Installation & Configuration

 TopicRepliesCreatedLast replysort icon
Lost37 years 21 weeks ago
by SLoya
7 years 21 weeks ago
by floridave
add via email. Can someone tell me how to set this up 17 years 20 weeks ago
by Ralphsanders
7 years 20 weeks ago
by floridave
Change graphics toolkit17 years 19 weeks ago
by bzsolt
7 years 19 weeks ago
by floridave
error upgrading to 3.0.917 years 19 weeks ago
by Shemo725
7 years 19 weeks ago
by Shemo725
Displaying sub-albums thumbnails on the same page?17 years 21 weeks ago
by AlternativePhot...
7 years 19 weeks ago
by tempg
Secure file access on the nginx way17 years 23 weeks ago
by al-gallery3
7 years 19 weeks ago
by tempg
login returns success but doesn't go to logged-in page17 years 27 weeks ago
by gshawn
7 years 19 weeks ago
by ad11
Just installed Gallery 3.0.9 (Chartres)17 years 17 weeks ago
by ScarletDiva
7 years 16 weeks ago
by floridave
Image Rotation17 years 16 weeks ago
by scotty1234
7 years 15 weeks ago
by floridave
Converting from Coppermine Gallery?107 years 16 weeks ago
by dreimer
7 years 15 weeks ago
by punctuation
Gallery 2 Import - Your Gallery 2 install isn't working properly. Please verify it!67 years 16 weeks ago
by BeautifulEngland
7 years 15 weeks ago
by suprsidr
folder sync nsa310 zyxel07 years 15 weeks ago
by adrhc
Best Tutorials for Gallery27 years 15 weeks ago
by HypnoDoc
7 years 15 weeks ago
by HypnoDoc
What should the value of gallery be in the vars table?07 years 14 weeks ago
by wyattbiker
Gallery 2 -> Gallery 3 In Situ Redirects17 years 50 weeks ago
by morganfeldon@gm...
7 years 14 weeks ago
by habakuk
[SOLVED] New 3 install gallery works, but not admin functions. Help. Thanks37 years 14 weeks ago
by aikiguy
7 years 14 weeks ago
by floridave
Replacing "Gallery" image in upper left corner37 years 16 weeks ago
by bullethole
7 years 14 weeks ago
by floridave
[SOLVED] how do I tweak the comments options?47 years 41 weeks ago
by tp
7 years 13 weeks ago
by jnash
Uprading to 3.0.9 - Gallery module fails upgrading - Installed Ver 58 - Available ver 57.57 years 13 weeks ago
by Federico-us
7 years 13 weeks ago
by Federico-us
Multiple G3 installations cannot be logged in at the same time07 years 12 weeks ago
by jmbouffard
Uh Oh message67 years 12 weeks ago
by marvelousartworks
7 years 12 weeks ago
by marvelousartworks
change user rights47 years 12 weeks ago
by gauuitzi
7 years 12 weeks ago
by gauuitzi
Gallery 3.0.9 New Installation - Unable to log in17 years 18 weeks ago
by mdharmon
7 years 12 weeks ago
by jmbouffard
Force SSL connection <SOLVED>07 years 12 weeks ago
by MikeLFD
How do you incorporate gallery3 into exisiting website design?77 years 16 weeks ago
by Dave3
7 years 11 weeks ago
by tempg