There has been many bug found since versino 0.4.8c was out so here is version 0.4.8d
Correcting all of those (hopefully)
Necessary change for the PGtheme to work (see wiki for more details)
"g3" infowindow
This is in essence the last version for gallery 2.0 (only the cleanup will be done)
Enjoy !
The Termite
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 16:48
djrm2 wrote: present the map theme and map module are complimentary.
If the map module had a photo browser like the theme does then I think the theme would be redundant. I am not much of a php programmer and wouldn't know where to start altering it.
This is quite true and I think The Theme is/was a pretty cool
precursor to The Module.
As Termite stated, The Theme like browser will be incorporated into The Module in the future. This is why is is unlikely that
any/much effort would be put into it (The Theme). One can only
hope for that time and inclination thing and put up with
a bit of inconvenience. I actually use both The Theme and
The Module -and- put up with the inconvenience myself.
Joined: 2005-10-04
Posts: 54
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 16:51
Termite, following your suggestion:
I used a database editing utility to save the contents of
Table g2_mapMap in database gallery2
and then imported the data into
Table g2_CustomFieldMap in database gallery2
Note slight name and spelling changes to what you suggested. Also note that all my gallery2 tables are prefixed by g2_ .
I also changed the Cutom field GPS from a Photo Field to a Common Field.
This now allows me to use the map theme to view both albums and pictures with all the location data already entered using the map module.
Regards, Dave
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 17:22
0.4.8d worked great except for the following...
Regarding Groups: the map/images/groups directory appears to be gone.
I copied over my images/groups from 0.4.8c (being sure to have the
correct permissions set on it so the server could write to it).
That was not enough so I edited the Group, re-uploaded the thumbnail
and saved (other than the re-upload I did nothing).
Now I've got my map back and everything is even better than before.
Thank You.
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 17:27
djrm2 wrote:
Termite, following your suggestion:...
This now allows me to use the map theme to view both albums and pictures with all the location data already entered using the map module.
Termite is really, really smart. That coupled with necessity
results in a really smart "Mother of Invention".
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 17:49
To All,
Be careful to use a reasonably sized image when you assign an image
to be the thumbnail of a Group. For the heck of it I tried an image
that is 632px(width) x 702px(height) and it was pretty funny. It did
work; although, I had to use the map controls to scroll the viewport
around on the infowindow.
Future consideration: limiting the size during upload, doing a 'convert'
during upload (actual thumbnail creation) or putting width and height
limitations on the display in our infowindows.
One more mention: if you edit group and upload/set a
new image for the thumbnail, be sure to 'save' the
group; otherwise your map will break (at least mine
does). This may be obvious to everybody but me.
0.4.8d worked great except for the following...
Regarding Groups: the map/images/groups directory appears to be gone.
That is due to my Zip program ... the folder is empty so the zip program doesn't put it in the zip ... I'll think about it later and put a bogus file in there (like .cvsignore or something)
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 22:07
galmoid wrote:
To All,
Be careful to use a reasonably sized image when you assign an image
to be the thumbnail of a Group. For the heck of it I tried an image
that is 632px(width) x 702px(height) and it was pretty funny. It did
work; although, I had to use the map controls to scroll the viewport
around on the infowindow.
I think I do need to resize them. I was wondering why they were so big ....
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 22:08
galmoid wrote:
One more mention: if you edit group and upload/set a
new image for the thumbnail, be sure to 'save' the
group; otherwise your map will break (at least mine
does). This may be obvious to everybody but me.
It shouldn't be necessary but you do need to go somewhere in the map module admin page for it to be saved automaticaly. Otherwise it's alwasy your best bet to save it
See you
Joined: 2004-04-20
Posts: 9
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 22:22
What I would like is next on the maps the total route after a upload of GPS-information.
This would result in a map with the track, and pinpoints to a photo or a album of a specific l
location on the track.
Is should be a easy upload in a MySQL db and the posibility to upload different routes on
different days resulting after a holiday in a googlemap with the whole track and points where
photo's have been taken.
Does anyone no if something like this exist and where i can find it? Or can someone build it?
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 23:31
pvdgulik wrote:
What I would like is next on the maps the total route after a upload of GPS-information.
This would result in a map with the track, and pinpoints to a photo or a album of a specific l
location on the track.
Is should be a easy upload in a MySQL db and the posibility to upload different routes on
different days resulting after a holiday in a googlemap with the whole track and points where
photo's have been taken.
Does anyone no if something like this exist and where i can find it? Or can someone build it?
I'm sure this can be build but thanks to my very poor english I understood nothing
Do you mean that you would like to have a way to upload tracklog to the module so that they can be traced on a map ?
