[PGtheme Clone -> PGlightbox] Updated Version for G-2.2-SVN
Joined: 2006-06-16
Posts: 324
Posted: Mon, 2007-02-05 16:54
Hi Lutz,
I am still having a big problem with 404 errors for two gif images used in this theme: loading.gif and closelabel.gif. Since the 404 errors for both gif files are reported on every single page load my error logs are crammed with them. The images are all located in their proper folders, although I notice that the loading.gif element doesn't spin. Here are the two images being reported as not found on every page load:
Both of those images are found in the following directories, but seem to be different file sizes:
/gallery2/themes/PGlightbox/images: loading.gif is 30K here
/gallery2/themes/PGlightbox/images/lb/images: loading.gif is 3k here
I set the page for 2 col, 4 rows. The Matrix theme works fine. What is interesting; -
- when switching from the Matrix -> PGLightbox v.s.
a) the numbers in the rows and columns reverse
b) on the Row selection "Use Default" remains checked.
In the matrix them, "Use Default" is unchecked for both. Changing the number of rows if PG doesn't effect the use default.
I want to make the whole sub-album use the lightbox upon clicking on the album with pictures.
Currently lightbox works when clicking on the picture but only for items on the page.
Can this be done easily please?
Thanks again for this great combination as i am i total novice, but it seems to be going smoothly.
Joined: 2004-06-12
Posts: 51
Posted: Sat, 2007-02-10 20:21
I am using this theme embedded in Drupal 5 and am having a problem with css.
The prblem is that the pglightbox css is overriding the Drupal theme. At first glance I have noticed that body.gallery is taking over drupal's body selector. It also throws off some other aspects of Drupal themes but have not looked into those.
Joined: 2003-12-02
Posts: 59
Posted: Sun, 2007-02-11 06:25
hi guys,
I have this theme installed and it was working for a while and then suddenly the changes I was making were not
being applied.
I make changes to the options by editing the main gallery, and select apply to subalbums, but when I save or apply the settings, the changes are not applied.
First, very great theme, I really love it and want to use it for our Family site.
I also have problems with IE7, in FF everything works fine, but in IE7 the lightbox has a continuous spinner.
Had someone find the solution for this problem yet? The most of the viewers will use IE.
Joined: 2003-09-05
Posts: 426
Posted: Thu, 2007-02-15 05:19
Hi Soreel,
>I make changes to the options by editing the main gallery, and select apply to subalbums, but when I save or apply the settings, the changes are not applied.
That setting works for all future subalbums, but doesn;t affect settings of any existing subalbums.
I think there is a fix for that but forget what it is.
You could create a new subalbum, move all images into it, delete the original (now empty) sub album, then rename your new one.
If you have several subalbums, this could be a pain
Litbox seems to be a better alternative to Lightbox. The windows can me moved and dragged around. They can have transparency. You can have multiple Litbox windows open. You can pass variables back and forth with them, and make them interactive.
I dig PGLightbox, and I appreciate all the hard work that went into it, but I'd prefer to see a PG theme with Litbox instead.
Nihilism makes me smile.
Joined: 2006-06-01
Posts: 42
Posted: Tue, 2007-02-20 00:42
One last thing. I noticed that the Lightbox javascript supports keyboard shortcuts. On the example page for Lightbox, you can press N for the next image, P for Previous, and X to close the Lightbox.
Are there any plans to incorporate this feature in the theme?
Nihilism makes me smile.
Joined: 2006-06-16
Posts: 324
Posted: Wed, 2007-02-21 17:08
I've one question at the moment : Is it possible to reduce the space between the thumbnails rows ?
I am wondering the same thing...is it possible to reduce the row spacing? Thanks
- on the 1st album the number of columns and row does not work correct.
Gwai Tsi, it does work correctly. Each albume can have independently set theme settings. You need to set the number of columns here--->ALBUM :: 1st Page - Columns per album page.
i download the template, but there is no guide how to install it..i upload at the right folder but when i login to the admin area, there is only Matrix theme and i the PGLightbox is not available. Please help me.
Joined: 2005-01-04
Posts: 49
Posted: Sat, 2007-02-24 22:44
LFrank wrote:
@guyforget/senhwei: oh, that gives me at least a direction to look - seems there's a check for "contains children" at the wrong place generating the link for the album.
EDIT: just checked my development install - the link in the Sidebar navigator is fine - it's only the album link directly on the page. And entering the path directly (easy with URL rewrite eg. v/NEW it's fine too) ... starting to 'dig' ;)
EDIT2: it only happens on root albums added
EDIT3: 10 Minutes later - seems to be fixed ;)
EDIT4: 5 Minutes later - unselecting Info below albums seems to be
fixed too
would you please so kind to test the attached new album.tpl
hello there
i seem to be still having this problem, when i installed pg lightbox it had the latest version of the album.tpl file,
even so i have downloaded the new one and tested it but still having the same problem, any ideas what might be causing this?
Gallery version = 2.2-rc-1 core 1.1.26
PHP version = 4.3.11 apache
Webserver = Servage.net Cluster/(Enhanced Apache)
Database = mysqlt 4.0.26-standard, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, LinkItemToolkit, Thumbnail, ImageMagick
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux node1.c2 2.4.20-28.8smp #1 SMP Thu Dec 18 12:25:21 EST 2003 i686
Default theme = PGlightbox
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_GB
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 41
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 18
Rows in GalleryUser table = 2
Rows in GalleryItem table = 16
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 14
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
Joined: 2007-02-21
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2007-02-25 15:19
does anyone know step by step to install this theme? until now i dont get any assistance on this problem.
Joined: 2003-09-05
Posts: 426
Posted: Sun, 2007-02-25 18:59
Near the bottom of Page 6 of this forum,
dc2698 asks a similar question. There are two responses there.
I hope these will help you?
Joined: 2007-02-27
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-05 23:47
Ok, i found why the slideshow doesnt load anything, it seem related to the size of the pictures it loads. When it exceed some size, he just wont load any pictures, it workd on some of my albums while it doesnt when the first album pic is too big.
so, this brings me to another question, where is the java slide settings are ? i want to remove the panning but i can't find it anywhere in the templates ?
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2007-03-08 18:04
Attached is a small update to PGlightbox.
Add a few missing $params values in getSettings to avoid PHP warning on theme install
Add missing l10Domain on include of rating block so translations in that block work correctly
Added a couple missing ; in theme.css
Removed trailing whitespace in all files, reindented theme.inc code
Renamed po files according to our current conventions, updated with current PGlightbox text
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 2007-03-10 11:05
Hi there !!
I have setup the PG light box from the gallery2 site.My server isnt supporting the play of files in the gallery (moving files: flv, mpg.. so on).I tried and checked for all the settings possible.can any one help me what could be the problem.
Will be a great help.
Folowing are my serer details .
Gallery version = 2.2-rc-1 core 1.1.26
PHP version = 5.2.0 isapi
Webserver = Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Database = mysqlt 5.0.27-community-nt, lock.system=database
Toolkits = Exif, Ffmpeg, ImageMagick, Thumbnail, Gd, SquareThumb, LinkItemToolkit
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Windows NT SERVER237 5.2 build 3790
Default theme = PGlightbox
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 41
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 15
Rows in GalleryUser table = 2
Rows in GalleryItem table = 12
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 2
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
thanks & regards
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 2007-03-10 11:07
Mindless can u please help for the problem above
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sat, 2007-03-10 19:42
Please try movie files with matrix theme.. does that work? If so, maybe there is some problem with PGlightbox.. if not, you should start a new topic for this problem in the support forums.
Joined: 2007-03-11
Posts: 9
Posted: Sun, 2007-03-11 16:25
Hello there,
i have a problem with PGlightbox theme.
I can't use Plightbox and i don't know how to activate this theme.
I have read page 6 of this thread but i have not found solutions.
Please help me to resolve this problem.
N.B. sorry for my english, it's orrible.
Joined: 2005-04-11
Posts: 33
Posted: Sun, 2007-03-11 19:52
Attached is a small update to PGlightbox.
Hello. I have a little problem with the latest RC version.
Theme was installed OK but all albums at the main page has link URL to /gallery/main.
So I can not enter any albums. What can I do wrong? Thank you.
There is no such problems with other themes.
The same problem with 1.2.0 v/ of PGlightbox
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-12 04:20
Hi Gamepad,
Please enable JavScript in ur browser, If its set to off.
Hope this solves ur problem.
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-12 04:29
Hi Mindless,
Thanks for replying .. I got my movies working ..
But I am have certain issues related to PGLightBOx.
1) I didnot get a popup apearing, once I select a movie on the main page. The file opens on the next(new) page, with its own kind of gallery panel(a nice one ) ).
