyData()
- testMarkupHtmlSanitizesXss
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testMarkupHtmlSanitizesXss()
- testMarkupNone
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testMarkupNone()
- testMbConvertEncoding
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testMbConvertEncoding()
- testMd5
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testMd5()
- testMergeDerivativeOperations
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testMergeDerivativeOperations()
- testMergeOperations
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testMergeOperations()
- testMisidentifiedSearchEngineSessionBecomesRegisteredUser
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testMisidentifiedSearchEngineSessionBecomesRegisteredUser()
- testMissingBlockNoCompileCheck
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testMissingBlockNoCompileCheck()
- testMissingBlockNoCompileCheckTplCached
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testMissingBlockNoCompileCheckTplCached()
- testMissingBlockWithCompileCheck
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testMissingBlockWithCompileCheck()
- testMissingFields
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::testMissingFields()
- testMissingGroupName
- in file AdminCreateGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateGroupControllerTest::testMissingGroupName()
- testMissingGzipAndRegularData
- in file CombinedJavascriptTest.class, method CombinedJavascriptTest::testMissingGzipAndRegularData()
- testMissingInputs
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testMissingInputs()
- testMissingInputs
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testMissingInputs()
- testMissingInputs
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest::testMissingInputs()
- testMissingInputs
- in file AdminCreateUserControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateUserControllerTest::testMissingInputs()
- testMissingInstance
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testMissingInstance()
Register an implementation, try to create new instance but expect an
- testMissingInstanceNoClass
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testMissingInstanceNoClass()
Register an implementation, try to create new instance but expect an
- testMissingPathComponent
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testMissingPathComponent()
- testMissingRootTitle
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testMissingRootTitle()
- testMissingRootTitle2
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testMissingRootTitle2()
- testMkdir
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testMkdir()
- testModuleCycle
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTest::testModuleCycle()
- testModuleTooNew
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testModuleTooNew()
- testMove
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testMove()
- testMoveAlbum
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testMoveAlbum()
Create an album under the root, then create a nested album under that one, then move the nested album to the root, then delete both.
- testMoveAlbumIntoDestinationWithNoAddAlbumPermissions
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMoveAlbumIntoDestinationWithNoAddAlbumPermissions()
Test moving an album into a container where we have no add album permissions
- testMoveAlbumWithInvalidSerialNumber
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testMoveAlbumWithInvalidSerialNumber()
- testMoveCollision
- in file DataItemTest.class, method DataItemTest::testMoveCollision()
- testMoveCollision
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testMoveCollision()
- testMoveCollision
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testMoveCollision()
- testMoveDataItemIntoDestinationWithNoAddDataItemPermissions
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMoveDataItemIntoDestinationWithNoAddDataItemPermissions()
Test moving an album into a container where we have no add album permissions
- testMoveItem
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveSingleControllerTest::testMoveItem()
Test moving an item
- testMoveItem
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMoveItem()
Test moving an item
- testMoveItemIntoAlbumWithNoAddPermissions
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMoveItemIntoAlbumWithNoAddPermissions()
Test moving an item into a container where we have no add permissions
- testMoveItemIntoAlbumWithNoPermissions
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveSingleControllerTest::testMoveItemIntoAlbumWithNoPermissions()
Test moving an item into a container where we have no add permissions
- testMoveItemIntoBogusDestination
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMoveItemIntoBogusDestination()
Test moving an item to a bogus destination
- testMoveItemIntoChild
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveSingleControllerTest::testMoveItemIntoChild()
Test moving an item into its own child
- testMoveItemIntoChild
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMoveItemIntoChild()
Test moving an item into its own child
- testMoveItemIntoEmptyDestination
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveSingleControllerTest::testMoveItemIntoEmptyDestination()
Test moving an item to a bogus destination
- testMoveItemIntoPeer
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMoveItemIntoPeer()
Test moving an item into a peer. This is to find a regression in the parent sequence code.
- testMoveItemIntoSelf
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveSingleControllerTest::testMoveItemIntoSelf()
Test moving an item into itself
- testMoveItemIntoSelf
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMoveItemIntoSelf()
Test moving an item into itself
- testMoveItemWithCroppedThumbnail
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveSingleControllerTest::testMoveItemWithCroppedThumbnail()
Test moving an item with a cropped thumbnail; ensure crop operation is maintained
- testMoveItemWithDerivatives
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMoveItemWithDerivatives()
Test moving an item to an album with different derivative preferences
- testMoveItemWithInvalidSerialNumber
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testMoveItemWithInvalidSerialNumber()
- testMoveItemWithNoDeletePermissions
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMoveItemWithNoDeletePermissions()
Test moving an item that we can't delete
- testMoveItemWithNoDeletePermissions
- in file ItemMoveSingleControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveSingleControllerTest::testMoveItemWithNoDeletePermissions()
Test moving an item that we can't delete
- testMoveNextPageOutOfRange
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMoveNextPageOutOfRange()
Test changing pages with to an invalid page number
- testMovePreviousPageOutOfRange
- in file ItemMoveControllerTest.class, method ItemMoveControllerTest::testMovePreviousPageOutOfRange()
- testMoveRenameCall
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testMoveRenameCall()
- testMoveUploadedFile
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testMoveUploadedFile()
- testMultipleThumbnailPreferences
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testMultipleThumbnailPreferences()
- testMultisortConflict
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testMultisortConflict()
- testNegativeThumbnailSize
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testNegativeThumbnailSize()
- testNewInstance
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testNewInstance()
Register an implementation, create new instance
- testNewInstanceByHint
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testNewInstanceByHint()
Register an implementation, create instance by hint
- testNewInstanceByHintDefault
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testNewInstanceByHintDefault()
Register an implementation, create instance by default hint
- testNewInstanceByHintList
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testNewInstanceByHintList()
Register an implementation, create instance by hint list
- testNewInstanceById
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testNewInstanceById()
Register an implementation, create instance by id
- testNewInstanceNoClass
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testNewInstanceNoClass()
Register an implementation, create new instance given only class type
- testNewItemByMimeType
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testNewItemByMimeType()
- testNewSessionCollision
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testNewSessionCollision()
- testNoItemId
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::testNoItemId()
- testNonBbcodeMarkers
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testNonBbcodeMarkers()
- testNormalizeValueBitNotNull
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testNormalizeValueBitNotNull()
- testNormalizeValueFromTextToString
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testNormalizeValueFromTextToString()
- testNormalizeValueNotNull
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testNormalizeValueNotNull()
- testNormalizeValueNotNullEmptyAllowed
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testNormalizeValueNotNullEmptyAllowed()
- testNormalizeValueNotNullEmptyNotAllowed
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testNormalizeValueNotNullEmptyNotAllowed()
- testNormalizeValueToBit
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testNormalizeValueToBit()
- testNormalizeValueToBoolean
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testNormalizeValueToBoolean()
- testNormalizeValueToInteger
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testNormalizeValueToInteger()
- testNormalizeValueToOtherType
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testNormalizeValueToOtherType()
- testNormalizeValueToString
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testNormalizeValueToString()
- testNormalizeValueToTimeStamp
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testNormalizeValueToTimeStamp()
- testNoSelfJoin
- in file ChildTest.class, method ChildTest::testNoSelfJoin()
- testOmitAuthTokenCheckDefaultsToFalse
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testOmitAuthTokenCheckDefaultsToFalse()
- testOmitDefaults
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testOmitDefaults()
- testOneReadLock
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testOneReadLock()
- testOneWriteLock
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testOneWriteLock()
- testOnLoad
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testOnLoad()
- testOnLoadHandler
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testOnLoadHandler()
- testOpenAndReadTillEof
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testOpenAndReadTillEof()
- testOpenBackupFileForWriting
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::testOpenBackupFileForWriting()
- testOpenBackupFileForWritingSqLitePathsGetTrimmed
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::testOpenBackupFileForWritingSqLitePathsGetTrimmed()
- testOpenBackupFileForWritingWithSpecificFilename
- in file DatabaseExportTest.class, method DatabaseExportTest::testOpenBackupFileForWritingWithSpecificFilename()
- testOpendir
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testOpendir()
- testOpenMissingFile
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testOpenMissingFile()
- testOpenWriteAndClose
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testOpenWriteAndClose()
Verify that we can write a few bytes to a file.
- testOperation
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testOperation()
- testOperationSequence
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testOperationSequence()
- testOptimize
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testOptimize()
- testOptimizeSpecificTables
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testOptimizeSpecificTables()
- testPackSettingBlockList1
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockList1()
- testPackSettingBlockList2
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockList2()
- testPackSettingBlockListEmpty
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockListEmpty()
- testPackSettingBlockListMissingBlockName
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockListMissingBlockName()
- testPackSettingBlockListMissingBothBrackets
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockListMissingBothBrackets()
- testPackSettingBlockListMissingLeftBracket
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockListMissingLeftBracket()
- testPackSettingBlockListMissingRightBracket
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockListMissingRightBracket()
- testPackSettingBlockListMissingRightBracket2
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockListMissingRightBracket2()
- testPackSettingBlockListQuotedValue
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockListQuotedValue()
- testPackSettingBlockListTrueFalse
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockListTrueFalse()
- testPackSettingBlockListVeryLongList
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockListVeryLongList()
- testPackSettingBlockListWhitespace1
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockListWhitespace1()
- testPackSettingBlockListWhitespace2
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testPackSettingBlockListWhitespace2()
- testParseHtml
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testParseHtml()
create some pseudo <head> html section and use parseHtml to extract the title, css, and javascript. Multiple css styles are allowed and multiple javascript sections are allowed.