I yes that's in the plan, if no ... well I guess I need help understanding your request
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 23:36
pvdgulik wrote:
What I would like is next on the maps the total route after a upload of GPS-information.
A task I know;but, look back through the pages in this
discussion and you will find a discussion about
"The Mother" (of all tracklogs) and you'll see that
Termite made a bit of progress on using GPX tracklogs
to plot a polyline route. It is probably something that
will come about in the future (Termites thinks it is
cool ).
You might also consider donating to Termite's future GPSr
aquisition fund. ;-)
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 23:39
Hello evreybody !
I'm asking for help to go to the next step for the module which is moving to sourceforge and cleaning the module.
For the cleaning, I think it's best if I take care of it because the code is getting big and I still have a "good" understanding of what is where
For sourceforge, I need the following:
- Developpers
- Support people
- Documentation writers
- Admin (just 1 for now)
For all of those that wish to help, send me an e-mail ( with your sourcefoge username and what you want to help out with.
A lot of the documentation is in the Codex and it will stay there (we'll have link in sourceforge to it). But I need people to help me keeping up to date (it's not even finish at this point)
For the support I will be doing some as well but the more the merrier of course.
For the admin, I can't be the only admin, it's safer if there is two
Let me know and thanks a lot in advance !
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 23:41
galmoid wrote:
It is probably something that
will come about in the future (Termites thinks it is
cool ).
I'm close to a final resolution on that by the way ;)
galmoid wrote:
You might also consider donating to Termite's future GPSr
aquisition fund. ;-)
Now that would be awesome. I don't have a GPSr and it would be awesome if I could afford one. Also a bigger problem for me is my camera that is 4 years old and start to have more duck tape that metal visible ...
It will need replacement VERY soon !
Joined: 2004-04-20
Posts: 9
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 15:15
Hello Termitenshort,
I think it's my bad Engilsh ;-(
Do you mean that you would like to have a way to upload tracklog to the module so that they can be traced on a map ?
Yes, i'd like a way to upload GPX or other format and to see the whole route I travelled in detail.
Do you think it's posible?
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 15:24
pvdgulik wrote:
Do you think it's posible?
It sure is . I have this almost nailed, the routine I wrote can trace up to 60000 points without any issues. I was trying to get a nice way to reduce the amount of point because I was trying to trace "THE MOTHER" which has 100000+ points (i know it's big)
I will also imclude that in the module but not right away. there is much work to do before I can add more feature to the module
keep you posted !
Joined: 2005-09-09
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 16:51
I tried upgrading the fabulous Google Map module to 0.4.8d - but now I can't see the map ( both in IE and Opera ), I'm getting a javascript error. Does the module only work with the PG Theme now, or can I still use Matrix?
Yours, Jaxe
Joined: 2006-01-11
Posts: 20
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 17:28
I have broken the module...didn't mean to of course. Now, when I edit a photo to insert the GPS co-ordinates using the "get via maps" button just get a blank page. I can get to the map to select the marker placement without a's just after I save the location the error occurs.
What could be happening?
Joined: 2004-04-20
Posts: 9
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 17:37
The idea I had is to upload only:
- GPX information at serveral times which result in the total track.
- Photo's in one Album or more Sub-Albums
The trick would be that automatically the photo's are linked to the track based on the time/date information in the Photo's.
All with use of PHP, MySQL, & Gallery
Is that the way you are developing it?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 17:42
JaxeDK wrote:
I tried upgrading the fabulous Google Map module to 0.4.8d - but now I can't see the map ( both in IE and Opera ), I'm getting a javascript error. Does the module only work with the PG Theme now, or can I still use Matrix?
It should work with matrix, there was a issue with the PG theme.
What is the JS error?
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 18:09
pvdgulik wrote:
The idea I had is to upload only:
- GPX information at serveral times which result in the total track.
- Photo's in one Album or more Sub-Albums
The trick would be that automatically the photo's are linked to the track based on the time/date information in the Photo's.
All with use of PHP, MySQL, & Gallery
Is that the way you are developing it?
Nope, that's another feature on the plate . There is so many feature request that i'm not sure the dev will ever be done
Joined: 2006-01-11
Posts: 20
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 18:50
...hmm, I can still add markers to the map and save them, it's just that when I do save the markers my browser gets returned to main.php and it's blank.
Joined: 2006-01-15
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 18:56
Hi guys,
First thanks to all who have helped develop this awesome module, i installed it last week and had a bit of a play but when i went to look at it yesterday it didn't seem to work, got a bit frustrated with it but eventually found the bug. So i'm posting it on here incase anyone has a similar problem or one of you clever folks can fix it. The bug isn't listed here and i can't find it mentioned in this forum.
Anyway i'll stop being so cryptic and explain....
