Migrating to Gallery 2

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
user guide and polling115 years 25 weeks ago
by xyrius
15 years 25 weeks ago
by valiant
User Creation Main File?915 years 23 weeks ago
by zelf
15 years 23 weeks ago
by zelf
Use newest image for album thumbnail115 years 11 weeks ago
by pnear
15 years 11 weeks ago
by valiant
Use G1 thumbnails during migration to G2?011 years 1 week ago
by OldWoman
url rewrite, short url problem415 years 37 weeks ago
by greenteagod
15 years 9 weeks ago
by pulser
URL Rewrite paths.813 years 42 weeks ago
by meow
10 years 40 weeks ago
by cG35Chloe
URL rewrite half working, shows albums but not images013 years 34 weeks ago
by BrendanLewis
URL Rewrite for downloads not taking effect615 years 9 weeks ago
by pnear
15 years 9 weeks ago
by pnear
URL Rewrite -Everything is ok But no pictures are shown315 years 8 weeks ago
by Ansolon
15 years 8 weeks ago
by nivekiam
URL Rewrite815 years 11 weeks ago
by Alexandra70
15 years 11 weeks ago
by Alexandra70
URL Rewrite315 years 14 weeks ago
by Jaques
15 years 13 weeks ago
by mindless
URL Redirection Problem115 years 21 weeks ago
by gprime
15 years 21 weeks ago
by valiant
URL migration question415 years 8 weeks ago
by festivalman
15 years 7 weeks ago
by ScrObot
upper and lowecase prob when migrating214 years 16 weeks ago
by TeeHawk
14 years 16 weeks ago
by TeeHawk
Uploads Fail615 years 17 weeks ago
by superfan99
15 years 16 weeks ago
by valiant
Upload file type315 years 13 weeks ago
by chivas12
12 years 28 weeks ago
by mp3aim
upload failed and can not disable imagemagick115 years 34 weeks ago
by aihugongwu
15 years 34 weeks ago
by bharat
Upload Errors715 years 16 weeks ago
by cheahfs
15 years 16 weeks ago
by cheahfs
upload errors315 years 21 weeks ago
by JoeH
15 years 21 weeks ago
by valiant
Upload error1515 years 11 weeks ago
by JerMe
11 years 18 weeks ago
by gen-o
Upload (non Gallery2) Images From Server?113 years 37 weeks ago
by wifigod
13 years 36 weeks ago
by valiant
Upgrading with movie mod?315 years 3 weeks ago
by kunald
15 years 2 weeks ago
by kunald
Upgrading Gallery embedded in a Mambo site? Any advice, anybody? Can this cause trouble?114 years 37 weeks ago
by omananda
14 years 37 weeks ago
by valiant
Upgrading from Gallery 2.0 beta-1 (Dark Fibre) to Gallery 2.0.2114 years 49 weeks ago
by jastram
14 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant
Upgrading from 2.12 to 2.2 - should i wait?213 years 31 weeks ago
by insan_art
13 years 30 weeks ago
by insan_art