Migrating to Gallery 2

 TopicRepliesCreatedLast replysort icon
Error in modules configuration115 years 35 weeks ago
by icobgr
15 years 34 weeks ago
by bharat
error when changing from 777 to 755 and reserve in album1115 years 36 weeks ago
by stevefu29
15 years 34 weeks ago
by bharat
cannot find page displayed after long processing215 years 35 weeks ago
by g0d
15 years 34 weeks ago
by g0d
Unable to communicate with the database715 years 34 weeks ago
by chiarelli
15 years 34 weeks ago
by mindless
upload failed and can not disable imagemagick115 years 34 weeks ago
by aihugongwu
15 years 34 weeks ago
by bharat
php.exe hogs CPU815 years 34 weeks ago
by mystix
15 years 34 weeks ago
by mystix
G2 beta core 0.9.5 (with cvs up) does not render in safari115 years 34 weeks ago
by alurkar
15 years 34 weeks ago
by mindless
[SOLVED] Reset All Layouts to Global Layout Settings415 years 34 weeks ago
by dj-3plet
15 years 34 weeks ago
by dj-3plet
Resize thumb/sized + subalbum?415 years 34 weeks ago
by doomdead
15 years 34 weeks ago
by mindless
Can't log in315 years 34 weeks ago
by InvasionBond
15 years 34 weeks ago
by mindless
zip binary problem1015 years 36 weeks ago
by paullv
15 years 34 weeks ago
by holziusa
Mod_Rewrite Woes?215 years 34 weeks ago
by sprynmr
15 years 34 weeks ago
by sprynmr
phpunit failure details115 years 34 weeks ago
by geppy
15 years 34 weeks ago
by mindless
thumnails don't load315 years 34 weeks ago
by olimit
15 years 33 weeks ago
by mindless
[SOLVED] Gallery base URL not working315 years 34 weeks ago
by bradschauf
15 years 33 weeks ago
by bradschauf
Images not showing up315 years 33 weeks ago
by arehm
15 years 33 weeks ago
by mindless
[SOLVED] Photoshop PSD thumbnail problems615 years 34 weeks ago
by morten
15 years 33 weeks ago
by mindless
Turning on and displaying user registration115 years 33 weeks ago
by mykal
15 years 33 weeks ago
by valiant
Can I do this? Rename the directory?215 years 33 weeks ago
by mykal
15 years 33 weeks ago
by mindless
[SOLVED] Layout Problem: Content floating to page bottom515 years 35 weeks ago
by techsc
15 years 33 weeks ago
by jamzyamz
G2 documentation efforts?115 years 34 weeks ago
by jamezilla
15 years 33 weeks ago
by bharat
Album description length315 years 37 weeks ago
by wenospeak
15 years 33 weeks ago
by bharat
[SOLVED] Unable to delete items or albums815 years 34 weeks ago
by doublea1535
15 years 33 weeks ago
by bharat
Disabling image uploads...easily?615 years 34 weeks ago
by phredphish
15 years 33 weeks ago
by bharat
Thumbnail problem with Gallery Remote and others :)115 years 33 weeks ago
by dspguy1
15 years 33 weeks ago
by bharat