- testParseSqlTemplate1
- in file DatabaseStorageTest.class, method DatabaseStorageTest::testParseSqlTemplate1()
- testParseSqlTemplate2
- in file DatabaseStorageTest.class, method DatabaseStorageTest::testParseSqlTemplate2()
- testParseSqlTemplate3
- in file DatabaseStorageTest.class, method DatabaseStorageTest::testParseSqlTemplate3()
- testParseSqlTemplate4
- in file DatabaseStorageTest.class, method DatabaseStorageTest::testParseSqlTemplate4()
- testParseUri
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testParseUri()
- testPasswordMismatch
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest::testPasswordMismatch()
- testPasswordMismatch
- in file AdminCreateUserControllerTest.class, method AdminCreateUserControllerTest::testPasswordMismatch()
- testPasswordWithEntity
- in file UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class, method UserChangePasswordControllerTest::testPasswordWithEntity()
- testPathCollisionAlbum
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testPathCollisionAlbum()
- testPathCollisionItem
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testPathCollisionItem()
- testPathComponentDotInFileBaseToUnderscore
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testPathComponentDotInFileBaseToUnderscore()
- testPathComponentDotPhpExtensionToUnderscore
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testPathComponentDotPhpExtensionToUnderscore()
- testPathComponentDotRecognizedExtensionConserved
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testPathComponentDotRecognizedExtensionConserved()
- testPathComponentDotUnderscoreToUnderscoreUnderscore
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testPathComponentDotUnderscoreToUnderscoreUnderscore()
- testPathComponentDotUnrecognizedExtensionToUnderscore
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testPathComponentDotUnrecognizedExtensionToUnderscore()
- testPathComponentIllegalCharactersToUnderscores
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testPathComponentIllegalCharactersToUnderscores()
- testPathComponentLegalCharactersConserved
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testPathComponentLegalCharactersConserved()
- testPathComponentLength
- in file FileSystemTest.class, method FileSystemTest::testPathComponentLength()
- testPerformDownloadAndInstallation
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::testPerformDownloadAndInstallation()
- testPerformDownloadAndInstallationFailedBaseDownload
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::testPerformDownloadAndInstallationFailedBaseDownload()
- testPerformDownloadAndInstallationFailedLanguageDownload
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::testPerformDownloadAndInstallationFailedLanguageDownload()
- testPerformDownloadAndInstallationInactiveModule
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::testPerformDownloadAndInstallationInactiveModule()
- testPerformDownloadAndInstallationInUseModule
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::testPerformDownloadAndInstallationInUseModule()
- testPerformDownloadAndInstallationNotInstalledModule
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::testPerformDownloadAndInstallationNotInstalledModule()
- testPermissionCheckAuthTimeoutExpired
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testPermissionCheckAuthTimeoutExpired()
- testPermissionCheckAuthTimeoutExpired
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testPermissionCheckAuthTimeoutExpired()
- testPermissionCheckErrorMissingObjectForAdmin
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testPermissionCheckErrorMissingObjectForAdmin()
- testPermissionCheckErrorMissingObjectForGuest
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testPermissionCheckErrorMissingObjectForGuest()
- testPermissionCheckErrorMissingObjectForRegisteredUser
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testPermissionCheckErrorMissingObjectForRegisteredUser()
- testPermissionCheckForGuest
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testPermissionCheckForGuest()
- testPermissionCheckForRegisteredUser
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testPermissionCheckForRegisteredUser()
- testPermissionCheckHasPermission
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testPermissionCheckHasPermission()
- testPermissionCheckNotAdmin
- in file ControllerTest.class, method ControllerTest::testPermissionCheckNotAdmin()
- testPermissionCheckOtherError
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::testPermissionCheckOtherError()
- testPermissions
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testPermissions()
Make sure files are written with correct permissions by exec, copy, symlink, atomicWrite; test chmod.
- testPermissionsCleanup
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTest::testPermissionsCleanup()
- testPlugins1
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testPlugins1()
Bogus user/password, and an error from the plugin. Plugin set to halt on failure so we shouldn't even try to recover which means we won't see the invalid user error.
- testPlugins1
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testPlugins1()
Bogus user/password, and an error from the plugin. Plugin set to halt on failure so we
- testPlugins2
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testPlugins2()
Valid user, invalid password, 2 plugins with an error from the first plugin, but the first
- testPlugins2
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testPlugins2()
Valid user, 2 plugins with errors the first plugin allows the flow to continue. We should see the error from both plugins.
- testPlugins3
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testPlugins3()
Valid user, invalid password, 2 plugins with an error from the first plugin, and the first
- testPlugins3
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testPlugins3()
Valid user, 2 plugins with an error from the first plugin, and the first plugin stops the flow from continuing. We should see the error from only the first plugin, and not the invalid password error.
- testPlugins4
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testPlugins4()
Correct password, but an error from the plugin
- testPlugins4
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testPlugins4()
Correct password, but an error from the plugin
- testPlugins5
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testPlugins5()
- testPlugins5
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testPlugins5()
Correct password, no error from the plugin
- testPluginsOff
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::testPluginsOff()
- testPostBeforeDisplayEvent
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testPostBeforeDisplayEvent()
- testPostEvent
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTest::testPostEvent()
- testPostEventReturnData
- in file EventTest.class, method EventTest::testPostEventReturnData()
- testPostprocessItemsProtectsFromProcessingItemsTwice
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddControllerTest::testPostprocessItemsProtectsFromProcessingItemsTwice()
- testPostToWebPage
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testPostToWebPage()
- testPreferredPermission
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::testPreferredPermission()
- testPreVerifyPackageMissingOneDirectory
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testPreVerifyPackageMissingOneDirectory()
- testPreVerifyPackageMissingOneFile
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testPreVerifyPackageMissingOneFile()
- testPreVerifyPackageModuleAlreadyInstalledAndWriteable
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testPreVerifyPackageModuleAlreadyInstalledAndWriteable()
- testPreVerifyPackageModuleContainsFileInPlaceOfADirectory
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testPreVerifyPackageModuleContainsFileInPlaceOfADirectory()
- testPreVerifyPackageModuleNotInstalled
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testPreVerifyPackageModuleNotInstalled()
- testPreVerifyPackageModuleNotOverwriteable
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testPreVerifyPackageModuleNotOverwriteable()
- testPreVerifyPackageNonWriteableModuleDir
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testPreVerifyPackageNonWriteableModuleDir()
- testPrintService
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::testPrintService()
- testProcessingPaths
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testProcessingPaths()
- testProperty
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testProperty()
- testPropertyMultipleToolkits
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testPropertyMultipleToolkits()
- testPutAndGet
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testPutAndGet()
- testPutAndGetFromDisk
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testPutAndGetFromDisk()
- testPutAndGetPageData
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testPutAndGetPageData()
- testPutToDisk
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testPutToDisk()
- testQueries
- in file BuildDerivativesTaskTest.class, method BuildDerivativesTaskTest::testQueries()
- testRand
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testRand()
- testReaddir
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testReaddir()
- testReadReadAgainThenWrite
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testReadReadAgainThenWrite()
- testReadThenWrite
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testReadThenWrite()
- testReadThenWritePartial
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testReadThenWritePartial()
- testRebalanceOrderWeights
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testRebalanceOrderWeights()
Update the view count and verify it.
- testRebuildBrokenDerivative
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testRebuildBrokenDerivative()
- testRebuildThumbnailOfSmallerThumbnail
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testRebuildThumbnailOfSmallerThumbnail()
- testRecodeString
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testRecodeString()
- testRecoverAdminPassword
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::testRecoverAdminPassword()
- testRecoverAdminPasswordAlternateUser
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::testRecoverAdminPasswordAlternateUser()
- testRecoverAdminPasswordBadAuth
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::testRecoverAdminPasswordBadAuth()
- testRecoverAdminPasswordCancel
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::testRecoverAdminPasswordCancel()
- testRecoverAdminPasswordClearsFailedLogins
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::testRecoverAdminPasswordClearsFailedLogins()
- testRecoverAdminPasswordMismatch
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::testRecoverAdminPasswordMismatch()
- testRecoverAdminPasswordMissing
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::testRecoverAdminPasswordMissing()
- testRecoverAdminUsernameIncorrect
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::testRecoverAdminUsernameIncorrect()
- testRecoverAdminUsernameMissing
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::testRecoverAdminUsernameMissing()
- testRecoverPassword
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest::testRecoverPassword()
- testRecoverPassword
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testRecoverPassword()
- testRecoverPasswordClearsFailedLogins
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest::testRecoverPasswordClearsFailedLogins()
- testRecreateResizesForSmallPhoto
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::testRecreateResizesForSmallPhoto()
Add a small (dimension wise) photo to an album and make sure that we don't create resizes that are larger (dimension wise) than the original.