2. I didnot get the previous and next image icons (thumbnails) when my selected muvie starts playing. The one shown in the tutorail of lightbox(by Frank I guess)..
3. I can see many javasript errors on tha pages related.
Please help me with solutions .. or suggest me the forums if these issues are discussed already.
Will be a great help.
Joined: 2007-03-11
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-12 04:42
Yukti wrote:
Hi Gamepad,
Please enable JavScript in ur browser, If its set to off.
Hope this solves ur problem.
Javascript is set to on (i use Firefox and IE).
Thanks Yukti.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-12 05:03
gamepad wrote:
Hello there,
i have a problem with PGlightbox theme.
This is a screenshot of Plugins area > Theme:
I can't use Plightbox and i don't know how to activate this theme.
I have read page 6 of this thread but i have not found solutions.
Please help me to resolve this problem.
The screenshot you show does not have any links for the actions (azioni); can you activate other themes/modules?
can you deactivate | uninstall | delete other themes/modules?
If not start a net thread.
If you want, i can give you an account to view my admin area.
I have a doubt: in General > Permiss filesystem is set to 775 and 664.
Is it correct?
Thanks Dave.
Joined: 2007-03-11
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-12 05:35
When i try to activate a new account (General > Registration), i have this errors:
An error has occurred.
Back to the Gallery
Error Detail -
in modules/core/classes/GalleryUser.class at line 149 (gallerycoreapi::error)
in modules/register/classes/GalleryPendingUserHelper.class at line 261 (galleryuser::create)
in modules/register/AdminSelfRegistration.inc at line 65 (gallerypendinguserhelper::creategalleryuser)
in main.php at line 232 (adminselfregistrationcontroller::handlerequest)
in main.php at line 95
in main.php at line 84
System Information
Gallery version 2.2-rc-2
PHP version 4.4.4 cgi
Webserver Apache/2.0
Database mysql 4.1.22-standard-log
Toolkits Thumbnail, SquareThumb, NetPBM, Gd
Operating system Linux webx31.aruba.it #1 SMP Mon Nov 13 12:47:49 CET 2006 i686
Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-12 09:14
Hi there
Can anyone please help me with solutions to following problems .. or threads to solve the same.
1) I didnot get a popup appearing, once I select a movie on the main page. The file opens on the next(new) page, with its own kind of gallery panel(a nice one ) ).
2. I didnot get the previous and next image icons (thumbnails) when my selected muvie starts playing. The one shown in the tutorial of lightbox(by Frank I guess)..
3. I can see many javascript errors on tha pages related.
Will be a great help.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-12 14:53
gamepad your issue in not related to this theme. Please start a new thread. PM me the login info and the URL to the new thread.
Hope your are doing fine. I need you help for the PGlight theme .
I am unable to get the lightbox effect for every version of PG light I installed.A click to the move thumbnail, doesnot play my file and the other feature of popup also doesn't work . It doesnot move ahead of the revolving loading icon.
Please help me on the same.
Are there any settings or plugins(players) needed for all these.
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 2007-03-14 12:04
Hi ..
This is something new happening in my gallery. The media files are getting directly played in the media player , instead of a popup.
Also the flv files are not being supported. A "open/Save " window appears on the click .,.
Can I please get helped..
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 15
Posted: Thu, 2007-03-15 05:03
Hi Kunghe !!
Did u really get a solution to ur problem ..
Please help me with the same. A click to image leads the main page itself.I did not get what all needs to be changed.. Please tell me.
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 15
Posted: Thu, 2007-03-15 09:07
Hi Guys !!
was sad that no one helped me ... but happy that I helped self ...
;) one issue still pending .. An image supports the lightbox effect ..but a movie file doesnot .. I am unable to play any mvie files on the popup appearing ...
Any suggestions ?????
Joined: 2007-03-10
Posts: 15
Posted: Thu, 2007-03-15 09:15
Hi can someone please clear me .. IS THE LIGHTBOX CREATED ONLY TO SUPPORT THE IMAGES (NO MOVIES !!!!! )..
coz my gallery is supporting the images all well but not the movie files..(Koi te dasso ??? ;) )
Joined: 2007-03-14
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2007-03-15 18:50
TheHitman wrote:
Ok, i found why the slideshow doesnt load anything, it seem related to the size of the pictures it loads. When it exceed some size, he just wont load any pictures, it workd on some of my albums while it doesnt when the first album pic is too big.
so, this brings me to another question, where is the java slide settings are ? i want to remove the panning but i can't find it anywhere in the templates ?
