Joomla! 1.0

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
{SOLVED} Only pictures are not shown in embeded (Joomla)113 years 19 weeks ago
by Miegel
13 years 19 weeks ago
by Miegel
[Resolved] Gallery2+G2 bridge+Joomla= can't link to album, please help!!813 years 39 weeks ago
by catchlights
11 years 5 weeks ago
by ibhkcs
[joomla] when going n the gallery...213 years 27 weeks ago
by djbenny
13 years 27 weeks ago
by djbenny
[Joomla G2 Bridge] Picturelinks do not open un-embedded113 years 47 weeks ago
by roscore
13 years 47 weeks ago
by floridave
Your Album link, not available in bridged mode214 years 29 weeks ago
by paki
13 years 1 week ago
by slomoman
Win XP + Joomla + G2 + (German_Germany.1252 NOT de_DE)014 years 48 weeks ago
by vob
where to put the symlink in Joomla214 years 7 weeks ago
by tamara-2005
14 years 7 weeks ago
by tamara-2005
viewing dynamic albums112 years 18 hours ago
by grantiago
11 years 47 weeks ago
by neorg
Vertical to horizontal switch012 years 25 weeks ago
by ZokiBoSS
Using images from G2 in Joomla content213 years 10 weeks ago
by mikekiwi
13 years 10 weeks ago
by mikekiwi
using Gallery2 with Joomla 1.5 and the Gallery Bridge Component3313 years 43 weeks ago
by johnbowling
10 years 18 weeks ago
by nethead23
Users create its own albums in joomla possible?214 years 44 weeks ago
by joselo66
14 years 11 weeks ago
by dshawotet
users cant edit there albums114 years 44 weeks ago
by tattooalex
14 years 44 weeks ago
by valiant
user menu in joomla013 years 45 weeks ago
by pickletruck
use different themes for viewers and admin?314 years 43 weeks ago
by adriand
12 years 5 days ago
by finofontana
upgrading joomla and Gallery 2 at the same time010 years 31 weeks ago
by bajadudes
Trying to install Bridge in Joomla running on WAMP013 years 5 weeks ago
by jim0203
Trying to do a whole mess of stuff, any suggestions would rock!413 years 24 weeks ago
by mrsleep99
13 years 13 weeks ago
by FLUFFY_111
Trouble at configuration of Gallery2 bridge with Joomla, advice needed514 years 44 weeks ago
by joselo66
14 years 35 weeks ago
by dracula
Top Rated Module212 years 16 weeks ago
by orneis
12 years 15 weeks ago
by serbanc
TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT is added to Thumbnail urls upon refresh413 years 10 weeks ago
by shecter
13 years 10 weeks ago
by shecter on line 161414 years 6 weeks ago
by arikzara
14 years 6 weeks ago
by arikzara
Syntax error in (Joomla + G2)113 years 29 weeks ago
by Nikita
13 years 29 weeks ago
by valiant
Sync Question214 years 34 weeks ago
by sky2472
14 years 34 weeks ago
by sky2472
Strange G2 error in Joomla!614 years 33 weeks ago
by Incubusattax
14 years 7 weeks ago
by bingomaster