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Procedural File: GalleryToolkitHelper_simple.class

Source Location: /modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryToolkitHelper_simple.class

Page Details

This is a helper class that provides an interface to the GalleryToolkit api. Modules that implement a GalleryToolkit interface can register their various operations and properties using this class, and then classes that want to use a toolkit operation or property can locate the appropriate toolkit by operation/property and mime type.

Version:  $Revision: 17580 $
Author:  Bharat Mediratta <>
Class Description
GalleryToolkitHelper_simple This is a helper class that provides an interface to the GalleryToolkit api. Modules that implement a GalleryToolkit interface can register their various operations and properties using this class, and then classes that want to use a toolkit operation or property can locate the appropriate toolkit by operation/property and mime type.

Documentation generated on Fri, 08 Oct 2010 05:06:15 -0700 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC6