Installation & Configuration

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[SOLVED] install mysql connect error37 years 28 weeks ago
by eyeentertaining
7 years 28 weeks ago
by jnash
[SOLVED] How to uninstall module completely?37 years 28 weeks ago
by bebebunny
7 years 28 weeks ago
by jnash
[SOLVED] 3.07 install trouble37 years 28 weeks ago
by globelily
7 years 28 weeks ago
by jnash
[SOLVED] Gallery 3.07 installer - connecting to mysql failure. Solved27 years 28 weeks ago
by sysbt
7 years 28 weeks ago
by sysbt
changing photos per row27 years 28 weeks ago
by joedel263
7 years 27 weeks ago
by jnash
Joomla 2.5 Intergration38 years 23 weeks ago
by mrfisho
7 years 27 weeks ago
by stu2000
Can't upgrade from version 3.0.207 years 27 weeks ago
by gypsypix
mirroring gallery58 years 23 weeks ago
by tnt
7 years 27 weeks ago
by angelo.corbo
[SOLVED] Upgrading 3.06 to 3.0737 years 27 weeks ago
by dgfphoto99
7 years 27 weeks ago
by jnash
Just installed and the admin stuff dosent work37 years 27 weeks ago
by cruisecritic
7 years 27 weeks ago
by floridave
disallow direct access to gallery3/var/albums folder17 years 26 weeks ago
by flmma
7 years 26 weeks ago
by floridave
How to test rewrite127 years 39 weeks ago
by Pinguin
7 years 26 weeks ago
by bhonhoff
Installing Gallery 3 on Wamp Local HostThis topic has been moved
How to increase Flash upload size limit 20M57 years 34 weeks ago
by agent_kith
7 years 24 weeks ago
by flaviove
Question about user registrations Gallery 347 years 24 weeks ago
by MikeLFD
7 years 24 weeks ago
by MikeLFD
Redirect to in Gallery 367 years 24 weeks ago
by daholzer
7 years 24 weeks ago
by floridave
change background color for header27 years 24 weeks ago
by iconographer
7 years 24 weeks ago
by iconographer
Rebuild Gallery 3 installation from only a /albums directory?17 years 23 weeks ago
by joeicooper
7 years 23 weeks ago
by floridave
SOLVED (I hope)Cannot Upgrade17 years 23 weeks ago
by klinion
7 years 23 weeks ago
by klinion
[SOLVED] How to redirect database to url47 years 23 weeks ago
by klinion
7 years 22 weeks ago
by klinion
Configuring Open Graphics (OG) meta tags17 years 22 weeks ago
by MikeLFD
7 years 22 weeks ago
by MikeLFD
Serveradd - What It Does & How It Does It . . . 17 years 22 weeks ago
by tamk
7 years 22 weeks ago
by tamk
Gallery 3 installation... drop command denied07 years 21 weeks ago
by dozyrosy
Install failure for Gallery 3. . . 217 years 22 weeks ago
by tamk
7 years 21 weeks ago
by tamk
Import users to fresh 3.08 27 years 21 weeks ago
by caeos
7 years 21 weeks ago
by caeos