I hope you don't mind but instead of overwriting the old ones I simply renamed them g2tabbed, etc ...
I think it's nice to give the option whether to use the new ones or not
Funny, that is what I did at first; but, before I posted the
zipfile I realized that more changes to MapHeader.tpl would
be required. Remember, there are several tests (if statements)
that check for 'gtabbed, gtable, gdefault, gcentered'
MapWindowType and new 'g2' names would need to be included in
these tests.
I leave the decisions to You.
Just saw that. I will fix that in a different way (like I said orginally).
In the *.inc files I will just add a statement that does the replace beforehand and so we can just remove all of those tests ;-)
It's not great practice to have hardcoded tests like that anyhow (sorry I'm being a jack**s again)
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 02:15
Termitenshort wrote:
In the *.inc files I will just add a statement that does the replace beforehand and so we can just remove all of those tests ;-)
It's not great practice to have hardcoded tests like that anyhow (sorry I'm being a jack**s again)
A baffled OK from me. I'll wait and see it all.
Man, I wish IE did not exist!
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 04:06
galmoid wrote:
I don't understand this; but, here ya go...
The only references to z-index I can find are in ShowMap.tpl
Error: Error in parsing value for property 'z-index'.
Declaration dropped.
Source File: gallery/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap
Line: 0
Can you tell me how to reporduce this? I don't see any error in the FF JS console.
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 04:27
floridave wrote:
Can you tell me how to reproduce this? I don't see any error in the FF JS console.
I just open the javascript console, clear it (FF 1.5) and click
the Show Google Map link. The very last entry is:
Error: Error in parsing value for property 'z-index'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: http://u30/gallery/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap
Line: 0
Hi-Jack alert
Can you make any suggestion that will allow me to determine
the USER_AGENT and pass the result to a template (.tpl)?
I am interested in detecting IE and causing a different css
entry to be used. Unlike FF, IE seems to not handle
white-space: nowrap; properly. I suppose, in some way it
might; but, when listing a bunch of thumbnails horizontally
IE seems to make some sort of weird calculation regarding
the width.
In the MAP Theme the thumbnails are ordered horizonatally
with a scrollbar (overflow: auto;). FF works perfectly,
respecting the width od the browser window; but, IE seems
to think the window is wider than it is. So I want to have
a separate css entry for IE that will respect the width of
the windows and scroll up and down instead of back and
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 04:37
Found another bug ... when album and photo legend are shown, if one uncheck a specific color in (let's say) album then all item (photo and album) of the color will be hidden/shown
I need to fix that too
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 04:48
galmoid wrote:
Hi-Jack alert
Can you make any suggestion that will allow me to determine
the USER_AGENT and pass the result to a template (.tpl)?
I am interested in detecting IE and causing a different css
entry to be used. Unlike FF, IE seems to not handle
white-space: nowrap; properly. I suppose, in some way it
might; but, when listing a bunch of thumbnails horizontally
IE seems to make some sort of weird calculation regarding
the width.
In the MAP Theme the thumbnails are ordered horizonatally
with a scrollbar (overflow: auto;). FF works perfectly,
respecting the width od the browser window; but, IE seems
to think the window is wider than it is. So I want to have
a separate css entry for IE that will respect the width of
the windows and scroll up and down instead of back and
I was looking into that myself as it will be necessary for the CSS management in the module as well
After that you have a function that return the browser, it's easy to ass it on to the TPL (via the variable i'm assuming is already passed througt)
In the TPL a simple {if $map['browser'] eq 'MSIE'} {/if} would do the trick
Let me know if you have problems
See you
The Termite
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 04:50
galmoid wrote:
Can you make any suggestion that will allow me to determine
the USER_AGENT and pass the result to a template (.tpl)?
If you look in ShowMap.inc for
foreach ($imagearray as $images) {
if( !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || !preg_match($msie,$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match('/opera/i',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
// set a variable for the legend to use as well
$map['isIE'] = false;
$allimagesarray[] = "<img src='".$base."modules/map/images/markers/".$filenames."/".$images."'/>";
} else {
// set a variable for the legend to use as well
$map['isIE'] = true;
$allimagesarray[] = "<img src='".$base."modules/map/images/blank.gif' style='filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\"".$base."modules/map/images/markers/".$filenames."/".$images."\");'/>";
I added the $map['isIE'] = true; part and I can then check in the template file (legend.tpl) I used {if $map.isIE eq false} to add the correct image and parameters.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 04:59
galmoid wrote:
floridave wrote:
Can you tell me how to reproduce this? I don't see any error in the FF JS console.
I just open the javascript console, clear it (FF 1.5) and click
the Show Google Map link. The very last entry is:
Error: Error in parsing value for property 'z-index'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: http://u30/gallery/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap
Line: 0
Thanks for both of your replies. I was working at trying to get the stuff
floridave mentioned when I posted the above Hi-Jack. Just before I saw your
replies I managed to succeed in my quest (using that strategy). Now, I must
look at just what pellets from the shotgun approach actually are the one(s)
I need. I'll also look at what Termite mentioned and see what happens to me
then. Down with IE (even though FF has it's own problems)
I guess I'm heading toward a version 1.0.4a of the theme.
