Installation & Configuration

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
SIdebar info gone!77 years 49 weeks ago
by drive88mph
7 years 47 weeks ago
by floridave
Skipping invalid file66 years 43 weeks ago
by dan_m2k
6 years 42 weeks ago
by jnash
Slideshow icon visible at all times38 years 27 weeks ago
by geoffs
8 years 27 weeks ago
by jnash
SOLVED (I hope)Cannot Upgrade17 years 23 weeks ago
by klinion
7 years 23 weeks ago
by klinion
sql errors on install48 years 21 weeks ago
by OleRastus
8 years 18 weeks ago
by Yeti3
Sticky wicket upgrade question 26 years 45 weeks ago
by Whiskerfish
6 years 44 weeks ago
by Whiskerfish
STUPID question28 years 25 weeks ago
by dave111111
8 years 25 weeks ago
by dave111111
Successful install, but can't login> Unable to Serve This Request78 years 12 weeks ago
by eudesco
7 years 48 weeks ago
by cyberspeed
Successful installation, blank page (HTTP 504) when accessing gallery38 years 20 weeks ago
by scornish
8 years 19 weeks ago
by scornish
Tags RSS feed for gallery 3107 years 35 weeks ago
by CWhitmer
7 years 35 weeks ago
by CWhitmer
the slide show button is located over the next button16 years 39 weeks ago
by Peterle
6 years 39 weeks ago
by floridave
Theme Customization and Cart Question17 years 41 weeks ago
by JenM
7 years 40 weeks ago
by tempg
thumbnails and theme selection (after migrating to g3 from g2)18 years 24 weeks ago
by chucksoper
8 years 24 weeks ago
by floridave
Tiltle under random image in sidebar28 years 4 weeks ago
by Jeck
8 years 4 weeks ago
by Jeck
Translation to Brazilian Portuguese ( pt_BR)48 years 9 weeks ago
by angelicakm
8 years 5 weeks ago
by drakebr
Trouble setting up a gallery3 instance47 years 1 day ago
by Tahaan
6 years 48 weeks ago
by tempg
Trouble Upgrading from version 3.0.4 to 3.0.936 years 26 weeks ago
by CWhitmer
6 years 26 weeks ago
by CWhitmer
Uh Oh message67 years 12 weeks ago
by marvelousartworks
7 years 12 weeks ago
by marvelousartworks
Unable to Add albums and photos17 years 51 weeks ago
by rajuvs1974
7 years 51 weeks ago
by tempg
Unable to process this photo - PLease Help!18 years 4 weeks ago
by johngilmore2
8 years 4 weeks ago
by floridave
Update Languages Stalls / Gallery 3.0.437 years 48 weeks ago
by webdude
7 years 48 weeks ago
by softaculous
Updating ImageMagick and FFMPEG77 years 12 weeks ago
by joecooper84
7 years 10 weeks ago
by floridave
Updating languages on offline server? TRANSLATIONS_FETCH_REQUEST_FAILED126 years 32 weeks ago
by breb
6 years 27 weeks ago
by spags
Upgrade from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 fails without error08 years 18 weeks ago
by b0ngo
Upgrade from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4 ok but albums & pictures have no images68 years 19 weeks ago
by webbmonster
8 years 18 weeks ago
by webbmonster