- testRecursiveAdd
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testRecursiveAdd()
- testRecursiveChmod1
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testRecursiveChmod1()
- testRecursiveChmod2
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testRecursiveChmod2()
- testRecursiveChmod3
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testRecursiveChmod3()
- testRecursiveRemove
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testRecursiveRemove()
- testRecursiveRmdir
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testRecursiveRmdir()
- testRedirectViewForAlternateGuestWithoutPermissions
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testRedirectViewForAlternateGuestWithoutPermissions()
- testRedirectViewForGuestWithoutPermissions
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testRedirectViewForGuestWithoutPermissions()
- testRegenerateFromGuestToGuest
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testRegenerateFromGuestToGuest()
- testRegenerateFromGuestToLoggedIn
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testRegenerateFromGuestToLoggedIn()
- testRegenerateSessionId
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testRegenerateSessionId()
- testRegisterCookieAttr
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testRegisterCookieAttr()
- testRegisterFactoryImplementationForRequest
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testRegisterFactoryImplementationForRequest()
- testRegisterFactoryImplementationForRequestDeleteCache
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testRegisterFactoryImplementationForRequestDeleteCache()
- testRelativeUrlOverrides
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::testRelativeUrlOverrides()
- testReleaseEmpty
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testReleaseEmpty()
- testReleaseLocksNotBeforeCommit
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testReleaseLocksNotBeforeCommit()
Verify that locks are not being released before commit on transactional databases.
- testReleaseNull
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testReleaseNull()
- testRelockRead
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testRelockRead()
- testRelockWrite
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testRelockWrite()
- testRelockWriteMore
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testRelockWriteMore()
- testRelockWritePartial
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testRelockWritePartial()
- testRemapOwnerId
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testRemapOwnerId()
- testRemapSourceIds
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testRemapSourceIds()
- testRemove
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testRemove()
- testRemoveAllGroupsPermission
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::testRemoveAllGroupsPermission()
- testRemoveAllMapEntriesNonTransactional
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testRemoveAllMapEntriesNonTransactional()
- testRemoveAllMapEntriesTransactional
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testRemoveAllMapEntriesTransactional()
- testRemoveAllUsersAndGroupsPermission
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::testRemoveAllUsersAndGroupsPermission()
- testRemoveAllUsersPermission
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::testRemoveAllUsersPermission()
- testRemoveByPattern
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testRemoveByPattern()
- testRemoveDerivativeOperation
- in file DerivativeTest.class, method DerivativeTest::testRemoveDerivativeOperation()
- testRemoveEditPermissionFromSelf
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testRemoveEditPermissionFromSelf()
- testRemoveFormVariables
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testRemoveFormVariables()
- testRemoveFromDisk
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testRemoveFromDisk()
- testRemoveGroupPermission
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::testRemoveGroupPermission()
- testRemoveIrrelevantPermission
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::testRemoveIrrelevantPermission()
- testRemoveItemPermissions
- in file PermissionTest.class, method PermissionTest::testRemoveItemPermissions()
- testRemoveMapValueIsNull
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testRemoveMapValueIsNull()
- testRemoveMultipleUser
- in file AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest::testRemoveMultipleUser()
- testRemoveObsoleteFiles
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testRemoveObsoleteFiles()
- testRemovePageData
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testRemovePageData()
- testRemovePermissionWithNewBits
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::testRemovePermissionWithNewBits()
- testRemovePluginParameterByValue
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTest::testRemovePluginParameterByValue()
- testRemoveRequestVariable
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testRemoveRequestVariable()
- testRemoveRequestVariable2
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testRemoveRequestVariable2()
- testRemoveResizes
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::testRemoveResizes()
- testRemoveSelfEditPermissionViaGroup
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testRemoveSelfEditPermissionViaGroup()
- testRemoveThumbnail
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testRemoveThumbnail()
- testRemoveTranslationsForPlugin
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testRemoveTranslationsForPlugin()
- testRemoveUser
- in file AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupUsersControllerTest::testRemoveUser()
- testRemoveUserPermission
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::testRemoveUserPermission()
- testRemoveUserPermissionWithNewBits
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTest::testRemoveUserPermissionWithNewBits()
- testRename
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testRename()
- testRenameAlbumToHaveLeadingAndTrailingSpace
- in file AlbumTest.class, method AlbumTest::testRenameAlbumToHaveLeadingAndTrailingSpace()
- testRenameRoot
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testRenameRoot()
- testReorderItemsAfter
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::testReorderItemsAfter()
- testReorderItemsAfter2
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::testReorderItemsAfter2()
- testReorderItemsBefore
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::testReorderItemsBefore()
- testReorderItemsBefore2
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::testReorderItemsBefore2()
- testReorderItemsForceRebalance
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::testReorderItemsForceRebalance()
- testReorderItemsForceRebalance2
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::testReorderItemsForceRebalance2()
- testReorderItemsMissingSelection
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::testReorderItemsMissingSelection()
- testReorderItemsMissingTarget
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::testReorderItemsMissingTarget()
- testReorderItemsWithBogusId
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::testReorderItemsWithBogusId()
- testReorderItemsWithoutPermissions
- in file ItemReorderControllerTest.class, method ItemReorderControllerTest::testReorderItemsWithoutPermissions()
- testReplaceSessionIdInDataDoReplaceSessionIdIfNecessaryOnNestedObject
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testReplaceSessionIdInDataDoReplaceSessionIdIfNecessaryOnNestedObject()
- testReplaceSessionIdInDataDoStringReplaceOnNestedArray
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testReplaceSessionIdInDataDoStringReplaceOnNestedArray()
- testReplaceTempSessionIdIfNecessaryDoNothing
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testReplaceTempSessionIdIfNecessaryDoNothing()
- testReplaceTempSessionIdIfNecessaryRemove
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testReplaceTempSessionIdIfNecessaryRemove()
- testReplaceTempSessionIdIfNecessaryRemovesTrailingQueryStringSeparator
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testReplaceTempSessionIdIfNecessaryRemovesTrailingQueryStringSeparator()
- testReplaceTempSessionIdIfNecessaryReplace
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testReplaceTempSessionIdIfNecessaryReplace()
- testRequestAgain
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testRequestAgain()
- testRequestMissing
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest::testRequestMissing()
- testRequestTooOld
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest::testRequestTooOld()
- testRequestTooSoon
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::testRequestTooSoon()
- testRequestWebPage
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testRequestWebPage()
- testRequestWebPageWithBadChars
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::testRequestWebPageWithBadChars()
- testRescan
- in file DataItemTest.class, method DataItemTest::testRescan()
- testRescanMovie
- in file MovieTest.class, method MovieTest::testRescanMovie()
- testRescanMovieWithStorageFailure
- in file MovieTest.class, method MovieTest::testRescanMovieWithStorageFailure()
- testRescanMovieWithToolkitFailure
- in file MovieTest.class, method MovieTest::testRescanMovieWithToolkitFailure()
- testReset
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testReset()
- testReset
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testReset()
- testReset
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testReset()
- testReset
- in file AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest.class, method AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest::testReset()
- testResetFailedLoginAttempts
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::testResetFailedLoginAttempts()
- testResetThumbnail
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, method ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest::testResetThumbnail()
- testResizePermission
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::testResizePermission()
- testResourceGetTemplateLocalOverride
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testResourceGetTemplateLocalOverride()
- testResourceGetTemplateNonModule
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testResourceGetTemplateNonModule()
- testResourceGetTemplateNonOverriden
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testResourceGetTemplateNonOverriden()
- testResourceGetTemplateThemeOverride
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testResourceGetTemplateThemeOverride()
- testResourceGetTimestampNonOverridden
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testResourceGetTimestampNonOverridden()
- testResourceGetTimestampOverridden
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testResourceGetTimestampOverridden()
- testResourceGetTimestampStaticCall
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testResourceGetTimestampStaticCall()
- testResumeMisidentifiedSearchEngineSessionAsRegisteredUser
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testResumeMisidentifiedSearchEngineSessionAsRegisteredUser()
- testRevertToOriginal
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testRevertToOriginal()
- testRevertToOriginalWithPostfilter
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testRevertToOriginalWithPostfilter()
This verifies that we don't remove preferred derivatives that have operations we don't understand so it covers postfilters as well as convert-to-xxx operations.