When i went to my map yesterday it was displaying the "You do not have a profile setup for this website to use the Google Map" which was confusing as it was working fine last week. To cut a long and dull story short, i discovered that the server address in the toolbar has to be the same as the server address in the Google Map Key Profile Server Name box. Well, obviously.... but it also applies to whether you use 'www' so i had my servername set up as but was lazy and typed into the address bar and it came up with the error, this applies to both IE and Firefox. Whether the actually key is generated for or doesn't matter.
Is that a real bug? i never used to have a problem typing into address bars but i've noticed lately that loads of sites aren't available unless u type anyone know why?
thanks again trish xx
Joined: 2005-09-09
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 19:02
Hi again.
Of course it was the API Key that made all the trouble.
But now, using 0.4.8d and trying to add an album to the map I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /mnt/raid/www/www/whacked/subwebs/rejse/gallery2/modules/map/ on line 249
Any Idear?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 19:42
trish1400 wrote:
Is that a real bug? i never used to have a problem typing into address bars but i've noticed lately that loads of sites aren't available unless u type anyone know why?
With the implematation of different profiles you will have to stick with one or the other.
Try adding and to the profile and that should sort you out.
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 21:08
JaxeDK wrote:
Hi again.
Of course it was the API Key that made all the trouble.
But now, using 0.4.8d and trying to add an album to the map I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /mnt/raid/www/www/whacked/subwebs/rejse/gallery2/modules/map/ on line 249
Any Idear?
I get the same error when trying to add an album or single image using "Get via Map". Also, "Get via Address" does not work either -- no error but the GPS coordinates are not added; just a single (.) period is put in the GPS text box. Clicking save then produces invalid GPS coordinates which causes the Map to not display.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 21:31
trish1400 wrote:
Hi guys,
First thanks to all who have helped develop this awesome module, i installed it last week and had a bit of a play but when i went to look at it yesterday it didn't seem to work, got a bit frustrated with it but eventually found the bug. So i'm posting it on here incase anyone has a similar problem or one of you clever folks can fix it. The bug isn't listed here and i can't find it mentioned in this forum.
Anyway i'll stop being so cryptic and explain....
When i went to my map yesterday it was displaying the "You do not have a profile setup for this website to use the Google Map" which was confusing as it was working fine last week. To cut a long and dull story short, i discovered that the server address in the toolbar has to be the same as the server address in the Google Map Key Profile Server Name box. Well, obviously.... but it also applies to whether you use 'www' so i had my servername set up as but was lazy and typed into the address bar and it came up with the error, this applies to both IE and Firefox. Whether the actually key is generated for or doesn't matter.
Is that a real bug? i never used to have a problem typing into address bars but i've noticed lately that loads of sites aren't available unless u type anyone know why?
thanks again trish xx
Well I would like to say, this isn't the module but more of a google issue. Google API (if I'm correct) treat differently and, as a matter of fact when you register both, you will se the key being different.
So it's not a bug, but more of a "by design" from the google api itslef
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 21:34
JaxeDK wrote:
Hi again.
Of course it was the API Key that made all the trouble.
But now, using 0.4.8d and trying to add an album to the map I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /mnt/raid/www/www/whacked/subwebs/rejse/gallery2/modules/map/ on line 249
Any Idear?
Yes it's a bug, try the enclosed and let me know
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 22:23
Termitenshort wrote:
JaxeDK wrote:
Hi again.
Of course it was the API Key that made all the trouble.
But now, using 0.4.8d and trying to add an album to the map I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /mnt/raid/www/www/whacked/subwebs/rejse/gallery2/modules/map/ on line 249
Any Idear?
Termitenshort wrote:
Yes it's a bug, try the enclosed and let me know
That works better but after clicking save coordinates the status description seems to be trunucated - see screenshot. After clicking save on the Google map tab everything seems good to go along with the status "Changes saved successfully", AND the Map page displays as expected.
The "Get via address" still doesn't seem to work unless I'm entering the address format incorrectly.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 22:24
swordfish wrote:
Also, "Get via Address" does not work either -- no error but the GPS coordinates are not added; just a single (.) period is put in the GPS text box. Clicking save then produces invalid GPS coordinates which causes the Map to not display.
It turned out Google had changes something that broke my handy-dandy geocoder ... anyway I fixed it now and should be working with the enclosed
It has the latest bug fixes plus 2 other that I found ...
The Termite
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Sun, 2006-01-15 23:38
Termitenshort wrote:
swordfish wrote:
Also, "Get via Address" does not work either -- no error but the GPS coordinates are not added; just a single (.) period is put in the GPS text box. Clicking save then produces invalid GPS coordinates which causes the Map to not display.
It turned out Google had changes something that broke my handy-dandy geocoder ... anyway I fixed it now and should be working with the enclosed
Let me know !