TheHitman - Have you found a solution to this yet?
Joined: 2007-03-15
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2007-03-16 02:54
Lufa wrote:
Theme was installed OK but all albums at the main page has link URL to /gallery/main.
So I can not enter any albums. What can I do wrong? Thank you.
I do have the exact same problem. I don't get why since I have the latest version of the theme and of Gallery ( double double )
Someone help ?
Joined: 2002-08-20
Posts: 69
Posted: Sun, 2007-03-18 14:57
I just updated to G2.3 today (SVN). Got this nasty error when trying to activate this theme:
Error Detail -
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1001 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 505 (GalleryStorageExtras::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2833 (GalleryStorage::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class at line 363 (GalleryCoreApi::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class at line 308 (GalleryPluginHelper_medium::_addParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 411 (GalleryPluginHelper_medium::setParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryPlugin.class at line 431 (GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTheme.class at line 600 (GalleryPlugin::setParameter)
* in modules/core/PluginCallback.inc at line 236 (GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade)
* in modules/core/PluginCallback.inc at line 73 (PluginCallbackView::handleCallback)
* in main.php at line 433 (PluginCallbackView::renderImmediate)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
* in main.php at line 3
System Information
Gallery version 2.3-svn
PHP version 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver Apache
Database mysqlt 4.1.22
Toolkits ImageMagick, Thumbnail, NetPBM
Operating system FreeBSD xxx.xxx.xxx 6.2-STABLE FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE #0: Fri Feb 23 23:40:16 EST 2007
:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SYSTEM i386
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/
Joined: 2007-03-27
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2007-06-10 08:45
Thank you for your great PGlightbox theme.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2007-03-27 14:32
I just updated to G2.3 today (SVN). Got this nasty error when trying to activate this theme:
sorry if this is a dumb question, but on this theme, is this something I would add through the new plugin option, or just upload it ( like we did on the older versions) and then activate it?
Joined: 2006-06-16
Posts: 324
Posted: Thu, 2007-04-05 19:16
Has anyone figured out how to reduce the spacing between rows with this theme? Or is this something that isn't handled by the theme at all?
Joined: 2007-04-06
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2007-04-06 23:04
Hi all.
I like PGLightbox but I have one problem with slideshow
when I click on slideshow, the navication menu compare but I have problem with a visualization of image.
the error is:
in modules\core\DownloadItem.inc at line 58 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in main.php at line 433 (DownloadItemView::renderImmediate)
in main.php at line 94
in main.php at line 83
If I push a "link to photo" the image compare in new windows without error:
what is a "amp" parameter???
Any idea? setting wrong or bugs? workarround?
Joined: 2007-04-22
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2007-04-22 21:57
I get an error, when installing pglightbox, and after that I can't enter the albums. I installed the newest version of gallery2 (2.2.1) but have no idea if I have to install a svn and another core and if so, I have no idea where do I get that from can please somebody help, I am getting pretty desperate...
An error has occurred while interacting with the database.
The exact nature of database errors is not captured unless Gallery debug mode is enabled in config.php. Before seeking support for this error please enable buffered debug output and retry the operation. Look near the bottom of the lengthy debug output to find error details.
Back to the Gallery
Error Detail -
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1001 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 505 (GalleryStorageExtras::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2833 (GalleryStorage::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class at line 363 (GalleryCoreApi::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class at line 308 (GalleryPluginHelper_medium::_addParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 411 (GalleryPluginHelper_medium::setParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryPlugin.class at line 431 (GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTheme.class at line 533 (GalleryPlugin::setParameter)
* in modules/core/PluginCallback.inc at line 253 (GalleryTheme::activate)
* in modules/core/PluginCallback.inc at line 73 (PluginCallbackView::handleCallback)
* in main.php at line 433 (PluginCallbackView::renderImmediate)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
System Information
Gallery version 2.2.1
PHP version 5.2.0 apache2handler
Webserver Apache/2.2.3 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8d DAV/2 PHP/5.2.0
Database mysqli 5.0.27
Toolkits Gd
Joined: 2002-08-27
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2007-04-23 06:46
metatron3 wrote:
Lufa wrote:
Theme was installed OK but all albums at the main page has link URL to /gallery/main.
So I can not enter any albums. What can I do wrong? Thank you.