- testRGBPhoto
- in file PhotoTest.class, method PhotoTest::testRGBPhoto()
- testRmdir
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testRmdir()
- testRotateClockwise
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testRotateClockwise()
- testRotateCounterClockwise
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testRotateCounterClockwise()
- testRotateFlip
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testRotateFlip()
- testRotateFlipConvertedPreferred
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testRotateFlipConvertedPreferred()
- testRotateFlipDoesntInvalidateDerivativeDimensions
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testRotateFlipDoesntInvalidateDerivativeDimensions()
- testRotateInvalidatesDerivativeDimensions
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testRotateInvalidatesDerivativeDimensions()
- testRoundToString
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testRoundToString()
- testRun
- in file OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest.class, method OptimizeDatabaseTaskTest::testRun()
- testRun
- in file DeleteSessionsTaskTest.class, method DeleteSessionsTaskTest::testRun()
- testRunFail
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, method FlushTemplatesTaskTest::testRunFail()
- testRunFail
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest::testRunFail()
- testRunSuccess
- in file FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest.class, method FlushDatabaseCacheTaskTest::testRunSuccess()
- testRunSuccess
- in file FlushTemplatesTaskTest.class, method FlushTemplatesTaskTest::testRunSuccess()
- testRunTaskFail
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTest::testRunTaskFail()
- testRunTaskProgressBar
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTest::testRunTaskProgressBar()
- testRunTaskProgressBarError
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTest::testRunTaskProgressBarError()
- testRunTaskProgressBarFail
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTest::testRunTaskProgressBarFail()
- testRunTaskSuccess
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerTest::testRunTaskSuccess()
- testSafeCssName1
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testSafeCssName1()
- testSafeCssName2
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testSafeCssName2()
- testSafeCssName3
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testSafeCssName3()
- testSameSessionDifferentRemoteIdentifier
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSameSessionDifferentRemoteIdentifier()
- testSanitizeInputValue1
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testSanitizeInputValue1()
- testSanitizeInputValue2
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testSanitizeInputValue2()
- testSanitizeRoundTrip
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testSanitizeRoundTrip()
- testSave
- in file AdminPerformanceControllerTest.class, method AdminPerformanceControllerTest::testSave()
- testSave
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::testSave()
- testSave
- in file AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest.class, method AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest::testSave()
- testSave
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::testSave()
- testSaveAndDone
- in file ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest.class, method ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest::testSaveAndDone()
- testSaveAndNext
- in file ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest.class, method ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest::testSaveAndNext()
- testSaveAndPrevious
- in file ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest.class, method ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest::testSaveAndPrevious()
- testSaveAndRecreate
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::testSaveAndRecreate()
- testSaveAndRemoveLocalUrlMap
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testSaveAndRemoveLocalUrlMap()
- testSaveCallsExpireSessions
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSaveCallsExpireSessions()
- testSaveDefaults
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTest::testSaveDefaults()
- testSaveDefaultsValidatesDefaultTheme
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTest::testSaveDefaultsValidatesDefaultTheme()
- testSaveDefaultsValidatesNewAlbumsUseDefaults
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTest::testSaveDefaultsValidatesNewAlbumsUseDefaults()
- testSaveDefaultsValidatesOrderBy
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTest::testSaveDefaultsValidatesOrderBy()
- testSaveDefaultsValidatesOrderDirection
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTest::testSaveDefaultsValidatesOrderDirection()
- testSaveDefaultsValidatesPreSort
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTest::testSaveDefaultsValidatesPreSort()
- testSaveDoNotSaveIfSessionIdEmpty
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSaveDoNotSaveIfSessionIdEmpty()
- testSaveEmailPasswordWithHtmlEntity
- in file AdminCoreControllerTest.class, method AdminCoreControllerTest::testSaveEmailPasswordWithHtmlEntity()
- testSaveEntity
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testSaveEntity()
- testSaveError
- in file AdminPerformanceControllerTest.class, method AdminPerformanceControllerTest::testSaveError()
- testSaveNewSession
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSaveNewSession()
- testSaveRepositories
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryControllerTest::testSaveRepositories()
- testSaveRepositoryList
- in file RepositoryCallbackTest.class, method RepositoryCallbackTest::testSaveRepositoryList()
- testSaveResaveExistingSessionDataChanged
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSaveResaveExistingSessionDataChanged()
- testSaveResaveExistingSessionNoDataChangedDoNotTouch
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSaveResaveExistingSessionNoDataChangedDoNotTouch()
- testSaveResaveExistingSessionNoDataChangedTouch
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSaveResaveExistingSessionNoDataChangedTouch()
- testSaveReturnsErrorOnMissingUserId
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSaveReturnsErrorOnMissingUserId()
- testSaveSessionShouldNotSave
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSaveSessionShouldNotSave()
Test if save() actually doesn't save if the current request is in the exclude list.
- testSaveTheme
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTest::testSaveTheme()
- testSaveThemeWithValidationErrors
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTest::testSaveThemeWithValidationErrors()
- testSaveWithErrors
- in file ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest.class, method ItemEditCaptionsControllerTest::testSaveWithErrors()
- testSaveWithGlobal
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::testSaveWithGlobal()
- testSaveWithoutEvent
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testSaveWithoutEvent()
- testScale
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testScale()
- testScaleConvertedPreferred
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testScaleConvertedPreferred()
- testScaleDimensionsToFit
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testScaleDimensionsToFit()
- testScaleInvalid
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testScaleInvalid()
- testScaleMissing
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testScaleMissing()
- testScalePreserveOriginal
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testScalePreserveOriginal()
- testScaleReplaceOriginal
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testScaleReplaceOriginal()
- testScaleWithInvalidSerialNumber
- in file ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest.class, method ItemEditRotateAndScalePhotoPluginTest::testScaleWithInvalidSerialNumber()
- testScanLockedPlugin
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testScanLockedPlugin()
- testScanPlugin
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testScanPlugin()
- testScanPluginWithNoManifest
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testScanPluginWithNoManifest()
- testScanPluginWithNoPoDir
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testScanPluginWithNoPoDir()
- testSearchAll
- in file CoreSearchTest.class, method CoreSearchTest::testSearchAll()
Search for all available fields
- testSearchAllSomeFields
- in file CoreSearchTest.class, method CoreSearchTest::testSearchAllSomeFields()
Search only in the title and keywords
- testSearchEngineCrawlerSessions
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSearchEngineCrawlerSessions()
- testSearchEngineCrawlerSessionsAsExplicitGuestUser
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSearchEngineCrawlerSessionsAsExplicitGuestUser()
- testSearchLimited
- in file CoreSearchTest.class, method CoreSearchTest::testSearchLimited()
Search for all available fields, but only request a subset of the total results
- testSearchLinks
- in file CoreSearchTest.class, method CoreSearchTest::testSearchLinks()
- testSelectRandomInteger
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testSelectRandomInteger()
- testSendTemplatedEmailEmptyFromHeader
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperTest::testSendTemplatedEmailEmptyFromHeader()
- testSendTemplatedEmailExtendedCharactersInSubject
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperTest::testSendTemplatedEmailExtendedCharactersInSubject()
- testSendTemplatedEmailFromAddressSetByCoreSmtpParameter
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperTest::testSendTemplatedEmailFromAddressSetByCoreSmtpParameter()
- testSendTemplatedEmailFromAddressSetByFunctionInput
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperTest::testSendTemplatedEmailFromAddressSetByFunctionInput()
- testSendTemplatedEmailFunctionInputOverridesCoreSmtpParameter
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperTest::testSendTemplatedEmailFunctionInputOverridesCoreSmtpParameter()
- testSendTemplatedEmailMultiRecipient
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperTest::testSendTemplatedEmailMultiRecipient()
- testSendTemplatedEmailWithContentType
- in file MailHelperTest.class, method MailHelperTest::testSendTemplatedEmailWithContentType()
- testSessionAuthInvalidUser
- in file SessionAuthPluginTest.class, method SessionAuthPluginTest::testSessionAuthInvalidUser()
- testSessionAuthLoadInvalidEntity
- in file SessionAuthPluginTest.class, method SessionAuthPluginTest::testSessionAuthLoadInvalidEntity()
- testSessionAuthValidUser
- in file SessionAuthPluginTest.class, method SessionAuthPluginTest::testSessionAuthValidUser()
- testSessionCookieDomain
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSessionCookieDomain()
- testSessionCookieHeaderAndPersistence
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSessionCookieHeaderAndPersistence()
- testSessionIdInUrlOverridesCookie
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSessionIdInUrlOverridesCookie()
- testSessionInitializesIsUsingCookies
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSessionInitializesIsUsingCookies()
- testSessionKeyAndTempSessionHaveNoSpecialCharacters
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSessionKeyAndTempSessionHaveNoSpecialCharacters()
Our replaceTempSessionIdIfNecessary() code and the page caching assume that the session key and the temp session string have no characters that change when HTML or URL encoded.
- testSessionSaveLoad
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSessionSaveLoad()
- testSetBackToOldValue
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testSetBackToOldValue()
- testSetCookie
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSetCookie()
- testSetCookieDeleteCookie
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSetCookieDeleteCookie()
- testSetCookieNoExpirationDate
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSetCookieNoExpirationDate()
- testSetCookieSecure
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testSetCookieSecure()
- testSetItemViewCount
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testSetItemViewCount()
Update the view count and verify it.