All fixed in 0.4.8e.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 00:16
swordfish wrote:
All fixed in 0.4.8e.
You;re welcome, thanks for ever-testing this tool
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 13:33
Bug chase
There is two bug I'd like to finally get down to
* Show markers in GxMagnifier Actually it seems to do random stuff when you chose to display the markers in the GxMagnifier. Observed problems when turning it on:
o The docked GxMagnifier doesn't use the zoomlevel set in the admin
o The map shows no markers at all
o Disabling the option doesn't seem to restore the state before... I had to completely disable the GxMagnifier and then enable it again to have the settings from before
I need more information on this. I'm nt able to reproduce that. If anyone can help out with a link where it's happenning or some pointer. I'd like to get that resolve, otherwise I'll just remove it from the bug list.
Also, the bug with older version of ImageMgick. Well ... I don't have an old version. Does anyone has the "convert" binary for windows so I can do some testing and find a good fix for that ?
Let me know
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 14:12
Termitenshort wrote:
Bug chase
Also, the bug with older version of ImageMgick. Well ... I don't have an old version. Does anyone has the "convert" binary for windows so I can do some testing and find a good fix for that ?
Nevermind found older versions . I'm gonna test them all ;)
Joined: 2005-10-04
Posts: 54
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 18:43
Termitenshort wrote:
Also, the bug with older version of ImageMgick.
Nevermind found older versions . I'm gonna test them all ;)
I have just upgraded my server, the pushpin marker generation is now working properly, below are the versions of ImageMagick. I never found a usable workaround for the broken colour conversion.
p.s. I can try the curl geourl thingy now as I've the installed php4-curl together with the server upgrade.
Old broken convert:
ImageMagick 05/26/05 Q16
Working convert:
ImageMagick 6.2.4 11/17/05 Q16
hth Dave.
Joined: 2005-10-04
Posts: 54
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 19:50
Cry for help.
Flushed with the success of my server upgrade I thought I should now upgrade the map module from 0.4.8d to the latest 0.4.8e
I followed my usual procedure of de-activating the current module, move the old module from /gallery2/modules, and then copying the new module.
After that I upgraded, re-activated, and flushed the template cache.
After this process I then went to look at the map. It wasnt there. The page had appeared to load - it said done. but the top shows 'Loading, please wait...'
Thats as far as it gets.
Thinking that there must be a problem with the new module I reversed the above procedure to downgrade back to 0.4.8c as it was working very well before the upgrade.
Sadly the problem remains.
If I view in firefox the above happens, however in ie I get a couple of script errors:
the first a syntax error on line 1605
the second an error 'myWidth' is undefined on line 2194
I have tried to add a marker and I get the following error: (in V0.4.8c) when saving the marker, although the map does show.
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/share/gallery2/modules/map/ on line 249
Could anybody please help me to diagnose what the problem could be?
ooer, Dave
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 20:02
djrm2 wrote:
Cry for help.
Do you happen to have any groups defined (using the new grouping
feature)? If you do, you might try deleting it/them and
redefining. I have found that groups played a role in what you
have described. If you did have a group defined -and-
you assigned it a thumbnail, make sure you copy over
the image from the old map/images/groups (and make sure
you set the correct permissions on the map/images/groups
directory so your server can write to it.
The myWidth thing was there before and I don't believe
it is the cause of the map not showing.
Joined: 2005-10-04
Posts: 54
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 20:23
Since neither the old or new map module are working I upgraded again to the latest again.
I did have groups, filters, routes all defined.
I had copied the groups folder over to the new map module (but ommited to change the permissions)
I have since removed all extensions ( I think,) but the probelm remains, though the get via a map is working properly now.
So I'm still stuck without a map.
However I see the google map url being accessed at the bottom of the screen for a little whil but still no map display.
Thanks for your help, dave.
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 20:32
djrm2 wrote:
I have since removed all extensions...
However I see the google map url being accessed at the bottom of the screen for a little whil but still no map display.
By extensions I take it you mean groups/routes...?
Joined: 2005-10-04
Posts: 54
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 20:46
Yes galmoid, thats what I mean by extensions. groups/routes etc.
Here is the errant line in the output, I think it is somehow left over from my aborted upgrade.
See the empty coordinates just after the start. I think this must be in the database somewhere
I found the entry with itemid=7686 in the table g2_mapMap, its coordinates were just ','
I put some arbitary values in and now the map displays again.
Shame I didnt do that before deleting all my extra groups etc.
hth Dave.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 20:53
djrm2 wrote:
Yes galmoid, thats what I mean by extensions. groups/routes etc.
Here is the errant line in the output, I think it is somehow left over from my aborted upgrade.