I do have the exact same problem. I don't get why since I have the latest version of the theme and of Gallery ( double double )
Someone help ?
i think there's a couple of us with this issue (I started with a fresh install of G2 and PGLightbox theme), can lutz or anybody else help? Even lutz's site has this issue, so i suspect it has something to do with the core code?
Joined: 2005-02-19
Posts: 1023
Posted: Tue, 2007-04-24 11:46
just added a new album on my site (latest SVN) without issue (and am able to navigate) strange.
Found an issue with authenticiation and the cached album.tpl - the smarty code created looks for two templates it doesn't find. In my case it's the file F:\G2data\smarty\templates_c\%%3582604413\%%75^75E^75EE59B2%%album.tpl.php
Removing the <php>-code references to authorlinkURL1 and 2 fixed that can somebody confirm this as issue for this too? Might help identifying the issue
Gallery version = 2.3-svn core 1.2.10
PHP version = 5.1.6 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.6 mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8d
Database = mysql 5.1.11 beta-log,
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Tue, 2007-04-24 17:55
there are tons of bad variable references.. i guess these come from the original PGtheme code.
i did a cleanup pass fixing many of these, don't know if i caught them all.
i didn't see bad URL in top album before or after these changes..
Posts: 324
Hi Lutz,
I am still having a big problem with 404 errors for two gif images used in this theme: loading.gif and closelabel.gif. Since the 404 errors for both gif files are reported on every single page load my error logs are crammed with them. The images are all located in their proper folders, although I notice that the loading.gif element doesn't spin. Here are the two images being reported as not found on every page load:
Both of those images are found in the following directories, but seem to be different file sizes:
/gallery2/themes/PGlightbox/images: loading.gif is 30K here
/gallery2/themes/PGlightbox/images/lb/images: loading.gif is 3k here
Is this a javascript issue? Thanks for any help!
Posts: 36
Hi Lutz,
great theme. Gratulations !!
I've one question at the moment : Is it possible to reduce the space between the thumbnails rows ?
Posts: 56
Frank, this is a great combination only i have what appears to be a bug and a couple of questions.
Problem 1:
- on the 1st album the number of columns and row does not work correct.
I set the page for 2 col, 4 rows. The Matrix theme works fine. What is interesting; -
- when switching from the Matrix -> PGLightbox v.s.
a) the numbers in the rows and columns reverse
b) on the Row selection "Use Default" remains checked.
In the matrix them, "Use Default" is unchecked for both. Changing the number of rows if PG doesn't effect the use default.
Problem 2:
- i get a render error with trying to use the Next - Previous thumbs on the display picture page. (also - can this be feature be turned off - i just want the lightbox)
I want to make the whole sub-album use the lightbox upon clicking on the album with pictures.
Currently lightbox works when clicking on the picture but only for items on the page.
Can this be done easily please?
Thanks again for this great combination as i am i total novice, but it seems to be going smoothly.
Posts: 51
I am using this theme embedded in Drupal 5 and am having a problem with css.
The prblem is that the pglightbox css is overriding the Drupal theme. At first glance I have noticed that body.gallery is taking over drupal's body selector. It also throws off some other aspects of Drupal themes but have not looked into those.
Posts: 59
hi guys,
I have this theme installed and it was working for a while and then suddenly the changes I was making were not
being applied.
I make changes to the options by editing the main gallery, and select apply to subalbums, but when I save or apply the settings, the changes are not applied.
What could be the problem?
Posts: 1
First, very great theme, I really love it and want to use it for our Family site.
I also have problems with IE7, in FF everything works fine, but in IE7 the lightbox has a continuous spinner.
Had someone find the solution for this problem yet? The most of the viewers will use IE.
Posts: 426
Hi Soreel,
>I make changes to the options by editing the main gallery, and select apply to subalbums, but when I save or apply the settings, the changes are not applied.
That setting works for all future subalbums, but doesn;t affect settings of any existing subalbums.
I think there is a fix for that but forget what it is.
You could create a new subalbum, move all images into it, delete the original (now empty) sub album, then rename your new one.
If you have several subalbums, this could be a pain
Posts: 42
Has anyone seen Litbox?
Litbox seems to be a better alternative to Lightbox. The windows can me moved and dragged around. They can have transparency. You can have multiple Litbox windows open. You can pass variables back and forth with them, and make them interactive.
