Installation and Configuration Help

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Gallery 23. upgrader -upgrading Gallery Core Module error19 years 12 weeks ago
by info123
9 years 12 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Installing slimbox on Gallery2.3 (greypop theme)09 years 11 weeks ago
by alan2222
Warning: Cannot set environment variable 'LANG' BUT Safe Mode is OFF39 years 10 weeks ago
by hleboeuf
9 years 10 weeks ago
by Dayo
Plugin for showing recent images?29 years 10 weeks ago
by DF7
9 years 9 weeks ago
by DF7
Embedded Gallery - but can't get css right119 years 10 weeks ago
by daleoran
9 years 9 weeks ago
by daleoran
migrating to a new server69 years 9 weeks ago
by jamat13
9 years 9 weeks ago
by jamat13
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ...19 years 9 weeks ago
by atomie
9 years 9 weeks ago
by Oldiesmann
Pictures has 0KB after uploading them with webDAV19 years 7 weeks ago
by atomie
8 years 44 weeks ago
by scaturan
Accidently deleted all User Accounts, Cant load gallery now239 years 6 weeks ago
by robinjection
9 years 6 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Moving gallery image in 2.2.529 years 5 weeks ago
by uboot
9 years 5 weeks ago
by uboot
Menu Question Add Album09 years 5 weeks ago
by legitkidd
Link to gallery from web site59 years 5 weeks ago
by mabarnes
9 years 5 weeks ago
by mabarnes
Cannot add Plugins in Gallery289 years 4 weeks ago
by BPo
9 years 4 weeks ago
by BPo
Suggestion for G2 to G3 on new OS09 years 4 weeks ago
by javelin
Ugh... lead to create 2 databases installing G2.3 and ZC 1.3.929 years 4 weeks ago
by jtb2589
9 years 4 weeks ago
by jtb2589
Gallery restore from backup169 years 3 weeks ago
by dargaud
9 years 3 weeks ago
by dargaud
Enable php gettext on OS X 10.6.809 years 3 weeks ago
by elim
How to use Gallery 3.0.2? Not the installation but usageThis topic has been moved
Migrate gallery2 site to new Drupal site09 years 3 weeks ago
by Skidz
Add Local Server Upload Paths 29 years 2 weeks ago
by milplus
9 years 2 weeks ago
by milplus
Showing Other Graphics toolkits ?19 years 2 weeks ago
by kousun12
9 years 2 weeks ago
by suprsidr
g3 inserting images from g2 albums without backup database19 years 2 weeks ago
by kgk
9 years 2 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Reinstallation issue29 years 1 week ago
by mb21uk
9 years 1 week ago
by mb21uk
How can I restore missing admin directory to running Gallery site?319 years 1 week ago
by Charlie_Hein
9 years 17 hours ago
by Charlie_Hein
How can I change the 'home' link to direct back to my websites home page?309 years 3 days ago
by J-Stack
8 years 46 weeks ago
by bigpeter