Migrating to Gallery 2

 TopicRepliesCreatedsort iconLast reply
Migrating from one Gallery to another one113 years 14 weeks ago
by Jonas Livet
13 years 13 weeks ago
by mindless
Help with this erroThis topic has been moved
Dead G1 to running G2113 years 13 weeks ago
by BH7718
13 years 13 weeks ago
by scaturan
Changing webosts and wanting to migrate from gallery 1 to 2113 years 13 weeks ago
by Neurot
13 years 13 weeks ago
by scaturan
already modified url redirect, now I can't g1 to g2313 years 13 weeks ago
by savo
13 years 12 weeks ago
by savo
Some URL redirects work, some don't1513 years 12 weeks ago
by adnedarn
13 years 11 weeks ago
by adnedarn
Gallery1 import - are we using symlinks or what?413 years 12 weeks ago
by dpritchett
13 years 11 weeks ago
by Simonsig1
Migrating from old custom gallery -- easy way to import individual pics on server?113 years 10 weeks ago
by rhyolight
13 years 10 weeks ago
by rhyolight
Moving to new web host913 years 10 weeks ago
by colesg
13 years 8 weeks ago
by colesg
missing photos.dat.lock filesThis topic has been moved
G2 target folder: /gallery only?113 years 8 weeks ago
by jdegrijs
13 years 8 weeks ago
by valiant
How should I recover backup of gallery 1 into new install of gallery 2?113 years 8 weeks ago
by Brianthechemist
13 years 8 weeks ago
by valiant
Album Descripitions are not properly imported as requested013 years 7 weeks ago
by scestes
Pre-migration problem113 years 7 weeks ago
by Pazii
13 years 7 weeks ago
by Pazii
Migration/Import Database Errors713 years 6 weeks ago
by rottie_girl
13 years 6 weeks ago
by rottie_girl
[Closed] Extra Pages after migration import??113 years 6 weeks ago
by rottie_girl
13 years 6 weeks ago
by rottie_girl
ERROR_STORAGE_CONNECTION while importing from Coppermine613 years 5 weeks ago
by iyiinsan
12 years 44 weeks ago
by robinart
Importing large Flickr sets (500 images max??)013 years 5 weeks ago
by leesurton
Migration problem - Codex, migration plugin, etc213 years 5 weeks ago
by etegration
13 years 5 weeks ago
by valiant
Geeklog+Gallery21013 years 2 weeks ago
by pinkponk
13 years 2 weeks ago
by pinkponk
Mass Import from folders113 years 6 days ago
by morepicspls
12 years 52 weeks ago
by valiant
Migrated and New Custom Fields213 years 17 hours ago
by jodyfr
12 years 52 weeks ago
by jodyfr
Error (ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE312 years 52 weeks ago
by voice903fm
12 years 41 weeks ago
by freefall722
Can anyone help migrate 4images to Gallery 2?012 years 51 weeks ago
by RudeMood
Transfert G2.1 to G2.2712 years 50 weeks ago
by webmastair
12 years 49 weeks ago
by webmastair