WPG2 Plugin Support 3.x

 TopicRepliesCreatedsort iconLast reply
Embeded gallery 2 not working with wordpress011 years 34 weeks ago
by jakeyg
Random Loop on "OPTIONS /w/" causing high CPU Load011 years 34 weeks ago
by semtex
Embedding G2(2.3) in WPG2 (3.0) 111 years 35 weeks ago
by simeon_is_my_name
11 years 35 weeks ago
by simeon_is_my_name
Title in Wordpress011 years 36 weeks ago
by JoshR
Validated? Yes. Integrated Gallery2? No311 years 36 weeks ago
by JoshR
11 years 34 weeks ago
by JoshR
Picture-pages comes up blank [Solved]1211 years 36 weeks ago
by pahvi
11 years 36 weeks ago
by pahvi
Gallery2 multisite and WPG2011 years 37 weeks ago
by rpyne
WPG2-popup-Navigator doesn't open correctly - fatal error111 years 37 weeks ago
by etan
11 years 37 weeks ago
by etan
Embedded Gallery page is coming up blank411 years 37 weeks ago
by dhobeika
11 years 33 weeks ago
by MtnBiker
Unable to access WP because of a WPG2 Plugin error011 years 37 weeks ago
by togbear
WPG2 and Thesis Theme011 years 38 weeks ago
by LHP
"Make gallery look like Wordpress" - Have I misunderstood the idea?011 years 38 weeks ago
by grahambutler
Accidently Disabled Image Block - How do I reenable?011 years 38 weeks ago
by robinjection
WPG2 3.08 ???011 years 38 weeks ago
by ModMyRV
Fatal G2 Error111 years 38 weeks ago
by dehein2
11 years 38 weeks ago
by dehein2
WPG2 Page Album Tree doesn't work011 years 38 weeks ago
by Bmoody
Validation of WPG2 3.0.7 in WP 2.7.1 with G2 2.2.5 not possible711 years 38 weeks ago
by genbian
11 years 29 weeks ago
by genbian
HELP! Custom wpg2header.php and wpgfooter.php aren't picked up, can't run php commands in inline output011 years 38 weeks ago
by canvasc
show login?111 years 39 weeks ago
by canvasc
11 years 35 weeks ago
by pahvi
Fatal G2 error - Missing Object011 years 40 weeks ago
by canvasc
How to get thumbnails to open in new window.011 years 40 weeks ago
by ryanmc
Wordpress .htaccess can be updated? - [No] 011 years 40 weeks ago
by bearmeister
embedded wpg2 no images, gallery2 itself is ok011 years 40 weeks ago
by SilencerNL
WordPress Sentry user groups syncing into Gallery 2 / WP Role Manager011 years 41 weeks ago
by genbian
Lightbox scripts not included with 3.0.7111 years 42 weeks ago
by nk111
11 years 41 weeks ago
by ozgreg