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 17:28
floridave wrote:
Do you see the same results here:
Here are screenshots of the console. Too many for one capture.
That is why two.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 19:07
floridave wrote:
Do you see the same results here:
galmoid wrote:
Here are screenshots of the console. Too many for one capture.
That is why two.
Now that I have upgraded the web dev toolevery page I browse has issues. With version 0.9.4 I did not see any warnings/errors.
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 22:14
Here is version 1.0.4a of the Map Theme (not to be confused with the Map Module!).
I could not come up with a solution to make the thumbnails scroll horizontally
in IE (and still maintain the expected window width). IE instead will scroll the
thumbnails up and down. You'll see when you look at it and have the thumbnails
set to be at the top or bottom. In FF the thumbnails scroll side to side (as I'
like them both to do). Setting the thumbnails to be on the left or right of
the map both work the same.
As in the prior version, the zipfile directory
structure is 'themes/map' (in order to protect the
If anybody can suggest a solution great; but, don't spend a lot of time on
it. Remember, this theme is only holding a place until the Map Module ends
up replacing it's functionality.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-07 01:38
floridave wrote:
Now that I have upgraded the web dev toolevery page I browse has issues. With version 0.9.4 I did not see any warnings/errors.
I have the same some of those errors are everywhere. the trick I guess is to figure out which ones are related the map module and which ones aren't
Joined: 2002-12-31
Posts: 50
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-08 18:43
As I promised, I've fully translated the es_ES.po file. It should also work as es_AR.po and es_MX.po while somebody from those countries corrects it.
I've uploaded it to my website but it doesn't work. Is there something else I shold do?
Joined: 2005-12-19
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-09 03:46
I would like to know how to add the zoom function of the edit photo page? because I cannot precisely identify the coordinates for the picture.
I tried to edit by the Google Map modules, enable the GxMagnifier. It also do not have the zoom function!
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-09 12:52
treotan wrote:
I would like to know how to add the zoom function of the edit photo page? because I cannot precisely identify the coordinates for the picture.
I tried to edit by the Google Map modules, enable the GxMagnifier. It also do not have the zoom function!
Have you enabled 'Site Adim'/'Google Map'/'Theme settings'/'Map Control Size / Type:'?
Check and make sure this is not set to 'none'. Maybe try setting
it to 'Stock - Large'.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-09 21:03
TheGoOse wrote:
As I promised, I've fully translated the es_ES.po file. It should also work as es_AR.po and es_MX.po while somebody from those countries corrects it.
I've uploaded it to my website but it doesn't work. Is there something else I shold do?
You need to compile the file into a modules_map.mo and put it in modules/map/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/ and also in the other folder (es_MX and es_AR) after that you need to reboot your webserver.
I have been told that sometimes, the webserver keeps localization in memorry until rebooted or for a certain amount of time.
Anyway, here is the compiled file (remove the .txt extension at the end, it got added automatically)
FYI, this will be part of the release to be published soon this week
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-09 21:05
treotan wrote:
I would like to know how to add the zoom function of the edit photo page? because I cannot precisely identify the coordinates for the picture.
I tried to edit by the Google Map modules, enable the GxMagnifier. It also do not have the zoom function!
I'm not quite sure I understand the question there. Are you trying to locate coordinates for a specific photo using the "get via map" and it dosn't zoom ?
Maybe a screenshot or more details would help my poor & slow brain
Joined: 2002-12-31
Posts: 50
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-09 23:19
Termitenshort wrote:
You need to compile the file into a modules_map.mo and put it in modules/map/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/ and also in the other folder (es_MX and es_AR) after that you need to reboot your webserver.
I have been told that sometimes, the webserver keeps localization in memorry until rebooted or for a certain amount of time.
Anyway, here is the compiled file (remove the .txt extension at the end, it got added automatically)
FYI, this will be part of the release to be published soon this week
I've tried it, and it works withouth the rebooting the webserver (which is fine, because I don't have permission to do it
I've found a few problems with the translation, now I can see it working. I'll try to make a new version when I have time to.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-10 12:24
TheGoOse wrote:
I've tried it, and it works withouth the rebooting the webserver (which is fine, because I don't have permission to do it
I've found a few problems with the translation, now I can see it working. I'll try to make a new version when I have time to.
I also forgot a simple thing: THANKS a lot for you work on this, I know that it takes a lot of time an effort to get the translation first started
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-10 14:01
I have started to look at Version 2 of the google API and it looks like we are in for a lot of work.
Zoom level #'s reversed. Overlays are different.
I can't even get a <div> to overlay properly.
I will continue to experiment.
lets hope that they keep verison 1 for more than a month.
If at all possible, it would be nice if the dreaded over-zoomed
warning/error is -never- able to show it's ugly little text.
That's possible, there is a function in the Gmap that actually checks if the tiles are available.
And there is another function that check for the highest (or lowest depending how you see it) zoom possible for a certain point.