See the empty coordinates just after the start. I think this must be in the database somewhere
In the dabase yes most likely. You should look at the table calles xx_mapMap and sort by values, you will se if anything is empty. if there is anything empty, just remove the entries and th map should work again.
I think this is a map module bug again but I'm not sure how it appears I had it a couple of time but it's a bit hard to reproduce I do to many weird things to figure it out.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 20:57
Well you answer before I did
I still think it's a bug of some sort so I'd look into that ...
Thanks !
The Termite
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 21:03
djrm2 wrote:
Shame I didnt do that before deleting all my extra groups etc.
Glad you got it worked out.
I feel for you . . . been there, done that . . . too many times (at least I got
good at it )
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 21:13
By the way, what did/do you think about the current version of the theme?
Have you tried putting any URLs in the summary or description?
Do the scrollbars on the thumbnail navigations work OK? Haven't had much
in the way of feedback (other than from myself).
Joined: 2005-10-04
Posts: 54
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 22:27
galmoid wrote:
By the way,
galmoid, All I have done with the map theme so far is to install it and see that it works, sorry.
Is there anything special about urls in the text fields, I have thought from time to time that it would be cool if photo items could have a cllickable url so that extra document could be downloaded from photo pages, etc etc.
I dont see any scrollbars on the thumbnails, I have to jump in steps of 9 thumbnails, am I missing something. It would be nice if the thumbnails appeared like the scroll theme images.
Ive tested the geourl part of export to GE and it appears to be sortof working, the recenter link which appears on their site is not quite right and causes an error on geourl. I think that the links perhaps need some quote escaping or to be processed by a mod-rewrite rule. - still its an improvement now that I have curl installed.
Regards, Dave.
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 22:39
djrm2 wrote:
Is there anything special about urls in the text fields, I have thought from time to time that it would be cool if photo items could have a cllickable url so that extra document could be downloaded from photo pages, etc etc.
I dont see any scrollbars on the thumbnails, I have to jump in steps of 9 thumbnails, am I missing something. It would be nice if the thumbnails appeared like the scroll theme images.
Theme version is 1.0.4a?
I would expect the navigation thumbnails to be scrollable (if,
of course. there are enough of them to warrant it).
You should be able to put URLs in sumaries and/or descriptions
(via edit photo) using bbcode. This is true in the theme and
the module.
Do you happen to have an album with the theme applied that is
accessible from outside?
Joined: 2005-10-04
Posts: 54
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-16 23:08
galmoid, upon closer inspection I do indeed see the thumbnails scrolling when the browser window is reduced in size.
There are still a limited number of thumbnails and the next / prev icons show.
I have not tried using bbcode in the text fields, I never knew I could do that. Ill give it a try soon.
see your pm, Dave
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-17 00:03
djrm2 wrote:
There are still a limited number of thumbnails and the next / prev icons show.
Thanks. Looks like it does indeed work as I would expect. I
noticed that you did create, at on one item, a link in the
summary. I'm glad to see that this works. Regarding the thumbnail
scrollbar... Did you change the number of rows to 9 (or was it
a leftover from your prvious installation of the theme)? In a
'new' installation of the theme I set the default to be 50. You
might have a look ath this setting and make it a large number.
I think then the scollbar will appear and you won't need to use
the next/previous links (that way no page reloads).
Thank You for allowing me to confirm that the effort works on
a system other than my own.
The only thing I have been considering for a next (and then
final) version would be the addition of the "Get Directions"
in the infowindow (AKA the same as is on the Module's 'g3'
infowindows). Interested? If not I won't bother.
Heck, I don't even know if Google directions are even
applicable to Your side of The Pond.
Posts: 1894
There has been many bug found since versino 0.4.8c was out so here is version 0.4.8d
Correcting all of those (hopefully)
Necessary change for the PGtheme to work (see wiki for more details)
"g3" infowindow
This is in essence the last version for gallery 2.0 (only the cleanup will be done)
Enjoy !
The Termite
Posts: 364
This is quite true and I think The Theme is/was a pretty cool
precursor to The Module.
As Termite stated, The Theme like browser will be incorporated into The Module in the future. This is why is is unlikely that
any/much effort would be put into it (The Theme). One can only
hope for that time and inclination thing and put up with
a bit of inconvenience. I actually use both The Theme and
The Module -and- put up with the inconvenience myself.
Posts: 54
Termite, following your suggestion:
I used a database editing utility to save the contents of
Table g2_mapMap in database gallery2
and then imported the data into
Table g2_CustomFieldMap in database gallery2
Note slight name and spelling changes to what you suggested. Also note that all my gallery2 tables are prefixed by g2_ .
I also changed the Cutom field GPS from a Photo Field to a Common Field.
This now allows me to use the map theme to view both albums and pictures with all the location data already entered using the map module.