- testSetLocationResponseHeader
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testSetLocationResponseHeader()
- testSetLocationResponseHeaderNoReplace
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testSetLocationResponseHeaderNoReplace()
- testSetLocationResponseHeaderNoReplace3xx
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testSetLocationResponseHeaderNoReplace3xx()
- testSetLocationResponseHeaderWithReplace
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testSetLocationResponseHeaderWithReplace()
- testSetMaintenanceModeEqual
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, method MaintenanceHelperTest::testSetMaintenanceModeEqual()
- testSetMaintenanceModeEqual
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest::testSetMaintenanceModeEqual()
- testSetMaintenanceModeFalse
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, method MaintenanceHelperTest::testSetMaintenanceModeFalse()
- testSetMaintenanceModeOff
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest::testSetMaintenanceModeOff()
- testSetMaintenanceModeOnNoUrl
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest::testSetMaintenanceModeOnNoUrl()
- testSetMaintenanceModeOnUrl
- in file AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest.class, method AdminMaintenanceControllerModeTest::testSetMaintenanceModeOnUrl()
- testSetMaintenanceModeTrue
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, method MaintenanceHelperTest::testSetMaintenanceModeTrue()
- testSetMaintenanceModeUrl
- in file MaintenanceHelperTest.class, method MaintenanceHelperTest::testSetMaintenanceModeUrl()
- testSetModuleParameter
- in file CoreModuleTest.class, method CoreModuleTest::testSetModuleParameter()
- testSetOrderWeight
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::testSetOrderWeight()
Update the view count and verify it
- testSetResponseHeader
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testSetResponseHeader()
- testSetResponseHeaderNoReplace
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testSetResponseHeaderNoReplace()
- testSetResponseHeaderWithReplace
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testSetResponseHeaderWithReplace()
- testSetSameValueDifferentType
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testSetSameValueDifferentType()
- testSetSetSet
- in file EntityTest.class, method EntityTest::testSetSetSet()
- testSetThemeForRequest
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testSetThemeForRequest()
- testSetThumbnailDontChangeToUnknownItem
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testSetThumbnailDontChangeToUnknownItem()
- testSetThumbnailFromItem
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testSetThumbnailFromItem()
- testSetThumbnailFromUnknownItem
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testSetThumbnailFromUnknownItem()
- testShouldCacheNone
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testShouldCacheNone()
- testShouldCachePostRequest
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testShouldCachePostRequest()
- testShouldCacheReadGuestOk
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testShouldCacheReadGuestOk()
- testShouldCacheReadNoCache1
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testShouldCacheReadNoCache1()
- testShouldCacheReadNoCache2
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testShouldCacheReadNoCache2()
- testShouldCacheReadUserNotOk
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testShouldCacheReadUserNotOk()
- testShouldCacheReadUserOk
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testShouldCacheReadUserOk()
- testShouldNotCacheGuestPreviewPages
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTest::testShouldNotCacheGuestPreviewPages()
- testShouldShowEmergencyEditItemLink1
- in file CallbacksTest.class, method CallbacksTest::testShouldShowEmergencyEditItemLink1()
- testShouldShowEmergencyEditItemLink2
- in file CallbacksTest.class, method CallbacksTest::testShouldShowEmergencyEditItemLink2()
- testShouldShowEmergencyEditItemLink3
- in file CallbacksTest.class, method CallbacksTest::testShouldShowEmergencyEditItemLink3()
- testShouldShowEmergencyEditItemLink4
- in file CallbacksTest.class, method CallbacksTest::testShouldShowEmergencyEditItemLink4()
- testShouldShowEmergencyEditItemLinkNoPermissions
- in file CallbacksTest.class, method CallbacksTest::testShouldShowEmergencyEditItemLinkNoPermissions()
- testShrinkDimensionsToFit
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testShrinkDimensionsToFit()
- testSmartyCompileCheckByPluginParam
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testSmartyCompileCheckByPluginParam()
- testSmartyCompileCheckEnabledIfNoCacheRequested
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testSmartyCompileCheckEnabledIfNoCacheRequested()
- testSmartyCompileCheckUsesCache
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testSmartyCompileCheckUsesCache()
- testSplitAggregatePackage
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testSplitAggregatePackage()
- testSplitAggregatePackageInvalidInput
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testSplitAggregatePackageInvalidInput()
- testSplitAggregatePackageUnexpectedGzipFile
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testSplitAggregatePackageUnexpectedGzipFile()
- testSplitHtml
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testSplitHtml()
- testSplitHtmlWorksWithDefaultBacktraceLimit
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testSplitHtmlWorksWithDefaultBacktraceLimit()
- testSplitPath
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testSplitPath()
- testSqlInjectionWithNullCharacter
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testSqlInjectionWithNullCharacter()
- testStart
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testStart()
- testStat
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testStat()
- testStatus
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTest::testStatus()
- testStrftime
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testStrftime()
- testStripLastLineBreak
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testStripLastLineBreak()
- testStrToLower
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testStrToLower()
- testStrToUpper
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testStrToUpper()
- testStyle
- in file TemplateTest.class, method TemplateTest::testStyle()
- testSymlink
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testSymlink()
- testSymlinkTwice
- in file ItemTest.class, method ItemTest::testSymlinkTwice()
- testTempnam
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testTempnam()
- testTextForJavaScript
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testTextForJavaScript()
- testTextNotForJavaScript
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testTextNotForJavaScript()
- testTextPostSprintf
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testTextPostSprintf()
- testTextViewL10domain
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testTextViewL10domain()
- TestThemeId1Theme
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, class TestThemeId1Theme
Test Theme that fails to validate settings
- TestThemeId1Theme
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method TestThemeId1Theme::TestThemeId1Theme()
- TestThemeId2Theme
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method TestThemeId2Theme::TestThemeId2Theme()
- TestThemeId2Theme
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, class TestThemeId2Theme
Test Theme that successfully validates settings
- testThemeTooNew
- in file PluginTest.class, method PluginTest::testThemeTooNew()
- testThemeUrls
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testThemeUrls()
- testThemeUrlsWithOverride
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testThemeUrlsWithOverride()
- testThemeUrlsWithOverrideSubdir
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testThemeUrlsWithOverrideSubdir()
- testThumbnailForEmptyAlbum
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testThumbnailForEmptyAlbum()
- testThumbnailPermission
- in file DownloadItemTest.class, method DownloadItemTest::testThumbnailPermission()
- testTime
- in file PhpVmTest.class, method PhpVmTest::testTime()
- TestToolkit
- in file ToolkitTest.class, class TestToolkit
Mock toolkit
- TestToolkit2
- in file ToolkitTest.class, class TestToolkit2
- TestToolkitPriority
- in file AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest.class, class TestToolkitPriority
Mock toolkit
- TestToolkitPriority2
- in file AdminToolkitPriorityControllerTest.class, class TestToolkitPriority2
Mock toolkit
- testTrailingSpace
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::testTrailingSpace()
- testTranslateCharset
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testTranslateCharset()
- testTranslatePlural
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testTranslatePlural()
- testTranslateQuery
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testTranslateQuery()
- testTranslateSingular
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::testTranslateSingular()
- testTruncate1
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate1()
- testTruncate2
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate2()
- testTruncate3
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate3()
- testTruncate4
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate4()
- testTruncate5
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate5()
- testTruncate6
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate6()
- testTruncate7
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate7()
- testTruncate8
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate8()
- testTruncate9
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate9()
- testTruncate10
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate10()
- testTruncate11
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate11()
- testTruncate12
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate12()
- testTruncate13
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate13()
- testTruncate14
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate14()
- testTruncate15
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate15()
- testTruncate16
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate16()
- testTruncate17
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::testTruncate17()
- testTruncateOnSave
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testTruncateOnSave()
- testTruncateString
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testTruncateString()
- testTurnOffGuestPreviewMode
- in file ShowItemControllerTest.class, method ShowItemControllerTest::testTurnOffGuestPreviewMode()
- testTurnOnGuestPreviewMode
- in file ShowItemControllerTest.class, method ShowItemControllerTest::testTurnOnGuestPreviewMode()
- testUnauthorizedOwnerChange
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testUnauthorizedOwnerChange()
- testUnauthorizedPermissionChange
- in file ItemPermissionsControllerTest.class, method ItemPermissionsControllerTest::testUnauthorizedPermissionChange()
- testUndo
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::testUndo()
- testUndo
- in file AdminEditUserControllerTest.class, method AdminEditUserControllerTest::testUndo()
- testUndo
- in file AdminEditGroupControllerTest.class, method AdminEditGroupControllerTest::testUndo()
- testUndo
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemePluginTest::testUndo()
- testUndo
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testUndo()
- testUndo
- in file ItemEditAlbumPluginTest.class, method ItemEditAlbumPluginTest::testUndo()
- testUndo
- in file UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class, method UserChangePasswordControllerTest::testUndo()
- testUndoTheme
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTest::testUndoTheme()
- testUnicodeCharacters
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testUnicodeCharacters()
- testUnicodeEntitiesToUtf8
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testUnicodeEntitiesToUtf8()
- testUnicodeValueToUtf8Value
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testUnicodeValueToUtf8Value()
- testUninstallActiveModule
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testUninstallActiveModule()
- testUninstallInactiveModule
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testUninstallInactiveModule()
- testUninstallTheme
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testUninstallTheme()
- testUnlink
- in file PlatformTest.class, method PlatformTest::testUnlink()
- testUnpackSettingBlockList1
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testUnpackSettingBlockList1()
- testUnpackSettingBlockList2
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testUnpackSettingBlockList2()
- testUnpackSettingBlockListEmpty
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testUnpackSettingBlockListEmpty()
- testUnpackSettingBlockListMalformed1
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testUnpackSettingBlockListMalformed1()
- testUnpackSettingBlockListMalformed2
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testUnpackSettingBlockListMalformed2()
- testUnpackSettingBlockListTrueFalse
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testUnpackSettingBlockListTrueFalse()
- testUnregisterToolkitsByModuleId
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::testUnregisterToolkitsByModuleId()
- testUnsanitizeInputValues
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testUnsanitizeInputValues()
- testUnserializeIndex
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testUnserializeIndex()
- testUnserializeMalformedIndex
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testUnserializeMalformedIndex()
- testUpdate
- in file RepositoryIndexTest.class, method RepositoryIndexTest::testUpdate()
- testUpdateBrowserPreference
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest::testUpdateBrowserPreference()
- testUpdateDefaultLanguage
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest::testUpdateDefaultLanguage()
- testUpdateFactoryDefinitionHints
- in file FactoryTest.class, method FactoryTest::testUpdateFactoryDefinitionHints()
- testUpdateIndex
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryControllerTest::testUpdateIndex()
- testUpdateLanguagePackages
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest::testUpdateLanguagePackages()
- testUpdateLanguageSettings
- in file AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest.class, method AdminLanguageManagerControllerTest::testUpdateLanguageSettings()
- testUpdateMapEntry
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testUpdateMapEntry()
- testUpdateMapEntryNonTransactionalDatabaseConnection
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testUpdateMapEntryNonTransactionalDatabaseConnection()
- testUpdateMapTruncate
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testUpdateMapTruncate()
- testUpdateMapTruncateMultipleMatches
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testUpdateMapTruncateMultipleMatches()
- testUpdateMapValueIsNull
- in file StorageTest.class, method StorageTest::testUpdateMapValueIsNull()
- testUpdateNull
- in file MapTest.class, method MapTest::testUpdateNull()
- testUpdatePackageMetaData
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testUpdatePackageMetaData()
- testUpdateParameter
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTest::testUpdateParameter()
- testUpdatePluginParameterFieldTypes
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTest::testUpdatePluginParameterFieldTypes()
- testUpdatePluginStatus
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::testUpdatePluginStatus()
- testUpdatePluginStatusFailsHardOnStorageError
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::testUpdatePluginStatusFailsHardOnStorageError()
- testUpdatePluginStatusIgnoresPluginScanErrors
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallControllerTest::testUpdatePluginStatusIgnoresPluginScanErrors()
- testUpdateUserWithClearTextPassword
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testUpdateUserWithClearTextPassword()
- testUpdateUserWithHashedPasswordMissingHashMethod
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testUpdateUserWithHashedPasswordMissingHashMethod()
- testUpdateUserWithInvalidHashMethod
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testUpdateUserWithInvalidHashMethod()
- testUpdateUserWithMd5PasswordHash
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testUpdateUserWithMd5PasswordHash()
- testUpdateUserWithPhpassPasswordHash
- in file EmbedTest.class, method EmbedTest::testUpdateUserWithPhpassPasswordHash()
- testUpgrade
- in file RepositoryTest.class, method RepositoryTest::testUpgrade()
Test getAllUpgradeablePackages and getUpgradeInfo.
- testUpgradeAll
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryControllerTest::testUpgradeAll()
- testUpgradeAllNoUpgradeAvailable
- in file AdminRepositoryControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryControllerTest::testUpgradeAllNoUpgradeAvailable()
- testUpgradeModule
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testUpgradeModule()
- testUpgradeTheme
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackTest::testUpgradeTheme()
- testUrl1
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testUrl1()
- testUrl2
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testUrl2()
- testUrl3
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testUrl3()
- testUrl4
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testUrl4()
- testUrl5
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testUrl5()
- testUrl6
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testUrl6()
- testUrl7
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testUrl7()
- testUrl8
- in file MarkupTest.class, method MarkupTest::testUrl8()
- testUrlOptionsAndBulkOptions
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testUrlOptionsAndBulkOptions()
- testUrlParamsAndArgs
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterTest::testUrlParamsAndArgs()
- testUseAlbumThemeForDefaultAlbum
- in file ShowItemTest.class, method ShowItemTest::testUseAlbumThemeForDefaultAlbum()
- testUtf8Strcut
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testUtf8Strcut()
- testUtf8StrcutOfNumber
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testUtf8StrcutOfNumber()
- testUtf8StrcutOfOneCharacter
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testUtf8StrcutOfOneCharacter()
- testUtf8Substring
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testUtf8Substring()
- testUtf8Substring
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testUtf8Substring()
- testUtf8SubstringOfNumber
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testUtf8SubstringOfNumber()
- testUtf8SubstringOfOneCharacter
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testUtf8SubstringOfOneCharacter()
- testUtf8ToUnicodeEntities
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::testUtf8ToUnicodeEntities()
- testVariableReferenceAcrossLoadCommonTemplateData
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::testVariableReferenceAcrossLoadCommonTemplateData()
- testVerifyPackageIntegrity
- in file RepositoryUtilitiesTest.class, method RepositoryUtilitiesTest::testVerifyPackageIntegrity()
- testVerifyVersions
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::testVerifyVersions()
- testVersionsDat
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::testVersionsDat()
- testViewCountAlbum
- in file ShowItemTest.class, method ShowItemTest::testViewCountAlbum()
- testViewCountItem
- in file ShowItemTest.class, method ShowItemTest::testViewCountItem()
- testViewForUserWithoutPermission
- in file MainTest.class, method MainTest::testViewForUserWithoutPermission()
- testWindowsAndCodePageAreSynonyms
- in file CharsetTest.class, method CharsetTest::testWindowsAndCodePageAreSynonyms()
- testWriteThenRead
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testWriteThenRead()
- testWriteThenReadPartial
- in file LockTest.class, method LockTest::testWriteThenReadPartial()
- testZeroThumbnail
- in file ItemEditItemPluginTest.class, method ItemEditItemPluginTest::testZeroThumbnail()
- textFetchExtremeChildWeight
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTest::textFetchExtremeChildWeight()
Fetch the min/max child weight.
- ThemeTest
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTest::ThemeTest()
- ThemeTest
- in file ThemeTest.class, class ThemeTest
Test GalleryTheme functionality
- ThemeTestPlatform
- in file ThemeTest.class, class ThemeTestPlatform
Test platform for this test
- ThemeTestTheme
- in file ThemeTest.class, method ThemeTestTheme::ThemeTestTheme()
- ThemeTestTheme
- in file ThemeTest.class, class ThemeTestTheme
Test theme
- ThemeTestView
- in file ThemeTest.class, class ThemeTestView
Test view
- time
- in file ItemAddControllerTest.class, method ItemAddPhpVm::time()
- time
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestMockVm::time()
- time
- in file EventLogHelperTest.class, method EventLogHelperTestPhpVm::time()
- time
- in file ItemAttributesTest.class, method ItemAttributesTestPhpVm::time()
- time
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestPhpVm::time()
- time
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestPhpVm::time()
- time
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTest.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadControllerTestPhpVm::time()
- ToolkitTest
- in file ToolkitTest.class, method ToolkitTest::ToolkitTest()
- ToolkitTest
- in file ToolkitTest.class, class ToolkitTest
Test Toolkit functionality
- translate
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::translate()
- translate
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::translate()
- translate
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::translate()
- translateDomain
- in file TemplateAdapterTest.class, method TemplateAdapterMockTranslator::translateDomain()
- TranslatorTest
- in file TranslatorTest.class, class TranslatorTest
Test Translator functionality.
- TranslatorTest
- in file TranslatorTest.class, method TranslatorTest::TranslatorTest()
- TruncateTest
- in file TruncateTest.class, method TruncateTest::TruncateTest()
- TruncateTest
- in file TruncateTest.class, class TruncateTest
Test Truncate functionality
- upgrade
- in file CoreModuleExtras.inc, method CoreModuleExtras::upgrade()
- $userName
- in file GalleryUser.class, variable GalleryUser::$userName
The User's username
- unconfigureStore
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::unconfigureStore()
Uninstall the database schema for the given module
- unicodeEntitiesToUtf8
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::unicodeEntitiesToUtf8()
Unescape embedded UTF-8 entities in the given string.
- unicodeValueToUtf8Value
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::unicodeValueToUtf8Value()
Convert a numerical unicode value to a multibyte UTF-8 string. Adapted from code found here: http://us2.php.net/utf8_encode
- uninstall
- in file GalleryModule.class, method GalleryModule::uninstall()
Remove this module's plugin parameters and all of its database tables.
- uninstall
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::uninstall()
Remove this theme from all albums.
- uninstall
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::uninstall()
Remove this plugin's parameters
- unlink
- in file GalleryPlatform.class, method GalleryPlatform::unlink()
Delete a file.
- unpackPackage
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::unpackPackage()
- unpackSetting
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::unpackSetting()
Unpack a packed setting.
- unregisterFactoryImplementation
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::unregisterFactoryImplementation()
Unregister a factory implementation by id
- unregisterFactoryImplementationsByModuleId
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::unregisterFactoryImplementationsByModuleId()
Unregister all factory implementations for a module
- unregisterModulePermissions
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::unregisterModulePermissions()
Unregister all permission associated with a given module.
- unregisterToolkit
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::unregisterToolkit()
Unregister a toolkit's operations and properties. If we have any remaining that are no longer implemented by any toolkit then remove them from the system also.