The only issue with that is that I can't remember where I saw it
Not a single function but....
We could move all of this code into a Class.......with some rewriting. That would be better right?
Well, I was looking at that to see if I could find the website again and I couldn't
But the good news is that there is function integrated in the API v2 that does that.
So, this week, I will be releasing the module version 0.4.8 with just som simple addition and after that (like I said many time already) I will work on the code cleanup.
Please make sure you cast your vote , the poll expire in 14 days from today !
If the v2 API is not needed I will do a simple cleanup of the code (already started) otherwise I will combine the cleanup with the integration of the new API
Thanks !!
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-10 15:05
floridave wrote:
I have started to look at Version 2 of the google API and it looks like we are in for a lot of work.
Zoom level #'s reversed. Overlays are different.
I can't even get a <div> to overlay properly.
I will continue to experiment.
lets hope that they keep verison 1 for more than a month.
Lol, now that's funny while I was writing my message about v2
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-10 16:12
Over the weekend I took a quick look at v2 and even put it in to see what
would happen. Well, of course nothing happened . . . nothing. I looked
over some info regarding the changes and made a couple of changes to calls
that are used. This, at least, got me some map controls and a (I suppose)
default marker; but, no actual map and none of the controls appeared to
work. I could move the marker around though. In the end, I thought,
the Google Map Team will probably release some detailed conversion information
-and maybe even- a conversion tool (we can hope can't we ).
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-10 19:08
Hello All,
I was just taking a quick look at the Map Module team pictures and and such (located here for those who don't know)
And there is some pics without GPS coords so since the only goal of this gallery is to see who's using the module and where they located (for fun) I will be deleting those pics if no-one add a GPS coordinate or claims them at their own. (like within 2-3 weeks)
Here is the list of the pic names:
ninjainvasion (I don't know where you're located dude, so hurry quick )
IMG_0050 (some cat picture)
The Termite
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-10 20:23
Are you going to do anything different in the next version with regard to the
infowindow templates? Earlier you had mentioned this was a possiblity when
I put up new 'g2' infowindows, so the hard coded test in MapHeader.tpl would
be eliminated. I ask because I have a new addition for the 'g' (g2, g3,?)
infowindow templates . . . Get Directions to Location.
Another thought along the same lines as Get Directions...
With respect to Routes: since the route points are
tied to items and (I would supose) numbered sequencially,
it would, maybe, be a nice addition to have each infowindow
have the ability to Get Directions from the previous -or-
the next point.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-10 21:05
galmoid wrote:
Are you going to do anything different in the next version with regard to the
infowindow templates? Earlier you had mentioned this was a possiblity when
I put up new 'g2' infowindows, so the hard coded test in MapHeader.tpl would
be eliminated. I ask because I have a new addition for the 'g' (g2, g3,?)
infowindow templates . . . Get Directions to Location.
Another thought along the same lines as Get Directions...
With respect to Routes: since the route points are
tied to items and (I would supose) numbered sequencially,
it would, maybe, be a nice addition to have each infowindow
have the ability to Get Directions from the previous -or-
the next point.
Changes to the infowindow template deal I was talkin about won't be on the next version (0.4.8 I mean). version 0.5.0 will be the one after that and will be a complete cleanup of the code as well as integration of the Google API v2 (if the poll are positive, which they are for now)
Changing the infowindow will be right after that because I saw that there is a bit more option on the infowindow with v2 of the gogle api (like tabbed is now documented at least)
As for the "g2" infowindow, I have fixed that already with a simple routine check in the .inc file using PHP. It will be released in 0.4.8 but if you need it now, I can e-mail it to you or something.
The direction from routes idea seems very cool, i'd like to see that
Also (maybe a stupid suggestion, but ...) we should try to think of better names for the infowindow templates as "gxyz", "g2xyz" and "g3xyz" doesn't talk much of what it is .
Maybe adding a "comment" field that has info about the currently selected template ?
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-10 22:03
I've changed the Advanced poll deal for polls and if any of you need a poll setup, just send me an e-mail (ehdaniel@gmail.com) and I will set it up for you (it's pretty easy)
All located here
The Termite
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-10 22:16
Termitenshort wrote:
As for the "g2" infowindow, I have fixed that already with a simple routine check in the .inc file using PHP. It will be released in 0.4.8 but if you need it now, I can e-mail it to you or something.
The direction from routes idea seems very cool, i'd like to see that
Also (maybe a stupid suggestion, but ...) we should try to think of better names for the infowindow templates as "gxyz", "g2xyz" and "g3xyz" doesn't talk much of what it is .
Maybe adding a "comment" field that has info about the currently selected template ?
I'm patient... I'll wait for 0.4.8.