Regards, Dave
Posts: 364
0.4.8d worked great except for the following...
Regarding Groups: the map/images/groups directory appears to be gone.
I copied over my images/groups from 0.4.8c (being sure to have the
correct permissions set on it so the server could write to it).
That was not enough so I edited the Group, re-uploaded the thumbnail
and saved (other than the re-upload I did nothing).
Now I've got my map back and everything is even better than before.
Thank You.
Posts: 364
Termite is really, really smart. That coupled with necessity
results in a really smart "Mother of Invention".
Posts: 364
To All,
Be careful to use a reasonably sized image when you assign an image
to be the thumbnail of a Group. For the heck of it I tried an image
that is 632px(width) x 702px(height) and it was pretty funny. It did
work; although, I had to use the map controls to scroll the viewport
around on the infowindow.
Future consideration: limiting the size during upload, doing a 'convert'
during upload (actual thumbnail creation) or putting width and height
limitations on the display in our infowindows.
One more mention: if you edit group and upload/set a
new image for the thumbnail, be sure to 'save' the
group; otherwise your map will break (at least mine
does). This may be obvious to everybody but me.
Posts: 25
The downloadlink for the module on is not correct. instead of
Posts: 1894
That is due to my Zip program ... the folder is empty so the zip program doesn't put it in the zip ... I'll think about it later and put a bogus file in there (like .cvsignore or something)
Posts: 1894
I think I do need to resize them. I was wondering why they were so big
Posts: 1894
It shouldn't be necessary but you do need to go somewhere in the map module admin page for it to be saved automaticaly. Otherwise it's alwasy your best bet to save it
See you
Posts: 9
What I would like is next on the maps the total route after a upload of GPS-information.
This would result in a map with the track, and pinpoints to a photo or a album of a specific l
location on the track.
Is should be a easy upload in a MySQL db and the posibility to upload different routes on
different days resulting after a holiday in a googlemap with the whole track and points where
photo's have been taken.
Does anyone no if something like this exist and where i can find it? Or can someone build it?
Posts: 1894
I'm sure this can be build but thanks to my very poor english I understood nothing
Do you mean that you would like to have a way to upload tracklog to the module so that they can be traced on a map ?
I yes that's in the plan, if no ... well I guess I need help understanding your request
Posts: 364
A task I know;but, look back through the pages in this
and you'll see that
discussion and you will find a discussion about
"The Mother" (of all tracklogs)
Termite made a bit of progress on using GPX tracklogs
to plot a polyline route. It is probably something that
will come about in the future (Termites thinks it is
You might also consider donating to Termite's future GPSr
aquisition fund. ;-)
Posts: 1894
Hello evreybody !
I'm asking for help to go to the next step for the module which is moving to sourceforge and cleaning the module.
For the cleaning, I think it's best if I take care of it because the code is getting big and I still have a "good" understanding of what is where
For sourceforge, I need the following:
- Developpers
- Support people
- Documentation writers
- Admin (just 1 for now)
For all of those that wish to help, send me an e-mail ( with your sourcefoge username and what you want to help out with.
A lot of the documentation is in the Codex and it will stay there (we'll have link in sourceforge to it). But I need people to help me keeping up to date (it's not even finish at this point)
For the support I will be doing some as well but the more the merrier of course.
For the admin, I can't be the only admin, it's safer if there is two
Let me know and thanks a lot in advance !
The Termite
Posts: 1894
I'm close to a final resolution on that by the way ;)
Now that would be awesome. I don't have a GPSr and it would be awesome if I could afford one. Also a bigger problem for me is my camera that is 4 years old and start to have more duck tape that metal visible ...
It will need replacement VERY soon !
Posts: 9
Hello Termitenshort,
I think it's my bad Engilsh ;-(
Yes, i'd like a way to upload GPX or other format and to see the whole route I travelled in detail.
Do you think it's posible?
Posts: 1894
It sure is
. I have this almost nailed, the routine I wrote can trace up to 60000 points without any issues. I was trying to get a nice way to reduce the amount of point because I was trying to trace "THE MOTHER" which has 100000+ points (i know it's big)
I will also imclude that in the module but not right away. there is much work to do before I can add more feature to the module
keep you posted !
Posts: 3
I tried upgrading the fabulous Google Map module to 0.4.8d - but now I can't see the map ( both in IE and Opera ), I'm getting a javascript error. Does the module only work with the PG Theme now, or can I still use Matrix?
Yours, Jaxe
Posts: 20
I have broken the module...didn't mean to of course. Now, when I edit a photo to insert the GPS co-ordinates using the "get via maps" button just get a blank page. I can get to the map to select the marker placement without a's just after I save the location the error occurs.
What could be happening?
Posts: 9
The idea I had is to upload only:
- GPX information at serveral times which result in the total track.
