Troubleshooting and Problems

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Few sorting alternatives for pictures56 years 39 weeks ago
by UfukBuyukozkaya
6 years 39 weeks ago
by floridave
is gallery3 the wrong solution at scale?46 years 39 weeks ago
by hohum
6 years 17 weeks ago
by mblythe
New 3.0.9 successful install - Getting Blank page46 years 39 weeks ago
by txblackbird
6 years 39 weeks ago
by txblackbird
Server_add : problem with the path 16 years 40 weeks ago
by majolie
6 years 40 weeks ago
by floridave
Unable to process photos26 years 40 weeks ago
by BrianCanuck
6 years 39 weeks ago
by judopro
Error with ImageMagic16 years 40 weeks ago
by mayasl
6 years 40 weeks ago
by floridave
Problem to add album from the server16 years 40 weeks ago
by majolie
6 years 40 weeks ago
by spags
Is there any Gallery3 app for android or IOS ?16 years 40 weeks ago
by UfukBuyukozkaya
6 years 40 weeks ago
by floridave
upload chrashes and reasons26 years 40 weeks ago
by minipipes
6 years 40 weeks ago
by floridave
approvalqueue not working galler 3.0.956 years 40 weeks ago
by Haz_69
6 years 40 weeks ago
by jnash
gallery 3.09 brand new install getting - dang something went wrong, can't figure this out526 years 40 weeks ago
by captaincapacitor
6 years 27 weeks ago
by zapatero2
Blank page46 years 40 weeks ago
by charliecr
6 years 40 weeks ago
by floridave
Server error: Error #2038 (IO) with gallery 3.0.826 years 40 weeks ago
by sburg
6 years 40 weeks ago
by sburg
Adsense-block directly in the <body>, left to the Gallery?66 years 41 weeks ago
by slart
6 years 16 weeks ago
by slart
Gallery 3.0.3 - video - can't play video in my website56 years 41 weeks ago
by orobin
6 years 41 weeks ago
by orobin
Gallery 3 Server Add Stalls06 years 41 weeks ago
by russellw
server_add feature only imports photos up to depth 1 subdirectory06 years 41 weeks ago
by Gautam H Thaker
New Group - How can I easily remove inherited permissions?26 years 41 weeks ago
by LongTimeUser
6 years 41 weeks ago
by LongTimeUser
Rebuild and Thumbnailcreation fails16 years 41 weeks ago
by Gusch
6 years 41 weeks ago
by floridave
Gallery broken / ORM Validation26 years 42 weeks ago
by Jlma
6 years 41 weeks ago
by Jlma
No thumbnails only original picture displays46 years 42 weeks ago
by bfarra
6 years 39 weeks ago
by bfarra
[SOLVED][Sitemap MODULE] Today it begins give me blank screen66 years 42 weeks ago
by mcemrn
6 years 33 weeks ago
by mcemrn
Gallery on a server w/ several subdomains on it06 years 42 weeks ago
by barul
access_intents issues06 years 42 weeks ago
by Sad Eeyore
Gallery3 Time Out Issue46 years 42 weeks ago
by Larry Hogston
6 years 42 weeks ago
by Larry Hogston