Gallery 2.x

 TopicRepliesCreatedsort iconLast reply
RSS Feeds Block icon?010 years 3 weeks ago
by KyleG
My gallery2 crashed again410 years 4 weeks ago
by redrider
9 years 49 weeks ago
by jacobneo
Changing Password210 years 4 weeks ago
by sreerag
10 years 3 weeks ago
by mrphantuan
Remove unnecessary query in my G2210 years 5 weeks ago
by tombatore
10 years 2 days ago
by tombatore
Hide / Unhide Albums Not Working210 years 6 weeks ago
by ultravista
10 years 6 weeks ago
by ultravista
vBulletin 4.0.x intergration110 years 7 weeks ago
by Harleydanger
10 years 7 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Watermarks not showing up?110 years 7 weeks ago
by sdowden
10 years 7 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Image block Daily Image210 years 8 weeks ago
by joshlfisher
10 years 8 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Custom watermarks?010 years 8 weeks ago
by sdowden
WebDAV Auth Disgest110 years 9 weeks ago
by joshlfisher
10 years 7 weeks ago
by d.motsie
Caption to Summary?410 years 9 weeks ago
by sdowden
10 years 9 weeks ago
by Dayo
[SOLVED] Please help me!!I can't install core 710 years 9 weeks ago
by blackjack550
10 years 9 weeks ago
by suprsidr
summary help010 years 9 weeks ago
by sdowden
inherit right from album when move image between album?110 years 10 weeks ago
by wilhelmmm
10 years 10 weeks ago
by wilhelmmm
Only index of gallery2 shows1010 years 11 weeks ago
by nestawasright
10 years 9 weeks ago
by Dayo
mediablock: Error loading childItems:Error (ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER)210 years 11 weeks ago
by trstn
10 years 11 weeks ago
by trstn
increase image size for next previous image thumbnail010 years 11 weeks ago
by gaurav10feb
Increase image size for next previous thumbnail image010 years 11 weeks ago
by gaurav10feb
onmouseover on each thumbnail010 years 12 weeks ago
by gaurav10feb
gallery slideshow question1410 years 12 weeks ago
by sashafelix
10 years 12 weeks ago
by suprsidr
How the heck to change the logo?!?! (frustrated!) - SOLVED110 years 13 weeks ago
by sergiu
10 years 13 weeks ago
by suprsidr
can a quota get reset after 24 hrs or everyday at 00.00 am110 years 13 weeks ago
by maximus3d
10 years 13 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Batch Add Albums210 years 13 weeks ago
by HenryT
10 years 13 weeks ago
by alecmyers
Wordpress style problem - text becomes tiny when embedded within wordpress610 years 15 weeks ago
by wuken
10 years 15 weeks ago
by BauerPhotos
Can I ever leave Gallery2?110 years 15 weeks ago
by bearphillips
10 years 15 weeks ago
by floridave