I agree, better names -or- instead of that, maybe have "virtual"
infowindow templates. By that I mean, settle on a basic set of
templates (like the original ones with some stuff from the 'g2'
templates included - like scrollbar). This 'basic' template
could be chosen in admin -and- an additional choice would be
the 'virtual' template. I think we'll need a new admin tab for
this... In the infowindow admin tab would be a bunch of options
like the links in the 'g2' infowindows I put up, Get Directions, ???. The selections a user makes by checkboxes
would in turn write out the virtual template file -or- just
spit out the necessary code on-the-fly. The possible checkboxes
could/would be added to as time goes on and people think up
new possibilities. Heck, the admin tab entries could be read
froma text file (to make adding things without a release
easier). How's that for a stupid suggestion? ;-)
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-10 22:26
galmoid wrote:
I'm patient... I'll wait for 0.4.8.
I agree, better names -or- instead of that, maybe have "virtual"
infowindow templates. By that I mean, settle on a basic set of
templates (like the original ones with some stuff from the 'g2'
templates included - like scrollbar). This 'basic' template
could be chosen in admin -and- an additional choice would be
the 'virtual' template. I think we'll need a new admin tab for
this... In the infowindow admin tab would be a bunch of options
like the links in the 'g2' infowindows I put up, Get Directions, ???. The selections a user makes by checkboxes
would in turn write out the virtual template file -or- just
spit out the necessary code on-the-fly. The possible checkboxes
could/would be added to as time goes on and people think up
new possibilities. Heck, the admin tab entries could be read
froma text file (to make adding things without a release
easier). How's that for a stupid suggestion? ;-)
that is a stupid question (sorry, it was just too easy couldn't resist ...) Anyway, that is what I was thinking of doing but it would require a bit of reworking on the code and so it's kinda why I was willing to get to it after the code cleanup.
Right now the code is just too confusing and the files to big. MapSiteAdmin.inc has reached a 2211 lines of code !!! which is jus too much ... I need to break the code down in pieces to make it more efficient and easy to read.
Bottom line, the code cleanup will be very deciving for user but make things a hell of a lot easier for developpers
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2006-01-11 03:32
On the info window topic.
I am not sure if version 2 of the API will have more than 2 tabs. BUt I think this would be benificial to have more than 2 tabs for the info window.
From the "group"; more tabs
Added to the codex.
On the info window topic.
I am not sure if version 2 of the API will have more than 2 tabs. BUt I think this would be benificial to have more than 2 tabs for the info window.
From the "group"; more tabs
Added to the codex.
Just simply love those tabs . I also stole the "dude" marker and added it for the next release
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 01:03
Well, hello everyone.
I have been having some pretty darn annoying roadblocks in developping this new version but I finally got them all worked out !! (I know even I am surprised )
Version 0.4.8 is the last version before the code cleanup.
So I'm asking everyone (except floridave as I already know about it) that had planned to add more things (or changes) to hold off or contact me via PM or e-mail or whatever to see if it wouldn't interfere with the code cleanup work (which I believe will be quite the task).
The cleanup is going to bring many changes to the way we all develop things for the module and so I wouldn't want you to work for nothing
Anyways, here it is for you all to enjoy !
Version 0.4.8:
* More control over the blocks
o Possibility to remove and add as needed from the admin panel
o Adding the possibility to put them on the top and on the bottom
* Add the grouping feature
o Management for the Group coordinates and such
o A group Define a map and it's content
o Create markers on the map for Groups
o Define which albums / items / Groups should be in the Group
* Fix the "G" and "G2" infowindow to include code in the template instead of the main files
* Other Bug fixes but I don't remember them all
* Added/changed a bunch of little things her and there to make the all thing more friendly
* Modify the rewrite rule to access to the map via /gallery2/Map and the groups via /gallery2/Map/G1 (Group 1)
Let me know if you have any issue/problem so i can fix them
The Termite
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 01:33
Termitenshort wrote:
Well, hello everyone.
Let me know if you have any issue/problem so i can fix them
Something you can fix . . .
At the tail end of module.inc you added some code to fix the
currentVersion issue that was mentioned... well, you have, once
again , been bit by the case/CASE bug. Gallerymapmap
should be GallerymapMap (this prevents the upgrade from
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 01:44
Attempting to save on the 'Theme settings' page results in:
There was a problem processing your request.
wihout even changing anything. Have not determined why yet.
Joined: 2005-04-19
Posts: 78
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 02:04
0.4.8, also when saving on Theme settings tab, i get
"There was a problem processing your request" error,
but i also get php error:
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\gallery\modules\core\classes\GalleryUtilities.class on line 176
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\gallery\modules\core\classes\GalleryUtilities.class on line 176
Gallery version = 2.0.1 core
PHP version = 4.3.3 cgi-fcgi
Webserver = Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Database = mysql 4.0.15-nt-log
Toolkits = Exif, Thumbnail, ImageMagick, SquareThumb
Operating system = Windows NT
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5
...you can help, too!
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 02:23
The group deal is pretty cool. I'd like to mention to anybody wishing to
use it -and- upload/set a thumbnail for the group, that they first change
the permissions on map/images/group (either to 777 or make it owned by
the account that the server is running under (nobody?); otherwise, you
will probably get a permission denied error.
Now for the bad . . .