- unregisterToolkitOperation
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::unregisterToolkitOperation()
Unregister an operation that a toolkit is able to perform on certain mime types
- unregisterToolkitsByModuleId
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::unregisterToolkitsByModuleId()
Unregister all operations and properties for toolkits implemented by the given module.
- unsanitizeInputValues
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::unsanitizeInputValues()
Undo preprocessing from sanitizeInputValues (useful when we put values back in the request).
- unserializeIndex
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::unserializeIndex()
Unserializes the index into memory.
- update
- in file GalleryRepositoryIndex.class, method GalleryRepositoryIndex::update()
Downloads the repostory index from the Gallery server and writes it to the local repository cache.
- updateFactoryDefinitionHints
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::updateFactoryDefinitionHints()
Return the Hints for the specified class type and implId.
- updateGroup
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::updateGroup()
Update a G2 Group.
- updateMapEntry
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::updateMapEntry()
Update entries in a map
- updateMapEntry
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::updateMapEntry()
Update entries in a map
- updateModificationTimestamp
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::updateModificationTimestamp()
Set modification timestamp for the given entity id to the current time.
- updatePackageMetaData
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::updatePackageMetaData()
- updatePackageMetaData
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::updatePackageMetaData()
Saves the specified package meta data into the database.
- updateParentSequence
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::updateParentSequence()
Update all items containing the source parent sequence to the new parent sequence
- updateProgressBar
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::updateProgressBar()
Update progress bar
- updateTableInfo
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::updateTableInfo()
Load the Maps.inc and Entities.inc into the schema table for the specified module
- updateUser
- in file GalleryEmbed.class, method GalleryEmbed::updateUser()
Update a G2 user.
- upgrade
- in file module.inc, method CoreModule::upgrade()
We pushed all this code into its own file since we need it very rarely so it doesn't make sense to load it every single time.
- upgrade
- in file GalleryPlugin.class, method GalleryPlugin::upgrade()
Perform any upgrade tasks required at this point. This method is called
- url
- in file GalleryTemplateAdapter.class, method GalleryTemplateAdapter::url()
Return a valid Gallery URL, standalone or embedded.
- utf8Strcut
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::utf8Strcut()
mb_strcut for UTF-8, with PHP fallback. Truncates incomplete HTML entity at end of result.
- utf8Substring
- in file GalleryCoreApi.class, method GalleryCoreApi::utf8Substring()
mb_substr for UTF-8, with PHP fallback. Truncates incomplete HTML entity at end of result.
- utf8Substring
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::utf8Substring()
mb_substr() for UTF-8, with PHP fallback. Truncates incomplete HTML entity at end of result.
- utf8ToUnicodeEntities
- in file GalleryUtilities.class, method GalleryUtilities::utf8ToUnicodeEntities()
Takes a string of UTF-8 encoded characters and converts it to a string of unicode entities.
- UserRecoverPasswordHelper_simple.class
- procedural page UserRecoverPasswordHelper_simple.class
- unregisterImplementation
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_medium.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_medium::unregisterImplementation()
- unregisterImplementationsByModuleId
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_medium.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_medium::unregisterImplementationsByModuleId()
- unregisterModulePermissions
- in file GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced::unregisterModulePermissions()
- unregisterOperation
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::unregisterOperation()
- unregisterToolkit
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::unregisterToolkit()
- unregisterToolkitsByModuleId
- in file GalleryToolkitHelper_medium.class, method GalleryToolkitHelper_medium::unregisterToolkitsByModuleId()
- updateFactoryDefinitionHints
- in file GalleryFactoryHelper_medium.class, method GalleryFactoryHelper_medium::updateFactoryDefinitionHints()
- updateModificationTimestamp
- in file GalleryEntityHelper_medium.class, method GalleryEntityHelper_medium::updateModificationTimestamp()
- updateParentSequence
- in file GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced.class, method GalleryItemAttributesHelper_advanced::updateParentSequence()
- UserRecoverPasswordHelper_simple
- in file UserRecoverPasswordHelper_simple.class, class UserRecoverPasswordHelper_simple
Utilities used in the UserRecoverPassword* controllers
- utf8Strcut
- in file GalleryCharsetHelper_simple.class, method GalleryCharsetHelper_simple::utf8Strcut()
- utf8Substring
- in file GalleryCharsetHelper_simple.class, method GalleryCharsetHelper_simple::utf8Substring()
- UrlGeneratorTest.class
- procedural page UrlGeneratorTest.class
- UserAndGroupTest.class
- procedural page UserAndGroupTest.class
- UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class
- procedural page UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class
- UserHelperTest.class
- procedural page UserHelperTest.class
- UserLoginControllerTest.class
- procedural page UserLoginControllerTest.class
- UserPreferencesControllerTest.class
- procedural page UserPreferencesControllerTest.class
- UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class
- procedural page UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class
- UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class
- procedural page UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class
- UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class
- procedural page UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class
- UtilitiesTest.class
- procedural page UtilitiesTest.class
- uninstall
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::uninstall()
- uninstall
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::uninstall()
- unlink
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::unlink()
- unlink
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::unlink()
- unlink
- in file FastDownloadTest.class, method FastDownloadTestRemovePermissionPlatform::unlink()
- unlink
- in file ItemEditMoviePluginTest.class, method ItemEditMoviePluginTestPlatform::unlink()
- unlink
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeTestPlatform::unlink()
- updateMapEntry
- in file RepositoryTestStorage.class, method RepositoryTestStorage::updateMapEntry()
- updateMapEntry
- in file SessionTest.class, method SessionTestStorage::updateMapEntry()
- updateMapEntry
- in file PluginParameterTest.class, method PluginParameterTestMockStorage::updateMapEntry()
- updateStatus
- in file DatabaseImportTest.class, method DatabaseImportTest::updateStatus()
- upgrade
- in file ModuleTest.class, method ModuleTestModule::upgrade()
- UrlGeneratorTest
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, class UrlGeneratorTest
URL generator tests.
- UrlGeneratorTest
- in file UrlGeneratorTest.class, method UrlGeneratorTest::UrlGeneratorTest()
- UserAndGroupTest
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, method UserAndGroupTest::UserAndGroupTest()
- UserAndGroupTest
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, class UserAndGroupTest
Test User and Group functionality
- UserAndGroupTest_error_handler
- in file UserAndGroupTest.class, function UserAndGroupTest_error_handler()
- UserChangePasswordControllerTest
- in file UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class, method UserChangePasswordControllerTest::UserChangePasswordControllerTest()
- UserChangePasswordControllerTest
- in file UserChangePasswordControllerTest.class, class UserChangePasswordControllerTest
UserChangePassword controller tests
- UserHelperTest
- in file UserHelperTest.class, class UserHelperTest
UserHelper tests
- UserHelperTestMockStorage
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestMockStorage::UserHelperTestMockStorage()
- UserHelperTestMockStorage
- in file UserHelperTest.class, class UserHelperTestMockStorage
Fake storage class, pretends to extend GalleryStorage
- UserHelperTestMockStorageFakeResults
- in file UserHelperTest.class, class UserHelperTestMockStorageFakeResults
Fake search results class, pretends to extend GallerySearchResults
- UserHelperTestMockStorageFakeResults
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestMockStorageFakeResults::UserHelperTestMockStorageFakeResults()
- UserHelperTestMockUser
- in file UserHelperTest.class, class UserHelperTestMockUser
Mock user, pretends to extend GalleryUser
- UserHelperTestPhpVm
- in file UserHelperTest.class, class UserHelperTestPhpVm
Fake PHP vm, pretends to extend GalleryPhpVm
- UserHelperTestSession
- in file UserHelperTest.class, class UserHelperTestSession
Mock Session
- UserHelperTestSession
- in file UserHelperTest.class, method UserHelperTestSession::UserHelperTestSession()
- UserLoginControllerTest
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, class UserLoginControllerTest
UserLogin controller tests
- UserLoginControllerTest
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTest::UserLoginControllerTest()
- UserLoginControllerTestPlugin
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, class UserLoginControllerTestPlugin
Mock ValidationPlugin
- UserLoginControllerTestSession
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginControllerTestSession::UserLoginControllerTestSession()
- UserLoginControllerTestSession
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, class UserLoginControllerTestSession
Mock session
- UserLoginTestPhpVm
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, class UserLoginTestPhpVm
- UserLoginTestPhpVm
- in file UserLoginControllerTest.class, method UserLoginTestPhpVm::UserLoginTestPhpVm()
- UserPreferencesControllerTest
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, class UserPreferencesControllerTest
UserPreferences controller tests
- UserPreferencesControllerTest
- in file UserPreferencesControllerTest.class, method UserPreferencesControllerTest::UserPreferencesControllerTest()
- UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest::UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest()
- UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, class UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest
UserRecoverPassword controller tests
- UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform::UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform()
- UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdminControllerTest.class, class UserRecoverPasswordAdminDummyPlatform
- UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, class UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest
UserRecoverPassword controller tests
- UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest::UserRecoverPasswordConfirmControllerTest()
- UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, class UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest
UserRecoverPassword controller tests
- UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, method UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest::UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest()
- UserRecoverPasswordControllerTestPlugin
- in file UserRecoverPasswordControllerTest.class, class UserRecoverPasswordControllerTestPlugin
Mock ValidationPlugin
- UtilitiesTest
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTest::UtilitiesTest()
- UtilitiesTest
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, class UtilitiesTest
Test utilities functionality.
