Todo List
Used by UtilitiesTest::testRegisterCookieAttr
Located in /modules/core/test/phpunit/UtilitiesTest.class [line 1811]
GalleryPhpVm | --UtilitiesTestAddSlashesPhpVm
Inherited From GalleryPhpVm
GalleryPhpVm::class_exists() Checks if the class has been defined GalleryPhpVm::crc32() Calculates the crc32 polynomial of a string GalleryPhpVm::date() Format a local time/date GalleryPhpVm::defined() Checks whether the given constant exists and is defined. GalleryPhpVm::exit_() Output a message and terminate the current script GalleryPhpVm::extension_loaded() Return true if the given extension is loaded. GalleryPhpVm::function_exists() Return true if the given function has been defined. GalleryPhpVm::getAllHeaders() Fetch all HTTP request headers GalleryPhpVm::gethostbyname() Returns the IP address of the Internet host specified by hostname. GalleryPhpVm::get_magic_quotes_gpc() Gets the current configuration setting of magic quotes gpc GalleryPhpVm::gzencode() Create a gzip compressed string GalleryPhpVm::gzinflate() Inflate a deflated string GalleryPhpVm::header() Send a raw HTTP header GalleryPhpVm::headers_sent() Checks if or where headers have been sent GalleryPhpVm::iconv() iconv -- Convert string to requested character encoding GalleryPhpVm::ini_get() Get configuration parameter GalleryPhpVm::ini_set() Set configuration parameter GalleryPhpVm::mail() Send mail GalleryPhpVm::mb_convert_encoding() mb_convert_encoding -- Convert character encoding GalleryPhpVm::md5() Return the 32-byte md5 hash of the given string GalleryPhpVm::nl_langinfo() Query language and locale information GalleryPhpVm::rand() Generate random integer GalleryPhpVm::recode_string() recode_string -- Recode a string according to a recode request GalleryPhpVm::setlocale() Set locale information. Passing multiple locales isn't avialable until PHP 4.3.0 so it's not supported here (yet). GalleryPhpVm::time() Return current Unix timestamp
void get_magic_quotes_gpc( )