I get no map, just Loading... and done. From the FF javascript console:
(NOTE: this is old and has been seen before)
Error: Expected ',' or '{' but found '*'. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.
Source File: http://u30/tgallery/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap&g2_Group=
Line: 7
(NOTE: these two are new)
Error: syntax error
Source File: http://u30/tgallery/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap&g2_Group=
Line: 350, Column: 47
Source Code:
createMarkerHTMLRegroup(, "", "", "", "", , , ,
Error: myWidth is not defined
Source File: http://u30/tgallery/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap&g2_Group=
Line: 629
Something more that might help figure it out:
createMarkerHTMLRegroup(-105.63624,35.97440, "http://u30/tgallery/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap&g2_Group=G1", "Test Group", "http://u30/tgallery/modules/map/images/groups/hawk.jpg", "1136966400", 5, 228, 226,
"Initial Test Group" ,
"This is a group created to check out the group feature." ,
photoIcon , 0, 0, 1);
var photoIcon = new GIcon(DefaultphotoIcon);
photoIcon.image = "/tgallery/modules/map/images/markers/smallpushpins/marker_.png";
createMarkerHTMLRegroup(, "", "", "", "", , , ,
"" ,
"" ,
photoIcon , , , 1);
Interesting that 'marker_.png' appears to be missing something.
Another, more minor item, is the Legend box is squished (see pic).
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 02:44
After upgrading from 0.4.7d to 0.4.8 the sidebar legend text is all scrunched together. See attached screenshot.
Looks the same in both FF 1.5 & IE6.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 03:42
galmoid wrote:
Attempting to save on the 'Theme settings' page results in:
There was a problem processing your request.
wihout even changing anything. Have not determined why yet.
I don't have that on any of the 3 machines I have it installed, can you tell me what option are selected on your theme page ?
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 03:46
swordfish wrote:
After upgrading from 0.4.7d to 0.4.8 the sidebar legend text is all scrunched together. See attached screenshot.
Looks the same in both FF 1.5 & IE6.
That I know of, I made a change so it looks nicer on my installs .... forgot to take it off before releasing
In the Legend.tpl file (in templates/blocks) remove line-height: 0.1cm; it should look just about normal after that
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 03:49
igrcic wrote:
0.4.8, also when saving on Theme settings tab, i get
"There was a problem processing your request" error,
but i also get php error:
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\gallery\modules\core\classes\GalleryUtilities.class on line 176
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\gallery\modules\core\classes\GalleryUtilities.class on line 176
Gallery version = 2.0.1 core
PHP version = 4.3.3 cgi-fcgi
Webserver = Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Database = mysql 4.0.15-nt-log
Toolkits = Exif, Thumbnail, ImageMagick, SquareThumb
Operating system = Windows NT
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5
...you can help, too!
Weird ... that's the call to get the form variables ... The weirdest of all is that I made no changes to this area at all ...
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 03:52
galmoid wrote:
The group deal is pretty cool. I'd like to mention to anybody wishing to
use it -and- upload/set a thumbnail for the group, that they first change
the permissions on map/images/group (either to 777 or make it owned by
the account that the server is running under (nobody?); otherwise, you
will probably get a permission denied error.
Now for the bad . . .
I get no map, just Loading... and done. From the FF javascript console:
You code shows that it's trying to show an empty group (g2_Group=) and it's potentially messing it up. I'm going to check soomething on this.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 03:54
Termitenshort wrote:
You code shows that it's trying to show an empty group (g2_Group=) and it's potentially messing it up. I'm going to check soomething on this.
Nope that's not it ... did you add a group without GPS information maybe ?
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 03:54
galmoid wrote:
Well, hello everyone.
Let me know if you have any issue/problem so i can fix them
Something you can fix . . .
At the tail end of module.inc you added some code to fix the
currentVersion issue that was mentioned... well, you have, once
again , been bit by the case/CASE bug. Gallerymapmap
should be GallerymapMap (this prevents the upgrade from
Solved that, thx for finding it
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 03:57
Ok So the problem with the Group that galmoid found is related to the fact that there is no GPS information entered in the database for that group. I can solved that pretty easily.
The other thing I just realized is that "Get via map" does not work for the groups ... I think I simply forgot a piece of the code ... sometime my head is just now screweb back in right
For the "Save Theme" thing I still can't reproduce it on any of my installs
The Termite
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 04:01
Termitenshort wrote:
Termitenshort wrote:
You code shows that it's trying to show an empty group (g2_Group=) and it's potentially messing it up. I'm going to check soomething on this.
Nope that's not it ... did you add a group without GPS information maybe ?
I went to groups and did an add group.
Added a thumbnail.
Added a coordinate for the group.
Checked several of the available checkboxes. (I expect/suppose
that only images with coordinates available show up here)
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 04:03
Termitenshort wrote:
Ok So the problem with the Group that galmoid found is related to the fact that there is no GPS information entered in the database for that group. I can solved that pretty easily.
The other thing I just realized is that "Get via map" does not work for the groups ... I think I simply forgot a piece of the code ... sometime my head is just now screweb back in right
For the "Save Theme" thing I still can't reproduce it on any of my installs
The Termite
You beat me to my response . . . good.