- Photo's in one Album or more Sub-Albums
The trick would be that automatically the photo's are linked to the track based on the time/date information in the Photo's.
All with use of PHP, MySQL, & Gallery
Is that the way you are developing it?
Posts: 27300
It should work with matrix, there was a issue with the PG theme.
What is the JS error?
Posts: 1894
Nope, that's another feature on the plate
. There is so many feature request that i'm not sure the dev will ever be done 
Posts: 20
...hmm, I can still add markers to the map and save them, it's just that when I do save the markers my browser gets returned to main.php and it's blank.
Posts: 5
Hi guys,
First thanks to all who have helped develop this awesome module, i installed it last week and had a bit of a play but when i went to look at it yesterday it didn't seem to work, got a bit frustrated with it but eventually found the bug. So i'm posting it on here incase anyone has a similar problem or one of you clever folks can fix it. The bug isn't listed here and i can't find it mentioned in this forum.
Anyway i'll stop being so cryptic and explain....
When i went to my map yesterday it was displaying the "You do not have a profile setup for this website to use the Google Map" which was confusing as it was working fine last week. To cut a long and dull story short, i discovered that the server address in the toolbar has to be the same as the server address in the Google Map Key Profile Server Name box. Well, obviously.... but it also applies to whether you use 'www' so i had my servername set up as but was lazy and typed into the address bar and it came up with the error, this applies to both IE and Firefox. Whether the actually key is generated for or doesn't matter.
Is that a real bug? i never used to have a problem typing into address bars but i've noticed lately that loads of sites aren't available unless u type anyone know why?
thanks again trish xx
Posts: 3
Hi again.
Of course it was the API Key that made all the trouble.
But now, using 0.4.8d and trying to add an album to the map I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /mnt/raid/www/www/whacked/subwebs/rejse/gallery2/modules/map/ on line 249
Any Idear?
Posts: 27300
With the implematation of different profiles you will have to stick with one or the other.
Try adding and to the profile and that should sort you out.
Posts: 388
I get the same error when trying to add an album or single image using "Get via Map". Also, "Get via Address" does not work either -- no error but the GPS coordinates are not added; just a single (.) period is put in the GPS text box. Clicking save then produces invalid GPS coordinates which causes the Map to not display.
Posts: 1894
Well I would like to say, this isn't the module but more of a google issue. Google API (if I'm correct) treat differently and, as a matter of fact when you register both, you will se the key being different.
So it's not a bug, but more of a "by design" from the google api itslef
Posts: 1894
Yes it's a bug, try the enclosed and let me know
Posts: 388
Posts: 1894
It turned out Google had changes something that broke my handy-dandy geocoder ... anyway I fixed it now and should be working with the enclosed
Let me know !
Posts: 1894
Version 0.4.8e is now available In sourceforge
It has the latest bug fixes plus 2 other that I found ...
The Termite
Posts: 388
All fixed in 0.4.8e.
Posts: 1894
You;re welcome, thanks for ever-testing this tool
Posts: 1894
Bug chase
There is two bug I'd like to finally get down to
I need more information on this. I'm nt able to reproduce that. If anyone can help out with a link where it's happenning or some pointer. I'd like to get that resolve, otherwise I'll just remove it from the bug list.
Also, the bug with older version of ImageMgick. Well ... I don't have an old version. Does anyone has the "convert" binary for windows so I can do some testing and find a good fix for that ?
Let me know
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Nevermind found older versions
. I'm gonna test them all ;)
Posts: 54
I have just upgraded my server, the pushpin marker generation is now working properly, below are the versions of ImageMagick. I never found a usable workaround for the broken colour conversion.
p.s. I can try the curl geourl thingy now as I've the installed php4-curl together with the server upgrade.
Old broken convert:
ImageMagick 05/26/05 Q16
Working convert:
ImageMagick 6.2.4 11/17/05 Q16
hth Dave.
Posts: 54
Cry for help.
Flushed with the success of my server upgrade I thought I should now upgrade the map module from 0.4.8d to the latest 0.4.8e
I followed my usual procedure of de-activating the current module, move the old module from /gallery2/modules, and then copying the new module.
After that I upgraded, re-activated, and flushed the template cache.
After this process I then went to look at the map. It wasnt there. The page had appeared to load - it said done. but the top shows 'Loading, please wait...'
Thats as far as it gets.
Thinking that there must be a problem with the new module I reversed the above procedure to downgrade back to 0.4.8c as it was working very well before the upgrade.
Sadly the problem remains.
If I view in firefox the above happens, however in ie I get a couple of script errors:
the first a syntax error on line 1605
the second an error 'myWidth' is undefined on line 2194
I have tried to add a marker and I get the following error: (in V0.4.8c) when saving the marker, although the map does show.