- UtilitiesTestAddSlashesPhpVm
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, class UtilitiesTestAddSlashesPhpVm
Used by UtilitiesTest::testRegisterCookieAttr
- UtilitiesTestDoNotAddSlashesPhpVm
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, class UtilitiesTestDoNotAddSlashesPhpVm
- UtilitiesTestPlatform
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, class UtilitiesTestPlatform
- UtilitiesTestPlatform
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestPlatform::UtilitiesTestPlatform()
- UtilitiesTestSetResponseHeaderPhpVm
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, method UtilitiesTestSetResponseHeaderPhpVm::UtilitiesTestSetResponseHeaderPhpVm()
- UtilitiesTestSetResponseHeaderPhpVm
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, class UtilitiesTestSetResponseHeaderPhpVm
- UtilitiesTestWinPlatform
- in file UtilitiesTest.class, class UtilitiesTestWinPlatform
- UnixPlatform.class
- procedural page UnixPlatform.class
- UnixPlatform
- in file UnixPlatform.class, class UnixPlatform
An Unix version of the GalleryPlatform class
- unconfigureStore
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::unconfigureStore()
- updateStatus
- in file GalleryDatabaseExport.class, method GalleryDatabaseExport::updateStatus()
This method calls the the status update method that was passed by the caller to the Database Exporter class.
- UserAdmin.inc
- procedural page UserAdmin.inc
- UserChangePassword.inc
- procedural page UserChangePassword.inc
- UserLogin.inc
- procedural page UserLogin.inc
- UserPreferences.inc
- procedural page UserPreferences.inc
- UserRecoverPassword.inc
- procedural page UserRecoverPassword.inc
- UserRecoverPasswordAdmin.inc
- procedural page UserRecoverPasswordAdmin.inc
- UserRecoverPasswordConfirm.inc
- procedural page UserRecoverPasswordConfirm.inc
- UserRecoverPasswordDownload.inc
- procedural page UserRecoverPasswordDownload.inc
- updateLanguageSettings
- in file AdminLanguageManager.inc, method AdminLanguageManagerController::updateLanguageSettings()
Callback method for updating the language settings while reporting progress.
- updatePluginStatus
- in file AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController.class, method AdminRepositoryDownloadAndInstallController::updatePluginStatus()
Update the repository index, and scan all installed plugins and update GalleryPluginPackageMap with a complete listing of everything that's installed.
- UserAdminView
- in file UserAdmin.inc, class UserAdminView
This view will present the available options to administer a user
- UserChangePasswordController
- in file UserChangePassword.inc, class UserChangePasswordController
This controller will handle changing a user password
- UserChangePasswordView
- in file UserChangePassword.inc, class UserChangePasswordView
This view will show a form to change a password
- UserLoginController
- in file UserLogin.inc, class UserLoginController
This controller will handle a user logging in to Gallery
- UserLoginView
- in file UserLogin.inc, class UserLoginView
This view prompts for login information
- UserPreferencesController
- in file UserPreferences.inc, class UserPreferencesController
This controller will handle changes made to a user
- UserPreferencesView
- in file UserPreferences.inc, class UserPreferencesView
This view will show a form to change user options
- UserRecoverPasswordAdminController
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdmin.inc, class UserRecoverPasswordAdminController
This controller will handle the recovery of passwords that have been lost or forgotten by the user.
- UserRecoverPasswordAdminView
- in file UserRecoverPasswordAdmin.inc, class UserRecoverPasswordAdminView
This view shows information about password recovery
- UserRecoverPasswordConfirmController
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirm.inc, class UserRecoverPasswordConfirmController
This controller will handle the recovery of passwords that have been lost or forgotten by the user.
- UserRecoverPasswordConfirmView
- in file UserRecoverPasswordConfirm.inc, class UserRecoverPasswordConfirmView
This view shows information about password recovery
- UserRecoverPasswordController
- in file UserRecoverPassword.inc, class UserRecoverPasswordController
This controller will handle the recovery of passwords that have been lost or forgotten by the user.
- UserRecoverPasswordDownloadView
- in file UserRecoverPasswordDownload.inc, class UserRecoverPasswordDownloadView
This view sends the administrator login key for password recovery
- UserRecoverPasswordView
- in file UserRecoverPassword.inc, class UserRecoverPasswordView
This view shows information about password recovery
- $viewedSinceTimestamp
- in file GalleryItem.class, variable GalleryItem::$viewedSinceTimestamp
Date and time marking the beginning of the view count
- validateConnection
- in file GalleryStorage.class, method GalleryStorage::validateConnection()
Test whether the current connection and non transactional connection are still valid. If the connections are not valid then reconnect the connection.
- validateSettings
- in file GalleryTheme.class, method GalleryTheme::validateSettings()
Check the values of the settings for legality. If there are errors, return an array of localized error messages to display for each invalid setting. Used for theme with simple settings (@see isAdvancedSettings)
- verifyPackageIntegrity
- in file GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class, method GalleryRepositoryUtilities::verifyPackageIntegrity()
Verifies the integrity of the specified packages' unpacked files.
- verifyPackageIntegrity
- in file GalleryRepository.class, method GalleryRepository::verifyPackageIntegrity()
Verifies the integrity of the specified packages' unpacked files.
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant VIEW_TYPE_ADMIN
Administration view
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant VIEW_TYPE_ERROR
Error page
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant VIEW_TYPE_MODULE
Module view
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant VIEW_TYPE_PROGRESS_BAR
Progress bar
- in file GalleryConstants.class, constant VIEW_TYPE_SHOW_ITEM
ShowItem view
- ViewTest.class
- procedural page ViewTest.class
- validateSettings
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method TestThemeId2Theme::validateSettings()
- validateSettings
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method TestThemeId1Theme::validateSettings()
- validateSettings
- in file ItemEditThemePluginTest.class, method ItemEditThemeControllerTestTheme::validateSettings()
- ViewTest
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTest::ViewTest()
- ViewTest
- in file ViewTest.class, class ViewTest
Test GalleryView functionality
- ViewTestAdminView
- in file ViewTest.class, class ViewTestAdminView
- ViewTestConfigView
- in file ViewTest.class, class ViewTestConfigView
- ViewTestEventListener
- in file ViewTest.class, class ViewTestEventListener
- ViewTestEventListener
- in file ViewTest.class, method ViewTestEventListener::ViewTestEventListener()
- ViewTestItemView
- in file ViewTest.class, class ViewTestItemView
- ViewTestModule
- in file ViewTest.class, class ViewTestModule
- ViewTestNoAutoCacheControlItemView
- in file ViewTest.class, class ViewTestNoAutoCacheControlItemView
- ViewTestThemeId1Theme
- in file ViewTest.class, class ViewTestThemeId1Theme
- ViewTestThemeId2Theme
- in file ViewTest.class, class ViewTestThemeId2Theme
- validateConnection
- in file GalleryStorageExtras.class, method GalleryStorageExtras::validateConnection()
- verifyVersions
- in file GalleryDatabaseImport.class, method GalleryDatabaseImport::verifyVersions()
This method prescans the exported Gallery database before doing an upload
- versionComparator
- in file AdminRepositoryDownload.inc, method AdminRepositoryDownloadView::versionComparator()
- $width
- in file GalleryPhotoItem.class, variable GalleryPhotoItem::$width
The width of this image.
- $width
- in file GalleryAnimationItem.class, variable GalleryAnimationItem::$width
The width of this animation.
- $width
- in file GalleryMovieItem.class, variable GalleryMovieItem::$width
The width of this movie.
- $width
- in file GalleryDerivativeImage.class, variable GalleryDerivativeImage::$width
The width of the image.
- wrap
- in file GalleryStatus.class, method GalleryStatus::wrap()
Deprecated. Remove in the next major API bump.
- WebHelper_simple.class
- procedural page WebHelper_simple.class
- WebHelper_simple
- in file WebHelper_simple.class, class WebHelper_simple
A collection of useful web-page post/get related utilities
- $width
- in file ItemEditPhotoThumbnailPluginTest.class, variable ItemEditPhotoThumbnailTestItem::$width
- WebTest.class
- procedural page WebTest.class
- wasCalled
- in file AdminThemesControllerTest.class, method AdminThemesControllerTestTheme::wasCalled()
- wasCalled
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method PluginCallbackControllerTestPlugin::wasCalled()
- wasDirDeleted
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::wasDirDeleted()
- wasFileDeleted
- in file DataCacheTest.class, method DataCacheTestPlatform::wasFileDeleted()
- wasPutInSession
- in file PluginCallbackTest.class, method MockGalleryStatus::wasPutInSession()
- WebTest
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTest::WebTest()
- WebTest
- in file WebTest.class, class WebTest
Test Web functionality
- WebTestPlatform
- in file WebTest.class, method WebTestPlatform::WebTestPlatform()
- WebTestPlatform
- in file WebTest.class, class WebTestPlatform
Mock platform
- WinNtPlatform.class
- procedural page WinNtPlatform.class
- WinNtPlatform
- in file WinNtPlatform.class, class WinNtPlatform
An WindowsNT based version of the GalleryPlatform class