Make sure it's not a case/CASE thing.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 04:07
galmoid wrote:
Make sure it's not a case/CASE thing.
If there was a case/CASE thing on this page it would have come up a while ago since no changes have been made to the page
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 04:11
igrcic wrote:
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\gallery\modules\core\classes\GalleryUtilities.class on line 176
I have that same error when I turn ON magic_quotes_gpc, is that the problem ?
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 04:14
Termitenshort wrote:
I have that same error when I turn ON magic_quotes_gpc, is that the problem ?
I have that turned on and did not see this problem (at least
not that I noticed).
Posts: 1894
Just saw that. I will fix that in a different way (like I said orginally).
In the *.inc files I will just add a statement that does the replace beforehand and so we can just remove all of those tests ;-)
It's not great practice to have hardcoded tests like that anyhow
(sorry I'm being a jack**s again)
Posts: 364
A baffled OK from me. I'll wait and see it all.
Man, I wish IE did not exist!
Posts: 27300
Can you tell me how to reporduce this? I don't see any error in the FF JS console.
Posts: 364
I just open the javascript console, clear it (FF 1.5) and click
the Show Google Map link. The very last entry is:
Hi-Jack alert
Can you make any suggestion that will allow me to determine
the USER_AGENT and pass the result to a template (.tpl)?
I am interested in detecting IE and causing a different css
entry to be used. Unlike FF, IE seems to not handle
white-space: nowrap; properly. I suppose, in some way it
might; but, when listing a bunch of thumbnails horizontally
IE seems to make some sort of weird calculation regarding
the width.
In the MAP Theme the thumbnails are ordered horizonatally
with a scrollbar (overflow: auto;). FF works perfectly,
respecting the width od the browser window; but, IE seems
to think the window is wider than it is. So I want to have
a separate css entry for IE that will respect the width of
the windows and scroll up and down instead of back and
Posts: 1894
Found another bug ... when album and photo legend are shown, if one uncheck a specific color in (let's say) album then all item (photo and album) of the color will be hidden/shown
I need to fix that too

The Termite
Posts: 1894
I was looking into that myself as it will be necessary for the CSS management in the module as well
here it is:
After that you have a function that return the browser, it's easy to ass it on to the TPL (via the variable i'm assuming is already passed througt)
In the TPL a simple {if $map['browser'] eq 'MSIE'} {/if} would do the trick
Let me know if you have problems
See you
The Termite
Posts: 27300
If you look in ShowMap.inc for
I added the $map['isIE'] = true; part and I can then check in the template file (legend.tpl) I used
{if $map.isIE eq false}
to add the correct image and parameters.Dave
Posts: 27300
Do you see the same results here:
Can you PM me your URL
Posts: 364
Regarding the browser test . . .
Thanks for both of your replies. I was working at trying to get the stuff
floridave mentioned when I posted the above Hi-Jack. Just before I saw your
replies I managed to succeed in my quest (using that strategy). Now, I must
look at just what pellets from the shotgun approach actually are the one(s)
I need. I'll also look at what Termite mentioned and see what happens to me
then. Down with IE (even though FF has it's own problems)
I guess I'm heading toward a version 1.0.4a of the theme.
Posts: 364
Here are screenshots of the console. Too many for one capture.
That is why two.
Posts: 27300
Now that I have upgraded the web dev tool every page I browse has issues. With version 0.9.4 I did not see any warnings/errors.
Posts: 364
Here is version 1.0.4a of the Map Theme (not to be confused with the Map Module!).
I could not come up with a solution to make the thumbnails scroll horizontally
in IE (and still maintain the expected window width). IE instead will scroll the
thumbnails up and down. You'll see when you look at it and have the thumbnails
set to be at the top or bottom. In FF the thumbnails scroll side to side (as I'
like them both to do). Setting the thumbnails to be on the left or right of
the map both work the same.
As in the prior version, the zipfile directory
structure is 'themes/map' (in order to protect the
If anybody can suggest a solution great; but, don't spend a lot of time on
it. Remember, this theme is only holding a place until the Map Module ends
up replacing it's functionality.
Posts: 1894
I have the same some of those errors are everywhere. the trick I guess is to figure out which ones are related the map module and which ones aren't
Posts: 50
As I promised, I've fully translated the es_ES.po file. It should also work as es_AR.po and es_MX.po while somebody from those countries corrects it.
I've uploaded it to my website but it doesn't work. Is there something else I shold do?
Posts: 21
I would like to know how to add the zoom function of the edit photo page? because I cannot precisely identify the coordinates for the picture.
I tried to edit by the Google Map modules, enable the GxMagnifier. It also do not have the zoom function!
Posts: 364
Have you enabled 'Site Adim'/'Google Map'/'Theme settings'/'Map Control Size / Type:'?
Check and make sure this is not set to 'none'. Maybe try setting
it to 'Stock - Large'.