I dig PGLightbox, and I appreciate all the hard work that went into it, but I'd prefer to see a PG theme with Litbox instead.
Nihilism makes me smile.
Posts: 42
One last thing. I noticed that the Lightbox javascript supports keyboard shortcuts. On the example page for Lightbox, you can press N for the next image, P for Previous, and X to close the Lightbox.
Are there any plans to incorporate this feature in the theme?
Nihilism makes me smile.
Posts: 324
I am wondering the same thing...is it possible to reduce the row spacing? Thanks
Washington DC Stock Photos
Posts: 324
Gwai Tsi, it does work correctly. Each albume can have independently set theme settings. You need to set the number of columns here--->ALBUM :: 1st Page - Columns per album page.
Architectural Photography by Andrew Prokos
Posts: 2
i download the template, but there is no guide how to install it..i upload at the right folder but when i login to the admin area, there is only Matrix theme and i the PGLightbox is not available. Please help me.
Posts: 49
hello there
i seem to be still having this problem, when i installed pg lightbox it had the latest version of the album.tpl file,
even so i have downloaded the new one and tested it but still having the same problem, any ideas what might be causing this?
Gallery version = 2.2-rc-1 core 1.1.26
PHP version = 4.3.11 apache
Webserver = Servage.net Cluster/(Enhanced Apache)
Database = mysqlt 4.0.26-standard, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, LinkItemToolkit, Thumbnail, ImageMagick
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux node1.c2 2.4.20-28.8smp #1 SMP Thu Dec 18 12:25:21 EST 2003 i686
Default theme = PGlightbox
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_GB
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 41
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 18
Rows in GalleryUser table = 2
Rows in GalleryItem table = 16
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 14
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
Posts: 2
does anyone know step by step to install this theme? until now i dont get any assistance on this problem.
Posts: 426
Near the bottom of Page 6 of this forum,
dc2698 asks a similar question. There are two responses there.
I hope these will help you?
Posts: 2
Ok, i found why the slideshow doesnt load anything, it seem related to the size of the pictures it loads. When it exceed some size, he just wont load any pictures, it workd on some of my albums while it doesnt when the first album pic is too big.
so, this brings me to another question, where is the java slide settings are ? i want to remove the panning but i can't find it anywhere in the templates ?
Posts: 8601
Attached is a small update to PGlightbox.
Posts: 15
Hi there !!
I have setup the PG light box from the gallery2 site.My server isnt supporting the play of files in the gallery (moving files: flv, mpg.. so on).I tried and checked for all the settings possible.can any one help me what could be the problem.
Will be a great help.
Folowing are my serer details .
Gallery version = 2.2-rc-1 core 1.1.26
PHP version = 5.2.0 isapi
Webserver = Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Database = mysqlt 5.0.27-community-nt, lock.system=database
Toolkits = Exif, Ffmpeg, ImageMagick, Thumbnail, Gd, SquareThumb, LinkItemToolkit
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Windows NT SERVER237 5.2 build 3790
Default theme = PGlightbox
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 41
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 15
Rows in GalleryUser table = 2
Rows in GalleryItem table = 12
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 2
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
thanks & regards
Posts: 15
Mindless can u please help for the problem above
Posts: 8601
Please try movie files with matrix theme.. does that work? If so, maybe there is some problem with PGlightbox.. if not, you should start a new topic for this problem in the support forums.
Posts: 9
Hello there,
i have a problem with PGlightbox theme.
This is a screenshot of Plugins area > Theme:
I can't use Plightbox and i don't know how to activate this theme.
I have read page 6 of this thread but i have not found solutions.
Please help me to resolve this problem.
N.B. sorry for my english, it's orrible.
Posts: 33
Hello. I have a little problem with the latest RC version.
Theme was installed OK but all albums at the main page has link URL to /gallery/main.
So I can not enter any albums. What can I do wrong? Thank you.
There is no such problems with other themes.
The same problem with 1.2.0 v/ of PGlightbox
Posts: 15
Hi Gamepad,
Please enable JavScript in ur browser, If its set to off.
Hope this solves ur problem.
Posts: 15
Hi Mindless,
Thanks for replying .. I got my movies working ..
But I am have certain issues related to PGLightBOx.
1) I didnot get a popup apearing, once I select a movie on the main page. The file opens on the next(new) page, with its own kind of gallery panel(a nice one
) ).
2. I didnot get the previous and next image icons (thumbnails) when my selected muvie starts playing. The one shown in the tutorail of lightbox(by Frank I guess)..