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/share/gallery2/modules/map/ on line 249
Could anybody please help me to diagnose what the problem could be?
ooer, Dave
Posts: 364
Do you happen to have any groups defined (using the new grouping
feature)? If you do, you might try deleting it/them and
redefining. I have found that groups played a role in what you
have described. If you did have a group defined -and-
you assigned it a thumbnail, make sure you copy over
the image from the old map/images/groups (and make sure
you set the correct permissions on the map/images/groups
directory so your server can write to it.
The myWidth thing was there before and I don't believe
it is the cause of the map not showing.
Posts: 54
Since neither the old or new map module are working I upgraded again to the latest again.
I did have groups, filters, routes all defined.
I had copied the groups folder over to the new map module (but ommited to change the permissions)
I have since removed all extensions ( I think,) but the probelm remains, though the get via a map is working properly now.
So I'm still stuck without a map.
However I see the google map url being accessed at the bottom of the screen for a little whil but still no map display.
Thanks for your help, dave.
Posts: 364
By extensions I take it you mean groups/routes...?
Posts: 54
Yes galmoid, thats what I mean by extensions. groups/routes etc.
Here is the errant line in the output, I think it is somehow left over from my aborted upgrade.
See the empty coordinates just after the start. I think this must be in the database somewhere
createMarkerHTMLRegroup(,, "http://linux.djrm.dynamic-dns.not/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=7686", "IMGP1044", "http://linux.djrm.dynamic-dns.not/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=7687&g2_serialNumber=2", "21/08/02", 6, 150, 113,
I found the entry with itemid=7686 in the table g2_mapMap, its coordinates were just ','
I put some arbitary values in and now the map displays again.
Shame I didnt do that before deleting all my extra groups etc.
hth Dave.
Posts: 1894
In the dabase yes most likely. You should look at the table calles xx_mapMap and sort by values, you will se if anything is empty. if there is anything empty, just remove the entries and th map should work again.
I think this is a map module bug again but I'm not sure how it appears I had it a couple of time but it's a bit hard to reproduce I do to many weird things to figure it out.
Posts: 1894
Well you answer before I did
I still think it's a bug of some sort so I'd look into that ...
Thanks !
The Termite
Posts: 364
Glad you got it worked out.
I feel for you . . . been there, done that . . . too many times (at least I got
good at it
Posts: 364
By the way, what did/do you think about the current version of the theme?
Have you tried putting any URLs in the summary or description?
Do the scrollbars on the thumbnail navigations work OK? Haven't had much
in the way of feedback (other than from myself).
Posts: 54
galmoid, All I have done with the map theme so far is to install it and see that it works, sorry.
Is there anything special about urls in the text fields, I have thought from time to time that it would be cool if photo items could have a cllickable url so that extra document could be downloaded from photo pages, etc etc.
I dont see any scrollbars on the thumbnails, I have to jump in steps of 9 thumbnails, am I missing something. It would be nice if the thumbnails appeared like the scroll theme images.
Ive tested the geourl part of export to GE and it appears to be sortof working, the recenter link which appears on their site is not quite right and causes an error on geourl. I think that the links perhaps need some quote escaping or to be processed by a mod-rewrite rule. - still its an improvement now that I have curl installed.
Regards, Dave.
Posts: 364
Theme version is 1.0.4a?
I would expect the navigation thumbnails to be scrollable (if,
of course. there are enough of them to warrant it).
You should be able to put URLs in sumaries and/or descriptions
(via edit photo) using bbcode. This is true in the theme and
the module.
Do you happen to have an album with the theme applied that is
accessible from outside?
Posts: 54
galmoid, upon closer inspection I do indeed see the thumbnails scrolling when the browser window is reduced in size.
There are still a limited number of thumbnails and the next / prev icons show.
I have not tried using bbcode in the text fields, I never knew I could do that. Ill give it a try soon.
see your pm, Dave
Posts: 364
Thanks. Looks like it does indeed work as I would expect. I
noticed that you did create, at on one item, a link in the
summary. I'm glad to see that this works. Regarding the thumbnail
scrollbar... Did you change the number of rows to 9 (or was it
a leftover from your prvious installation of the theme)? In a
'new' installation of the theme I set the default to be 50. You
might have a look ath this setting and make it a large number.
I think then the scollbar will appear and you won't need to use
the next/previous links (that way no page reloads).
Thank You for allowing me to confirm that the effort works on
a system other than my own.
The only thing I have been considering for a next (and then
final) version would be the addition of the "Get Directions"
in the infowindow (AKA the same as is on the Module's 'g3'
infowindows). Interested? If not I won't bother.
Heck, I don't even know if Google directions are even
applicable to Your side of The Pond.