Posts: 1894
Yes
You need to compile the file into a modules_map.mo and put it in modules/map/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/ and also in the other folder (es_MX and es_AR) after that you need to reboot your webserver.
I have been told that sometimes, the webserver keeps localization in memorry until rebooted or for a certain amount of time.
Anyway, here is the compiled file (remove the .txt extension at the end, it got added automatically)
FYI, this will be part of the release to be published soon this week
Posts: 1894
I'm not quite sure I understand the question there. Are you trying to locate coordinates for a specific photo using the "get via map" and it dosn't zoom ?
Maybe a screenshot or more details would help my poor & slow brain
Posts: 50
I've tried it, and it works withouth the rebooting the webserver (which is fine, because I don't have permission to do it
I've found a few problems with the translation, now I can see it working. I'll try to make a new version when I have time to.
Posts: 1894
I also forgot a simple thing: THANKS a lot for you work on this, I know that it takes a lot of time an effort to get the translation first started
Posts: 27300
I have started to look at Version 2 of the google API and it looks like we are in for a lot of work.
Zoom level #'s reversed. Overlays are different.
I can't even get a <div> to overlay properly.
I will continue to experiment.
lets hope that they keep verison 1 for more than a month.
Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 1894
Well, I was looking at that to see if I could find the website again and I couldn't
But the good news is that there is function integrated in the API v2 that does that.
So, this week, I will be releasing the module version 0.4.8 with just som simple addition and after that (like I said many time already) I will work on the code cleanup.
Before that I want to launch a POLL for the usage of the API v2
Please make sure you cast your vote , the poll expire in 14 days from today !
If the v2 API is not needed I will do a simple cleanup of the code (already started) otherwise I will combine the cleanup with the integration of the new API
Thanks !!
Posts: 1894
Lol, now that's funny while I was writing my message about v2
Posts: 364
Over the weekend I took a quick look at v2 and even put it in to see what
would happen. Well, of course nothing happened . . . nothing. I looked
over some info regarding the changes and made a couple of changes to calls
that are used. This, at least, got me some map controls and a (I suppose)
default marker; but, no actual map and none of the controls appeared to
work. I could move the marker around though. In the end, I thought,
the Google Map Team will probably release some detailed conversion information
-and maybe even- a conversion tool (we can hope can't we
Posts: 1894
Hello All,
I was just taking a quick look at the Map Module team pictures and and such (located here for those who don't know)
And there is some pics without GPS coords so since the only goal of this gallery is to see who's using the module and where they located (for fun
) I will be deleting those pics if no-one add a GPS coordinate or claims them at their own. (like within 2-3 weeks)
Here is the list of the pic names:
ninjainvasion (I don't know where you're located dude, so hurry quick
IMG_0050 (some cat picture)
Thanks
-------------------------
The Termite
Posts: 364
Are you going to do anything different in the next version with regard to the
infowindow templates? Earlier you had mentioned this was a possiblity when
I put up new 'g2' infowindows, so the hard coded test in MapHeader.tpl would
be eliminated. I ask because I have a new addition for the 'g' (g2, g3,?)
infowindow templates . . . Get Directions to Location.
Another thought along the same lines as Get Directions...
With respect to Routes: since the route points are
tied to items and (I would supose) numbered sequencially,
it would, maybe, be a nice addition to have each infowindow
have the ability to Get Directions from the previous -or-
the next point.
Posts: 1894
Changes to the infowindow template deal I was talkin about won't be on the next version (0.4.8 I mean). version 0.5.0 will be the one after that and will be a complete cleanup of the code as well as integration of the Google API v2 (if the poll are positive, which they are for now)
Changing the infowindow will be right after that because I saw that there is a bit more option on the infowindow with v2 of the gogle api (like tabbed is now documented at least
As for the "g2" infowindow, I have fixed that already with a simple routine check in the .inc file using PHP. It will be released in 0.4.8 but if you need it now, I can e-mail it to you or something.
The direction from routes idea seems very cool, i'd like to see that
Also (maybe a stupid suggestion, but ...) we should try to think of better names for the infowindow templates as "gxyz", "g2xyz" and "g3xyz" doesn't talk much of what it is
Maybe adding a "comment" field that has info about the currently selected template ?
Posts: 1894
I've changed the Advanced poll deal for polls and if any of you need a poll setup, just send me an e-mail (ehdaniel@gmail.com) and I will set it up for you (it's pretty easy)
All located here
The Termite
Posts: 364
I'm patient... I'll wait for 0.4.8.
I agree, better names -or- instead of that, maybe have "virtual"
infowindow templates. By that I mean, settle on a basic set of
templates (like the original ones with some stuff from the 'g2'
templates included - like scrollbar). This 'basic' template
could be chosen in admin -and- an additional choice would be
the 'virtual' template. I think we'll need a new admin tab for
this... In the infowindow admin tab would be a bunch of options
like the links in the 'g2' infowindows I put up, Get Directions, ???. The selections a user makes by checkboxes
would in turn write out the virtual template file -or- just
spit out the necessary code on-the-fly. The possible checkboxes
could/would be added to as time goes on and people think up
new possibilities. Heck, the admin tab entries could be read
froma text file (to make adding things without a release
easier). How's that for a stupid suggestion? ;-)
Posts: 1894
that is a stupid question
(sorry, it was just too easy couldn't resist ...) Anyway, that is what I was thinking of doing but it would require a bit of reworking on the code and so it's kinda why I was willing to get to it after the code cleanup.