3. I can see many javasript errors on tha pages related.
Please help me with solutions .. or suggest me the forums if these issues are discussed already.
Will be a great help.
Posts: 9
Javascript is set to on (i use Firefox and IE).
Thanks Yukti.
Posts: 27300
The screenshot you show does not have any links for the actions (azioni); can you activate other themes/modules?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 9
No, because all themes/modules are just activated.
How can i resolve?
Posts: 27300
You should have
beside modules and themes that are installed. Your screenshot does not.
I suspect your issue is not related to this theme.
can you deactivate | uninstall | delete other themes/modules?
If not start a net thread.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 9
If you want, i can give you an account to view my admin area.
I have a doubt: in General > Permiss filesystem is set to 775 and 664.
Is it correct?
Thanks Dave.
Posts: 9
When i try to activate a new account (General > Registration), i have this errors:
An error has occurred.
Back to the Gallery
Error Detail -
in modules/core/classes/GalleryUser.class at line 149 (gallerycoreapi::error)
in modules/register/classes/GalleryPendingUserHelper.class at line 261 (galleryuser::create)
in modules/register/AdminSelfRegistration.inc at line 65 (gallerypendinguserhelper::creategalleryuser)
in main.php at line 232 (adminselfregistrationcontroller::handlerequest)
in main.php at line 95
in main.php at line 84
System Information
Gallery version 2.2-rc-2
PHP version 4.4.4 cgi
Webserver Apache/2.0
Database mysql 4.1.22-standard-log
Toolkits Thumbnail, SquareThumb, NetPBM, Gd
Operating system Linux webx31.aruba.it #1 SMP Mon Nov 13 12:47:49 CET 2006 i686
Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)
Posts: 15
Hi there
Can anyone please help me with solutions to following problems .. or threads to solve the same.
1) I didnot get a popup appearing, once I select a movie on the main page. The file opens on the next(new) page, with its own kind of gallery panel(a nice one ) ).
2. I didnot get the previous and next image icons (thumbnails) when my selected muvie starts playing. The one shown in the tutorial of lightbox(by Frank I guess)..
3. I can see many javascript errors on tha pages related.
Will be a great help.
Posts: 27300
gamepad your issue in not related to this theme. Please start a new thread. PM me the login info and the URL to the new thread.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 9
Posts: 15
Hi Frank
Hope your are doing fine. I need you help for the PGlight theme .
I am unable to get the lightbox effect for every version of PG light I installed.A click to the move thumbnail, doesnot play my file and the other feature of popup also doesn't work
. It doesnot move ahead of the revolving loading icon.
Please help me on the same.
Are there any settings or plugins(players) needed for all these.
Posts: 15
Hi ..
This is something new happening in my gallery. The media files are getting directly played in the media player , instead of a popup.
Also the flv files are not being supported. A "open/Save " window appears on the click .,.
Can I please get helped..
Posts: 15
Hi Kunghe !!
Did u really get a solution to ur problem ..
Please help me with the same. A click to image leads the main page itself.I did not get what all needs to be changed.. Please tell me.
Posts: 15
Hi Guys !!
that no one helped me ... but happy
that I helped self ...
was sad
;) one issue still pending .. An image supports the lightbox effect ..but a movie file doesnot .. I am unable to play any mvie files on the popup appearing ...
Any suggestions ?????
Posts: 15
Hi can someone please clear me .. IS THE LIGHTBOX CREATED ONLY TO SUPPORT THE IMAGES (NO MOVIES !!!!! )..
coz my gallery is supporting the images all well but not the movie files..(Koi te dasso ??? ;) )
Posts: 1
TheHitman - Have you found a solution to this yet?
Posts: 1
I do have the exact same problem. I don't get why since I have the latest version of the theme and of Gallery ( double double )
Someone help ?
