Integration Support

 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
Can't login into XP Webpublishing Assistent1415 years 3 weeks ago
by ActiveNight
14 years 13 weeks ago
by ptalindstrom
disabling gallery outside of mambo1415 years 9 weeks ago
by dsawchuk
15 years 9 weeks ago
by dsawchuk
Bug or Issue with Embed Code?1415 years 14 weeks ago
by Shadow_Wolf
13 years 50 weeks ago
by valiant
Mambo + G2B4 - Links are incorrect1415 years 16 weeks ago
by TV21
15 years 16 weeks ago
by michiel_1981
[SOLVED] Random Block when Embedded1415 years 25 weeks ago
by plop1
15 years 25 weeks ago
by plop1
Integrating G2 in my own site1415 years 36 weeks ago
by Zlaxzzor
15 years 36 weeks ago
by mindless
GalleryPhpVm.class on line 1241314 years 48 weeks ago
by philomat
14 years 46 weeks ago
by philomat
embedUri + G2 rewrite module1315 years 20 weeks ago
by cschlatt
15 years 19 weeks ago
by valiant
[wip] TYPO3 + G21315 years 22 weeks ago
by Akari
14 years 13 weeks ago
by lavitto
No Thumbs or Images after embedding into PhpNuke 7.51315 years 31 weeks ago
by madvoc
12 years 35 weeks ago
by SnyperBob
Embed G2 in custom PHP website?1315 years 51 weeks ago
by geddeth
15 years 49 weeks ago
by geddeth
G2.1 RC1 - Image block returns incorrect link1214 years 37 weeks ago
by greyhair
12 years 48 weeks ago
by suprsidr
How to show FullSize image with watermark in PopUp window1214 years 40 weeks ago
by c2h5oh
14 years 38 weeks ago
by c2h5oh
Looking to add last 3 albums to website outside of gallery1215 years 8 weeks ago
by highvoltz
15 years 8 weeks ago
by bjlandlew
Error installing com_gallery21215 years 14 weeks ago
by miky66
15 years 13 weeks ago
by miky66
mambo - displaying comments1215 years 16 weeks ago
by reemas
14 years 29 weeks ago
by chowzer
new user registration for gallery - in mambo1215 years 16 weeks ago
by reemas
15 years 15 weeks ago
by reemas
isError() is undefined in 2.1RC2A1114 years 35 weeks ago
by johnmont
14 years 22 weeks ago
by cosmicelf
movable type - Broken Breadcrumb1115 years 10 hours ago
by luglug
14 years 51 weeks ago
by valiant
main.php not found1115 years 12 weeks ago
by BoarderX
15 years 12 weeks ago
by BoarderX
mambo - Auto sync doesnt work1115 years 16 weeks ago
by yellow1912
15 years 15 weeks ago
by kettutimo
Mambo 4.5.2 and getorderby1115 years 22 weeks ago
by chrix1165
15 years 17 weeks ago
by michiel_1981
GalleryEmbed::init() and Errors1115 years 27 weeks ago
by ozgreg
15 years 26 weeks ago
by ozgreg
G2 and Mambo status?1116 years 13 weeks ago
by reman
15 years 25 weeks ago
by d3vlabs
External Image Block only work with local IP address and not Domain Name1013 years 26 weeks ago
by derickson
13 years 26 weeks ago
by derickson