Right now the code is just too confusing and the files to big. MapSiteAdmin.inc has reached a 2211 lines of code !!! which is jus too much ... I need to break the code down in pieces to make it more efficient and easy to read.
Bottom line, the code cleanup will be very deciving for user but make things a hell of a lot easier for developpers
Posts: 27300
On the info window topic.
I am not sure if version 2 of the API will have more than 2 tabs. BUt I think this would be benificial to have more than 2 tabs for the info window.
From the "group";
more tabs
Added to the codex.
Just a thought for the back burner.
Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 1894
Just simply love those tabs
. I also stole the "dude" marker and added it for the next release 
Posts: 1894
Well, hello everyone.
I have been having some pretty darn annoying roadblocks in developping this new version but I finally got them all worked out !! (I know even I am surprised
Version 0.4.8 is the last version before the code cleanup.
So I'm asking everyone (except floridave as I already know about it) that had planned to add more things (or changes) to hold off or contact me via PM or e-mail or whatever to see if it wouldn't interfere with the code cleanup work (which I believe will be quite the task).
The cleanup is going to bring many changes to the way we all develop things for the module and so I wouldn't want you to work for nothing
Anyways, here it is for you all to enjoy !
Version 0.4.8:
Let me know if you have any issue/problem so i can fix them
-------------------------
The Termite
Posts: 364
Hello
Something you can fix . . .
, been bit by the case/CASE bug. Gallerymapmap
At the tail end of module.inc you added some code to fix the
currentVersion issue that was mentioned... well, you have, once
should be GallerymapMap (this prevents the upgrade from
Posts: 364
Attempting to save on the 'Theme settings' page results in:
There was a problem processing your request.
wihout even changing anything. Have not determined why yet.
Posts: 78
0.4.8, also when saving on Theme settings tab, i get
"There was a problem processing your request" error,
but i also get php error:
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\gallery\modules\core\classes\GalleryUtilities.class on line 176
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\gallery\modules\core\classes\GalleryUtilities.class on line 176
Gallery version = 2.0.1 core
PHP version = 4.3.3 cgi-fcgi
Webserver = Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Database = mysql 4.0.15-nt-log
Toolkits = Exif, Thumbnail, ImageMagick, SquareThumb
Operating system = Windows NT
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5
...you can help, too!
Posts: 364
The group deal is pretty cool. I'd like to mention to anybody wishing to
use it -and- upload/set a thumbnail for the group, that they first change
the permissions on map/images/group (either to 777 or make it owned by
the account that the server is running under (nobody?); otherwise, you
will probably get a permission denied error.
Now for the bad . . .
I get no map, just Loading... and done. From the FF javascript console:
Something more that might help figure it out:
Interesting that 'marker_.png' appears to be missing something.
Another, more minor item, is the Legend box is squished (see pic).
Posts: 388
After upgrading from 0.4.7d to 0.4.8 the sidebar legend text is all scrunched together. See attached screenshot.
Looks the same in both FF 1.5 & IE6.
Posts: 1894
I don't have that on any of the 3 machines I have it installed, can you tell me what option are selected on your theme page ?
Posts: 1894
That I know of, I made a change so it looks nicer on my installs .... forgot to take it off before releasing
In the Legend.tpl file (in templates/blocks) remove line-height: 0.1cm; it should look just about normal after that
Posts: 1894
Weird ... that's the call to get the form variables ... The weirdest of all is that I made no changes to this area at all ...
Posts: 1894
You code shows that it's trying to show an empty group (g2_Group=) and it's potentially messing it up. I'm going to check soomething on this.
Posts: 1894
Nope that's not it ... did you add a group without GPS information maybe ?
Posts: 1894
Solved that, thx for finding it
Posts: 1894
Ok So the problem with the Group that galmoid found is related to the fact that there is no GPS information entered in the database for that group. I can solved that pretty easily.
The other thing I just realized is that "Get via map" does not work for the groups ... I think I simply forgot a piece of the code ... sometime my head is just now screweb back in right
For the "Save Theme" thing I still can't reproduce it on any of my installs

The Termite
Posts: 364
I went to groups and did an add group.
Added a thumbnail.
Added a coordinate for the group.
Checked several of the available checkboxes. (I expect/suppose
that only images with coordinates available show up here)
Posts: 364
You beat me to my response . . . good.
Make sure it's not a case/CASE thing.
Posts: 1894
If there was a case/CASE thing on this page it would have come up a while ago since no changes have been made to the page
Posts: 1894
I have that same error when I turn ON magic_quotes_gpc, is that the problem ?
Posts: 364
I have that turned on and did not see this problem (at least
not that I noticed).