Posts: 69
I just updated to G2.3 today (SVN). Got this nasty error when trying to activate this theme:
Error Detail -
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1001 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 505 (GalleryStorageExtras::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2833 (GalleryStorage::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class at line 363 (GalleryCoreApi::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class at line 308 (GalleryPluginHelper_medium::_addParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 411 (GalleryPluginHelper_medium::setParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryPlugin.class at line 431 (GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTheme.class at line 600 (GalleryPlugin::setParameter)
* in modules/core/PluginCallback.inc at line 236 (GalleryTheme::installOrUpgrade)
* in modules/core/PluginCallback.inc at line 73 (PluginCallbackView::handleCallback)
* in main.php at line 433 (PluginCallbackView::renderImmediate)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
* in main.php at line 3
System Information
Gallery version 2.3-svn
PHP version 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver Apache
Database mysqlt 4.1.22
Toolkits ImageMagick, Thumbnail, NetPBM
Operating system FreeBSD xxx.xxx.xxx 6.2-STABLE FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE #0: Fri Feb 23 23:40:16 EST 2007
:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SYSTEM i386
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/
Posts: 1
Thank you for your great PGlightbox theme.
Posts: 27300
please enable debug mode for more verbose error:
FAQ: How to set/use Gallery in debug mode?
post results when trying to activate the theme.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 117
sorry if this is a dumb question, but on this theme, is this something I would add through the new plugin option, or just upload it ( like we did on the older versions) and then activate it?
Posts: 324
Has anyone figured out how to reduce the spacing between rows with this theme? Or is this something that isn't handled by the theme at all?
Posts: 7
Hi all.
I like PGLightbox but I have one problem with slideshow
when I click on slideshow, the navication menu compare but I have problem with a visualization of image.
the error is:
in modules\core\DownloadItem.inc at line 58 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in main.php at line 433 (DownloadItemView::renderImmediate)
in main.php at line 94
in main.php at line 83
If I push a "link to photo" the image compare in new windows without error:
this is a URLs:
http://www.fra290.com/fotoarchivio/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=28 (when slidesow start: return error)
http://www.fra290.com/fotoarchivio/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=28 (by button "link to photo": the photo appare right in new windows without error)
what is a "amp" parameter???
Any idea? setting wrong or bugs? workarround?
Posts: 1
I get an error, when installing pglightbox, and after that I can't enter the albums. I installed the newest version of gallery2 (2.2.1) but have no idea if I have to install a svn and another core and if so, I have no idea where do I get that from
can please somebody help, I am getting pretty desperate...
I use:
Gallery version = 2.2.1 core
PHP version = 5.2.0 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.3 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8d DAV/2 PHP/5.2.0
Database = mysqli 5.0.27, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Gd
this is the error message:
Database Error
An error has occurred while interacting with the database.
The exact nature of database errors is not captured unless Gallery debug mode is enabled in config.php. Before seeking support for this error please enable buffered debug output and retry the operation. Look near the bottom of the lengthy debug output to find error details.
Back to the Gallery
Error Detail -
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1001 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 505 (GalleryStorageExtras::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2833 (GalleryStorage::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class at line 363 (GalleryCoreApi::addMapEntry)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryPluginHelper_medium.class at line 308 (GalleryPluginHelper_medium::_addParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 411 (GalleryPluginHelper_medium::setParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryPlugin.class at line 431 (GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTheme.class at line 533 (GalleryPlugin::setParameter)
* in modules/core/PluginCallback.inc at line 253 (GalleryTheme::activate)
* in modules/core/PluginCallback.inc at line 73 (PluginCallbackView::handleCallback)
* in main.php at line 433 (PluginCallbackView::renderImmediate)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
System Information
Gallery version 2.2.1
PHP version 5.2.0 apache2handler
Webserver Apache/2.2.3 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8d DAV/2 PHP/5.2.0
Database mysqli 5.0.27
Toolkits Gd
Posts: 4
i think there's a couple of us with this issue (I started with a fresh install of G2 and PGLightbox theme), can lutz or anybody else help? Even lutz's site has this issue, so i suspect it has something to do with the core code?
Posts: 1023
just added a new album on my site (latest SVN) without issue (and am able to navigate) strange.
Found an issue with authenticiation and the cached album.tpl - the smarty code created looks for two templates it doesn't find. In my case it's the file F:\G2data\smarty\templates_c\%%3582604413\%%75^75E^75EE59B2%%album.tpl.php
Removing the <php>-code references to authorlinkURL1 and 2 fixed that can somebody confirm this as issue for this too? Might help identifying the issue
Gallery version = 2.3-svn core 1.2.10
PHP version = 5.1.6 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.6 mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8d
Database = mysql 5.1.11 beta-log,
Posts: 8601
there are tons of bad variable references.. i guess these come from the original PGtheme code.
i did a cleanup pass fixing many of these, don't know if i caught them all.
i didn't see bad URL in top album before or after these changes..