
 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
where do i get translation/locale file?111 years 52 weeks ago
by Szarley
11 years 51 weeks ago
by Szarley
Where do I find all of the terms that need to be translated?112 years 47 weeks ago
by joedunn
12 years 47 weeks ago
by talmdal
where can i change the text in gallery116 years 40 weeks ago
by webactor
16 years 40 weeks ago
by alindeman
Where are you?016 years 13 weeks ago
by jmullan
where are the languages in RC3917 years 1 week ago
by robertomb
16 years 50 weeks ago
by Tim_j
where are en_US language package files116 years 27 weeks ago
by pnTamer
16 years 26 weeks ago
by Tim_j
when ? polish version for Gallery 1.5.2-pl2314 years 39 weeks ago
by punkers
14 years 39 weeks ago
by Tim_j
What files to edit for language customization415 years 6 weeks ago
15 years 2 weeks ago
by jozefs
Web interface for translations?314 years 6 weeks ago
by liorda
14 years 6 weeks ago
by ckdake
want to disable the UTF-8 encoding in G2114 years 39 weeks ago
by mclaurie
14 years 38 weeks ago
by valiant
Value missing: locale_alias[bg_BG]!216 years 44 weeks ago
by danzel
16 years 44 weeks ago
by Tim_j
v1.5 zh_HK problem115 years 28 weeks ago
by whoisuncle
15 years 28 weeks ago
by Tim_j
v1.5 Traditional Chinese language pack problem515 years 31 weeks ago
by cwayne
15 years 31 weeks ago
by cwayne
user preference317 years 5 weeks ago
by alexfung
17 years 5 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Use of singular/plural forms714 years 39 weeks ago
by Lapinoo
10 years 30 weeks ago
by baghds
Untranslated parts - Tried "all" kind of things213 years 43 weeks ago
by gdought
13 years 41 weeks ago
by mindless
unable to detect any system locales916 years 37 weeks ago
by Adpix
16 years 35 weeks ago
by Adpix
Typo in German File116 years 15 weeks ago
by Niki
16 years 14 weeks ago
by Tim_j
two problems in cvs 1.3.5 b117 with unnicode utf-8 encoding317 years 14 weeks ago
by wi777
17 years 12 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Trying to find G2 translation for Portuguese-Brasil (pt-BR)212 years 1 week ago
by skuba
11 years 46 weeks ago
by jucaff
Troubleshooting with Language Settings (portuguese - portugal )613 years 23 weeks ago
by miguelmoleiro
13 years 22 weeks ago
by miguelmoleiro
Troubles with accents in email messages016 years 29 weeks ago
by jastmigallery
troubles adding a new entry in language file414 years 6 weeks ago
by xp2002
14 years 3 weeks ago
by sergii
Translation version problem1015 years 32 weeks ago
by AtomicX
15 years 27 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Translation tutorial?315 years 15 weeks ago
by damjov
15 years 15 weeks ago
by Tim_j