Administration and Maintenance

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
Albums Quick Links...111 years 49 weeks ago
by ggrego
11 years 48 weeks ago
by ggrego
Albums with Unique HTML or equivalent014 years 18 weeks ago
by llitten
Allow access to galleries based on ip address114 years 44 weeks ago
by Elax
14 years 41 weeks ago
by fryfrog
Allow all users to upload to any Album213 years 9 weeks ago
by barricademan41
13 years 7 weeks ago
by linglingaa
allow only administrator to upload photos?313 years 33 weeks ago
by indraneel
13 years 13 weeks ago
by raymarek
Allow Registered Users to acces the gallery while in maintenance mode 212 years 38 weeks ago
by reusta
12 years 38 weeks ago
by reusta
Allowed memory size113 years 13 weeks ago
by hamba
13 years 13 weeks ago
by hamba
allowed memory size exhausted !115 years 42 weeks ago
by majmx
15 years 42 weeks ago
by virshu
Allowing comments by not registered users213 years 32 weeks ago
by Markske
13 years 32 weeks ago
by Markske
Allowing Gallery 2 photos to be inserted as images into Forum Posts514 years 46 weeks ago
by bugeye
14 years 44 weeks ago
by bugeye
Allowing Guest to view my gallery215 years 6 weeks ago
by Elemental Crisis
15 years 6 weeks ago
by Elemental Crisis
Allowing guests to add albums113 years 1 week ago
by daedwar1
13 years 1 week ago
by talmdal
allowing guests to upload photos..014 years 29 weeks ago
by sergio_101
Allowing non-admins to upload from web page512 years 42 weeks ago
by db0
12 years 42 weeks ago
by db0
Allowing other users to tag/keyword photos012 years 17 weeks ago
by james789
Allowing users to add images to the gallery513 years 36 weeks ago
by xianrowanx
13 years 35 weeks ago
by nhsledding
Allowing Users to Comment without Registering using Pedro Gilberto's Xtreme Theme112 years 19 weeks ago
by NNatic
12 years 19 weeks ago
by jens_k
alot of debug information even if debug mode is turned off115 years 2 weeks ago
by slackg2
15 years 2 weeks ago
by valiant
Altering the overall look113 years 26 weeks ago
by Ironside
13 years 26 weeks ago
by valiant
Alternative way to authenticate login110 years 28 weeks ago
by nkxt82
10 years 28 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Amazon Links and QTVR Questions114 years 10 weeks ago
by chasix
14 years 10 weeks ago
by mindless
Amount of User Quota remaining112 years 1 week ago
by eugkelly
12 years 1 week ago
by nivekiam
An error occurred while upgrading Gallery Core Module98 years 16 weeks ago
by Dphillips
8 years 16 weeks ago
by Dphillips
An error occurred while upgrading Gallery Core Module712 years 35 weeks ago
by yanuk
12 years 34 weeks ago
by yanuk
An error occurred while upgrading Gallery Core Module113 years 15 weeks ago
by coax_k
13 years 15 weeks ago
by aksiden